ivyloveheart · 2 years
12. Error (what you like abt fandom portrayal)
Whenever the fandom portrays him in ways that are actually true to his character, and when they make his character more than just Edgy Emo Skeleton who’s only emotion is Anger and literally Nothing Else. Because in canon, he is more than that, and it makes me really happy to see him being #goofysilly on purpose <33
Like, yes, he absolutely does have his Edgy Emo Moments™️, but it’s not everything his personality has to offer. He’s also a Big Baby™️, in every sense of the word. He’s childish and immature and throws temper tantrums, but he also loves to make jokes and mess with people, and he has his much softer moments, too! I just wish there was more content that showed those sides of him.
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lynkolnevans · 2 years
🌻 ALSO how did i never follow you lmao
Lmao thanks for the follow! 💜
Did you know the most birds secrete a special type of oil from the gland at the base of their tail, which they distribute onto their feathers when preening? It's used to protect the feathers structure and provide waterproofing, hence water fowl usually have either further specialized oil or a larger relative gland to their body size. It's very similar to using conditioner or lotion to help maintain human hair and skin.
However, not all birds have a preen gland! Some have evolved feathers which deliberately break down into "dust" called powder down, which they spread in place of the oil. Emus are one such bird with powder down. Hope you enjoyed a quick summary of what I've recently read on Wikipedia lol!
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neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
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Fanart for
@yourlovehasincreased (both the rat and cat)
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5-point-2 · 2 years
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a messy cilantro doodle for my bestie @yourlovehasincreased
[image description: a digital drawing of cilantro. cilantro is a rodent-like creature with rounded ears and brownish fur, who is staring at the viewer. cilantro is wearing a blue robe, one hand lifted slightly, the other dangling in the air. the background is bright red]
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ask-king-fresh · 2 years
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Hula hooping true Fresh
@yourlovehasincreased @ivyloveheart
lil starfish man do his dancey dance
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@peepaw-william-says replied to your post “You ever read rad end? It’s pretty good so far.”
Nvm post cancelled Ill never typ anything late at night again /LH @yourlovehasincreased
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
(Clown) What is somethibf silly/small theyre embarrasses abt?
Cosmic, Keylime, and KB ^_^
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Cosmic doesn’t really have anything small they’re really embarrassed about, but generally she’s a little shy when it comes to things like compliments. Especially when it comes to how well she works with kids.
I’m sure there’s definitely some things they’re a little embarrassed about, but it’s not really things that us humans would exactly understand.
KB isn’t the type to be embarrassed of anything, really. They do get a little frustrated whenever a prank of theirs fails, they can’t scare someone, or when they fail at trying to do something impressive (like playing some of the arcade games), though.
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
keyboars Which fo.do u write the best ALL OF THEM
⌨️keyboard: which of your f/os is the easiest for you to write for?
Error and Fresh! They’re the two I write the most, and uh. I either haven’t written some of them yet or haven’t written them much at all yet to be able to tell how easy they are for me to write.
I’ve written Error for the longest out of all of them, and Fresh the second most. Nightmare I’ve written quite a lot as well, but I haven’t written for him in like over two years 🫢 [<- hand-over-mouth with open eyes emoji] I might write him again soon tho!
I still have some stuff I wanna improve on with writing Fresh, like with making him more scary, but I just don’t usually write stuff where he really needs to be too scary, and it’s kinda difficult.
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
how r you? :3
Doin awesome!!! I’m goin to a comic con tomorrow as Chara/Swap!Chara >:3c
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
KB/SkeeBall with the first question! (What friend are they)
🍇: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic?
The mischievous one always pulling pranks on others! They love to have fun and mess around whenever they can. They enjoy having friends who can take and even join in on their pranks and sense of humor, but it’s extra fun when he gets to mess with around with and annoy others who try to get on his tail about his behavior. He loves breaking rules 😈
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
Ivy (YOU!!!!!), IVYGEN (ALSO YOU!!!!!!!!) and Plant Emoji - do they have a green thumb ........(i2think obvious answer hehee . ^_^ )
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Yes! All my sona’s fingers are green <3
When half your magic is Plant and Healing magic, and you just love plants altogether, it only makes sense that you’d be great at caring for plants and keeping them alive and happy <3
Ivygen also is good at keeping living plants! They fell in love with Earth’s nature as soon as they arrived on the planet, and have since studied plants and learned how to care for them! They’re not as good at caring for plants as the Hylian Ivy with magic is, plus they have other responsibilities such as making their music, so they majorly only have plants that are fairly easy to maintain and only really require some amount of watering.
Ivygen has plants decorating the entirety of their workspace, and it really brightens the mood and makes it easier and more enjoyable for them to work <3
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
3dee looks.so.awesome.and Cade.....tell me.more abt em
Cade and 3D are boyfriends!! 😼 t4t <3
Cade is always very sleepy and loves stars, soft things like pillows, blankets, and inanimate plushies
Dee is always there to help Cade out with anything he needs, keeping him cheered up, making sure he’s gotten enough food and water, etc.
They both love to go on arcade dates, too!! Arcades are one of Cade’s special interests <3
Cade is very chill, lighthearted and kind; almost never takes anything rude anyone may possibly say about him to heart and usually just waves it off nonchalantly
Dee is a little more outgoing than Cade is, and is less tolerant of others being rude, especially when it comes to Cade; though he also couldn’t care less about what people say about himself. He’s more for the defense of others and people he cares for, though he always uses his words; he never goes out of his way to try and hurt someone.
Though Cade always tells Dee he doesn’t need to do that for him, Cade appreciates everything Dee does for him either way <3
They both have great senses of humor
And they’re both hyenas
So I’m sure you can imagine what they sound like when something makes them laugh <3
Including Cade, despite how soft his voice naturally is
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
KB again - How do they feel abt acts of affection? (Corn)
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
KB is fairly neutral when it comes to affection. He’s not necessarily the affectionate type, and it’s not really something that crosses his mind. He does show some form of affection for friends, though, such as playing with them and including them in his tricks, and hanging around them often when they’re at his arcade, but it’s strictly platonic. His favorite type of affection, subconsciously, is physical; hugs, fistbumbs/secret handshakes, playfighting, hanging around, etc.
(Something to note, though, is he has both a physical form, where he can physically interact with other physical objects, and a more incorporeal form where he can phase through physical objects. Including living things 👍)
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
I have been very bored the past few days 😞
I have very vague ideas for some things that I’d like to try out, but I don’t know how to even begin, or what exactly it even is I wanna do
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ivyloveheart · 2 years
V have you ever gotten carried away Ok well imagine that because i did that. Hi
Yes. Hi
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