trailstamer · 8 days
Our Earth
We live on our earth, where most of us are ignorant about those who share habitat with us. They are either humans or creatures. Most of the inhabitants are created by nature or God with the purpose to live together. But we humans have been bent upon destroying those who were creating balance on our earth. Now nature is on vengeance mode. Because our earth is injured causing all kind of Imbalance. Climate change is most serious event which creates havoc of all kind, all over. Despite all nations efforts who are trying to stop the Imbalance on the earth, it appears there is no way we can reverse it. Humans are still destroying. It appears the end is near. On the other hand we may encounter countries involved in war and skermish of all kind. That is another front wherein holocaust is looming large. Any day that bomb that everyone fear may be dropped, I don't know where. So our mother earth is in danger of all kind. Sometime I fear, next day may be dark. Wherein it may be Impossible to breath. All educated people know this, still no body is bothered to stop the trend of no return. May be God desires so. That is why materialism is topping above all kind of desires. Let's hope someone will show us way, whereby we will come out of these dark days on us.
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trailstamer · 14 days
Go and Search
When we find ourselves alone than we search for something to help. When there is nobody to find, whom we should look at? Some search for relatives or friends. But very few know who they are. Actually in this modern world we need somebody to look at. When there is nobody than we search, within ourselves and pray. Some of us find almighty, who is always there. since we were born. As we grow, we realise there is nobody but almighty who come for our help. How to realise that? It comes through our parents, teachers or friends. The religion or spirituality makes us strong to face difficulties in our lives. But most of us in current world forget that spirituality is our medium through which we can see in darkest times of our lives. When we realise through our own eyes and mind, at later stage of lives, we find solace through our inner soul. Than we are friend with ourselves. End result is we are with all. Mighty who guides us.
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trailstamer · 25 days
World of Life
When we live a life which we get through our parents, we learn some words. These words we learn from our friends, parents, teachers or some individuals. Some of those are pleasent to us, and others are those which hurt us. Reactions are either pleasent or unpleasant, it depends on how close or distant, we are to those speakers. So long as we keep ourselves under control the words spoken or written do not affect us. But because of some situations we get into, we are into a jam. We get into dense clouds of spoken words. As we come out of that jam we try to figure out what actually happened. Some conclusions we get. Others just fizzle out. Best way to remain, away from war of words is remain neutral, aloof, eased up and cool. All these traits can be acquired with determination to learn, adopt and acquire.
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trailstamer · 2 months
Power Of Worship
When we pray and keep our God/Godesses in our mind and soul, we get some vibes. Those of us who consequently realise ourselves, ultimately listen to our soul. We become one with God. We meet our destined goal. Happiness and peace we achieve. Those also who do not pray or accept authority of God also Lead their day to day life. But it is without any base or foothold. Since God created them and over a period of their lives they become atheist that may be because of their upbringing and surroundings. Still life continues, whether one accept authority of God/Nature or not. Other side, educated and scientists say, it was matter from which all types of creations happened. These group of people also command authority in our world. Than there is a world beyond as well. Yet so called humans who disclaim God fail to answer how various types of lives sustain. Be it humans, animals, plants, sea or sky creatures. So we pass our days. Some evolve out of churning. Others remain dormant and subdude. Ultimately it's faith in different types of humans. This faith of different types settles in our mind, and different types of personalities evolve, which happens as one grows.
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trailstamer · 4 months
Childhood Dreams
Born in a village,, I was brought up in a small town. Those days, though child lifters were there, we used to go to neighbours and play with friends. As I grew up, my father bought me a cycle. Gradually my mother sent me to market to bring household items. My father trained me into traffic rules. So I became a responsible son. There used to be regular religious congregation in which I participated. Every late evening there was worship in nearby temple. We children attended that. Adults were simple. But some rouge elements were also there. They used to be scared of our parents, relatives and neighbors. In our neighborhood. There was not a single incident of theft or any other anti social activities. I got education in a Christian school. Every morning there was Bible recital and than classes. Our teachers were humble without creating terror in the minds of students. Girls school were seprate and there was no coeducation. We students dreamed what we should do as we grew up. Each one of us Aimed to get knowledge through Studies. As we grew up, some of us picked up certain traits which enabled us man of our kind. As we finished schooling we departed and joined college or university. After graduation or post graduation, we picked up career of our own choice. As we departed, we lost touch of each other. We got engaged in our lives post our chosen career. Some friends who we grow up with met, others we never met. Most of us got busy in making money or were in fulfilling various desires. My aim always was to full fill responsibilities as I picked up in my life. Those dreams of childhood turned into some life which I Lead now. As I left all the expections of desires. Some liabilities I still have. The dream I have now, nobody knows, but me. After all what one needs. A roof to sleep, food to eat and air to smell. Having got all the basic needs to live, I have reached a point wherein I want to advance in a new journey of life. That life I have envisaged henceforth, as the one wherein I become one with God.
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trailstamer · 4 months
Children of the World
Children when they,
Come to this world,
Spread happiness,
In their families,
Everyone rejoice,
Finding a new member.
As they grow up,
Parents, teachers,
And their friends,
Educate them.
That's the way,
They imbibe,
Worth which they,
Endeavor to spread.
In their childhood,
They teach also,
Goodness and message,
Of God,
Since they are,
Messanger of God.
It's on to us,
How we bring up,
These resources,
Which may help in,
Building up forces,
Which are useful to,
Our societies,
And our Nation.
That is what,
Our forefathers,
Taught us.
Violence, bad habits,
Desires which may,
Hamper their progress,
We must not imbibe,
Into them.
Hence here we are,
At a cross road,
Where nature's creation,
Are almost extinct.
Natural resources,
Are gone.
Climate change,
And violence all over,
Create a atmosphere,
Which makes us,
Population which,
Feels it's hard,
To live.
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trailstamer · 4 months
When we pray,
Continously we find,
God/Godesses within,
Our mind and body.
We may be,
Adults and children.
Something within us,
Guides, tells us ,
Take a path,
That may be,
Full of difficulties,
Obstacles and riddles.
As we grow up,
Get married,
We get children.
Same mind of ours,
Prompts us,
Values, culture,
And education,
To our children.
We succeed,
Get firmly placed,
In their chosen path.
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trailstamer · 4 months
Truce in Mind
Our mind comprise of so many parts. We waver and involve in so many aspects of our daily life. Some of them lead to peace and other lead to anguish, in our minds.
Our life lead us to some journey where in we are alone or with some people. They may be our friends or relatives (either blood relatives or distant). Some help us and some leave us. But some friends we make. They are handy, as and when we need them. Then we have children whom we raised. We would have taught them values and culture of our homeland or given to us by our ancestors. They all, as told above, help us to a limit. We as individuals have to lead our lives, alone or with our life partner. Lucky are those whose wives remain with them, lifelong. Our children either love us or remain busy in living their own lives, thereby not able to constantly focus on parents. There are some who are confined to one room in some god forsaken place. Alone they live their lives, either male or female. At that stage of life when they are old and away from any employment or income they survive on pitence given by either government or close relatives. In the end, if we are spiritualist, we find some peace and ultimately we are in truce with God, society and others who were with us.
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trailstamer · 4 months
Social Process
Social process and it's cleaning happens and starts when things go beyond control. It happens on its own and beyond anyone's control. As I see, people around the globe are aware and understand that we the people of this world are beyond and away from any control. As atrocities and absolute control starts people wake up and system of control gets bogged down.
Those who adhere to piece and love do not get violent. They advice and help. Getting into criminal activities do not help. It lends you into serious problem. It's better to follow law and let things take it's own course.
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trailstamer · 4 months
Current days and prevelant conditions in the world suggest that all is not so well. However, when we reflect two years back all was quite. After Ukraine and Russia war things changed dramatically. Now, especially after Israel and Gaza war people are more in fighting mode. Some were in favor of them and some are supporting all. Now world is devided into so many groups in every nation. Those of us who remained neutral are still waiting to find peace among nations. But those who love peace are slowly and steadily becoming minority. Every nation parades it's forces which may be used in war. In modern days war is among society of each and every nation. How much money you spend on your citizens' welfare? There will always be some fringe elements who take sides of enemy nations. This is happening since humanity was created. War among nations became intense many times, and ultimately there was holocaust. This resulted in killing of most of the citizens, which were fighting. Those who were neutral remained and others became busy in reconstruction.
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trailstamer · 6 months
Anyone's family has some components namely - husband, wife, sons and daughters. They build up bonds - sweet or sour. Depending on how they grow up and live either alone or with other relatives. If they have love among themselves, they create happy moments. Along with that they inherit and grow on some values which help them to evolve fruitfully. That family grows happily. In the current scenario across the world there are very few families where bond exit and relate to each other. Most of them are materialistic. Resultantly families break and each member is isolated. Feelings like happiness and satisfaction within earned resources. Love, attachment coexistence, bond age, respect for each other, etc, are missing. Those senior members of the family who are educated and sensible, rectify and correct their ways of living. It is done by constantly discussing. There is no need to observe silence among themselves. That is how solution to family problems are found.
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trailstamer · 6 months
Peace by Children
If the children of the world somehow unite, it will be wonderful. They will associate themselves, and create wondrous world. In that world angels will rule. Adults will relax. As such children are simple soul. Unlike adults they do not have hatred, jealousy, we race for various desires. They just love and create piece around themselves. Their methods are unique. They mostly desire to remain happy and spread happiness. They suggest truthful messages. If they are allowed to speak and overrule adults what a wonderful life everyone will have. Having love in the hearts and soul and creating peaceful surrounding actually is real work to stablize nature. We adults should actually learn from children. They will remind us many good and positive teachings which our parents and teachers taught us. So we should also remind ourselves to live and let live,
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trailstamer · 6 months
Aftermath Of War
When we are here in civilian world, there are those who are fighting for us at the borders. We do not know what happens when our soldiers fight. Their lives and their schedule are different than shown in stories or films. Real war is different. Those days of war when they fought and we were busy in our world, fought during skermish. But we citizen of the world are breed apart. Some of us want peace. We have love in our heart and soul. Friendship we want. And those war mongers are busy in call of war. Those countries which fight bear losses of all kinds. Because those who manufacture war machine and weapons sell it and make money. We who are neutral feel like laughing on fool hardiness of those who create theatre of war. Peace creates resources. War destroys all kinds of resources, especially human resources. People who are in uniform are duty bound to defend and participate in the clerion call of war. Aftermath of war is horrible. Children, ladies and men die. That demon who surfaces eats us all.
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trailstamer · 6 months
Me and My Forces
The way we were trained, made us capable to survive under most of conditions. We went to every imaginery locations, where we faced unsurmountable difficulties, which we overcame. Strikes we did which we planned and destroyed our enemy. On that note I recall somebody, who said why we killed. But that's our duty and we were trained for that. We picked this career and we were paid for that. Risks in this job are not many. It has less chances of death than walking on the road. Up and up we progressed and reached pinnacle. Thereby we attained warrior and brave titles. We are poised at a juncture wherein there are strife and strikes a plenty in the world. We guard our borders and citizens are proud of us. In those kind of strifes, some survived and others went to God in heaven. In turn those citizens we protected, forgot us. But who will take care of families who survived? May be their near and dear ones or those officers and their families who survived. Some financial help Government gives. There is another way for those ladies, to get married again. But children of them find it difficult to adjust with their second father. Meanwhile life goes on and those who survived from different wars fight and earn different medals. This is how our forces work with support of fellow warriors.
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trailstamer · 6 months
We And You
We And you sat together,
Came closure,
But when I searched you,
You were not there.
Than you came back,
Said to me,
We are together,
Our children are smart,
Like no other.
God was with us.
I want you to find,
Angel and Devi,
In your mind and soul.
I got blessed.
That's how they talk to me.
May be one day,
They will talk to me,
Face to face.
That's how time carries on.
See how far I have come,
You remain with me.
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trailstamer · 7 months
Love for All
The love we have,
In store for others,
Is our unspent treasure.
If we share it with others,
It grows beyond limit.
This love we feel when,
We are born,
Parents share with us,
Our clan and friends also.
The love for all,
Whether friends or foe,
Is a quality which few have.
It comes with regular,
Practice and faith in oneself.
If we posses this quality,
Then love grows unbound.
It gives us strength,
Faith and positive feelings.
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trailstamer · 8 months
Growing Up
The word we do and.
The reality of the.
World we see,
Is different from the,
World we have,
Than we work here,
When we were,
Born that is were we live,
But when we become,
Young and growing,
It's different life,
Than childhood,
There were no responsibilities,
Those days ,
Which were carefree,
We begot children,
And work we got busy.
Children grow up,
We became isolated,
Friends departed,
And old we became,
To sum it up,
Some are happy.
Others are dejected,
Isolated unhappy or dependent.
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