I love this man
The good omens fandom currently:
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This is so precious
shoutout to slow growers, late bloomers, people whose plans got derailed by circumstances beyond their control or their own choices, people who never had a plan to begin with, people who have had to start over when theyre too old to feel like theyre supposed to be where they are, people who cant pretend theyre built for the environment theyre in, and everyone who's not living the life they thought they would. im proud of you for making it this far and i hope you keep going until youre happy ♡
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long haired crowley this, duke of hell crowley that, i think the only correct option to hope for is crowley in a kilt:
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post-divorce outfit slay that has aziraphale rattling heaven's bars to get back down while we are all having collective aneurysms
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The only two times we saw Crowley kissing something/someone was when he was losing them
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Just in case you were feeling happy today 🥲
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Love this
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good omens is so funny to me because they were there the entire time. You could say some shit like “oh Aziraphale was Oscar wildes gay awakening” “oh Crowley was besties with Freddie mercury and good old fashioned lover boy is about Aziraphale” or “oh Crowley threw the first brick at stonewall” or “Aziraphale invented paper” or “oh Crowley stole a bunch of books from the library of Alexandria while it was burning” and no one can prove you wrong.
like. sure why not
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This is so pure. Agree with all
Just realized that the reason I love making friends on tumblr is because it’s exactly how you make friends on the playground as a six year old. No, I don’t know their name but they love mermaids too and built this awesome sand castle. No, I don’t know their age but their imaginary cheetah is friends with mine. You like this show? You like this character?? You can sing the theme song really loud??? Here is a flower crown. Here is a juice box. You can share my time and I might never see you again but part of you stays in my soul forever. In my mind we’re still on the swing set and the sky is blue and nothing will ever be wrong again.
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From Eden - a Good Omens poem
I was reading pride and prejudice and came to a particularly exciting bit and had to take a break, so here's another blackout poem :)) also a lil hozier reference for you all :)
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Crawly stared at the angel.
His hands looked so cold,
And he thought
"If you come back to me,
I'm not sure
I can do the right thing
and look away."
We're still at the very beginning of the book, im thinking of making a kinda story about them with the blackout poems from the book in chronological order idk if this makes sense hahah but like the further along i am in the book the further the story progresses does this make any sense??
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!💙
hello lovely peepz :) @bearthewhipsandscornsoftime @eybefioro @foolishlovers @ineffabildaddy @ficreader500 @di-42 @ghostsparrow @seven-stars-in-his-palm @red-sky-in-mourning @lickthecowhappy @crowleyholmes @notagoodlad @dzikiemaliny @crowleys-curl @prettycottagequeer @chaoticgayomens @idliketobeatree @halemerry @divorce-enjoyer (you all made me smile with your tags and stuff so i hope you dont mind me tagging y'all)
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This is so beautiful
Some of your books make it seems like you believe in actual literal magic, do you? ()
I can write down a few words and make people thousands of miles away, whom I have never met and will never meet, laugh tears of joy and cry tears of true sorrow for people who do not exist and have never existed and never will exist. If that isn't actual literal magic I don't know what is.
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I'm screaming
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phoenix, 2024 post-s2. the Bentley has been left untouched for so long that a nightingale family has made a nest under her grille. nothing will ever be as it was, but something new will be reborn.
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A few days ago I watched "Einstein and Eddington", in the midst of my Tennaissance. I'm glad I discovered this film, it's really beautiful and definitely my kind.
Well, first of all I jokingly asked myself if David will ever play a non-queer charachter (actually I've already seen Broadchurch), even though I love him also for that ♡
But most importantly, I've started doing some research about sir Arthur Eddington. I did rember coming across his name during the astronomy course, but I realized that he is not as famous as he sould be, considering the discoveries he made. Thanks to his studies he helped confirm the theory of relativity, to name one.
And then I found a poem written in his memory, so touching and beautiful. I searched the author and...it's been written by Neil Gaiman! I leave here the text. There are actually two of them, the second one about his personal life and the rumors according to which he had a relationship with another man (I say rumors because I couldn't find evidences, even though their social and religious context would have make it difficult even talk about the situation, maybe hence the lack of proof):
IN TRANSIT (for Arthur Eddington) by Neil Gaiman
To find the many in the one he sweated under foreign skies to see the stars behind the sun.
So space and time were now undone reality was undisguised. We found the many in the one.
There is no photograph, not one, that shows the mind behind the eyes. He saw the stars behind the sun.
Not with a sword, or knife, or gun, a simple picture severed ties. He found the many in the one.
Light bends around us. So we run, as gravity reclassifies the stars we saw behind the sun.
To see the world beyond the skies, to know the mind behind the eyes, To find the many in the one he showed us stars behind the sun.
Unfucked, or anyway retiring, in the awkward sense. Retirement will never be an option. The gruff gentleman with the cap who understands what the numbers mean remembers a bicycle ride when he was younger.
The smoke of the cigarettes he does not smoke kicks at his lungs mixing with the buzz of the booze he doesn’t ever drink a convivial pint after the ride into the country gave him such a thirst. And afterwards they lay on their back in the stubble staring up at the stars. Together. All the stars
Countable as the words in a Bible, countable as the hairs on his friend’s head, all accountable, and that is why they never truly touched. The shadow of prison or disgrace perhaps moving between them like the shadow of an eclipse.
And, in another life, at another time, to see the stars behind the sun, he takes his photographs fighting the cloud cover. Becoming the thing that happened in Principe. when he proved that the German was right, that light had weight, half a year after the Armistice. A populariser, but not courting popularity.
Somewhen a boy is counting stars. Somewhen a man is photographing light. Somewhen his finger strokes the stubble on another’s cheek, and for a moment everything is relative.
You can also find a clip of him reading the poem:
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Good point though
The episode is called "Every Day" not because of the song, but because it haunts you. Every. Damn. Day.
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thank you for using this hellsite as intended.
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reblogs are important, if you liked a post, reblog it! that is how posts are spread, that is how people get to see art and creations and fics. it makes creators very, very happy.
we have a long time until season three, let's make sure everyone feels appreciated.
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Contrary to popular belief, the wings of demons are the same as the wings of angels, although they’re often better groomed.
/It’s available as a print on my Etsy (afrych) now as well as some of my other good omens fanart! Go check it out!/
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The whole New Year's Wishes sequence in one place...
A decade ago, I wrote:
May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art – write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.
And almost half a decade ago I said,
...I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you’ll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you’ll make something that didn’t exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.
In 2011, my wish for each of us is small and very simple.
And it’s this.
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.
  Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re Doing Something.
  So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make New Mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.
  Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, Do it.
  Make your mistakes, next year and forever.
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  And last year, I wrote:
It’s a New Year and with it comes a fresh opportunity to shape our world. 
So this is my wish, a wish for me as much as it is a wish for you: in the world to come, let us be brave – let us walk into the dark without fear, and step into the unknown with smiles on our faces, even if we’re faking them. 
And whatever happens to us, whatever we make, whatever we learn, let us take joy in it. We can find joy in the world if it’s joy we’re looking for, we can take joy in the act of creation. 
So that is my wish for you, and for me. Bravery and joy.
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