#yippie!!! yahoo!!!!
liorlen · 24 days
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Some illustrations I made for a module as interpretations of some passages from the Welsh poem 'Preiddeu Annwn'
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boom-baebee · 1 year
Happy new year!! 🎉🥳🥳❤️🥳🎉🎉❤️
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scootarooni · 11 months
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omori-neon-black-au · 5 months
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OFFICIAL NEON BLACK SPLASH ART IS HERE AFTER LITERALLY A YEAR. REJOICE. details and design notes and whatnot under the cut you know the drill
black: the plot never got to this point, but yeah the book of death would’ve allowed him to summon white space hands. also small thing about the mask i never mentioned - it’s asymmetrical to represent both sunny and omori. sunny’s side is a lot softer, with the broken horn and smaller fangs, while omori gets the fucked up eye and significantly sharper points. idk. fun detail.
orange: his rabbit’s foot is visible now, yay! the streak of light behind him is highlighted yellow instead of green because like. yes his card is torn yes he’s activating stomp’s discard but consider - stomp discard is hard to visually show. just pretend he’s doing it. also his shoes are supposed to resemble a paw, to lean into the dog aesthetic.
navy: i never want to draw guns again. the boots are more styled after green’s, but that’s basically the only change.
pink: oh yeah, other than her bat her signature would’ve been illegally modified fireball cards. that’s why their halos are so shaky. the actual modification would’ve been making them double barreled as opposed to the in-game single barrel. didn’t draw her with them because guns suck and i hate them.
lavender: did i ever mention she’s a non-combatant? she does the bare minimum to qualify for the 10 days of judgement but otherwise does not participate. that’s why she doesn’t have any cards.
mint: like black, mint uses the book of death to summon extra help. his is vines instead of hands because duh, it’s basil, he’s a gardener, that’s his whole thing.
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st5lker · 3 days
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hahahha-fandoms · 1 year
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The TBH Creature is done being glazed, HURRAH ‼️‼️‼️
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fandans · 28 days
me in a room with elf guys and g'raha tia final fantasy 14
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toestalucia · 1 month
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harvestmoth · 1 year
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random tsukuyo number 1983
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shinyjasmineee11 · 5 days
Me as a tbh creature :3
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dorkicon · 2 years
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part 2 of 6 (12) fanarts thingie finally :^]
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xgarlicbredx · 6 months
A new peice I finished!☆
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hguvbhghn so much write
coughs up little ball made purely of digital letters and tiny green apples (whole)
i dont know if we've seen Wren b4,, so here he is!!... i have yet to update his design a bit
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Wren had his head hung over his shoulders as boredom overcame him, seeing as he'd been waiting for quite awhile. He stared at the grassy, warm-toned ground, subsequently sighing with an unamused expression, before hearing some footsteps off to the right.
He'd tilt his head to get a look and see a familiar figure, scowling lightly as he fixed his eyes on Sir. He scooted over, adjusting his bag and straightening his posture to be fixed up against the back of the bench he'd been sat on. Sir would have been making his way through the park, humming softly before spotting his brother on the bench. He put on a smile and made his way towards Wren, subsequently sitting down once he got there. Sir leaned against the back of the bench with a relaxed demeanor, waiting for Wren to initiate some form of a conversation; Whether it be a 'hello' or something along those lines, he just waited patiently.
"... Hey. " Wren muttered, keeping his eyes off his sibling and focusing on the nearby creek running under a small bridge. He didn't want to see Sir, but he felt it had been too long since the two talked. "Good afternoon, Wren!" He greeted back eagerly, starkly contrasting Wren's quiet demeanor. "It's nice to see you again!... I'm sorry I never got to apologize after the fight we had at Jovial." He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward expression, though trying to keep a warm expression.
Wren would roll his eyes lightly in response, fumbling with the strap on his bag. "It's... Whatever." He'd mutter once more, barely keeping his voice over a mumble. Sir was used to it, but it didn't exactly change how guilty he'd feel knowing Wren wasn't exactly open to talking to him. Especially considering the fact that he'd felt he failed as both a sibling and some sort of parental figure for Wren. Sir couldn't help but frown a little, glancing off to the side and examining the ground. He slowly reached into his own little travel bag and pull out some cherry shaped and flavored gummies, handing the plastic packaged item to Wren. "Here," He started, putting his hands in his lap once Wren took them. "I saw them at a store and remembered you liked cherries, so I thought you'd like them!... Err.. Unless you don't like them anymore, it has been awhile." Sir chuckled, smiling gently.
He'd hold the bag for a few moments, soon opening it and taking one out. ".. Thanks. " He stated, before eating it and placing the baggie in his satchel. "..So... What'd you want?" He asked plainly, not bothering to meet Sir's gaze. "Oh! Right, haha! Well,,... Ehhmm.." Sir would nervously fidget with his tie, glancing off to the side before returning his gaze toward Wren. "I did just want to say sorry.. I do know you're still upset for what had happened but--..." He'd soon be interrupted, frowning lightly. "Don't tell me how I feel." Wren spat, clenching his jaw slightly and scowling. "I'm not forgiving you." He responded with a huff, crossing his arms and glaring off to the side. He didn't even wanna think about it, or hear Sir speak. He was practically a traitor, and stupid, and so easy to hate with his stupid smile. Sir always tried too hard, never left things alone even if they needed to be left alone. He was annoyingly anxious and always asked stupid questions. AND- "Listen.. I know, what I did was... a bit unwise ,but knowing what I know now.. It's better I hadn't taken you with me... Though, letting you stay with dad those couple years wasn't the best choice either." Sir sighed softly, watching as Wren's tensed frame would soon soften, though keeping the upset expression. He didn't respond, although.
Sir would soon smile lovingly and sit back, looking towards the woods in front of them. "... You know you're allowed to tell me what I did wrong,, right? No one's really around us, and it's nice to finally be... Well, out in nature." Sir chuckled, glad to be able to be somewhere else than his work or his apartment. Wren spoke up after a few moments, mumbling under his breath. "..Maybe-.. We shouldn't--.. I just- You-" Wren began to uncross his arms, fidgeting with the strap of his bag and staring at the ground. " Grhhnn.. Have you even gotten better? You left with zero warning besides a small goodbye, change your name, move several states away and then-- DISAPPEAR!! You just.. Cut contact! Especially after all the stunts you pulled and everything you did to dad and mom and-" Wren looked up, staring at Sir. His demeanor had changed and he had a saddened expression on his face filled with guilt and regret, holding a hand over his mouth. He couldn't bare to make eye contact with Wren or even say anything.
"...Was what we even know the truth..?"
Wren's voice asked somewhat shakily, of which snapped Sir out of the small spiral he was pulling himself into. "Wh.. What?" Sir responded, pulling himself to look at Wren. "I.. You just-.. We-... Listen,, he's been lying, hasn't he?" ===
cpoguhs and smiles not my best work but this was just a one off situation i thought would be fun to write!!! yippie yahoo!! this is missing so much context but ooooo maybe i'll come back with more ooo spooky haejhhehee idk if this is even canon but maybe it will be ahehehehee @therealjackdsaf
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electrofloat · 1 year
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i got possessed
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bornsexyesterday · 1 year
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Will I ever reach you?
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automatonknight · 8 months
joy did not help in the fight so i uninstalled and installed the game again 👍 should work now i think. i'm going to make two saves in the very beginning just in case thought
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