#zayn weatherwax
twstinginthewind · 7 months
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Day three of twistober, I switched to the fairy tale list, and for "Beauty and the Beast", I did a scene redraw with my Belle twist, Zayn, and his ex-boyfriend Vargas.
"You said this one was ee-rotic? Nonsense. It hasn't even got a centerfold!!"
"Ashton, please. Go away."
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twst-the-night-away · 9 months
Can I get thoughts from Violetta on that bookstore owner in town? You know the one; he had all that vintage manga that she almost hyperventilated over :-3c
Violetta's cheeks flush purple. "Ah ... yes, I ... I did make a bit of a scene last time I went there, didn't I? Though he didn't seem to mind. He's quite knowledgeable about books, and can easily guess what people will like ... And ... well, he ..." Her voice trails off before she can dare to even say that she thinks he's very pretty, as well.
"He's made several good recommendations since then."
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squid-inspiration · 7 years
Rules: Tag blogs you want to get to know better!
a billion years ago @reluming tagged me, so i figured i should get around to it
Nickname: Melli
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 183cm/6ft
Last thing you Googled: some bit of french vocab bc i’m reading jules verne in the original 
Favorite music artist: ooof, a lot? kate miller-heidke, carly rae jepsen, florence + the machine, marina & the diamonds, linkin park, in the heights, shakira, mohammed abdel wahab
Song stuck in your head: nothing rly? maybe that zayn song from the ghostbusters soundtrack
Last movie you watched: ex machina, at 1am w my mum while we were both too nervous abt my dad’s surgery to sleep (sadly in the german dub)
What are you wearing right now: a pink snoopy pyjamas top and a tiered knee-length pink skirt, aka ultimate saturday afternoon comfort wear
Why did you choose your URL: i have a bit of a cephalopod theme going, and this was originally only meant to be a sideblog to collect art reference/inspo.
Do you have any other blogs: i have a main blog for my art, but i try to keep my fandom and actual self separate online.
What did your last relationship teach you: communicate, i guess. it’s been a long time tho, and i’m still not entirely over it.
Religious or Spiritual: leaning toward spiritual, i guess? i don’t think much abt it either way, it’s not a big factor in my life. i do have a bunch of little superstitions, just traditional local stuff.
Favorite Colour: all of them, but purple and turquoise are always good
Average hours of sleep: 5-7
Lucky Number: 28
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1-3, depending on the weather
Dream job: half environment protection work, half noveling/making art at home. anything related to story.
Tagging:​ @redwhale @significanceofmoths @willowbilly 
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Another Carpe Jugulum Fancast
Agnes Nitt: Adele Adkins or Amber Riley
Mightily Oats: Riz Ahmed
King Verence II: Zach Woods
Magrat: Vinette Robinson
Nanny Ogg: Miriam Margolyes
Granny Weatherwax: Maggie Smith
Count de Magpyr: Taika Waititi
Countess de Magpyr: Rose Byrne
Lachrimosa de Magpyr: Cara Delevigne
Vlad de Magpyr: Zayn Malik
Bela de Magpyr (the old count): Jeff Goldblum
Igor: Tommy Wiseau
Hodgesarrgh: Andy Serkis
The Nac Mac Feegle: Stephen Farrely (motion capture)
Big Aggie: Octavia Spencer (motion capture)
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twstinginthewind · 2 months
1, 4 for all
12 specifically for Joker and Punch
OC questions here!
1. Do you have a song that represents your OC, if so why?
Joker: Ribbon, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra - This is a song that has long been a part of her character DNA, and I have had it come up for her before. Yes, even without any accordion, this is a VERY Joker song!
Bobby: My Own Worst Enemy, Lit - Bobby has great capabilities for both good and for mayhem. The former is quite often overtaken by the latter, unfortunately.
Jon: The Passenger, Iggy Pop - This is a man who more often than not feels like he’s not in control of his own life, that he lets other folks direct him. But sometimes, he’s really okay with that.
Lorne: Beyond the Sea, Bobby Darin - … not much to say here. Classic crooning. He does hope to someday find a love who’ll wait longingly for him, though.
Hiro: Movin’ Right Along, the Muppets - Life is an adventure! And it’s even better when you can go on that adventure with friends!
Sia: Plastic Love, Mariya Takeuchi - She’s not a cold woman. Honestly. She’s just going through the motions right now until she finds what she wants.
Mia: Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Cyndi Lauper and Puffy AmiYumi - Probably the most straightforward song on here. Just what it says in the title.
Punch: Everlong, Foo Fighters - A song about feeling a deep, perfect connection, something that Punch longs for.
Nana: Cherry Bomb, the Runaways - Nana is well aware that she has responsibilities as a retainer of the Draconia household. But deep inside, she’s still a wild girl.
Zayn: La Vie en Rose, Louis Armstrong - Zayn is a born romantic. He sees everything as rosy…
4. What are your OC’s minor fears?
Joker - Taking a big sip of milk and finding out it’s gone bad.
Bobby - Not having a witty retort to an insult.
Jon - Having to fill in for Bobby if he doesn’t have a witty retort. Also, cicadas.
Lorne - Stepping on legos.
Hiro - Small fussy dogs.
Sia - Dairy milk in her latte. (Don’t give her a tummyache!)
Mia - One of her celebrity crushes thinking her fancams are cringe.
Punch - Being the boring sibling.
Nana - Getting sprayed with water.
Zayn - Waking up to find he has texted his ex at 2AM again.
12. What is your OC’s favorite event(s), what was their role?
Joker: Port Fest! She was a little miffed that she wasn’t one of the students chosen to perform in the main musical act, but she had plenty of input for her classes’ food cart, and very gladly stepped up to play an opening set for the boys’ big performance.  (and was DELIGHTED by the spontaneous percussion act that they chose!) She’s kind of hoping that if Night Raven gets another shot at participating next year, that she’ll be recruited for the stage show!
Punch: Harveston Sled-a-thon! He’s a HUGE fan of winter sports, and being the team’s emergency backup member gave him a chance to get to know the hometown of one of his closest friends! He’s thoroughly charmed by Epel’s family, loves the feeling of speeding on the sleds, and was extremely proud of his housewarden for stepping up to join the race, even if it meant that he had to watch instead of compete.
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twstinginthewind · 10 months
Hi Nette how are you ?
For your ask oc time !!
May I ask for Zayn ?
With the NRC's adult staff team !!
We all need some adult oc and staff content lol !!
Please !
Sorry... For unknow reason I can't use emoticons.....huh
Thank you take care~
Hi K!! It's all right to skip the emoji, no worries! I'm excited to have a not quite-staff member among my crew, so thanks for asking about him 🧡🧡
Zayn Weatherwax graduated from NRC less than a decade ago, so he still sees Mozus Trein as more of an authority figure than a potential colleague or peer. Zayn's grades were good in Trein's history classes, because he always kept up with the reading, and looked into supplemental books on topics he took a particular interest in. However, he was often called out for daydreaming in class! Nowadays, their relationship is friendly and cordial, and Trein often visits Zayn's bookstore to look for first editions and unusual volumes. But Zayn always finds himself replying to his requests with a formal "yes, sir!", and makes sure to stay alert so he won't get yelled at for zoning out....
Zayn and Sam have an understanding between them. Their shops don't really compete with one another, so they haven't got a rivalry, but they do cooperate with one another in terms of finding what the other wants. Zayn keeps his eyes peeled for books on certain supernatural or related topics to pass to Sam, and in exchange, Sam makes sure that Zayn has access to his bulk discount for new editions that he might want to carry in his shop. They also get together for drinking nights occasionally, along with—
—Divus Crewel, who desperately wants to make over this ridiculous country bumpkin of a man. Zayn loves hearing about Divus's pets, and is fascinated by his couture, but doesn't think he'd be able to pull off some of the high-fashion looks his sophisticated friend recommends for him. He does set aside any vintage fashion magazines that he finds for Divus, though, even though he doesn't know which ones are going to be hits and which ones will be delicately frowned at.
That leaves the big man. Ashton Vargas. Also known in Zayn's phone as "Do Not Text!!! Especially Not After Wine!!!" Vargas and Zayn had an ill-fated relationship about a year ago, which ended abruptly when Zayn discovered that he wasn't the only pretty bookworm in Ashton's life. By means of an accidental group text. That Vargas sent out to all of them. Zayn had been somewhat invested in the relationship, and had been interested in seeing how it was going, but he didn't like that Ashton had felt the need to hide that they weren't exclusive with one another. They stopped seeing one another, and things are awkward when they encounter each other in town. But occasionally, Zayn gets a message from him. And he only remembers not to text back about half the time....
twst character relationship asks!!
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twstinginthewind · 2 months
What songs do your OCs sing in the shower? For as many as you think like to do that.
Most of my folks sing in the shower; honestly, I think only Sia doesn't. What a weird cat she is.
Joker has a tendency to sing through whatever songs she has been working on with the pop music club, or whatever else pops into her head. She doesn't always know all the words, but that doesn't stop her from loudly "LA LA LA"-ing through the parts she doesn't know. This one's a favorite.
Punch has a few songs that he sings through, mostly because he knows exactly how long they are, and he uses them as timers for things that need certain minimums, like his deep conditioner or things like that. This one has a chorus that's exactly the length of time you should wash your hands...
Bobby just sings whatever's in his head. Sometimes it's very stream-of-consciousness; "I'm washing my arms, I'm washing my chest, doot da doooo~". Jon, on the other hand, sings sea shanties.
Mia will absolutely sing whatever Neige has just released, or any other song that has become popular on Magicam. Makes Sia crazy.
Lorne sticks to the standards. He knows what makes him sound good, and works the bathroom acoustics to his advantage.
Hiro is extremely predictable.
Nana has punk rock on the brain. I blame Lilia, honestly.
As for Zayn? He favors romantic songs, stuff from long ago. An old-fashioned love song, right from the heart.
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twstinginthewind · 11 months
Hannn can I ask you some ?? Please ?
👑- Feel free to chose everyone lol or just some !
Yes I am a classic Disney gen with prince and princess, back in my old days ah ah !!
Thank you !
Take care
Hi K! Thanks for the ask!!
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I did a randomizer to choose who to draw, and I was assigned the one character who was based on a princess to give the royal treatment. Since Zayn is a Belle twist, I gave him the outfit of her prince!
I might revisit this idea for some of the others, too. Kings and queens and princesses and princes are just too much fun...
OC outfit doodles!
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twstinginthewind · 1 year
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WIPs of new characters bc I have very little self-control. I draw them out and give them context in my head, but when it comes to writing out profiles, I just can't make myself do it. So I hurl these little fellas out into the void with no context.
Anyway. Sage's Island Used Bookstore owner (and Belle twist, one of three made in a set w buddies. They have a great origin story) Zayn Weatherwax on the left, and on the right in his dorm uniform, my favorite underwater himbo, Lorne Ibsen.
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twstinginthewind · 8 months
I actually wonder what some of your ocs would think of Eiji, not knowing he is a serial killer because most people don't know but its rumored he is sketchy.
He may not have had much opportunity to meet with all of my OCs, but I can give some highlights from his fellow third-years!
His Octavinelle dormmate Lorne Ibsen is not the smartest merman in the sea. Although the pianist acknowledges Eiji is a hard worker and maintains good grades, Lorne never really felt any urge to get to know his classmate better, preferring to maintain a bit of a distance between them. He's a bit put off by Eiji's macabre jewelry tastes, and the look that Lorne got from him when he asked if he made any "happier" designs gave him the jibblies for a week.
Sweet Sia Sealponte often wonders how somebody who crafts such fine, intricate jewelry wasn't sorted into the Pomefiore dormitory. It can't be the boy's looks; he's striking enough, with those violet eyes and his intense gaze. Since she transferred in for her third year, Sia may not have heard the rumors that have been passed through NRC about Eiji over the past few semesters, and might find some of them frankly unbelievable. She may approach him for assistance if she ever decides to create designs with a more gothic/memento mori element to them, but how well the conversation goes may depend on whether he would be receptive to that sort of collaboration.
Jon Littlebear is a man who trusts his intuition, and likes to think he can get a good read on other people. He's been avoiding Eiji since their freshman orientation, and has been trying to make sure that his own friends keep their distance as well. He's never actually seen Eiji do anything wrong, but a bad feeling is a bad feeling, and Jon trusts his bad feelings. It's kept him out of trouble so far. He might make an exception in the case of a fight, though. If he needed someone really ruthless on his side, Jon would absolutely make a temporary alliance with him. But he'd also watch his back.
... and off-campus, bookstore owner Zayn Weatherwax has mixed feelings about his infrequent customer. Sure, the boy does buy an awful lot of very niche books he might not otherwise sell, and that's always a welcome treat. But that kid keeps looking at Zayn's hands in a way that makes him want to invest in a pair of heavy-duty gloves. Yes, he goes for manicures, he's proud of how nice his hands are. But the appraising look that Eiji gives them during his visits? Oof. Go take your anatomy manuals and horror novels and scoot, young man.
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twstinginthewind · 10 months
🐲 & ⚔️ for The carder twins and Zayn methinks! You can see I have a tinsy tiny bias
Ooooh, excellent menu selections, Miss! That's one Diasomnia combo with a pair of goofers and one bookworm, coming up! (And don't worry - biases and strong preferences are always welcome here. Picking faves is half the fun!!)
I'll go with Malleus Draconia first, because he's royalty, after all. He isn't particularly close with any of these three at the moment, but over time (and especially in one timeline) he will at least get to know them in a positive way.
twst character relationship asks!
Joker Carder has been curious about him since she first heard about him attending Night Raven College, even before she and her brother were enrolled! A mysterious prince from far away, at a school where all you really need is magic? So he's there with, like, just anyone? That's so crazy. Malleus strikes an impressive figure, so Joker was a little stunned when she first saw him at the opening ceremony at the start of the year. After she became friends with Lilia through the Pop Music Club, though, and got to hear some stories about him? He became less of a mystery and more of a friend of a friend. And one day, she might even get the courage to invite him to one of the club's performances! Malleus has heard quite a bit about her from Lilia and the others, too, and thinks she would be an amusing addition to his acquaintances.
Punch Carder isn't quite as in awe of the prince as his sister, but he does have a lot of respect for him. He's seen some of what Malleus is capable of, both magically and physically, and although he's impressed, Punch thinks that what Malleus is doing to help improve relationships between humans and the fae is his most admirable feat. He'd like to get to know him better; Punch thinks Malleus would be interesting to talk to, and honestly? He looks like he could use a friend. Something about the guy strikes him as lonesome. Malleus, in turn, has noted the tall, quiet freshman's patience and dedication, and thinks of him as a scholar who will eventually make waves.
Zayn Weatherwax is always a little flustered when his Highness comes into his bookshop, and not just because some of the rooms that Malleus likes to browse have low ceilings! Zayn is a little in awe of him, and while he'd never actually say so out loud, he had always sort of daydreamed about being spirited away by a dark and mysterious royal type. Shame this one's a student, isn't it? Aside from that, Zayn knows that whenever Malleus comes to shop, he'll be able to close early for the day; Mal drops some SERIOUS coin on books, and is usually quite impressed by the man's ability to acquire unusual or rare volumes. Malleus is fond of the sprightly little bookseller, and enjoys his occasional visits to the shop.
Sebek Zigvolt has the (dis?)advantage of being in the freshman class with the twins, so he is a bit closer to them than his liege is. In one particular timeline, he gets very close, indeed...
Sebek has respect for Zayn, most likely because he is a human that Malleus holds in regard. Since Zayn is better-read than most, he knows more about the shared history of humans and fae than average, and knows how to treat his Briar Valley patrons properly! Zayn sees Sebek, however, as a bit of a nuisance. If he's accompanying Malleus, Zayn is prepared to have to shush Sebek a lot, and the walls often echo with the young man's thunderous voice despite the shopkeeper's pleading. That said, Sebek can often be relied upon to come back later in the week, alone, and purchase copies of whatever it was that Malleus bought on his visit. Zayn never minds those visits, not one bit.
Punch and Sebek have a sort of a mixed relationship. They are a bit competitive over their grades, and ranking within the class. They also sometimes find themselves pitted together athletically, and Punch appreciates the challenge that competing with Sebek provides. But Sebek is often dismissive of Punch, and Punch sees Sebek as being ridiculously stuck-up, so while they are civil enough with one another, neither really goes out of his way to befriend the other. Over the course of a few years, the story might change, but as of right now, they're just polite acquaintances.
Things begin to get a little more interesting with Joker. Regardless of what timeline she's in, she sees Sebek as a hilarious try-hard fanboy in their first few meetings, and despite herself, is always quite taken by his looks. He's ripped, and has beautiful, unusual eyes, and that face ain't half bad, either. And Sebek finds himself frequently verbally jousting with Joker; she challenges his elitist attitudes, and often tries to get him to loosen up and smile. Over time, they do become friendly with each other, and most of the campus agree that they are the two loudest members of their class.
(Specific timeline details below the cut!)
Now, if one particular event happens (a flying accident in phys ed, where a petrified Joker is saved from falling by Sebek), their relationship goes down a different path. They wind up doing a series of unasked favors for one another, like her baking him a tray of snacks, or him just happening to have in-depth, thorough notes to help her study for an upcoming quiz in a weak subject, and so on. They grow closer over time. He begins to appreciate her sense of humor and love of music; she is impressed by his loyalty and drive to become better every day. It takes being caught in a chance rainstorm (or is it by chance, when his dear prince controls the weather, really?) for them to be able to realize that there's more than just a feeling of camaraderie between them, and they begin a slow, awkward courtship together. That is, Sebek would like for it to be slow, just like Lilia taught him, but sometimes when their discussions get heated, they find themselves settling things with kisses instead of words. Their story is long, complicated, and winds up at a happy fairy-tale ending after several years, once Sebek is settled in as the Captain of Malleus's guards, and Joker has succeeded in becoming a touring musician. Because this timeline brings Joker in close to one of Malleus's most trusted people, she also befriends him more closely. And Sebek being happy with Joker makes Malleus happy, too. They are proof, to him, of his movement to help bring their respective people together in harmony.
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twstinginthewind · 9 months
Ranking my OCs in terms of musical ability:
Joker: well on her way to becoming a professional. Award-winning accordionist, also plays any keyboard and sings quite well. Able to improvise instrumentally and vocally. Can fill in a harmony with ease. Perfect pitch. Dances fairly well, but not at a professional performance level.
Hiro: amazing on the banjo. Competent and pleasant-voiced singer. Can handle both ensemble work and solo performance. Best sight-reader of the bunch. Tapdances like you wouldn't believe. Destined for musical theater.
Lorne: velvety singing voice with a huge range, plays piano beautifully. Jazz improvisational skills off the charts. Not much of a dancer, but with that voice, you'd never miss it.
Punch: plays ukulele well, lovely tenor singing voice. Will not perform solo in front of a crowd, but has no problem in ensembles. Perfect pitch. Can keep a beat but is an awkward dancer. Much better at paired dancing than solo.
Jon: Competent bass player, favors the upright. Likes to sing, can carry a tune. Nimble dancer despite his size.
Bobby: good singing voice, able to improvise vocally, decent and enthusiastic dancer. Can play hand percussion.
Zayn: Lovely baritone singing voice, surprisingly lower than how he speaks. No instrumental skills to speak of, but surprisingly good at pairs dancing.
Mia: enthusiastic singer with pitch issues. Surprisingly good hip-hop and swing dancer, will amaze at a casual dance. Excellent sense of rhythm.
Sia: Good at hip-hop and swing dance (Grandmother sent them to the same classes) Doesn't like the sound of her voice, so won't sing. Great rhythm.
Nana: She can play the radio. Loves to dance; can't freakin' dance. Music lover but can't make her own, and is okay with that.
Sunflowers mean I get to say whatever
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twstinginthewind · 10 months
I’ve got a few burning questions for your ocs!
Question one! For Joker and Punch (almost called him poker in my head) is what is their favorite summer activities!
And for Zayn (even though he wasn’t pictured) what does he think of Ellis! One Belle to another Belle one might say
(Joker and Poker sounds better than Punch and Junch.... oof.)
The Carder twins are more winter people than summer ones; Punch's chosen sport is hockey, after all, and Joker loves being able to wear all of her hand-knits out in the cold. But they do have things they love about the summer! Joker's second favorite summer activity is attending as many music festivals as she possibly can. She loves live music, and the crowds at outdoor multi-artist shows have an energy to them that she can't seem to find anywhere else! Her most favorite summer "activity" is getting waffle sundaes at the boardwalk. For Punch, his favorite things to do in summer are to take early-morning runs on the beach, go to baseball games, and toast marshmallows over a bonfire. Both twins also love seeing summertime fireworks shows, and are pretty good swimmers!
As the proprietor of what he considers to be Sage Islands's greatest secondhand bookstore, Zayn Weatherwax is always happy to get a visit from "Little Miss Ellie", as he calls her. He tries to make sure to have a few recommended titles set aside for her, and likes discussing the stories that she picked out on earlier visits! Zayn has probably read every single book in the shop, and has a tendency to direct her towards the royal romances when she stops in.
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twstinginthewind · 2 years
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Hi! I'm Nette, and I'm here to draw, write, and obsess over Twisted Wonderland. I have so many favorites, but my top three are Trey Clover, Floyd Leech, and Deuce Spade. I love playing with OCs, and hope to hear about a lot of them during my time here!
You'll get to know my OCs here:
Joker Carder, Heartslabyul freshman
Punch Carder, Ignihyde freshman
Nana Katzen, Diasomnia freshman
Bobby Sherwood, Savanaclaw sophomore
Jon Littlebear, Savanaclaw junior
Sia Sealponte, Pomefiore junior
Mia Sealponte, Pomefiore freshman
Lorne Ibsen, Octavinelle junior
Hiro Vanderveer, Scarabia freshman
Zayn Weatherwax, NRC graduate (formerly Scarabia) and bookstore owner on Sage's Island
Who knows what else?
You will likely also see a lot of crossover with @twst-the-night-away 's characters, because we tend to develop stuff by throwing ideas at each other, and our main cast has "grown up" together through multiple fandoms.
Thanks for stopping by! I follow back/send asks from hamstergal, but my twst stuff will all be posted here.
My inbox is open for all sorts of interactions. I promise not to bite. I also love "spam" likers and rebloggers; it means I'm doing something right, sharing and making good stuff for y'all! I hope you have fun here with me. Also, if we're mutuals for a while, you can find me on discord too. I might be a lil shyer on there but heck, I'll chat! Just ask :-3
Here's the stories I've written so far!
Posts with my illustrations, both digital and traditional.
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Come play with me on the EN server?
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