tryingmybest12 · 2 years
So... my mom just got a digital scale today which is something I've wanted for a long time. Our old scale was... well it was old and I could never see what I actually weighed which was so frustatring.
So I step on the scale once it arrives to find that I'm 151.4 lbs, meaning I've gained like 6 pounds since January. Not good...
That makes my BMI 27.1 which means I'm overweight.
So guess who's back with their bs... me!!
Just kidding... kind of. I think I've realized that in order to lose weight, I can't just start with starving myself or counting calories, I have to deal with my binge eating first.
I wouldn't say I'm excited, but I actually feel a little optimistic. That usually happens when I think about getting better though so let's see how this plays out.
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tryingmybest12 · 2 years
What’s Up...?
Hello there, you can call me Lyss (she/her). I used to be @tryingmyworst and then @tryingmyworst2 i’m pretty sure but those accounts were t-worded/deleted.
I’m a minor but I don’t mind if you reach out to me if you’re older as long it’s appropriate.
I’m using this Tumblr account to vent about my personal struggles and things I have been through. This is a vent blog and I don’t want to trigger anyone so if you’re reading this then please don’t report, just block. Thank you!
I’m currently stuggling with a binge-eating disoder, depression, anxiety and my sexuality so if you can relate to any of those things then feel free to reach out and talk. My asks are open and so are my messages.
I like dancing, reading and wriitng. I also like animals and nature in general.
For my ED peeps out there, these are my stats:
Current Weight: 151.4 lbs (yeesh)
BMI: 27.1 (considered overweight)
Current Height: 5′2-5′3 (i’m not sure but i’m not set to grow anymore so i’m pretty short)
Goal Weight #1: 140 lbs
Goal Weight #2: 135 lbs
Ultimate Goal Weight: 120 lbs
I’m not actually pro ED, not even for myself, I’ve just struggled with the main three disorders so it’s nice to talk to people who have similar expierences.
I’m also a type 1 diabetic.
Feel free to reach out my liking or commenting on this post, I’d like to find some people to follow.
Have a good day/night!! 🌹🌹
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