#zootopia ripoff
thornshadowwolf · 8 months
DON'T like it when everything with anthro characters is compared to Zootopia. Like sometimes they're comparable, but oftentimes they're not! "Zootopia" isn't a genre or a medium or even a style! And especially when the other media predates Zootopia, sometimes by several decades. Redwall is not "medieval zootopia." Bojack Horseman is not "zootopia for adults." Rango is not "western zootopia." Fritz the Cat is not "horny zootopia." Fantastic Mr Fox is not "stop motion zootopia." I stg it's only a matter of time before I see someone call Kung Fu Panda "Chinese zootopia."
Example of an accurate Zootopia comparison: Beastars. They have similar themes of exploring the divide of predator and prey animals, the societal expectations or roles of certain animals, whether or not a predators are inherently killers prone to uncontrollable violence, etc. The fact that they are animals is highly plot-relevant not just a style choice. They're both exploring the social dynamics between different animals, what living in a world of mixed animals means, and what issues exist within it.
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kamillia · 1 year
BNA is for coomer "transbian" TIMs what Zootopia was for coomer furries
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philip-the-nickel · 1 year
Marketing did Elemental DIRTY
Just saw the movie, it was well worth the watch. The trailer made the movie look like some half assed race metaphor Zootopia ripoff with a canned, rehashed love story you've seen a million times.
Let me be clear, Elemental was none of the things the trailer made you believe it was.
First things first, The Romance:
There's a reason aro/ace people are flocking to this movie. The main couple falls in love without having to rely on any passionate kisses or hand holding; they fall for each other based on who they are, their personalities, their interests, their appreciation of the other's uniqueness. The central hand holding comes at a point in the movie well after the two are established as a couple, and have gone on many dates together. This movie makes their characters fall in love over mutual appreciation, not physical chemistry, and its such a genuine, sweet, wholesome romance to see play out
On top of that, this movie goes into a lot of aspects of immigrant life and the expectations that come with being a first born in a new country. The romance does not shy away from this or sweep it under the rug. The romance blossoms as the two learn more about each other, and come to understand and respect those differences.
Second, the movie isn't about romance, its about being an immigrant.
I came into this movie expecting zootopia 2: now with elements, and what I got was a heart-wrenching look into the life of a first generation child in a new land, born to immigrant parents. The movie absolutely does NOT sugar coat things, showing not only an ellis island moment of having your name changed, but also a number of topics ranging from having to navigate in a city made for people who are nothing like you, being denied housing, micro-aggressions, and straight up being denied entry to public places based on who you are.
The true heart of this movie is about the child of immigrants realizing the life she wants for herself, struggling with disappointing people who gave up everything they had so they could give you a better life, repaying that sacrifice and what a burden it feels like, and somehow facing the truth of who and what is staring back at you from the mirror.
Third, and lastly, the movie is absolutely beautiful
The trailers did this movie dirty. You never saw the refracting lights from firelight streaming through water, you didn't see the glassblowing, or how the fire dies down to barely a wisp when Ember is sad to burning like a wildfire when she's angry. You didn't see the scene underwater with the tree and |Spoilers|, you didn't see the world building or the character design that went into the background characters. This movie is absolutely beautiful, and uses light as both a visual treat and a metaphor for the movie's themes. Its absolutely gorgeous.
So, if you're wondering whether to skip this movie or watch it, I'm telling you now: ignore the trailers and go see this in theaters.
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cjbolan · 1 year
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dragpinkman · 2 years
spotted a ripoff of the fox from zootopia in the wild
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feeltheblaziker · 5 years
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Oh no, not like this... Two animated movies with anthro animals set in the arctic? That’s not a good sign...
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proto-jackal · 4 years
i’ve never finished an anime but i’ve considered watching beastars and if that’s not proof that i’m a furry then nothing is
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saturn-c · 2 years
LOVE the Cory Loftis design of the Don Corleone ripoff in Zootopia. So appealing and 100% on point. How does he do it!!!
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morinokunikara · 3 years
Yeah, I was actually going to include Pixar into it's own category because they tend to be pretty great all-around.
If I'm going with non Pixar, I'd say my favorites would have to be:
Treasure Planet (it might have been a financial flop, but it's a great movie overall and always inspires me)
Emperor's New Groove (and finally, someone else who appreciated the masterpiece that was Emperor's New School)
Lilo and Stitch (Broken family trying to do its best with alien shenanigans? Yes, please)
Tarzan. I really liked their adaptation of it, and how well they portrayed Tarzan and his actual cleverness, and I found his and Jane's dynamic actually really sweet. I liked the changes they made from the book, and I can even appreciate Kerchak's character arc much better.
Brother Bear. It's a seriously underrated movie, and it's far from perfect, but it has some seriously impactful lines for me ("those monsters are really scary....especially with those sticks") and the music and animation is gorgeous. Plus, I think the Moose characters are considered iconic. I could swear they were referenced in Zootopia, even.
Honorable mentions:
The Great Mouse Detective (I'm fond of sherlock Holmes stories generally anyway, and this was my introduction to Sherlock Holmes and Sherlock-like characters)
Atlantis beautifully animated, I really enjoyed the experiment with style (similar to The Emperor's New Groove), and the slightly edgier tone.
As for Pixar, I agree, Soul is much better than people made it out to be. I don't remember a joke about a white barber, unfortunately, the only one that comes to mind is about the old, out of touch black barber--but maybe I'm misremembering, or I just missed it.
Monster's Inc is probably second. I'm a suckered for character design, especially monsters, and Randall Boggs would probably be tied with Syndrome for my favorite Pixar villain.
Inside Out was amazing. I loved how it portrayed the emotions, especially with how nefarious Joy could be. I suffer from depression issues myself, but I often mask it behind happiness because I don't want anyone to worry, and that's really what the movie reminded me of. That Riley was depressed, but she really wasn't allowing herself to be sad.
Next, I'd probably say The Incredibles. I love the interesting character designs using shape language (most CG animations focus more on stylized realism, but The Incredibles really exaggerated and played around with it). I'm also a sucker for the 1960's aesthetic with impossible for the time tech.
Then there's Coco, which I adore absolutely everything about. I'm still mad at myself for putting off watching it for so long (I was afraid it would be too much of a rip-off of Book of Life, another movie I adore). I love the cultural aspects of it so much, the darker storyline, the genuine heart, and even showing that you can eventually be forgiven for your mistakes, even by those you hurt. Not that you're immediately entitled to it, of course, even for Hector it was implied that he would still have to work hard for it, but the chance was at least given.
Sorry this is such a long one. ^-^'
emperors new school was a goldmine of comedy. best episode was the episode where they go self aware of their own formula
i think id put lilo and stitch on the list if we're separating pixar. same with brother bear, and youre right that line hits HARD
WAS it an old black barber?? did i just forget?? lol its possible. it was a funny joke either way tho
I FORGOT COCO WAS PIXAR!!! and yeah i think it suffered the same advertising flaws as soul because of what you said. i remember EVERYONE thinking itd be a book of life ripoff and then it turned out to be its own amazing thing
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littlemissbigears · 4 years
It cracks me up when people nowadays see anthro like animals that talk and occasionally wear clothes and IMMEDIATELY say that it’s a Zootopia ripoff when
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The idea has been around for centuries, so just because the Mouse makes a movie based on that idea doesn’t automatically make it THEIR IDEA!
-Coming from an aspiring young writer who is sick of hearing people say that any animal driven story is a Zootopia ripoff
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bootlegheaven · 7 years
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The shit-train is coming to town, straight from Bikini Bottom
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weatherman667 · 5 years
Happytime Murders
Both serious and hilarious.  It uses puppets as the oppressed class, but, like Zootopia, Bright, and the X-Men doesn’t make them a direct analog for any existent group.  It follows a disgraced detective, now a Private Dick, who gets sucked into a serious of horrifying murders.
Melissa McCarthy is pretty decent, too.  It’s amazing what you can do when you don’t make a shameless ripoff and actively insult your fans.
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shit-villagers-say · 5 years
I'm watching sing for the first time bc... I'm really tired and I'm really hoping that zootopia ripoff the musical ends with the pig lady divorcing her shitty husband
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elceetheporcupine · 6 years
To this day I’m still seeing complaints about Sing not having as sophisticated worldbuilding as Zootopia. And to this day it still doesn’t make sense to me. The trailers were previously lambasted for being a Zootopia “ripoff” and yet the only way it can be “good” is if it looked even MORE like Zootopia? Being different so that it’s NOT a ripoff isn’t good enough now?
I think the fact that Zootopia apparently set a strict standard on anthro worldbuilding so that any other animal world apparently falls flat in comparison is part of the reason I’ve grown to resent the unconditional praise the movie got.
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meicheesecake · 5 years
Sing is a Zootopia ripoff but those red pandas jamming to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu are really good
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