#yes i did make rex change his username all the time
avisisisis · 1 month
Fuck it, Invincible Tumblr pt 2
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why's everyone calling me "Mr Invincible", don't do that it makes me feel old
🌙 artemislover Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I don't think you understood what I was trying to say
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🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I don't get why wars happen like can't we just Not
🦖 redinosaurus Follow
Wars are not necessary, but death is. For this world to continue living, the majority of the population needs to die — the human race is hell-bent on destroying their beautiful planet, and so destroying them is the only way to save it.
They will die creating a better world.
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Woah there Light Yagami 😭
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💥 gokaboombitch Follow
Im high as fuck rn and i was wondering if theres like virgin edibles? Like the ones without the drug in it things you can eat without getting high you know
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Bitch you mean food?????
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🌟 notsovincible Follow
I was explaining to my brother the importance of human life and why we need to treasure it and he called me a pussy?? He literally just learned how to speak wtf
🦸‍♂️ omnimansmydadbitch Follow
🌟 notsovincible Follow
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🌭 hotdoghotwoof Follow
r we not gonna talk about how invincible has a brother that's apparently his dad's biggest fan
his dad, AKA the mass murderer
🦸‍♂️ omnimansmydadbitch Follow
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Okay that's it, I'm telling mom
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🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Have you ever made an incredible scientific discovery because you can see things on a molecular level, only for no one in your life (specifically your parents) to care about it
🌙 artemislover Follow
oof atom eve has parental issues?? just like me fr
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🌟 notsovincible Follow
"It is what it is" well I hate what it is. Can it be something else
#i don't like my life. anymore
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📸 missgrayson Follow
there's a ghost in my house wtf
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Call the Ghostbusters
📸 missgrayson Follow
Do they have an app, or a website, or something?
🌟 notsovincible Follow
No you just gotta call
📸 missgrayson Follow
Guess I'm stuck with this fucking ghost then
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Delete this post? If you do, you'll never see it again!
Yes / No
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🌟 notsovincible Follow
I accidentally just doxxed myself
🚫 globaldefenseofficial Follow
Stop compromising your identity.
We'll delete the post and every screenshot of it from social media — do NOT repeat this.
🌟 notsovincible Follow
Cecil I am SO sorry
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💥 explodeyourass Follow
woke up and invincible doxxed himself. haha what a moron
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
You literally did that yourself last week. Moron.
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
I love how ready atom eve is to roast rex splode it's so funny
🌙 artemislover Follow
his name is mentioned and she's already throwing hands 😭
#flshy n lantern vibes fr #am I the only one who knows those two superheroes?? cause they're #hilarious
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💥 explodeyourass Follow
What r the big cats called again. The ones w. Spots or SMTH?? YK like this
[Image description: Leopard.]
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
It's a LEOPARD you fucking moron
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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Howzer x fem reader
Also on A03 under the same username.
If you like this... I may be willing to take requests if you send something that clicks with me. I do plan on doing some Imagines with other clones. *cough*rex*cough. And even some General Grievous.
Stay Part 1
This imagine will probably be 2 or 3 parts. Eventually smut.
Setup for imagine: You are Cham Syndulla's sister, so close your eyes and imagine your beautiful self as a Twi'lek lady.
The Clone Wars recently ended and your family is gathered for dinner. This takes place before the events in TBB, so the Empire's plans for Ryloth are not yet known.
"This is nice, eating dinner without talking about battle strategies," your comment was the first thing to break the silence since everyone had started eating.
With full mouths, the others at the table either hummed in agreement or nodded their heads silently; until Cham, sitting at one end of the table, finally swallowed down his food, "Most importantly, we can finally work towards healing - Ryloth and ourselves. This war has taken so much from us; we must come together as a family, appreciate what we still have, and move forward."
To emphasize his point, he stretched out his arms and took a hand of both his wife and daughter, who were sitting to either side of him, giving them both an appreciative glance. Your niece sitting next to you, bowed her head slightly, the implications of his words hitting a still-sensitive part of her. Without hesitation, you placed a hand on the back of her shoulder, a silent offering of support.
You didn't have to be force-sensitive like the Jedi to feel the sadness hidden behind the words that were, on the surface, positive and inspiring. Your eyes travelled from Hera, to your brother, and to your sister-in-law as you admired and appreciated their strength. If it hadn't been for them, you would have lost faith and hope a long time ago.
Finally, your eyes landed on Captain Howzer, who sat directly across from you. Your eyes met for a fleeting moment before he bowed his head sharply, seeming to take a sudden, intense interest in the food on his plate, poking at it with the utensil in his hand. Due to spending so much time with him during the war, you knew that, by bowing his head, he was trying not to impose on the intimate family moment.  It seemed no matter how much time he spent with you and your family, no matter how much happiness you shared or pain you suffered through together, he still felt unworthy of witnessing such tender familial moments because, well, he wasn't part of the family - he was an outsider.
Technically, it was true, he was not part of your family; he wasn't even Twi'lek, after all. He was a human, a clone of a human - some thought it necessary to make that distinction, though you couldn't see why. And, yes, he had started off as an outsider, a representative of the Republic Army and the undesirable, but necessary, military occupation that made its way to Ryloth due to the war; however, that was no longer the case. Captain Howzer had been loyal to your family and played a vital role in maintaining Ryloth's liberation from the Separatists. Most of all, he had gained the upmost respect from your brother.
So, whether he felt worthy or not, there was an unspoken acknowledgement in the family that Howzer was a part of it now, welcomed with open arms. And you, feeling the way you did towards him, always felt the urge to actively include him when appropriate.
With your eyes still on Howzer, you added to your brother's statement, "Don't forget about what we have gained."
Your brother gave you a skeptical glance, no doubt wondering how anything could be gained from a devastating war.
"You are right," Eleni spoke up as she looked over at Howzer, understanding the reference of your words as if she had been thinking it herself, "Ryloth has received many blessings from unexpected places. Your friendship, Howzer, is one of them."
Cham's skepticism faded into understanding, "Agreed."
Howzer, no longer hiding his face, looked at Cham and Eleni and offered them a wide grin as he spoke generic words of thanks. He did appreciate the kind words, but honestly, they only made him feel more...conflicted.
Howzer was literally created to serve the Republic and he only came to Ryloth because of his given order: Aid Ryloth in their continued liberation from the Separatists; he did not come here for friends or family. And he took it very seriously in the beginning.  But as the war dragged on and he experienced wins and losses with your family, the more he came to care for your family in a way he had never cared for anyone before, outside of his brothers of course.
So, regardless of what brought him to Ryloth, he now found himself here, eating dinner with the Syndulla family with no meaningful purpose other than to spend time in their company.  Yes, he had certainly gotten too close and now, for the first time in his life, he felt anguish for the position he was in.  Tomorrow, he would leave Ryloth.  The war was over, so the military occupation was no longer needed. Which, of course he agreed, was a good thing for the people of Ryloth, but he also found himself yearning to stay.  To stay here with you.
He had fallen for you, hard, and it was absolutely the last thing he needed. From the very first time he saw you, he was stunned by your beauty, unabated, even through the visor of his helmet. And then, from all of the time spent together in close quarters, his appreciation of your beauty flourished into something much more.  Proposing plans of attack that turned into friendly games of competition to see who could destroy the most droids.  Debating best lines of defense that turned into intimate conversations to help each other work through the painful losses.  Harmless jokes that turned into flirtatious banter.  He was oblivious to the subtle changes over time and realized it only when it was too late.
He should have never allowed himself to become so completely enamored with you. You were a beautiful Twi'lek woman, from an important family, meant to bring Ryloth back to its former glory, marry someone worthy of you, and have a family just as Cham did. 
He knew he wasn't worthy of you.  He was a clone trooper. He held the title of captain, sure, but still a clone; he would never be anything more than that. And he was leaving, off to wherever the Empire ordered him to go, to carry out whatever task the Empire ordered him to complete.
So, no matter how he felt towards you, there was so much that attested to the fact that you and him were never meant to be. He had to keep trying to break free of the feelings for you that he recklessly allowed to flourish, unchecked. He had to let you go.
Still, his actions betrayed his reasoning, as his dark, honey-gold eyes moved from Cham and Eleni, to meet yours. 
A smile broke across your serious face at the sight of Howzer's returned gaze until you noticed the smile that lifted his cheeks falter slightly, your own smile retreating in response.  You'd seen this happen before, all of those times when Howzer tried to give some semblance of happiness while his true feelings were anything but.  You titled your head slightly, with one eyebrow raised in question, as you studied him.  He was hiding something.
Howzer's eyes widened slightly, realizing you weren't fooled by his counterfeit smile.  What had given him away?  Had he slipped somehow?
His minute reaction confirmed your intuition, causing you to furrow your brows and mouth the words, 'What's wrong?'
Howzer didn't have a chance to offer any type of silent response before Cham spoke again, "In regards to moving forward, Sister, you can finally think about starting a family of your own."
You slowly turned to Cham, hesitantly breaking your gaze with Howzer, but noticed in your peripherals that his eyes did not leave you, "This is true."
"Do you have anyone in mind?" Cham questioned as he stabbed some food onto his utensil.
Do you have anyone in mind? You could imagine your brother was expecting you to name one of the Twi'lek warriors that played a vital role during the war. Of course, before the war, you would have agreed with that notion, as you did spend a lot of time in your childhood whiling away the hours by daydreaming about a strong, Twi'lek warrior coming into your life and the resulting family that would come from that fateful meeting; a family that reflected very much the family your brother had been blessed with.
But that was before you met a tan-skinned soldier from Kamino.
When he first arrived on Ryloth, he was just one of thousands, concealed behind a set of form-fitting plastoid plates and black body glove, made unique only by the teal markings on his armor and teal pauldron that adorned his right shoulder. Meeting him did nothing to alleviate any of your apprehension of working with a clone army. The combination of his visor acting as a solid, black mirror and his voice filtering through the helmet, giving it almost a mechanical sound, made it impossible for you to really connect with man under the armor. It was almost like speaking to a soulless droid.
It wasn't until you took a more active role in the war, when you finally met the man beneath the armor.  After a particularly intense battle, that lasted far too long, both of you sat on the ground with your backs leaned against a boulder you had taken position behind during the fight, breathing heavily.  You weren't looking at him when you heard the movement of his helmet followed by an unfiltered sigh of relief.  Curiously and cautiously, you turned to look at him and you felt your eyes widen in surprise.  All of your speculating of what hid under the helmet did not compare to the strong, angled profile of the man that sat beside you. And you were so overwhelmed by it that you had to turn away from him.
After that battle was the first time the two of you really talked to each other and made some sort of connection beyond "Twi'lek" and "Clone Trooper".  He was actually a person to you from that point on and it didn't take long for that connection to cultivate into a friendship and then blossom into something more.  Or, at least on your end, you supposed. You weren't exactly sure how he felt about you, because the signals he gave you were a bit conflicting - always sliding on a spectrum of 'cautious flirting' and 'cordial indifference', but you knew your feelings for him had, at some point, crossed into a whole new, serious threshold.
You; however, had never revealed your feelings for Howzer to anyone and was not privy to the idea of doing so in the moment. Still, you couldn't help but flick your eyes towards Howzer for just a second as you planned your response.
If Howzer hadn't been looking at you so intently, holding onto his breath as he waited for your answer, he would have missed that split-second glance you gave him.  A glance that made his stomach twist on itself as his feelings of conflict washed over him again.  You had looked at him as you considered Cham's question.  Once again there was a small act of confirmation that you felt something for him, that you reciprocated the feelings he had for you, but only to be forced to remind himself that your feelings for him, no matter what they were, didn't change the fact that pursuing a life with you was just not a possibility.
You didn't see Howzer struggle to keep his straight posture as discontent weighed down on his shoulders.
"I may need more time to think on it."
Your brother nodded at your answer, giving himself time to chew through his food, "Understandable, but if you want any advice I may know of some good candidates."
Candidates? The word made you roll your eyes, "I love you, Brother, but I will not be taking advice from you on this subject."
He huffed a laugh and raised his utensil in quick surrender, "Okay, okay, but maybe Eleni can help you."
No longer interested in carrying out this conversation in front of Howzer, you waved your hand gently in front of you, "I don't need help. I will handle it," you pointedly looked at your sister-in-law to add, "No offense."
Eleni let out a soft, reassuring laugh, "No offense taken. I have every faith you will find someone perfect for you."
You looked away awkwardly; it took everything for you not to look at the man that sat beside her.
Hardly skipping a beat, Eleni turned to Howzer, "What about you?"
Though you did not look to see, you could tell, by his voice and the movement in his chair, that he turned the top half of his body towards her, "I'm sorry, ma'am, what about me?"
"Have you thought about starting a family?"
"Oh, I do-- I've nev--," the way he stuttered made it sound like his brain was going to short circuit before he could decide on a satisfying answer, "the Repub - I mean - the Empire will keep me on as Captain."
Everyone waited, you unable to resist peeking at Howzer, for him to say something else, but his silence confirmed that he felt the question had been adequately answered.
"But now that the war is over, things will be so much more calm and you would surely have the time to focus on a family, even if you do stay on as Captain," Eleni reasoned.
He shifted in his seat, "I guess so.  I've never really thought about it," though his answer seemed frail, like it wasn't entirely true.
"Well, I'm sure you'd have no problem finding someone if you wanted to.  Cham told me how popular you were with the ladies here on Ryloth."
Cham shot a glance at Eleni, not angry, but not happy, "Eleni..."
A beeping interrupted Cham, a beeping that came from Howzer's wristlink.  You couldn't help but smile inwardly at the audible sigh of relief that escaped his lips as he stood up, "Excuse me," his voice serious.
As he walked away, you noticed that your body had tensed from the sound of his voice and, looking around, saw that you weren't the only one to do so.  The war was over, but hearing Captain Howzer's serious military voice brought you all back to the battle field. 
He was hardly gone for a minute before he returned to the table, choosing to stand next to his seat instead of sitting back down.
"Is everything fine?" Cham asked calmly, but seriously, as he stared up at Howzer.
Howzer gave a single nod, "Yes, sir.  All is well, but I must check in with the evening patrol," he bent down to pick up his helmet from the floor and placed it snuggly under his left arm.
Everyone, including you, relaxed, but you couldn't help but be surprised by his answer, Why were they still doing patrols?
As he stood back at his full height, his eyes scanned everyone at at table, "Thank you for inviting me to dinner," his eyes landed on Eleni, "the food was delicious."
You quickly tossed aside your concern about the mysterious patrols, "Hey now," your firm voice drew Howzer back to you, "why are you telling her that?  I'm the one that cooked dinner."
His head shook slightly, dismissing you entirely as he said your name in a playful manner, "I know you didn't cook it."
You cocked your head back, "Is that so?" Your voice was slightly challenging, "And what exactly makes you say that?"
Howzer had started to turn to walk away from the table, but stopped when you posed your question, "Well, it's just that," his right hand moved up to rub at the back of his neck, his eyes avoiding you as he carefully considered a response he really wasn't prepared to give.
Suddenly, Hera spoke up, taking the bait, "Because the food is edible.  You're a terrible cook."
You released a sharp gasp, feigning offense at her words, but still looking at Howzer as he slightly lifted his right hand up into the air in surrender, "Whoa, that's not what I was going to say," he said, only to wink at Hera, causing her to giggle.
Cham and Eleni both failed to stifle their small laughs at what had been said.  You rolled your eyes, letting them have the moment to laugh at your expense.  There was no way for you to argue Hera's point; you were horrible at cooking.
It wasn't until Howzer once again announced his departure and exited the room, did your concerns about him and the patrols come back to the forefront of your mind.  So, after just enough time to decide on your next course of action, you quickly excused yourself from the table and made you way after him. 
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lifeofclonewars · 3 years
Intro to the Extended Fett Clan (WKatMAM)
I’m doing this so I don’t have to take an unnecessarily long amount of time during Part 4 to explain the whole family to everyone. I get my second Covid shot tomorrow, so hopefully Chapter One will be up soon. Enjoy!
Clan Leaders
Nielsen Fett: Better known as 99 in canon, Nielsen goes by NiNi or ba’buir with his grandkids. He’s a farmer, and hosts the Annual Fett Family Reunion every year. Married to Kamino. Father to Lynx, Courey, Wolffe's mom (no, I'm not revealing her name yet), Alfred (Alph), Charisma, Arla, and Jango. Grandpa to all the kids who will be listed. 
Kamino Fett: I say screw the Kaminoans by naming the matriarch of this au after their home planet and making her love her family no matter what happens. She was a baker, passed away from old age two years before this au takes place. Used to have those grandma glasses-on-a-chain. Was blonde. Mother to Lynx, Courey, Wolffe's mom, Alph, Charisma, Arla, and Jango. Her grandkids call her KamKam or ba’buir.
Subclan One (aka some of the Commanders)
Lynx Fett: The oldest of the next generation of Fetts. He's a vet. Has a full goatee. Married to Nala Se. Father to Bly, Gree, Ponds, Keeli, Colt, and Zariza. Grandpa to Colette. More lax on his kids than his wife. Good dad, poor choice in women.
Nala Se: Geneticist (obviously lol). Very strict because "Lynx is too lax on their kids" (he's not). Mother to Bly, Gree, Ponds, Keeli, Colt, and Zariza. Grandma to Colette. Few people in the family actually like her.
Bly Secura-Fett: 27, Kindergarten teacher. Married to Aayla, father to Colette. Oldest of the next generation of Fetts/the cousins. You might recognize his username from the previous parts, Old Man Dad Bly. Ponds was the one to set it to that. Bly doesn't care enough about it negatively to switch it.
Aayla Secura-Fett: 26, Ryl Translator. Married to Bly, mother of Colette. Known for wearing her hair in braids. She's not in the cousin chat but Bly's constantly showing her screenshots of it and she enjoys it.
Colette Secura-Fett: Almost 1, a Blyla baby! So far clings to Bly more than Aayla, but that may change. Gets lots of love and snuggles from the extended fam.
Gree Fett: 25, biologist. Second oldest of the subclan and of the cousins. Still has that haircut but mainly out of spite of his brothers instead of in honor of them this time. Chat Name: Green Man.
Pontius “Ponds” Fett: 23. He’s working to be an architect, but is currently stuck with a job he’s over-qualified for in the meantime. Known in the chat as Lakes because he thinks he’s funny sometimes. Most likely to start something in subclan one, least likely to be blamed for it... most of the time.
Keeli Fett: 21, cosmetologist. He took a different route than his brothers and went to trade school instead of a 4-year university and consequently got a job before Ponds did. Best hair in the family. Debating whether or not Gree’s haircut is a good enough reason to disown him lol. Chat Name: Keeling Over.
Colt Fett: 17, just finished his junior year of high school. Working a minimum wage summer job to help save for college. Met his best friends Havoc and Blitz in kindergarten; they all work at the same place now. Chat Name: Neigh.
Zariza Fett: 15, just finished her freshman year of high school. Only daughter in the subclan, which is both a blessing and a curse with Nala for a mom. Wants to be a photographer, has taken pictures throughout the reunions the past few years for NiNi. Has lots of blackmail on everyone as a result. Chat Name: Zzzzzz.
Subclan Two (aka the Coruscant Guard)
Courey Fett: Second oldest of his generation of Fetts. He’s a bartender (and owner), and the loudest and most rambunctious of his siblings. Full beard. Married to Slyvia Fett. Father to Fox, Thorn, Jek, Rys, and Corsica. His name is vaguely based on me misspelling Coruscant many many times in the past.
Slyvia Fett: You thought Nala Se was an interesting choice in mom? This lady is a super successful but shady businesswoman. Nobody knows the specifics and they’re not sure they want to know. Also kinda strict, but she’s also not home often enough for it to make too much impact. Married to Courey, mother to Fox, Thorn, Jek, Rys, and Corsica. She has dirty blonde hair, which two of her kids inherited when it combined with the rare blond Fett gene. Vaguely based on Sly Moore.
Fox Fett: 19, just finished his freshman year of college. Perpetually tired because of homework, actual work, and the projects he choses to do. Two days older than Wolffe and reminds him often. Actually best friends with Wolffe. They go to the same university. Like Wolffe, loves his siblings but is loath to admit it. Causes more trouble than people think. Chat Name: Think Outside the Fox.
Thorn Fett: 16, just finished his sophomore year of high school. Older of the two dirty-blonds in the sub-clan. Second oldest blond of the cousins after Rex. Suspicious in how he’s so optimistic when he grew up with Fox for a brother haha. Occasionally likes to stir up trouble in the chat, especially since he’s the one who made it. Chat Name: Thorn in Your Side.
Jek Fett: 11, just finished fifth grade. His best friend is Thire. Too young for the chat, not too young to cause trouble. Like all little brothers, switches between ignoring Fox and Thorn and always trying to get their attention. Like all middle children, turns it around and also picks on Rys and Corsica for the same things Fox and Thorn use on him. 
Rys Fett: 8, just finished second grade. Current goal in life is to catch Fox sneak-attacking him just once. Tags along with Jek most of the time, sometimes to bug him, sometimes because he thinks he’s cool. Also too young for the chat.
Corsica Fett: 7, just finished first grade. Only daughter of subclan two. The second of the dirty blonde haired kids in this subclan. Hangs out with Unique a lot at family reunions. Has the art of bugging her brothers at the most inconvenient times down. Already learning to blackmail people. Name lightly based on the correct spelling of Coruscant. Also too young for chat.
The Koons (aka our MCs! The Wolfpack)
Plo Koon: My favorite space dad haha. I think you get the gist by now. Get ready for some more puns! Definitely the type of dad to wear a fanny pack. His sunglasses are probably just transition glasses that switch too easily and he just never told anyone lol. Actually, I never mentioned it, but he’s also a social worker.
A[redacted] Koon: Our boys’ mom. Married to Plo, though she died giving birth to Comet. Twin to Alfred. Her name is a surprise for later, so here’s her first initial, at least. Used to wear glasses or contacts, depending on the day.
Wolffe Koon: 19, just finished his freshman year of college. The star of the show lol aka our pov character. Loves his brothers but rarely admits it out loud. Best friend is Fox and is going to use that to his advantage for blackmail this reunion. Cousin Chat Name: Werewolf? There Wolffe! Subclan Chat Name: Howl are you? Wolfpack Chat Name: Grr.
Boost Koon: 15, just finished his freshman year of high school. The only person in the family who likes Gree’s haircut. His maroon hair is starting to grow out now. It may or may not be his turn to get lost this time... Chat Name: T-Mobile. Subclan Chat Name: Ghosty Boi. Wolfpack Chat Name: Booster Seat.
Sinker Koon: 13, just finished seventh grade and it shows. His silver hair is also starting to grow out. Gonna cause some chaos, since he’s close in age to many of the Fett cousins. Chat Name: Banana Sink. Subclan Chat Name: Hook, Line, and— Wolfpack Chat Name: Stinker. (No, it hasn’t been changed back yet.)
Comet Koon: 10, just finished fourth grade. Still obsessed with penguins. Also gonna cause some chaos with some of the cousins. Koon most likely to get hurt during the reunion by climbing on and jumping off things he shouldn’t. Also too young for the chat.
Subclan Three (aka Cody + the 501st)
Alfred “Alpha” Fett: Twin to A, younger by 5 minutes and never talks about it. Married to Sevannah. Father to Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup. Owns a gym named Triple A. Used to be a personal trainer, which is how he met Sevannah. Technically the middle child of his siblings.
Sevannah Fett: Professional and Olympic archer. Married to Alph, mother to Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Tup. Yes, her name comes from seventeen as in “Alpha-17.″ (Maybe not) surprisingly, the more in shape out of her and Alph since she’s still competing lol.
Kote “Cody” Fett: 18, just graduated high school. Planning on attending college for sports management. Twin to Rex (he’s older by 7 minutes). Got his scar while playing football or something, I’m not really sure. Any Ghost member you can think of is probably his friend. Chat Name: *hacker voice* I’m In.
Rex Fett: 18, just graduated high school. Planning on being an athletic trainer. Twin to Cody. Naturally blond — and I mean blond and not dirty blond. Only one of subclan three who is. Any member of Torrent that’s not his brother is his friend. Chat Name: Jurassic Park.
Fives Fett: 13, just finished seventh grade. His full name will be revealed during Part 4. Twin to Echo (older by five minutes, yes). Wants to learn how to be a skydiving instructor solely to try to help Rex get over his fear of heights. Best friends are Domino Squad. Chat Name: Sixes.
Echo Fett: 13, just finished seventh grade. His full name will also be revealed during Part 4. Twin to Fives. Seems more chill than Fives but the reunion always proves that wrong. Best friends are Domino. Occasionally babysits the Havocs. Chat Name: ECHO Echo echo.
Tup Fett: 10, just finished fourth grade. Tup is his full name, yes. Starting to get into archery like his mom. Canon tattoo is a mole here. His hair’s down to his shoulders and super curly. Cody’s often pulling sticks out of it. Too young for the chat.
The Havocs (aka the Bad Batch)
Charisma Havoc (neé Fett): Interior designer. Married to Gunner. Mother to Hunter, Cross, Wrecker, Timmy. Also on the louder end of her and her siblings. The Havocs are pretty background characters, since their kids are much younger than Wolffe and also bc the show’s still establishing things.
Gunner Havoc: Carpenter. Married to Charisma. Father to Hunter, Cross, Wrecker, Timmy. Together Charisma and Gunner could probably start an HGTV show lol. But they don’t want to so they aren’t. Last name comes from the Havoc Marauder (tbb's ship).
Hunter Havoc: 14, just finished eighth grade. Part of his canon tattoo is a birthmark, though not all of it. His hair is also long enough to be put into a small ponytail. Keeli’s got some cousins to teach, doesn’t he lol. Chat Name: Hunter-Gatherer.
Cross Havoc: 12, just finished sixth grade. Grumpy almost-teenager. Wolffe doesn’t run into him often because he tries to avoid his older cousins (well, actually, most of his cousins) the entire reunion every year. Lurks in the chat but his username is Mad (courtesy of Thorn). I shortened his name because it is an actual name and Crosshair is only a clone name.
Walter “Wrecker” Havoc: 9, just finished third grade. The older cousins claim he got his nickname in the “Wrecker Incident” and make it out to be this overly dramatic thing that's classified to those 12 and under. In all reality, it was him accidentally crashing into a few things of his brothers when he was first learning to walk. Gree just thought it was hilarious to blow it out of proportion. Too young for the chat.
Timothy “Timmy” Havoc: 7, just finished first grade. Wears glasses. A bit too young to have Tech as a nickname quite yet, but he definitely would in the future. Also mostly in the background, considering he's 12 years younger than Wolffe. Too young for chat.
The Concords (aka let's add some more girls to this family)
Arla Concord neé Fett: She's the only adult beside her husband that I currently don't have a job listed for, but that's because my brain won't supply one. Second youngest of her siblings. Married to Felix. Mother to Clementine, Ansonia, Unique, Majorca, Tessa, Violet. Screw canon/legends, she's still alive.
Felix Concord: Again, haven't thought of a job for him yet, but he has one. Married to Arla. Father to Clementine, Ansonia, Unique, Majorca, Tessa, Violet. Last name comes from Concord Dawn.
Clementine Concord: 12, just finished sixth grade. Wants to be an astronaut or astrophysicist one day. Spends lots of time wrangling her younger sisters. Chat Name: Orange Gal.
Ansonia Concord: 10, just finished fourth grade. Wants to be an actress, really bring those dramatic Fett genes into play lol. Spends lots of time bugging Clementine and bossing around her younger sisters. Too young for the chat.
Unique Concord: 7, just finished first grade. Wants to be a doctor, spends lots of time hanging out with Ansonia. The two of them could probably do a pretty accurate hospital soap opera without prompting or knowing haha. Hangs with Corsica a lot at reunions, though. Yeah, idk where her name came from either. Dirty-blonde hair. Too young for the chat (duh).
Majorca Concord: 6, just finished kindergarten. Still learning basic writing and loves it so much she wants to be an author. Named after the city in Spain on accident — I totally didn’t realize that was why her name seemed familiar until like 2 months after I named her. Also too young for the chat or to appear much in the story.
Quintessa “Tess/Tessa” Concord: 5, preschooler. The other blonde kiddo. Picks on Gree’s hair without prompting from any cousins or sisters. Likes to play pretend with Majorca when they can. Also likes to draw stars and castles and such often. Obviously too young for the chat, appears slightly more because of her natural roasting abilities. 
Violet Concord: 3, maybe a preschooler? Again, doesn’t really appear much. Hangs out a bit with Boba and Tessa when the family gets together. Very very obviously too young for the chat.
Subclan Four (the OG Fetts)
Jango Fett: People usually make him one of the dads or the grandpa, but nah, he gets baby of his generation status. I wanted to keep with the “Arla is his older sister” thing but she’s the second youngest so he’s the youngest. Has been super mysterious about his life from the second he moved out but still shows up to family events. Knows who Boba’s mother is but refuses to tell. Father of Boba (obviously).
Boba Fett: 4, preschooler. Like I said above, hangs with Tessa and Violet during family events. More likely to accidentally reveal details about Jango’s life than Jango. Surprise baby but not for Jango. Jango knew. The family didn’t know until Jango showed up with infant Boba to a family event and went “this is Boba, no questions will be answered.” Also very obviously too young for the chat.
And that’s the extended Fett clan! Feel free to ask questions, I’ve got plenty of information about (most of) them and their roles in this au.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr/ Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight)
Word Count: 2,420 Words
Summary: Uraraka makes a fatal mistake, triple date night with the Emo Squad, Thery-oki strikes again, and Hitoshi in the morning is a zombie.
Warnings: Caps, Cursing, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Anxiety Mention, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, Mineta Minoru Exists (sadly), Autistic Meltdown Mention, Food Mention, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: AU where the League Of Villains are just hero course students. btw Yukimura is Dabi (he goes by his mother's surname (mostly because it's his last hurrah at making Endeavor absolutely livid at him and partially so he and Shoto don't get confused whe someone calls for 'Todoroki')
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
The Rise Of The Emos-Chapter 2
9:32 AM
We Are Number One™
cena: so, Kirishima mentioned that there's an emo chat? is this true?
9.8: only one way to tell
9.8: when i was
9.8 a young boy
donthugmeimscared: BECAUSE ONE DAY I'LL LEAVE YOU
chaoticgaydisaster: TO JOIN THE BLACK PARADE
spookyscaryskeletons: TO SEE A MARCHING BAND
illrememberyouallintherapy: WE'LL CARRY ON, WE'LL CARRY ON
exhausted: WE'LL CARRY OOOON
illrememberyouallintherapy: AND THOUGH YOU'RE DEAD AND GONE BELIEVE ME
illrememberyouallintherapy: WON’T EXPLAIN OR SAY I’M SORRY
chaoticgaydisaster: GIVE A CHEER FOR ALL THE BROKEN
lostmymarbles: I’M JUST A MAN I’M NOT A HERO
immafiringmahlaser: JUST A BOY WHO HAD TO SING THIS SONG
spookyscaryskeletons: I’M JUST A MAN I’M NOT A HERO
itsmeyaboy: I DON’T CARE
donthugmeimscared: YOU CAN TRY YOU’LL NEVER BREAK ME
exhausted: CARRY ON
tailfloof: wow
baby shark: told you so
TheGreatCreator: even Aizawa-Sensei joined
Spider-Man: ...
Galvan: are we gonna ignore Aoyama joined too
Akimichi: And Honenuki.
immafiringmahlaser: Uncovered like this...
spookyscaryskeletons: I just really like their songs.
immafiringmahlaser: I guess my closet emo has been discovered. Whoops.
Emergency Exit: Are you guys okay? I hear crying from Kaminari.
WHAT?: ...
WHERE?: i'm adding them to the emo chat
9:54 AM
Emos Anonymous
twentyoneplotpoints has added Honenuki, Shinōkanri, Sako, Awase, Hari, Aoyama, Shoji, Aizawa to Emos Anonymous
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Aizawa's name to hollywoodlivingdead
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Shouji's name to fryingpan
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Hari's name to inhalecarolina
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Aoyama's name to phantomtown
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Honenuki's name visualizedragon
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Sako's name to halfminutetomars
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Awase's name to distressparade
twentyoneplotpoints has changed Shinōkanri's name to simplestrategy
twentyoneplotpoints: i believe, we already know they'll serve here just fine
twentyoneplotpoints: not onto business, why is Kaminari crying.
blackcloakedbrides: I miss that band.
falldownboy: cuddle pile in Kami's room after school.
hollywoodlivingdead: i'm turning on their songs for the remainder of class. 1b is welcome to join during free time.
immobileinwhite: Woe is our poor pure Pichu. Come hither, Denki.
entiretimelow: Denki
falldownboy: for the 1b kids not here to witness.
falldownboy: [video of Kaminari sitting on Bakugou's lap with Hotaru sitting guard on his desk, slightly obstructing view. "Deku, I will break that phone."-Bakugou "No violence during cuddle time."-Kaminari "Fine."-Bakugou; the camera begins shaking because Midoriya's laughing and the video cuts off while Midoriya starts laughing]
halfminutetomars: Ah yes, the burden of darkness that looms over my emo heart lessens slightly with the purity of witnessing two emos supporting one another.
myscientificinfatuation: ...Someone said it before me. I don't know how to deal with this.
anxietyintheclub: y'all two need to hang out. you'd get along way too well.
10:45 AM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
screeching cockatiel: @grumpy scarf cat who wrote 'Avaliable Screech' on the board?
grumpy scarf cat: that would be me, darling. love you.
screeching cockatiel: I love you too but you didn't come up with that, did you?
grumpy scarf cat: it was Hito.
screeching cockatiel: I can't even be mad, I laughed when I saw it.
screeching cockatiel: Sometimes I swear he's just a smaller purpler version of you.
grumpy scarf cat: thank you.
12:30 PM
We Are Number One™
spookyscaryskeletons: Aizawa-Sensei, do you know where my dad is? He said to meet him at the teacher's break room but he isn’t opening the door when I knock.
Dadzawa: he's fine, fell asleep on the couch in here.
spookyscaryskeletons: Well, I brought him lunch.
Dadzawa: kay, opening the door.
WHAT?: Wait, so two of our hero course students are the kids of two of our teachers?
WHERE?: Honestly, I expected Aizawa and Shinsou but not Ectoplasm and Honenuki.
SmolMight: How didn't you expect that?
WHERE?: I just never really thought about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WHAT?: How many other students have family members that are teachers here at UA?
itsmeyaboy: ...Shirokumo Kurogiri is my dad but my mom never told him about me because he has a wife and kids now so I’m keeping it that way.
lostmymarbles: Not a teacher anymore but my mother was Miss Marble and my father was a villain named Paralysis.
SmolMight: Miss Marble? As in the one who could control marbles as her weaponry? And Paralysis with the immobile touch quirk?
lostmymarbles: The ones and only.
cena: Didn’t her boyfriend kill her because she cheated on him?
lostmymarbles: He killed her because she had me.
Mineta: ha ur moms a hoe lol i knew a reject like you had to have a funny family story
chaoticgaydisaster: @Mineta you wanna fucking GO? Come and fucking fight me you fucking flavor-fucker piss-baby ripoff grape soda wannabe!?
WHERE?: I'm not stopping Touya, I suggest someone else take action. I'll be with my brother-in-law who is hAVING A MELTDOWN
Dadzawa: @chaoticgaydisaster don't fight him, I'll deal with this. Mineta, you've earned yourself a month of detention and garbage duty and you'll be apologizing to Sako.
Mineta: FINE
3:24 PM
We Are Number One™
mystique: Guys, look.
mystique: [pic of Honenuki asleep on his desk]
Dadzawa: that's cute but he shouldn't be asleep in class
mystique: says the teacher texting back during class
Dadzawa: touche
4:20 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
grumpy scarf cat: so, @needalegup? Honenuki's your son, huh?
needalegup: And?? Shinsou is yours
screeching cockatiel: Me too? dafaq?
4:56 PM
We Are Number One™
chaoticgaydisaster: @everyone all y'all fuckers stay outta my room, I'm cooking for my man. Don't you DARE interrupt our date night or you die.
lostmymarbles: Sweetheart, you don't need to do that.
chaoticgaydisaster: bullshit. meltdowns = extra love dammit and you will recIEVE IT ATSU
lostmymarbles: I really do love you, Tou.
chaoticgaydisaster: I love you too, now keep playing with Sora, she wants to cuddle.
TheGreatCreator: sorry for asking but I'm way too curious. Sora?
lostmymarbles: My weighted bat stuffie.
EdgarAllanCrows: Aw, bats are adorable.
EdgarAllanCrows: Also, keep up the great work, Atsuhiro.
immafiringmahlaser: You're doing great sweetie.
lostmymarbles: Thanks. That actually means a lot right now.
chaoticgaydisaster: Kay, dinner's almost ready. @EdgarAllanCrows @idontfeelsogood triple date night may now commence.
EdgarAllanCrows: it seems, Kai isn't feeling well and Tenko and Hari refuse to leave his side.
lostmymarbles: Oh dear, is he having a flare up again?
Emergency Exit: I'm afraid so, sadly.
9.8: What's a flare up?
idontfeelsogood: An anaphylactic flare up. He went into shock this time. Recovery Girl wants him to stay overnight because he's still not breathing right.
HopeSummers: How about we bring date night to them?
chaoticgaydisaster: ...it could work.
EdgarAllanCrows: Let's do it.
immafiringmahlaser: What a wonderful suggestion, dear.
HopeSummers: I just don't want them to feel excluded or anything.
5:07 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
bloody hell: btw @grumpy scarf cat I saw one of my students wearing an engagement ring today. wtf's happening?
grumpy scarf cat: ah, you mean Sako. yeah, he and Yukimura got engaged the other night.
bloody hell: really? how do you know?
grumpy scarf cat: because I’m in the kids’ group chat with both hero classes.
chaotic goth gay: How am I being surpassed in life by a teenager?
chaotic goth gay: AMERICA EGGSPLAIN!!!
grumpy scarf cat: quit your lying, you're dating Emi.
chaotic goth gay: And you're married to a human toucan and a human cloud! I wanna be married too!
grumpy scarf cat: y'all are engaged. just wait four months, y'all have your wedding.
chaotic goth gay: Unfair.
bloody hell: Hate to interrupt the gay, but some of our hero course students just took a pot, and several bowls with them out of the dorms and are headed toward the school. Should I be worried/concerned or should I just let it happen?
grumpy scarf cat: they asked to stay overnight in the Infirmary with Shimura, Kurono, and Chisaki.
kazoo cowboy: I'm still sorry about that, guys. I didn't know he was allergic to dairy.
goth portals: It's alright. Not many people know outside his friend group and me.
kazoo cowboy: I'm still sorry. I feel horrible and Shimura was pissed.
needalegup?: It's fine. He'll be fine.
kazoo cowboy: Okay. I’m just glad Recovery Girl knew what to do.
8:35 PM
We Are Number One™
WHERE?: So anyway, we already know Midoriya is AllMight's secret lovechild, Honenuki is Ectoplasm’s son, and Shinsou really is Aizawa's son.
WHERE?: But is Tokoyami Hawks' secret brother?
EdgarAllanCrows: God, I hope not
WHAT?: What is that supposed to mean?
EdgarAllanCrows: It means my parents adopted me and I have yet to get in contact with my birth parents and now I'm hoping to any god that will listen that Hawks is not my sibling, I can’t deal with that much sunshine in my life.
EdgarAllanCrows: I can hear Midoriya cackling from his room and it's very offputting.
idontfeelsogood: The whole building can hear it.
WHERE?: Also, what if Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are brothers?
baby shark: we are, dad got him and mom got me and both remarried.
WHERE?: Is Shiozaki Kamui Woods' daughter?
WHERE?: Is Jiro Present Mic's lovechild?
baby shark: go to sleep. this isn't good for you.
WHERE?: Crimson Riot is Kirishima's dad
baby shark: no he's not. sleep or I'll come up there and make you sleep.
WHERE?: fine
4:30 AM
We Are Number One™
exhausted: I’m so tiiiiiiired
WHAT?: Go to sleep then, you heathen.
7:30 AM
We Are Number One™
exhausted: angiejgbnlfdkvnlakfngao
Pichu: That’s an exhausted keyboard smash if I’ve ever seen one.
baby shark: That's cute.
WHAT?: I'll go help him wake up.
baby shark: Tell him I said hey!
Pichu: make sure you bribe him with cats or he won't get up.
WHAT?: I’m making curry bread, takoyaki, and matcha tea for breakfast when I get back if anyone wants any.
Jack Skellington: I'm suddenly awake.
princessbubblegumknockoff: Food!
SmolMight: @everyone get up and get food.
7:45 AM
We Are Number One™
WHAT?: He's up. I'm bringing him for food in our dorms.
Pichu: How many cats did you promise him? That was way too quick.
WHAT?: Dude, none. I said coffee.
baby shark: Ah, the forbidden word.
WHAT?: Yeah, still trying to get him to leave his coffee pot.
WHERE?: Good luck.
SmolMight: Do you need reinforcements?
WHAT?: No, it's good. I've got him. He's coming.
Pichu: How!!!???
WHAT?: Easy.
WHAT?: I told him to bring his coffee pot.
WHAT?: [pic of Shinsou clutching his full pot of coffee protectively while he looks dead on at the camera with a dead ass tired expression]
tailfloof: Wait, he drinks a whole pot of coffee in the morning?
SmolMight: Yup. He's a zombie without it.
tailfloof: That's...
cena: I believe the word you're looking for is scary.
tailfloof: Horrifying.
cena: That too.
8:00 AM
We Are Number One™
Jack Skellington: Did I just see Hagakure in a bodysuit? And hair dye?
cena: maybe
Galvan: Why is there dye in your hair? Isn't that defeating the purpose of being invisible?
cena: It's temporary. I can wash it out.
princessbubblegumknockoff: Oh cool.
TheGreatCreator: So now we can see you! What a great idea, Toru!
cena: aw, thanks.
5:00 PM
We Are Number One™
Cthulhu: Why are there children in the dorms?
Emergency Exit: Because we go to UA and they have set forth a dorm policy.
Cthulhu: No, like...tiny children.
Cthulhu: [video of two kids running up and down the fourth floor boys hallway, one with dark pink and light pink hair]
WHERE?: My sister, Fuyumi, is out of town at the moment with her girlfriend and brought her children over to me to watch because my brother is on an abroad trip to Korea with his boyfriend.
WHERE?: Their names are Hotaru and Yuki, they’re turning 10 in a few days. They’ll be gone by tomorrow morning, don’t worry.
Cthulhu: Ah, thank you, local cryptid.
WHERE?: No problem, pleb.
Cthulhu: I’ve never felt so honored to be insulted. This is weird.
WHERE?: Good, learn to fear the unknowns, Shoji, you need to with that one boyfriend of yours.
Cthulhu: I fear for the safety of my future children now, thanks.
WHERE?: No problem.
Taglist:  @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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Jade West
Character Profile for Jade West
“If someone was pushed off this catwalk, and they landed on the floor really hard, do you think they'd live?”
“My favorite toy was a hammer. You finish the puzzle.”
General Information
Name:Jade West
Personality:Jade has a very prickly personality; she is known for being sassy, dark, grouchy, and sarcastic to those around her. She was described as "freaky" by the boy in Ice Cream for Ke$ha, to which she took offense to, but when she was described as "weird" by Moose in Three Girls and a Moose, she acknowledged and admitted it, nodding along (though that was because she was attracted to him). Jade has a 'thing' for scissors, first shown in Wi-Fi in the Sky as her username on TheSlap is 'ScissorLuv'. Her locker is also decorated with numerous scissors, her favorite (horror) movie is The Scissoring, and she even has a favorite pair as shown in her videos on The Slap and buys herself new pairs (Jade Gets Crushed). She also takes interest in pain (Cat's New Boyfriend), a lump of fat (Rex Dies), monkey fur, and blood (Freak the Freak Out (episode)), (Tori Gets Stuck). She also enjoys breathing in the fumes of dead people (Car, Rain & Fire), and likes to pretend she's been captured by witches and is being made into human soup while in hot tubs (IParty with Victorious). She has a macabre sense of humor, usually saying things about people being hit by a bus at various episodes, as well as somewhat sadistic tendencies, such as enjoying people getting hurt, even her own boyfriend being slapped (in a scene).
Jade is jealous, often insatiable, mean, and rude to many people. She sometimes shows authority and control at Hollywood Arts, yelling at others and even using physical force at times. Although she does not usually fight directly, she often retaliates in way "that will make [someone] sad for a long time". She is very possessive of her boyfriend Beck, protecting him from others that have a seem interested in him even as friends.
Despite her tough attitude, she can get freaked out by a few things, revealed by her horrified reaction to a dog attacking who she thought to be Beck (Jade Dumps Beck), freaking out when Sinjin broke into her house (Wi-Fi in the Sky), crying when she learned she was sweating for the first time (Survival of the Hottest), Sikowitz scaring her multiple times (iParty with Victorious), freaking out when Cat removed her eyebrows (Crazy Ponnie), holding onto Beck when soldiers invaded the gang's hotel in Yerba, and getting knocked down by Sheema in Locked Up!
Jade fits the stereotype of a "bad girl" much more than a "mean girl". She is very rebellious, as she doesn't like being told what to do and often points out that she's doing something because she wants to, not because someone told her to (for instance, she got her piercings 45 minutes after her mother said no to Jade), and often claims that she is only doing something because she wants to and not because someone tells her to (The Great Ping Pong Scam). However, she seems to obey Beck, and he is the only one able to calm her down and make her at least somewhat polite and nice to other people, for example in Beggin' on Your Knees.
Jade is a hardworking student at Hollywood Arts, where she dedicates her time to writing, acting, and singing. She seems to favor script writing, as she writes the play Well Wishes in Wok Star and manages to get it produced with the help of Tori. She seems to prefer to star in works she both writes and directs, and these works include: "Clowns Don't Bounce" (Prome Wrecker), an unnamed TV series where she plays the main character and her evil twin (only written; talked about in a post on The Slap), and her re-audition in Helen Back Again. All of these were dark and scary. She also seems to prefer film over stage, as her re-audition for Principal Helen Dubois was in the form of a short film while Beck's was a monologue on stage. Often, her performances are considered "weird" and "disturbing", but most people still enjoy them; an example of this is Well Wishes.
It is shown throughout the series that deep down, Jade is insecure and her heart is broken, which is part of the reason she is so rude towards people. For example, she has often assumed that Beck was cheating on her; she was devastated when she briefly broke up with him and he wouldn't take her back, and didn't want anyone "cool" to see her crying (Jade Dumps Beck). It's pretty clear that Beck is very meaningful to her and she feels empty without him. She also seems to be worried about her father's opinion of her hopes and dreams and went to great lengths to make him enjoy her play "Well Wishes" in Wok Star, which nearly got butchered. She also competed with the rest of the gang to get the most followers on The Slap to maintain popularity and dominance. She gets very upset when a satellite catches a picture of her that makes it look like she is picking her nose in The Bad Roommate and doesn't want anyone to see.
Jade often helps solves the group's challenge and could be considered the smartest (next to André and Beck). For instance, in Ice Cream for Ke$ha, she thought of the idea that the "S" would be found in the least popular flavor of ice cream. In Terror on Cupcake Street, she mentioned that the confetti cannon would scare the thugs away and it did. Even before Tori (and even Trina) joined the gang, she still solved problems, an example of this is in The Great Ping Pong Scam. In her profile video on The Slap, she describes herself as smart and deep.
Jade hates many things for various reasons, as reflected in her TheSlap segment, What I Hate, but she also has two episodes of these segments titled "What I Love", because she does not want to be predictable.
Although Jade seems tough and scary at times, she has been proven to only be very intimidating and she lost her only physical altercation with someone other than Tori (The Wood) and Cat (Crazy Ponnie); Sheema quickly knocked her to the ground in Locked Up!. Despite acting as creepy as she does, she is disgusted by many things including Trina Vega's pimple in Victori-Yes. She can also be quite flirty and feminine even in her dark, blunt nature - for example, she wears a very nice dress to the Prome in Prome Wrecker even though she only attends for revenge.
Despite her usual personality, she seems to have a bit of a soft side for young kids, as shown on her TheSlap.com segment, "Jade With Tots." In her conversations with preschoolers, although she is still herself, she seems more kind towards the kids. For example, when one of the kids talks too quietly, she loosely says "Gotta speak up, sweetheart." Also, when talking to another child, she smiles and says casually, "So I hear you're a little artist. You like art?" She also seems to be quite loving and motherly towards her best friend, Cat.
Occupation:Former student at Hollywood Arts
* Eye Color: Blue-Green
* Hair Color: Brown (Season 1); black (Season 2); dark brown (Seasons 3 and 4)
* Trademark: Piercings, tattoos, and colored streaks in hair.
Jade started off as a brunette with blue-green eyes and stands at 5'7". Her skin is noticeably pale, but she got tanner and dyed her hair darker for the second season.
Jade has a Gothic sense of style, and aside from her dark, occasionally laced clothing she wears dark makeup and paints her nails black as well. The jewelry she wears is designed by real life artist Dre Swain, and she also wears dark red Doc Martens and black combat boots. She carries a Gears of War messenger bag. Jade also has multiple streaks in her hair that change color periodically. In season one her streaks in her brown hair are at first pink, blonde and light blue before going red for the rest of the season. In season two she dyed her hair black and her streaks are blue and green. In season three her hair is a dark brown and her streaks are mostly green, but also blue in a couple of episodes. In season four her hair is shorter and her streaks are purple for 10 of the 13 episodes. She also has two piercings, one in her left eyebrow and one on her nose. Jade has a rebel star tattoo on her right forearm and has since gotten another one that was never shown onscreen (Beck mentions that "Jade's getting her new tattoo" in a video on TheSlap.com, Tori Takes Requests #2).
Relationships with Other Characters
Beck Oliver
(2008-present, Boyfriend, with brief break-ups in between)
Jade: You love me again.
Beck: Who said I stopped?
Beck has been Jade's boyfriend and the love of her life for over three years, and she is very possessive of him. She doesn't like him talking to or flirting with other girls who she does not know and has trust issues with him (which is quite common among most teen couples). This sometimes irritates Beck; he once deleted his account on TheSlap.com because Jade kept spamming him and "freaking out", but he rejoined after she promised to stop. She has not done this since he re-joined, showing she can make compromises and she truly does love and respect him.
Her obsession with Beck is first made apparent in the Pilot, when she sees Tori wiping coffee off of Beck's shirt and immediately misinterprets the action as flirting. Though Jade is usually the one to show love in the relationship, the couple are shown to be mutually in love on multiple occasions such as when Beck says "I never stopped loving you". She dumps Beck briefly in the episode Jade Dumps Beck, but has second thoughts about it and quickly wants him back. She goes through a short state of depression when Beck doesn't take her back, even resorting to asking for help from her frenemy, Tori. At the end of the same episode, they rekindle their relationship and continue dating.
Beck also clearly loves to tease and rile up Jade, either by making her jealous or letting her get carried away by her own theories. This is exemplified in Wi-Fi in the Sky when he doesn't tell her his cheerleader neighbor is only 9 years old. Jade later claims that he does this all the time. In Beck's profile video on TheSlap.com, Jade states that they've been dating for two years and been exclusive for a year and a half.
Jade seems to show a softer side when she and Beck are alone, which has been seen on some of their videos on TheSlap. Jade also seems to be meaner and gets into fights with Tori more often when Beck is not there with her. In the last "Jade With Tots" episode, Beck tells Jade that he loves her, which makes Jade’s heart melt and she starts kissing him.
Sadly, in The Worst Couple, they broke up. After this, they rarely interacted, and when they did, they were bitter towards each other. For instance, in How Trina Got In, Jade mocks Beck and says (sarcastically) that he knows everything except how to keep a girlfriend happy. Additionally, both Jade and Beck acted very awkward around each other in André's Horrible Girl, both whispering to a friend that no one told them the other would be there, and they aren't happy about it. It was shown, however, that she still has lingering feelings for him as she was truly upset and hurt when she saw Beck hugging Tori and trying to kiss her in Tori Goes Platinum. Also, Beck seems to still care about her as shown in Opposite Date, when he wants to check if Jade is truly okay with him dating other girls, even though they were broken up at that point (it is quite possible he didn't want to hurt Jade's feelings).
In the episode, Tori Fixes Beck and Jade, after Beck realizes he still loves Jade, she coincidentally sings a song called "You Don't Know Me". They finally get back together and have remained that way for the rest of the show. They became more affectionate towards each other, no longer fight, and are much more physical. According to recent social media posts from Liz Gillies and Avan Jogia, Beck and Jade are still together, are currently living in Beck’s trailer, and they even have a kid of their own.
Tori Vega
(2010-present: Frenemy)
Dude, why are you rubbing my boyfriend?
Jade and Tori's friendship is complicated, and is full of insults and fighting, but it's also one of the closest relationships on Victorious. Jade appears to have had an open rivalry with Tori ever since the first episode (Pilot), where Tori spilled coffee on Beck and was wiping the coffee off him, then when Jade poured coffee on Tori, then Tori kissed Beck for revenge. As of episode 3, Stage Fighting, they seem to be developing a possible friendship, though she still displays a dislike for Tori. In the fourth episode, The Birthweek Song, she gives Tori coffee she found in the garbage and says "Yeah, I'm not really her friend." Despite saying this, Jade comes to Tori when she breaks up with Beck in Jade Dumps Beck, and asks for her advice (though Jade claims this is because she wouldn't want anyone cool to see her in that state). In Freak the Freak Out, Jade tries to use Tori to defeat two stuck-up girls at the Karaoke Dokie after she and Cat were unfairly banned from performing there, indicating that regardless of her hostility toward her, she regards Tori as a worthy performer. In Wok Star, Tori helps Jade produce a play she wrote herself to impress her dad. When her dad admits that Jade's play was excellent, Tori and Jade hug, signaling that the two are now considered friends. In Beck Falls for Tori, Jade helps Tori by forcing her to do the stunt and overcome her fear. In Tori Gets Stuck, Jade tries relentlessly to steal Tori's role in Steamboat Suzy and they seem to be enemies once again. In Prom Wrecker, Tori plans her prome on the same day as Jade's play "Clowns Don't Bounce" by accident, so Jade seeks revenge and tries to ruin Tori's prome. Eventually, Jade's plan backfires. They seem to be back on bad terms, as in Helen Back Again, Jade didn't help Tori get her spot in the school back, in Who Did It to Trina?, Jade blames Tori for her sister's injuries, and in Jade Gets Crushed, Tori states multiple times that Jade is evil. In Tori & Jade's Play Date they work together to revenge against two boys who are annoying them. They finally become friends in Tori Goes Platinum, when Jade sees Tori refuse to kiss Beck because she considers Jade to be her friend and she believes kissing a friend's ex-boyfriend would be wrong. Because of this, Jade gives Tori her spot in the Platinum Music Awards back and cheers her on in the audience showing thus the two becoming friends.
Regardless to say, however, Tori and Jade are enemies at times and at times but they are also friends. So, let's just say they two girls have a strong sense of the relationship, 'frenemy' but we can't say they aren't friends because they do act like it.
Cat Valentine
(2008-present: Best Friend)
Cat: We're hanging out together!
Jade: NO!
Jade and Cat are best friends. While Cat is a textbook girly-girl, Jade is more of a tomboy. They usually expresses concern for each other when they're hurt and calls out the person who caused it. Jade is also less hostile and more patient towards Cat than towards most people (even though she did once say, "Is it a device that can beam you to another table? Because if it is, which button do I push?!" and tells her she's "screwed up"). Cat is not as easily offended by Jade (although in Rex Dies, Jade makes a death threat to Cat, saying, "If someone fell of this cat-walk and hit the floor really hard, do you think they'd live?" and in A Film by Dale Squires, she uses the fact that she's acting as an excuse to slap Cat's face) and actually seems to adore her. Even though Cat unintentionally electrocutes Jade in Rex Dies, Jade is shown as not being extremely upset by it. In the episode Survival of the Hottest, they hug and she spins her around, which implies that they're very good friends since Jade rarely hugs anyone willingly. They seem to love each other like sisters. In Freak the Freak Out, they sing the song Give It Up together. Jade and Cat often comment on each other's boards on TheSlap.
Jade seems to exercise a parental sort of control over Cat and seems to know her very well. Jade admittedly doesn't hate Cat's video profile, and Beck tells Cat how this is a big compliment from Jade. Jade has also been seen sleeping over at Cat Valentine house before in a video[Cat and Jades bedtime story] on TheSlap. It is also mentioned that Beck and Jade babysit Cat sometimes.
It seems that Cat knows Jade rather well, as she managed to get Jade a Christmas present she liked. It should be noted that Jade's attitude towards Cat changes depending on the episode or her mood.
André Harris
(2008-present: Close Friend)
"And... that's for you."
Jade doesn't seem to have a problem with André. They have been friends for at least two years as revealed in The Great Ping Pong Scam. They eat at the same table and talk amongst the same group of people. She does get annoyed by André from time to time, as shown in Beck's Big Break when she is annoyed by him when he's playing music on his keyboard, so she knocks the batteries out of it. On the other hand they seem to be pretty nice to each other, as seen in The Diddly-Bops, where Jade was among the ones trying to console André about losing his record deal. She even pulls Rex's arm off for joking about the situation. In Jade Gets Crushed, André falls in love with Jade, but at the end of the episode, seems to get over her. Also, in The Worst Couple, Jade says something rude to every single character except André, which was noticed by a lot of people. In the final season, they had been seen to have been hanging out a lot more and spending time together. André even laughed a little too loud whenever Jade insulted anyone, even Tori, his own best friend. Fans had noticed this too, and people were questioning whether or not André still had feelings for Jade. It appears that Dan Schneider had meant for this to happen, because he leaked a video of a future kiss between Jade and André uploaded it once more.
Robbie Shapiro
(2008-present: Frenemy)
Robbie: I'll go get you some ice.
Jade: Sit down!
Jade has tortured Robbie during the first series though it has been slowed down since then. She has insulted him and Rex a couple of times, even tearing off Rex's arm with a smirk. In Survival of the Hottest, Jade forces Robbie to give her his water because she is hot and thirsty. She was elated to have Rex die, even with the emotional trauma it would cause Robbie, in Rex Dies. However, her reason was so that Robbie could get over Rex and finally become normal, possibly meaning, in her own way, she cares about Robbie's mental health. They are seen to be at least friendly acquaintances in The Diddly-Bops when Jade compliments Robbie on his song about broken glass, the only character to agree with him on it by saying "I like it". In Wok Star, he shows some compassion for her regarding her play, and confusion at her ways of dealing with stress (i.e.: cutting up a trash can). Yet, he joins in on the plan to make Jade's play better for the opening act. On TheSlap.com, Jade once commented: "Caught myself singing along to Robbie/Rex's song, Forever Baby. What is wrong with me? I don't even know who I am anymore!"
Trina Vega
(2008-present: Enemy)
Jade has barely interacted with Trina so far, but she appears to hate her. In Jade Dumps Beck, Trina gives her a flyer advertising her one-woman show. Jade responds by crumpling up the flier and stuffing it down Trina's shirtfront. In Survival of the Hottest, Jade yells bluntly to Trina twice that no one likes her. Also, when Tori asked Jade what she thought she should get Trina for her birthday, she replied wittily "talent", making it clear that she doesn't think Trina has any talent, which is probably what most people would say in the matter. She finds Trina's accident in Who Did it to Trina? hilarious, and even uploaded it online. However, in Wanko's Warehouse, she goes with the gang and Jade turns on Trina as usual.
Erwin Sikowitz
Jade claims that Sikowitz is her favorite teacher in her video profile on TheSlap, and mostly participates in his activities. During "Locked Up!" she is the first to react/run over to greet "their favorite teacher". Sikowitz doesn't really have a relationship with her, although he calls her to be in an improv scene in the "Pilot" and randomly calls on her to be in a Drive-By Acting Exercise, which annoyed her but she did it anyway. Jade was also part of the Diddly-Bops, a children's group that Sikowitz put together for his roommate's son's birthday party. Jade was also the first to comment about Sikowitz's TheSlap page. In "Sleepover at Sikowitz's", Jade is the first to volunteer to go to Sikowitz's house. Sikowitz always says phrases that start with "Ah, Jade..." giving her an advice or making a comment about her personality.
Sinjin Van Cleef
(2010-present; Enemy/Frenemy)
Sinjin has a massive crush on Jade, but she dislikes him very much. In Jade Dumps Beck, when Sinjin heard that Jade dumped Beck, Sinjin told her, "Want one [boyfriend]?" Jade responded, "Walk away." and he did so quickly. Also, when the news of Jade and Beck splitting spread, Sinjin and his friend made an attempt to sit with her at lunch, until Jade merely (and loudly) said, NO and the two walked away. In "Tori the Zombie", Jade said his mother gave birth to the wrong thing. Sinjin was also shown to be in Jade's house, obviously without permission much to Jade's annoyance in "Wi-Fi in the Sky". On TheSlap, he talks about Jade and even writes her poems. This may show he has an unhealthy obsession with her. In Wok Star he helped her with set design. When he tried to talk to her about different kinds of moss to use for the set, she compared it with his hair. He then continued to speak to Jade, which annoyed her and she commanded him to "Go." Before she even finished the word he took off running, showing he always does what she says and greatly respects her (despite him breaking into her house). Tori said it made pee run down his leg. In a video on "The Slap" Sinjin made puppets of him and Jade. He acted as if Jade was in love with him and wanted to dump Beck so she could go out with him. Jade walks into the room to see Sinjin and calmly tells him that is not okay.
Family:Jade's relationships with her family are known to be terrible. According to her, her father "hates [her] guts", has called the cops on her, thinks that all of her creative desires are stupid, and she wants to show him that he is wrong. She seems to disrespect her mother and has called her "stupid" quite a few times, and claims that she loves the movie The Scissoring more than her mother (Three Girls and a Moose). Her grandma doesn't approve of her style, and Jade once told her to "get out of here" when asked about the kind of guy she wanted to marry. She once locked her cousin in a closet, she seems to think of her stepmother as annoying because she takes up all her father's attention, and she enjoys listening to her brother panic. (Most of these examples are from numerous posts and videos on TheSlap.com.)
Biography:Jade's childhood has been noted to be an unhappy one on a few occasions throughout the series. She says that the ice cream reminds her of it, and that her favorite toy was a hammer (Ice Cream for Ke$ha).
She was friends with Andre Harris, Robbie Shapiro, Cat Valentine, and Beck Oliver since at least 2008, where they formed an official ping pong team at Hollywood Arts High School. (The Great Ping Pong Scam) She and Beck also began dating at some point this year (Jade Dumps Beck).
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