thewoodedbastion · 3 years
Roleplay Roadblock
This is something that has been on my mind for a while. I know talking about things and writing them, for me, makes them a bit more tangible. Once something is tangible I often have a better ability to navigate it. I am hoping this is the case with this topic. I want to have a deeper more immersive experience at LARP and in character in general. I want to not so much internally get lost. Like I don't want to be so inside a character that i'm disassociating. I do want to get lost in the process of exploring and expressing a character. I want to be less timid as characters and with how i perform them. Especially at a LARP where i get to spend a weekend away as a character, I want to be able to exist more naturally and thoroughly as a character without second guessing myself and my choices. I have found through thinking about it as well as through talking about this with friends that I have several road blocks. Many of the conversations have come up in regard to future games that I will be soon attending in person. At Seventh Kingdom IGE I was very much a novice to LARPing as a whole as well as still technically a noob in related genre's such as ttrpgs and forum roleplaying. Though i had such a great time, I did not exist in the game as deeply as I could have for as long as I could have. I felt I was just hitting my stride as game was nearing and end. I expressed a desire to up my game so to speak, but in so i had to acknowledge my roadblocks from my previous experience. One thing that kept me from going full tilt in a lot of situations was knowing the power I wield as a performer. I'm not a god tier performer by no means. However I am sitting on a performing arts Bachelors degree, one of which is still actively engage with via my job and my other hobbies. When it comes to performance I know I can turn up as my peers would say. This may sound silly, but I was afraid of taking too much spotlight. I was afraid of accidentally stepping over other people. I know many of my larp peers don't have a performance background. I know many are just gaining the kind of confidence that allows them to take charge of things. I know folks come to these weekends to be heard, and affirmed. To feel powerful and capable. I always would clam up because i had a fear of taking that away from someone else. Its kind of something i saw happened a lot from the background. I watched it happen to other cool people who i thought were smart and capable, but just didn't quiet have the confidence all the time in certain settings. So this was a real fear for me in those moments. I'm not going to say that i never took moments. I definitely got some where sometimes. But even in moments i generated for myself as a bard, I had such a weird feeling of going "hey guys, look at me be cool" and it made me feel icky despite knowing that folks did not feel this way about me. I had a fear of separating myself from everyone else. I know that how I experience things is a bit extreme and the kind of experience is often deeper than what most folks around me want. I've been hearing for most of my life that what I want to experience is "A lot" or "too much". And for most folks it is. It doesn't come from a place of hate. It was never in a bullying sense. It does however make one lonely in the universe. So i've always been afraid to go to the full extent that I want to experience because it feels like putting myself on an island away from other people. I do want to do my thing and be my best me. I have been doing that all my life solo. LARP gave me one of my few real tastes of what it is like to get to be the real me with other people. The deep me that doesn't get engaged with very often. That is still part of my core needs, as much as digging deep into immersion is. Along these same lines, I am afraid of giving someone the wrong impression of me. There are some characters that I want to play that are going to be purposefully scary and off putting. There will be times where i may get into a groove of a character that folks stop seeing who I really am for that time
being. What happens if I accidentally make someone uncomfortable while i'm in character? What happens when they don't feel safe to talk to me? I don't want to inadvertently have a negative affect on folks because of my deep level of immersion On a more personal side ive realized i'm kind of afraid of committing to the bit. I'm afraid of how it might affect me. Its unknown territory, and i'm aware that mentally and emotionally i'm not indestructible. Its less about losing a sense of reality. That I feel pretty solid and grounded in because i love fantasy and immersion so much. I'm afraid of how it might affect me in the long and short term. I'm afraid of possible bleed. I'm afraid of the come down from being in character for the weekend. I'm afraid of how it might affect my mental emotional state if I haven't been doing the best. Its kind of the fear of going to a new place all together and realizing there is a huge world of possibilities both positive and negative. I'm a deep feeler and i know this. I'm also very committed to the things that I do. So i'm just a bit afraid of stepping past that unknown threshold into deep immersion and exploring. Something i've learned recently from a roleplay experience i'm having with a friend of mine is that i'm afraid of the "hard road". I'm afraid of making choices that will make my time at game as a player harder. I'm afraid of not being able to overcome obstacles, and not being able to I guess do cool things or even basic things successfully. In the case of the roleplay i've been doing its been because of the RNG of digital dice rolls, but what I was seeing was still another obstacle being put in my way. I'm often so much better as just me overcoming obstacles so you'd think it wouldn't matter, but for whatever reasons the hard road at a LARP is scary and mentally exhausting to think about. So i know there is a part of me that wants to shy away from choices that maybe genuine but would make things suck a bit. Then of course . . .What if I fail? What if i'm just bad at being in character? What if as my character i mess up a plot or a mod? What if I become an obstacle for people instead of a partner in story? What if I just mess up? What if my accent is awful and insulting? Just general anxiety of an anxious Cabbit. I'm almost certain i'm not the only person who worries about this. So explaining my fears helps at least get them out in a real way. Talking about it is only one part to it. For this situation to improve I need to be able to work past theses issues in some tangible way. I need to make choices and shift my perspective about these situations. I need to remember that I am a player too and have right to be seen and heard like everyone else. Part of my training is the ability to be able to share space with other people. Partnership is part of my gig, and what is LARP if not collaborative storytelling improv. I need to take the chance and speak up. I need to step up into my characters but also keep myself present enough to be aware of other folks around me who are trying to participate. Part of the facilitation I do at my job is bringing folks into conversations and making space for them to speak. I'm proficient in this and I can apply it to how I roleplay with others at game. I don't have to completely sacrifice myself just so others can have space. There is plenty of room for all of us. I'll just have to remember to both step up and step back from time to time. I have no way of absolutely knowing that I will be separated or ostracizing if I go to my full performance potential. I know I can be a lot but there have been times in my LARP history where folks have expressed how much me being me made a good experience for them. Times were I did the absolute most. If I am afraid about being to much I can talk with folks about it and get their feelings. I can tell folks about my ideas for my character expression and gauge their response. I might even get some input. I can negotiate roleplay boundaries with folks I could potentially interacting with, in game, and
possibly create some roleplay partnerships throughout the weekend. Talking to folks before and after game, as well as during NPC shifts will give everyone a chance to see me beyond my characters. This will help create some separation from the characters I play and me as a person. Also NPCing in and of itself will give folks a chance to see me as other characters so the get the chance to just recognize me as a performer and experience me in various characters. If I am worried about my mental state I can up my general self care to hopefully help with any possible adverse effects. I can add grounding and centering routines to my larp weekends before and after event, and during if necessary. I can build a personal debrief/decompress session into my overall larp wellness routine after game is over. I can try to find a buddy to do check ins with during events if I need them, either at game or off site. I need to sit with my discomfort with the struggles of a character. Challenge is part of the game. Obstacles are necessary for a character to have an interesting narrative and to grow. Its ok if things are difficult. Even video games are difficult sometimes (I'm looking at you Super Ghouls and Ghost), but can still be fun. I need to learn to process that discomfort with struggle and not be afraid of it. If I can overcome real life obstacles i can figure out in game ones as well. It will make the character cooler, but it will make me feel like I have actually accomplished something. That is a rewarding feeling. All of these fears I have are super manageable. I really want to be a great character artist someday. Not just in dedication but in actual ability. I gotta screw up a bit before i get there and that is ok. I want to do cool things not just for others, but for myself as well. I want to have fun. My kind of fun. I want to have that fun with friends.
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thewoodedbastion · 3 years
My Current Frustrations with My Sexuality
I’m been feeling very bad/ depressed around the ideas of sexuality and sexual expressions. I’m incredibly unfulfilled right now and I feel like i’m stuck with nothing to do about it. I’ve been feeling a bit better over the past couple of days as this is something i go through at random and it lingers for a bit and vanishes like a slow leak. I want to parse some of it out even though i’m currently feeling detached from the feelings.  I’m feeling isolated in getting my needs met. Like all the things I want exist they are just meant for someone else. They are being directed around me and past me. Normally i can just enjoy good thirst content and its fine. Not too long ago i was feeling a twinge of the sexy depression. In that period all of the thirst content i was seeing was absolutely what i wanted and needed, but it was all being directed towards a female audience. Feminine pronouns and honorifics were used heavily in all the content and it made me feel like the content was barred off from me. That the experience is barred off from me. I know it wasn’t meant that way. I’m not even upset at the creators. Its not their fault. The only reason why it hurts is because ive already been feeling like this among my own. I struggle to connect with other men who like men. We often don’t share the same desire for engagements. We often has some over lapping interests but they are never my core interests. Many of the ones i meet that are interested in men are often submissive and or bottoms, and i’ve been overloaded with only that kind of partner for a long time. I’m a switch for context, meaning i’ve had next to no opportunity to be submissive. In the times i’ve in the submissive position in play, there were factors that made it difficult to let go into subspace. Lack of clear direction and confidence. Safety concerns came up with certain activities and how they were being done in the moment.  So i didn’t get to enjoy being in those spaces.  So for me, seeing this content made by folks who are attractive, competent, and wired for the kind of play i have been looking for, and having that content directed at a demographic that is absolutely not me, just poured salt in a wound. So i’ve been feeling kind of shitty about it. Even though i am a switch and do enjoy Dom’ing in general, there is an entire part of me that goes unsatisfied and achy. I need a break from having to drive. I need a break from having to copilot. I’d like to be able to just agree on where we are going and just take the ride for once. And let it be a ride i enjoy cause the driver is competent and respectful. 
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thewoodedbastion · 3 years
New Computer New Journey
This weekend I received the computer I managed to purchase with my own money. The monitor came Friday and the tower came on Sunday which was a week earlier than I was originally lead to believe. I’m still getting it set up to my liking but my heart is so happy right now.  This computer cost a lot of money and was something I had been working on since February of this year. I did it with my own money and only a small bit of help from my dad. He gifted me with paying off my car insurance for a couple of months after he got his stimulus check. Regardless, I accomplished a very large and financially stressful goal that has now opened the door for many things.  Socially I will be a bit more accessible on Discord and other such platforms. Typing on a phone is tiring and uncomfortable. It also takes me longer due to having to constantly correct mistakes because of my clumsy fingers in conjunction with a small phone keyboard with digital buttons. Typing on a full keyboard is so much less draining for me. I’ll be more willing to talk with folks online now when im not at my best but would still like to communicate.  Entertainment wise I have access to a different medium of gaming again which is wonderful. There are other things that i can watch that will also be more enjoyable now that my computer runs faster.  This will also open a lot of doors for me as a creative content creator. If and when i get back around to it i’ll be able to stream on twitch more often and eventually do some really cool things with my stream through an OBS. In the future i want to start doing more videos content for Youtube. Having this computer will allow me to edit future videos and potentially get into special effects etc in my editing. Also, I have not made a drag performance mix in a really long time. I will now be able to bring some ideas to life. Working on my various artist social media pages will certainly get streamlined in some ways with this new computer. I have the ability to write again in a way that is more comfortable for me, prime example being this post.  This is a really big deal for me and ive been in a decently good mood for the past couple of days. After months of making very little progress on anything, and having lots of set backs, it feels good to say that I did this. That I was able to complete something and now my quality of life has improved. 
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