#yes he still has Rufus the naked mole rat
dykeredhood · 1 year
Consider: butch lesbian Ron Stoppable
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sharperthewriter · 1 year
Chapter 11 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 11 (Feb. 9, 2006, 1:14pm) Kim and Ron entered into Drama Class with Vance, Laramie, and Cara all giving a watchful eye to them.
  "You'd better bring your A-game, Possible!" Cara said with her hawkish stare at Team Possible.
"And you'd better direct a performance that is worthy of us or else Shakespeare would spin so fast in his gave that he would power the entire Stratford-upon-Avon area for 200 years!" Vance added.
"Yeah...what they said!" Laramie replied without thinking of a comeback in her head.
"Look, you three. If I can lead the Middleton High cheer squad to a state title at the CHSAA Spirit Championships a  month ago..." Kim retorted back.
Ron then interrupted her. "...while fighing off Dementor's evil robot army that I helped stopped by accidentally snatching the remote from him and played around with it."
"I recall that one." Kim smirked, "Made all the robots malfunction and crashing into each other!"
"Lots of twisted metal everywhere!" Ron chimed in.
Kim then turned her attention back to the Glee Three.
"If I can go through all of that and save the world, then I can handle Romeo and Juliet with so no prob!" the redhead said confidently before she and Ron took her seat. "Look up my motto!"
Barkin then approached the rest of the class.
"Since Miss Tudor is still in the Middleton High concussion protocol, I would like to again remind you that the deadline for your roles will be on Monday afternoon at 2pm." he proclaimed.
Kim raised her hand.
"Yes, Possible?" Barkin questioned.
"Mr. Barkin, who currently has the roles of Romeo and Juliet?" Kim asked.
"The role of Juliet is currently held by Flores and the role of Romeo is currently held by Reeger." Barkin said, pointing to Zita and Rob Reeger, the Middleton High class clown.
Kim muttered, for Reeger was infamous for playing pranks on teachers, and he had teamed up with Bonnie on a couple of occassions to play pranks on her and Ron.
He then continued, "As it stands, that is going to be the Romeo and Juliet that the Glee Three and you must direct if you are to make a good grade on this, Possible!" Kim groaned, because she knew what trouble Reeger would bring to the stage. ________________________________________________________________________ (3:37pm) Kim finalized the cheer routine by landing perfectly on her feet. She had just jumped from a cheer pyramid. Bonnie watched from her spotter routine to make sure no one got injured, but she had something else in mind.
Ron, as was the agreement with the other members of the MHS cheer squad, did his Mad Dog routine of spraying the foam 50 feet away from the other cheerleaders.
"And that was great, girls!" Kim exclaimed as the cheer pyramid disassembled. 
"We'll take a break and be back at it on next Monday!"
Ron then came up to Kim.
"Hey, Ron!"
"Hey, KP! How did the Mad Dog do?"
"Totally awesome as always!" Kim smiled at her best friend.
"It's what the Ron-man can do!" Ron said while removing the Mad Dog mask. 
"Not to mention all the pushups I did for the football team last year." It was a Middleton High tradition that the Mad Dog mascot had to do pushups every time Middleton scores, be it a safety or a touchdown. "Almost had to go to the chiropractor after that..."
"So, wanna head over to Bueno Nacho right now?" he then asks, "I heard that BN HQ has unveiled a five-alarm Diablo sauce!"
"I would like to see you and Rufus perform a fire-eating contest as of the moment, but we gotta head on home first." Kim replied, "Dad's gotta do the reservations for the hotel we're gonna stay at for Mom's parents' anniversary in Nebraska."
"You got a point there." Ron added.
"Yep. I'm gonna go ahead and change and we'll head out of the gym together." Kim said as she and the other girls went into the locker room. Ron headed to the boys' locker room to change.
"You hear that, Rufus! We're gonna have our Diablo-sauce drink contest!" Ron grinned at his naked mole rat. "The loser will have to sleep on the couch tonight!"
Rufus, from Ron's pocket, chittered with a laugh, "You're on!" Bonnie, Ashley A, and Ashley B smirked at each other. They agreed earlier to meet at around 4:30pm in ________________________________________________________________________
Kim came out of the gym, now in her white croptop, Club Banana dark denim baggy overalls, and white sneakers. She, of course, had both straps hooked. Ron was in his usual outfit with Rufus in his pants pocket. Kim had also called her mom earlier to pick them up.
Unknown to them, Ashley A was on the side of the gym, looking at them with a smirk
"OK, girls, the coast is clear!" Ashley A insisted with a whisper when she saw Kim and Ron being picked by by Ann in the Possible minivan, "Let's go to the Rockwaller house!" Bonnie had earlier told the Ashleys, as well as Hope and Rebecca, that 4:30pm would be the the perfect time to meet at her house because of the fact that Veronica usually doesn't get home until 6pm and Donald doesn't get home from his shift at the police department until 6:30pm, since he works the normal shift of 8am-6pm on Mondays and Fridays. Donald worked the evening shifts on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at MPD and on Saturday mornings.
In other words, this scheduling gave Bonnie ample opportunity to plan out her plot to get to the Romeo and Juliet cast list before Monday. Since all the Ashleys were seniors, they had their drivers' licenses. They all drove out the student parking lot to head to Bonnie's house. _________________________________________________________________________ (4:21pm) Ashley A and Ashley B parked on the left side of the street while Ashley Q and Ashley T parked on the right side of the street. Ashley B had also picked up Bonnie, Hope, and Rebecca as well.
  "Looks like we came a little early." Ashley B said with a manevolent grin.
"Early for us to start plotting Possible and Stoppable's popularity demise!" Bonnie added with a slight evily laugh, pressing a button on the garage door from her purse. She also had an extra set of house keys for when either or both of her parents are still at work.
The seven girls all walked into the garage. Once Bonnie closed the garage door, locked the door leading from the garage to the kitchen, and made sure the coast was clear, she got out a couple of folding chairs.
"Is there anyone in the house we should be aware about?" Ashley Q asked.
"My little bro, Jonnie." Bonnie replied. "He usually takes the bus to school. So he's taken care of!"
"Ugh...annoying little sibs! I sympathize with you!" Ashey B agreed.
"Hey, to be fair, I love my little bro! He and I are tight...unlike my ugly older sisters." Bonnie countered, defending her bond with Jonnie.
"Can we just get to the point with the theft of that skeleton key, B?" Ashley A questioned, insisting on the details.
Bonnie sighed, "Very well! AQ and R, can you both get the folding table and the house plans as well?"
Ashley Q and Rebecca gathered both the small folding table as well as the layout plans of the Rockwaller house. Ashley Q unfolded the legs to make the table stand up and Rebecca unveiled the plans of the house. Bonnie pointed out the end of the hallway.
"The master bedroom is over here at the very edge. Mom usually hides her skeleton key on the dresser. A couple of us can swipe it from there on our way to the school." she explained.
"Why not just take it now?" Ashley T insisted.
Bonnie glared at her and replied, "AT, what aspect of stealth do you not get? And besides, all the MUSD schools usually lock up at around 6pm. Mom would surely notice and I would be grounded for an entire month!"
She continued, "This plan needs to have an aspect of stealth if we are to surprise both Possible and Stoppable."
Ashley T sighed, "Go ahead, B!"
"Ashley A and I are going to plan a sleepover on Saturday night and make it seem that it is a girls' night out." Bonnie explained, "I have Mom and Dad's nightly routine down to a science. They usually drink a glass of water at around 9pm before they go to bed. But if I can spike it, they will get even more sleepy faster."
"Spike it? You mean use alcohol?" Hope asked.
"No, H! Its the AJAX sleeping powder the 'rents keep in the cabinet above the counter!" Bonnie replied.
"And how will we do that?" Ashley B asked.
"Dad sometimes uses that sleeping powder to give himself longer nights of sleep after long shifts at the station." Bonnie explained, "If I can put a teaspoon each in their glasses, it'll surely knock them out of commission."
"Then we will take the key at around 10:30pm, sneak into the school at 11, and once  Ashley Q cuts off the security cams, find that Romeo and Juliet cast list, and make the swap." Bonnie continued going into detail about their plan. "Once that is done, we'll come back to the house and put the key back in its proper place! No one will even notice!"
"Alright, I am in agreement of this plan!" Ashley A replied, shooting up her hand. Bonnie smiled at this.
"Alright, any other takers?"
One by one, the girls raised their hands, Ashley B followed Ashley A, then Ashley T, Rebecca, Hope, and lastly Ashley Q.
"Now that I see no objections to this plot, Possible won't know what hit her!"
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kprciffdw · 3 years
Kim Possible: The Extremely Secret Files-Part 1
Later on, both Kim and Ron, wearing space suits over their mission outfits, stepped into Dr. Possible's space shuttle and blasted off, with Dr. Possible waving goodbye. They flew through space via auto-pilot for an extensive amount of time. Ron: "Um…doesn't it seem kind of…shocking that we're like…flying a gazillion light-years away from Earth? No human being could have ever made it this far, or even believed that it could have been possible!" Kim: "To tell you the truth, Ron, I also found it to be surprising, but…I have handled a lot of impossible situations. Still, I never thought that I would be heading so far into space; let alone another galaxy. No doubt there's something else going on here, but right now, all I care about is thwarting Drakken and Shego and getting back dad's space station. We'll figure out the rest later with dad and Wade."
They eventually came near the space station. Kim was ecstatic upon reaching it. Kim: "There it is! Wade, we've found the space station. We're heading towards it now." Wade: "OK, great, just keep in mind that Drakken won't just simply let you in. Approach with extreme caution." Kim: "Got it."
They continued to approach the space station.
Elsewhere, Ratchet and Clank watched as all of this took place. Clank: "Oh, look, an unidentifiable space shuttle has just arrived and it appears to be approaching that space station. Do you know what this could mean?" Ratchet: "No, I don't. All we can do at the moment is wait for something to happen. There's no way of knowing what this could be."
Meanwhile, inside the space station, Shego took notice of the space shuttle as it was approaching them. Shego: "Uh…doc? There's a space shuttle coming our way." Drakken: "What? Let me see."
Drakken looked out the window and also noticed the shuttle. He and Shego were soon able to see Kim and Ron directly within the front window of the shuttle. Drakken: "What!? Kim Possible!? How was she able to find us here!?" Shego: "Oh, great, so much for Possible and her sidekick not knowing where we are. I just hope you have a backup plan, genius."
Drakken slammed his fist on a nearby switch. Drakken: "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE, KIM POSSIBLE!"
A missile shot out of the space station and directly towards Kim and Ron. Ratchet: "Whoa! Didn't see that coming!"
The shuttle was able to dodge the missile and then headed towards the front entrance. Drakken: "They're about to enter the space station!"
Shego slammed on a nearby switch. Shego: "Not on my watch!"
The entrance was blocked off by many lasers. The shuttle managed to make a successfully u-turn. Kim: "Let's find another way in."
They headed towards another entrance, but Drakken and Shego came prepared.
There was a deadly trap waiting, they were being pulled directly in. Ron: "KIM! DO SOMETHING!"
Kim fought as hard as she could to pull away from the trap but nothing was working. Kim: "It's no use! I can't pull us away from this!"
Ron screamed uncontrollably.
Ratchet, not being able to just stand by and watch anymore, rushed out. Clank: "Ratchet! Wait!"
He headed out towards the docking bay as fast as he could, jumped into his ship and launched out towards the ISSF.
Kim and Ron were about to be pulled into the trap. Just then, a mysterious blast destroyed the trap, breaking Kim and Ron free. Ron: "Uh…what just happened?" Kim: "I…think we were just saved." Ron: "By who?"
Shortly afterwards, Ratchet's voice was heard from the COM link inside the shuttle. Ratchet: "Hey, looks like you could use some help." Ron: "Uh, was it you that just saved us?" Ratchet: "That's right. I've been watching you, thought I might intervene since you were having some trouble." Kim: "Um, I don't know why you did, but…thanks. Just who are you?" Ratchet: "Now's not the time for introductions. Follow me back towards the nearby frigate and we'll talk."
They spotted a small ship from directly outside. Kim: "There, that must be him. Let's go, Ron."
They followed Ratchet's ship back towards the large cruiser.
Soon enough, they arrived within the docking bay. Ratchet jumped out of his ship, Kim and Ron stepped out of the shuttle. They met up with Ratchet. Kim: "Alright, space case, what's the sitch? What has been going on here?" Ratchet: "If you both could just follow me, there's something that I need to show you."
He walked off, Kim and Ron stood by for a bit. Ron: "Uh…what type of animal is he? He looks like he has a tail similar to that of a lion but he has such large, pointy ears. Just what is he?" Kim: "Most likely an alien species that we've never seen before. Come on, let's go see what he has to show us."
Kim walked off after Ratchet, Ron rushed right after her.
They followed him towards the exact window that he and Clank were looking out of. Clank, who was still staring out the window, turned around and noticed Ratchet walking in with Kim and Ron. Ron soon noticed Clank. Ron: "Hey, KP, look! A robot!" Kim: "Sh!" Clank: "You know, that was very risky of you to just fly out there like that. Who knows what could have happened to you?" Ratchet: "You should be more worried about them. If it wasn't for me, those 2 would have been reduced to space particles." Kim: "So, what exactly did you want to show us?"
Ratchet pointed out the window towards the space station. Kim and Ron walked up towards the window and also saw it. They seemed amazed as they looked out at it. They then looked towards Ratchet. Kim: "So, you have been watching us from here, haven't you?" Ratchet: "Yeah, I have. Been keeping an eye on that space station since it arrived there. Care to tell me what you know about what that is or even what's going on for that matter?" Kim: "Uh, first off, how long was it out there?" Clank: "Several hours. Your ship was the first form of activity within that time frame." Ratchet: "What is that space station and why were you being attacked by it?"
Kim hesitated before she started talking. Kim: "Well...if you must know...That space station was my dad's secret project."
Ratchet walked closer towards the window and looked out of it. Ratchet: "Your dad built that?" Kim: "That's right. He calls it the Impossible Space Station of the Future. The ISSF for short." Ratchet: "Impossible Space Station, huh? That sounds…excessively dramatic, but what exactly is going on? Was it your dad that sent you to retrieve it or something?" Kim: "As a matter of fact, yes. You see, the night before, 2 of my arch-foes, Dr. Drakken and Shego stole it from the space center where my dad works. I came all the way out here to get it back before they plan to do anything with it." Ratchet: "But what were your enemies planning to do with it in the middle of space?" Kim: "Most likely another one of his world domination schemes. As for why it's all the way out here, I have no idea. Then again, Drakken always had a tendency to avoid being straightforward, to say the least." Ratchet: "Huh, sounds like one headache of a villain." Kim: "That would also be putting it mildly."
Rufus popped out from within Ron's pocket. Rufus: "Pah-ho! Drakken!" Kim: "By the way, you've haven't told us who you are. I would like to know your name." Clank: "Yes, it would be customary to give out proper introductions." Ratchet: "OK, I would agree. I'm Ratchet and this is my good friend Clank."
Clank did his adorable giggle. Kim: "I'm Kim Possible, this is Ron Stoppable and that's Ron's pet naked mole rat Rufus."
Rufus popped out of Ron's pocket again. Rufus: "Hi." Ratchet: "Well, Kim, looks like you'll need some help in bringing down that Drakken guy and taking back your dad's space station." Kim: "And how exactly will you be doing that?" Ratchet: "First off, we should probably do some maintenance work on that ship of yours. I know you'll need it against him." Kim: "And what kind of maintenance work did you have in mind?" Ratchet: "Oh, my favorite kind: ammo, weaponry; that kind of work." Kim: "Well…usually, I wouldn't go for it, but these circumstances kind of force me to concede. OK, Ratchet, I'll agree on anything you need to have done." Ratchet: "Awesome, let's get started then."
Ratchet walked off with Clank. Kim and Ron looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and followed after them.
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Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 1
More than an entire year has passed since the events that have brought Ratchet, Kim, Ron and Clank to the Polaris Galaxy. After they were able to defeat the tyrannical Cragmite Percival Tachyon and save the entire galaxy from his iron-fisted rule, Clank was taken away by mysterious creatures known as the Zoni. Since then, Ratchet had dedicated himself to finding his friend. Kim and Ron, although they wanted to help with finding Clank, could not go with Ratchet to do so as they still had lives back on their home planet, Earth. They did, however, provide him with some support from their home world whenever they could, as they had reasons of their own for wanting to help out with the search; Clank was very much their friend as he was Ratchet’s. Also, Ron’s pet naked mole rat, Rufus, seemed to have disappeared along with Clank, so Ron was without his beloved pet all this time.
The search for Clank persisted on with no changes until one fateful day…
Before we get to that, there's another important story involved with this that needs to be told. It all started elsewhere, within a mysterious place. Clank was contained within a chamber of sorts, suspended in mid-air and very much asleep. At that moment, Dr. Nefarious, an old enemy of him and his friends, approached him. Alongside him was his butler, Lawrence. Dr. Nefarious: "Ah, my arch-nemesis."
He pounded on Clank's head as he shouted at him. Dr. Nefarious: "Not so smart now, are you!?" Lawrence: "Sir, the Zoni are inquiring about our progress."
Dr. Nefarious was incredibly frustrated upon hearing this as he grunted out loud. Dr. Nefarious: "How much longer must we pretend to be friends with those twits?"
Just then, the Zoni appeared. Zoni: "Sire does not remember. You must fix." Dr. Nefarious: "Yes, I'm fixing, I'm fixing…"
He stood in front of Clank. Computer voice: "Standby for sister board scan."
A large holographic monitor appeared in front of Dr. Nefarious, he got to work on it immediately. Dr. Nefarious: "Alright, let's see…Favorite color is green, favorite number is 83,000,000,004.7…blah, blah, blah…" Computer voice: "Access denied. Neural safeguard activated."
The monitor turned red. Dr. Nefarious: "No! No! Locked out again! It's in here, Lawrence! Somewhere in this brain lies the key to the Orvus Chamber." Zoni: "No Orvus Chamber." Dr. Nefarious: "Your Zoniness, if we could take but a peek at the chamber…" Zoni: "No Orvus Chamber. Chamber is for sire only." Dr. Nefarious: "Very well. Then I think it's time our "partnership" came to an end."
Dr. Nefarious pulled out a small device and was about to toss it. Dr. Nefarious: "Say hello to…" Lawrence: "Not the Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler." Dr. Nefarious: "The Hypersonic Brainwave Scrambler!"
He tossed the device towards the hallway, it expanded, activated and chased after the Zoni. Dr. Nefarious laughed maniacally as his machine chased the Zoni all over the place. It wreaked havoc on the entire room before chasing the Zoni out. Shortly afterwards, the lights went out. Dr. Nefarious: "What? What just happened?" Lawrence: "Apologies, sir, I should have mentioned that the equipment is especially susceptible to sonic weaponry." Computer voice: "Back up generator activated."
The lights came back on, however, Clank was missing. Dr. Nefarious was startled as he took notice of this. Dr. Nefarious: "What the…?"
He turned himself towards the hallways and immediately spotted Clank, who looked towards the villain before he was about to leave. Dr. Nefarious: "He's awake! Stop him!"
Clank then turned the other way and ran out. Dr. Nefarious was about to give chase. Lawrence: "Uh, pardon me, sir, but a bioscan has just picked up on something." Dr. Nefarious: "What? A bioscan? There's an organic life form here? Where is it?" Lawrence: "The readings are coming from directly inside Clank. They are of a species of mammal from the planet Earth known as Heterocephalus glaber or naked mole rat." Dr. Nefarious: "What? Naked mole rat? I've never heard of such a creature! And yet for some reason, it sounds vaguely familiar…hm…"
While Clank was ran through the hallways, Rufus emerged from inside him. He let out a big yawn as though he was just waking up. Clank took notice of him almost immediately. Clank: "Rufus? Where did you come from?"
Rufus shrugged his shoulders and made an "I don't know" murmur. Clank: "No matter, we must find a way out of here."
As he ran through the place, Dr. Nefarious spoke to him via the loud speakers and monitors that were placed everywhere. Also, the maniacal villain's infernal noise making machine continued chasing the Zoni and wreaking more havoc along the way. As he continued on, he spotted a holographic image of another robot. Robot: "Sir, sir! Listen carefully, I'm your only hope of defeating Dr. Nefarious." Clank: "Huh? Who are you and where are you?" Robot: "I'll explain everything as soon as you're safe. But right now, you have to keep going. Hurry, there's not much time."
As he kept going, the chaos caused by the noise making machine had gotten much worse. Soon enough, a much more unpredictable and unprecedented turn of events was about to take place. Computer voice: "Warning! Quantum stabilizers offline. Time systems vulnerable."
He ran through more and more, he then began to notice that some of the debris would fall apart in a way in which time itself was falling into a state of disarray. Some of the debris would seem as though they are frozen in time. At one point, the damages done to one particular area was caught in an endless loop, almost as though it was reversing itself repeatedly. Regardless, Clank kept going and did not look back.
He was eventually able to reach the robot that was contacting him, but the robot ended up locked in the room that he was hiding in. He told Clank to keep going and also mentioned something about not letting Dr. Nefarious near "the chamber". With that, he just kept going.
He kept running until he stopped in front of a ledge. Looking out beyond it, he could see a massive expanse, consisting of several floating platforms, which stretched out at a great distance. He turned back around and immediately spotted Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence approaching him. Dr. Nefarious: "Go ahead. Jump! (laugh)" Clank: "Dr. Nefarious. I should have known you were behind this. Where have you taken us?"
The maniacal villain walked up towards him. Dr. Nefarious: "You don't recognize it? This is your home! The Great Clock! A marvel of science and sorcery, engineered by the brightest Zoni in all of existence and constructed in the exact center of the Universe! Give or take 50 ft." Rufus: "(growl) Nefarious!" Clank: "What lie did you tell the Zoni to trick them into aiding you in your quest for vengeance?" Dr. Nefarious: "Vengeance? You think I went through all this trouble for mere vengeance? And they say I'm ego-maniacal. Let's just say it's all in the past. Lawrence!" Lawrence: "Right here, sir." Dr. Nefarious: "Ready the orb of gratuitous immobilization."
Lawrence pulled out a small device and sent it towards Clank. Clank placed Rufus on the floor. Clank: "Rufus, go! I will see you soon." Rufus: "OK!"
Rufus scampered off, the device approached Clank and shocked him, knocking him out. Lawrence: "Shall I prepare the mnemonic station again?" Dr. Nefarious: "No, I have a better idea."
He turned around and walked away. Lawrence: "But sir…" Dr. Nefarious: "Patience, Lawrence. We have all the time in the Universe."
Lawrence then let Dr. Nefarious out, leaving any events that would occur afterwards out of his hands.
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epickendall · 5 years
Possible 10 chapter 4
The next day at the Possible household Kim, Ron, and Rufus was in the living room waiting on Team 10 whom Kim gave Gwen her house address to come over to explain a couple of things to them like Gwen promise. Still, Kim could not get over two things from last night one was that she and Gwen looked just alike and second seeing the rock creature turning into a teenager about the same age as Ron and her.
Ron looked over to Kim who is thinking to herself, and he comes up to her "Kim are you thinking about what happened last night KP,"
"Yeah, Ron I didn't expect our date turn into stopping Drakken evil plan then meeting someone who looks almost exactly like me than seeing a guy that can turn into a rock creature," said Kim
"I'm sure they'll explain all that once they get here, but I do have one theory,"
"Which is?"
"That maybe those guys are all aliens,"
"Yeah right, Ron there is no such things as aliens,"
"Come on Kim have seen and heard those stories about strange creatures that popped up across the country for the past few years,"
"Ron those could be people in costumes or hoaxes stories made up by news reporter,"
then Rufus comes out of Ron pocket and says "alien,"
"Not you too Rufus,"
Then Kim's doorbell rings Kim goes to the front door and opens to see Gwen, Ben, and Kevin waiting on her front porch.
"Hello again can we come in," said Gwen
"Yes you all can come in," said Kim
Kim lets Gwen, Ben, and Kevin walked into her house they look around Kim's household.
"Nice house you got here," said Kevin
"Yeah it's better than our hotel room," said Ben sits down on the couch across Ron and he looked at him "sup,"
"Hey," said Ron Kim sit down with him as Gwen and Kevin sits at the other couch
"So what you guys want to know?" said Gwen
"Who exactly are you guys?" said Kim
"Well I'm Ben, your already Gwen name," Ben then points to Kevin "and that's Kevin,"
"I'm Ron, and this is Rufus," Ron pulls out Rufus who did a ta-da
"Cool a naked mole-rat," said Ben
"Next question," said Kevin
"Yeah are you guys aliens?" said Ron
"Ron," Kim groans
"What? I gotta ask," Ron shrugging his shoulder
"Well he's half right on the alien part," said Ben
"What," said Kim in disbelief "aliens aren't real,"
"Yes, there are it just that it all cover-up and keeping the truth from the general public,"
"I need a better explanation than that,"
"Okay this a long one to explain," said Gwen
She explains to Kim and Ron about the plumber organization of intergalactic law enforcement that keeps the universe safe and that all three of them are deputized, agents she tells them that she and Kevin are half aliens.
"What about Ben? is he half-alien as well?" said Kim
"Nope," said Ben
"Then how can you turn into that weird rock monster," said Ron
"Because of this," Ben shows them the Omnitrix "this is the Omnitrix it allows me to turn into any aliens that it has the DNA stored in it,"
"That so cool where I get one of those?" Ron looked amazed on the Omnitrix
"Sorry but there only one in the universe and I had this when I was ten,"
"How?" said Kim
"I'll give you the short version when Gwen and I were on a road trip with our grandpa across the U.S and the Omnitrix crash land across our campsite I found it, and it got attached to my hand and ever since then had some crazy adventures,"
"Can you show us another alien," said Ron excitedly and so was Rufus
"Sure but can I do it inside, I don't want to freak your neighbors out Kim,"
"Fine by me," said Kim
Ben selected an alien and press down on the Omnitrix, and he transforms into Big chill
"Big chill!" Ben said out loud
"Why did you say your name out loud?" said Ron
"Because it's supposed to put fear into his enemies," said Gwen
"It does," said Ben
"It doesn't Ben," said Kevin
"So what does that alien do?" said Kim
"This," Ben freezes Kim glass of water Ben then changes back to his human self and sits back down
"Wow," said Ron and Rufus
"One last question what are all of you guys are doing in Middleton in the first place," said Kim
"Well Kim three alien had escaped from prison, and one of them is either coming here or already here in the Middleton," said Kevin
"And we came to put a stop whatever it is planning to do in Middleton," said Gwen
"But we have no idea what the alien looks like and what was his past crimes," said Ben
"Hm, no sound like you guys need help," then an idea pops into Kim's head "what about Ron, and I help you guys?"
"Oh I don't know Kim some of the aliens we fought can be tough," said Gwen
"Yeah well KP and I handle crazy supervillains that are trying to take over the world most of the week," said Ron
"So we can handle anything that throws at our way," said Kim
Ben, Gwen, and Kevin looked at each other and nodded Ben said to them "welcome aboard to Plumber business you two,"
Then the front door opens Kim's father Dr.Possible comes in with stacks of notes in his hand and see Kim and Ron with three kids he never saw before.
"Hello Kim whos your new friends," said Dr.Possible looking at Gwen thinking it was Kim
"Um sir I'm not Kim," Gwen points to Kim who blushed in embarrassment
"Sorry, Kim it's just that you two looked kinda alike,"
Kim whispered to Gwen "we got to solve this problem sooner or later,"
After talking to Kim and Ron, the trio heads back to Kevin's car and going to their hotel room.
"That went well," said Gwen
"Yeah, but who's going to tell Max about letting Kim and Ron on our mission," said Kevin
"Gwen," said Ben
"Why me?"
"Well it's was your idea and besides you can explain to him better than me and Kevin,"
Gwen sighs "Fine,"
"Kevin can you drop me off in the town I want to see if the alien come yet,"
"Are you sure after the whole Drakken incident?" said Kevin
"I can handle myself, and I call you guys if something happens,"
"Alright, Ben,"
Kevin dropped Ben off in the town as he and Gwen go back to their hotel room and explains things to Grandpa Max. Ben looks over the city once but still no signs of alien activity in Middleton or nothing unusual then he felt a tap on his shoulder and turns around to see Monique.
"Hey no long time no see Ben," said Monique
"Hello Monique how are you doing?" said Ben smiling
"I'm doing good, did you and your friend find your cousin?"
"Yes, we did she got someone got her confused with someone else,"
"Well that good, so what are you doing,"
"Oh," Ben rubbed the back of his head trying to come up with a good lie "I'm just trying to find something to do,"
"Hm for me I was going to the movies, but suddenly I'm looking for someone to come with me," Monique looked at Ben
Ben gets what she is trying to do "can I come with you to movies,"
Monique "sure Ben," She and Ben head to the movie theater
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sharperthewriter · 3 years
Chapter 3 of Possible-y Utah
Chapter 3 - Surprising the DrsP
(45 minutes later)
Kim looked around and saw that only 20 students still remained in the gym.
"Um...where did everyone go?" she asked.
"Maybe it's getting a bit late." Ron answered.
"Late..." Kim muttered to herself and then she gasped.
(Flashback, Six Hours Ago)
James cleared his throat and exclaimed, "Let's get a few things clear right up front."
Eric, without hesitation, replied "Oh, you read my mind, sir. Now, Kim explained that her
normal curfew is 10 o'clock but on special occasions and
rescue missions, you extend that to 11. I'd feel better
if we stick with 10."
(End Flashback)
"Rufus?!" Kim exclaimed.
Rufus came out onto the table and saluted.
"What time is it on the Kimmunicator?" she asked.
Rufus got out Kim's Kimmunicator from her handbag. It read the time: 12:18am.
Kim gasped, "Oh no!"
"What is it, KP?" Ron questioned, alert.
"I promised Dad that we would be back by 11pm and it's after midnight!" Kim exclaimed, "Oh no...he's definitely going to kill me for sure! I'll just send him a text on my phone, letting him know that me and Ron will be back at the house!"
"And there's the other little thing..." Ron interrupted her.
"Ron...must you compile the sitch a bit more?" Kim groaned.
"Sorry about that, Kim. How are we going to get a ride home?" Ron said. "We used the last bit of your brother's rocket fuel to get from BN HQ to the gym."
Kim then looked at Jessica, Monique and Tara on the table.
"Awww...you aren't coming to the post-prom party at my house? It has plenty of room!" Jessica insisted.
"Sorry, Jess." Kim replied, "I gotta get home to the 'rents. Maybe when Senior Prom comes around, we can do that."
"Okay, sounds like a good idea." Jessica replied.
"And I came in one of the stretch limos." Monique added.
"So that pretty much leaves Tara." Kim replied, eyeing the blonde's set of car keys.
"I got my drive's license last week, so I'll be more than happy to drive you two back to Mr. Possible's house!" Tara insisted on the request.
"Then that sitch has been settled!" Kim said, "It's been a long night for me and Ron and we do need to get back home."
(35 minutes later)
Tara's car drove the couple back up to the Possible house, which still had the FEMA-blue tarp on its roof from the Diablos.
"Thanks for the emergency ride, Tara!" Kim smiled with Ron in the backseat, wrapping his arm around her back. He also put his baby blue prom coat, around Kim's shoulders.
"A bon-diggety ride, to be exact!" Ron agreed.
Tara replied with a grin, "It's the least I can do, Kim, after you saved my puppy from the storm drain a couple weeks ago!"
"So not the drama, Tara! I always help people in need!" Kim agreed.
"Night, Kim. I'll probably see you on Monday at chemistry class." Tara said, putting her hands on the steering wheel.
"Same here!" Kim said. Both she and Ron got out of the back of the car.
Tara started up the car and drove out into the dark of the night.
"So...ready to break the news to your 'rents?" Ron asked, offering his hand.
"You know I am more than ready, Ron, even though I am probably going to be grounded for being late due to...you know...all that's happened tonight." Kim said, taking a deep breath, and grabbing Ron's hand.
The two, holding hands, walked up to the front door of the house. Ron knocked on the door three times.
The door slowly opened, showing James.
"Hello, you two!" James said before opening the door fully, showing them holding hands.
He paused for a moment at this sight and said, "I guess I have a great many questions to ask."
"You do, Dad. Where is Mom, by the way?" Kim asked.
"She is in the den, Kimmie-cub."
"OK, sounds good!" _
The couple and James all walked into the den where Ann was waiting for them. She was in her teddy bear pajamas and bunny slippers.
When she saw both Kim and Ron holding hands, her eyes widened with joy and she began to squeal.
"James! You have to check this out! Kimberly and Ron are..."
"Yep, Mom! Me and Ron are officially BF and GF!" Kim proclaimed. "And I won as Junior Prom Queen!" she added, pointing to her crown and sash
"I'm very excited for you!" Ann exclaimed "Did you manage to get your first kiss?"
"Actually, Mom, we did! Monique was the one who took the pic!" Kim grinned, taking out her digital camera from her handbag. She scrolled the about 60 pictures she took during the dance. She got to the one where Kim and Ron kissed for the first time.
"Awwww...you two are so sweet in that pic!" Ann smiled.
"I totally like this!" James exclaimed, seeing the photo with satisfaction.
Then something came to his mind.
"What happened with Eric?" he asked.
"Ron, should we give him the long version or the short version?" Kim questioned to her new BF.
Ron and Rufus yawned and were rubbing their eyes. "Me and Rufus are about to crash."
"So short version of the sitch it is." Kim replied. "As it turned out, Dad, Eric was nothing more than a fake."
"We both meant that very literally..." Ron interjected.
"He was a Synthodrone created by Drakken to keep me distracted from his Diablo plot." Kim explained.
"And as it turned out, he was a liar too!" Ron exclaimed. "He claimed that he liked naked mole rats!"
Rufus then chittered angrily.
"Eric got a taste of his own medicine." Kim smirked, "Rufus bit him and he shriveled up like a prune with the scrambler in his hands. Destroyed the tower as well!"
"So Drakken not only managed to steal the Hepheastus project for those toys, he also nearly broke my daughter's heart?!" James growled, raising his fist at the blue tarp covering his roof.
"Yes, but thankfully, when the chips were down and I nearly gave up, Ron 'fessed his feelings for me!" Kim smiled, "And thanks to him, we stopped Drakken's scheme once and for all!"
"That's very good to hear." James said, "Now I think we should all go to bed. It is past 1 in the morning."
Kim then yawned, "Agreed, Dad!"
"I guess I'm going to be heading back to the ol' Stoppable abode!" Ron said.
"But first, a little good-night kiss for the road!" Kim grinned, giving Ron a kiss on the lips.
"Night, KP! This has been the best night of both our lives!" Ron replied with a wide smile across his face.
"You can say that again, Ron!" Kim giggled.
(20 minutes later)
Kim, now alone in her bedroom, began to yawn.
"Now...time for sleep..."
But before she could get into her bed, both Jim and Tim appeared.
Jim began, "Hey Kim, did you get..."
"...infected by the cootie monster?" Tim finished.
"No, I haven't, Tweebs!" Kim muttered, "And shouldn't you two be in bed by now?"
"It's the weekend! We usually stay..." Jim began
And Tim finished, "...up later than usual!"
"Now if you don't mind, we are..." Jim then began his next sentence,
"...going to work on our inventions." Tim added.
"I have the earplugs on standby just in case." Kim said, pointing to the earplugs on her nightstand. "Oh and Tweebs..."
Jim and Tim stopped for a moment at what their sister was about to say.
"Thanks for helping me and Ron out back there!" she said with a smile to the two. "Now good night!"
With that, the Tweebs left her behind and Kim turned out the lights, reflecting on the most eventful night of her life.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
Chapter 14 of SFV
Chapter 14: Day 1: The Bumblebees Incident
The van finally reached the exit to North Platte, NE, but not without suffering more damage. The right side of the van had a couple more dents and scrapes, the hubcap on the right rear wheel was gone, the rear windshield was cracked in the rear, half of the front grille was gone, and the front bumper coming loose and flapping. The car was also covered in syrup, dirt, and prairie grass. This was in addition to the damage of the driver side mirror and the scraping of the left side of the vehicle against the SUV at the Bueno Nacho from earlier. The trailer also had dents on the top and both sides as well.
The clouds, in the meantime, were starting to gather.
"And here we are, Stoppables, North Platte, Nebraska!" Ron exclaimed. "Remind me never to say that phrase 'And nothing will go wrong' ever again!"
Rufus groaned over his owner's poor driving and trashing of the car. Though...the worst was yet to come.
Kim observed the place and said, "Looks like a smaller version of Middleton."
"So now that it's close to five pm, what do you want to do?" Ron asked.
"We'll check into the hotel first and get two rooms. A suite for us and the kids and a room for Mary and Canna" Kim insisted, . "And then we'll get ready to eat at the Bumblebees here."
"I'm right with ya on that strategy, KS!" Ron replied before turning to Rufus. "Now Rufus, watch the kids while Kim and I check in the hotel."
Rufus saluted while his owners went into the hotel lobby.
"We're here for our room." Ron said.
The hotel clerk said to them. "It's room 296, on the other end of the property. As for your other room it's going to be room 294 right next door"
Kim grabbed the hotel key and said, "Thanks! It's so not the drama!"
They parked the van right at the end of the property. Mary and Canna got out of the camper. They also got their suitcases out and, like Kim, they were filled with long denim overalls.
The room was actually a suite in which there was a pull-out couch and the kitchenette in one room and the bedroom in the other. The kids were going to occupy the couch while the Stoppable parents had the bedroom. Mary and Canna had a normal hotel room with two twin beds.
Ron and Kim chose the suite for more extra...privacy. As for Rufus, they brought along a small naked mole rat bed for him. Rufus got a little apron bib ready to take on the nachos.
"Okay, Ron." Kim called out from the bathroom. "I'm going to make some changes to my button-down shirt and then we'll go with the kids to the restaurant."
"Alright, KS! Let's see what you look like!" Ron said with anticipation.
Kim loosened the top two buttons to show off a little more cleavage and a b. She also added a couple of long gold and silver chain necklaces to her jewelry and replaced her teardrop earrings with gold hoops. She also swapped out her flats for black booties with a heel on them.
Kim also removed the top side buttons on both side to the leather overalls she was wearing.
Rufus gave a wolf-whistle as well.
"Ooooo! Very nicey! Me like!" Ron grinned devilishly, "The looks are just one thing of your complete package, KS!"
"Why thanks, Ron! Round up the kids and get to the van!" Kim replied "We're going to head to Bumblebees!"
Alexa and Justin were watching Baloney on the TV on their side of the suite before Kim instructed them to turn it off.
Mary and Canna also came out of their hotel room next door. They were in the same outfits as before, but decided together that they were going to wear their dark denim overalls with the bib down but straps attached route and a belt to hold them up and wear simple white tennis shoes.
"You know..." Kim remarked at the way the two women were wearing the overalls. "...I could go for that look on one of the days."
"As long as the belt doesn't fail on you, Kim, you should be good!" Mary remarked.
(15 minutes later)
The sky above them was slowly growing more dark and ominous. The storms were going to appear within a matter of hours.
Kim was at the drivers' seat of the Stoppable-mobile, starting up the engine.
The NWS broadcast was on the radio, informing the two heroes of what was to come.
The National Weather Service of Hastings Nebraska, has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for the eastern portion of Nebraska until 2:30am. Wind gusts of up to 70 mph, rain up to 2-3 inches, and hail up to the size of golf balls is expected with this line of system of storms. Stay weather-alert.
"I think we still should head on over to Bumblebees!." Kim said, "The kids are starting to get cranky for their food."
"As long as they have a vegan menu, we'll be good!" Canna replied.
"Vegan and gluten-free too!" Mary agreed.
The Stoppables, Mary and Canna entered into the restaurant. Kim's overall strap was barely hanging onto her shoulder.
She asked the waitress, "Do you have a table for six?"
"Plus one naked mole rat?" Ron asked with Rufus popping out of his pocket.
"Food!" he squeaked.
"We do, Mrs. Stoppable, yes!" the waitress said, "Would you like a table or booth?"
"We prefer the booth!" Kim replied.
"Right this way." the waitress replied to them while getting coloring books and crayons for both Alexa and Justin. She then escorted them to a booth in the middle of the restaurant.
Kim, Ron, and Justin sat on the left side of the booth while Mary, Canna, and Alexa sat on the right.
"Here we are! Your server will be out in a few minutes!" she said before leaving the Stoppables.
(5 more minutes later)
"So what's the general game plan that you're suggesting, Ron?" Kim asked her husband.
"I'd say that once we get to Rapid City, we're going to go for Mt. Rushmore first." Ron replied, pulling up the map of South Dakota on his smart phone.
"But that is a good almost-ten-hour round-trip across almost the entire state!" Kim countered. "Justin and Alexa really do want to see the bears at Bear Country USA.
"Don't worry, KS. We'll stop and get some food and gas on the way there." Ron said as the waitress came to their table.
"Welcome to Bumblebees! What can I get you two to drink?"
"I'll have a cola and my bon-diggety wife here will have a diet tea." Ron said, "The oldest one will have a fruity soda as well."
"Okay, I'll be right out there with your drinks!" the server said.
"So where is the Oh Boyz concert going to be at?" Mary asked.
"Sanford Premiere Center in Sioux Falls!" Kim replied, "It's even got a wine bar!"
"So that's another reason why you wanna go to the concert!" Ron slyly replied.
"Who was your favorite Oh Boyz member?" Canna questioned.
"Hands down, Dexter for his...smarts!" Kim recalled. "It was the time that we saved them from the Senors and that weasel of a manager of theirs."
(10 more minutes later)
"Oooh, it seems that Sheila has sent me a text!" Kim said when she felt a buzz on her phone. She went through her handbag and as she did so, her overalls strap slipped off her shoulder.
It read the following:
I found something on PictoGram that you may would want to see. The directors of that live-action movie about you is going to drop some big news tomorrow.
Your friend
"Hmm...it's about time someone released something for that live-action movie." she said, "It's been three months since there was any news about it."
"Maybe they'll keep her plasma powers intact." Ron wondered.
"I think they'll maybe keep the blue skin of Drakken." Kim laughed as the strap was now on her elbow. "Ah, here are our drinks right now!"
The server came to their table and awaited their orders.
"My husband would have the nachos supreme, same with our naked mole rat here, and I would like a Caesar salad." Kim said, "The kids would like to have two grilled cheese sandwiches. As for Canna and Mary, they'll both have the casesar salad too."
"Coming right up." the server said, leaving the table.
"So what else do you wanna talk about?" she asked, pulling the overalls strap back up.
"Maybe the weather?" Ron said while looking out the window.
"That's so the oldest conversation starter in the book!" Kim chuckled.
"No, KS. The weather's gonna go south in a few hours." Ron exclaimed while pointing it out on the doppler. He could see a lot of red associated with the storm, which meant really heavy rainfall. "A really bad storm's headed our way! With big hail and everything! That's what the NWS says!"
"It's so not the drama!" Kim said, blowing off the storm.
"What about the Stoppable-mobile?" Ron asked.
"Rest assured, Ron." Kim reassured him, "The van will make it to the Lipskys!"
(30 more minutes later)
"Oh man... I am stuffed!" Ron exclaimed, holding his stomach. He had already paid for the food.
"I'm glad that I brought along my baggy overalls for the trip." Kim said. "That'll offset whatever pounds I'll put on at the Lipskys."
Kim added as she was standing up. "I'm going to use the ladies' room, Ron. You and Rufus watch the kids!"
"Sure do, KS!" Ron replied.
"Uh-huh!" Rufus squeaked.
Kim left the booth, grabbed her purse, and headed towards the ladies restroom.
(4 more minutes later)
Kim got out of the restroom and she was somewhere between the borderline of angry and embarassed. The rest of the restaurant's patrons were laughing and pointing at her. The servers couldn't help but chortle at her predictament. Even worse was that some of the said patrons were holding up their smartphones, taking pictures and video.
Three of the waiters were then tripped by one occupant of the restaurant near where the Stoppables were at. This resulted in her being drenched with soda and covered in ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, barbecue ribs, chocolate and ice cream all over the front of her one-strap black leather overalls.
"Oh hey...uhm...KS! You look more scrumptious than usual." Ron chuckled nervously.
"Ron...this is so the most embarassing moment of my life!" Kim growled. "I want you to cover my back!"
"Covering your back? I thought you only said that on missions!" Ron said.
Kim groaned and turned her back to Ron to point out the reason why. The right back pocket of the overalls was torn out, showing off Kim's Pandaroo panties and a bit of her back leg.
Rufus, Justin and Alexa couldn't help but laugh. Mary and Canna also joined in on the fun by also taking pictures and video.
"Why couldn't we do that?" Justin asked.
"You're doing what Daddy does!" Alexa giggled.
Ron gasped and asked, "How did that happen?"
"Bathroom door lever got caught against my pocket and...this happened!" Kim grunted with all the chocolate syrup and ice cream dripping off of her.
Rufus was even taking video of this too on his very small smartphone. Ron sighed at his mole rat and said "Why do they even sell small smartphones to mole rats is even beyond me."
"Let's just get out of here before I make a bigger joke of myself!" Kim insisted.
Ron covered up the damaged part of her overalls by him grabbing her behind with his left hand.
Kim sighed, "Why do I even bother?"
"Sorry, show's over! Turn off your smartphones! Nothing to see here!" Ron exclaimed.
Justin, Mary, Canna, Alexa and Rufus followed them out of the restaurant.
"Do you have any duct tape, Ron?" Kim asked when they got in the van.
"I do, in the glove compartment." Ron replied while going to the glove compartment and pulling out the duct tape.
"These overalls cost me $800 from Country CB and now they're ruined!" Kim complained, "I'll have to sew them when we get back home..."
Kim then applied the duct tape to her behind and started the car. The damaged van crept out of the parking lot and headed back to the hotel.
Flashes of lightning were seen in the distance as the storms were heading this way to make the family's night even worse.
The man who tripped over the waiters grinned and spoke through a microphone.
"My Queen, the show has just begun!"
About 200 miles away, Bonnie was enjoying the misery of the Stoppable through her big screen at her mansion.
"Good! Very good!" the Queen snickered, "We'll let the Vacation Curse take its full effect on the family!
"What of the Stoppable-mobile, though?" the man asked.
"We'll put that piece of shit of a minivan through the coals soon enough!" Bonnie grinned, "Now, you will await further orders for the next phase of my plan!"
"Yes, Your Majesty!" the man obeyed.
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
Stoppable Family Vacation - Ch. 8
Chapter 8 - Day 1: False Starts
(2:15 am)
Ron groggily got up, sleepwalking with his eyes closed. Kim, in the meantime, was still asleep, as well as Rufus. He got downstairs to the fridge to attempt to drink milk but only pours it into the sink. He attempted to drink it but mumbled. "KS, we're out of milk. Can you run to the store?" He opened the door leading up to the garage and tried to press the button to the garage doors. It, plus the earlier abuse from Justin, caused a chain reaction to blow out all four motors. But that did not wake up the former sidekick as he continued to sleepwalk through the house.
"I'm going to take a shower now..." Ron groaned. He then stripped himself of his pajamas and underwear and went outside, in the nude, to bathe in his own kiddie pool with soap and shampoo. He then returned to put his clothes back on.
Ron went back upstairs, still with his eyes closed.
"I'm gonna plug in my cell phone now, KS."
Kim, still asleep, said with a yawn, "Yeah...do that, Ron!"
Ron unplugged one of the electrical sockets and then put in his cell pone charger to charge up his phone.
He then resumed going back to sleep.
(7:15 am)
Ron? Ron! Wake up!" Kim exclaimed, shaking Ron in the bed.
"Huh? Whuh?" Ron groaned "I wanna ride a pony!"
"Ron! Don't you know what time it is?" Kim shouted as she was hooking up her black baggy overalls over her white button-down blzaer. She hooked the left strap and then the right strap. The overalls were a little bit big for her as it appeared to swallow her, for the sides also showed off a part of her boxers as well. She added her statement gold-chain necklace with a gold-plated elephant head on it, three bracelets, dangling earrings, a long golden heart necklace, and four rings, including the wedding band. She also had her giant $1,800 black Country Club Banana handbag. Also, leopard
Kim then took out her Kimmunicator pendant 5.0 to show Ron the time: 7:15am.
"We're two hours behind schedule!" Kim exclaimed, "And we haven't even left the damn house yet!"
"Oh no! I gotta get dressed!" Ron yelled with panic. He was also furious with himself at the same time, screaming and pouding his fists on the bathroom sink.
"I shouldn't have accidentally unplugged our alarm clocks while sleep-walking!" he screamed.
Kim groaned at this bufoonery from Ron, but she had understood his...deficiencies...long ago.
All the Stoppables, and Rufus, hurried downstairs, all dressed and ready to go. Both Justin and Alexa have their backpacks ready as well as coloring books and a few toys to bring along for the ride.
"Okay, everyone!" Ron explained, "We got everything packed into the station wagon and we are ready to head out on the road!"
The other family members cheered as well as Ron opened up the door leading to the garage.
"And here...we...go!"
Ron shouted this as he hit the garage door openers.
But nothing happened.
"Uh, KS...why isn't this working?"
"I don't know! Last night before I went to bed, they worked!" Kim countered.
He tried all four garage door buttons and none of them worked! The Sloth 4.0 they used for work, the new 2019 Panther SUV Ron bought Kim, and the two station wagons that both Ron and Kim inherited from their deceased grandfather and grandmother respectively, the Lancer and the Wombat...they were all trapped.
"Can't we use our gadgets to break these garage doors?" Ron asked.
"Section 48, Clause 14, Sententce 5: GJ protocol forbids the use of GJ-made gadgets, all made by one Wade Load, to be used in civilian life except in cases of emergencies!" Kim replied. "You read and signed the contract, right?"*
"Yeah, I did, Kim. Now can you run it by Wade and see if we can use the gadgets to blast the Wombat out of its garage coffin?"
"I'll see what I can do, Ron." Kim sighed.
(2 minutes later)
Kim came back, sighing in defeat.
"So what did Wade say?" Ron asked.
"Trapped vehicles in a garage doesn't qualify as an emergency under the list of exceptions for approved use of GJ-made gadgets in civilian life!" Kim explained from the results of the conversation she had with Wade.
"We currently own 5 vehicles, KS and..."
A look of dread then came across her face and then Ron's.
"If the garage door openers are not working and we can't use our gadgets..." Kim uttered.
"...then that means the only vehicle that is on the driveway is..." Ron gasped.
Then both parents said that dreaded name, screaming at the top of their lungs.
Rufus screamed in terror at the top of his lungs
Yes, the Stoppables were now forced to go with plan B for their trip to South Dakota...going in the infamous pea-green-covered-in-fake-wood-paneling monstrosity that is the 1996 Drudge Tangerine minivan that still reeked of hog manure, despite Ron washing most of the car, and had wheel rims that were mismatched on all 4 wheels that was sitting there...right in their driveway. It also had a car alarm that was so loud and obnoxious that the Stoppables had to go to court for noise complaints from the neighbors.
"KS...please tell us there's another way!" Ron gasped in horror.
"There is none, Ron!" Kim relayed the worse news to her husband, "We said in our marriage vows 'for better or for worse'. Well, this is one of those 'for worse' sitches that we're just gonna have to make do!"
"If we can give that girl one last dance..." Ron said while caressing his wife's back, "...I would spend it with you, Kim!"
"You're such the cute Romeo, Ron!" Kim replied with a brief cute moment before ordering her husband, "Now, get the suitcases from the Wombat. We're taking them in the Turd-mobile."
"It prefers to be called the Tangerine, KS!" Ron countered as he headed back in the garage.
"Whatever..." Kim sighed.
(1 more hour later)
Ron had loaded the last of the luggage into the van while Kim was strapping Alexa into her car seat.
"Mommy...the van still smells!" Alexa complained.
"Sorry, sweetie, but Mommy has got to make the best do out of everything in this sitch." Kim sweetly replied to her daughter.
Turning out to Ron as he closed the door, she then asked, "Ron, do you have the reservations for the hotels we're ging to be staying at?
"I got the reservations, KS." Ron replied as he was getting out his suitcase. He carried the reservations of the hotels he thinks the Stoppable family was going to be staying at. "All I need to do is to put my suitcase in the van!"
Rufus then scurried out of the house and climbed on his owner's shoulder.
"Heya, Rufus, ol' buddy!" Ron said with a smile, petting his naked mole rat on the head. "Why don't you go in the back seat with the kids while I lock up the house!"
"Yeah! Yeah!" Rufus squeaked.
Rufus then got into the minivan's middle row where the kids were at. He cuddled with them.
"Aww...that's totally cute!" Ron smiled while locking up the door to the house.
He then gulped at the Stoppable-mobile. There was no wondering what adventures awaited them in the vehicle.
As the Stoppables drove by a Middleton PD car, one of the officers, drinking her coffee, said. "There go the Stoppables on vacation again."
A second officer, scarfing down donuts and getting powdered sugar on his uniform, replied, "How much do you wanna bet that their vacation would be a disaster?"
"I'm willing to bet you $50 bucks." the female officer replied.
"$100 if the van is on the very verge of falling apart at the end of the vacation!" the male officer grinned.
PREVIOUS: https://sharperthewriter.tumblr.com/post/185716266218/stoppable-family-vacation-chapter-7
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Kim Possible: The Extremely Secret Files-Part 4
Soon enough, they arrived within the docking bay. Ratchet jumped out of his ship, Kim and Ron stepped out of the shuttle. They met up with Ratchet. Kim: "Alright, space case, what's the sitch? What has been going on here?" Ratchet: "If you both could just follow me, there's something that I need to show you."
He walked off, Kim and Ron stood by for a bit. Ron: "Uh…what type of animal is he? He looks like he has a tail similar to that of a lion but he has such large, pointy ears. Just what is he?" Kim: "Most likely an alien species that we've never seen before. Come on, let's go see what he has to show us."
Kim walked off after Ratchet, Ron rushed right after her.
They followed him towards the exact window that he and Clank were looking out of. Clank, who was still staring out the window, turned around and noticed Ratchet walking in with Kim and Ron. Ron soon noticed Clank. Ron: "Hey, KP, look! A robot!" Kim: "Sh!" Clank: "You know, that was very risky of you to just fly out there like that. Who knows what could have happened to you?" Ratchet: "You should be more worried about them. If it wasn't for me, those 2 would have been reduced to space particles." Kim: "So, what exactly did you want to show us?"
Ratchet pointed out the window towards the space station. Kim and Ron walked up towards the window and also saw it. They seemed amazed as they looked out at it. They then looked towards Ratchet. Kim: "So, you have been watching us from here, haven't you?" Ratchet: "Yeah, I have. Been keeping an eye on that space station since it arrived there. Care to tell me what you know about what that is or even what's going on for that matter?" Kim: "Uh, first off, how long was it out there?" Clank: "Several hours. Your ship was the first form of activity within that time frame." Ratchet: "What is that space station and why were you being attacked by it?"
Kim hesitated before she started talking. Kim: "Well...if you must know...That space station was my dad's secret project."
Ratchet walked closer towards the window and looked out of it. Ratchet: "Your dad built that?" Kim: "That's right. He calls it the Impossible Space Station of the Future. The ISSF for short." Ratchet: "Impossible Space Station, huh? That sounds…excessively dramatic, but what exactly is going on? Was it your dad that sent you to retrieve it or something?" Kim: "As a matter of fact, yes. You see, the night before, 2 of my arch-foes, Dr. Drakken and Shego stole it from the space center where my dad works. I came all the way out here to get it back before they plan to do anything with it." Ratchet: "But what were your enemies planning to do with it in the middle of space?" Kim: "Most likely another one of his world domination schemes. As for why it's all the way out here, I have no idea. Then again, Drakken always had a tendency to avoid being straightforward, to say the least." Ratchet: "Huh, sounds like one headache of a villain." Kim: "That would also be putting it mildly."
Rufus popped out from within Ron's pocket. Rufus: "Pah-ho! Drakken!" Kim: "By the way, you've haven't told us who you are. I would like to know your name." Clank: "Yes, it would be customary to give out proper introductions." Ratchet: "OK, I would agree. I'm Ratchet and this is my good friend Clank."
Clank did his adorable giggle. Kim: "I'm Kim Possible, this is Ron Stoppable and that's Ron's pet naked mole rat Rufus."
Rufus popped out of Ron's pocket again. Rufus: "Hi." Ratchet: "Well, Kim, looks like you'll need some help in bringing down that Drakken guy and taking back your dad's space station." Kim: "And how exactly will you be doing that?" Ratchet: "First off, we should probably do some maintenance work on that ship of yours. I know you'll need it against him." Kim: "And what kind of maintenance work did you have in mind?" Ratchet: "Oh, my favorite kind: ammo, weaponry; that kind of work." Kim: "Well…usually, I wouldn't go for it, but these circumstances kind of force me to concede. OK, Ratchet, I'll agree on anything you need to have done." Ratchet: "Awesome, let's get started then."
Ratchet walked off with Clank. Kim and Ron looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and followed after them.
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sharperthewriter · 7 years
The 12th Annual Kim Possible Fannie Awards - Ch. 4
Chapter 4 - A Tough Call About five miles from where Sentinel and Cajunbear were staying stood a modest two-story house in a neighborhood of Middleton. Priced around $400k, it was a five bedroom, six-and-a half-bathroom house and had a three-car garage and was roughly around 3900 square feet. It also had a pool, a barbecue area, a small wet bar, and a whirlpool to round out the amenities. An additional guesthouse had an extra bedroom and bathroom. This was the house of Kim and Ron Stoppable, the most well-known couple in town. Both of them were 28 years of age and have been married for five years. Also, for the same length of time, they've been a part of Global Justice and were regarded as their best agents. They've taken on a lot of big-name villains and Kim literally had the scars to prove it. She received some on her face, one running down her left arm, and one across her forehead after a vile alien leader that wasn't of Lorwardian descent smashed her head through a control panel. She's also had an upper ear stud and a star cluster tattoo on her wrist since her freshman year in college. The two went through a very rough patch during the college years, even resulting in them nearly breaking up. But after recommitting and coming to a deeper understanding of themselves, Team Possible's bond, was stronger than ever before. Ron and Kim exchanged their vows in their own hometown with the entire world watching, even a few of the former villains she faced during her high school years were shedding tears as they exchanged the rings. After a wild and unpredictable honeymoon involving Murphy's Law, the newlyweds finally settled down back in Middleton. A few months into their gig at Global Justice, Kim found out that she was pregnant with her first kid, so she was relegated to doing desk duty while her cousin, Joss, filled in. She didn't enjoy the work at first, even jawing with her cousin a couple of times. However, she settled into the routine until she finally gave birth to the Stoppable's first child, a boy. Justin Davis Stoppable was born on June 15, 2013 at a healthy 6 lbs 8 ounces. Kim and Ron were now proud parents. Fourteen months, and many more successful GJ missions, later, Kim was pregnant again. The reaction to Ron's face, as she recalled, was to simply faint to the floor. Their second child, Alexa Ann Stoppable, a girl, was born on March 4, 2015, weighing at 6 pounds 11 ounces. So now here was Kim and Ron: balancing a family, paying the bills, raising two kids, and taking on super-villains bent on world domination with the help of their GJ team. But, as a famous saying by a former world-saving cheerleader, she can indeed do anything. On that fateful March night, Ron was making dinner for their growing family, which consisted of grilled chicken, broccoli and rice. Nothing much changed about him physically except that his voice was deeper and he regrew the soul patch he shaved off before getting hitched with Kim. Rufus, meanwhile, was the same naked mole rat as he always has been since high school. He was always the expert cook in the family...unlike his wife. Alexa was already cooing and developed a few words and was already walking on her own by her first year. "Goo-goo! Da-da!" Alexa babbled on her high-chair at the end of the dining room table. Rufus, still there after all these years, served as the entertainment for the baby by tapdancing on the table!" "Daddy will be there for you, sweetie! He has to cook for the fam! Yummy-yummy for your tummy!" Ron said with sweet talk to his daughter while sauteing the chicken. "Rufus, I may need your help to add in the spices!" "Coming!" the naked mole-rat squeaked, heading to his master to prep the food. Kim, in the meantime, was in the den with the oldest of the two kids. She was wearing a denim jumpsuit with a pair of high-heeled boots. About three of the buttons were unbuttoned but she had an undershirt underneath. She also accessorized it with several gold and silver bracelets, three long gold and silver necklaces, and large hoop earrings. "I don't wanna eat brocolli..." the young four-year old Justin whined. "Why?" Kim asked while scrolling down her high-tech tablet, "Your dad's good at cooking veggies for you." "Carrots are my favorite veggie." Justin replied softly. "Fine, carrots it is for you." Kim replied with a smile. "Someday, you're gonna grow big and strong!" "Just like you, Mommy?" Justin asked. "Yes..." Kim grinned, "Like both me and your dad." The phone from the kitchen, however, began to ring. "KP! Phone!" "Coming, Ron!" Kim replied as she came into the kitchen. She then picked up the phone while turning on the faucet to get a glass of water. "Watch Justin for me for a few minutes." Kim instructed her husband. "Yay, Daddy!" Justin cheered, hugging his dad's leg. "Little guy's growing up so fast!" Ron sniffled a little. Kim asked, "Hello! Who's this?" "It's CajunBear on the other end!" the recipient replied on the other end. "Oh, hey, CB! What's been the sitch on your end?" Kim asked, taking a sip of water. "You reviewed a few good stories as of late? "Yeah. We're finally setting up the 12th Annual Fannies this year!" CajunBear said. Kim walked into the den, drinking the water. "That's spankin'! But I thought you had budget problems stemming from last years' Fannies! The whole automated system thing was Whitem's fault!" "Don't blame me if he played mind tricks on us!" Cajunbear replied on the other end. "Anywho, we finally got someone that will pay for the whole shebang!" "And who would that be?" Kim asked with a smile while taking a sip of water. "Bonnie Rockwaller" came the reply from Cajunbear's mouth. Hearing that dreaded name, Kim spat the water from her mouth in complete surprise and yelled, "BONNIE MARIE ROCKWALLER?!" In that instant, both Alexa and Justin started to wail and cry openly. Ron, whom had finished cooking up the dinner, came to the den and stuck fingers in his ears to try to hold off the crying. Rufus stuck his fingers in his ear too. "KP, we've agreed not to mention her name in this house!" he sighed, "Come on, pony up the money..." Kim sighed, putting down the phone. She gave Ron a $5 bill. Ron then took the bill and put it in the jar, titled 'The Noddle Incident Jar', and it was overflowing with a lot of bills. "Thank you for doing business." the former sidekick-distraction-now-husband said with a smile, "Now, me and Rufus will tend to the changelings while you continue with the call with Cajunbear." "I'm going to take it upstairs, Ron. I'll be back down for dinner!" came the reply from Kim as she headed upstairs to the master bedroom, trying not to make her offspring upset again. _Once she was in the master bedroom, she resumed the call on her phone. "Sorry, CB. A whole new sitch developed with the changelings when they heard that brunette's name." Kim said. "No probs, Kim! I know that feeling!" Cajunbear replied on the other end. "So, as you know now, the Rockwaller mansion is paying for the whole thing. The statuettes, the food, the rights to her opera house and banquet hall...everything. All she asked in return is product placement, top billing, and me and Sent working at her mansion for a couple of months." "Seems like a fair deal..." Kim said, begrudgingly "...for her!" "Looks as if 10 years hasn't changed her one bit." Cajunbear laughed a little. "It hasn't. The 'all-that' Miss Rockwaller nearly had me arrested a couple of times, one during high school!" Kim bitterly complained. Cajunbear remembered, "Oh yes, that was the one with Ron wearing baggy pants showing his underwear on your date and..." But Kim cut him off, "Not another word about it!" "Good!" Kim muttered, "Now, is Miss 100-ft Gold Statue of Herself going to host the ceremony?" "I don't know, Kim! All she said is that she wants you and Ronald to come over with us to her house to discuss on what to plan for the Fannies!" Cajunbear said. "No...no way am I going to set foot in her house of Egoville!" Kim angrily sneered. "I'd rather host the thing at the Cow N' Chow!" "Kim! Listen to me! We have to continue this tradition! Did that ever stop us holding the ceremony when the great authors passed on...?" Her anger subsided into a private sadness on the reflection of the loss of one of the great voices of the fandom. "I know...I was there at Argus' funeral. It's hard losing people that are so connected to a fandom of...well...me, Ron, Rufus, Wade and the rest of the crew." "But I am just not comfortable with Bonnie hosting the Fannies this year!" she continued. "She'll probably only use it as a four-hour propaganda film to glorify herself and set the stage to humiliate me and Ron in front of the others!" "She's not actually HOSTING the ceremony, she's just footing the bill!" Cajunbear explained. "Despite all the stuff we've been through, we still have to continue on the tradition, no matter what happens in the fandom or where we host it!" Kim reluctantly agreed, "Very well, CB. But if I, or any of the members of Global Justice, detect anything illegal that Miss Rockwaller is hiding, I will escort her out her own mansion in handcuffs!" She continued on, "I will be picking up you and Sent tomorrow. On that note, he'd better not blab about that million-word story in my face, or I will have the judge put a restraining order on him!" "Sent is all tight-lipped on the story, I promise, Kim!" Cajunbear replied. "No word of it will come from him!" "Good! I'll talk with the hubs about this. I'll see you and Sent tomorrow!" Kim said. "OK, laters!" Cajunbear replied, ending the call.
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