twin-moon-system · 5 years
God it’s been a bit since I’ve been here. Hey guys, whoever might see this. Hope you’re having a lovely day/evening, and if not then everything will be okay
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
I joined some community discords cause I’m a socially inept weirdo like that 🤟🏻
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
Been going back through my old posts on accounts to turn them into business profiles and I realised. I made ALOT of shitposts back in the day 🙃 an hour in and I haven’t touched the surface
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
It’s been a slow week so far since Saturday evening. I decided to “open up my horizons” with a business twitter for my music related accounts. Never done twitter though so idk how it’s gonna fair. Just gotta stay positive and do the best I can tho 😁
- Eli/Jake
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
First freelancing gig went awesome tonight! I got called in about a week ago to come play with a family friend and his bandmate at this small but lively restaurant a few towns over. I got a 20$ tip and made some connections with a photo studio looking to do some performance stills
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
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I am a fiend for SOCOM and Ratchet And Clank, especially Secret Agent Clank 😎
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
A lot of things are changing for us as a system and for us individually. Growth, I suppose you could say. Most of us went dormant until recently with things beginning to happen again while at home reminiscent of past traumas. During that time dormant though, we all sort of stood back and did a substantial amount of retrospection of our past, and who we are now. Who we see ourselves as, what made us that way, and who we want to see ourselves become.
Jake has come a long way being on his own and I’m proud of him.
- Eli
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
Time for a revamp
Figured it’s about time to change our system name since it was originally created in a different time, with different emotions between all of us and thoughts about the purpose of the blog. It’s a new dawn, and a new look!
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
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This book is mind blowing. Maybe a month or so ago, I came to the realisation that separating your “business” self from your “personal” self is the key to a successful career and I was striving to find how exactly to create that distinction. Who I am in the music world was who I am in real life, which lead to taking some personal hits to my confidence, ambition, and belief in myself. I stumbled across this book today and after reading a few chapters, it’s like a light bulb went off. Everything became so clear to me.
I need a few days to find the right words to explain all of this better. It resonated with me and all the other alters in a way that is just, awe-inspiring.
- Eli
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
When an alter fronts out of nowhere..
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
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This is from a good bit ago but Dean loved this picture from our rock climbing escapades 😁
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
adhd things no-one really talks about
- skewed sense of time eg; i can easily get there and back before my eggs cook!
- altered sense of reality//tendency to get sucked up in daydreams and temporarily lose track of real life
- extremely vivid daydreams// alternative realities
- feeling really lonely but getting the urge to isolate yourself for no reason
- getting overwhelmed by too many choices and freaking out
- hearing the instructions but not really being able to hold onto them
- people cant speak to you while you’re really focused on something because you can’t hold on to multiple things in your brain at once
- repeating things over and over in your head to try and remember them
- feeling like you never really appreciate things as much as you should because you get too sidetracked
- getting super excited by small things but sometimes feeling indifferent towards the things everyone’s raving about
- being self conscious from everyone telling you you’re annoying but being scared you’ll come off as boring
- getting hyperfixations on a certain person and getting really wrapped up on them regardless of if they like you back
- putting too much into things and getting disappointed when it’s not reciprocated
- constantly being told that you’re too intense and need to chill it out a bit
- ^ thinking you’re cool and desperately wanting to just be chill and laid back but your personality is just 24/7 overdrive
- building things up so much in your head to the point that it gets stressful because what if it doesn’t live up to expectations??
- extremely over-emotional (this includes when it’s inappropriate such as giggling at sad things and then feeling really bad after)
- feeling when you just don’t know when to stop
- getting increasingly uncomfortable in a situation for no apparent reason until you feel like you’re gonna cry or scream but you do none of that and just sit there
feel free to add on!
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
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You know, since Endgame he really turned a new leaf.
(This is so stupid but I love it lol)
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
life works out. i cannot stress this enough. life always works out. it always turns out in your favor even if it doesn’t go according to the original plan. you may be utterly confused and lost right now, it may feel like everything is falling apart and there is nothing you can do to salvage any of it. but believe me when i say that this is just a transition period. things are constantly changing and evolving around you even if you can’t actively see that. life is changing you to prepare you for what is to come. you are growing and as you grow you are being built into the person that you are going to be. because see, life always has this funny way of working out. 
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
Everyone’s mostly gone dormant since we’ve been home for the summer. Ollie came out to go on a date with our girlfriend, I think Cass co-fronted a bit when watching tv and movies with her.
Nothing too much has been going on though besides relaxation, gaming, venturing, or practicing. I apologise for the lack of activity but I literally just don’t have anything to update on lol. Been kind of doing a social media cleanse as well (minus YouTube) to refocus and realign a bit.
Thank you guys for everything so far!
- Jake
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
I revived my PSP and PS2 from the dead and found the complete set of the OG SOCOM Navy Seals games I grew up playing. I’m gonna be lazy af come these next few weeks playing all these 😅
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twin-moon-system · 5 years
Studying for this placement test coming up that will partly determine if I will transfer or not. It’s like teaching myself a year or more of theory all over again 😖
- Jake
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