tokyostudying · 1 month
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i love studying. i love writing. i love reading. i love learning languages. i love doing mathematics. i love wandering over some particular sum and trying to come up with formulas to solve it. i love physics. i love biology. i love chemistry. i love history. i love literature. i love learning.
not to achieve the perfect grades ever. but it just amazes me that there's so much to know and learn and write and read about in the universe. my curiosity wouldn't get enough of it.
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tokyostudying · 2 months
I have never read a more excellent article
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tokyostudying · 3 months
long term study tips
a lot of study tip posts that exist have a weird mix of short term and long term tips and that weirds me out, so here are some long term study tips (aka pavlov-ing yourself):
light the same scent of candle every day when you study- eventually the smell of the candle will put you in a study mood
drink the same kind of drink (I always drink green tea) and you will start to associate the process of getting the drink/the smell/the taste with studying
get into a habit of studying for a few minutes every night. Even if you are not doing much, it's something.
play the same playlist whenever you study- hearing "reflections" by Toshifumi Hinata instantly puts me into the study mood
Routines routines routines: the only reason I passed some of my classes last year was because I had routines in place for doing my work (they are falling apart this year, and I'm struggling.)
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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飽きる(あきる) = to get tired of, bored of
呆れる(あきれる) = to be amazed; to be shocked
諦める(あきらめる) = to give up
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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my masterpost | my studygram | ask me anything 
[click images for high quality]
[transcript under the cut]
Other advice posts that may be of interest:
All About Procrastination
How To Study When You Really Don’t Want To
Common Study Mistakes
7 Strategies to Improve Concentration
Okumaya devam et
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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tokyostudying · 3 months
did you know they say calculus is the language of God. did you know they tried to hold math up to infinity like a candle to the void. did you know statisticians plunged into the vastness of random chance and picked out patterns and equations and eight hundred ways to tell you how big your inevitable errors are and how far off those guesses at errors might be. math haters I can't sit with you anymore. human innovation is cradled in these ancient, methodical, desperate attempts at understanding what we are not designed to understand
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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Important graves at Gioji temple. I should read the Heike Monogatari soon.
(Right to left) 平清盛公 供養塔
祇王 祇女 母 刀自 (とじ) の墓
Vocab 平清盛 (たいらのきよもり) Taira no Kiyomori 公 (こう) lord, sir [suffix] 供養塔 (くようとう) memorial tower 祇王(ぎおう)Gio 祇女(ぎじょ)Gijo (Gio’s younger sister) 刀自 (とじ) lady, mistress
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tokyostudying · 3 months
do you have any study tips for people who struggle to get As?
this is a great question !!! long ranty post ahead~
my first two semesters were 3.0 semesters, but i recently made president's list with a 4.0, so i definitely can try my best to throw some advice yall's way. however, i am a good test taker if that makes sense, so i don't know how useful this advice will be.
first and foremost, go to class. as someone who's biggest hurdle was A) just fucking attending and B) just fucking doing that 5 point assignment, you'd be surprised how much of a difference that shit makes. i used to slack in the small areas like attendance and small assignments, and then study extra hard for exams, and even though i'd do well on them, it wasn't enough to get me the A.
and thats because i firmly fucking believe you don't have to get As on exams to get an A in the class! at least 3/5 of my classes last semester I didn't get a single A on an exam, only high Bs. but i went to every class and did every assignment and that truly made the difference. for example, my friend and i got ~basically~ the same grades on all three exams in consumer behavior, but because he didn't do half of the hw assignments that were worth 12pts each, he got a C and i got an A.
also, going to class is the first step, but actually paying attention is the second one. i don't usually take notes during lectures, because, for me, taking notes actually makes me learn less. i get so focused on trying to write or type fast enough that i lowkey just miss every single point being made. the best way for me to actually learn something in a lecture is by just listening to my professor. sometimes in my head i feel like its a waste to just sit there and listen when i see other people doing other assignments mid-lecture, and i feel like i could be getting a lot more done, but at that point its like you arent even really *attending* the class if you are just doing other shit. like, can you really even say you went to class if you didn't listen to a single word being said?
last little cheat pro-tip-- look up the grade distribution of your professors before taking them. you'd be surprised how the grade distribution for one professor can be mostly B's and C's, but for a different professor it's like 95% A's. for the same fucking class.
so, in short, go to class, listen in class, and make sure you aren't losing points to stupid homework assignments. i know it seems really obvious and kinda stupid, but this is what actually helped me go from 3.0 -> 4.0.
beyond that, it's just a matter of studying. which i haven't exactly mastered, but would love to drop my tips if you guys are curious!
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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My direction is more important than my speed. I'm working on me, for me.
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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Encouragement in Japanese
More on www.instagram.com/valiantjapanese
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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ほしい (expressing desire) 
〜かもしれません (expressing uncertainty) 
あげる・くれる・もらう (giving and receiving) *skipped in this post; look at this post for notes on あげる and くれる
 〜たらどうですか?(giving suggestions)
# + も・# + しか + negative (as many as/only)
To say you want to do something, we use 〜たい, but to say you want something, a noun, we use ほしい.
ほしい means “desired” and is used to say you want something. It is a い-adjective and conjugates as such.
(Object of desire) が ほしいです。
(Object not desired) は ほしくないです。
ほしい is limited to first person. Here are some ways to say someone else wants something:
(Subject) は (object of desire) を ほしがっています。= subject is showing signs of desiring object.
(Subject) は (object of desire) が ほしいと言っています。= subject said they wanted object.
(Subject) は (object of desire) が ほしいと思っています。= subject thinks that he wants object.
(Subject) は (object of desire) が ほしそうです。= it seems like subject wants object.
My little sister wants a puppy.
When I was a child, I always wanted a Nintendo DS, but no one gave it to me.
かもしれません can be used to say something is a possibility but you are not sure what is really the case. The same concept can be expressed with でしょう, but かもしれません sounds more uncertain.
It is placed after short forms of any kind, present or past, affirmative or negative. If a な-adjective or noun precedes it and it is not in past tense, だ is dropped.
The teacher might be Japanese.
That person might be able to speak English.
Mary might have been short when she was a kid.
This can be used to give suggestions but can sound critical. It’s translated as “how about…?” or “why don’t you…?” It follows the past tense short form of a verb. 
This cannot be used to suggest NOT doing something. In order to convey this, you can say “(verb in short form) のを やめたらどうですか?” which means “how about you stop doing…?”
How about you go to a doctor?
Why don’t you stop buying clothes?
5.  # + も / # + しか + negative : AS MANY AS/ONLY
も can be used to say “as many as” when describing amount. It implies the number is above expectations and may have a tone of surprise.
しか is used to say “only” when describing few amounts of things. It implies insufficiency and may have a tone of disappointment. When しか is used, the sentence must end in a negative predicate.
He has as many as four cars.
My friend only goes to school two times a week.
I didn’t have time to make these into separate posts with more detail, so I hope this will do for now. As usual, please let me know if I made any mistakes in my sample sentences! Also, sorry for skipping the third point… It’s just a lot of information and probably needs its own post.
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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Missed 3 days of school, and I kid you not, I came back to a unit test, two essays, a new group project, AND a novel study 😀
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tokyostudying · 3 months
① request; commission; entrusting (with a matter)
② dependence; reliance
事務弁護士に遺言状の作成を依頼した。 じむべんごし に ゆいごんじょう の さくせい を いらい した。 I entrusted the solicitor to make out my will.
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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“it is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially”
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tokyostudying · 3 months
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海!! this will include vocabulary and some sentences so I hope you’ll find this helpful! feel free to correct me anytime! ily💘 加油~
原创 ↠ yuán chuàng ↠ original
动画 ↠ dòng huà ↠ cartoon, animation
剧集 ↠ jùjí ↠ episode
真不愧是天下第一刺客 ↠ zhēn bùkuì shì tiānxià dì yī cìkè ↠ you are the best assassin in the world.
≫ 真 (zhēn) > really
≫ 不愧 (bùkuì) > be worthy of
≫ 天下 (tiānxià) > world
≫ 刺客 (cìkè) > assassin, hitman
拿去 ↠ ná qù ↠ take it
对不起 ↠ duìbùqǐ ↠ i’m sorry
有人出更高的价钱要我来杀你 ↠yǒurén chū gèng gāo de jiàqián yào wǒ lái shā nǐ ↠ someone paid me more to kill you.
≫ 有人 (yǒurén) > someone
≫ 更 (gèng) > more
≫ 价钱 (jiàqián) > price
≫ 要 (yào) > want, ask, for, wish, desire
≫ 杀 (shā) > kill, slaughter, butcher
回家 ↠ huíjiā ↠ go home
卖 ↠ mài ↠ sell, betray
工资 ↠ gōng zī ↠ wages, salary
福利 ↠ fú lì↠ welfare, benefit
弹性上班时间 ↠ tánxìng shàngbān shíjiān ↠ flexible work hours
还有 ↠ hái yǒu ↠ also, in addition, furthermore
和 ↠ hé ↠ and
出国 ↠ chūguó ↠ studying abroad, going overseas
之前 ↠ zhīqián ↠ before
也 ↠ yě ↠ also
这样 ↠ zhèyàng ↠ so, such, this way, like this
说 ↠ shuō ↠ speak, said
这么好的工作去哪里找呢?↠ zhème hǎo de gōngzuò qù nǎlǐ zhǎo ne? ↠ where can i find such a good job?
≫ 这么 (zhème) > so, such, this way, like this
≫ 工作 (gōngzuò) > work, job
≫ 哪里 (nǎlǐ) > where
≫ 找 (zhǎo) > look for, try to find, seek
得意 ↠ déyì↠ proud (of oneself)
笑 ↠ xiào ↠ smile
小 ↠ xiǎo ↠ small, little, tiny
龙 ↠ lóng ↠ dragon, serpent
还 ↠ hái ↠ still, also, yet
普通 ↠ pǔtōng ↠ ordinary, general
碗 ↠ wǎn ↠ bowl
那就发达了 ↠ nà jiù fādá le ↠ we’d be rich.
≫ 那 (nà) > that, then, in that case
≫ 发达 (fādá) > developed, advanced, flourishing
马上 ↠ mǎshàng ↠ immediately, soon
好的 ↠ hǎo de ↠ alright
要不 ↠ yàobù ↠ or, otherwise
辣椒 ↠ làjiāo ↠ chilli, hot pepper, pepper
老板 ↠ lǎobǎn ↠ boss, owner, excuse me
混蛋 ↠ hùndàn ↠ asshole, bastard, jerk
低俗 ↠ dīsú ↠ vulgar
句命 ↠ jù mìng ↠ help!
我欣赏你的无知 ↠ wǒ xīnshǎng nǐ de wúzhī ↠ i admire your ignorance.
我不行了 ↠ wǒ bùxíng le↠ i give up
知道 ↠ zhīdào ↠ know, understand, realize
想 ↠ xiǎng ↠ think, want, guess
过去 ↠ guòqù ↠ past
有关 ↠ yǒuguān ↠ related ▷ 无关 ↠ wúguān ↠ unrelated
跟 ↠ gēn ↠ with
当然 ↠ dāngrán ↠ certainly, surely, of course
但是 ↠ dànshì ↠ but
仇恨 ↠ chóuhèn ↠ hate, hatred
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