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Low-Polygon Papercraft Pokemon made by PazzleDIY
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Tin House Poetry Submission
I’m not much of a poet but I decided to try my luck by submitting to Tin House. Their contest requires a poem of 30 lines or fewer. Here’s mine: 
It started with one. Just one.
But now there are a million butterflies – everywhere.
They fill my world. They swirl and flutter and glow against the rising sunlight.
The sun, it rises higher and higher, towards the zenith.
And warms every surface. Every inch.
So that the butterflies have a place to settle – to rest.
During this state of rest, they transform into memories – into dreams.
 but in that darkness just before the dawn, they were once invisible
snuffed by doubt
that constricted around and around both heart and chest harder and harder
breathlessness – the numbness that comes with too much pain – a pinprick of panic
the breaking point
 Look – don’t ignore those dreams even if they are broken
because just a little bit of gold – kintsugi – is all you need  
to make those jagged edges smooth again.  
 Go! Chase those dreams like a child would chase a butterfly.
And then look up at the sky and count the stars
For you’ve made it through another day.
You’ve taken the first step.
Now, repeat and repeat and repeat
For you’ve fixed the aftermath of that darkest moment once before and you transformed it
Into a million butterflies lying in the sunlight’s warmth as a single swarm of beauty.
 So, close your eyes, soak in the rays, and enjoy the metamorphosis of a new life.
For more information: 
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Looking for a historical romance? His Highland Surprise is the 5th book in a 6-book series all about the super attractive Sinclair Clan. Still on the fence? Then consider checking out my review on the book to see if it’s your cup of tea or not: https://wordpress.com/posts/flutterbyliterature.wordpress.com
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My review on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is now live on my blog. I’ve written my perspective as an adult reader. If you’re curious about what I had to say, follow the link (: 
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Reblog this if you read a lot of books, blog about books, talk about books, or just like books.
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Ocean peacocks , because i love peacocks, and ocean… 
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Love everything about this pic ⛦⛧ Hail Herne Hail Cernnunos!
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#Musicmood "I Should Live in Salt" covered by Ásgeir.
I always love a song with a good story and a poetic repetition:
Can't you write it on the wall? You should know me better than that There's no room to write it all. You should know me better than that Can you turn the TV down? You should know me better than that There's too much crying in the sound. I should know you better than that
If anyone has any similar songs they'd like to suggest, comment down below (:
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Hollow Knight ⚔️
By me! 🎨
Support my art with love 🙏🏻 hope you like my work 💓
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“Get books, sit yourself down anywhere, and go to reading them yourself.”
— Abraham Lincoln
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Wikipedia is probably the closest we’ll get to the Library of Alexandria
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Do you have a favorite bookmark?
I found this one abandoned in an old library book one day at work and couldn’t bring myself to throw it out! I don’t use it much as an actual bookmark because it’s fairly thick but it’s so pretty!
My fave bookmarks rarely get used as bookmarks 😂
IG: novelknight
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Smash Cake: Chapter 4; Lucky Charms (Dean)
Believe it or not, asking a girl out on a date is pretty nerve-wracking. I could literally feel the sweat dripping down the back of my neck. Without thinking, I wiped away most of it.
Great, now my palm was all sweaty.
What if she wanted to shake my hand or something? I quickly cleaned it off on my pant leg, praying she wouldn’t notice how fidgety I had become.
Why wasn’t she saying something?
Why did I even bother to ask?
“Um… I’m not sure…” She started, unable to finish her thought. Like me, she rubbed her palm against her pant leg.
And then I spotted Emma blowing bubbles into her glass of milk. That’s it! She was my one-way ticket out of rejection town.
“What if Emma comes along as our chaperone?” I suggested. “That way, we can keep things nice and innocent.” Emma looked up and smiled at the baker. “What do you think?” I asked.
Silence followed my words and it thickened the air around us until it was impossible for me to breathe. Gee, I felt like such an idiot. Clearly, I was making things worse…
“Can we go to the beach? I love the beach!” Emma chimed in, looking back and forth between the two of us. “It’ll be a lot of fun!”
“Sweetie… I’m not sure that’s the best of ideas. The tide gets pretty rough at night.” I said in hopes of calling the whole thing off. At this point, there was little I could do to salvage the situation. I could see Ruby winding her pitch, ready to strike me out and honestly, I didn’t want to hear it. Nothing ruins your day more than a big fat ‘no.’
Emma frowned. “But daddy…” She leaned forward in her seat and stared at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers.  
“How can you say ‘no’ when she’s looking at you like that?” Ruby asked.
I sighed. Once again, Emma knew exactly how to wield my kryptonite to get what she wanted. “Bested by a four-year-old,” I mumbled aloud. “So, yeah, I guess I’m going to the beach tonight.” I was going to end it there but I really couldn’t let this woman go. Maybe I was only making a fool of myself but I had to give it one last try. “You know, it would be better if you tagged along.” I paused, wetting my lips since they were suddenly as dry as parchment paper. Who knew talking to a girl could be this hard? “I promise to keep things friendly. Although I’ll admit, I find you incredibly beautiful.” And there I go, ruining it all. Why couldn’t I have just kept my mouth shut?
“Please, Miss Cupcake Lady! Pretty please with a cherry on top?” Emma turned her puppy dog eyes on the baker. “You can tell me all about the cupcake fairies by the fire!”
Ruby shifted her weight from foot to foot as she bit down on her bottom lip.
“Please…” Emma held the syllable on her tongue.
“Alright, I’ll go.” Ruby conceded as she held up her hands in defeat.
“Yay!” Emma shouted as she jumped down from her stool and clamped Ruby in one hell of a leg binder.
Ruby patted Emma on the head and smiled. “I bet you have her trained to do this.” She said. “You know, most guys use puppies to pick up girls.”
“Well, I work with the hand I was dealt,” I responded with a smirk. “It seems to be working well for me.”
“Seems like being a single dad has its advantages.”
She’s got that right. “Oh, definitely. Emma here is my lucky charm. She never lets me down.”
“No, daddy, you need to go with the blue one.” Emma held up a bow tie, waving it around. “It’s your lucky one.”
“Tell me again why it’s lucky.”
“Because it has polka dots, duh.”
“Oh, how could I forget? That’s perfectly logical.” I took the neck piece and tucked it underneath the collar of my button up. I was much too overdressed for the beach, but when Emma’s the chaperon, Emma makes the rules.
Parenting 101: Your kid controls you; you do not control your kid.
If you think it’s the other way around, then you’re just delusional.
“No, no, no.” She shook her head. “It’s crooked! Daddy has to look nice for the cupcake lady.”
“Why is that?”
“Because you like her.” She answered as she stepped back and looked at me through her squared off fingers like a photographer lining up the perfect shot. “And I like her too.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Do I look okay?”
“Hmm…” She mused before running to the bathroom.
Oh dear, I was in trouble now. I had planned to impress Ruby but with my four-year-old running the show, I was sure to leave the house looking like a clown.
And just as I predicted, Emma emerged with an old enemy – styling gel.
I groaned. Where did she even find that thing? I hadn’t greased my hair in ages, probably since I was a confused teenager. Back then, I thought it cool to look like an alien. Now, not so much.
Why hadn’t I tossed it in the bin? This was my punishment for being such a hoarder. “Emma… are you sure about this?”
“Mhm.” She giggled as she pointed to a nearby chair.  
I hesitated, hoping she’d change her mind.
She didn’t.
For nearly fifteen minutes, she ran her fingers through my hair, twirling thin sections into unicorn spikes. When she finished, she ordered me to close my eyes as she positioned me in front of the mirror.
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.”
I looked awful. Like a Halloween costume gone horribly, horribly wrong.
“Do you like it?” Emma asked, an expectant look on her face.
I swallowed down my pride, smiling at my daughter. “It looks lovely.” I lied. I couldn’t crush her spirits. “Thank you, sweetie.” I kissed the top of her head. “What would I do without you?” I looked down at my watch. “C’mon, you need to get ready. We wouldn’t want to keep Ruby waiting, would we?”
Emma responded by dashing into her room. She had disappeared into her closet before reappearing a few minutes later with her favorite pink dress.
“Are you sure that’s what you want to wear to the beach? What if it gets dirty?”
“I won’t!”
I knew it was pointless to try to convince her otherwise. That pink dress had been through hell and back. She wore it to pretty much every occasion. I feared the day when she would finally outgrow it. She’d be devastated.
“Alright, go get dressed then.”
“And then daddy will do my hair?”
“Of course.”
“Yippee!” She scampered into the bathroom. Hopefully, she wouldn’t find anything else to torture me with while she was in there.
While she was changing, I tried salvaging my appearance, but it was hopeless. Maybe, if I was lucky, Ruby would be attracted to spikey-haired men.
Yeah right. She’ll probably take one look at me and high-tail it the other way.
Why did I ever think that letting Emma help me get ready for a date would be a good idea?
Just then, she emerged from the bathroom, looking like a little princess.
Oh, that's right. She’s adorable and I don’t know how to tell her ‘no.’
She plopped in front of her vanity, holding out her hairbrush in my direction.
I pulled up a chair and positioned myself behind her. She jittered like a roly-poly until I stilled her. Only then did I run the brush through her thick hair.
“Ouch!” She squirmed.
“Sorry.” I worked her hair at a slower, more delicate pace until all the knots had disappeared.
She ran her fingers through her locks to make sure I had done a good job.
“Does it please your majesty?” I asked.
“Very much, good knight!” She flashed me a charming smile before holding out a scrunched of hers. “Use this one. It’s my lucky one.”
“A lucky scrunchie?”
“Mhm. It matches my dress so of course it's lucky.”
“Right,” I said. “That makes sense.” Seriously, how do kids come up with this stuff?
I took the scrunchie and placed it on my lap. Then, I sectioned her hair into three parts and started to weave them together. Despite all my practice, I still wasn’t very good at braiding hair. There were always these loose bits that would stick out every which way. I had no idea where they came from.
Once I was done, Emma whipped her head around and checked my handiwork in the mirror. “Perfect!” She exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.
“You look beautiful, baby girl,” I said as I kissed the top of her head.
She smiled up at me before running off somewhere. I shook my head and grabbed her jacket. I found her in the kitchen with a picnic basket in hand. “What’s in there?” I asked.
“You’ll see…” She rocked on her feet and flashed a mischievous grin. “But it’ll be your most luckiest lucky charm!”
Most luckiest, huh? Well, in that case, maybe this date of mine wouldn’t be such a disaster after all.
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Looking for an excuse to write some flash fiction? Think you can write a piece of children’s lit in under 50 words? Then consider entering the #50PreciousWords writing contest! For more information on how and to read my personal submission, click the link to visit my blog (: 
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