thestupidhelmet · 3 years
@zepellin-and-unicorns gave a great (and thorough) response to my Fantasy Island question.
Hmm, that’s a pretty hard question. Forgive me if I get something wrong, because I’ve never even heard of Fantasy Island until now, I’m answering it based on the brief description you provided us.                            
I believe that Eric’s fantasy would probably involve a lot of geeky elements, honestly I feel like he might even make himself a Jedi or a superhero in it. But mostly, I believe that in his fantasy, Eric would be the son that Red always wanted him to be in some way. Someone Red would be proud of. He’d also be “deserving” of Donna in this fantasy.
People always told him that Donna was too good for him and that he was lucky to have her, so maybe, in this alternative reality, Donna would be the lucky one.
I think that Fez’s fantasy would involve a lot of women and a lot of candy (obviously), but also, a family. Based on the musical episode and some lines Fez had said in the show, he wanted to be a part of the Forman family. I also believe that he’d make himself the “cool friend” for once.
Kelso… Honestly I don’t see Kelso’s fantasy being anything less than extremely superficial. There will be lots and lots of women throwing themselves at him, and everyone would praise him for his good looks. Maybe, just maybe, he would be an only child in his fantasy, or he’d be the “superior brother”, I don’t know. Kelso’s a complicated character (and not in the good way like Hyde is).
Now Donna… I think that in her fantasy, Donna would try to pursue all of her dreams. She’d probably be a very successful and independent woman, who travels the world and interviews all of her favorite musicians. Her parents would still be together and if Eric’s in her fantasy (she might include him, she might not, I don’t really know), he’d be the perfect, supportive boyfriend.
Jackie… Jackie matured a lot over the seasons (mostly due to her relationship with Hyde). If we’re talking about s1-s4 Jackie, her fantasy world would be one where unicorns are real and she has one as a pet, she would have absolutely everything she wants.                                                                                                                      
A rich hot husband who worships her, perfect parents in a loving relationship… She would be praised by absolutely everyone and all the girls would be jealous of her.      
Now, s5-s7 Jackie would have a slightly different fantasy. She would probably still have her pet unicorn and loving parents, but her rich husband would be Hyde. He’d be very vocal about his feelings in her fantasy, and he would praise her like she says she wants him to. Basically, the same fantasy, with Hyde in it.
Now, off to Hyde’s fantasy. Honestly, I don’t think he’d want to have Edna and Bud in his fantasy, even if they’re the perfect parents in it. His parental figures are the Forman’s, and that wouldn’t change in his fantasy. Maybe he’d be their biological son? I don’t really know.
s1-s4 Hyde’s fantasy would be a world where he doesn’t have to work for anything. He’d have his film, occasional hot sex with hot girls (I don’t think he’d want a relationship), some beer, and his friends. He’d probably go out and see his favorite bands playing every night.
s5-s7 Hyde’s fantasy would be basically the same, where he doesn’t have to work for anything, the only difference is that he’d have Jackie by his side, doing everything he wants her to. She wouldn’t be as superficial and she wouldn’t nag him into talking about his feelings. Basically, she wouldn’t do all the things that he says it bothers him.
I do believe that everyone’s fantasies would end up blowing up on their faces eventually. And man, this is an awesome idea for a fanfic, I wish I had the time and the inspiration to write it.
I might be totally wrong, or I might have misinterpreted your question, as I said, I’ve never heard of Fantasy Island up until a few minutes ago. But I had fun answering it! I hope you share your answer too, I would love to read it!
Thank you for the entertaining read! I might come up with my own ideas, too, if I find the time and inspiration.:D  
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springsteenicious · 3 years
All right, I had a kind of epiphany today. I was reading The Sweetest Gifts by @zepellin-and-unicorns (fantastic story, definitely read it if you haven't) and I realized I want to write a fic about Jackie and Hyde’s kids. 
I then spent about an hour coming up with said kids and their basic traits. Here are their names and birth order (as of right now): 
Cassiopeia Sandy Hyde - named after the constellation Cassiopeia and the song 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) by Bruce Springsteen
Nicholas Reginald Hyde - Jackie just liked the name Nicholas and Reginald is after Red
Patti Angela Hyde - named after Patti Smith and Angie Barnett
Charlie James Hyde - Charlie is their chosen name; they are nonbinary. James is after Hyde’s middle name. 
Let me know if this something you would be interested in reading! Or just heading more abut through some headcanon posts. 
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that70sbitchsstuff · 3 years
Hey everyone, so I was tagged by @zepellin-and-unicorns to post 7 lines from a WIP.
So this story is one my first fanfiction to ever post and I posted the first chapter roughly about a month ago but since I've been really busy with school I've only been able to work on chapter two every now and then but its nearly done and fingers crossed that I can upload it this weekend.
This story is a crossover between the ranch and That 70s show called 'The princess and the cowboy' and the summary is ' After being betrayed again, Jackie leaves point place for good, only to end up in Garrison a redneck town but with surprisingly interesting people especially a certain Rooster Bennett' please check it out if you have the time.
So anyway here are some lines from the second chapter..
As if reading her mind and the realization it just came upon, the curly haired man smirked "I'll be taking that free beer now". He said smugly.
Jackie blushes a little ( something that didn't go noticed by Rooster).
She'd spent 6 months trying to get him out of her head and she wasn't about to start the process again.
Jackie giggled and Rooster couldn't help but think it was the cutest giggle he had ever heard.
She couldn't, she just couldn't go through that again for so many years her mind had been played and messed with by people she trusted, her own family, she refused to go through that kind of heart break again.
She was conditioned to think this way to have this toxic mind set, that no one has ever tried to help her out of, they all just brushed it off as her being a brat and stuck up, never once think that made she little 'tantrums' and 'hissy fits' were her way of asking for help.
I don't really have anyone to tag for this challenge, but whoever is interested have a go at it. Also I know it's only 6 lines but the chapter is kinda small and I don't want to give away to much.
Anyways I hope people enjoyed and again check the first chapter out if you want to.😀
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scullysimp · 3 years
I was tagged by @missismess to share 7 lines from a WIP, thank you for tagging me!
My computer is littered with WIP so I’m just going to share the latest one I started working on. This is the product of a Gossip Girl rewatch. It’s Jackie and Hyde and they reconnect as adults because their children start dating, just like Rufus and Lily in Gossip Girl. I’m going to share the first lines!
From afar he still looked like the boy who broke her heart when she was eighteen. His blond curls were cut shorter and they had gotten darker with age. His beard was laced with light gray hairs and his eyes were no longer shielded by the same sunglasses she'd always seen him wear, but his essence was still intact. He stuck out like a sore thumb in a sea of snobbish Upper East Side parents, but he didn't seem bothered by it, still carrying the self-confidence he had in his youth.
Tagging: @zepellin-and-unicorns @supernannygirl704things @springsteenicious and whoever wants else wants to!
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Prophecy Analysis: Donna
((A/N: Keep in mind, no prophecy is 100% fact. There are always inaccuracies in fortune-telling, and the oracle is not exempt from those inaccuracies. So take everything I’m about to say with a grain of salt.))
“Red Lady, killer of the beast Of your friends, you are scared the least Woman of legend You do not feel threatened”
This is confirming Donna’s status as the Red Lady, the legendary woman that killed Angor the dragon. She is fearless because she knows that she and her friends can handle whatever happens. Or, perhaps, she doesn’t think anything serious will happen. That’s up to you.
"You won't cry for her, who cries for you It's just not what you would do But no matter how much she means to your friend You won't cry until her life comes to an end"
This could be about Jackie. Or any other woman that means a lot to Hyde. @zepellin-and-unicorns suggested it was about Edna, if Edna is the kidnapper. I won’t confirm or deny that. Just keep in mind that the prophecy is saying this woman cries for Donna, but Donna won’t cry for this woman until she dies.
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lgbt-that70sshow · 3 years
zepellin-and-unicorns said:  I’ve read a fic once where Donna is paired up with Melissa, from the episode they throw that party for Hyde. If Donna is already paired up with someone else, may I suggest Melissa and Angie? I think it would be cool, Angie is too uptight and Melissa seems really chill, they could work
Ooh, I like that idea. It would be kind of funny because this fic is set before Hyde finds out about the Barnetts. But it doesn’t really matter because Hyde won’t be interacting with either of them very much. 
I was also thinking maybe Rhonda for one of the girls in the relationship. Rhonda/Melissa could be interesting... 
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yourvillageid10t · 4 years
thank you @honeycombalgorithm for the taggg!!
Nickname: Nickname is Jack, my friends call me mischief, my family calls me crazy.
Zodiac: 2 little fish known as Pisces, but please remember when dealing with me piranhas and barracudas are fish too...
Height: 5'4"
Last thing i googled: pics of Manuel Ferrera 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
favorite bands: Pearl Jam, Muse, Brad, Alice In Chains RHCP, Placebo, Led Zepellin, Pink Floyd and pretty much any classic rock band, Madonna, Prince, etc. Too many to name, and I'm all over the place when it comes to music.
last film i watched: John Wick 3: Parabellum.
last song i listened to: Map of the Problematique by Muse
song stuck in my head: Desire by Meg Myers
favorite color: I love all shades of blue...reminds me of the water
dream job: forensic pathologist
wearing: i’m at work as usual so I'm wearing scrubs
hobbies: music, reading, anything to do with the paranormal, Tarot, sculpting, concerts, wood burning, tattoos and BDSM activities
instruments: does the skin flute count as an instrument? If it does, I'm a pro 😛
inspiration or muse: people and things around me. there's so much to get inspired by if you take the time to really see the world around you.
meaning behind your URL: started out as a joke between me and my kids when one of my sons decided to call himself "Squatting Dog"...So I took the name Shitting Unicorn just for kicks and here we are 10 years later.
facts: I'm 42 and a licensed funeral director and embalmer. I've been in the death industry since I was 18. I'm an introvert. I have 2 kids, I'm single and have never been married, and am an open book for anyone who wants to get to know me.
aesthetics: stone gossard and sunsets on the beach...
I tag @jjmichie, @whitedeadflower and @anjelis38
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ironfirebagelknight · 3 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! 💖💞💖 💞
Thank you! @zepellin-and-unicorns I know that I already send it to you but you are beautiful too
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thestupidhelmet · 3 years
T7S Writers and the Stories We’re Excited About Writing
In response to this post:
springsteenicious said: YES! Every time I write for The Queen Of All My Dreams, I want to tell everyone everything about it. Especially now that I’m getting close to the climax and the big reveal. It’s so exciting and it makes me so happy writing it. This is by far one of my favorite things I’ve ever written.
Your excitement for this story comes through with every post you make about it; and the more I learn about it, the more I want to read it. 🌟
It seems to be exactly the kind of T7S story I’ve been waiting for (someone else to write, lol).
carouselunique said: Yes! Besides One More Time obviously, which I’m trying to work hard to make as good as possible since it’s my first fanfic, I’ve discussed my Infinity Train fanfic with you, which I’m tempted to share the idea of on Tumblr, and a couple of others I have up my sleeve that just make me buzz with excitement when I think of writing them and sharing them!
I am hungry for more of your T7S fics (my eyes would eat them, and my brain would digest them). So I’m happy you’re inspired to keep writing. 😍 Your imagination comes up with intriguing plot scenarios and character combinations, which -- for me, combined with your narrative voice -- separates your stories from those that tread the same ground ad infinitum.
To readers: see this post for what she did share about one of her fics-in-the-works.  
I understand why people want to explore the same or similar subject matter (e.g., the horror that is season 8, missing moments from the series, etc.), but often the narrative doesn’t have enough of a unique angle or voice to draw me in. (Fortunately, a lot more people than me read T7S fanfic, so just because I’m not drawn in doesn’t mean those stories don’t have worth or aren’t entertaining).             
zepellin-and-unicorns said: YESSSS. I am working on two new stories and oh my God it’s so hard to keep my mouth shut about them. I promised myself I wouldn’t post them until they were finished because they’re very complex stories but I’m dying! Can’t wait to share them, seriously        
That’s awesome! ❤️ And smart to wait until they’re finished before posting them. You’ve got two major stories going already that readers are clamoring to read more of (also awesome). You’ll be under so much pressure if you put more out now (not awesome 😅).
But I completely understand how frustrating it is to wait -- even to share any tidbits about them. If the timing is too early for hints, it can kill (or dull) the momentum. Of course, if you want to drop the tiniest hint about either of the stories ... 👀
I’ve been working on two complex T7S fics for years. They’re both stories close to my heart but totally different in pretty much every way. I’m three-ish chapters away from being able to post one of them. Then I’ve got to write and draw the next batch of @those70scomics. Then, likely, I’ll be very busy with a major life event. But knowing I’ll get to work on the second story again on the other side of that life event is a mental-emotional anchor.
Also, since Jackie Stargazer (the story I’ll be putting out next) is ridiculously long (but well-paced, I hope), it’ll make up for the fact I haven’t put out any new fics since 2019.
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those70scomics · 3 years
⚡️ - one of the themes of this fic 
Loss of all kinds. Fearing it. Grieving it. How people avoid the grieving process and the consequences of that avoidance.
For more on the themes of Jackie Stargazer, see this post.
Tumblr media
Ask Game for Jackie Stargazer.
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those70scomics · 3 years
Responses to last week’s Kitty’s Question: Listening exclusively to Hyde’s record collection for a month or to Eric’s record collection for a month?
springsteenicious said: Definitely Hyde. I’m not listening to Anne Murray and Styx unless I’m forced to.
randomwriter23 said: Hyde’s record collection. I’m used to the loud music.
basure said: i usually like Hyde’s taste more, but i feel like Eric might have more variety. i need to switch it up every now and then lol
fangirling-4-ever said: Probably Eric’s, I love rock n’ roll, but I need variety too
zepellin-and-unicorns said: Hyde’s. I love rock music, and if I’m not in the mood to listen to rock, I’d just listen to one of the country music records that he probably hides somewhere.         
ILI (from my inbox) said: I would definitely hear Hyde's collection! Now all I need is to find a place, pot, Eric, Kelso, Fez and a beer six pack😎 Just kidding 😅                                                                                                               
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those70scomics · 3 years
Responses to last week’s Kitty’s Question: Which would you choose: changing the episode “Winter” (7x11) so that Hyde attends the LoPPs party with Jackie and they don’t break up in S7; or changing “You Shook Me” (5x22) so that Hyde doesn’t sleep with the nurse and he and Jackie don’t break up?
ironfirebagelknight said: “You shook me” that would change a lot of things later
randomwriter23 said: “You Shook Me”, no contest
springsteenicious said: This is hard, but “You Shook Me” because that episode is so funny and I would enjoy it so much more if Hyde didn’t cheat on Jackie.
melimelrockswell1204 said: “You Shook Me,” obviously
chocolatechip-pumpkinmuffins said: “You Shook Me.” It could’ve changed what happened in “Winter”/their relationship issues at that point.
zepellin-and-unicorns said: “You Shook Me”, definitely. I feel like Jackie wouldn’t need that much reassurance if he hadn’t cheated on her, so “Winter” probably would have had a different ending or something.
nickurz said: Yeah the cheating was much worse than not attending the party. That whole story line still makes me angry. 😤                            
secondearthling said: Absolutely, unequivocally “you shook me.”                                                                                                                                     .                                                         
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those70scomics · 3 years
Responses to last week’s Kitty’s Question: Hyde working with Red at the muffler shop, or Hyde learning how to do corporate busywork in W.B.’s office?
nocandnc said: Hyde learning corporate busywork in W.B.’s office to put his sharp mind to work, while Jackie works at Red’s muffler shop with her talent for mechanics!
randomwriter23 said: Hyde learning corporate work.     
zepellin-and-unicorns said: Hyde learning corporate work definitely. Wish we could’ve seen Jackie working with Red at the muffler shop.
springsteenicious said: Guess I have the unpopular opinion… I like Hyde in Red’s muffler shop. Mostly because I really like the father-son bond with Hyde and Red but I also think corporate work just isn’t Hyde’s thing.
nickurz said: I agree…definitely the muffler shop. It’s what would have made Hyde happy.                                                                                                                                     
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springsteenicious · 3 years
krazykole27 said:  Definately ‘Thank you’ - zeppelin “play more zeppelin!” -Hyde
zepellin-and-unicorns said:  Thank you
isaloveschai said:  definitely thank you
those70scomics said:  “Thank You”
Well, we all seem to be in agreement. I was leaning more towards that one anyway, to be honest. And it has some good significance in the chapter 👀
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those70scomics · 3 years
Responses to last week’s Kitty’s Question: Which did you like more: Donna and Eric’s relationship before they have sex the first time or their relationship afterward?
randomwriter23 said: Donna and Eric’s relationship before sex.
zepellin-and-unicorns said: Before!!
randomwriter23 said: Donna and Eric’s relationship before sex.                                                                         
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springsteenicious · 3 years
zepellin-and-unicorns said:  3! I love soulmate AUs
ironfirebagelknight said:  3!!!!
those70scomics said:  3. :D
nickurz said:  Oohh I like the sound of 2 and 3
krazykole27 said:  I like the sound of 2 and 3. 2 is my top pick tho
I saw this coming. When I wrote them out, I thought to myself, “Everyone’s going to choose 3. Why suggest the others?” but I did it anyway. LOL. I’ll finish that up and post either tonight or tomorrow, depending on when I finish! 
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