thewitchbangtheory · 1 year
probably a super weird question, but how do you ward? do you have any preferred techniques or methods for warding? i’m still very very new to witchcraft and i can’t seem to find anything that describes how to ward❤️
hey there, that’s not a weird question at all!
there are many, many ways to ward and it’s ok to prefer one method over the other, I’m going to cover some methods below! for me personally I prefer energy warding, sometimes supplemented by physical sources like crystals or sigils.
energy warding
energy warding uses well, energy to make wards, and this is my preferred method of warding. when you energy ward, you can layer the wards, and energy wards can be used for both physical and astral spaces and are very versatile in terms of programming their function and selectivity.
visualization is a key tool when it comes to energy warding, and so is gathering and shaping energy if you really want to make secure wards. I recommend anyone new to energy warding to start with the basics of energy work first. choosing the energy source for the wards is also an important part of ensuring that they work out, for example energy from the sun for an offensive ward, or umbra energy for a ward that muddles intruders. you can definitely also use your own energy to form wards, but do check on those frequently especially if you aren’t actively funnelling energy into the ward 24/7.
to start off with a basic exercise, you can feel your own energy expanding or start with an energy ball and move it into the shape of a basic barrier around your space, and really make sure you visualize the energy going into every corner and surrounding your space. while you are doing this, you can program the ward by giving it a purpose, for example keeping out malicious entities.
better explained energy ward exercise with steps
physical warding
protective amulets or charms
physical warding uses physical objects to deliver a protective effect to a space. an example would be placing an obsidian stone at a doorway to keep negative energy and malicious spirits away, or sprinkling salt on all the windowsills to stop malicious entities from entering. here’s where some research will come in handy, search for crystal correspondences and which crystals can help with protection (my favorites happen to be obsidian, amethyst, and onyx). as for sigils, you can either draw up your own protective sigils or use someone else’s, as long as you cleanse and charge them up with the purpose of protection. my favorite thing to do with protective sigils is to put them somewhere close to their energy source (e.g. the sun) and program it to charge using this energy source while also fuelling my energy wards.
anything with a protective purpose works for this really. location is strategic and usually one would surround their entire space with protective objects for this method, usually in the four corners for a room.
assistive warding
assistive warding is enlisting the help of spirit companions or other trusted people to help you ward. of course, this is only if you have ensured that you can find someone who is skilled with warding AND someone you trust. a spirit companion can help with warding if they know energy work, but you should still have a say in your own wards.
top ward mistakes I
top ward mistakes II
a very comprehensive post on warding
warding in witchcraft
my ward checkup checklist
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thewitchbangtheory · 1 year
⛤Evil Eye and Protection⛤
Many cultures around the world believe that through our thoughts or through an envious look, a person can harm another person by causing illness, injury or even death. 
There are many different names for this phenomenon, and the most common one is “the evil eye”.
What is the Evil Eye?
This word describes the process during which a person is affected by the negative energy of another person that hurts us intentionally or unintentionally.
In Islam:
“The Evil Eye” (ar. el-ajn) is a "poisonous arrow" that comes out of the envious person or the cause of the spell and goes towards the person who is envied and who wants to be cursed.
Sometimes this arrow works on a person, and sometimes it doesn't. If a man has no protection, then it affects him, and if he protects himself from it, then it has no effect on him.
The spell that affects people is the result of envy or too much admiration for something.”
Although we have our first testimonies of the evil eye in Islamic culture, it is deeply present in other cultures and traditions under different names.
Many people consider this to be pure superstition and a phenomenon for which there are no rational explanations but still partake in some of the methods used against it (such as knocking 3 times on wood) during situations in which they feel like their luck could turn bad.
⛤How to protect yourself
There are a lot of ways to check whether in a period when only bad luck follows us, the cause is someone's magic or the evil eye. 
Some of the oldest and very simple methods offer us the possibility to find out easily.
⛤Spot The Evil Eye with Olive Leaves
Olive oil, olive leaves and water should be prepared for this ritual. 
Fill the pot with water and pour three drops of olive oil. 
Then add the olive leaves.
If the oil separates from the leaves, it is an indication that there is an influence of the evil eye.
⛤Spot Negativity With Lemons
Lemons are used in this ritual, it is best if it is an odd number, three, five or seven. 
They should be placed in the corner of every room. 
After a few days, see if there are any changes on them. 
If black spots appear on them, spots of unclear shape, this is a sure sign of present negativity.
⛤A Magical Ritual to Remove Spells and Negative Influences
This simple and old method is considered very effective for removing spells and negative energy. 
It is done during the full moon. 
This ritual requires a little help from someone you trust.
What should be prepared for the ritual is:
one new white plate
one new white candle
fresh water
olive oil.
First, find a place where you will sit during the ritual and light a candle so that it is close to you. 
In the plate that the person is holding above your head, they should pour water, and then you should touch the water with your left hand. 
After that, the person pours three drops of olive oil into the water, saying:
"The evil eye was sent with envy and left with love."
Then it is observed on the plate how the oil drops have formed. 
If they have not separated, it is a sign that there is no presence of the evil eye, but if they have separated into countless small droplets, then the influence of negative energy is present. 
This method allows us to find out whether the evil energy was sent by a man or a woman. Namely, if the drops of oil are formed in the form of a line, it means that the influences were sent by a man. 
Oil droplets formed in the form of a circle mean that the negativity was sent by a female person.
At the end, the water is thrown into the ground, which should be illuminated by the light of the Moon, and on that occasion it is said:
 "May the spell and evil return to where they came from and to the one who sent them."
⛤Isidora ⛤
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thewitchbangtheory · 1 year
Lipstick Magick
Wine red/Maroon/Crimson: Powerful words, strength, queen/king-like beauty and power, cursing. Wear when you want to put a bite into your words.
Poppy Red/Scarlet/Bright Reds: Love, playfulness, draw attention, courage. Enchant these colors for when you have to give a presentation, or for love spells.
Rose Pink/Lighter Shades: Friendship, Love, peace. Enchant for maybe going out with friends, setting a dispute, etc.
Peach: (My personal favorite) Use this color in beauty and confidence spells, or anything requiring some bravery and/or emotional strength.
Purples/Violet/You get the Idea: Love, astral realm, psychic abilities, intelligence. Ladies- if you are like me and deal with men who frequently claim you are less intelligent because you are a woman, enchant a purple color.
Reddish-Brown: deceit. Idk how or why you would use this but its a common color so.
Black: protection, the otherworld, litterally anything you want really.
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
When to Consult Divination
You're stuck in the decision-making process and want help thinking through it from a different angle.
You need to sort out your thoughts. Divination is good for breaking out of a circular thought process and approaching it in a different way.
You want something to focus and reflect on for the coming day/month/chapter in your life.
You need a second opinion on something spiritual.
You want something to aid your planning process by suggesting steps and strategies
You want advice for how to tackle a situation.
When NOT to Consult Divination
You're fishing for a specific answer and just want something to validate you. Your bias WILL get in the way of the truth.
You want very specific details about a future that hasn't happened yet. (What will my husband be like? When will I meet him? How many kids will I have?)
You want to know what someone is thinking/feeling/hiding. Literally just communicate with them.
Asking if you should break up with someone. It's like Googling "am I gay quiz." If you're at this point you already know the answer.
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
some ideas for non-verbal spell casting:
so i’m a pretty quiet person irl, and i find a lot of spellbooks and posts on here include verbalization in the form of incantations, mantras, et cetera.
which is all well and good if that works for you, whatever floats your boat and casts your spell; but what if you’re like me and verbalizations make you uncomfortable?
or you’re practicing late at night while your housemates are asleep?
or you just. prefer to not speak?
well, here are some alternatives!
say your incantation internally
visualize your incantation
make your incantation physical (could you add movement/gestures to your spell?)
make it symbolic (breaking something, binding something, burying it?)
use a noisemaker! (eg. a bell, clap, a song, note, chord, etc)
simply do without! not every spell or ritual needs a verbal component, and maybe you’re just not that kind of practitioner. that’s okay!
i’m sure there are tons of things that i’ve left off or forgotten, and i definitely want to hear more ideas if you have them!
wind be with you!
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
shydryad’s list of nasty shit to put in curse jars
Since my altar/offering idea list seemed to get a good response, here’s another list on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Be warned, some of this stuff is dangerous to handle, like, physically, not just magically. Don’t leave a curse jar full of anything that might rot in or near your house. I’m not responsible for the results of whatever you do with this information, or the results of any hexes you cast.
cemetery dirt
maceration water (if you’re not familiar with taxidermy terminology, it’s the water leftover after you let animal parts sit in it for a while to clean flesh off of bones)
labyrinth dirt
animal claws/teeth (pick an animal that corresponds with your intention)
rotten flesh/meat/eggs (be sure to bury the damn thing outside as far away from you as possible if you go this route)
the cheapest, nastiest vodka you can find, or malt liquor (good for spells targeting an abusive alcoholic)
dead insects (especially spiders)
thunderstorm water
cat shit
wasps nest
barbed wire
rusty nails/coffin nails
spanish moss
iron filings
broken glass
razor blades
goofer dust (this one might be a bit controversial; depending on your views, this might be best to skip and leave for hoodoo practitioners to use)
mars water (especially if made on the day of mars, hour of mars)
crushed ants, wasps, and scorpions
blood root
black snake root
high john root
whole chili pepper
dragon’s blood
blackthorn bark
coriander seed
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
From My Grimoire...
I thought I’d consolidate and create a list of every spell or working I’ve ever posted, and I think I’ve managed to do that, though I may have left out a few. They are organized into loose categories. Enjoy.
Love and Emotions
A Venus Charm for Love Magick
Devotion Oil
Attraction Potion
Relationship Clarity
Bridging Distance
Calming Spell With Playing Cards
Gaining an Ally
Prosperity Working
Spell for Servers/ Waitstaff
Crowd Dispersal
Counter-Curse Working
Witch Bottle Charm
Warding and Magickal Lockdown
Seeing Through Lies
Concealing Your Craft
A Saturn Charm for Self-Discipline
Motivation Bottle Charm
Blogging Potion
Focus Enhancement
Amethyst Warning Spell
Changing Behavior and Thought Patterns
Golden Thread Charm
Casting a Lunar Circle
Making a Pendulum
Enchanted Flower Crown
Simple Planetary Magick for All Purposes
Astral Travel
To Bring the Sun Inside
Making Verbal Sigils
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
Making Magic More Inclusive
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We don’t exist in a vacuum. While lots (even most) of us are solitary practitioners, if you’re out here interacting with other practitioners (or just people in the world) talking about your practice, asking questions, and participating in the dialogue, then what you do still affects people. It’s important to look at the impact our words and practices have and how we engage with the wider community. Even the most pure intentions aren’t free from our social conditioning. What are we doing to ensure the witchy scene is a safe, welcoming community for everyone who needs it? Who are we pushing out, even if we don’t realise it? Here’s some things everyone can do to make sure we’re doing our part to foster inclusion and unity:
Follow people that aren’t like you.  Follow witches of color. Follow disabled witches. Follow witches of different religions. Follow trans witches. Follow more witches of color. People are already out there discussing the specific needs and struggles different groups face, so put yourself in a place to listen. Once it’s in your immediate circle, issues become easier to see.
Understand the roots of your own practice. Many modern practices have roots in other traditions or outdated beliefs baked into the framework, so it’s important to know if our personal craft was built on anyones’ backs. If so, how long ago? Do any elements perpetuate harm today? How might people in these groups feel about it? How can you move forward in a way that honors these groups?
Deliberately create space for less-heard voices. It’s not enough to just say a space is inclusive, because culturally-dominant assumptions will still, well, dominate. Give lesser-heard voices space to talk amongst each other, but also a platform to speak with everyone. 
Consider your own impact. Nobody is perfect, but we can all look at how to improve. What privileges do we have in society– or even within this subculture– that we benefit from? Have we been active in our inclusion of others, or complicit in pushing them out? What does our speech reflect? I guarantee you can find one thing around you to enact positive change right now.
Denounce bigotry. This is probably the easiest one besides just following people. If you see people acting in a hostile way, perpetuating harm, or otherwise adding to the problems people face, call it out! Let it be known that kind of behavior isn’t acceptable. This can range anywhere from swiftly booting racists from your discord server, to politely and tactfully telling a friend their favorite Pokemon isn’t actually their Spirit Animal. 
But also show explict allyship! Hearing about how much you hate Nazis is nice, but what have you done to show Jewish people and people of color how much you love them? Alongside denouncing bigotry, make it clear that you welcome different groups. Send the message “You, specifically, are safe here. I see you and you are welcome.” 
I’d love to hear more people contribute their own ideas, suggestions, and tips for fostering this kind of environment. I kept this list general to start, now let’s get into the specifics. Naturally I’m limited by my own experiences and can’t speak for every group at once, so I especially welcome additions from POC, physically disabled people, trans people, people with autism, and any other group I can’t speak from experience on!
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
Water Magic
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There are so many uses for ocean water in magic, due to the amount of energy and power the sea possesses often times it is used to amplify any spell.
It’s the purest water you can find in its natural state, often used for cleansing and blessings. You can collect it in a glass container and bring it home to spray around your home, work and personal space. It’s useful as a floor wash too if you rather purify your space that way.
The ocean is most powerful during storms so if you can get to the beach safely during a thunder or rain storm it’s the best time to cast over the ocean, recharge your energy or to gather water. You can use it to cleans stones and recharge them. I always feel most powerful and connected to the Earth while on a beach during a storm.
Leaving a bowl of ocean water on your alter is helpful in amplifying, cleansing and charging your overall craft while you practice. Be sure to keep your intentions pure and concise around what is somewhat considered Wicca’s “holy water” and you’ll find that your spells are so much stronger.
If you take from the ocean be sure to leave a small offering at the oceans edge, something as simple as a strand of hair.
The best part of ocean witchcraft is you can find so many useful things for free! 
- Sam 
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
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☾ Rose Salt ☽
One of my personal favorite things to make, Rose Salt has a variety of uses. Whether you use it as a scrub in the shower to cleanse yourself and your energies, as a relaxing soak in a warm bath to relax in, or sprinkle it in doorways and on windowsills as a form of protection, it’s multipurpose and very easy to make! What You’ll Need: - Dried Roses - Salt - A Vessel With a Lid to Keep It In - A Mortar & Pestle Optional: - Rose Essential Oil Steps:
Take the petals and buds of your Roses, save the stems and thorns for other spells, and grind them finely with your Mortar & Pestle.
Add Salt.
Mix both well until they are combined well.
Add the mixture into the vessel you chose.
Add the essential oil, seal the vessel, and gently shake to combine everything together more easily.
One of the many properties of Roses is Protection as is with Salt so combining the two gives you a simple, fragrant protective material to keep around your home.
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
The 10 Best Herbs to Boost Energy and Focus
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
If you need…
Rest and recuperation:
- take a nap
- sit in the warm sunshine
- cuddle a pet
- take a bath
- go to bed early
- meditate
- forget all the yoga and just lie in corpse pose for however long you need
Self love:
- put on body lotion
- change your clothes into something more comfortable
- wash your hair
- light some candles
- write a love letter to yourself
- list 10 good things about yourself
Reminiscence and nostalgia:
- watch a childhood classic on TV
- clean your room: make it cozy and safe
- care for yourself the way your guardians would when you were a sick child
- do a small task or hobby that you used to love - listen to old music
- play a game from your past
- eat a healthy meal
- put on some upbeat music
- drink ice cold water
- change into clothes that make you feel good but aren’t pyjamas
- go for a walk
- challenge yourself to do the things you want to do and reward yourself after
- get in touch with a friend
- go to a public place, like a coffee shop
- say hello to a stranger
- call your mum
- message a long lost friend
- arrange to meet someone you love
- join online groups of people with similar interests
- do some light exercise
- drink a glass of water
- do some yoga or stretches
- go to bed early
- take a short walk or jog
- eat something healthy and tasty
- clean your home
To express yourself:
- write about how your feelings
- dance to your favourite music
- sing
- put on makeup
- paint or draw
- bullet journal
- write a story, some poetry or a diary entry
- change your hairstyle
- drink something warm
- go somewhere you feel safe
- spend time with safe, loving people
- watch a lovely tv show or movie
- get under some blankets
- if it’s cold, sit by a fire
- cuddle someone or something
- give yourself a little hug
self checks are a very important part of self-care and good mental health! make sure you check up on yourself and do things that help you when you don’t feel so good.
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
Medicinal Herbs
WARNING: Please do not use these as a treatment or replacement for medication for serious health issues. If your symptoms last longer than 3-5 days after use please consult your Doctor.
Aloe: Internally for ulcers, but ask a pharmacist about an over-the-counter type [powder], and use according to directions. Externally for general antibiotic superficial wound care, excellent for burns - use gel directly from the plant.
Anise: Internally for general lung ailment, headache, colic, relieves flatulence. Externally as an antiseptic, relief from insect bite, and as an aromatic oil.
Balm: Internally for colds, congestion, fever and flu. As a mild stimulant, will also help to relieve the dragging sleepy feeling that goes with colds/flu.
Barley: For centuries it’s been used it soup..why? When taken internally, is a nutritive, it is said to reduce the risk of cancer, acts as an expectorant, and keeps our lower pipes working the way they should.
Basil: Internally for headache and general pain, nausea and stomach ache, soothes nerves. Externally as an antiseptic and aromatic.
Blackberry: Internally for diarrhea, flu, whooping cough, sore throat/laryngitis, anemia, is a nutritive and provides vitamins. Can be ingested liberally in almost any form you desire. Externally as an astringent and for skin irritations if you don’t mind the lingering but truly temporary tattoo it leaves.
Caraway: Internally aids digestion and stomach ache. Externally as an aromatic.
Catnip: Internally for relief of colic, fever and chills, headache, stomach ache, soothes nerves yet is a mild stimulant, aids in relief of nightmares, promotes menstrual discharge.
Cayenne: Internally for colds, relieves chills, is a mild stimulant, source of vitamin C.
Chamomile: Internally for colic, diarrhea, stomach ache, earache, toothache, heartburn, soothes nerves, aids in relief of nightmares, aids digestion, promotes menstrual discharge, in large doses induces vomiting. Externally as an antiseptic and astringent.
Cinnamon: Internally for nausea, stomach ache, colic, relieves flatulence, is a mild stimulant. Externally as an astringent and antiseptic.
Cloves: Internally stomach ache, bronchitis, colic, acts as an expectorant, aids digestion, relieves nausea, relieves flatulence. Externally for toothache [oil], as an anesthetic, antiseptic, and aromatic.
Dandelion: Internally for bladder infections, constipation, jaundice, acts as a diuretic, aids gall bladder kidneys and liver, is a mild stimulant. Externally for skin irritations, acne, as an astringent. Source of vitamins A and E, potassium, iron, magnesium and copper.
Fennel: Internally for stomach ache, aids in digestion, relieves flatulence. Externally as an aromatic.
Garlic: Internally for asthma, bronchitis and lung ailments, is an expectorant, is a diuretic, is a mild stimulant. Externally as an antiseptic.
Lavender: Internally for bronchitis, headaches, toothache, soothes nerves. Externally as an aromatic.
Marigold: Internally is a mild stimulant and strengthens pulse, reduces discomfort of measles. Externally for skin irritations.
Marjoram: chew a fresh leaf to relieve the pain of toothache. Externally for bruises and sprains.
Onion: Internally is a diuretic. Externally as an antiseptic.
Parsley: Internally for colic, jaundice, aids kidneys and liver, is a diuretic, is a mild sedative.
Peppermint: Internally for colds, flu, chills, stomach ache, colic, relieves flatulence, promotes menstrual discharge. Externally as an anesthetic, antiseptic, and an aromatic. Source of magnesium.
Rosemary: Internally for stomach ache, colic, colds, soothes nerves yet is a mild stimulant. Externally for hair conditioning, shine and growth stimulation, is also an aromatic.
Sage: Internally for colic, colds, sore throat [gargle], aids in digestion, is an expectorant, promotes menstrual discharge, reduces discomfort of measles. Externally is antibacterial, antiseptic, and is an aromatic.
Thyme: Internally for stomach ache, colic, colds, cough, is an expectorant. Externally is antiseptic.
Valerian: Internally for sleep disorders, is a diuretic.
Vervain: Internally for asthma, bronchitis, aids kidneys, spleen and liver, promotes menstrual discharge. Externally as an astringent.  
Willow: Internally for easing pain, diarrhea [bark]. Externally as an astringent.
Wintergreen: Internally for chills, cramps and menstrual discomforts, is a diuretic, is a mild stimulant, promotes menstrual discharge. Externally as an astringent, as an aromatic.
Witch Hazel: Internally is a mild sedative. Externally as an astringent.
Yarrow: Internally to stop bleeding, for colds and fever. Externally as an astringent and an aromatic. Rumored to keep baldness at bay when used on the scalp.
This is an excerpt from The Herb Garden
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
Practical Things I Think Witches Should Research
Cultural Appropriation
Closed paths and practices
Cult warning signs
Spiritual Discernment
Herb interactions (i.e. how they interact with your medications, if they are poisonous, if you are allergic, can you ingest them, etc.)
Fire safety (for candles, smoke cleansing, incense, etc.)
Crystal Care (learn if your crystals will dissolve in water, if they can be in the sun, if they can be in the cold, etc.)
Pet Care (make sure herbs don't have poor interactions with your pets, make sure you know what to keep away from them, etc.)
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
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✨Here are some ideas for your book of shadows✨
Journaling is a thing!
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
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Sorry for the poor quality !
Pages of my Book of Shadows 🌙
Im gonna have to redo my Book because it deteriorates...😣
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thewitchbangtheory · 2 years
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