the-bookish-bee · 9 months
My new fantasy writings series
Hello to everyone! I've decided that I'm going to start a new series documenting my writings, and what better way to start than by writing out my D&D campaign ideas?
For those of you that don't know, I've been running my own campaign off and on for almost a year now. And since I'm a creative little bee, I thought to myself, "What if I just created my own world for all of my friends to play D&D in? That's what they've done, so I'm gonna do it too!"
Now, I'm new to the whole DMing scene, so there are a lot of things that I don't know when it comes to creating a world, storytelling, lore, etc. But that's why I'm writing everything here! Because who doesn't love input from random internet strangers?
So, without further ado, here is what I'm planning on covering (will update as content and ideas begin flowing):
The main continent
Provinces and territories
Historical events
Notable figures throughout history
Cultures, traditions, and rituals various peoples have
Organizations and subgroups
I hope you enjoy this series as much as I do, because I don't see any kind of end in sight.
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the-bookish-bee · 2 years
Yes, absolutely take things slowly when you need to, but also know that at some point you are going to need to do hard things whether you are ready to or not. Life happens, and it happens fast. Take time to rest when you need it, but remember that you need to keep going.
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the-bookish-bee · 2 years
How to Build a Multi-Aesthetic Wardrobe (according to @general.caronobi on TikTok)
Let's say that there are lots of different aesthetics and styles that you really want to try and emulate, but they don't always go together. I mean, steampunk and cottagecore? Pastels and punk? They all sound so cool, but creating a separate wardrobe for each aesthetic is time consuming, expensive, and crowding. Is there a way to dive into each respective idea without spending copious amounts of money and having reusable pieces?
According to TikTok creator @general.caronobi, there is! Caroline posts content revolving around forming a wardrobe to fit certain aesthetics, sci-fi and fantasy being her choices, in a budget- and environmentally-friendly way. She encourages her followers to use things they have, thrift clothes instead of buying new, and shop locally when possible or needed. (Links to her videos referenced will be in the sources below. I recommend watching them since they add visuals.)
In January 2022, she posted two videos about how to build a wardrobe. In the first part (1), she outlines the initial process of figuring out what aesthetics you want to adopt, how they can fit into your current wardrobe, and how to organize that information into categories. The process is as follows:
1. Establish your core items. These are the items that you know you love, feel confident in, are very comfortable in, your staples. Your staples will be different from other peoples, so find what works for you.
2. Define "keywords". The examples Caroline used in the video were "Soft" and "Edgy", both on opposite sides of a piece of paper and circled. These keywords are general, simple, broad terms that can describe many aesthetics, but are opposite from one another/don't work together. The keywords can be whatever fits best for you.
3. List your goal aesthetics below the keywords. This is where you get to write out your list of aesthetics. Underneath each broad term, divide the aesthetics into each category they fit in, taking note of any overlapping aesthetics (Dark Academia + Cottagecore = Light Academia). If one aesthetic seems to fit in all categories/doesn't fit in any categories, then consider moving it up to a keyword.
By now, you should have an extensive list of aesthetics, and where they fit into your wardrobe. Now comes the fun part: choosing the clothes you like! But how do you do that? Caroline explains in part two (2).
Notice your favorite items/things you really want.
These are your core items you established for step 1. Your go-to clothing items when you are wanting to feel confident/comfortable/happy/bold/etc., but also the items that you have had your eye on for a while.
Pull inspiration from media/designers/characters/etc.
Caroline said, "Characters, movies, vibes, aesthetics, time periods, specific designers, just feelings that you want to feel." Couldn't have said it better myself!
Pinterest Fest
Pinterest (3) is a great place for inspiration. You can look up any of the specific characters or aesthetics you like, save the images you want in boards, and then you can go back and reference them whenever you need. You can also combine "'character name' + aesthetic" and find great modern and simple takes on those characters outfits that way. Tumblr is also a good place to look since you're already here.
Find common threads
This is where you will get to comb through the items you found online/have already and figure out what aesthetics they fit into. Some items will fit into only one, others will fit into many, some may not fit into any. This will be a long process, so I recommend taking notes along the way. Labeling clothes with sticky notes or pinning papers to them, keeping a running list of items and their corresponding aesthetics, or using a digital wardrobe app on your phone are some options.
In a follow-up video(4), she goes into how to use items that don't go with many aesthetics. Her main point in that video was to promote DIYing your clothes, such as adding fabric to help them fit better, embellishing with embroidery or patches, or finding items that will add power to your outfit.
This is a lengthy process, one that will most likely never end, but it is also a fun process! Take your time finding pieces that you love, don't worry about what others think, and have fun!
1. https://www.tiktok.com/@general.caronobi/video/7056897216430116142?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id7067014107287930374
2. https://www.tiktok.com/@general.caronobi/video/7056943225474534703?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id7067014107287930374
3. https://www.pinterest.com/
4. https://www.tiktok.com/@general.caronobi/video/7057239276911742255?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id7067014107287930374
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