#you're so cool and a great mutual and I love you/p
switchthedragon · 6 months
I don't hate you
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the-raindeer-king · 3 months
The 141 and having kids with them :) This was fueled by a random thought I had at work, and it was written at like 3am. Pls be kind.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Due to his personal experiences, I think he probably would be against having kids in the beginning. Like he's seen and been through so much, and I think his main fear would be ending up like his dad. So he always just wrote it off as something he never wanted to experience
And at some point, maybe after Johnny starts having kids, Simon sees you interacting with one of the babies. And something about seeing you with a baby on your hip flips a switch in his brain. 
He wants a kid and he wants one now.
Anyway y'all definitely don't stop at just one kid. I like the idea of Simon with 3 kids, all girls of course. He just exudes girl dad energy. 
He's a great dad too btw. Retires from field work after the second girl is born, and absolutely adores them. Encourages them to engage in extracurricular activities. Would coach their sports team if any of them join. Never misses a recital (totally doesn't try to get the other task force members to show up. 🙄 They just happened to be free lmao)
If any of the girls enlisted, he'd probably try to talk them out of it at first. War is brutal, and the idea of any of them going through what he did makes him sick with worry. But he comes around to the idea, and in the end, is so proud of them. 
He's proud of them regardless. All three are firecrackers with big personalities, and he loves them so much. 
John Price
I think, when he was younger, Price wanted kids. Liked the idea of a wife/husband, a house with a yard, and a couple kids. And it just… never happened. Life got in the way, and how could he bring a child into this world, with all the things he's seen? He made his peace with it, and moved on. 
And then he meets YOU. And suddenly he finds himself hoping for these things again. Especially kids. 
Give this man a baby, please! He exudes fatherly energy (in more ways than one ;p) 
After y'all have the first kid, he retires from the military all together. He's paid his dues, and he's got something far more important now: you, and your sweet baby boy :)
I could see Price either only having one, or having a handful of kids. Probably no more than 3 (two boys and a girl) 
A good dad. Maybe gets a little too invested in their sports games, probably ends up as a coach after correcting the old one too many times lmao 
Would be so proud if any of your kids followed in his footsteps. If none of them do, I think he'd be quietly disappointed but proud of them nonetheless. The two of you raised some wonderful kids. 
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Probably never really gave it much thought. Like having kids would be cool. Not having them is fine too. Kyle definitely wasn't stressing it, he's got bigger things to worry about.
I mean that is until YOU come along. And now he's thinking about getting married and having babies. 
Definitely talks with you about it in detail. He wants your opinion on it, what method to go about it, if you think you're ready for that. A very lengthy conversation that ends in a mutual agreement. 
I think Kyle wouldn't want more than 2. Like you could convince him, if you want more. But he's fine with a small family. 
2 boys. Twins. Absolutely a handful, and Kyle's there to help when he can. I don't think he'd leave the military until the boys are older, maybe 10/11. But he steps up when he is home, giving you a well deserved break from parenting. 
Loves your boys. Play wrestles with them when they're little, brings them trinkets back from his deployments, takes note of their interests and different personalities. 
Wouldn't mind either way if they enlisted or not. Kyle would be proud of them regardless. You've raised two fine boys, what's not to be proud of?
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish 
Oh, Johnny boy here wants a big family. He's dead set on having kids. It absolutely is a deal breaker for him. His partner has to want kids too.
So when he meets you. And you want kids too, he's over the moon. 
If you've got a uterus, the first kid definitely happens unintentionally. Y'all weren't actively trying, Johnny just can't keep it in his pants lmao. 
If not, then it's all planned out and everything goes smoothly, whether that's surrogate or adoption. 
Like I said, BIG family. I'm talking like 5 kids at the least. You cannot talk him out of it.
Also gives big girl dad energy. Probably ends up with 4 girls and 1 boy. And he's fine with it! Loves getting his nails painted and throwing tea parties, just as much as he loves playing soccer and wrestling 
Like Kyle, Johnny doesn't immediately retire. Sometime after the girl 4 and the baby boy, he'd retire from field work. But he's always facetiming with the kids and bringing them stuff back. Being dad doesn't stop just because he's halfway across the world. 
Would be so proud if any of them enlisted. Would probably cry unashamed. But he's equally as proud of them if they don't. 
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silverzoomies · 4 months
Turkish Delight
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peter maximoff x reader smut
chapter 1: sweet talkin'
warnings: shameless smut, porn without plot, phone sex, mutual masturbation, best friends, dirty talk
word count: 6,368
a/n: hiyaaa !! i'm back with more filth !! peter speaks russian in this one. i've seen people use russian in place of sokovian language before. and since i've been learning russian for a while, i thought i'd give it a shot !! if you're familiar with the language and anything seems off, please let know asap !! as usual, apologies if peter seems ooc, or if my writing isn't up to par !!
tag list (if i forgot you, please remind me !!): @dewberryobssesed @violetharmonscupcake @kaismanwich @jellyluvr @taintandviolent @ahoyladiesz @scene-and-dandylover @quickandsilvers @luttic @billielourdslays
Chillaxing on the sofa in his mom’s basement, Peter drew out a sigh. His hooded eyes gaped at the TV screen. As he channel surfed, his thumb tapped lazily on the remote. Peter stopped to check each channel in abrupt intervals. Afternoon cable was boring as hell today. It failed to grasp his short lived attention span.
Seinfeld reruns? He saw just about all of ‘em. Soap Operas? Those were more his mom’s thing. Huge pass. Nature documentaries? Could be cool. Guess it depended on which one, though.
Oh. It was the one about the polar bear’s great journey across the arctic! Nifty enough. Except, Peter saw that one three or four times already now. Скучный (boring). Так скучно (So boring).
‘Kay, soooo…TV was kind of a no-go. Instead, Peter popped on the PS1 and settled for a game of Metal Gear Solid. The game’s opening intro was a little too slow for his liking, but Peter forced himself to focus. It sucked he was so antsy today, so fidgety and impatient. He needed some kind of distraction. Any distraction. And he needed one fast.
Peter bounced a leg, half invested in the game’s dialogue. His fingers absentmindedly flicked the controller buttons. Not even five minutes into playing, he found himself frustrated and bored again. This time around, he figured some company might ease his ennui.
He darted across the arm of the couch to a side table. Over a stack of comic books and empty cans of soda, he snatched the receiver to a Garfield phone. Peter dialed a number in less than a second. Too fast, at first. The phone didn’t even register his request. Rolling his eyes, he dialed the number again. Slower this time.
Peter kept the vibrant hunk of orange plastic between his cheek and shoulder. Buzzy ringing echoed on the other end of the line, as he waited for the recipient to pick up. The time it took for a voice to finally respond felt like fifty billion years. Your voice. One of Peter’s closest comrades. The pal he shared most, if not all, of his free time with.
There were days when you visited, and you laid back on the sofa with him. With your legs stretched over his lap and a magazine in your hands, you relaxed. Peter would always do his usual, playing whatever game he ‘bought’ from the local K-Mart. Every time he cursed himself for making a misstep, you giggled. You knew how frustrating it was for him, if he wasn't a hundred leaps ahead of everything. And just to get back at you - but also to hear you laugh again - he’d reach over and dig his fingers into your belly.
He loved that it took such minimal effort to make you laugh. You always had an easygoing warmth about you. And maybe you were also pretty cute too. Sometimes, the crook of your smile made him blush. Oh, and you didn't mind duking it out in Mario Kart sometimes. That was also kinda cool. What more could a lonesome guy ask for? Просто друзья. Ничего больше (Just friends. Nothing more). Yeah. He could be content with that. No problem.
Ten minutes into conversation with you, Peter breathed a yawn into the receiver.
“You know, I’m surprised you have the patience for talking on the phone.” You joked.
The speakers roared with a soft buzz in his ear. Peter didn’t register your words at first. Blinking lazily, he tapped the PS1 controller buttons at rapid speed. In the game, Snake fought off an onslaught of bad guys. Peter faked his offense with a scoff.
“Seriously? Man, what’s up with that? It’s like everyone thinks I can’t do stuff at normal speed without goin’ berserk.” He said, cursing under his breath as Snake got gunned down again.
A small part of him wished you were there, with your legs over his lap, cracking jokes at his expense. Over the phone, you emitted a gentle laugh.
“Because you have? Multiple times, dude!” You said.
Surely you could hear Peter’s eyes roll in his skull.
“Oh, yeah? Name five.” he pressed.
The fast paced clicking of the buttons echoed like a trill in the basement. He overheard the sound of rustling as you shifted in place. If Peter had to guess, he’d bet his left foot you were still lazing around in bed. It was a Saturday, after all. With the hour tipping on the edge of late afternoon. You always moved at the slowest of speeds on your off days.
“I’m just saying! I totally get it. Even I don’t have the patience for chats on the phone sometimes.” You said, and a squeaky yawn followed.
More rustles scuffed from your end, as if you moved to stretch. Keeping his gaze fixed on the flickering, CRT screen; Peter followed flashes of light from each grunt’s gun. His reaction time proved effortless as always. His methods, not so much.
“Nah, it’s cool.” Peter mumbled after a beat, “Doesn’t bother me much if I’m talkin’ to you.  You’re not boring, first of all. And on the off chance I do get bored, I can just say - hey, babe, I’m gonna hang up. And you won’t get-uhhh…” He lingered on his next thought, distracted with gunning down more masked baddies, “You won’t get, like, butt hurt over it."
“Why would I?” You laughed, “Did someone seriously get offended by that?”
“My aunt did once. She got mad pissed ‘cuz I told her I was ‘kinda bored’ on the phone. She made me pass it to my mom, so she could rat me out. Said I showed a ‘lack of consideration'; ‘er whatever.” Peter paused, brows furrowed. In Metal Gear, Snake perished yet again. Peter rolled his eyes once more, “She’s kinda mental, though. это возмутительно (it’s outrageous).”
Your only response was a quiet hum of acknowledgement. Peter broke the silence that followed.
“Hey, you’re not busy today, are you? Wanna do somethin’ later?” He asked, knowing full well you had jack shit to do.
“I don’t know. I’m feeling soooooo lazy today.” You playfully teased.
The soft pattern of your breathing sent electric tingles down Peter’s neck. Shuddering, he shook off those unexpected chills. Another beat, and Peter groaned, as Snake perished over a low poly landscape. You gotta take it slow and stealthy, man - Peter reminded himself.
“Хорошо (okay)? So? Come be lazy over here then.” He replied, “Tell you what. If you do, I’ll go ‘n snag some of those Turkish delights you like. The same ones my mom gotcha for your birthday. Remember? From Sokovia?”
Your voice perked up instantly, bringing a cheesy smile to his face. Homely fondness simmered in his chest, and Peter felt himself blush. He pulled his lip between his teeth, pausing his game to focus more on conversation. Leaving Snake stranded in the middle of the snow.
“Oh my gosh!! No way?? I haven’t had those in forever! Seriously, the ones from Sokovia?” You chimed.
“Hell yeah! But you gotta get outta bed first, dingus. C’monnnn.” Peter whined, “I’m so bored here, babe. Oh! I totally forgot. I finally got my hands on a Gameboy Color too. Swear on my life I paid for it this time. You could come over ‘n try it ouuuuuut.” He teased in a sing-song voice, wiggling his brows.
“Gameboys and Turkish delights? You’re spoiling me today, Peter! What’s the occasion?” You joked over the line.
He shrugged, forgetting you couldn’t see him, “Bored outta my friggin’ skull. That’s what.” After a beat, he awkwardly added, “And maybe I like hangin’ with you? Do I even need a reason?”
“Well, I gotta admit…you had me at Turkish delights.” You feigned a dreamy tone.
Peter chuckled again. Under his breath, he muttered softly, “ Это все, что тебе нужно, да (That’s all you need, huh)?”
“Huh?” You asked, oblivious to his comment, “What’d you say? I didn’t catch that last part.”
Peter ran a hand through his silver locks, leaving his hair loose and messy. Cradling the phone in his other hand, he knitted his lips to one side.
“Nothin’. Don’t worry about it. You want me to come get you? ‘Cuz I can.” He checked his digital watch, decked out in a Star Wars theme, “I can right now, if you-”
“It’s fine. I love going out with you, but I really don’t wanna deal with motion sickness today. I just had lunch too. No offense!” Another yawn rang over the phone, hitching into a squeal at the end. Peter didn’t realize he was smiling so big until his cheeks started to hurt, “I’ll just drive over. Sound good?”
Peter rolled his eyes, sarcastically groaning. He threw his head back into the sofa cushions, playing up his fake frustrations.
“Auuuuuuugh! But that’ll take years.” He dragged a hand down his face, pulling his cheeks under his fingertips, “Is this ‘cuz you blew chunks last time?? You know that doesn’t bother me, right? Everyone does it, babe.”
You made a noise of disgust. Something like an eugh , “Please, don’t remind me. That sucked so much. Yeah, no, I’d rather not. I really need a break from it.” You sighed again. Kind of a bummer, but he could deal.
“It’s whatever you want, I guess. So, when are you gonna head out?” Peter asked, sitting up on the sofa and putting the controller aside.
He bounced a leg at rapid speed, his knee moving in a flesh tone blur of motion. Less from agitation, more due to anticipation.
“I’ll leave soon. Just give me a few minutes. Think you can wait?” You chuckled in that sweet, quirky way again. The melody gave Peter butterflies. Ignoring the fluttering in his belly, he pushed himself off the couch. Grabbing the base of the Garfield phone, Peter cradled the lil guy in an arm. He figured he may as well get dressed, and freshen up before you arrived, “It’s so cold today. I haven’t even gotten out of bed yet! I’m still bundled up in my undies. Got your jacket on too. You left a Game n Watch in the pocket, by the way. I didn’t even know they still made those!”
“Yeah. I totally called that one. Get up already, ya slacker.” Peter joked trapping the phone between his cheek and shoulder again. He scratched his bare chest. His fingertips grazed the sparse covering of white hairs there. Yawning, he nodded, “Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure, just-”
Something about your last statement finally clicked in Peter’s brain. He rapidly blinked, shaking his head fast enough to give himself whiplash. Peter did a quadruple take.
“Подожди (wait)! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, waiiiiiit …hold on a sec.” He narrowed his eyes, “Say that again?”
“Say what again? The part about the Game n Watch?” You asked, and Peter’s brows furrowed.
“N-Nah. The…did you just…have you been lyin’ around in your underwear this whole time?”
“Uh, yeah? Why? Is this revolutionary information?” You chuckled.
“In my jacket? Like, I didn’t hear that wrong? What’d you like…sleep in it ‘er somethin’?” Peter arched a silver brow, pressing the phone handset closer to his cheek. As if doing so might somehow help him hear you more clearly.
It really wasn’t that big of a deal either way. You borrowed his jackets all the time. Peter never thought anything of it before this conversation. Aside from the fact that - when you did return them, he loved the sweet scent you left behind. The smell of your perfume, with the added bonus of your natural pheromones…
Ебать (Fuck)! Why was he even thinking about this? The two of you had such a casual thing goin’ on. But now, Peter thought of you in a different light. Something friskier. Not that he meant to. Maybe killer boredom + cute friend = horny speedster. Or perhaps the planets aligned in some totally off-the-wall way.
Whatever the case, Peter’s mind raced on autopilot. He pictured the way you might look right now. In your room, spread across your bed in nothing but your underwear and - Ебена мать (Holy shit) - his jacket. With your long legs bare, your knees bumping together as you squeezed your thighs shut. Tummy exposed. And your tits-
Woooooooah there! Slow down, casanova! Peter shouldn’t be…nah, he really shouldn’t be wondering what your breasts looked like. Ppfffbbbbt …’kay, so, maybe in the past he thought about it once or twice. But what dude wouldn't contemplate the hidden mystery of a pal's titties sometimes, ah?
“Well, so what if I did? That doesn’t weird you out, does it?” You asked, a careful waver in your voice.
“Uhhhh…nahhh, babe. Just…” Peter shifted in place, rerouting his thoughts, “Just…got one hell of an image in my head. Might’ve pictured you like that for no particular reason at all.”
Lucky for him, you didn’t seem to think anything of his confession.
“Not much to imagine…” You replied. Сомнительно (Doubtful).
“I mean…pffbbbttt…sure, yeah. Maybe not.” Peter awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of his neck. His voice dropped, a little more hushed, “Unless…you’re wearin’ some really cute panties over there.” Again, he laughed, rushing out a quick, “I’m kiddin’. I’m kiddin’. I’m kiddin’. I’m totally messin’. Just bustin’ your balls, babe.”
Except…he sorta wasn’t. Peter found himself oh-so curious. Twisting the phone's orange wire around his finger, he anticipated your reaction. Anxious you might think him weird for pushing things too far. Never had the two of you charted this kind of territory. It was a minefield, with a 95% chance neither one would make it out unscathed.
“I guess? I think they’re kind of cute.” You added, innocent as ever. Awesome. You weren’t peeved at him, at least. Peter brought the phone to his chest, exhaling an anxious breath to calm his racing heart. When he put the phone to his ear again, he figured you’d moved on. But your cadence shifted. To test the boundaries of your friendship, you teased, “They’re pretty small on me, though.”
Ah. Ah. Интересно. Очень интересно (Interesting. Very interesting). What an unexpected but totally wicked development. Peter lowered himself slowly onto the couch, setting the phone's base on the side table. He eased backwards into the cushions, and tightened his twisting of the phone wire. Swallowing hard, Peter found he had difficulty focusing. Especially with his imagination running so goddamn wild.
“Yeah? …How small is pretty small?” He dared to ask.
Long seconds of silence ticked by at the pace of a narcoleptic sloth. If Peter weren’t so eager to hear what you had to say, he may have torn his hair out. Over the line, you laughed.
“Small enough they barely cover my ass? Why are you so curious all of a sudden?” You cooed.
Peter fluttered his inky eyes, nibbling chapped skin on his lip. Fuzzy pink swarmed the rest of his face, as his mind conjured images of you so effortlessly. Clear as day. Heat stirred to life in his groin, and Peter pictured the way your plush cheeks might hold in tight painties. His breath hitched.
“I-uh…” Peter felt the heat in his cheeks creep down his neck, flustered at lightspeed, “Just thinkin’...maybe you should do somethin’ about that?” He gritted his teeth, pinching the bridge of his nose. What a lame response, “Черт возьми (damn it)!” He huffed under his breath, too quiet for you to hear.
Toying with this newly discovered sexual tension, Peter humorously asked-
“Sooooooo…what color?”
You giggled into the receiver, airy and light. His body registered the noise somewhere , down south of his belly. He wondered if you were as flustered as him. And the visual of your bashful face and shy smile had his heartbeat ramping up to mach 10.
“What? A-Are you for real asking me…oh my god, dude!” Your giggles turned into goofy snorts. Which he found so endearing. Once you composed yourself, you spoke again. Though, your tone came off as more flirtatious, “If you really wanna know so bad…then fine. They’re black. Lacy. With a little bow on the front.”
Дерьмо (Shit)...
His silver brows soared high, disappearing under his bangs. Paying little attention to his instinctive actions, Peter guided his free hand between his thighs. Inwardly, he told himself he was only adjusting his uncomfortable hard-on. ‘Cuz it’d be totally weird if he did anything else…right? Best to ignore the movement of his thumb, as it absentmindedly circled his bulge.
“Huh…that’s so…” Peter blinked, clearing his throat and masking his nerves with a chuckle, “‘Kay, I’ll be up front with you, babe. That sounds cute as hell. Very nice.”
“Really? Oh, please, Peter. They’d be cute on anybody.” You scoffed.
“Uh huh…” He smirked, dropping his tone even lower, “‘Cept, now that I’m really thinkin’ about it? I’m bettin’ they look criminally cute on you.” Peter lazily smirked.
You laughed, breathless like you ran a thousand miles, “Wh-...what are we even doing right now? Seriously, why am I talking to you about my-” The uneasiness in your voice bled through the line.
Your concern was for good reason. Nevertheless, Peter interrupted you mid-sentence.
“Easy there, chuckles. We’re just chatting. Nothin’ too unusual, right? We’ve had some seriously raunchy conversations before. Remember? That time I got laid on a golf course? You told me about that time some dude shot a load in your eye. What’s the difference, anyway?” Peter grimaced, as he recalled your story from eons ago.
You giggled yet again, “Peter, you know damn well what the difference is!” You clarified with a sigh, still playful. The phone wire went slack around his finger, as Peter second guessed himself. He parted his lips, on the cusp of apologizing. Bringing one hand up to the phone, he held it loosely. Your sugary voice chimed again, “I’m kinda wondering, though…what would you think if I told you I’m topless right now?”
His grip compressed around the handset.
“Topless, huh?” Peter cast a quick glance at his hard-on, twitching painfully under his boxers. His mind jumped straight to sinful places again. Peter thought about what your tits probably look like, embraced in his jacket. Nipples hard, grazing the inner-lining. He swallowed, “What’re you tryna tell me? You gonna drive over here in nothin’ but that?” Peter quipped.
A more sultry laugh melted through the receiver. Peter trembled, as your smooth voice coaxed him like a tempting song. His free palm squeezed his bulge, putting pressure to his length over fabric. Peter’s brows turned inward, and he fluttered his eyes shut.
“I guess that wouldn’t be so bad, if it wasn’t so cold outside. It’s freezing today. I don’t know how you can run as fast as you do when the weather’s like this.” Your tone disguised itself with lighthearted innocence again, “It’s not any warmer in my room either. My nipples could cut glass. They’re, like, soooo hard.”
Peter adjusted himself on the sofa, giving the swell of his bulge another teasing squeeze.
“ Ты маленькая соблазнительница (you little temptress)...”  His hot breath fanned the phone.
“I love it when you talk like that…” You replied, “Even if I have no idea what you’re saying. It sounds really hot, to be totally honest.”
“Oh, yeah?” Peter teased his lip with his teeth, speaking in a more flirtatious voice; buttery smooth, “ Я забыл вынести мусор (I forgot to take out the trash)...” For added effect - just to embarrass you more - he tacked on a husky moan.
Peter made himself blush, as the sound came out far more pornagraphic than he intended. The rasp of his voice scraped through the line in a hushed, “ Oh, yeah, baby. ”
The erotic tension you felt from his teasing was palpable, even over the phone. Peter could sense the shift in the way you gasped. So faint, so shy, so cute.
“Oh…oh, wow...uhm…” You tried concealing your bashfulness with more of those candy coated giggles. But Peter could practically hear the blood racing to your cheeks, “What’s that mean? Something good, I hope.”
Peter bit his tongue, lips turning in a cheeky grin.
“It means you’re really turnin’ me on…”
Another hesitant pause fell between the two of you, before you scoffed.
“Oh my god, no it doesn’t! I can hear you laughing!” You griped, snickering along with Peter. A few more tension heavy beats pulsed over the line. You spoke again, “Hey…I’m sorry. Can I put things on pause for a sec? I just wanted to ask…are you okay with this?”
“Are you?” Peter gently asked, giving you ample time to think about it.
“I don’t know…maybe…” You whispered, “Isn’t this, like, super weird for you?”
“I mean…suuuuuuure. It’s totally weird. If you kept goin', I wouldn't be into it...at all...” He bullied you with a playful edge, hoping you could read the flirtatious undertone in his voice.
“Ohhhhh…you wouldn't be?” Judging by the saucy lilt in your voice, you most definitely caught on, “You know what would be even weirder?”
Peter adjusted on the sofa again. Getting comfortable, he laid on his back. His taut legs stretched across the cushions, and Peter propped his head on the couch’s arm.
“Whazzat? Enlighten me, babe. I’m listenin’. You got my full attention.” He teased.
“Your full attention, huh? I must be doing something right.” You snickered, “So…you know how I said I love it when you talk…like that?” Your voice wavered, “What I really meant was-uhm…when you do that on the phone…it makes me kind of horny.”
His brown hues burst open, wider than ever. Peter’s pupils dilated, expanding as far as the universe itself. He swallowed again, his mouth falling open. Your filthy confession set his arousal ablaze, making his dick twitch. As heated desire took over, Peter couldn’t restrain himself. He snuck his fingers under the waistband of his boxers, fingertips gliding over silver hairs. A small piece of him almost felt guilty for doing so.
“It does, huh? Хорошо знать (Good to know).” Peter whispered, tenderly grasping his shaft.
You made a naughty squeak of a noise in response, “Y-Yeah, Peter, I’m serious. You really have to stop doing that.”
“Почему (Why)? Are you soakin’ yourself over it? Gettin’ a lil wet? It’s cool. You can tell me…” Peter heckled, expelling a breath as he gave his dick a single tug.
“Oh, I bet you wanna know all about that, huh? You’re so bad, Quickie...” You teased, clicking your tongue.
Peter’s ears burned, turning pink as he took in the coquettish nature of your voice. Scoffing, he feigned his indignance.
“What?! Hey, nah nah nah! You started this! Это несправедливо, черт возьми (it’s not fair. Dammit)!” Peter laughed, carefree with you as always, “You can’t seriously drop a bombshell like that and expect me not to-”
“Not to come running?” You hummed, sweet tempered, “I’m just messing with you, baby. But since we’re on the topic…I made such a mess of these little panties. Just from listening to your voice.”
Peter couldn’t even pretend he didn’t like the sound of ‘baby’ on your tongue.
“Oh, man…anything but the panties…” He joked, “You should-uh…you should save yourself some trouble. Y’know…take ‘em off, maybe? Might be more comfortable.” Peter hinted, playing nonchalant, “Just tryna be a good friend. Give you some advice. You should for sure take it.”
“But I’m already so cold…” You whimpered, “Your jacket’s so warm. Smells good too. Really good. But it’s not enough to keep me covered.” You spoke with flirtatious innocence, and Peter played along.
“No harm done, принцесса (princess). I’ll warm you up if you need me to.” He reassured, sweet talking you over the phone, “Ты думаешь, что я не позабочусь о тебе? (Do you think I won't take care of you)?" Peter mumbled again. He listened to your sickly sweet laughs, before asking, “So…do you get like this every time we talk on the phone?”
“Mmmm…maybe.” You hummed, “What if I said yes?” You shuffled around again, and Peter’s mind jumped elsewhere. He imagined you shed yourself of damp, black lace. Leaving you wanton and needy in nothing but his jacket, “You know…we’ve been talking about me a lot this whole time. You wanna tell me what you’re wearing? I don’t really have a visual.”
“Oh…me?” Your request caught Peter off guard.
“Yeah, you. Who else, blockhead?” You playfully quipped, smoothing your voice to say, “You don’t have to be shy. I just wanna know, so I can think about taking it off of you.”
Peter didn’t know he could blush this much. Puffing a bashful laugh, he looked down at his body. Mostly nude and toned enough. He had his x-gene to thank for his pecs and hard abs. A fluffy bouquet of silver hairs peeked out from his boxers. Underneath, his dick throbbed, pressing eagerly into fabric.
“Uhm���I’m not wearin’ a lot? Nothin’ special. Just some black, boxer briefs, I guess. Wait, no-” Peter lifted a foot, his lips curling in a goofy smile, “Got my Star Wars socks on too.”
A sensual moan graced his ears, “That’s so hot.” You softly whined, “Star Wars socks? Peter, just take me now.”
Despite the fact you were totally messing with him, that playful comment made his chest tight. 
“Nothing else though?” You pressed.
“Nnnnnnnnnnope.” He drew out the word, popping the P, “Just the-uh…yeah. Boxers ‘n sexy socks. Not much to take off.”
“And you’re pretty fit, aren’t you? You always looked really jacked to me, so-” You said.
Peter cocked a brow, snickering to cover his embarrassment.
“Wooooahhh…you been checkin’ me out, babe?” He asked, darting his dark hues across his athletic bod. Peter flexed an arm, “Sure, I guess I’m in decent shape.” He found he couldn’t dismiss your compliments. Peter looked good, and he knew it. But he preferred hearing it from you, “Hey, you wanna know somethin’, like, way crazy?”
“This? What we’re doing right now is so crazy, right?” You laughed, sounding as bashful as him.
Peter snickered, “True. Truuuue. But, uh…” He shrank in his spot on the couch, pressing the vibrant handset closer into his cheek. Pre-cum seeped through his boxers, as Peter tugged his dick steady and slow. Careful not to stimulate himself too much yet. He dropped his voice to a hushed rasp, “I’m kinda in the same spot you are right now. If you-uh…if you catch my drift.”
The two of you knew each other for a long time. Several years, in fact. But never once did Peter think he’d hear his closest pal say-
“Ohhhh. Are you hard right now, baby?”
Oh. Yeah, this buddy-buddy friendship was in major trouble. Doomed to crash and burn. As soon as the words fell from your lips, spoken in your honeyed voice; Peter’s breath hitched in his throat. He sank his teeth so hard into his lip, he almost broke skin.
“Y-Yeah. Since you-uh…started talkin’ about your panties. I’m sorry, babe. Just been kinda bored and worked up all day.” He sheepishly chuckled.
“You poor baby…” You coddled him over the phone. And while he should’ve been embarrassed, Peter had no problem with you talking like that, “Can I ask how big you are?”
Peter stalled for a moment, before pulling the front of his boxers down. His hardness flopped against his belly, pulsating and ruddy from his teasing. Taking his aching length in his hand, he rubbed the underside with his thumb.
“You mean my dick? It’s-uhhhh…like six, maybe seven inches almost?” He squeezed his cock, milking beads of pre-cum, “But size doesn’t matter, yeah? It’s the motion of the ocean, babe.”
“Noooooo, baby. You’re so perfect. Wish I could see how good you look like that…” You cooed over the phone.
Your kindly words and airy tone made the veins in his dick throb with electric heat. Peter clutched his cock tight, pumping the velvet skin a touch faster. Giving himself just a simple taste of relief. His stomach clenched, hardening his abs.
“Не так идеально, как ты выглядишь (Not as perfect as you look)...” Peter muttered, drawing in a shallow breath, “Babe, I gotta tell ya, I’m really feelin’ this. I’m so into you right now. W-Want you to keep talkin’ like-uh...”
His imagination took his depravity to the next level. Now, Peter thought about joining you in your room. He wondered how soft and smooth your skin would feel. Supple and hot under his fingertips. What might you look like writhing under him, whimpering as he played with you? As he teased you? Man, you were both so screwed.
“Never thought dirty talking with me would turn you on so much…” You giggled.
Peter secured the handset between his cheek and shoulder. With both hands free, he raised his palm to his lips. He drew a long stripe with his tongue, bringing his damp hand to his cock. The slick lubrication pulled a gentle moan from his throat.
“M-Maybe a little bit. Ебать (Fuck), maybe a lot.” Peter groaned, labored in his breathing, “Can you - Ебать (fuck) - you wanna do somethin’ for me? Just a little favor between friends? S’all I’m askin’, baby.”
“Anything you want, Peter.” You mewled.
“Can you- mmmmohgod -” Peter choked up. He almost chickened out, but pushed himself to ask, “Can you touch yourself for me? Please? Пожалуйста, моя маленькая принцесса (Please, my little princess)...” His foreign whispers weaved pretty whimpers from your lips.
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that, if you want me to. But you have to do the same for me too. It’s only fair, right? Equal exchange?” You whispered, acting playful again.
Peter breathed a guilty chuckle, “Uhm…yeahhhhh…about that…”
You softly gasped, “Have you been-”
“Playin’ with my dick this whole time? Maybe.” Peter admitted. His thumb caught another pearl of pre, spreading the slickness over his sensitive head, “But I’m not, like, totally jerkin’ it yet…” He lied, pressing you to encourage him.
“Oh, you’re not, huh? What are you doing then?” You asked, “Are you being a bad boy, Pietro?” The abrupt drop of his given name shocked him into silence.
Peter felt his groin tighten, and an exhilarating rush electrified his nerves. For the thousandth time, you giggled. And for the thousandth time, Peter’s heart leapt. Dumbfounded, he gathered his composure and played along again.
“Y-Yeah. So bad. You gotta help me, babe. I’m just-...I’m so hard. Don’t think I can stop myself if you keep talkin’ like that.”
Through the receiver, Peter’s ears caught wind of a needy mewl. He gripped his cock hard, guiding his fist in firmer strokes. His legs quivered, and the heels of his Star Wars socks slid across the couch.
“Does it feel good when you touch your pretty cock like that, sweetheart?” You cooed.
Peter almost went straight into cardiac arrest. He jolted in place, feeling his cock stiffen in his grasp.
“Святой трах (Holy fuck)..." Peter suffocated on his own groans. For an instant, his words failed him, “Uhmmm…hah…wow-uh…Ебать (fuck). Feels good, yeah. Don’t think it’s enough. I need-...uhm…I want-uh…”
“Yeah? What do you want, baby. It’s okay.” You spoke so sugary sweet again.
“I-...Я просто хочу увидеть тебя (I just want to see you)...” Peter’s veins tingled under his touch, as he tugged his dick with more urgency, “Shit! I-...how come I never knew you could be like this-” And to Peter’s ultimate humiliation, he whimpered your name. Along with another whiny, “ Ебать (Fuck). ”
“Like what?” Your coy voice teased him over the line.
“I dunno…so-uh…so damn nasty.” He joked, and even through the phone; he knew he had you flustered again.
“I guess we all have our secrets, hmm? Tell me more, Pietro. When you touch yourself like that. With those big, strong hands…how’s it feel?” You asked, driving him to keep going.
Peter snorted a laugh, “Strong hands? What??” His endearing playfulness took a backseat, as he grunted into the receiver, “God…feels like my strong hand’s not enough. Мне реально тебе нужно прямо сейчас. Нужна так сильно (I really need you right now. I need you so much).” His voice fell to a whisper. Pumping his slick, crimson cock through his fist, he breathlessly pleaded, “Talk to me, baby. Please. Tell me-ohhh…tell me what you’re doin’ over there.”
You squealed a sultry giggle, further igniting Peter’s pleasured frenzy. He squirmed in his spot on the sofa, forcing himself to stay put. Battling the forces of the universe, it was all Peter could do not to race to your room. Just to spread your legs and hump you like a speedy bunny.
“Mmmm…I’m just doing what you asked me to…I’m being so good for you right now.” You whimpered.
“Oh. Okay…uhm…far out. Uh…wanna gimme the steamy details?” He heckled again, fumbling his words in his nervousness, “Please, don’t hold off on me, baby.”
“I’m…” Your precious voice wavered, teeming with awkwardness as your confidence dwindled, “I’m playing with my little pussy. Just for you. And I’m so wet. I can’t stop thinking about your hands…so big…”
“Боже мой (my god).” Peter muttered. Combating impatience brought upon by his genes, he willed himself to take things slow. His strokes became steady and teasing, as he edged his aching cock, “Holy shit, babe. Yeah? Keep goin’...”
You moaned soft squeals into the receiver, “I want you so bad, Quickie. Please, baby, don’t make me beg. Can you touch this little pussy for me? Please? Your fingers are so big. I don’t think they’d fit all at once. It’s been a while, and I’m so tight.” Your naughty voice pleaded.
“God, I wanna touch you so bad. Я хочу прикоснуться к этой сладкой киске (I want to touch that sweet pussy).” Peter’s impatience got the better of him, and he quickly gave in. He grasped his cock hard, wringing himself fast enough to make his balls bounce. Creasing his brows, he groaned, “Ohhh..What’re you tryna to do to me, babe? Talkin’ about how tight you are…Ебать…”
“But I ammmm.” You whined again, “I’m squeezing my tiny fingers so tight. It’s so soft and hot for you. Bet it’d feel really good if you stretched me. With your fingers, with your cock - fuck, Pietro. I just need you, baby.”
“Please, baby, oh, please? Wanna be inside you. Wanna feel you. I promise I won’t go too fast. Я обещаю (I promise).” Peter whimpered. But as you mewled again, another forceful wave of carnal heat crashed over Peter. In a quieter tone, he choked, “Нет, я могу. Я пойду так быстро (No, I can. I’ll go so fast).”
“Pietro, you can go as fast as you want, baby. I won’t stop you.” You pleaded, your broken voice so kittenish and wanton, “F-Fuck. I’m rubbing my clit. So sensitive. Thinking about you. Thinking about your mouth on me.”
“Ебать!!” Peter moaned through clenched teeth. His self control rapidly abandoned him. Speedily rutting his sore cock through the squeeze of his fist, his body refused to slow down, “Говоря о скорости (Speaking of speed)...” Peter craned his neck back, raising a hand to keep the handset to his ear, “You gotta stop makin’ all those cute noises, baby. Please…I can’t-”
As surges of horny pleasure circulated through his body, Peter thought of you again. He imagined you on your bed, caged under him between his arms. In his daydreams, he kissed you intimately, touching your pretty, naked body. Peter wanted to feel how wet you were for himself. And hell, the danger of pushing your friendship past its limits made you more tempting. Such a lewd, risky thought pushed him closer to the edge of something righteous.
“Baby, I wanna see you. Can I? Can I see you stroke that thick cock? Would you let me? Ohh, fuck, Pietro.” You whimpered. And your noises were so shamelessly lecherous, you could’ve made a pornstar blush, “Can I kiss it, please? Can I kiss your big cock?” You whimpered.
“О боже мой, пожалуйста (Oh my god, please)!” Peter choked, every word hitching in his throat, “Baby…babe, you can’t do this. Ya really can’t be-” He laughed lazily, his dark eyes falling half lidded. His cock throbbed, bright red and turning purple at the tip. He rutted in a speedy blur, “Stop. Stop. Stop. I’m gonna…babe, I’m gonna bust-” He slurred.
You squealed his name as loudly as your hushed voice would allow. And Peter swore he could hear the slick sound of your fingers. As they played with your pretty, little cunt.
“I’m gonna cum, baby. Please cum with me. Please? Pietro, OH~!”
“я кончаю, я кончаю (I’m cumming, I’m cumming)! ‘M Gonna-” Peter’s moans seeped through the receiver, his wet lips parting and mouth hanging open.
His swollen cock erupted in white-hot jets, coating his pecs and belly. With all his muscles tensed, Peter’s legs trembled. He rode out those lusty waves in tandem with you. The pleasure of orgasm sounded leagues more intense on your side. You took longer to cruise through it, whimpering and moaning Peter’s name. As you did, Peter basked in his momentary afterglow. Keeping the phone pressed to his ear, his head resting on the arm of the sofa; he listened to you with a smirk on his lips. At the end of your journey in ecstasy, your moans turned into flustered giggles.
Peter's thoughts reeled him in again. Imagining you, looking so sheepish and fine in his jacket. Now, he desperately wanted the real deal. To see you in all your post-nut glory. Mere seconds later, his sore cock pulsed to life again. As his hardness squirmed on his belly, Peter breathed another sigh.
On his end, you heard nothing but silence. You kept calling his name, your tired voice infused with anxiety.
“Uhm…Peter? Hey…are you there?” You asked.
And he didn't say a single word more.
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subbyalbedo · 2 months
Hisoka relationship hcs (sfw)
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Somehow I haven't really written hcs before but here we go
Also first non smut post wtf am I doing with my life??
Warnings: probably cursing but idrk, no outright smut but a couple sexual phrases i guess, Hisoka is a warning in and of himself
This man
idk how to start this but
You'd definitely have a cat together (sorry if you're allergic 😐)
He's such a cat person, and I feel like when you're chilling at home he'll just look at it 👀 for like hours until it gets a little freaked out and hides from him
he might challenge it to a fight...since that's how he is (you'll have to make sure he doesn't get bored and kill it 😬)
But he'll be great at playing w it tho, he'll set up elaborate hunts and things for it so it's never bored
The poor creature will be a lil bit traumatized but at least it'll get its exercise in 💀
anyway, away from the subject of cats
Unlike what many people believe, I don't think you have to be op and a amazing fighter to get him to be attracted to you
Actually I think he's even more intrigued when he notices someone for reasons other than their fighting abilities
He wants to know more
He's definitely very physical, he's always finding one way or another to be touching you, whether in public or alone
And this is the kind of relationship that is mutually yandere
He will not hesitate to kill anyone he deems as 'too close' to you, and if you do the same, it's a major turn on for him
He's always with you, 24/7 (but if you need some space he's fine with roaming for a while, he might disappear for a few weeks but he doesn't get offended that you need your space)
Whenever he wants your attention, or he wants to be closer to you
he will
p-pull you towards him with his bungee gum 🤭
And don't let him find out you're into it or else he'll start doing it ALL. THE . TimE.
Oh, and when he's fighting? He KNOWS when you're watching. He'll make sure to save the dramatic finish for when you're paying attention.
And then he winks or bows or something at the end to make you laugh which makes his grin widen
this guy
everyone thinks you're insane for dating him but the insanity is what makes you a perfect match for him
Also, he would be into all different kinds of music
so whatever you like, he enjoys too
You can bop with him to all your favorite songs, and just have the best time fooling around with him
You probably don't spend much time in each place, due to Hisoka's...lifestyle? So there may be a lot of moving involved
But anything you wanna try w him in cool new locations, he's willing and eager to do it all with you
He takes you out for manicures and gets matching nails with you every so often
Pull his hair. Trust me. Just do it.
Sometimes he makes you mad on purpose to get you to scold him because thats just the hottest thing ever to him
Since he's so clingy and touch starved he will force you to cuddle with him
But it's okay because he's weirdly comfortable
He will flex in front of you just to see you drool over his muscles
and he's flexible, so he stretches and watches your reaction too
lmao and cooking
This could go either way
He's either the best cook ever without trying, or he has never tried and never will
And this guy is the sassiest bitch ever
He is always snarking at the worst times
And if you guys are across the room from each other you have silent conversations with your eyes just knowing exactly what the other is thinking
No matter how far into this relationship you are, he will never stop flirting with you shamelessly
He switches between big spoon and little spoon, but is always so cuddly and cozy
And if you're even half the amount of clingy that he is, he's over the moon
He absolutely loves whenever you initiate contact
OOOO and carnival dates (I have to lean into the aesthetic here) but he's the best bf for those ever
Overall, he's just the most amazing person ever
Woah first non smut piece of writing eVeR
I love Hisoka so fucking much. He's probably my favorite of my 100+ anime boyfies (I have a list)
Anyway, if you liked these hcs, feel free to request other ones! I'm taking a break from full fics for a while because writers block is a bitch, but I'm gonna try out headcannons for a while
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mosviqu · 8 months
could u assign ur moots as a particular fic you’ve written??
ANON this is the most fun mutual game ive ever recieved thank u 😋
@csenke is definitely how we make sunny days. her vibe is very much sweet and calming and very very comforting. this fic is very golden hour late autumn vibes which fits her a lot hhh. but also i feel like i should say liebestraum bc....duh.. 🙄
@zzoguri is sympathy subtraction. and mon now, this fic is special to me. but i somehow think you have the same comforting vibe but also you and your work kind of radiate the same longing as this fic does?? also u are a really great friend to me and u kind of fit the vibe of vernon in this fic but also the whole friendgroup.. idk it just fits okay
@satoruly is annoying (derogatory) and listen NOT because you're annoying because youre NOT! but i rlly enjoy the vibe of this fic and somehow i think it fits you...? its kinda fun but also kinda silly but also kinda sweet and i think thats a perfect mix for you
@sungbeam is potential. i dont even know why ?? maybe its the dynamic of the friendgroup and also yn and chenle that kind of reminds me of beam. there is a lot of care in the relationship they share and also a lot of identity crisis in chenle that reminds me of u beam NOT IN A BAD WAY THO its just that i see you as a very complex and interesting person and i think chenle in this has a lot of depth. also just fyi this fic is my top 5 ever and i adore beam a lot so
@decembermoonskz is i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am) for the band vibes idk TT but also there's something about the time i wrote this fic in that reminds me of you. it's my comfort fic in a way and you izzy are my comfort person too
@flowerjun is you're not the only one !! this fic is somehow wholesome but also bittersweetingly sad and something about that is very kyuzu to me :,) also kyu i miss u and i love u. this fic has little sister vibes and thats you to me.
@injangism is all is on my side. a lot of love and longing and missing someone went into this fic and the way mc and jeno love is the type of love we have to each other - never ending, selfless and pure (in my opinion... idk if it shines through in the fic haha). ily sm xx
@kimsohn is sweet like candy :p cool but lovely vibes, very much maya. mc of this has your vibes in my opinion?? also this fic was very fun to write and i always have fun when i talk w u !!!:pp
@winterchimez is the storm's fury and now do NOT ask me why... it's literally league lore...? TT but again the vibes kinda fit and it's one of my only fantasy fics and i think this genre kind of radiates your vibes for some odd reason
@heemingyu is lee felix's guide to hating you. idk i wrote this fic a LONG time ago but i remember it as being very fun but also kind of personal to me ?? i don't really have much reasoning for this becuase sometimes i speak vibes only but if this fic had a trailer/moodboard/something it would be sana vibes for sure
@justalildumpling is just saying NO ARGUING idk for some reason j gives me yangyang vibes in this fic especially. very real, very fun, very self-aware, very silly and very adorably delusional (that fits you as a sunwoo stan). altho i will say you are cooler than yang AHAHA.
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gcldfanged · 2 months
Meet the Writer
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Genesis: I actually HATED Genesis initially in the og CC game. I thought he was a lame addition and just like… idk, they wanted Gackt in the game so they made his presence plot relevant? OOOUGH, I was so mad… But then I saw how the rpc and fandom treats him, which is honestly even WORSE SOMEHOW??? So I decided to try writing him seriously and what do you know, I actually kinda like it.
Verdot: I literally have to make the content I wanna see in this rpc, such is my burden. my curse...
(OCs) - I wanted to write about the themes I have on my pinned and honestly, there were so many Tseng rpers who I am friends and mutuals with that knock it out of the fucking ballpark- I just didn't feel like I'd have ANYTHING new or good to contribute to the exploration of his character? So I made an OC :P And he's really changed so much! I remember when I was still making my own art for him and he wasn't QUITE like there the way I wanted him to be, but I didn't have anything better to employ as a faceclaim or reference to draw from. And then Cas was like "btw here's a manga about your HYPERFIXATION" and Kokonoi's general appearance and vibe was a great starting point to go off of instead.
Anyway, There's always things I had planned for Jae in the works or on the backburner, but he has really evolved over the span of years I've been writing him, so I really appreciate every person who took the time to check him out and build something with him.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
You know, I have been becoming more lenient with allowing myself to write certain things. I always end up being afraid of how people will react to certain themes I explore because... let's be real, a lot of people are pretty intolerant to opinions that are different than theirs. So long as whatever I and/or my partner explore is handled with the care and respect it deserves, I don't really see an issue with much anymore. Hell, I was terrified to post that one drabble fleshing out Jae meeting Veld for the first time because I was afraid people would see Jae's reaction to killing someone as somehow 'excusing abuse' because he wasn't dancing on the guy's corpse and actually showed remorse for what he did. It's fears of what I write about being misconstrued like that that really makes me hesitant to even talk about certain ideas with partners. But I'm getting over that, little by little and step by step.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I actually love writing (as you can tell) introspective pieces. Something where you're really getting inside the character's head for a moment to see past all of their walls and facades, or sometimes you're still seeing what they tell THEMSELVES is the real undiluted truth, but isn't. I just love that kinda stream of consciousness really dig deep into the VOICE of a character exploration. Makes me feel lots of emotions.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Usually I'll be doing something else like watching a piece of media or listening to a podcast and start to think "Ooh, my muse would love this" or "this makes me think of xyz muse wow", and it just kind of expands organically from there.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Music helps get me inspired initially, especially since I make spotify playlists for all my muses (and ships :P), so generally I'm cool with music, but usually I zone in too much on my own writing to pay attention. It's like my sense of hearing turns off.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Both- There's always a general sort of... idea or outcome that me and my partner would LIKE to shoot for? And sometimes we just don't get there, because it really depends on what the characters do/say and how it's taken by the other muse.
For example, I was roleplaying a thread with @steeleidolon's Kunsel where he and Jae are trying to broker a deal and Kunsel ends up saying something to the effect of "your people" and he means the Turks. Jae, on the other hand, hears 'your people' and assumes Kunsel was bringing up his race and the perception of fellow people from Wutai or Hanuel being unfairly insular. So, it kinda went to shit, LOL.
It's little things like that that can color your muse's reaction to sometimes very different degrees than what you plan for!
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I like complicated dynamics and no, I will never shut up about them. Ships for me don't even have to strictly be romantic or sexual in nature, so like- I have some interactions I'm still feeling out with @saishuu-heiki that are platonic but leaning in a distinctly enemy/frenemy/challenges other person kind of vibe? And I think it's great! They don't HAVE to be like "we're friends, we're lovers, or we hate each other'- Like, limiting all your interactions to one of those three options gets really boring for me...
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
King_Kkeungi is my mangaka pseudonym for the Silent Manga Audition that I tried submitting to last year. People have called me just "King" (if they didn't know how to pronounce Korean) or "Kkeungi" before, so I tend to go by these handles now.
30s, I'm like Dagon: ancient and evil, spoken about in hushed whispers that the zealots who follow my dark lore worship-
May 10th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Blue-greens like teal and turquoise, soft pastel mint, and pinky-purples
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Currently? PRIMADONNA by Kedarui! It's a sequel to their other song, Femme Fatale and has amazing lore and characters. It's just got fascinating kinda themes and imagery when you watch them back to back.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
The 2nd DUNE movie, holy crap, I was blown away!
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Hell's Paradise, which I am still TRYING to finish.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Philip by millenium parade, my new go-to Jae song
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
Thai or Vietnamese food *drools*
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Summer... I just love the heat and the sun and the iconic imagery/sounds/themes like eating watermelon and wearing floppy plastic sandals, melting ice cream, hearing the chime of our furin while sitting outside on the porch of the house.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I talk to regularly (like near every day): @ceaselxss, @annjiru, @phoenixshards, @sadistpet, @nightiingaled. Like talking with a lot: @speedchasing, @ofdeference, @hisnewera, @cwarscars, @contemptim, @steeleidolon, @altrxisme, @hxbiris & @hxvemxnd
The people who have known me the LONGEST are mostly discord only rpers now, but Tricky, HD, Kit, and Vixen I consider to be extremely close to me since we've been friends for... like over or around 6+ years and are still ongoing buddies who have met face to face before.
Then there's my ex-fiancee, but he doesn't do tumblr rp anymore.
This list also doesn't even cover ppl I write with/ooc interacted with over a long period of time like @ivory-paragon, @poeticphoenix, @reapersxfolly, @endweapon, @chthonicsurge, or @dcviltriggcr, so- I like reaching out to people and developing bonds! We don't even have to be on discord capslocking at each other, it's really cool when you can come back to an RPC and still have that connection without any awkward small talk?
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jewishjesper · 1 month
Hi, Varian! It's love letter night (it's tomorrow but I'm sending mine in early) and I have to write a paragraph to a member of the coven and I choose you!
Varian, we aren't that close but I feel as though you're like a little sibling to me. You're funny and smart and I love your ocs. I'm so glad you joined the coven when I invited you. I could really use a friend then and you are a great one. I'm also really glad we are mutuals too. I hope you have a wonderful day or night today.
xoxo, /p ❤️
(ps i know that wasn't a paragraph but I tried, didn't I?)
This is genuinely so sweet 💙💙💙😭😭 you’re such a cool and amazing person I’m so glad we’re starting to talk more 💙
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dressycobra7 · 3 months
You are so cool and friendly and honestly with your tagging has single handedly tripled my confidence when it comes to interacting with others online. Genuinely I think you're a huge inspiration for being more open and social with mutuals and making new friends.
You're awesome and cool and I hope you know you're a great friend
IMMA CRY 😭😭😭😭😭 this is one of the sweetest messages I’ve ever gotten in my life
WHOS BEHIND THIS!? Just know whoever is I’m giving u the biggest bear hug right now through the powers of the internet
love u nonny /p 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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littletissueghosts · 5 months
Heya Ash!!! I hope this message finds you well! I've been going around to all of my mutuals and dropping nice little messages for them. All in the name of the holiday spirit and all, ya know?
Eheheheh you're such a cool and neat person! Grgr your opinions are very cool and good. I love seeing you on my dash so much. You're also just really very Based when it comes to WoF opinions and such. I love every chance I get to chat with you. Happy holidays and I hope you have a great day!
hey! Sorry for the late reply; just busy celebrating! Thanks for your kind words! I'm really glad to have you as my moot! You always liven up my dashboard, and I love that I'm getting to know more about you here! Happy holidays! <3 /p
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smeraldos · 2 years
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You weren’t picky, but you might be soon, given the way your dates turned out. The men you met were either as boring as a drive through the desert (cue the tumbleweeds) or charming until they ghosted (also cue the tumbleweeds). At this point, dating felt hopeless, and you were ready to call it quits.
Jin, chaotically good friend that he is, doesn't agree. He's determined to help you out, and it starts like this...
genre: fluff, comedy, angst
pairings: seokjin/reader, ??/reader
tags: jin trying his hand at mischief matchmaking, mutual pining, possibly unrequited love, (1) mention of 2005 P&P
wc: 1.4K
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"Maybe I'd be content if I were a cat lady," you tell Jin over the phone, pouring yolk into your mixing bowl. "I'd have a quaint house by the sea, a garden wild with cosmos, and I'd be better than okay. I'd be...what was it Keira said? Perfectly and incandescently—"
If he were here right now, you’d swat him with your whisk. “What did you say?”
“I can tell you're pounding your batter," he chides instead. "Quit doing that.”
Obviously, you beat it harder.
"Look," he says gently, in what you're sure is a deliberate effort to avoid sighing, "I get it. I’m single, you're single, and life is better as a party of one. That's not the reason you want to be a cat lady.”
It's not something you want to discuss, either. Your party of one is already a pity party, and it would have just been you if Jin hadn’t crashed, calling you by surprise after a trip to Barcelona. You're tempted to give an excuse to end the call, but that would mean dealing with your issues alone.
Too bad misery loves company.
Sorry, your date texted, half an hour after you'd planned to meet. Got roped into a last min thing.
No plans to make up for it. When you'd asked if he wanted to reschedule, he didn't respond.
Jin doesn’t know this. You've only given him the glib version, which is yes, you're still looking, and no, you haven't found anyone.
“What you need,” he says, “is a change in scenery. Spice things up. How about a blind date?"
You could laugh; you almost do. The dates you’ve been on, while not blind, were so stilted they could have been informal interviews. 9 times out of 10 they'd be at a coffee shop. None of it was cute or sweet or whatever you were supposed to expect from a good date. “Name one guy you know would be interested."
Jin sounds all too pleased to say he can name a few. Contingent, of course, on whether you'd let him set you up.
“Are they okay with my work life?”
“They’re sympathetic.”
You exhale. “Fine," you say before you can chicken out. "I’ll do it.”
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Jin lied.
He said he’d give you a name or two, but what he gives are breadcrumbs. According to him, your first date is:
1. 26
2. A designer
3. A great guy with a great sense of humor
You expect to hear more, but Jin simply reaches over to drizzle vinaigrette on his salad.
“That's it?”
“What do you mean 'that's it'?” He asks as if you'd expected him to know an Ivy League graduate, top of his class, now an analyst at Goldman Sachs. “Don't tell me you want his credit score."
You scoff. “Didn't you know I was looking for marriage material, nevermind that I can't score a date?”
Jin shoots you a pointed look you pretend not to notice, keeping your gaze glued to your Mac. “I mean," you explain, "he sounds cool and all, but what's his name? Pics? Stuff like that."
“Ah–” He stops. “Hold on, I’m about to sneeze.”
You use the time to finish up your slides and email them to your manager to review, yet his sneeze never comes. Looking up, you notice he’s back to eating his salad.
“What?” He asks mid-chew, then remembering himself, swallows.
“Oh. Maybe later.”
You narrow your eyes.
He ignores you much the same way you did earlier, although he hardly has to avoid your gaze to do it. He pops an olive into his mouth. “You’ve got a meeting in five. Something about the boss' boss attending?"
Reluctantly, you glance at the time. It's 1:55, and your next meeting is at 2. Giving Jin a half-hearted glare, you sweep your laptop into your bag and dash out of the café.
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Saturday evening, you both agree to meet a block away from your bricked walk-up. I lost my metro pass, you'd told him, so can you take me to my date? All the while, said card was sitting snugly in your wallet.
Thanks to a little tête-à-tête, Jin’s flatmate revealed the first letters of your date’s name. K, i, something, Yoongi had said. That's all I got. He was texting him around dinner last night to confirm details.
Your plan tonight is to swipe Jin's phone and do a little research before you meet your date. Call it payback. No one keeps you in the dark and gets away with it.
His car, however, is nowhere to be seen.
You pace up and down the strip of sidewalk, thankful the air is cooler or your dress would have started clinging. Pulling out your phone, you send a text.
ur not in front of the wrong apt, are u?
jin from orientation
well, did you move and forget to tell me?
if i did it wouldn’t have been an accident
jin from orientation
thought so. i'm behind a vw beetle. there's a manic pix
wait. can you do the YMCA
You wave urgently instead.
ok i see you, madwoman, he replies. A few seconds later, a loud honk blasts through the air.
Jin waves at you from a car you strode past, further down the street. Gone are the window marker stains, dry leaves stuck between windshield wipers, and Lyft decals he’d wryly deemed Honor Roll stickers. In its place is a shiny, good as new, black Camry.
"Hey," you greet when you approach, pulling the passenger door open. “Did you take your car to the shop? I thought your lease wasn't up yet.”
"Nope," Jin says as you slide in. "I came, I cleaned, I conquered. And I accept credit in the form of compliments."
"I'm actually more impressed you riffed off a Caesar quote and made it relevant to homemakers."
"What can I say? I've got a tough crowd to please."
“I'm sure the PTA would love you," you tease, right as the scent of a spiced fragrance distracts you. You can't tell what's in it, but it smells luxurious: a little old money with a breath of fresh air.
Curious, you turn to face Jin.
He's polished in a gray suit, one hand poised on the automatic shift, the other resting lightly on the wheel. With his hair smoothed back, he looks every bit the film star he’s striving to be.
“Actually…” He trails off when he catches your gaze, then starts again, his voice softer. “There's someone else I wanted to impress.”
You try to think of alternatives: an up-and-coming director, maybe, or a producer with connections to Hollywood. Anything but the very slim chance you've burned yourself hoping for, when falling felt a lot like flying.
"Are you…” You start, but your words hold fast to your throat.
“Also going on a date?” He laughs, endearingly self-conscious, the tips of his ears turning red. “Yeah. Weird timing, huh? I thought I’d just drop you off, but Cara's in town and wants me to meet someone."
You try to put on a convincing smile, and judging by the way Jin doesn't comment on it, you've done a decent job. "That's great. I'll just move to the back, then." You turn to unbuckle your seatbelt, but Jin beats you to it, covering the button before you can press it.
"Because I'm sitting next to you...wearing this, and, um, wouldn't she get the wrong idea?"
He smiles, and if it weren't so casual, you'd suspect him for acting out of guilt rather than reassurance. He uncovers the button. "Don’t worry about it. If you need an alibi, you’re my funny uncle’s neighbor’s sister’s niece. From Switzerland."
You laugh because he’s looking to gauge your reaction, although you can't help it, either. The joke is funny. You're not so much in the neutral party as you are fully on his side, invisible. Or maybe not invisible, but too long a part of it to be seen the way you want. Leaning back, you watch out the window, your tree-lined neighborhood blurring into neon-lit streets; people rushing to bars, restaurants, gold-glinted hotels the further he drives into the city. The night is still young, and you have other options to look forward to.
Jin's phone lights up, Kim's 7/11 flashing across his screen.
Maybe that's your chance.
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
what do you guys all think of fate?
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DARIN: not gunna lie sometime it b like
DARIN: i aint know SHIT abt communism but we livin close to it with that guy
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DARIN: that cute ass guy...
DARIN: cute as in cutie but also cute ass
DARIN: hes got a really cute ass im sayin
SETH: yeah, hes really hard to like... dislike!
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SETH: he just worms his way under your skin and you cant even be mad at the little guy. hes just so charming and funny!
SETH: ive known him since i was young, so i have the best word here. how can you not fall in love with him a little??? bro love i mean. you know. how can you not just wanna wrap him up in a blanket??
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NAHLA: Neeeerrrrdsss.
NAHLA: He is so full of bullshit, and honestly it's kind of crazy you think he's some kind of powerful leader type! He only breaks up fights because you're weak for him. So weaakk.
NAHLA: He is fun to prank. I will give you that and that only! It's funny to see him go on his little fits! Maybe that "small people are closer to hell" thing had some truth to it! Haha.
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SETH: sure, nahla...
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RONIN: yeah, f's probably the reason im friends with any of you stupid fucking people. he deserves some credit for that.
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VERA: Hey now
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RONIN: shit. except you, v. i dont know if we wouldve met without his divine intervention but i never wouldve hated you.
RONIN: we've got a trio thing going on with the guy, if you havent noticed, anon. he just forces us introverts to talk to each other, so i guess thats one thing he succeeded on.
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CORA: I swear hearing the friend group discuss Fate without him in the room is always interesting. It's like he's some kind of friendship zeitgeist. Whenever he's in the room he's the center of attention, whenever he's out of it he's the center of discussion.
CORA: Somehow, every topic of colloquy we as a group have circles around to that boy and his many complexities. I enjoy his presence and participate in many philosophical discussions with him, but I'm more interested in the impact he leaves.
CORA: Every boy I am mutually friends with never shuts the fuck up about him. Even the straightest of macho men I have spoken with who accept his identity. It's quite humorous and frustrating.
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LILY: hes silly :P
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CORA: That as well...
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ENZO: honestly its hard to tell if some of yall are too harsh on him except nahla in which case its really fuckin obvious and you gotta learn some empathy but whatever im not your dad
ENZO: dudes a goddamn sweetie pie but also a little asshole he balances it
ENZO: like the second i get uncomfortable he descends upon me like a shark smelling blood in the water to pamper me like im a fuckin handbag dog and hand out food and reassurances and sort the shit out he literally will just not let me be anxious ever no matter the circumstances
ENZO: he brings fuckin FANNY PACKS sometimes when we re out of school like he is THAT GUY
ENZO: i dont even think he knows half of what he does to me cause he drives me crazy lmao
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CORA: As I said: Never shuts the fuck up about him. Homo-erotically crazy about this boy.
CORA: It's fascinating.
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ENZO: yo cora i get its like your thing but can you interrogate me about my nonexistent sexuality issues a lil less cause i can fuckin hear you and its not all that polite
ENZO: im from the south i can make jokes like i ever experienced politeness in my life bro! shut up i literally just like the guy cause hes nice im not in the mood today
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FATE: Sorry, bathroom break.
FATE: What are we talking about?
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CORA: Don't worry your pretty little head about it.
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FATE: Cool.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years
Not really an important post or like notification, it's more so an appreciation to everyone who reads my stuff, and kind of a little shout out to some pretty special people who make writing fun for me and make it worth it.
As some of you may have read, I haven't been able to really get on a write often because my work schedule is wack which means my sleeping schedule can not be wack and I actually have to sleep :P But I really will try to get some stuff out, I'm doing my best, I'm just so tired :'(
But anywho!!!
Here's some great people who make writing amazing! (Please be sure to comment and/or reblog peoples any artist/writers posts, it means so much more than a like :'))) )
@sunflwryu @readeryu <3 You make the struggle of trying to stay awake and write fics worth it because your tags when you reblog my fics are honestly so special to me, I love reading them, and I read them over and over. It's also so nice just being able to talk to someone every day, even though I complain a good bit about how crappy work is, you listen and you're always there for me, and I'll always be there for you. Thank you for being the coolest yondongsaeng. ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT THEIR FICS ON THEIR MAIN BLOG! SO GOOD! SO SO SO GOOD! <3
@jcngh0-hq <3 My favorite fan of Company Policy, I love hearing about your mutual hatred of Niko! I try to make sure that I'm able to get on my phone and tag you in updates as soon as I possibly can just because I hope that you enjoy every next chapter and I really really hope to hear from you when the series is over (On the 29th this month :( ). Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me <3
@rachagen <3 I remember you first came to my blog when I posted the Jealousy Is series, and you're still here for the Spin The Wheel! If you're waiting for Goodnight Moon, I promise, I'll get to it, it's coming! I'm gonna get there! Thank you for being here though and reading my angst at this point, I hope that it in some way brings you happiness. Thank you so much <3
@laylasbunbunny <3 You absolutely blew up my phone with notifications and I cannot thank you enough for how kind you were and what you said and your reblogs, oh my gosh, I just, I was so so so happy when I saw all the notifications. Especially since you read some of my fics that even I forgot I wrote because they don't get enough recognition, but you recognized them and that is just, so amazing, and I cried a little bit, so thank you so so so so so much! <3
@whatudowhennooneseesyou <3 I remember you first became my moot when I started the Jealousy Is... series, and you sent me some of my favorite requests (some of my only requests that I feel comfortable and confident enough to write for) And you put out an absolute masterpiece for my request for your Mommytober2022 that I hope everyone read and was able to keep up on because even though I wasn't able to keep up on it, I know that since it came from you, it's amazing. I need to find some time to read all of the fics you put out. Thank you for being here and thank you for reading my stuff, and I promise that when I get the time, I will definitely read your entire Mommytober2022 collection. <3
@goodnightlittleme <3 You also first started following me when I started my Jealousy Is... series, and I do believe that you were one of the first to ask to get tagged in it, which made me feel so cool, not a lot of people ask to get tagged in my stuff, so, it was just really nice to know that people looked forward to my fics enough to want to be tagged in them. And then the comments you'd write in the tags or when you'd reblog, it made my heart happy, and it's really nice reading what you have to say about the fics and what you think. Thank you so much <3
@kim-jvnkyu <3 Sometimes your notes get buried in a sea of likes, but I notice all the reblogs that you give for Company Policy, and it's so appreciated. I hope that you're still enjoying it, and thank you so much <3
@mybabywearschanel <3 Yeonjunie lover, the one singular person that wanted to be tagged in Theater Baby, I appreciate you, and everything that you'd send to my inbox whenever there was an update on the fic. I will always remember the one inbox thingy you sent when Hyejin got what was coming for her, and you put a meme with it, and that made me smile all fricking day, just to know that you liked it enough to not only message me, but to put the cutest meme in with it. Thank you a million times over, so much <3
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happi-tree · 11 months
hi happi!!! ♧ :]<3
Kai!!! Hihihi also WOW you were up early. Hope your late day's going well 🧡🧡🧡
You’re my: Mutual beloved, fic writing co-conspirator, fellow Oakworthy appreciator :]c How I met you: On here <3 I can't exactly remember the first post I saw from you??? thing??? However. I DO remember that you were very sweet and kind in every interaction, so I was like. Gotta befriend him he's so cool 🥺 Why I follow you: Really lovely fics, cute hcs, and nobody gets Normal(ly Ly'Oak-Swallows-Garcia) like you do!!! You're very talented and also as aforementioned one of the sweetest people ever 🥰🥰🥰 Your blog is: Like a cute little bookstore with a cafe attached! The sunlight streams through the windows in the early afternoon and we're sitting in its glow, sipping at our coffees and making little comments on what we're reading to each other. Sometimes we'll look up and watch the people on the street as they walk past. It's very peaceful and happy, and I always feel like I can take a breather when visiting :]]] Your URL is: I don't quite know what it means, but it reminds me of apricots and petrichor, even if that last one has much less letters in common with the url lmao. It's very cute regardless!!! Your icon is: Normal!!! From your Oakworthy fic <333 the guy ever I love him so much. I ADORE @/herooakgarcia's style it's SOOOOO cute and the coloring is really pretty! A random fact I know about you: You work in publishing! Which is really really cool imo - every time I hear you mention some book that you really like, I mentally add it to my reading list bc ik you have great taste 🥰 General opinion: REALLY cool person and a source of much happiness on my dash and in my discord notifs!!! Very glad that the internet was kind enough to show me your blog A random thought I have: Do your OCs know that i love them??? I hope they do I think about them so frequently. Mentally I'm giving them each a little kiss on the forehead /p 💗
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le-velo-pour-dru · 11 months
hi druuuuu ♣️
Hiiiiiiii Mercuryyyyyyy!! :D
You’re my: very awesome mutual and friend!!!! I really like you a lot :D ❤️
How I met you: I saw a post of yours in the The Amazing Devil tag where you were looking for more people to be mutuals or followers of, and I was like, "Well The Amazing Devil is incredible, and it's always cool to have someone interacting with my posts :D", so I followed you, and the rest is history!! :P 💖
Why I follow you: Well, first and foremost, you're really nice, friendly, and fun to talk to, but we also share a lot of awesome fandoms!!! :DD
Your blog is: nice and cozy ^^ I like seeing the stuff you post, and I feel really comfortable popping in to chat with you whenever 😊❤️
Your URL is: pretty interesting!! It's a cool series of words, I gotta say :D 👍
Your icon is: so cute and silly 😁🩷 My mom sometimes puts on episodes of The Muppet Show, cause she grew up with it and loves it, and I just think that lil guy is so cute and delightful X3 💖
A random fact I know about you: Ummmmm I don't know all that many random facts about you... I know you like Steddie though :3
General opinion: I think you're so awesome!!!!!! ^^ ❤️ You're really friendly, and the fandoms we share are really cool, and I love talking to you, and I just think you're so so great :3 🫶
A random thought I have: I first knew you as a fan of The Amazing Devil, so I was ECSTATIC when I found out you're also an iDKHOW fan (AND THAT YOU'VE BEEN TO ONE OF THEIR CONCERTS!!!!!!! 🤯💖 THAT'S MY DREAM). Also, it is unbelievably awesome to have a close mutual who also loves The Amazing Devil!! :3 ❤️ They're one of my favorite groups of all time, so it's awesome to know that you like them too ^^ 🫶
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kalims · 2 years
my dearest twst moot /p, i just wanted to ask if you could recommend any good sfw leona fics,, (or like, vil/azul/sebek is great too) a girl's STARVING here pls /hj
— ravy
HI RAVY MY BELOVEDDD <33 this took a little while to answer how are u doing?? GODDD
sebek —ㅤthe stories told, the charms you holdㅤㅤㅤcapture my heart, my voice into art both by @zgvlt !!
OK OK I LOVE NATHYA'S FICS ESPECIALLY THAT ONE VIL & ROOK ONE 😭 she's an underrated writer I swear to god.. like her fics are so long and the quality of said fics don't get justice from the notes it gets 😠 there's also tons of other fics in her masterlist so plz check them out <3
leona, azul, & sebek —ㅤlove trianges, ㅤand there's even a part two by @kaiijo
ok ok! so like I saw her the love triangle a few months ago or so and im in love oh my god.. my brain was like on the verge of shaking because of how much fluster its thinking of as I visualize them personally fighting over me 😦😦 anyhow she also has some works that are beautifully written so if you liked the ones i reccomended I suggest going for more
leona — ㅤin which leona has to babysit cheka, which (y/n) gladly does for him instead; but now he's jealous since cheka gets all her attention by @wolken-himmel
I've been binge reading all her works ever since I found her blog, even reread some I enjoyed a lot & I actually recognized her from quotev omg I love her stories 😭💓 ANYWAYS! there's a ton of works on her masterlist. of which there's also a lot on the characters you mentioned but if you're feeling like receiving some fluff from another all you have to do is visit her blog :) screamed when they followed me
sadly the author deactivated their blog but i still have it reblogged! so here. where leona is that type of boyfriend..
vil —ㅤthe fairest has everyone's eyes but one by ㅤㅤㅤand a part two @arent-i-the-fairest
I literally screamed when they followed me pt. 2 ong jabsjabaksjd i was so excited to have them as mutuals!! <33 actually I noticed them after reading the work where reader chooses between the seven dorms and I loved the chaos HAHAHAHA
vil, leona & azul — ㅤbreaking up with them
screamed when they followed me pt.3 WHY DO I HAVE SUCH COOL MUTUALS 😭😭 I need just a single shroud of their talents omfgg... n e ways if we have fluff we also must have angst, either way you should really check out mal's smau works!! I LOVE THEM AKSJKAJA
—ㅤu know what I'll just put her entire masterlist @trappolaces
ok but we actually turned into mutuals after I got an ask from her 😃 but I just HAD TO PUT THE WHOLE MASTERLIST BECAUSE I COULDNT CHOOSE WHICH ONE TO PICK 😭😭😭 kimiko is pookie so read her works now 🙁👹
ok but this lowkey turned into author reccs BUT I MEAN THERES SEBEK, VIL, LEONA AND AZUL RECCS RIGHT 😭😭 come back for more because I'm lazy
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atmymercy · 1 year
Hii tea, again i LOVE ur readings!!! This is so cool !! just to say that I think you're amazing and I admire you! You are so witty and smart in ur words and also because I once did a reading with you that made me open my eyes for those who treated me a little badly and I didn't realize it, you were literally a ray of sunshine to me!!!!
the cards drawn for the first question oh my god it ended up involving love delusion of love loll
impressive, I'm really impressed because there is an digital illustration with collage that I made in 2021 that is very special but I had forgotten about this illustration, i have a copy on my phone but when i was reading i remembered this piece!!
It's the feeling you described!! Omg!! i made it for someone birthday lol Its very special to me and i love this piece because of the process of making it, it took me a few weeks to make and i just have good memories! I remember the creative process, the things i learning in drawing and organization and arts methods (I swear I even dreamed of how to use a specific of the illustration with a tool in photoshop lol it was crazy) and i remember the smell of rain, quiet dawn and music still in my memory and also sunny days. But I have this feeling of wrecked and i feel a lil embarassed because I thought it was mutual but it was just a delusion so I really feel like an idiot. anyway, it was of great help in what I should focus artistically speaking wow😭
oh and about the second question, it was about vocational course(?) A course towards my art! English is not my first language lolol I only asked as confirmation if was good idea or not hehe
hello p!
omg! you make me so happy saying things like that! like you love my readings??? omg! yes! me so so happy! me tickled pink! omg! thank you for the sweet words! i'm just so glad you think so highly of me! i could cry! seriously! quit making me tear up! lol i'm so happy to be your ray of sunshine! -holds you dear-
lol nothing wrong with being excited about love!
oh honey, i really hope you give this form of art another chance! you deserve to feel all those amazing feelings again and one person who didn't fully appreciate it, is not worth losing such a passion! if anything, i'm proud that you were embarrassed and wrecked that day! why? because you were full and authentically you that day! that art! those emotions! all you and you are worth seeing! and it takes a lot of strength to admit to feeling even like that! so you are strong, honey!
oh geez! i wouldn't have guessed because your english has been amazing, honey! keep it up! and ace that course!
love & light!
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