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"How are you feeling?" Glimmer asked.
"I've already told you," Adora replied. "Also, I can handle it. I'm She-Ra. I mean, only She-Ra could survive carrying the fail-safe."
"What if you didn't?"
"Does it matter? You deserve a safe world. Everyone else on Etheria does. I may sacrifice myself. Mara's sacrifice won't be in vain."
In just five sentences, Glimmer noticed several emotions. Uncertainty, sadness, and fear. Adora was anticipating a potential death. There was no way Glimmer would lose Adora. She had rescued the blonde from Horde Prime not too long ago. The queen had gone to great lengths to bring Adora back. She wouldn't forgive herself if Adora died.
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things people do after having a nightmare that isn’t crying
struggle to catch their breath
grab onto whatever’s close enough to ground themselves in reality
become nauseous / vomit
shake uncontrollably
sweat buckets
get a headache
things people do to combat having nightmares if they occur commonly
sleep near other people so they can hear the idle sounds of them completing tasks
move to a different sleeping spot than where they had the nightmare
leave tvs / radios / phones on with noise
just not sleep (if you want to go the insomnia route)
sleep during the day in bright rooms
things people with insomnia do
first, obviously, their ability to remember things and their coordination will go out the window
its likely they’ll become irritable or overly emotional
their body will start to ache, shake, and weaken
hallucinate if it’s been long enough
it becomes incredibly easy for them to get sick (and they probably will)
add your own in reblogs/comments!
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"She-Ra is a being of pure magic. To unleash her full strength, you must focus. Be clearheaded. You are letting your emotions pull you in too many directions. Glimmer distracts you. She confuses you. Hasn't she made a mistake when activating the Heart of Etheria? No wonder the planet is in grave danger."
Adora jerked away from Shadow Weaver's touch. "It wasn't Glimmer's intention to endanger Etheria. She wanted to save everyone."
Shadow Weaver rested her hands on her hips. "I do not appreciate your attitude. And about the queen trying to save people? She couldn't do it. She made a mess of things. Only you can be the hero. After all, you're She-Ra. Tap into She-Ra's strength and defend the world. The planet needs you as She-Ra, not Adora. If you can't stop Prime, then we're doomed."
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Adora's eyes flung open, and her breath came in short, panicked gasps. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her entire body trembled. A layer of sweat dampened her forehead. At first, everything was blurry. The shapes and colors mingled together. Something or someone enveloped her. Adrenaline coursed through her. The fight-or-flight instinct kicked in. However, she was lying down. How would she get out of this? The voice became clear. It was rather soothing.
"Adora, you're safe," Glimmer murmured.
Adora couldn't say anything other than a whisper. She held tightly to Glimmer, burying her face in the queen's chest. She hoped it was real. The comforting scent of lavender wafted into her nose. After several minutes, she stopped shaking. Glimmer helped her sit up. Adora's hand went up to her throbbing neck. Her fingers met the affected area. The chip was gone. Did her friends free her from Prime's control? Adora glanced around. What was this place? A hideout?
"Do you remember anything?" Glimmer asked.
Adora stared at her lap. Her mind was hazy, and all she could recall was the nightmare. The unwanted touches, the horrifying surgery, and everything else in it. A shiver vibrated through her body. Many images surfaced.
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Adora's reflection stared back at her - neon green eyes, a visible collarbone, and pale skin. There was no emotion in her face. It seemed as if she got disconnected from that part of her. Did it please Prime to turn people into emotionless shells of themselves? The pines and needles sensation returned. She knew what it meant.
"Do not question me!" Horde Prime said. "Not even in your thoughts!"
"Sorry!" Adora blurted out.
"Heed my commands, She-Ra."
Adora sighed as she leaned against the wall. She could lose the rest of herself to the chip. Prime had turned her into a mindless soldier for his army. She hated it. Whenever she tried to break free, Horde Prime would punish her. It was all because he wanted her for her powers.
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literally so sick of tumblr forcing me to see c//a smut
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Spop critical blogs: *exist*
Spop fans that are still waiting for a movie, make fanarts, write fanfictions and post everyday about the show: "Ehm, Spop ended four years ago!!! Why are you still talking about this kids show??? Don't you think it's time to move on??? 🙄🙄🙄"
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Previous chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
"Adora, come back to me!" Glimmer said. "I'm sorry for blaming you for my mother's death!"
Adora's eyes turned blue. "Glimmer?" Tears brimmed in her eyes. "I-" She let out a scream and clutched her head. "He's doing it-"
"Don't let Prime take over your mind!"
Adora's eyes were green again. She slammed the sword against the barrier, shattering it. A bright beam transported her to one of the ships. Glimmer descended to her knees and sobbed into her palms. She was so close. But Prime got in the way.
Glimmer saw Adora in there. She had noticed the fear and pain in those bright blue eyes. Someone placed a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up and saw Perfuma.
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Me when C4tra stans say C4tra did nothing wrong and is just a poor traumatised little meow meow:
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It's both sad and hilarious how Catra's redemption arc literally missed the most important part of the redemption arc, the person has to change, Catra stayed the same toxic, abusive, bitch she was from beginning to end.
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scorpia having her own episode, remembering her origins, and eventually coming to terms with how awful catra is can be so personal.
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oh btw catra x lonnie or glitra could have had that mutually toxic relationship that everyone thinks c//a has.
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it says a lot about the writers of spop that they let adora stay mad at her friend who said something hurtful once, but not at her sister who abused her for her entire life.
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c//a stans: you can't even handle toxic yuri! c//a is SUPPOSED to be messy and toxic, that's the point! it's just fiction, it's not realistic
also c//a stans: omg i want a hot gf like catra! catra and adora love each other so much, they're so perfect for each other
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Guys....this is crazy but hear me out...if a character in your show manipulates the protagionist using their trauma...kidnaps their friends....abused them ever since they were kids...finds enjoyment in their suffering...killed their friend's mom...tried to destory the world just to spite them...tortured them..and attempted to kill them mutiple times...maybe don't date have the protagionist them and maybe romantize it in a kid's show?
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This is something I never understood. Why did they put this tsundere-type running quote in Catra and Adora's interactions? It doesn't make sense.
Catra and Adora were best friends! Before Adora left the the Horde, they did everything together, including sleeping in the same bed. So why did the writers insert those moments, as if they didn't establish in the first episode that Catra and Adora are very close?
"It's not because I like you" works for relationship like frienemies or rivals, and while Catra certanly saw Adora as her rival, she still considered the girl to be her best friend, if not her only friend.
You can't even argue that Catra said it only when they were enemies.
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"Stop it! Get off! This is not because I like you" // "I'm only doing this because I don't want Shadow Weaver to try anything. Not because I like you"
In both moments Catra and Adora were on the same side. In the first one Catra even organized a small "party" for Adora. Once again Catra's actions don't match her words.
My speculation is that the writers wanted to make Catra pass as a tsungere who loves her baka girlfriend and doesn't want to admit it, so she acts mean. But those type of characters don't abuse their crush or try to kill them.
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The reason why Glimer cut off her hair
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