vilisus · 10 months
@yinjiyang x
"I am not a dream who visits the sleeping. That's not my position. There are many in the Dreaming who work behind the scenes." The kitchen staff who made the food dreamers dreamt of, for one. Though, if he was honest with himself, his ever shifting form that constantly fluctuated in varying levels of dream and nightmare made him rather unstable for an unsuspecting dreamer.
"Besides.... there are such things as daydreams..... and one does not have to be asleep for that, now do they?" Even if it was dark, the term still applied, or at least he thought so. It was more a turn of phrase than anything else.
"Misery does love company in any case.... But I suppose you have a point."
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ofengineers · 11 months
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The Enterprise is almost READY now. Mid is just doing one last test on the sea, with her team. And then, she will be able to truly accompany Clive and the others. She wants to be useful, more than anything else. It's her way to honor her father's legacy, too. Clive can't be the only one doing it.
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She's very concentrated, analyzing and taking notes, when she suddenly feels a presence nearby. "Titan's tits!" she exlaims, seeing that guy next to her. She has never seen him before. He doesn't look particularly evil, but how the hell did he just appear on her ship ? "Who are you ? Why are you here ? Can't you see I'm working!?" Well, maybe she's overreacting, but she can't do otherwise.
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tsckcyomi-archived · 11 months
@yinjiyang from here
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The hold he retains on the Dominant is but a mockery of the gentle gesture it appears to be, the tips of his gloved fingers digging into the other's nape as he keeps him in place. Observing him from up close, Sleipnir's lips curl into an eerie smile of his own. The rage in the other man's eyes does so very little to unnerve him ━ he's but an egi, after all. He cannot die even if the other were to lash out now.
" ━ My liege will be so very pleased to hear of your return. And so will our master be," he mutters, his voice a gentle lilt. "But just where have you been hiding for so long, Leviathan? The people could have used your powers."
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kihel-sorcas · 11 months
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Part I of a few doodles to various asks/threads I found rather sweet!
Thanks for the cool interactions!
@phoenix-flamed 's Elwin aka Miles from X & X
@yinjiyang 's Yin/Leviathan from X & X
@lionheartedscout 's Gav from X & X
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pctaldrunk · 10 months
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@yinjiyang asked : 100 Indulgent Tropes Prompt! -- For that foxy empress lady. #53 -- our muses are stuck somewhere together and must occupy their time
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"...So YOU can't break out of here either." The girl crosses her arms, pressing petal lips together with a SIGH. Heels scuff in the snow, kicking up white, powdery mist. Admits with some resignation. "And I only have thirty thousand years - not even that, I lost a great deal of it from previous misfortunes - of cultivation, so there's no way either of us are punching a hole through this ward..." Throws herself down on the nearest rock, cheeks puffing up. "I guess that means we're setting up for the next sixty years - till Fanyin Valley OPENS again." Kicks the snow again, watching the powder FLUFF into the air in a gentle arc and fall over her own knees. Grumbles, leaning her face into her hands and closing her eyes, "That's what I get, for getting caught up in Dijun's business again."
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miercolaes · 9 months
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@yinjiyang , i've warned you the legend is true ... now you have been cursed with this interaction .
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astra  inclinant,  sed  non  obligant    —    the  stars  may  incline  us,  but  they  do  not  shackle  us.  since  her  earliest  memories,  her  mother  had  whispered  the  universe;s  secrets  into  her  ear.  while  the  celestial  bodies  might  gently  nudge  one  in  a  particular  direction,  the  realm  of  free  will  existed  and  always  reigned  supreme.  wednesday  knew  that  her  destiny  was  preordained  from  the  outset,  therefore  there  was  no  point  in  raising  an  eyebrow  at  what  the  world  considered  perilous  and  unscrupulous.  if  the  gift  of  free  will  wasn’t  presented  on  a  silver  platter,  then  it  would  be  seized  with  a  silver  dagger.  it  all  boiled  down  to  that  simplicity,  at  least  within  the  addamses  morals.  the  raven  saunted  carefreely  across  mined  terrain.  she  should  have  avoided  this  place,  however  something  was  summoning  her,  akin  to  a  disembodied  voice  echoing  from  a  crypt.  wednesday  simply  couldn’t  resist  this  call,  regardless  of  where  it  led  or  the  lurking  peril.
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she  was  convinced  that  the  true  dangers  lay  within  –  that  the  real  monsters  wore  human  skin.  and  wednesday  was  human,  too.  bony  fingers  clutched  a  dagger  with  an  unyielding  grip  as  she  slanted  her  head,  peering  into  the  starless  night.  she  has  readied  herself  for  the  impending  tempest,  for  the  potential  bloodshed  that  could  erupt  at  any  given  time.  with  a  mad  man’s  serenity  she  has  accepted  the  risks  and  knelt  on  the  ground,  awaiting  the  inevitable.        ❝  fascinating,  isn’t  it  –  the  night.  ❞        she  uttered  as  soon  as  her  ears  detected  a  sound,  not  too  far  in  the  distance  as  she  presumes.  wednesday  remained  unflinching    ;    instead,  she  took  in  the  night’s  allure.  it  exuded  a  captivating  macabre  essence,  terribly  perfect  for  a  crime.  the  identity  of  the  one  who  came  to  welcome  her  didn’t  matter,  but  the  intentions  that  would  soon  unveil  did.  she  was  still  holding  onto  the  dagger,  after  all.
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evcryopeneye · 10 months
@yinjiyang asked: ❝ you deserve so much more than what you were given. ❞ ( for Feng Wu )
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The statement felt out of place, she didn’t really know what to make of it. For a moment, she dragged her eyes away from the stars, glanced at him as she tried, and failed, to read that expression on his face. It wasn’t that he was hard to read, it's just the idea that he looked at her in any special way completely escaped her.
Why would he? Why would anyone?
After all, the man she’d been betrothed to for most of her life, hadn’t even fought her execution. Part of her had believed in this stupid idea that maybe people cared. That all the years they had known each other, all of those childhood days spent running around courtyards, sneaking in and out of palaces, had meant something. This horrible sensation in her chest had appeared in the moments she realised….that no one was going to defend her. All of these people who were meant to care had simply stepped aside and watched her fall. Kinda hard to believe in anything in the wake of that.
Still, she smiled, pasted a smile over whatever feeling it was sitting in her chest and just…shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not so sure about that one.” She wasn’t. Maybe they didn’t deserve anything? Who was she to know? Everything that she had believed in, or observed, had been turned on its head. Here she was, skirting through the countryside in the dark in an attempt to evade authorities and somehow fix the fucking mess they found themselves in, through no fault of their own.
“It just is.” Sure, it sounded defeatist, because it was.
She had lost.
They both had, it was why they were in this mess in the first place. The Empire had won and here they were, eeking out a living and a way forward together. Then a sigh left her. “I guess I must have really screwed up in a past life or something.” Sure, she laughed when she said it, but it wasn’t a joke.
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infulaen · 11 months
`* @yinjiyang 's Leviathan accessed The Thousand Tomes! *
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"THE PRESENCE OF A GUARDIAN, overlooking the earnest creatures attempting to learn the complexities imparted to them. Surprised am I to be graced by such a visit. I wonder if there is an underlying reason, or if an exhausting endeavor allowed you to find our humble abode."
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valiisthea · 10 months
🍦 (I...could use a li'l pick me up, love. May I please have a little soft serve?)
Ice Cream Compliments! || Always Accepting
My dear, if I could lift you ALL the way up, I absolutely would. You deserve the world and more. You are such a loving, gentle, fun, optimistic little beam of light on this Earth and I treasure and adore you. It's so funny to think we started as twitch buds and have grown into good friends <3 You always make yourself available to me when I need you, you're so endlessly kind, you care so so soooo much about people, you're talented as fuck when it comes to writing (and I'm sure plenty of other things I don't get to see!). You are such a genuinely good person and I just love you so much!! I am so happy to have you in my life and am even more blessed to have you as a friend. <3
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adversitybloomed · 6 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from @yinjiyang         𝒀𝒊𝒏 𝑱𝒊𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒈 :  “Protecting you is not my duty. It is my privilege.” / 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
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        ❝  why ?  ❞    she the question left her lips before she could put an end to her impulsive nature. her eyes widened at his words, confusion striking her to her to the very depths of her core. questions began to run through her mind at a rapid pace, ones such as; why would he risk so much for her and did she know him ?
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          she could feel a lump in her throat that she could not explain. part of her wanted to ask these questions out loud, but knew that time was not on their side. she knew that something was approaching ━━ a dark figure that seemed to lust for her power, though she could not fully understand why. she knew that it was her duty to fight whatever may come, for she could risk the others of her sect getting hurt because of her, nor could she run from her duty.
        ❝  i have to fight whatever is coming, but i am not foolish enough to turn away aid when offered... i just do not understand why you would want to protect me ━━ why you would feel privilege to even do so... i am not anyone important, just a girl who wants to protect her people. ❞   
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vilisus · 10 months
The raven waddled one way, then another. There was no clear direction in where they were headed. He had no idea where he was or where he was going. The world felt like it was spinning. He couldn’t fly, which was likely for the best. One wing hung low, a rather large burn taking up most of the side of his body, from what you could call his shoulder and down his back.
Eventually he stopped when he found some cover under a bench, needing to rest. Between the spell that freed him and the iron, he was weak. He needed to settle for just a moment. At least until he could get a better idea of where he was. Eyes darting this way and that anytime someone had walked too close to the bench. He was scared and alone. He didn’t want to be found, but he didn’t know who he was hiding from. He just knew he needed to stay hidden.
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ofengineers · 10 months
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@yinjiyang said: ❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds AN EXTREMELY SELF-INDULGENT MEME | ACCEPTING
Mid hates this so much, not to see the injuries themselves, but to see her friends getting hurt. She always wishes she could protect all of them from everything. Maybe she's not a skilled nurse at all, but she still knows how to tend to someone's wounds, and to bandage them. She frowns in his direction, though.
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"How did you get these ?" she asks with concerns on her features once she's done with his bandages. "You're lucky I was nearby, you know!"
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dreams-of-fate · 8 months
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@yinjiyang said: ❛I  think  you  had  a  nightmare …   you  seemed  upset . ❜ (For Ji.Heng. Middle of the night. Yin's just...chillin', sitting at her bedside. ~_^)
Yet she remembered nothing... but it was for the best. The nightmares she did remember upon waking up left her chest tight and uncomfortable, near-breathless as if she screamed out every ounce of air from her lungs.
"Yeah...," she said, brushing hair back from her face with clammy hands. "Thank you for waking me."
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tsckcyomi-archived · 5 months
tag nine people you'd like to know better
I. favourite colours: azure. very calming, love it.
II. favourite flavours: sweet. i'm an absolute sucker for desserts and sweets and whatnot. but then there's also the more hearty stuff with a sour note that i really like.
III. favourite genres: mostly anything fantasy related, but also medieval stuff.
IV. favourite music: i feel like i branch out a lot but i will always stick with medieval rock, metal, punk rock, alternative rock, yada yada yada. i do love electro swing and video game/movie osts as well, though.
V. favourite movies: as far as disney/pixar movies go: lilo and stitch, mulan, rise of the guardians and coco. my favourite anime movie is a silent voice. my favourite live action one would probably be mad max: fury road. there's just something about the action scenes that i absolutely love lol. and the spider-man movies.
VI. favourite series: arcane, avatar: the last airbender, link click, to your eternity, wolf's rain, brooklyn 99.
VII. last song: VORTEX by 白鲨JAWS
VIII. last series: blue eye samurai / spy x family
IX. last movie: i watched the relative worlds with my sister but we didn't even finish it since it just... didn't do it for us :')
X. currently reading: nothing. the last novel i tried reading introduced so many characters at once that i dropped it because i couldn't keep up. the last novel that i did finish was if tomorrow doesn't come which i liked a lot.
XI. currently watching: nothing really. i watch a lot of youtube, though, and listen to distractible or true crime podcasts.
XII. currently working on: my bachelor thesis. tidying up and sorting out my apartment (spectacularly failing).
tagged by: @holyguardian <3 tagging: @eikonbound @bymargrace @drakonairs @phoenix-flamed @flamesofrebirths @yinjiyang @valkyrrhic @ruiination @creatrix-mea
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pctaldrunk · 10 months
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She has NEVER BEEN to this particular courtyard with its twists and turns and fine landscape, the stone mountain and the twisting little stream. Her father did mingle with his peers in times of peace - but she was too young to travel much, then. As a young duchess, she had only ever made voyages that were ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY - summons to court, and the such.
Still - a strange wave of FAMILIARITY comes over her. The stone path that leads to the correct rooms seems to be - WALKED BEFORE. A cool breeze that seems out of place in spring, the scent of MIST in the air. Something about it is familiar, even if she can't quite put her finger on what. Her feet take her where she's meant to go, it seems.
A curt KNOCK - and then she is opening the door with more rustle and noise than is perhaps necessary, shifting her bag to the other arm. " - Feng gongzi." Pokes her head into the room, a grin already curled at lips. "I brought some medicine for you. It doesn't taste bad, I promise - " Invites herself in with short, energetic stps and sits herself down opposite him, putting down her bag on the table. "I added three whole spoons of sugar." Lifts her fingers, as if to tell him the amount, and then unwraps her package, setting up her little medicine stove with EASE. "I just have to heat it up a little. So we have to sit here for a while. I could take your pulse in the meantime."
Large dark eyes are sparkling with unbridled and unconcealed hope as she leans closer over the steaming stove. "You WILL let me help you, won't you?" Officious, and with the tone she frequently hears her grandfather take, despite it being uncharacteristic to HERSELF, Tang Tang announces, "It's no good to give up now."
plotted starter for @yinjiyang !
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evcryopeneye · 10 months
🎶 for Feng Wu. Because why not.
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Undercover Agents - Enter Shikari I said park your car and come on up to my house, we’ll plan a revolution. I said yeah I think I’m ready to begin, we’ll destroy the disillusion. I am currently under construction. Thank you for your patience. We veneer, unveil, we present a cold disguise. We’re all undercover agents. I’m so done with the pressure, twisting to control everyone's perception, I’m trapped in the mist I can’t see the truth. I’m so done with the pressure!
Running with the Wild Things - Against the Current Hey, why you waiting? Quit caving notches to count the days, cause they’re losing power, see ‘em growing weaker by the house. We’re about to boil over, you can’t keep us down forever. We got too big for the cage you locked us up in. Let’s mark this down as the day we started something. So open the date, cause when we finally escape we’ll be tearing through the streets running with the wild things.
Brave Face - Frank Turner If we have to do this, let's do it smiling. And I wouldn’t let it show that my hands are shaking. We’re going to die like kings and queens although we live like beggars. Put on your brave face honey, your brave face, and lets go down together. Make me a promise that when the world ends, you’ll kiss me and hold my hand, and then we’ll get through this whatever happens. One look at your brave face makes me a braver man. 
Nehemiah - Hope of the States Nehemiah, last surviour in this cynical world. Sparks come from anywhere; it's the fire that matters. Nehemiah sing to the storm, make it turn around. It’s all decided before you’re born.  Hear us singing, we sing yeah yeah yeah yeah. No self pity we sing yeah yeah yeah yeah. Friendly fire, burn the liars, don’t feel like you’re alone. Let them all hide behind dead flags and old lies. Nehemiah you were the leader we all just followed. Sparks come from anywhere; its the fire that matters.
Everything is Borrowed - Rou Reynolds If it’s bleak or if the week’s leaking down the street, or if any days are wasted I want to face facts. My time on this earth is my only penny wise is the gent counting every moment spent. I don’t want to explain things, I don't want to fill in the gaps. I wanna look at my friends and in that minute be at. Memories are time we borrow, for spending tomorrow. I came to this world with nothing and I’ll leave with nothing but love. Everything else is just borrowed. 
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