#yknow i didnt believe the dfo theory at all
mishy-mashy · 5 months
Hi, just wanna add/bring up three more points to the DFO theory + Midoriya having a natural Quirk
Also some thoughts of 412 are included here:
1. What if it's behind the vault door? Why do the vestiges sit in front of it, almost as if they're guarding it? Why is that door the only thing intact?
When Kudo says he has to let go of OFA, what if that's so they can't hold back what's in the vault door? Why was it specifically Star's arm, when we know she was raising hell in AFO's world?
One For All can't be wielded by a normal person anymore. In other words, someone with a Quirk. By locking the Quirk away, does that count? And they're just holding it back so Midoriya doesn't become like Shinomori's shortened life or AFO's Singularity-body-warping? Since Yoichi already said they're past the point of Singularity, why hasn't Midoriya's body warped?
2. The post I made about AFO liking Quirks like Toga likes blood. Midoriya, like AFO, has a fascination of Quirks. He analyzes how people use theirs and is amazed by how hard Quirks are put to use for people. But he also has a great/innate understanding of Quirks, and managed to use the vestiges' with barely any training (ex. Fa Jin, Gearshift)
Unlike AFO, Midoriya looks at the person first (Eri, Shoto, Bakugo, etc), and even Kudo calls this out in 412, that he looks at the goodness in people's hearts. AFO looks at the Quirk first (Ragdoll, Best Jeanist), and discards the person. He never bothered to find Ragdoll after stealing her Quirk, nor did he care when he used corpses as the base for Nomus.
3. The double-pinky joint. Midoriya has this, and so it's believed he won't have a Quirk. But if he's technically second-generation, he can still absolutely have a Quirk; for the first generation, Abilities happened because of a newly-discovered gene. People who could have the joint could still have Abilities, because they were just normal humans and suddenly woke up to find maybe their hair is floating now. Abilities were just popping up at random, and I don't think it'd be reasonable that a lot of humanity had just been living without the extra joint. Abilities scared them because no one knew what caused them, and created a fantasy-ish Uncanny Valley effect
The pinky toe was discovered later, and people used it as a basis then, but it's rudimentary. Because Midoriya was told to give up by Garaki, and Inko just apologized and cried, Midoriya just believed he really didn't have a Quirk.
Which brings the next point:
4. We see Midoriya as a kid, tearfully trying to make his parents' Quirks work. Lifting objects, or breathing fire—but if AFO was his dad, he never would've had the ability to breathe fire.
The start of All For One was a blank slate of having no Quirks available, because none had been taken yet.
But Midoriya, rather than take, was given One For All: a Quirk. Even disregarding the DFO theory, this is a parallel of AFO and OFA.
All For One takes. One For All decides to be given.
If Midoriya had AFO as a natural Quirk, it makes sense he's classified as Quirkless. But it also makes sense that he can handle multiple Quirks in one body from OFA; because the nature of AFO is being able to hold multiple Quirks
Midoriya is past the point of Singularity. But he's completely fine. Broken bones, compared to the body morphing into something else entirely? He got a good deal.
Midoriya is Yoichi's embodiment of ["the power to give and take could have been the kindest in the whole world"].
Midoriya is like. An intersection of AFO and OFA then. He has AFO, but was given OFA, and wants to save everyone. Living exactly what AFO could have done with his Quirk: saving others.
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