luanna801 · 6 years
@yoyo-inspace replied to your post:
YES IT FITS SO WELL!! Please do write that headcanon post, it would be AMAZING (and yes, something is definitely up with Hiwatari sr, but I suppose we’ll have to wait and see. I like your theory though)
Also damn that art thing would work so well, and it would be easy to believe that he just showed up for that… aaaah, angst.
The thing that would make it so believable is that, of course, Daisuke would have originally showed up to steal the thing. Caring about Satoshi would quickly become more important than that, of course, but there would still be that voice in the back of Satoshi’s head telling him that Daisuke has an ulterior motive. And his father would definitely be able to use that to manipulate him, because manipulation is more convincing when there’s a bit of actual, undeniable truth in there.
Okay, so some more thoughts on this:
- I think I’ll stick with Daisuke coming from a long line of Phantom Thieves (rather than being an orphan like Eugene), because I think it’s an important part of his character and really the only reason any incarnation of Daisuke would get into being a thief in the first place. 
- The original Phantom Thief Dark (our Dark from canon, basically) was a way-far-back ancestor of Daisuke’s who became a legendary figure, the kind who little kids get told bedtime stories about, like the original Flynnigan Rider in Tangled. Since then a member of Daisuke’s family in every generation uses the name as an alias, kind of a Dread Pirate Roberts thing. (There are probably even some people who think it’s been the same guy all along.) Daisuke’s been trained to be the next Dark for his whole life, and grew up hearing stories about his notorious ancestors, particularly the original Dark.
- Living up to that legacy is a big deal to Daisuke, but it’s also deep down not something he’s really sure he wants. (Just like in canon, really.) He wants to make his family proud, and he wants to be this dashing rogue he’s grown up being told he should be, but at his core that’s not who he really is and that becomes painfully obvious the more you’re around him.
- So much like ‘Flynn Rider’ is really a persona Eugene puts on to hide his real self in Tangled, ‘Phantom Dark’ is that for Daisuke. (Although in his case, it’s less that he puts on a persona, and more that he’s got a certain reputation as Phantom Thief Dark which is incredibly at odds with his actual personality. When he tries acting like a suave gentleman thief, he pretty much just comes across as a ridiculous dork, bless him. Which is actually kind of true of Eugene too tbh.) And much like in the original movie, it’s a big deal when he finally drops that and tells Satoshi his real name. 
Satoshi: For the record... I like Daisuke Niwa much better than Phantom Dark.
Daisuke: Well, then you’d be the first... but thank you.
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terribleoldwhitemen · 7 years
19, 1, 6. :)
I only just saw these asks! Oooh, what a delight! Let’s see…..
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?My current fandom being Person of Interest, the thing which irks me most is how critical it is. Which I realize is inherent in any media– that it will be critiqued; that it should be critiqued– but when it comes down to it, we received a prescient, intelligent, five-season-long fully-resolved show starring talented actors and featuring a prominent and seriously-treated f/f romance. People take too much glee picking apart the small flaws and forget to see it as its whole, and it gets tiring. 
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?There is a 200k E-rated Fusco/Finch fanfiction on AO3. I don’t understand it, I can’t fathom it, but @ whatever dedicated and crazy fan wrote it: four for you, follow your dreams, etc. etc.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?Yes, actually! I can only think of one example, and it’s Bagginshield: I came out of the first Hobbit movie in firm Brotp mode, but fandom convinced me otherwise (and I’ve never looked back ;).
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knownoshamc · 9 years
Hmm. Do you have any pets? :)
Yep. I have a cat for 1 and a half year now, named Isidoros. He was a stray and one day I found him in my flat and he decided to stay, so here he is! ;)
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kraken-with-a-plan · 10 years
Tumblr media
yoyo-inspace replied to your post “Jag är så ledsen för F! men annars ska man ju vara glad just nu. Vi...”
Jag vet inte riktigt hur glad man ska va ändå... Det må bli regeringsbyte men enda partiet som egentligen vunnit är ju SD... Vilket gör mig så arg.
Ja, självklart blir man arg och orolig över det stöd som SD har fått. Samtidigt känner jag att det kunde ha varit värre. Vi kunde ha varit i samma situation när det gäller SD fast med en fortsatt borglig regering. Det hade jag nog blivit mest deprimerad av. Nu får vi helt enkelt hoppas att vänstersidan+F! gör ett bättre val om 4 år. Då tänker i alla fall jag lägga min första röst på dem(17 år och 10 månader atm).
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thoscheiongallifrey · 10 years
yoyo-inspace replied to your post “I don’t remember what I was dreaming this night but I woke up with one...”
omg. Yes. Headcanon accepted. I've always seen Daniel as asexual as well, though perhaps more demisexual... Now I'm imagining the two of them having a discussion about that and how they can relate to each other's experiences
Oh yeah I'd have gone with demi for him ^.^ Because of Sha're and Vala in the time loop.  *laughs* omg this is a wonderful idea. Someone write that. o.O In the cafeteria over the jello. Bonus points for a very confused Teal'c sitting right next to them, blinking and then continuing to eat his pudding with his 'I don't know what you're talking about Tau'ri I will just smile like I know' -smile
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yoyo-inspace? *tries to remember other friends who's URL she knows*
yoyo is awesome and she's good at history and history is good! she's super skinny and really nice to hug and sometimes she gives me feelings about fandoms that i don't want to feel so i hide under things. she's very good with sad facts and headcanons. she's also very clumsy but everybody loves that except the time when she tripped over her feet and fell head first into a pillar because she is our friend and we don't like seeing her get hurt
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bootysenpie · 11 years
yoyo-inspace replied to your post: the correct pronounciation of pokémon is...
There was a man from Japan visiting us at some point when I was really really small and I barely remember it, but one thing I DO remember is that he reminded me for like an hour about how to pronounce pokemon.
they put é instead of e because the word pokémon is a romanization of ポケモン, so the e are pronounce just like in résumé or soufflé, and there's no wrong or right pronunciation for me tbh, because everyone has their own way of speaking and talking so yeah fine, but strictly speaking, you should pronounce it poh-kay-mon C:
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luanna801 · 6 years
sooo...... now I really want a tangled au with Satoshi as Rapunzel and Daisuke as the famous thief. That's clearly the biggest thing to take away from the new content.
I was actually thinking exactly that when I made that post. It just fits entirely too well, doesn’t it?
Like, can’t you just picture Hiwatari Sr. throwing some Magical Hikari Plot McGuffin that Daisuke originally showed to to steal at Satoshi, all “This is why he’s here, don’t let him deceive you, give it to him, watch, you’ll see… Trust me my dear, that’s how fast he’ll leave you, I won’t say I told you so…”
I… honestly love this idea far too much. I may end up writing a longer headcanon post about it, especially if the immortal!Hiwatari thing does turn out to be canon.
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yoyo-inspacereplied to yourpost:you and your girlfriend are fucking disgusting. You are filth of the highest degree and you should be ashamed. Stupid cunts should learn that your place is with a MAN. maybe I should tell her parents and let them and god judge her and hopefully keep you apart. you should never meet stop spreading your vile influence and kill yourself you stupid dyke
Firstly, Anon is a douchebag, and not only that but a pathetic douchebag and Sara is perfect with responding. *hugs* Secondly, spreading queerness like confetti might be one of the most awesome expressions ever.
"You get a minority sexual orientation! You get a minority sexual orientation!"
In all seriousness though; Anon, whoever you are, this is not okay. It's not okay to send this kind of message to me, and it's certainly not okay to send a similar one to Jessica. Stop being an ignorant coward and leave us alone. 
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