tesscorner · 20 days
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Vulpes Inculta. Acrylic.
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tesscorner · 23 days
😂😂😂😂 I’m dying
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It’s silly memes time! 😆
Based on Fallout TV series BoS vibes and “we don't do that here” meme (Avengers: Infinity War)
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tesscorner · 1 month
Oh, thank you so much! It is great ! 😊😊😊
Giving them a surprise birthday party!
Elder Maxson, Deacon, and X6-88 reacting to celebrating their birthday with you.
My gift for @tesscorner, I apologize for the delay. School swamped me pretty bad. I hope you enjoy! Happy Celebradiation 2024!! Thank you @falloutfandomeventhub for hosting this event.
Gift below the cut :3
Elder Maxson
His birthday is treated as a pretty big event in the brotherhood.
Almost cultish if you will, however the Proctors and the Captain make a bigger deal out of it than he ever would.
Although it is a day of life they respect it as much as his (inevitable) death day and it's like a harrowing glimpse of the future.
By the end of the day he's alone in his office cradling yet another bottle of whiskey as celebrations can be heard outside his door.
When you enter the picture, things are different.
He doesn't care for his birthday so he never tells you the date no how much you pry.
You overhear buzzing excitement in it's regard when a handful of initiates get ready to celebrate
With your newfound knowledge you go and prepare something small, simple, like you'd grown familiar with.
When he walks back into his room the knight before his birthday he's bewildered to find you sitting there with the table in the centre of the room all set up, an old table cloth and some candles to decorate, rib eye steak, tato's and carrots on your plates and in the dead centre.
Fancy lad snack cakes stacked to look like an actual cake.
"y...y/n what is this?" He asked.
"I know you said you didn't want anything for your birthday... or for me to know about it, but I wanted to do something special." You'd go to explain yourself, approaching him and giving him a big hug before igniting your lighter and holding it before his face.
"Now make a wish."
Skepticism melts into a look of fondness, a rare sight from the Elder as he seems to think for a moment before taking a breath and blowing out the light.
"What was your wish?" You ask jokingly, as would anyone.
"To never lose you Y/N." He replies.
Hearts full but stomachs empty, you both go to the table and sit across from each other to enjoy the meals you prepared.
Sitting on the couch, you both sighed in contentment. Arthur seems relaxed and checking the time you notice it's midnight. You pull a colourfully wrapped gift from behind your pillow and hand it to him with a tired smile. "Happy Birthday, Arthur."
He carefully opens it, each fold undone and piece of tape unwrapped. he couldn't imagine destroying such a marvel.
When he gets to the gift his eyes open wide. "Aged bourbon?" He asks.
"I had to convince Proctor Teagan to send a group of scribes to retrieve it. It was supposedly "top shelf" back before the war. I hope you like it."
You see a smile, an actual smile grace his face as he turns to you and pulls you into a side hug.
"Thank you, it's perfect." he whispered.
Deacon was a mystery
He lied like it was the truth, each word rolling off his tongue with a friendly laugh and nudge like it was nothing. He had no tells, never broke a sweat, you could never tell what he was thinking.
So when you asked when his birthday was, you didn't get a straight answer.
In fact, you didn't get an answer at all!
He segued out of the conversation before you realized what he was doing.
This occurred over the next couple of weeks where you begged him to just tell you, that you wanted to celebrated *him* but he never budged.
Eventually you had to trick him into following you, saying you got a lead somewhere.
You brought him to Ticonderoga.
At first, at the sight of no lights or population, he thought that it was under siege and panicked thinking the worse, but when the two of you answered the door everyone jumped out.
"SURPRISE!" they shouted.
"Y/n.. what is this?"
You saw the look on his face, he looked sick.
"A surprised party... don't you like it?" You asked carefully.
"No- I mean. Yes. Yes it's cool, thank you." he stumbled over his words, *trying* to appear grateful before disappearing into the crowd of Synths and allies.
You found him hours later on top of the building, staring out into the commonwealth.
"Deacon? I'm sorry I hope you're not mad. I just wanted you to feel... celebrated? You do so much for the Railroad and them, If i couldn't give you a birthday celebration i just wanted them to celebrate you normally."
He takes a deep breath and turns to you, with a straight face but sad aura.
"It was nice, but I'm not someone who should be celebrated."
It was quiet between the two of you and he kicked his feet at the ground, like he wanted to say more.
before he could he felt your arms around him in a warm hug.
"It's okay Deacon, you don't have to say anything else."
You now realized he wasn't ready to tell you anything else, you could see it in his eyes that he wanted to. But now wasn't the time.
"You want to come down and have a drink."
There was a small chuckle that came from him as he pulled back and pat you on the shoulder. "yeah... let's go. Can't let that go to waste."
The two of you walked back inside together, greeted by friends and Allies.
Ever since you'd met X6 he'd been... well, less than enthusiastic about everything.
Trying to break routine was hard, especially since the fall of the institute.
You'd tried to teach him the joys of being human, not a machine born to slave away and work. One day, you brought up probably the most human and universally celebrated tradition.
"A birthday?" X6 repeated when you proposed the idea.
"Mhm! Surely you've heard of it." You replied joyously
"Y/N, I'm a Synth. I was not birthed, I was built. It's not something we celebrated in the institute... except for the humans." He explained.
Even with the Sunglasses you could tell he was rolling his eyes at you.
"Well why don't you just pick a day and I'll give you the experience of one! It's like a party, something special all about you."
"There is no need."
"Just once? Please? Just pick any day and we'll celebrate."
You could see him thinking for a moment before he sighed and nodded. "How about today?"
"What- TODAY!?" You shouted in disbelief. "Why today?"
"You told me to pick any day, so why can't it be today?"
His logic was without flaw, as usual.
"W-well now i have no time to prepare! I have to get you a gift! And a cake!" You rambled, already walking away, leaving him alone to wander.
For the rest of the day you kept a careful eye on X6 to make sure he had no clue what you were up to, which was difficult at times due to his heightened courser senses.
However you were meticulous in your work, even enlisting Deacon to be a hinderance while you got to work.
Your issue also came with the fact that you had no clue *what* to get X6, or anything he liked. He never tried to expand his horizons like other synths.
By the end of the day, you were stumped and felt like a failure. You weren't able to provide anything remotely special for X6 and he was approaching you now.
"Why do you look disappointed?"
"I... just wanted you to have something nice today but... I couldn't even manage that for you. I wanted you to feel special but I spent all day trying to get you a gift that- well there was no party or anything." You admitted with a glum sigh.
You pulled your gift out from behind your back, a box of fancy lad snack cakes with a piece of yarn tied around it to look like a bow. "Happy sorta Birthday, X6."
He didn't move, or say anything and eventually you had to look up to see if he was even acknowledging it.
"Thank you."
Your heart almost stopped when you saw the faintest idea of a smile gracing his lips as his hands delicately clutched the box.
"You went through a lot of trouble for me today... I know it's difficult for you, but I appreciate you trying to understand and... making me feel special. Y/N I do appreciate it."
He holds a hand out for you to take and he helps you to your feet.
"Just because it's a special day, I'll share these with you too."
The two of you walked back to one of the shelters together to take a much deserved rest for the evening and shared the snacks
My gift for @tesscorner, I apologize for the delay. School swamped me pretty bad. I hope you enjoy!
Happy Celebradiation 2024!!
Thank you @falloutfandomeventhub for hosting this event.
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tesscorner · 2 months
Farkas is the Golden Retriever boyfriend and Vilkas is the Greman Shepard boyfriend.
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tesscorner · 2 months
Me, every time I see the Children of Atom in Fallout 4: Goddamn look at these loony fuckfaces. What the fuck. What idiots lmao.
Me, upon meeting Grand Zealot Richter (or as I call him, Enclave Brian the Hottie) in Far Harbor: PRAISE ATOM! Let us spread his GLORY! We will bring about DIVISION!!! RISE UP MY CHILDREN AND BASK IN HIS HOLY GLOW!!! Please oh HOLY ATOM give me this coolass armor and the grand zealots phone number!!!! I BELIEVE!!!!
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tesscorner · 2 months
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My oc Marcella
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tesscorner · 2 months
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X6-88 🖤🩵
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tesscorner · 2 months
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Just red pandas 🐼
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tesscorner · 2 months
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I decided to give a chance to digital art. I made myself do distract from awful news. I tried to remake Cait. Don’t judge strictly )
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tesscorner · 2 months
So sweet 🥹 I love it so much!
I think x6’s words in Pickman’s gallery were about painting) not about the plot of the paintings))
So precise about others)
Hi, my favorite writer 😊 I wonder, how would the fallout 4 companions spend their free time with sole? Would they play cards, go on walks, etc.
Please, include x6 also ❤️
Thank you 😊
I'm your favorite writer?! :') That's so sweet!! Thank you for your patience on this too! I am going to put X6-88 up first since you asked for him specifically, and everyone will be under the cut. X6 will be on here twice incase you guys just read everything under the cut!
X6-88- He would be a painter. You and X6-88 would paint in your evenings after everything was settled with the institute. He would paint you memories of his with Shaun, and it would be a way for him to explore his personality and interests, he would paint you, your friends, the commonwealth, and the institute, and he would paint you with Shaun as a surprise. He would also love to paint with you, working on the same painting back and forth. I also think he would love to make his own paint and look for supplies during your travels.
Ada- I think Ada would like to try to help you build and make things. She would also just love to find things to repair and help out. 
Cait- I can see Miss Cait loving walks, just taking a moment to explore the area calmly, but would also just love laying in bed cuddling. (If romanced, if not she would still just love to relax) 
Curie- I think she’d love to learn how to play different board and card games. Those are her favorites! She is pretty good at Blast Radius. She would always ask to play when you two have a moment. 
Codsworth- Codsworth would love gardening. He would love to nurture and tend to pretty flowers over crops, but he wouldn't mind them either. The sole survivor had a lovely flower garden back in 2077, thanks to Codsworth. He would happily direct you on what you needed to do. 
Danse- Danse doesn’t get to do this often, but he loves to play video games. Every game you find he would totally try to play on it at your main base on a terminal. You would make his night if you let him play a video game on the road via your Pip-Boy.
Deacon- Deacon loves to read, but he loves classical literature. I like to think he loves Shakespeare the most, his favorite play is ‘Julius Caesar’ and he also really likes ‘Hamlet’. On quiet nights, he could be seen reading his books in the same space as you, independently enjoying each other. 
Dogmeat- Dogmeat would enjoy just getting pets from Sole, but he LOVES when Sole plays fetch with a squeaky toy. The squeaky toy only lives for a few minutes before he destroys it, but it's a fun few minutes. 
Gage- Gage would love relaxing with you, sipping on sodas, and cleaning guns. He would just be more domestic when hanging out with Sole. If he’s feeling more froggy he would maybe go shooting with you. 
Hancock- Hancock seems like the guy who would love movies. If you two have a working TV and DVD player he would still be glued there, as long as you're there of course. 
MacCready- MacCready is like Deacon, but he is only reading comic books with you, and he has to talk to you about his fan theories, OCS, Duncan’s ideas, and more. He is a chatty fan and loves to share that with you!
Nick- Nick would enjoy a good drink and smoke with you, but if you are not into that he would be happy to go dancing with you, no matter if you are platonic or romantic, he has those smooth moves he loves to share with his best friend. 
Old Longfellow- Of course, you’d assume drinking which is true, but I think Old Longfellow likes playing music. He would play guitar and you could sing with him. Even if you sat and listened to his strum as he told you a story he would be a happy camper. 
Piper- She is a reporter, and always writing, but she is creative too. She would work with you on her latest short story and get your opinion on her work. She would write a story based on your adventures with her. 
Preston- Preston loves to sing, when he is just with you he is belting songs to the radio. He has a wonderful voice, and he knows it, but when you compliment him he still gets shy. He loves singing with you and can harmonize with your voice well, so if you're bad don't worry, he will carry
Strong- Strong would love to listen to radio plays and have you explain the plots. You two rarely get to listen to plays, but it is a treat, 
X6-88- He would be a painter. You and X6-88 would paint in your evenings after everything was settled with the institute. He would paint you memories of his with Shaun, and it would be a way for him to explore his personality and interests, he would paint you, your friends, the commonwealth, and the institute, and he would paint you with Shaun as a surprise. He would also love to paint with you, working on the same painting back and forth. I also think he would love to make his own paint and look for supplies during your travels.
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tesscorner · 2 months
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X6-88. Acrylic
He is quite deep for me. He is absolutely aware of his personality. I think deeply he knows that he is not just a machine.
He have his own preferences, and shows it to us in different locations.
“Courser’s training includes basic science, but I’ve never really took to it”
“I’ve tried beer once, I don’t care of it”
“I’ve never cared to much of children”
Can the machine show his preferences? Or even have them? Doubtful.
Yes, when he scare peasants he says “if you know what I am”, but after killing of Danse, during BB, he said “He was a valuable ally”.
To be a courser is his work, his duty and honor. He cannot consider himself as a person fully. It contradicts with his duty to hunt other synths.
It is not the last art on this character, sure.
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tesscorner · 3 months
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@unlucky-words prompted: X6 + favorite lines
You know me well enough by now to know that I mean what I say.
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tesscorner · 3 months
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Thank you so much, guys 🖤
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tesscorner · 3 months
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X6-88. Acrylic. Don’t judge strictly, it is my first his portrait created to express some my thoughts below.
It is a shame that Fallout fans have such an attitude towards this character. Many people think that he is an unemotional, insensitive robo-killer.
But if you run with him a little longer, you will learn a lot of interesting things about him.
Firstly, coursers, these are the same synths of the third generation.
Technically, it is no different from Dance.
Secondly, he "grew up" at the institute. He says so himself. Yes, he was created as an adult, but it means that we are talking about the formation of his "personality", which the synths of the third generation cannot have, according to the institute. Naturally, he is subject to their propaganda.
He constantly demonstrates his opinion, to the point and out of place. He is very afraid of heights and does not like water. Also, I like his sense of humor.
Yes, he talks in a robotic voice, but in the last dialogue he changes. He even allows himself to joke with you as soon as he feels that he can trust you.
Personally, it seems to me that the lack of emotion in his case is a defensive reaction. After all, if his manifestations of humanity are seen at the institute, then consequences will await him.
I still have a lot of thoughts about this character, if I like it, I will write more.
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tesscorner · 3 months
I'd love some X6-88 headcanons, especially in the event that he'd be around Sole and the other companions post Big Summer Blowout (destruction of the Institute).
Oooh okay- I haven’t written much about X6 before , this’ll be fun! Try and get them done asap for you :)
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tesscorner · 3 months
It is so sweet 🥹 I love it very much! Thank you 😊
I love how vivid and detailed you write! I can even feel like Nora))
Hi ❤️ I really love your blog and looking forward for the next chapter of Fic ❤️❤️❤️
Maybe some strange request, but how do you think Deacon could react if Sole become accidentally pregnant from him?)
Thank you ❤️
Thanks for the request, this was a new topic for me to write about, but a welcome challenge!
Story is under the cut! I don't think this counts as NSFW but I don't want to take any chance so I'll mark it to be safe!
Nora felt sick, and it wasn’t due to what they had done. She was nervous. Just like she was the first time. Nora’s period was three months late. She started to notice other changes to her that she had the first time she was pregnant. Her breasts were swollen, and she started to gain some extra weight. There was no doubt. Deacon and Nora had made a baby. She walked around their farm, rubbing her sweaty palms together. Soon, as the morning sun rose, so did her partner, and Deacon made his way out, slowly wrapping his arms around his love. He planted a kiss on her cheek. 
“Good morning, Charmer. How is my sunshine doing this morning?” He chirped. Nora shook her head.
“Deacon, I’m pregnant.” The words came out faster than she could process it. Deacon stepped back, but kept his arms wrapped around her frame.
“I thought I’d shoot blanks by this point, given all the radiation.” He let a small laugh escape his mouth. Deacon was nervous. 
“Well, you're not. I'm pregnant. I’m late for a few months now. My cycle is wild, but there are other things going on that prove it.” She closed her eyes tightly. She was feeling sick.
“What do you want to do? I will happily be a father, but only if you want to be a mother.” Deacon pulled her close in his arms. She nuzzled her head into his shoulder. Hearing Deacon’s wants to be a father made this easier. She knew he had that chance ripped from him before. 
“Are you sure?” Her voice was thick with concern. Deacon smiled, and underneath his shades Nora could spy a tear forming.
“As sure as I ever have been. Thank you for this.” Nora pulled Deacon close in a tight hug. She felt safe, and for the first time in a while, excited for the future. 
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tesscorner · 3 months
I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.
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