undertaleselfinterest · 8 months
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This person defends rape against Turkish people. Please go to her Twitter and spread this message. This is getting out of hand. One rebloging would be enough 👏
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undertaleselfinterest · 8 months
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This person defends r*pe against Turkish people
Go to his Twt and spam report. This is getting out of hand
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I don’t know what to do. I am so upset. Can anyone help me?
My painting was created back in 2010, (see it HERE) and since then so many people have expressed their love for it, not just on tumblr, but in many places. At least 9 people had it tattooed on their bodies. It’s one of my favourite images I created at University and I was proud of it in many ways.
Disney have used it on a cosmetics bag HERE (look at the back) and they have produced a Tshirt HERE with a really similar design clearly modeled from my painting
I’m so mad because I have no chance at getting Disney to do anything about it. I had so much respect for the company and now I am just SO upset and disappointed.
Any help, advice or signal boosting would be amazing. And thank you so much to the kind person who messaged me about this.
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Match up
Can I please have an undertale match up? :D
I'm an Intp and an ambivert
I do love socializing, but just enough so I can still have some social battery left
I'm also described as friendly, smart, lazy, (sometimes)childish and also abit chaotic
I love reading, painting, writing, drawing and sleeping ! I also like people who understands me too
I think the best match would be Ink for you!
Let me tell you why...
Ink is also friendly, energetic, a bit childish and loves painting! I think you two would get along well with these four topic!
Ink also loves all the art types! So writing, and painting would be very interesting for him, and he would love to learn more about you.
He would try to understand you...But would not since he doesn't have a soul and can't understand the emotions without his paints.
But he will try his best to help at least.
You two would travel the AUs together! But I don't think he would listen when you want to take a nap a bit. After all, he doesn't understand some emotions, you have to explain to him some things.
And also, he is chaotic too! So yes. He can be the best match for you.
The other matches
1) Ink
2) Fresh
3) Dream
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So guys...Hi! I know it's been a long time and again, I know I wasn't online at that time.
This is because I left Tumblr for a long time. But I'm sometimes still online on Tumblr! This means you can DM me any time. My school life was pretty hard for me (And still is), this was the one of the reasons I left the blog, and the other reason was I couldn't find new ideas.
And most importantly this blog was making me stressed because of all those requests. So I decided to leave.
So...I might come back (Still, a very low chance.) But please don't get too much hope. I love everyone who supported me. Thank you for all your likes etc.
This was another life experiment I had, let's say. "A Tumblr blog".
If you want to stay in contact with me here's my Discord; Monika#3474
Again, thank you, and have a good life. <3
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got this from twitter but DO IT
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Something is worng with this app I don't know what but when I will figure out I will be back again ^^ sorry guys.
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I need error sans comfort- reader not telling error problems but then have a mental breakdown in front of him- ( you don’t have to do this request also I love your work, have a nice day!💖)
Thank you so much 🥺💛 I have school tomorrow and I'm so sleepy so it can be bad or have a lot of worng spelling. I'm so sorry for that if I have any ꒰ ᐡᴗ͈ ̫ ᴗ͈` ꒱
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-Error and you were in a little weird relationship...
-Maybe not just little-
-Error wasn't visiting you everyday but you were still okay and happy with it.
-But sometimes your day can be so bad and you can want him next to you even a little bit.
-And today was like this.
-You were cooking for yourself with a low mood.
-But you hear a portal opening sound from behind.
-You look at your back so fast and take knofr in your hand for protect yourself.
-But it was just was your boyfriend/husband.
-"WoW take it easy I was just come to say hello." , "Oh sorry Error I thought you were someone else..." You said and put the knife down. Error and you went quiet for a second. "I made it awkward aren't I?" He said. "No,no,no! It just...Ughh! well um wanna eat dinner with me? I made for myself but there's extras." , "Yeah, sure why not, I was hungry anyway."
-He sat the table while you were placeing plates on the table.
-You and him was eating the food that you made now but the last thing you wanted to be, happened. You remember the things that happend today amd your whole face went to :) this to :( this. And of curse like all the time Error notice that.
-"Hey, umm not want to make you uncomfortable but why are you looking kinda down?" Oww great now he was have to ask aren't he? "Umm no! You understand worng I'm totally okay it's just the food I made it's litte bad hah" , 'I'm great with making lies.' You think to yourself proudly. "Oh, well I think it's kinda good but you are the only one who knows how to make good food here." You didn't say anything after that so you both start to a new conversation.
-The food was done, your mood was still same and Error was helping you about cleaning the table until he said "I need to go to the bathroom." , "Okay." When Error was gone you sighed and think about what happened today again while your eyes get watering. You try to comfort yourself before Error comes here again but it was too late for this. Error came in and see you crying. "Hey, hey whats worng?" He said. He didn't touch you but he give his jacket to you. "I just- It's nothing can we go back to the cleaning..?" You said. He was looking at you with a little bit uneasy eyes. "Look I know I don't like helping people about their problems so much but seeing you sad makes me more bad. So please tell me what's worng." You looked himcand see little bit sadness in his eyes with uneasiness. You couldn't help but feel bad so you decided to tell him.
After you tell him what's worng he was making that sure you feel comfortable and safe with him. He looked you and said. "Look I may be not know how you feel but I'm sure you're not the only one who feels like this and you know what? It's totally fine. Oh God I'm not a person to tell this but. Look I love you okay? More than you know. So please know that there's always someone who loves you and will loves you until he dies. I know I am an as**ole but never forget I love you okay?" , "Thanks Error...I love you too..." , "Now go to sleep. You are already tired today." , "But the dishes-" , "I said go. I am strong enough to do this." , "Pftt whatever you say big skeleton."
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Have a good day! (๓´˘`๓)♡
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Here we go onether request! Sorry for jot writing I was have lot of exam and I have exams onether week too so if I go and don't come back like 5 or 7 days I'm so sorry!
Can I please have an undertale match up
I’m am a girl who loves reading especially if it’s fantasy or fiction ,science,and cooking basically the type of girl you’ll normally find curled up in their room reading or being a total nerd
I match you with...
-Okay so this is gonna be hard a little because you don't have so much information but here we go!
- We all know Nightmare loves reading and stuff.
- Even though Nightmare can't feel love so much he would probably like book dates with you.
-In a forest just you and him reading book.
- Well if you cook for him he will not eat it and probably joke with what you did.
-But he might eat later if he's hungry.
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Hi there, can I request a shy S/O with Cross, Dream, and Nightmare
-Well Cross is so awkward if we talk about relationships.
-You begin shy?
-Make him more awkward.
-But he will find cute.
-He will not do anything if you don't want to.
-Wanna say something but can't? He will lift you up and will scream "HEY Y/N WANNA SAY SOMETHING!"
-Protect you 24/7
-Will flirt sometimes but fail because of how cute you are.
-"Aww you're so cutee"
-He will always say this ^ when you're with him.
-He will try to make you you comfortable if you act so shy.
-He will ask "Should I leave?" Or "Do I make you uncomfortably?"
-Hugs. So much hugs.
-Play with your hair and being protective 24/7
-Gonna be so honest with this (Bc I hate making NM fannon lol)
-He will be disgusted by this.
-Nightmare can't feel love or any positive emotion like others so he will be cold.
-Say hurtful things to you.
-If being shy makes you feel negative emotions he will enjoy with this.
-But if it is a positive emotion...Well your life will be so hard then.
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but
3 years ago I wanted to end my life. My life was falling apart. I lost my home, my belongings, my privacy, I pushed away my friends, I felt like no one was there for me in the times I needed them the most. Two people very dear to me died 3 weeks apart from each other, one of them I lived with. No one ever knew I was suicidal
One night, after little to no sleep for 4 months, I had reached a breaking point. Out of desperacy to end myself, I went to a suicide hotline. When the person on the phone talked to me, they were so kind and caring— even though I trembled through the night I felt a relief because this stranger who knew nothing about me, still wanted to help me, even if it was just to listen and empathize for one moment, it was a crucial moment. and looking back on it, calling the hotline was the best decision I’ve ever made.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
There are endless hotlines out there available as well
Suicide Hotlines WORK. They really do. A simple conversation can be the pivotal point.
Please, if you’re strongly feeling like you want to end, don’t. Help is ALWAYS here for you. You can make it through whatever you’re going through. It’s not over.
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Hello ^-^ Can you make a special headcanon for the valentine's day please ?
Well he don't like physical contact so much so it will be hard for you guys.
He will be SO shy about it.
Bring you chocolate that he steal from Underfell.
He will try to hold your hand but fail-
A Tsundere.
"I DİDN'T DO FOR YOU...Get it..?"
He doesn't even remember it's valentines day.
He will see other AUs doing something called valentines day.
Oh! It's valentines day today!
Oh...Oh no.
Well he will look every AU for any ideas.
He will probably do a Draw date. (He will teach you how to draw and ETC.)
He will go a luxury restaurant with you but probably act so stupid.
He gets on the table and:
You: 🧍‍♀️
He is the only one in this 3 who knows what he's doing.
He planned everything already so it will be awsome right?
Let me be honest he will be so stress inside.
Everytime you breathe he will compliment you. (How you look etc.)
Papyrus will wear a fake mustache which they called "Onether person"
"Y/N you look so awsome tonight...Will you marry me?"
You: "This is not the meaning of Valentine's day-"
Sorry I was late 😔
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Do you know what I need right now?
Comfort with Error or Nightmare
Reader got into a pretty bad fight and got injured. (They were ganged up on)
-It was normal so normal you to come castle with scars.
-You're part of bad guys after all.
-But this time is was little bit different
-You get fight with someone you know and get really bad scars.
-You don't want Nightmare to see that or he will say how weak you are like he do to all the other members when they get hurt
-You were going to your room so quietly.
-"Hey, where have you been?"
-Great it was Nightmare.
-You didn't look at Nightmare so he couldn't see you.
-"I go to a friend..." Well it was not a lie.
-"Show me your face."
-"Show me your face."
-You showed your wounded face. He didn't look like he is worried but inside sure he was.
-He slowly come to you. You were scared that he is gonna be mad at you but he didn't. He slowly hold your face gently and crouched slightly.
-"Who did this to you Y/N?" He try to be sound angry to you but he couldn't, not right now..
-"It nothing I just feel down to the stairs..." You said he looked more soft right now.
-He know these lies pretty well. He said these lies when he beat up by the villagers too so you can't go anywhere with this lies.
-"Y/N I know you're lying. Look I'm not mad I just wanna know who did this to you. I promise I'm not gonna do anything."
-"It was my friends now please leave me alone..." He looked you and hold your waist with the other hand.
-"Look at me." You did what he said. He was looking at you with no anger. But inside you will never know. He get close to your face.
-"Don't hide anything from me okay?" He say with a whispering tone and then hugged you. You can hear his fast heart beat. Everytime you breat he was pulling you more and his heart beat getting more faster.
-After a minute he let you go.
-"Lets get clean you up okay?", "Okay..."
-After cleaning up, you and him lay down on the bed. You ware laying on his chest while listening his heart (soul?) beat and he was playing with your hair. After that you fall sleep.
-One thing for sure your "friends" was not gonna see you again.
-You were avoiding Error these days.
-You didn't want him to see you all beating up so you avoid him as possible.
-You were sitting in your room untill some ropes pull you in a portal.
-"Where were you been?"
-Error was not an attention seeker but for sure he was worried about you even he is not showing that much.
-You turned your face to another direction.
-"Nothing I just don't want to bother you." At least you didn't lie.
-"Okay it's true that you're bothering me sometimes but that doesn't mean you're not gonna talk with me whole day."
-"Sorry..." 'Please don't look at my face."
-"Show me your face."
-'Are you serious-'
-"Error please let me go."
-"Not until you show me your face."
-You have no choose but to show your face to Error. So you did when he see your face all cover up with wounds his eyes widened then he looks like angry.
-"Who did this to you?" His voice was low but angry as well.
-"I rather not to tell, please Error can you let me go now?" He hesitate at firt. He was angry but he doesn't want you get more hurt. "Fine." So he let you go.
-He slowly let you go and sit on the couch. "You're not mad are you?" You ask, after a 10 seconds he answered. "No, why would I? I'm just mad at the person who this to you and since you don't tell me who is it I'm gonna watch UnderNovela." , "Can I watch with you?" , "First clean up yourself." He give you a towel to clean yourself. "Here take this." , "Thanks..."
-After you clean yourself up you sit next to Error. He give you his jacket and let you to cuddle it while watching UnderNovela.
-"I'm gonna kill the person who did this to you" , "Error nO-"
Sorry if there's any mistake(s) lol im in class.
If you didn't like it I can write again.
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What about y/n having a game night with Error? Idk- random idea lol (yes this is a possible request if you’re confused T vT)
Sorry if it's not what you wanted! I try to do like what you said. If it's not what you wanted you can tell me! I can write again!
A Game Night With Error
-You been playing your favorite game in a room. Alone. All other Bad Sanses go to a mission except you and Error. Well you know Error long enough to not go and speak with him.
-He was looking little bit angry anyway so you decided to play alone.
-"YES I WIN!"  You say. You didn't know you screamed because Error come to your room after 5 minutes.
- "What the F*** was that scream Y/N???" He sound little bit angry and...Worried...?
-"Oop- sorry Error I didn't know I screamed next time I try to be more quiet sorry!"
-He looked you angrily and sighed "What you ware doing anyways?" , "Well if you open your and look I am playing the best game in the world."
-He angrily looked what you're playing. "Best game huh? HAH you surely didn't play Fortnite."  ...Is he serious...?
-"Umm...Yeah...Wanna play with me?" ,"Play your stupid game with you? HAH no thanks I have more important things to do."
-"Like playing with your dolls?" , "SHUT UP!" , "Pft whatever I know you can't win anyway."
-Oh no.
-"What?" , "Nothing, nothing! Forget what I said!" , "Give me the console." , "Error look I'm sor-" , "Now."
-Okay you f*** up now.
-You give him the 2. console and started the game. After a while you win over over again and Error was looking MAD like SO mad but you didn't want to let him win or he will joke with you rest of your life about your loss. Sooo you continue you to win.
-"AUGHH! Stop cheating!" He said while agrasivfly playing. "I'm not! You're the only one who don't know how to play!", "You bi-"
"I entrust the castle to you two and this is what you guys doing?" A voice said when you turn back It was Nightmare.This day can't be worse right?
-"You two not gonna go out of this room until you two apologize to each other." , "WHAT HE STARTED!" You said because you know you were not gonna apologize and he is not gonna do it either. "Don't give me the this voice. You know I can do worse to both of you. Listen what I say." He said with a scary tone and lock the door.
- Great now you two were alone. Silent was so loud... "Okay look let's say sorry to each other and get over with it." , "UGH Fine." , You both say "Sorry" At the same time but the door didn't unlocked...Oh No.
-"Nightmare! Get us out here we say sorry to each other! Nightmare??!!" No voice...You two ware alone in the small room...You sit next to Error. You looked the television, get the console and started to play your favorite game. After a while you feel like someone looking at you when you looked at error he turned his face so fast. You noticed something on his face. His face was yellow. What is was blush or...? Nah you two always fighting there's no change that he likes you.
-"Are you okay? Your face is yellow." , "Of curse I am it's just f-flu." , "Does skeletons can get flu?" , "YES NOW SHUT UP!" Rude...Oh wait what is this thing in his hand?  "What you have in your hand?" , "None of your business." , "Aw come on! If you don't show me I'm gonna bother you until we get out!" , "...It's a doll..." He said with a quite voice. "Oh! Well can I look?", "No. Now play your game." , "Not until you show me!" You try to look but he was hiding the doll. You continue you to bother him until."FINE! I'll show you but if you say this to someone else I will not hesitate to kill you." , "Hmm Okay!" He show you the doll. Wait...It was YOU??! "WoW it's so well  designed! And It's look so cool! Can you teach me how to do this?" , "Maybe one day but not right now." He said and continue to make your doll again. "You looked him while he doing it. "For sure you're more interesting than game." Oop you didn't mean to say this loud. "WHAT?!" For some reason his face was yellow again. "Haha I didn't mean to say this loud sorry." You awkwardly said. "...thanks...you're interesting too..." , "What? I'm sorry I didn't hear you" , "NOTHING!" , "Are you okay? Your face is getting yellow every second." , "Y-yes I'm okay now back to your game." , "Aww come on you look pretty cute like that-"
-Aaanddd he crashed...Aw man it's gonna be long day...
Have a good day :D
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Fresh: Ughh I wanna eat a water.
Y/N: You mean drink?
Fresh: Haha no <3
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Person 1: Take this test and see what you see which thing you are #1 in!
Person 1 To Ink: Congratulations, you're #1 on being gay!
Person 1 to Dream: Congratulations, you're #1 on being kind!
Person 1 to Blue: Congratulations, you're #1 on being brave!
Person 1 to Y/N: Congratulations, you're #1 on being stupid!
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