#yugioh 5ds next gen
oddchirithy · 1 year
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theblueskyphoenix · 6 months
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Been awhile since I've done anything related to Court of the Kings. So here we are.
Presenting a piece featuring Kichiro Yuki, Yuichi Mutou and Himari Fudo. Modeled after the poses of Judai, Yugi/Atem and Yusei from the Bonds Beyond Time poster. The pose is just awesome and I thought it would be fun for their kiddos to strike the same pose of their respective parent.
Anywhosen, just something fun and a nice way to get back into drawing Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff. Plus, very satisfied to have a rendered piece of mine and Storm's next gens with each other. It's just nice.
Catch ya on the next one.
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In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, have this part of a one-shot I started ages ago but never finished. (I have the start, and I know how I want it to end, but the middle is a little hazy. You know; the usual, lol. Anyway.)
Title: Human (But the Wrong Kind) Fandom: Yugioh 5Ds Rating: Gen Summary: Yusei had always known he was little different; he had just never put all the pieces together to discover the reason why. Notes: Set post-series; Yusei is employed at MIDS. The title vaguely implies ableism but I didn't actually get that far. Only sparsely edited.
The older Yusei got, the more aware he became that something wasn’t quite right. Growing up, this hadn’t been a problem. He knew he was ‘weird’ but Jack and Crow still liked him so it was fine, and when he had asked Martha once she had said that it wasn’t wrong to be different. So he didn’t give it much thought most of the time.
But there were times he became painfully aware of it. Like now.
He was frustrated and overwhelmed and just needed a chance to calm down. “I need a minute.” He stood up and turned his back to his colleague, pressing the heels of his shaking hands to his temples and taking deep breaths. Everything was fine; he could make himself be fine because grown men didn’t have breakdowns.
“That’s okay. Take your time.” He honestly couldn’t tell if those words were sincere or not, which only added to his mounting frustrations. Even so, this wasn’t something he could help happening and he had no choice but to take his time anyway.
When his hands stopped shaking, he finally turned back around to find the other man still silently sifting through the papers spread over the conference room table. (Yes, everything was filed digitally but sometimes it was nice to have endless papers to easily shift around as opposed to one single screen, after all.) Haga didn’t seem to be bothered by what just happened, but… “I’m sorry about that.”
His coworker glanced up. “There’s no need to be.” He paused, shuffling a couple of papers around. “You know, it’s not wrong to call it what it is.”
Yusei could feel his brow pull together in confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
Haga froze and, after a tense moment of silence, his eyebrows shot up towards his hairline. “Oh. Now I’m the one who should apologize. I just assumed… I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have done that. It’s just…the way you reacted just now reminded me a lot of my son and…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “I’m sorry.”
“No, that’s --.” He cut himself off; was it fine? He wasn’t really sure, but he was curious now. Be that as it may, he shook his head as he sat back down. “That’s fine. Let’s just get back to work.”
It wasn’t fine. He couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day, and as soon as he got home that evening, he sank into the couch with his laptop to do some research. He knew Haga’s son was autistic; it had come up in conversations before. So if Yusei had reminded Haga of his own son earlier… He wasn’t sure what that meant yet, but he was going to find out.
Three hours later found him still sitting there, staring at the results of an online AQ test, the screen declaring loudly that his results were “borderline” and that “89% of people in this range are diagnosed.”
Only later would he realize that what he did next was the most autistic response he could have had: he quietly closed the tab, closed his laptop, and didn’t think about it for the next six months.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
20 Fic Recs #2
Typically, as soon as I posted my 20 Fic Recs, I thought of a few other really good fics that I adore so here we are with 20 more really good fics that I highly suggest people go read! (And yes, there is a high chance I'll come up with another 20 at some point... I've read a lot of fics over the years!)
Battle Scar by CalicoPudding Death Note Teen. Friendship/Hurt/Comfort. Mello, Matt. 1k It's raining on the night that Matt finds Mello again.
Consequences by Velkyn Karma Digimon Savers/Data Squad Teen. Adventure. Touma/Thomas, Masaru/Marcus. 21k Sometimes, there are consequences to punching out giant monsters with big teeth and claws.
Dear Kunsel by Sinnatious Final Fantasy VII Teen. Friendship. Cloud, Kunsel. 7k After Avalanche tries to blow up the Sector 5 Reactor, Cloud starts getting messages from a mysteriously well-informed stranger on his PHS.
Dei-Care by Kryzanna Naruto Mature. Humour. Deidara, Itachi, Kisame. 12k Itachi Uchiha suddenly finds himself in an unpleasant situation when Deidara; sifting through Orochimaru's old experiments, accidentally transforms himself into a baby, and decides he's 'mommy'. Fortunately, the jutsu will reverse itself...in time. Itachi's 'mom' for now. But it takes a village to raise a child, right? How about a criminal organisation?
Don't Ask Don't Tell by Ms_Chunks Boku no Hero Academia Teen. Friendship/Romance. Uraraka, Bakugo. 182k Uraraka and Bakugo have a secret. It’s not what their classmates think it is.
Edge of the World // Here Be Dragons by Corbyinoz2 Thunderbirds (TAG) Teen. Hurt/Comfort/Adventure. Gordon, Virgil, Scott. 47k // 114k When returning from a rescue mission, Thunderbird Two is attacked by an unknown force. As Virgil and Gordon plummet towards the ocean, their chances of survival will depend, as it always does, on each other.
Escapist by Calai'di Yugioh 5Ds Gen. Drama/Sci-Fi. Jack, Yusei. 2k Jack finds out everything that's been happening to Yusei.
Faith and Trust by Taliya Detective Conan (Magic Kaito) Teen. Suspense/Friendship. Kaito/KID, Aoko, Nakamori. 13k "A trade: Your daughter and her boyfriend in exchange for you, Kaitou KID, along with Pandora." The only problem was, the ransom note had been addressed and delivered to Nakamori Ginzou—and not Kuroba Kaito. And somewhere along the way, Nakamori Aoko discovers her best friend's most closely guarded secret.
Goodbye, Brother by Selena Estella Bleach Teen. Family/Tragedy. Szayelaporro, Yylfordt. 3k Ilforte's final moments as I like to picture them-with his brother.
Great Minds by ScreamingViking Final Fantasy VII; Crisis Core Gen. Friendship. Kunsel, Genesis. 9k Genesis does not want a student and Kunsel does not want a mentor. If they occasionally stand next to each other when voicing general pieces of advice that is entirely coincidental. A short story of an unlikely friendship that takes off despite everyone's best efforts.
Horse Sense by CeriDouglas BBC Merlin Gen. Humour/Friendship. Merlin, Arthur. 1k The horses are in agreement: Arthur ought to treat Merlin at least as well as the best warhorse in the stable, and they are going to show him how.
Interdependance by Kinjiru One Piece Teen. Friendship. Shachi, Penguin, Law. 2k It was for each other that they strove to be stronger. Because they were nakama. Also, perhaps, because no one else had any idea how to do his job on board. But most of all, it was because no one messed with the Heart Pirates.
Lucky People by novusluna Kuroko no Basuke Gen. Friendship/Humour. Midorima, Kise, Kasamatsu. 4k Midorima Shintarou never texted anyone. Kise did. A lot. So when Kise's daily barrage of texts stop without warning, Midorima is, understandably, slightly disconcerted. And Kasamatsu was never gladder that Kaijo hadn't struck the lottery twice with Teiko starters.
Of Poison And Gold by JuniperGentle Fairy Tail Teen. Drama. Freed, Laxus, Bickslow, Evergreen. 10k In a split second, everything changed. Light turned to dark, life to death, magic to poison. In the swirling maelstrom of pain and destruction, a dying Fried must somehow find the strength to carry on, and take everyone home.
Special Forces by sinkme Naruto/NCIS Teen. Friendship/Hurt/Comfort. Itachi, Team Gibbs. 28k What if shinobi were hired by the government to work as special forces?
Tendencies by KryallaOrchid Miraculous Ladybug Mature. Friendship/Romance. Adrien, Marinette. 245k Miraculous have side effects. From pats becoming a necessity to eating flowers, follow Adrien and Marinette as they come to terms with their new tendencies, and each other. Hawk Moth is coming.
The Apple Thieves by Lindr's Ghost Lord of the Rings Gen. Friendship. Samwise, Legolas. 8k Feeling lonely and a little isolated while Frodo recovers, an unhappy Samwise finds his way to one of Rivendell's orchards. But he does not count on meeting a strange elven guard there, a character who is not quite what first impressions would have him think. Despite appearances, they might have more in common than he can guess...
The Assignment by Kaeera Thunderbirds Gen. Humour, Drama. Scott. 10k Twelve year old Scott struggles with a writing assignment. Honestly, when you have four younger brothers, it can be hard finding time for yourself.
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tamachan221 · 6 years
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ouo slight update with Neteru’s character sheet- She now uses a Fairy deck that revolves around using Agents and Cards that associate with Sanctuary in the Sky. Her signature monster is now Ascension Sky Dragon (this was used in the 5D’s manga, but this character and my other ocs are for the anime only, where it wasn’t used ouo ) 
Neteru used to have a Wind/ Gusto deck but it didn’t really fit this one and her new deck is one that I made myself and is actually really good and kinda trollish with a few of the monsters in it, then again, Agent Fairy decks are kind of op xD 
but this character is supposed to be a really good duelist so it’s okay xD
Neteru- TamaChan221
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3 and 19 for the salty ask?
3) Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Not really. I think I like unfollowed 2, maybe 3 people in the last 4 years that I’ve been on Tumblr due to completely different reasons (I think one person kept spamming me, one would post a shitton of random stuff every day and it was too overwhelming for my dashboard and I don’t really remember the third one). Honestly, if someone has an opinion I don’t agree with, I rather listen to their reasoning since it is interesting to see something from a different perspective. I would only unfollow if they would pester me with it.
19)  What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
FIRST GEN WAS THE BEST! aka. people who can’t shut up how great the first generation of the first series like Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! and bash any other spin-off. I’ll admit it, when I was done with Duel Monsters, I hardly watched GX due to missing the old gang but eventually I grew to love the characters and story, especially Judai, Johan, Yubel and Jim. Same went for 5Ds. I thought Yusei was going to be this edgy, cool and always glaring protagonist, but he turned out to be the sweetest and smartest guy who deeply cares about his friends. I needed a while to get used to Yuma and Yuya, but once I really got into ARC V, I realized just how much development each spinoff got. VRAINS is still going strong and now that I’m rewatching the first series, I can see that it wasn’t as perfect and that there were things missing. I wouldn’t say it was the worst, but it is quite obvious that Duel Monsters were doing a lot of things for the first time. Spin-offs so got the basis and added more elements to new ones. VRAINS literally took everything that made the previous series great and put it together in a very well-written show. I have no doubt the next spin-off will incorporate the old elements that we know and love and add something brand new to make it unique. But no, people refuse to watch anything new and claim the first generation is the one and only without any other constructive argument. When I was cosplaying Yuya, I got several responses like “Why are you cosplaying that guy when you could be cosplaying someone from gen one? That way people could recognize you.” “Oh look, it is that Yugi-wannabe.” “I never watched anything past one gen. It is the best.” I cosplayed Yuya because he is a yugioh protagonist I relate to the most. I love ARC V and being Yuya was one way to show it. Still, that one other guy had a nerve to tell me off how bad ARC V was compared to first-generation EVEN THOUGH HE NEVER ACTUALLY WATCHED IT! Like dude chill, some people actually decided to go past their childhood nostalgia and gave new series a chance. I completely understand that people have preferences, but bashing new spinoffs just because you decided the first one is the best without an actual argument is utterly rude and unnecessary. A lot of people wish for a first-generation reboot like Sailor Moon, but what is really a point of that? Yugi and Atem got their conclusive end in Dark Side of Dimensions - Atem got his well-deserved rest and Yugi can now peacefully work on his new game without saving the world. With a new reboot, this ending will no longer be conclusive and will obviously be just a cash grab. That’s the charm of the new spin-offs. They continue to tell new stories with new elements and characters and to be honest, it is going really well. 
Same goes for Pokemon. My favourite generations are Diamon&Pearl and XYZ, and I absolutely prefer Eureka/Bonnie, Citron/Clement and Hikari/Dawn to all other companions. I’m sorry, but Misty wasn’t as great as others praise her to be and Brock has been with Ash for three generations. Ash will likely always be the main protagonist, so it is nice if at least his companions get switched. I remember watching the 20th Pokemon movie, I Choose You and I really liked the idea of Ash having two new companions in an alternative timeline. But noooo, a whole lot of people weren’t having it. They claimed it felt like Misty and Brock were erased. Like duh, they weren’t supposed to be in it, how else are you supposed to represent the alternative timeline? Personally, I think Sorrel and Verity were really unique and would fit well as Ash’s companion. Verity was probably the first female pokemon trainer that ever travelled with Ash (other girls were either gym leaders, coordinators, performers and whatever Iris and Alola girls are) and her energetic and ongoing persona was really enjoyable, she kinda felt like female Ash. And Sorrel? I loved every single aspect of him. From his fear of losing pokemon and recovering with the help of Lucario to his dream of becoming a professor. And somehow the two of them got so much hate, simply because they weren’t Misty and Brock. This was likely the reason why that was their only appearance. The new characters in Power of Us make sense because they were all from that main city and the main story revolved around their insecurities and them learning how to make a step forward. Still Verity and Sorrel could still fit in there in some way. And the next movie? 3D reboot of the first movie! The first time I watched the trailer I was like “What even is this?” With so many Disney live-action reboots, it was just a matter of time before Pokemon would pick up the same idea. With over twenty movies, they are slowly losing ideas and with so many fans who demand nostalgia they went along with it. I’m yet to see that movie but from what I’ve seen, I fear it will end up like Lion King remake - a complete copy without a heart (kinda ironic since it is literally about clones). I miss the creativity and passion put in other movies, I mean, the staff members travelled the world to get inspiration and used real-life monuments, towns and cultures as a basis. Are they slowly giving up in those outrageous demands from loud fans?
To sum up, yes I dislike fans who insist something that came first was the best and don’t give the following the chance. I agree the spinoffs aren’t always the best (looking at you TMNT, Digimon and Beyblade), but I don’t in any way bash them. I will express my dislikes, but I will always provide a reason why and listen to people who indeed like it. Creators are pressured enough as it is and we should appreciate their work in any way we can.
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commenter2 · 6 years
Story arc ideas for yugioh sequel series (Part 2)
I am so sorry that this is late, things have been pretty busy but now I’m back, and not only is this finally done but I was able to do a few other post as well that hopefully Ill be able to post soon. LONG POST WARNING
Here is part 2 which contains ideas for all the other yugioh shows up to Arc V, as well as one misc. idea and an idea for the original series. Here is the link to part 1 which contains misc ideas for all the series and ideas involving the original series: https://commentron.tumblr.com/post/172998364223/story-arc-ideas-for-yugioh-sequel-series-part-1
For the misc idea
More duels combo between characters- Looking back I’m kinda suprised that the writers never tried and add more duels between other main characters in there respective shows, like Yami Bakura vs. Joey, Syrus vs. Chazz (or Alexis), and Crow vs. Jack to name a few. Maybe if they do make any sequel series for the yugioh series, they should implement these duels more, or at least in the next spinoff series.
 For the original yugioh show
OVA episodes of Yugi an Joey’s duel after battle city tournament- It was said multiple times that Joey would duel Yugi to get his Red Eyes back from him, yet we never got to see it happen, so what if there was a ova or two that showed us how that duel played out.
 Now for GX
The Gang’s adventures after duel academy- In season 4 of GX, we got to learn what some of the gang were going to do after they graduated from Duel academy, but what if we got a small arc where we get to see the characters work to accomplish there dreams. The first quarter of this arc would show the characters work on trying to achieve there goals however later on maybe all the characters reunite as it turns out someone is trying to do something evil within the dueling community, so its up to them save the day again.
Return to Duel Academy - This idea would be more like previous seasons of GX then my last idea. After a few years since graduation, the gang is invited back to the by Chancellor Shepard where they learn from him that the current generation of duelist there aren’t as good/motivated as when the main cast attended, so he invited them in hopes that they will inspire them, and offers whoever inspires the most students a prize of there choosing, so they accept but while there they soon learn that some students (or one) are looking of an item/card on the island that will give them (or he/she) immense power (or something like that) when found, throwing them into another world saving adventure.
An alternate version for this is that the gang go to the island for a class reunion (not a typical 10 or 5 year anniversary, maybe 2 or 3 years) where they learn that a tournament will be held for them and whoever wins not only gets to keep a prized item from the island but also get to teach a few classes at the Academy, so the gang decide to compete, maybe during the season they inspire the next gen of duelist. However unbeknownst to them the item that is offered is targeted by the antagonist of the arc as it is the key to finding an ancient power or card (not the sacred beast though) that he wants in order to take the world or gain immense power so not only do they have to compete in order to get the prize/teach the classes (or for fun according to Jaden) but also save the world.
Original and GX cast working together- Its clearly shown in GX that not only is the original cast of characters still alive and well but there possibly on another adventure (it was hinted at by an older grandpa Muto in one episode of GX) so maybe we could see the GX cast run into the original cast and work with them in order to save the world, or at least duel them for fun. We could even see Yugi and Jaden have a rematch.
Jaden vs. Light/Darkness alliance- Not my greatest idea but I thought I but it down. In GX Jaden defeated not only a being of Light but a being of Darkness so maybe we can see an arc where both enemies return and are working together in order to destroy Jaden.
If a GX sequel ever happens I do want the writers to at least try the following ideas.
Bring Bastion back- Since I said characters should get more screen time, the writers should try and bring him back into the series and give him a bigger role, not only dueling more then he did in the past but maybe also make him a teacher at the Academy. Him returning could also result in Konami to make more cards for him, maybe that Fire Dragon in the credits and/or more monsters based on chemical formulas. While there at it, maybe they should try and bring back other characters as well like Jim Cook, Blair, and Adrian Gecko to name a few
Dub season 4- If a GX sequel does come out and gets dubbed, the people who dub the episodes should also try and dub season 4, since no one has tried to dub it as of yet. Same thing for all the other yugioh series that have episodes that were never dubbed like 5Ds and Arc V.
Don’t fill the dub with jokes- One thing the dub version of GX is infamous for is how the dub was pretty bad, consisting of mostly humor, even at the most intense moments. That’s why if another GX is made, or season 4 of the series is dub, neither should be as wacky as the first 3 seasons dialogue wise.
And finally the biggest personal idea/opinion
Yubel being separated from Jaden- A lot of people who watched GX didn’t like how near the end of season 3, it was shoehorned that Yubel was not only a just a duel monster card friend of Jaden’s when he was a kid but also the reincarnation of another friend from Jaden’s previous life when he was a prince, who later fused with Jaden.
Now I’m ok with her being a reincarnation of a friend from Jaden’s past life as well as an old duel monster spirit from his current life, or that Jaden was a prince in his past life (something that I believe is never brought up again in season 4) but I didn’t like how she and Jaden fused together at the end of season 3 because of several reasons.
One reason is though referenced several times in season 4 Yubel rarely appears in the season, thereby making her not necessary. Another is that it made Jaden more like Yugi and the Pharaoh, which I don’t like since it was clearly shown that Jaden was suppose to be different from them, it also doesn’t help that Jaden supposedly got powers from Yubel but I didn’t notice any of this. But the biggest reason is that Jaden already had enough spirits to begin with, so why did he need another one, especially one that never does anything.
That why I think if a GX sequel show happens, the writers should try and retcon this by making the villain of an arc somehow extract Yubel from Jaden’s soul (or steal her card) and hold her prisoner for the arc. I can see some good things coming from this, not only would this fix a mistake the writers did a long time ago but also make Jaden less like Yugi/Yami. Another thing that can result from this is that it gives Jaden a reason to save the world again, but learning from the events of season 3 and 4, doesn’t get obsessed on saving her that he “loses’ himself, thus seeing some development.
This could also possibly result in good story moments as well, like maybe losing Yubel makes Jaden develop feeling for Alexis or maybe after seeing her get destroyed she could become reincarnated at either a human girl around Jaden’s age or as the daughter of his and Alexis ?
 The following are ideas that could bring speed to 5Ds
Return of the Dark Signers- A big part of 5Ds was the Crimson Dragon, a being of goodness that chose the main characters to help stop great evil throughout the series, and in season  2, a group of bad guys were given the name dark signers as a joke to it. This got me thinking, if there is an all powerful dragon that represents good, could there be one that represented evil? I mean there’s got to be since there is always an opposite force to things like this, plus fun fact in the manga the Crimson Dragon was depicted as evil.
This is where my idea comes into play, a few months/years after the events of the last episode or maybe somewhere in between seasons 2 and 3, the gang has to save the world from 6 chosen dark signers who do the bidding of an anti crimson dragon of sorts, whose goal is to destroy its good part and bring the universe into chaos, or control it.  
A mystery solving arc- This would be an arc similar to the Grand Championship arc from the original yugioh anime as though there is a threat, it isn’t something that can destroy the world, which I think would be interesting to see in the 5Ds world since I didn’t like how they made everything so serious, though its seriousness can work for a mystery themed arc.
It will take place a few months or a year after the events of the last season as the cast of 5Ds conveniently reunites again when they enter/work at the tournament of a new type of turbo dueling that I thought up, which is a cross country race where duelist not only have to defend themselves from other duelist but also try and reach certain checkpoints across the country before a certain number of positions fill up in order to advance to the next part of the race. Maybe similar to Arc V (or Mario kart when I think about it XD) they can find cards across the track that can aid them in duels or the higher the place a racer is in the tournament, the more chance they can get of getting an advantage in the next part of the race.
However things start to get serious as a masked duelist (and some minions) appear and sabotages the race by not only eliminating players in duels but also sabotaging their gear (like decks and vehicles) and the race track. So its up to Yusei and the gang to try and stop this guy from ruining the tournament while figuring out who he is. However unlike in other yugioh shows the obvious antagonist isn’t shown to the viewers, giving the arc a mystery theme to it as the identity of the  “masked duelist” would constantly change through out the arc until near the end where it revealed.
The only small thing I would like to see happen in a 5Ds sequel series is this.
Make turbo dueling more interesting- To me turbo dueling was a failed attempt to make dueling in the show more interesting as the only thing it did was make duelist ride modified motorcycles around tracks, sure there were other things that made it different from regular dueling but none that changed the concept of the game that much.
However I have some ideas that can fix this. Like I said in my previous idea, maybe they could do what Zexal and Arc V did, and have players find random cards on the track/field and use them to help them in there duels. Another idea is to have race courses with various obstacles on them that if a duelist touch something happens, like lose life points, have something positive or negative happen to them, or automatically lose, that way not only do the characters have to focus on the duel but also on there driving, making it more intense.
Revenge of Barian world- If fiction have taught me anything, just cause peace was established somewhere, doesn’t mean it will last. My idea is that a few years after the events of the last episode, and defeating the “great evil” hinted at in said episode, which they could say wasn’t as bad as they thought. Things are going bad on zexal/barian world (the new planet was never given a name) as the fusion of the worlds seems to be having negative side effects on the world and its people, maybe have it cause some negative things on earth as well. 
Turns out the world is starting to tear apart due to some rouge chaos energy in the core, however Astral or someone else finds out that there is an item on Earth that can save the planet but doesn’t know where it is, and that someone else is looking for it in order to gain its powers. If that wasn’t enough a splinter cell consisting of former Barian world people, and maybe a few Astral people are also looking for it in order to split the world in order to bring back the original dimensions, so now its up to Astral with the help of an older Yuma (maybe 16 or 17) to stop them and save the planet before its destruction.
Aliens attack- Another not great plan but I thought I put it down. This arc would center around another alien race, specifically a group of tyrannical beings, from a parallel dimension who after detecting the fusion between Astral and Barian world, have traveled there in order to conquer it and Earth, just like they did to there home dimension, that big hand at the end of the series was actually a imprint of the machine (powered by a form of chaos) they used to get to astral/barian world. 
However after realizing that either race can put a dent to there goal, even destroy them and there empire if the 2 work together, they devise a plan that involves getting the humans and astral/barians (or all 3) to go to war against each other, so that when weak enough will be easily for the new antagonistic race to conquer. However Astral catches wind of this plan (or maybe he’s told this by a rouge agent of the new race) so he ask an older Yuma to help him, which leads the duo on another quest to save the world, while at the same time trying to prevent the planets and even his friends from fighting one another.
A key theme for this arc would be trust and friendship as not only would fights between the humans and astral/barian (or all 3) people constantly happen on the show, but Yuma would also get in fights with his friends as well, as after a few close calls some of the characters like Bronk and Caswell start to question things like why Yuma should make the decisions, and at some point some of them some stop helping him, maybe go to the dark side for a bit. Speaking of fights this idea would involve humans finding out about the barians and astrals constantly, as at some point (maybe hallway in the series or first season) the barians and astrals reveal themselves to the entire world
Here are misc. things that should happen
Confirm if the events of 5Ds did happen- Before Arc V introduced the alternate dimensions/universes concept, people questioned if Zexal took place in an alternate timeline where the events of 5Ds never took place, cause not only did the show never referenced anything from 5Ds itself (especially in this one episode featuring duels monsters used by past main characters) but out of all the non xyz’s monsters used in the show none were synchro monsters.  This should finally get answered if another Zexal series comes out, I even have ideas on how thy can handle this depending of what the writers decide to do.
If it does take place in an alternate universe the writers could bring up that in Zexal, Ener-D was a failed attempt of an alternate power source, which as a result not only cause the events of 5Ds from never happening but also never created the tech needed to make Duel Runners and as a result Turbo dueling as well as inspire synchro monsters.
If it doesn’t a possible explanation is that the events of 5Ds happened a century or more ago before the events of Zexal (cause when compared to 5Ds, Zexal looks like its takes place much farther in the future) and as time went on stuff like turbo dueling along with synchro, and fusion monsters, became more unpopular (or to expensive to fund in turbo dueling case) and were faded out/forgotten in the duel community which would eventually favor regular dueling and xyz. Or say turbo dueling and synchro monsters are more popular and/or used more in other parts in the yugioh world, but heartland city isn’t one of them.
Use fusion/synchro monsters in series- This can work depending on either answer in my previous idea. In Arc V I liked how all extra deck monsters were used throughout the entire series, and I think they should do this in a Zexal show as well (if it does takes place in a world where all previous shows existed) but better since Pendulum summoning won’t be used (I’m not a big fan of those cards). The writers could say that during the time skip, fusion (and or synchro if 5Ds did happen in Zexal timeline) monsters made a comeback in the dueling world, thus dueling has become more intense then before, making the show itself intense.
Time for Arc V
Saving the yugioh multiverse- Though the idea of alternate universes in the yugioh world is cool, me and other people didn’t like how it kinda ruins the idea that all the previous shows before Arc V no longer take place on one big timeline (at least up to 5Ds max) so I have some ideas that could not only make for good arcs but also retcon this idea.
One idea is how after fighting a few bad guys as the season starts, Yuya and the others eventually discover that the worlds they know of are but a few in a yugioh multiverse, which is now in danger as a evil force (maybe a evil pharaoh?) has gathered a team of villains from various worlds (which would consist of villains we know as well as new ones like an evil Yubel who never fused with Jaden and a evil Luna) and is looking for the center of the multiverse which is the world were all the events of the previous shows (with the exception of Arc V) have happened at once, which is the key for him to ruling everything. 
So now its up to Yuya and his friends to save the day once again, and along the way they team up with not only his friends but also a variety of characters from other spinoffs like Kaiba who won the God cards during Battle City or a Zane who never went evil for example.
Prevent a great merging- An arc where Yuya and the gang have to save all the dimensions from a group of people with the goal of trying to merge all the dimensions back into one world (as stated briefly in the Arc V series), which if they succeed could result in the destruction of all the dimensions. However maybe as a twist it turns out that the only way to save all of them from a great evil, who was the one that convinced the leader of the group to do so, is to indeed fuse them which not only defeats the evil but also results in a world where all the events of all the shows have happened in one straight timeline.
So what do you think ? Which of these ideas would you like to see be made in a show ?
If you like this list, make sure to subscribe as I plan on posting a few more yugioh centered list in the future, like ideas for an actual yugioh spinoff as well as cards Konami should consider making.
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I noticed something about ygo protag ages, if we choose to disregard the “unknown year they take place”
Yuugi/Yami, season 0:
Debut Year: 1998
Character’s Debut Age: 16
Implied YOB: 1982
Yuugi/Yami, DM:
Debut year: 2000
Character’s Debut Age: 16
Implied YOB: 1984
Judai, GX:
Debut Year: 2004
Character’s Debut Age: 16
Implied YOB: 1988
Yuusei, 5Ds:
Debut Year: 2008
Character’s Debut Age: 18
Implied YOB: 1990
Yuuma, ZeXal:
Debut Year: 2011
Character’s Debut Age: 13
Implied YOB: 1998
Yuuya, Arc V:
Debut Year: 2014
Character’s Debut Age: 14
Implied YOB: 2000
Yuusaku, Vrains:
Debut Year: 2017
Character’s Debut Age: 16
Implied YOB: 2001
From this data, (again, implying canon years are the same as ours) Yuuma is the last protagonist to be a 90′s kid, unless the next gen of Yugioh (possibly in 2020 if the run time is the same as series’ past) has a protagonist over the age of 21
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oddchirithy · 2 years
Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Next Gen: Blow My Brains Out
Note: Also posted on my Quotev. Does not take place in the same universe as "Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Next Gen: Ghost". Alternate concept for characters and a what-if. Title comes from the song "Blow My Brains Out" because I it's what inspired me to write this. Typed this out without reviewing. It's not finished, but I wasn't sure how to end it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Sumire laughed at the TV as a shadow ran past the characters. Inés glanced at Seiji,the younger of the twins, who stared just above the screen.
The three were in the twin's living room, watching a horror movie that Inés couldn't even remember the name of.
'I should go home' she thought. She could already feel a familiar dull ache somewhere deep in her head.
A screech was heard to Inés' right and she felt Sumire's weight shift onto her arm while Seiji seemed to stiffen.
The red-headed girl clung to Inés' arm as she insisted that 'no she wasn't scared, just surprised'.
Inés could feel the headache coming as she awkwardly patted the girl's shoulder.
The credits rolled.
Seiji left to get something from the kitchen.
Honestly, it was just to calm himself down.
By the time the younger twin returned (in 5 minuets or so, Inés wasn't surprised. Seiji was always one to compose himself quickly compared to his older sister) Sumire had stopped clinging to Inés' arm and was sitting straight up.
"Already?" Sumire questioned. Inés nodded, she had just told her she was leaving.
'Better now, than later'
Seiji furrowed a dark brow.
"You're going to leave this late?"
Inés looked just by his shoulder.
"Yes, I should be going already, before it's gets darker. Have a good evening you two,".
"Now hold on,"Sumire stood up from the couch.
"Won't your guardians be worried if you walk alone?".
Inés walked to the door.
"No, I've walked home later than this. Don't worry, I'll text you when I get there,".
She opened the door, waved bye to the twins, and left without another word.
'I'm home'
As she'd said, Inés sent Sumire and Seiji the message that she'd arrived home.  
She didn't bother to look for their response, which they no doubt had.
She collapsed halfway on a kitchen chair, her head laying on the table. The lights were on. Inés didn't bother to turn them off. She stayed in the kitchen, not moving, and went to sleep.
Out of the 3 or so years that Inés knew Seiji (she technically knew him longer than she'd known Sumire and they technically weren't even friends), she'd never actually met their parents. (They never met hers. They never asked. Even if they did, it's not like they could.)
Inés had seen them. She knew who they were. By name, not personally.
(Seiji just had to get into a fight with some wannabe gang, two high school students and one adult, he just had to keep going and not back down. Which lead to a physical fight and then a trip to the hospital. Inés had been asked by Sumire to call their parents because she couldn't do it herself.)
The first meeting was brief, in a hospital, not even half a minute. Inés walked by and left before they even knew she was the one that called.
Fudo Yusei and his wife, (formerly Izayoi) Fudo Aki.
It wasn't hard to see the see the resemblance between them and the twins. (Both physically and in terms of personality).
They were wonderful, kind, and there. Inés couldn't help but look and listen to them talk to their son and daughter.
The same could be said with Mr and Mrs Fudo's friends and their children.
The second meeting was because Sumire, never one to shy away, had called out Inés' name as Inés walked down a street.
Atlas Jack and Atlas (née Nagisa) Carly and their children Freida, Leroy, and Regina.
Hogan Crow and his officially and unofficially adopted kids (too many for Inés to name), oldest being Yagi Osamu and Ike Sora.  
(Mr Fudo seemed to be the least bothered by her stoic face, rather more concerned as he then knew it was Inés who had called)
And their many other friends who she'd meet later.
And they were all so happy. Got along so well.
Even when the kids inevitably had arguments with their mothers or fathers, they could always come right back home, knowing their parents loved them and would talk it out.
So of course Inés avoided the parents. It was disgusting how happy, how well, and how they truly loved each other. (She didn't even have to look at their thoughts to know that.)
They were all so lucky. Their parents were home, loved them and could spend time with them. Meanwhile Inés had an empty home and an monthly (if she was lucky) 20 minute monitored visit through a glass plane.  
And it hurt.
It just killed Inés walking back from a visit, only to see Sumire and Seiji with their father and mother.
And it just felt so awkward seeing that goddamn Sector Security member occasionally drop by.  
Inés just wanted to take a hammer and bash it into her skull to stop all the thoughts and aches that seemed to grow with her. (But it was a connection with her dad, and Inés valued that.)
Sumire and Seiji were nice, they really were. Seiji was grumpy and rather introverted, but he always checked up with everyone. Sumire was all smiles and clingy, but it was clear she just wanted everyone to be happy.
And yet, Inés knew they wouldn't really understand her feelings. They could understand her missing her father, her being unable to look one in the eyes, her being stolid, and her being neutral in opinions. (She sometimes wondered their reaction if they ever found who he was.)
They couldn't understand her missing a man who was a monster. Her being stolid wasn't her being shy, she just really couldn't be expressive if she tried. And if she wanted to, there was always a risk of injury to others. (Like that one time in her middle school, not that she cared.) And really, if she defended the leader of an organization that tortured children and manipulated Mrs. Fudo and killed Mrs Atlas, there'd be questions.
It stung.
Inés wished she cared enough to apologize.
(But it wasn't her fault, so what would be the point?)
If there was ever a person to switch bodies with, one would probably say Sumire.
Pretty red haired and brown eyed Sumire.
Sumire who was always happy and outgoing and open (and so ignorant of what she had).
Blithe, uninhibited, and dense.
How would it feel to be like that? Inés had wondered about it.
It probably felt so freeing, so refreshing, and so enlivening to not be burdened by problems like she had. If Inés were more ignorant at least.
(Because in honest truth, she's disgusted that would it take being someone other than herself to be happy, so there was no point in imagining what it would be like).
(Because all she wanted was to be able to actually have her family, even if it wasn't right nor true.)
And while Sumire and Seiji had all the love and support from their parents and family, Inés had all the hate and rage waiting to lash out whenever she would inevitably snap. (Like middle school)
And maybe Mr and Mrs Fudo had a feeling something was wrong (Carly seemed to sense something also, but it was more fear than concern), because they seemed to be more interested in Inés' well being. (Inés technically told nothing of her home situation, but the adults seem to pick up on parts of it)
And Inés just knew that they were going find out sooner or later if it kept up.
So she slipped out a few details. Nothing too specific. Her mom was long gone, her dad couldn't be present, (Not a lie, technically) and she was under custody of one his friends.
That seemed to settle their concerns, somewhat. (But Inés knew she'd have to tell sooner or later)
(But that could wait, just a little longer)
The aching in her head only got worse when she worried about it, so Inés stopped worrying about it and just breathed.
And it would work for a time. Until she left her home, then the aches would come back. And all the thoughts of others (and she'd always shiver internally and deal with her nausea alone) and their emotions would rush and jam themselves into her skull and god Inés wished they could all just shut up.
Inés wished she could just die already. If she couldn't be happy as herself in this life, maybe she'll be better off in the next one.
(Technically, it would still be her, same soul and a body she was born into)
"Sorry about your mom" Seiji had said to her that day. His hands awkwardly in his pockets as he looked at Inés' side.
She hadn't given a verbal response, choosing to nod. Silent, the two watched as Regina and Sora dueled.
To others, Inés was a lonely, meek, girl with a absent father and negligent caretaker. And who's to say they're wrong?
Her point of view wasn't always the truth, just as others views also weren't.
Her view was that she was a self aware, horrible girl with an even worse father and cautious caretaker.
Team 5ds may have taken down Divine, Inés' father, the leader of the Arcadia Movement, but they never took down the Arcadia Movement's followers. Why would it be surprising that they were striking back with a vengeance?
(With all the recent incidents occurring, it was only a matter of time before her truth was revealed)
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oddchirithy · 2 years
Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds Ghost
Based off a Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds fanfic I read back in middle school (inspired some ocs) and recently found a while ago. Unfortunately the notebooks I had that contained the prologue and ocs profiles were thrown out a couple years ago so I'm relying off memory. 
Summary: Audrey just wanted a worthy opponent to gain back her confidence. Ren wanted her to leave them alone and to stop snooping around before she tried to look into their past.  So maybe, the offer wouldn't be bad to accept.
Note: Also posted on Quotev. I was stuck between using Audrey or another oc that was meant to be Yusei/Akiza's kid, but chose Audrey because I didn't have a good enough name or character design for them.
Audrey sighed as she repeatedly swiped down on the phone's screen, her feet swinging back and forth. She'd said goodnight to her mother mere minutes ago and yet just looking at the bright screen made it feel like ages. 
"This guy.." she muttered. 
She placed her palm against her cheek and closed her eyes. 
A figure dressed in a green jacket stood up straight from the wall they'd been leaning against and began to walk. Not a minute later, they paused to look up at the night sky. 
        A brunet man stood before them with his muscular arms crossed, saying something that they really didn't care enough to remember. Vaguely, they could recall his comment about how "they been working with each other for a while" and how "It's nothing personal, but there are better people". 
How stupid of him, they thought, although not unexpected, especially for a man as himself. Oh well, they were already long done with what they'd needed anyway. Truthfully, they were hoping for him to just be done with his talk already. 
He had activated his duel disk as a challenge. They went along with it.
It was so easy, so mundane, for them, that it was over in a second. The man lied face down on the hard concrete, duel disk broken. They left without a glance to spare and drove back to their home, the previous events fading from their mind. 
        The wind blew on their dark hair, making it sway side to side and brush against their skin. The green jacket was undone and hung loosely around their shoulders.
'She's probably waiting for a reply' they thought absently.
Audrey. To be more specific, Audrey Atlas, daughter of famous Turbo Duelist, Jack Atlas. With a blonde French bob, excluding the two strands of hair that fell nearly to her shoulders, and fierce round purple eyes. Almost exactly like her father.
Just more annoying. Quite persistent. She was the type that jumped into things once it caught her interest. Apparently, they themselves became one of those things after their duel was interrupted before one could finish the other off.  And since then, it seemed Audrey was determined to get them to compete against her in some sort of tournament. 
She had tried to convince them with the promise of a better life, and better education. When that didn't seem to work, she tried to appeal to their "sentimental" side and how they should duel against her to remember what it was like to duel as themselves and not as some feared vigilante. They gave a vague response that seemed to appease her at the time, before being given her number. She'd left after they gave her a warning about coming alone, and she, thankfully, understood.
And now, a few days later, they stood outside of their home, phone in hand, as they mused on whether to respond now or to think for another day.
If they competed and won, they'd go to some university and receive an education that ultimately they wouldn't make anything of along with the reputation of the person who defeated the daughter of the one and only Jack Atlas. On the other hand, if they lost, without a doubt, they'd still receive attention from the media, not as much if they'd win, but with time they could fade to obscurity. If it was somehow a draw, it would certainly cause a rematch, only leading to more attention regardless if they won or lost. 
Losing seemed to be the best option if they accepted. 
If they refused the offer or straight up ignored her, they could go on as if nothing happened. They could live their somewhat normal everyday life. Pretend as if they didn't meet Audrey or as if they didn't receive an offer. 
But that wouldn't be normal. Not at all. 
'Well, it wouldn't hurt to try her idea', they contemplated. 
The message was sent. And everything was set into motion.
'...! Is that-'
Audrey's eyes snapped open as her screen lit up. She felt her heartbeat slow slightly at the message. 
'I'm in'
She couldn't help but smile slightly.
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oddchirithy · 2 years
Full Animatic: https://youtu.be/u1shd1kej20
Could be better, but I'm just happy I actually finished instead of procrastinating and never working on it again.
Based off a Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds fanfic I read back in middle school and the ocs I made based off it.
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