#yeah she still roller skates. she probably did when she was alive 2. i don’t know how she found random ones… don’t question it
trialserrors · 6 months
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au where michael isn’t the only corpse wandering around hurricane
(her design is based off of scrap baby)
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ectonurites · 1 year
sad rambling don't mind me
The passage of time just doesn’t feel real, man. Alaska would have turned 24 today. The last time I can distinctly remember seeing her alive she was newly 15.
It’s just this weird thing of like, yeah, I don’t think about it all the time anymore, not the way I did when it was really recent, but little things do still remind me of her. I can’t believe how close it’s getting to a decade since she's been gone. 
It came up when Emme and I were talking about her a few weeks ago, but at the time she felt so grown up to us. I was a year older than her, but back then she managed to feel so mature regardless. She would nerd out with us (The last time we actually hung out was at the con the college in our town used to hold), but she also did all these grown-up things with people we didn't know—she'd tell us stories about it all though, she just seemed so cool. But god, she was a kid. A kid! Just a kid. She was 15. She was a kid. We all were kids.
So much of high school is honestly just a blur when I think back to it now, but things related to this are so distinct it's kinda scary.
Like, it’s been nearly 9 years! But I can still remember the exact seat in Jenny’s 1st period mechanical physics class I was sitting in when that first announcement about her attempt and coma went out over the loud speaker, it didn’t use her name or anything but just alerted everyone at the school that this had happened to a student. I already knew, I'd known for a few days, and I knew the announcement was probably going to happen that day, so it wasn’t a surprise. Our other friend got to stay home, but I had too many absences so my mom wouldn’t let me. I was in a class of mostly upperclassmen (only three of us were in my grade, nobody in Alaska's), and no one else in the room knew her or at least seemed to know this was about her, it was just whispers and speculation and I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. I broke down in tears in front of my math teacher the following period when he asked me about the homework I hadn't done and in hindsight it was almost kinda funny, because he just did not know what to do. 
I remember sitting at Lily's house on the couch with her and Emme—having a sleepover to work on cosplay because that's what we did back then—when Lily's mom came home in the middle of the night and we knew something was wrong. And we got told the news that she'd passed a few hours earlier.
I remember on the first birthday after she passed, Emme and I went to the park across the street from the high school to let go of balloons. It had snowed recently, but we wanted to be in the center of the park, because otherwise they'd get stuck in the trees, so we trekked our way out there and laid on our jackets in the freezing cold and laughed and talked and cried.
I don’t know. I don’t know where I'm going with any of this, or what I’m trying to say. It's just like, time is supposed to make these things feel easier, and in a way I guess it does, but my brain just gets so focused on dates and anniversaries so every year when this day and the day she died roll around I still get hit with so much all at once.
(the anniversary of the day she died was particularly rough this past year because it was the same day Stranger Things Vol. 2 dropped and I went to a watch party thinking 'oh cool it'll be fun to watch this thing I like with my friends as a distraction' and promptly got punched in the fucking gut by what happened with Max, the hospital scene towards the end sent me spiraling for hours)
Happy Birthday, Alaska. I met you on a Tuesday afternoon in late August at the park I roller skate at now, two days after me and my mom finally called the cops on my dad and everything in my life changed. You were the first new friend I made after all that. I didn't get to know you for a long time, but you’re still on my mind even after all these years. I miss you. Happy Birthday. 
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 12 (I'll Be There Through Every Step)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Ámbar runs into her apartment with tears falling on her face. She tries to escape into her bedroom, but Simón catches her before she’s able to. “Ámbar, what happened? Why are you crying?” Simón guides her to the couch and she cries on his shoulder in the comfort of his arms. Tears smearing the mascara all over her face. “Remember when I told you I had a meeting with some students from Law school. Well, the truth is I wasn’t going to meet for any school project, I went to go talk to my biological mom,” Ámbar tells Simón. “Look I didn’t mean to lie; I just didn’t feel like hearing anyone tell me how bad of an idea it was. I felt like I owed that moment to myself, to discover more who I am before I married you.”
“Ámbar I would’ve never stopped you and you know I always support you on every decision and step you make. Us getting married means that we have to trust each other. You have to trust me that I’ll always be here for you no matter what. I know it’s tough, to try to discover more who you are. That happened when Luna was trying to discover from who and where she came from.” Ámbar nods and wipes away her tears from the tissue Simón gave her. “It didn’t even matter anyways since part of me doesn’t believe her but then the other part of me wants to. It made sense everything she said but still hurts, a lot,” Simón holds her tight as she tells him everything Sylvania told her.
“Originally I was considering on meeting Sharon as well to have some questions answered but I don’t want to end up feeling hurt again and in tears like today. Maybe I should just leave everything in the past… I don’t know,” Ámbar says. “I know this can be very hard for you but if that’s what you want, I think it’s a good idea, to speak to Sharon even just a little if you’re ready. Maybe it can tie some loose ends, and you can finally have some of those questions answered. That’s the least you deserve.” Ámbar stares to her lap and thinks about it for a second. Simón gently holds her hand and lets her know, “I will always be here, whether you decide to go talk to Sharon or not. I’ll be here every step of the way.” Ámbar holds out her arms and gives Simón a tight hug. She kisses him on the cheek and lays her gentle face on his shoulders again.
Jam and Roller
It’s the next morning and the whole gang is huddled around Delfi as she prepares their skating video. The nerves crowd the air as she finishes the project on her computer. “Done! It’s ready you guys,” she exclaims. Some are anxiously sipping their shakes while others are tightly holding on to their companions. Pedro stares in awe and shows how proud he is of his soulmate and the whole gang. “You guys this is just the first step into making this dream, the Jam and Roller, stay alive and come true. You all should be proud because we have finally came together, worked hard and did an awesome skating routine. We got this,” Luna announces. “On ready, one, two, three… Jam and Roller!!” the gang all chant.
Delfi presses the button on her computer and it’s official, the video has been sent to the competition’s organization. After sharing a group hug with Juliana, they resume to their posts. “Since today is a special day in which we sent the video, I’m willing to give you guys this day off. Enjoy it, you all truly deserve it after how hard you guys have been working,” Juliana lets the team know at the rink. Gastón heads over to where Matteo is at and says, “hmm well someone seems to be saved by the bell.”
“You’re right, speaking of which I’m so excited to finally sing that song, I’ve been working on for Luna. I spent all night practicing it hoping she forgives me, and everything can get back to normal. I hope this plan works,” Matteo chuckles. “Don’t worry amigo, everything will be fine and lately I’ve been seeing her in a much happier mood. I think she even probably forgot about the arguments and such,” Gastón suggests. “Yeah, I hope so.”
Luna rolls by Matteo and he doesn’t help but stare at her. “So, are you going to talk to her, or should I have to do it for you?” Gastón jokes around. Matteo takes his advice and heads to Luna where she is taking off her skates. “Hey Chica Delivery, are you getting ready for the concert I’m having today,” Matteo asks. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Luna giggles. “Glad you said that cause I may or may not have a surprise all planned out,” Matteo comments. Luna gasps and couldn’t help her excitement cloud the air. “Chico Fresa, I didn’t know you were the mysterious type?” Luna and Matteo begin to laugh in synchronicity. “Well, I guess there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me then.” Matteo’s phone begins to buzz. He picks it up and answers the phone call.
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Once he has hung up, he lets Luna know he has to leave. “I’m sorry but I have to go now to start preparing for the concert. I would love to continue this conversation, but the surprise won’t reveal itself on its own hmm,” Matteo teases. Nina rushes to Luna after seeing him slip away. “Luna, what was all that giggling?” Nina whispers. “A special moment that truly felt like it hasn’t happened in ages,” Luna responds.
Jazmín and Delfi both sit together on the couch as they discuss their plans on how they’ll find out who the secret admirer is. “So, I was thinking we can look at all the comments of your recent video and maybe find some clues as to who the secret admirer is. I feel like they probably must have known you from your videos I’m assuming,” Delfi states. “Of course, they know me from my videos, I am the most popular on the web. Who honestly wouldn’t want to date me?” Jazmín insists.
A delivery man holding a large bouquet of flowers enters the Jam and Roller and hands them to Jazmín. Delfi stares in shock. Jazmín pulls out the card and reads “Mi amor, I chose these flowers because they represent the beautiful tones of your eyes and bring out your inner sparkle. I hope these make you feel the happiness I feel just seeing you.” Jazmín holds the card close to her chest and doesn’t help but cheer. “Oh my Jazmin, this person is head over heels in love with you,” Delfi says. “I know! Whoever this is, he already sounds so charming.” Delfi is beyond excited for Jazmín but can’t help but feel a little worried for her friend since they still don’t know who this person is. Why are they sending them anonymously? She finds this a little fishy.
Sharon’s Apartment
Ámbar knocks on the door, she shakily turns the knob when she hears the door unlock from the other side. “Come in,” Sharon states while her personal caretaker guides Ámbar to the dining room as Simón follows her in. “Don’t be shy and take a seat.” Ámbar and Simón pull two chairs and sit down in response to Sharon. She slowly takes a sip from her tea as the room fills with silence. Ámbar is beginning to have flashbacks of all the lonely nights she would have being with Sharon.
“It is a pleasure getting to see you again Ámbar, you hadn’t visited in 7 months. I was beginning to worry that maybe you have forgotten about me,” Sharon admitted. “No, it wasn’t like that, I have been just so busy with law school and managing the Jam and Roller. That’s all,” Ámbar replies. “You’ve always been busy, that’s never changed. I suppose that you’re here but not only to just meet me or stop by to say hello because you would’ve done that before. I can sense you’re here for something,” Sharon remarked. Ámbar turns her eyes towards Simón as a sign for help. “Ms. Benson, I don’t mean to intrude but Ámbar has decided to come here to ask about her past,” Simón answers. “I was wondering what made you decide to adopt me?” Ámbar asks.
Sharon takes a deep breath. “In the past, I had always wanted a kid, but it never seemed like the right time. When I heard Sylvania was planning to give her child up for adoption but didn’t know who would be fitting to be the parent of her baby, that’s when I saw it as a sign of fate. It was meant for me to be your mom,” Sharon takes another sip of her tea. “I’m a little surprised since you never seemed like the ‘loving children’ type. No offense or disrespect,” Ámbar comments. “You know I was a lot different before the fire, after that everything felt a lot stressful with life in general.” Sharon reaches out to hold Ámbar’s hand and feels the ring on Ámbar’s finger.
“You’re engaged?” Sharon questions. “Yes,” Ámbar responds. “And you never told me?!” Sharon shows her dismay and stays silent. “Well, it was pretty recent, I was planning to tell you I was just not sure when or how. It’s complicated and you know that plus you never liked Simon anyways,” Ámbar said. “I know we’ve never had such a close relationship but just know I’ll forever regret not being that loving caring parent you deserved to have. I know it’s too late, but I still care about you and love you.” Sharon begins to cry and tries to wipe her tears with her fingers. “I know madrina, I know, and I love you too mom.” Ámbar heads out with Simón since she thinks it’s for the best.
Benson Valente Mansion
Monica is seen gathering some tulle and fabric in the living room. She hears the door unlock and it’s Ámbar and Simón. “Oh, hello guys! I’ve already begun preparing some of the table arrangements for the wedding reception,��� Monica states gleefully. Ámbar looks a little flushed and just nods trying to avoid crying. “Mija, what’s the matter? Is everything okay?” Monica seems concerned for Ámbar. When she notices Ámbar doesn’t say anything, she does what she knows best, she hugs her. Ámbar hugs her back.
“Well, I think I should leave you two in private,” Simón whispers to Monica. Simón leaves to the kitchen when they head to the couch as Monica gives Ambar the tissue box. “Have you ever felt empty inside? Feeling as if everyone you knew as a child and grew up lied to you. That your own story held in the hands of someone else. I feel like….. me trying to uncover the pieces are as if their edges are shattered and there’s no way on putting the puzzle together. Nevermind, this all might sound very silly to you,” Ámbar sniffed. Monica thinks for a little bit. “It’s not silly at all Ámbar, it’s normal to feel this way not being able to know your own story of how your life began. But just know it doesn’t make you who you are entirely. For example, when I look at you, I don’t see the girl who was manipulated by her madrina. I see a strong-minded, hardworking, caring young girl beside me who does an excellent job managing the Jam and Roller while attending Law school. Not anyone can pull off all those moves at once, and you do it so effortlessly. You may not know the full story and only some parts of it, but you are not your mother’s mistakes. In fact, I’m proud of you. After everything you went through, you still managed to seek the right path in life, and it worked. You gave it a second chance, you had what’s so important to have, and that is hope. So, when you walk down the aisle wondering ‘who am I,’ you’re Ámbar Smith, the one who overcame it all.”
Ámbar turns to Monica sobbing, but this time with a huge smile on her face, even showing her teeth. “How do you do it?” Ámbar asks. Monica looks at Ámbar with a confused expression. “How do you know exactly what to say at the right time?” Monica smiles back giggling alongside Ámbar. They stay wrapped in each other’s arms on the couch. Ámbar starts glancing at all the beautifully tied table arrangements for her wedding, how you can tell the amount of effort that was put in each one of them. That’s when it hits her.
When they break away from each other’s arms, Ámbar faces Monica. “Can you be the one to walk me down the aisle? You have always been there for me whenever I needed you these past couple of years and…. I don’t know how to say this, but you have showed me how it feels like having a mom. Why wouldn’t I want my mom there?” Ámbar starts tearing up again. “It would be an honor to attend it, and it truly warms my heart hearing you say that. Ever since our family reunited with you and Alfredo, it’s felt much bigger and cozier. I’ve got two daughters, Luna and you. I wouldn’t miss your dress fitting or wedding for the world.” They begin to hug again. Near one of the walls close to the living room, there’s Simón who couldn’t help but smile while spying on them. It makes him feel ecstatic knowing that Ámbar does feel like she has a family now and is not alone, not ever again.
Matteo’s Concert
All of Matteo’s fans begin to huddle up near the pit of the stage. Everyone is beyond excited to hear his collaboration with Viviana on stage for the very first time. Luna enters with Nina. Nina stays holding Luna’s arm, trying not to get dragged away by the crowd of people nearby. “So Luna, how have you been feeling about the whole thing?” Luna turns towards Nina and says, “A little conflicted not going to lie, but I’m here to support Matteo. I’m still a little bit upset at what he did calling me jealous and standing me up on our date, but I think I’ve put it past us. Today is a special day for him and I shall be here for that.” Nina nods in response.
Gastón rushes over to Matteo backstage. “Everything okay amigo?” Matteo picks up his guitar and nervously answers, “Yes. Once Viviana and I stop singing, you turn off the lights and have only the spotlight facing me. Just like old times when I had sang to her Alla Voy. I will sing this song I wrote for her, and it shall feel like we’re the only ones in the room. This night shall be perfect for her.” Gastón approaches him and smiles while patting him on the back. “Don’t worry you got this!”
The crowd starts chanting when the lights turn on as Viviana and Matteo approach the stage. They begin singing into their mics, Viviana doesn’t stop staring at him while Matteo’s eyes are fixated on Luna. He is in awe of how beautiful she looks tonight, even though he feels like Luna looks beautiful all the time.
Luna starts dancing along to the song with Nina, they don’t stop giggling and having a great time. Viviana starts noticing who Matteo can’t keep his eyes off of. She grows green with envy. She never liked Luna and was always hoping he would break up with her. She tries to get really close to him, even at times trying to have a sharing mic moment. Viviana throughout the song doesn’t stop making eye contact with Matteo and keeping him close. When she sees that this doesn’t Luna, or him she reacts quickly. Once the song ends, Viviana standing next to Matteo grabs his neck towards her and kisses him. She has her hand caress his cheek. The fans are screaming with excitement.
As for Luna, she’s speechless. It feels like the world has stopped and she has lost track of her surroundings. When Matteo pushes Viviana off him, he turns and sees Luna running out of the venue crying.
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akiris · 4 years
Some Mailee fluff
This fic is for the 1k writting challege from @fromthewatertribe. I had so much fun writing this and it’s my first finished fic in 2 years. This fic plays in an Modern University AU, I hope you don’t mind. And sorry if the characters are a little out of character, I tried my best.
Prompts used: 9. and 11 (in bold)
It was finally the long awaited summer break. In the last weeks of the semester Mai couldn’t concentrate on anything besides on how to work up the courage to ask her crush out. “Summer break is the perfect time to hang out with Ty Lee without the stress of college”, Mai thought to herself, at least that’s what she thought happened. Azula overheard what Mai said and smirked, “Should I help you? I’m sure Ty Lee would like to hang out with you too.” Mai sighed and answered coldly, ”If it’s real help and not something for you to take advantage of, sure.” Azula laughed and pouted at the same time, “Damn, you caught me. Just kidding! I overheard Ty Lee talking about how she wants to go to that new bubble tea place, you should invite her there.” Mai, typical of her, didn’t react to Azula’s laugh and pouting. “A bubble tea date, huh? Doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I will message her today.” Azula grinded, “Good Luck, even if you don’t need it. I’m glad I could help you!” Azula waved Mai goodbye, as she had her own business to take care of. Mai took out her phone and messaged Ty Lee.
“Hey, do you have any plans for summer break?” Ty Lee replied instantly. 
“Hi, Mai! No, I’m totally free.”
“Good, when would you like to hang out with me at the new bubble tea place?”
“OMG! YES! How about directly tomorrow, at 4 pm?”
“Sure, let’s meet directly there!”
“Got it! I look forward to it!”
Wow, that went better than expected, Mai thought to herself and texted Azula. 
“Ty Lee agreed to go to the place with me”
“Congrats! I told you, she is also into you”
“Maybe. We will see how it will go.” 
The next day…
Mai got ready and put on her makeup. Her cat eye was so sharp it could kill a man, and the darkest lipstick, she owned, could scare off anyone. Maybe not the most fitting for a date, but it made Mai feel the most confident. She threw all the necessary stuff in her purse and put on her bad bitch heels. At 3:55 Mai was already at the meeting spot, so she decided to call Ty Lee: ” Where the fuck are you?” “Space doesn’t really exist, so I’m nowhere. Life is built on social constructs and, since there’s no way to know if we’re really alive or if it’s just an illusion, I can’t be anywhere.” “Ty Lee.” “Yeah, sorry, I got caught up but I’ll be there soon.” “Good. I will wait for you.” 10 minutes passed by and Ty Lee rolled up to the bubble tea cafe on her roller skates. Typical Ty Lee, Mai thought as she smiled slightly. It wasn’t common for Mai to smile, so Ty Lee appreciated every moment she saw the smile of her crush. Mai scanned the bubbly girl with her sharp eye from head to toe. Ty Lee was wearing a crimson red sleeveless crop top. Matching to the top was the white skater skirt with small pale pink and rose colored polka dots on it. Her roller skates were a pale pink as well. The smile on the face of Mai slightly increased, causing Ty Lee to blush. “You look beautiful”, Mai complimented her crush. “Thanks! You also look great”, Ty Lee replied. Mai wasn’t the type to reciprocate compliments, but as Ty Lee was her crush a weak heat spread itself across Mai’s cheeks. Still blushing Mai opened the door to the cafe and indicated for Ty Lee to come in, “After you.” Ty Lee smiled and did a small curtsy, which caused Mai to giggle. The two girls found a table in the corner and took a seat there. Mai couldn’t stop looking at Ty Lee while she was inspecting the menu. “I will take the Mango Milk Tea, what about you?” Ty Lee reached out the menu to Mai. While blushing Mai took the menu and looked at it “The Yuzu Matcha tea sounds interesting, I will take that.” “Noted.” A familiar voice interrupted the two love birds. Ty Lee looked up shocked to see Zuko, who was in an apron holding a notebook with a pen. “Zuko? What are you doing here?” Mai asked nonchalantly. Azula’s brother sighed and replied “I work here, if you haven’t noticed it. It’s Uncle’s cafe after all.” Ty Lee processed all the things Zuko said “Oh my god, that’s so cool!” “Yeah, you could say it like that. Your tea will be ready shortly” and with these words Zuko left the two lovebirds alone. “Azula never told me that Zuko works at this cafe, well whatever, she probably has her reasons,” Mai said something after listening to Ty Lee’s and Zuko’s chit-chat. After 10 minutes of waiting Zuko brought Ty Lee and Mai their bubble teas. Ty Lee was super excited and instantly started drinking it. “Wow, it tastes delicious! I didn’t expect anything less from Uncle Iroh.” Mai smiled at excited Ty Lee and also took a sip of her Yuzu Matcha tea. Her eyes widened at how good it tasted. “You are right! It’s really good.” While enjoying the teas Ty Lee and Mai talked and laughed. Zuko took a glance at the table, where they were sitting and noticed that he never saw Mai smile so much. She must really like Ty Lee, he thought. In that moment Mai noticed Zuko and sent him a death stare, which caused the boy to shift his focus back on the bubble tea he was preparing. It was starting to get dark and the girls were ready to leave. Ty Lee pulled out her wallet, prepared to pay for her tea. Mai placed her hand on Ty Lee’s and with a smile on her face said “Don’t worry about it, it’s on me.” Ty Lee grinded back and nodded. As soon as the girls exited the cafe, Ty Lee hugged Mai and whispered in her ear “I enjoyed today a lot! I don’t mind hanging out with you again.” Mai hugged Ty Lee back and smiled. “I know one more thing which could make this day ever better.” Mai released her crush from the hug and slowly placed her dark-colored lips on Ty Lee’s pink ones. Ty Lee, initially shocked about Mai’s forwardness, let herself lose in the embrace of the kiss and felt the warmth rise to her face. Ty Lee placed her hands on Mai’s neck and broke the kiss for a moment to catch a break. She looked up into Mai’s eyes and said shyly “You were right, it did make the day better.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Starcrossed Losers 2.V (Josh Wheeler xF!Reader)
A/N: Now that I have more time on my hands expect a whole lot more of this baby coming your way :) -Danny
Words: 2,243
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I'm not trying to defy my boyfriend's authority around here, can you really blame me for what I'm trying to do?
I don't get how the others aren't freaking out about this, like, those kids have eyes everywhere and now there's some freaky cult controlling them, right out of a dystopian story! Though I guess our whole situation may seem dystopian in general, I mean look at us, bunch of kids pretending to know what we're doing.
Either way, I'm just doing a quiet field trip, Nathan will come back with news of whether Sam will help or not, and we'll just look around the place... nothing more.
I don't have a death wish. I promise. Katie's death isn't weighing on me, I don't want to join her anytime soon, I'm actually quite happy, all things considered.
Then why am I here, the first hour in the morning, waiting for Nathan to come back?
Maybe I'm feeling like I have some adrenaline here that wasn't used and after going to one place and another now I can't stay still. And also because those AV kids might really need our help.
I find Nathan halfway to the school, he's not alone, Sam, Mona and Maya are with her. I groan a little at the sight of my former friend, and I can tell by her expression she wasn't expecting to see me either.
"Goodmorning, my queen," I smile at Sam, bowing a little just to make the ambience lighter.
"L/N," She bows back, her mocked solemnity making me grin in return. "Nathan has told us the issue, but only the basics. Care to tell us more?"
I tell them everything I know, I even play for them the last minutes of the newest episode, I see my worry reflected on Sam's eyes and I know I came to the right place.
"I knew Melissa," Sam said grimly. "She had the talent to see the positive things out of everything...  You have the map?"
"I memorized it."
"Cool, then let's go."
"What?" I blink. "Hold on, Sam, we can't just show up."
Sam frowns. "Why not?"
"Didn't you hear the recording? I don't know what the fuck happened there but it sounded like they were heavily armed, or at least that they are very violent."
"Well, you have a sledgehammer, Nathan has his crossbow, Mona has..." She looked over her shoulder. "Mona has herself. Maya has a pocket knife..."
"What about you?"
She shows me a taser and winks. "Think we're good to go."
"I don't know..." I bite my lip.
"Okay, here's a suggestion," Nathan starts. "Let's not fight yet? I know for a fact that Alex would kill me if you die."
Nathan looks at me with this truly confused glance.
"I don't want you to die, Y/N."
I beam at his comment, however, Maya makes sure to ruin it right away.
"Yeah well, you haven't been around her enough lately, have you?"
"Neither have you, Maya," Sam gives her a warning look. "Y/N, we won't force you to go with us if you feel it's too risky, just tell us where to go."
"I won't let you go alone! It was my idea!" I exclaim, then pinch the bridge of my nose with a little exasperation. "Fine, we go. But we have to be quiet and we won't attack unless we really have to."
Sam and Nathan agree right away, Mona and Maya grunt and scoff, but I guess that's a yes.
We start moving then, only to stop five minutes later.
"Do you guys hear that?" I lift my hand so everyone stays quiet.
"Hear what?" asks Maya.
I hush her again, and turn to my right, recognizing the bright backpack peering from a trashcan.
"An!" I hiss in annoyance.
I quickly skate to the trashcan and lift the lid, revealing the tiny figure of Angelica looking up to me with a guilty smile.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same," She frowns. "Josh told you to leave it alone."
"Since when do you listen to Josh?" I scoff.
"Since I realized a bunch of nerdy weirdos aren't worth risking my tribe!" She rolled her eyes. "They're probably dead already, Y/N! We should go back to the mall!"
She whines and pulls my arm as if to trying to drag me, I snatch my arm away and glare at her.
"I can't leave more people behind, not again."
Well, maybe this is about Katie a bit.
"You think those kids will thank you?" Angelica insisted. "They're losers! As soon as they find a better place they'll squirm away to the safest cave, there's a reason why rats survive longer than heroes, Y/N."
"I swear to god, sometimes what comes out of your mouth doesn't make any fucking sense," I reply. "Go back to the mall and stay there, if Josh asks, tell him I went to the school to finish my negotiations with Sam."
"I won't lie, he'll kick me out with you!"
"He won't kick me out!"
"Why not? You think he'll stop just because you make out a few times during the week? He could easily do the same with any other girl– No offence, but if he got over Sam Dean he can get over–"
"Stop!" I say, really not looking forward to hearing the end of that sentence. "You're already in trouble by knowing where I am, so you either come with me or you get lost but choose now because we don't have time for your temper tantrums!"
Angelica stares at me with that little frown she does before taking down her backpack and grabbing her taser.
"Fine," She growls. "But you better move your annoying ass faster, you're way easy to follow even while wearing those stupid roller skates."
"I was trying to be quiet," I argue.
"Wait, she's coming too?" Mona frowns. "We can't be babysitting while we search for a cult."
"I don't need a babysitter," Angelica rolls her eyes. "I could kill you in a heartbeat if I wanted to..."
"I'd like to see you try–"
"Okay!" Sam interrupted. "Let's just... keep going..."
As we keep going Nathan and I engage in a comfortable chat, it's weird to see him again, but not as weird as with Alex, I guess that by now I'm just used to find random people from my past. I'm not trying to avoid it, I don't mind being reminded of my past now that I have things to look forward to. I'm not sure exactly what, but I know I have a future, and maybe that future lies here or somewhere else, but as long as I stay alive I have one, and that's enough.
Nathan and I kinda have the much-needed talk about the elephant in the room, how we were an almost something, surprisingly enough, there are no hard feelings coming from either of us.
'Well the wind it brought my sails to you And my course was true We talked about the lovers we had How they never followed through Oh they never follow through'
"I still regret leaving you like that though," He tells me. "It's not that I was sick of you guys, I just... I don't know, felt like I was wasting my chance somehow?"
"Your chance?"
"Yeah, I mean during high school I was just the 'nice guy', you know? After the nuke I thought I would find something else to be but I'm still the nice guy, I let you escape when you stole half of our weapons, and now I keep Maya from doing fucked up things with the tribe when she thinks no one's paying attention..."
"That's a good thing to do," I try to cheer him up.
"I wish I could be more like you," He smiled fondly at me.
"What do you mean? The artsy girl?" I snort.
"You weren't the artsy girl– I don't know, you were just... you. I never felt like you had to belong anywhere to be worth something... I'm not like that."
"Maybe I never tried to belong, but I was lonely," I sigh. "I obsessed with reading of other worlds, imagining alternate lives that my actual real-life just felt... out of place. I always felt something was missing. The only time I had the feeling that my life was going somewhere for the first time was when... when you asked me out."
Nathan smiles at me, and even though I feel a little guilty about it, I can't help but feel glad that I can witness such a breathtaking smile from so close.
'You told me how the life you lead Is a made up thing How you wish you were as interesting As half the things you read Oh as half the things you read'
"Ah, I don't know," He sighs, looking away from me. "I guess I wasn't made to be part of a tribe, I really liked my time as a loner, you know?"
"Then why did you stop?"
He smiled again. "Because I also really liked you."
I blush at his statement, but I try to remain as neutral as possible.
"Well, if I'm allowed to say it, love is a really stupid reason to quit a good life," I admit.
"What?" He laughs. "Didn't you join your tribe because of Josh?"
"Not only because of Josh!" I defend myself. "I also joined because I had a purpose, I take care of them."
"Well, but most of them can take care of themselves now, don't they?" He teased. "C'mon, the only reason why you stayed is that Josh has you wrapped around his finger."
I frown a little at that.
Nathan kinda has a point, right? Alex already has my notebook filled with first-aid treatments and indications, most of the kids now know how to fix a broken bone. Do they really need me?
"Hey, not that it's bad," He adds, nudging my arm. "If I had what you have with Josh I would stay too, you guys seem happy."
Are we happy?
'I'm a wanderer I've always been undone And the shadows cast upon my soul Are clawing from the sun'
How much of this happiness will last once we get used to each other? And how much of that happiness is what it's keeping us together right now?
Are we really done with running away from places and being alone? I said I was, Josh said he wanted to stay with me. We said we'd be together. We are together.
Angelica's words come back to me in full force: 'If he could get over Sam, what makes you think he wouldn't be able to forget about you too?'
'I'm sure it's nice to think I'm something that you need But I promise when the sun ascends you'll see that's just a dream I'll never come around'
Do I really trust in love enough as to let it build the rest of my life? My future depends on whether Josh and I stay as a couple, and out of the two of us, I'm the one who'll lose the most if we break.
I obviously enjoy my time with Josh, and I really like him... but is liking him enough reason for him to stay? Or he'll leave as soon as I push the right button?
Just like with Sam...
'I must admit that the faith I had Is fleeting fast Cause you told me how you never let go And how that keeps you in the past'
No. I won't start this again. Josh already proved himself thousands of times. He chose me, he stayed with me. More yet, he came back for me when I left.
"It's here," I say abruptly, stopping dead in my tracks.
Everyone stops behind me. Ahead of us, there's a huge mansion, not too far from where Josh's old safe place is. It looks empty, but there's a security camera that luckily isn't pointing our way. I signal the group to give a few steps back and we hide around the corner.
"Okay, we need to get closer, we need to make sure they're–"
I stop and straighten in my place.
"Did someone just 'pst' at us?"
"Oh shit," Nathan looks up to the window above us and quickly prepares the crossbow. "Don't move!"
"Hey hey hey, it's fine!" The girl's voice says from the second floor. "You guys need to get out of the street right now, they're going to be here soon."
"Come in!"
"Yeah, like we're going to listen to a stranger," Maya scoffs. "How do we know you're not with them."
"I know you," She says simply, then she turns to look at me and smiles. "I know your boyfriend. I talked to him once."
"What?" I tilt my head. "You mean after the nuke or..?"
"When you left the mall, he came to see me," She adds calmly. "Come in, I won't hurt you."
Her words make something inside my head click:
@letsbe-queer @slythermyg​ @loving-u-3000​ @one-loud-mind
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jinthusiastsss · 5 years
Little Peter (Part 2)
Peter Parker x Reader || Fluff - (Part 1)
A/N: Thank you all for your support on the first part of Little Peter! I truly appreciate it. Here’s the second and final part!
Warnings: Just like two swear words I guess. Mentions of events from Endgame.
Summary: After not answering your texts or calls for a whole week, you demand for Tony to tell you where Peter is only to find out that he’s still his kid self.
You stepped on the gas pedal when the Avengers Compound came to your view, fury written all over your eyes. You slammed on the break and parked right in front of the building, not even caring that you almost crashed into Tony Stark’s car. You stepped out and marched towards the entrance. Tony saw you from the inside and immediately his eyes widened with fear.
“Oh shit,” he mumbled under his breath as he jogged to meet you outside. “Hey, (Y/N). What’s up?”
You crossed your arms and tapped your foot against the ground. “Where is he?”
Tony glanced at his watch, trying not to meet your glare. “Where is who?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Tony,” you rolled your eyes. “Where is Peter? He hasn’t been answering my texts or calls for more than a week and knowing him, he’s probably here.”
Tony shrugged. “I don’t know where he is. Now why don’t you scurry off and-”
“You of all people should know where Peter is. Please just tell me,” you pleaded, laying off your anger.
Tony sensed the concern and worry radiating off of you and he softened. “Alright, promise me you won’t get mad.”
“You know I can’t promise tha-”
“We haven’t switched him back to his regular self,” Tony quickly said, avoiding your arms the moment they flung up.
“WHAT!” you screamed. “Tony, it’s been a whole week! You said you would fix this!”
Tony rubbed the back of neck with shame. “I know, I know. He just won’t cooperate with me,” he shrugged, swiftly turning around to walk back into the Compound.
You rolled your eyes and followed Tony into the building. Immediately you were greeted by a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Any previous signs of your anger seemed to vanish as soon as your eyes landed on the boy who was giddily squeezing the life out of you. Tony noticed how tight Peter was squeezing you so he practically had to pry his arms off of you.
“Hiya (Y/N)!” Peter grinned once his arms were released from you, showing you his toothless grin that you had forgotten about.
You ruffled his brown curls. “Hey, Peter,” you smiled, crouching down to become eye level with him. “What have you been up to this past week?”
“Welllll,” Peter started, scrunching his face while he thought of where to start, “Mr. Stark has been telling me a lot of stories.”
You raised an eyebrow at Tony, who looked back at you with a smirk. “What kind of stories has Mr. Stark been telling you about?”
“They’re all about you,” Peter excitedly said, deciding to sit on the floor. “He talks about what we’re like in the future. My favorite story that he told me was about how he once saw me killing bugs for you as you threw your shoes at them.”
Your face burned up with embarrassment and you looked up to meet Tony’s amused eyes. “You saw that?”
“You bet,” Tony chuckled. “Have the whole thing recorded. Showed it to Barton and his earbuds basically broke because of your shrieking.”
You stood up and shook your head, using your left hand to cover how red your face was getting. Peter tugged on your right arm and shyly smiled.
“I’m gonna get something that Mr. Stark made me,” he announced, jumping up to dash down the hall.
You laughed and turned to raise an eyebrow at the man, but he looked lost in thought. “Tony?” you asked. “Everything okay?”
“There’s another reason why I’ve kept Peter this way,” Tony quietly confessed, looking behind you to make sure Peter wasn’t back yet. You motioned for him to continue and he said, “The kid saved me. After the fight with Thanos again, I was a mess. It was pathetic. When little Peter happened, well, I had to babysit him which was, first of all, annoying. I mean geez, the kid is more energetic than his usual self. He could run a marathon for God’s sake-”
You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes. “What’s your point?”
Tony sighed and turned to sit on a nearby sofa. “Kids have this power to make you feel alive again. When this Peter came, he broke everything out of me so I was my real self. Then of course he would break my belongings and I would be upset, but he would laugh as if it’s all a big joke and all my anger disappears. It’s like he saves me from drifting off and becoming someone else.” Tony noticed that you were trying to absorb everything he was saying, but you still had this look of confusion on your face. “Look (Y/N), in these 5 years, we lost a lot. We lost Peter. I cried just as much as you did. Seeing him as a little kid, he just doesn’t know what happened. I guess it’s his innocence that kept my true self alive.”
You looked down and took in what Tony was saying. You hugged yourself and said, “Don’t get me wrong because I’m grateful that this all happened for you, but. .I had to go through this tough week without him by my side. I miss our Peter.”
“I know,” Tony replied, softly smiling at you. “I miss him too. I’ll fix everything today. In the mean time, you need to keep the kid some company so I can actually focus on something this week for once.”
For the past hour, Peter had been holding your hand and leading you around the Avengers Compound. During the little tour, Peter had been showing you around excitedly and not once did his smile fade. His energy had been so infectious to the point where you didn’t even know when was the last time your smile left your face while being in Peter’s presence.
Peter tugged on your hand and pointed to the room that stood before the both of you. “Mr. Stark said that this room is mine. He said I stay here a lot when I’m not at home or with you. I think you’ll like it in here.”
Together the both of you entered the room and you were in awe with how neat the room was. To the right of you were lap equipment that sat on the table nearest to the wall and they were all arranged. Peter’s notebooks were lined up on a bookshelf above the table. On the left lied a couch and a coffee table in front of it with papers neatly stacked atop. There was a TV nearby with another small bookshelf underneath it that held more notebooks. In the back of the room was a brown desk with more papers and a laptop. You were slightly offended that Peter managed to keep this whole room neat, but he couldn’t keep his actual room, heck even his laundry, neat like this in his apartment.
“Mr. Stark and I cleaned this room a while ago. It was really messy a few days ago,” Peter explained when he saw the shock registering on your face.
That explained a lot.
From the door, you noticed that there was a frame that sat on the desk. You made your way to the desk and picked up the frame with a smile.
The frame held two polaroids and they were both of you and Peter. One was a polaroid of the both of you snuggled against each other on a bench in Central Park during the winter. Peter wouldn’t allow you to leave your apartment without you completely bundled up with scarves, a hat, and a coat so you were cocooned with warmth. Peter was equally bundled as you, but you both were still shivering so you guys solved the solution by snuggling for warmth. A lady that sat across from you on another bench, randomly happened to have a polaroid camera with her. She thought that the both of you were absolutely adorable so she offered to take a picture of the scene. You remembered Peter panicking over keeping the polaroid in his jacket pocket so the lower temperatures wouldn’t stop the film from developing.
The second polaroid was from the first time you and Peter went roller skating. It was a total last minute thing that happened when you and Peter’s friends dragged you both along to the rink. You both were a complete mess, tripping multiple times and flailing your arms around. When you two got the hang of skating, MJ snapped a polaroid of the both of you skating and smiling while holding hands.
That’s when it really hit you with a pang in your heart. You really missed Peter. As much as you loved the younger version of him, you needed your version back. 
“You miss him,” you heard Peter state from behind you. You turned to face him with a tear threatening to fall. “Older me.”
You nodded with a small smile. “Yeah, I do.” You turned back to face the frame, not knowing what to say to this Peter. You didn’t want him to think you didn’t like this younger self of him. 
It was silent for a few moments until Peter broke the silence, “You’ll see him soon, (Y/N). I promise,” he proudly announced, enveloping his arms around you. You melted under his grip, but you suddenly frowned when you realized you couldn’t stay longer. “I’m sorry, Peter,” you apologized, giving him a sympathetic smile. “I have plans to eat out with my friends in an hour so I have to leave now.”
Peter grinned and tightened his grip around you. “That’s okay, (Y/N).”
You laughed and ruffled his hair, pulling away from the hug a few seconds later. “I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
“Yeah, really soon,” Peter enthusiastically replied, his smile bigger than ever. 
By the time you arrived home at your apartment after hanging out with your friends, night had already fallen and you were exhausted. You pulled your keys out of your pocket and fumbled with the door’s lock. Your eyes were greeted by an unexpected attack of light once you pushed the door open. As your eyes adjusted to the light, you cautiously entered your apartment and closed the door behind you. It wasn’t like you to leave for the day without turning off the lights.
That’s when you heard something fall, really loud, from the direction of your bedroom.
You swiftly walked to your bedroom, with your phone ready in your hand just in case you needed to call the police. You gently placed your hand on the knob and quietly turned it. You creaked the door open and peaked through the space. There was a blanket covered lump on the floor beside your bed. What alarmed you was that this lump was the size of a human.
You pushed the door open more and you entered the room cautiously. You eyed the lump and made your way to it warily. You crouched down and grabbed the blanket, tossing the it off the figure.
The first thing you saw was a mop of brown hair and you laughed. “Peter, what are you doing here? You really got me scared for a second.” The mop of brown hair popped up and the figure turned its head to face you. “PETER? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” you exclaimed with excitement. It was your Peter. The Peter that had been gone for a while now and the Peter that you had been missing.
Peter raised an eyebrow and scratched the back of his neck. “Didn’t you just ask that?” 
Not even bothering to answer his question, you flung yourself to Peter and squeezed him into a hug. Peter laughed and tightened his arms around you. You smiled and rested your head onto his chest. “I missed you so much,” you whispered, listening to the sound of his heartbeat.
You felt Peter shake with laughter. “You missed me that much, huh?”
You sat up and shook your head with annoyance. “Peter, you were gone for a week. Maybe a little bit longer than that. That’s the longest we’ve ever been apart in our relationship so it felt really new to me.”
“Oh, right,” Peter replied, widening his eyes with realization. “I’m sorry, baby,” he apologized, rubbing your back with a frown. His smile lit up after several moments and he laughed. “Mr. Stark told me that you met my younger self.”
“I did,” you smiled, recalling everything that happened with him. “He’s really sweet and incredibly adorable.”
“Hmm,” Peter grinned, pulling you to his chest again, “he sounds just like me. Would you mind telling me what happened while I was gone?”
“Of course,” you replied, “as long as you tell me what you did.” Peter agreed and together you delved deeper into the night while listening and telling each other your stories.
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heatherchandler · 7 years
1-100. all of them.
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? sadly there is not :/
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? Lmao no she can eat shit fuck her and her yaoi hands
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” cats?
4: what’s something you really want right now? To not have to go to school tomorrow man
5: are you afraid of falling in love? I’m afraid of losing after I fall in love I’m little and fragile
6: do you like the beach? In theory? yes. In reality? Not on my gay life.
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? No and that sounds uncomfortable as hell
8: what’s the background on your cell? It’s from Heathers it’s the “Candy Store” number
9: name the last four beds you were sat on? Mine, my friend Skye’s, my parents’, my friend Rowynn’s
10: do you like your phone? It’s fine yeah
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? Buddy I didn’t think I would still be alive right now and I didn’t plan to have this much anxiety so I’m gonna go with a hard no
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? Her name is Kailey! We volunteered at a middle school dodgeball tournament together! Eighth graders take dodgeball way too seriously I got hit in the jaw with a fly ball and boy. Buddy. Also what a bunch of fucking cheaters but 
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? I think a rottweiler because it would be easier to groom
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional I guess I haven’t really been in a lot of physical pain like ever so
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Last time I went to an art museum I got “shh”ed for humming quietly in an empty gallery and I’m still a little salty about it so I’m gonna say zoo 
16: are you tired? I have depression I’m always tired
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? Three years now 
18: are they a relative? No we don’t even talk anymore I yelled at him for being racist in 10th grade and we haven’t ever really talked since
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? I don’t have any exes but I probably wouldn’t 
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? These virgin lips have never met another’s 
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? Bitch? No? I’m 18 years old I have no money, no formal education, no job. I haven’t even had the chance to be a hoe yet. Please.
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Again. Null and Void
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? Just one. It was my grandma’s but somebody told me the other day that it looked gay and I feel like she rolled over in her grave.
24: is there a certain quote you live by? No I forget everything buddy I’m especially bad at quotes.
25: what’s on your mind? Himalayan rock salt lamps
26: do you have any tattoos? Nah
27: what is your favorite color? Purple right now 
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Bitch idk
29: who are you texting? My friends? 
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? pbbht
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Probably yeah because I feel like a lot of bad things will happen all the time I was probably right a few times just because of how often I feel that way
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Yeah he’s like my brother
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? Nah I’m kind of ugly
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? No not that I remember they’re kind of plain.
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? Binch
36: were you single on valentines day? Forever and always 
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? Bruh
38: what do your friends call you? Gay. Liss-Biss
39: has anyone upset you in the last week? I get upset over the tiniest things so we’re gonna go with a hard yes.
40: have you ever cried over a text? I cry over everything I’m soft and sensitive.
41: where’s your last bruise located? The last one I remember was on the palm of my hand like the little hand butt
42: what is it from? I went roller skating and fell on my ass a lot and just this one time I went down and tried to catch myself, and all of my weight went onto my hands. I got a really bad bruise on one hand and my bracelet dug into my other hand and like burst some vessels it was wild never take me skating
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? I think last week
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? Lmao my mom
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Nah
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? No I usually just braid it and hope for the best
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? No! Fuck! My head is gigantic I would look like a fucking egg! Anyway I love my hair
48: do you make supper for your family? Sometimes whenever I’m feeling it or we have chicken defrosted because I’m always a slut for pan seared chicken.
49: does your bedroom have a door? Yeah thank god
50: top 3 web-pages? idk netflix, here, and idk where else 
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? Yes bitch me
52: does anything on your body hurt? My back! Always!
53: are goodbyes hard for you? The last hard goodbye I had was when my best friend moved to Florida and he stopped by my house to say goodbye and that was like two/three years ago now so generally no
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Mtn. Dew
55: how is your hair? She’s fine thanks for asking. I have her wrapped in a towel she’s napping
56: what do you usually do first in the morning? Go back to sleep
57: do you think two people can last forever? If they try.
58: think back to january 2007, were you single? I was eight.
59: green or purple grapes? I’ve always been a red grape hoe
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? The next time somebody lets me I’m such a big hugger
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? The Everglades, lying face down in the swamp, not dead, just resting.
62: when will be the next time you text someone? Probably tomorrow I don’t usually text people late at night I’m small and tired
63: where will you be 5 hours from now? In bed, hopefully still asleep
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. Sleeping because it’s Sunday and I don’t go to church and I can sleep in
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? I can’t really. I don’t think I ever really get crushes that last long enough for me to remember them. 
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? There’s a few
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? I hugged my parents
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? “I hope none of my gay songs play because my dad is right in the gameroom and if he comes to check on me he’ll Know”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Lmao yes.
70: how many windows are open on your computer? Just one. I like to let him rest. 
71: how many fingers do you have? Ten
72: what is your ringtone? It’s one o the default iPhone tones i forget what it’s called
73: how old will you be in 5 months? 18 still
74: where is your mum right now? Downstairs on the couch probably sleeping.
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? He moved.
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Nope. 
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Yeah for the most part. I’ve got some new ones though
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? It was probably like. Ryan Fitzpatrick or someone like him idfk I was young and dumb and I thought I was straight.
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? My sister’s godparent’s son is named Michael they sometimes call him Mike.
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Does being a baby in my mother’s arms count because if it doesn’t then no
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? Like. 0.5
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? Nope
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? Nah 
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? KATIE 
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? I think so because I’m really. Not. Especially if it was hard drugs. 
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? Nothing eventful really happens at the movies for me, I avoid kids movies to Lessen the Risk.
87: who was your last received call from? My mom
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? What the fuck? what the fuck. 
89: what is something you wish you had more of? Money and admirers
90: have you ever trusted someone too much? Yeah 
91: do you sleep with your window open? No my dad will yell at me for “letting all the cold air out”
92: do you get along with girls? Yes?? 
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? I don’t think so no
94: does sex mean love? Like for me? Idk it can be an act of love but really it can mean nothing too it’s not really black and white
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Yes because I’ll be locked in a room alone how the fuck do I get out
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? BOI
97: did you sleep alone this week? Every week
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? My mom, my cat, my friends, idk I guess art when my teacher doesn’t assign it. Making people feel nice! I’m such a huge proponent of nice anons I send so many and like. refresh the blogs of people I send them to so that I know they feel good. 
99: do you believe in love at first sight? Me? A hopeless romantic? An idealist? Yes. 
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? I think it was my dad over something that probably didn’t require a pinky promise idk we do it a lot.
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edgysocial · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://edgysocial.com/47-all-time-funniest-songs-to-cheer-you-up/
47 All-Time Funniest Songs To Cheer You Up
When you feel like having a bad day or just having some down time because of the stressful work, some annoying people, or the bad weather; you don’t always want to talk with people about how you feel. You’d probably prefer chilling on your own with some music playing, particularly some songs that would make you smile, right?
As a music lover, I love listening to and playing different kinds of music. Recently I’ve researched on the funniest songs on YouTube and Spotify and have shortlisted 50 funny and upbeat songs that will surely cheer you up! The list of songs ranged from the 70s, 80s and 90s hits to recent pop songs, you’ll definitely find positive vibes from one of them.
Just sing along when you’re feeling down. Some of the music videos are quite funny too! (By the way, if you love these songs, I’ve got you the complete playlist at the end!)
1. Sweat (A La La La La Long) – Inner Circle
Forget about La La Land, and sing aloud “la la la la….”
I’ve been watching you! A La La La La Long A La La La La Long Long Li Long Long Long.
2. Witch Doctor – Cartoons
Annoying but super funny!
Ooo eee oo ah ah Ting tang walla walla bang bang….
3. Wannabe – Spice Girls
Yoooo tell me what you want! I just want some fun!
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want, So tell me what you want, what you really really want, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha.
4. Dragostea Din Tei – O-Zone
We just can’t help singing along the languages we don’t understand, don’t we?
Mai-ia-hii Mai-ia-huu Mai-ia-ha Mai-ia-haha Mai-ia-hii Mai-ia-huu Mai-ia-ha Mai-ia-haha
5. Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! – Vengaboys
We just wanna do the “BOOM” sound anyway.
Boom boom boom boom I want to do the boom
6. Barbie Girl – Aqua
Oh who would miss this? Barbie Girl’s just always our favorite! (I always do the lip dub when it’s Ken singing by the way.)
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation
7. Friday – Rebecca Black
Well, what’s better than Fridays?
It’s Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
 8. U Can’t Touch This – MC Hammer
We love the music anyway, for the lyrics? Of course it’s “can’t touch this”!
Can’t touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) Can’t touch this (oh-oh oh oh oh-oh-oh) My-my-my-my music…
9. Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of….) – Lou Bega
Ladies and gentlemen, just a list of ladies in his life, okay?
A little bit of Monica in my life A little bit of Erica by my side A little bit of Rita is all I need A little bit of Tina is what I see
10 .Call Me Maybe – Carly Ras Jepsen
Oh so it’s call me Maybe, or call me, maybe? Not funny? Fine…
Hey, I just met you, And this is crazy, But here’s my number, So call me, maybe!
11. Stayin’ Alive – Bee Gees
Falsetto is the focus here, okay?
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive, stayin’ alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ alive.
12. Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) – C & C Music Factory
Again, falsetto is the focus here, okay?
Ev’rybody dance now! Ev’rybody dance now! Yeah! Yeah! Ev’rybody dance now! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
13. I Like to Move It – Real 2 Real
I know what you’re thinking, it’s not originated from Madagascar!
I like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. Ya like to… move it.
14. Y.M.C.A – Village People
Young man, when you’re singing this along, don’t forget your hand gestures for Y-M-C-A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A. It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
15. Tunak Tunak Tun – Daler Mehndi
Yes, we’re in love with the foreign language. Do you know that Tunak Tunak Tun actually means dear / beloved? It’s a Bhangra Pop song. [1]
Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da Tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, tunak tunak tun, da da da
16. Lemon Tree – Fools Garden
This is funny in a kind of sad way…
I’m sitting here in a boring room, it’s just another rainy Sunday afternoon. I’m wasting my time, I got nothing to do. I’m hanging around, I’m waiting for you, But nothing ever happens – and I wonder.
17. Macarena – Los Del Rio
Eh,… Macarena – the only word we sing whenever this song plays. It’s actually a pretty funny song about the girl Macarena wanting to meet a boyfriend in the States! [2]
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena….. ¡Eh,… Macarena! Aaay!
18. Gangnam Style – PSY
This was the most popular song back a few years ago, and I bet you know how to dance to this song!
Op, op, op, op Oppa Gangnam Style Gangnam Style
19. Funky Town – Lipps Inc.
The funky music just makes you feel so energetic and want to keep moving!
Well, I talk about it, talk about it Talk about it, talk about it Talk about, talk about Talk about movin’
20. #SELFIE – The Chainsmokers
A not-so-long ago released song about the common phenomenon of people taking selfie all the time. The monologue is just so cool.
After we go to the bathroom, can we go smoke a cigarette? I really need one But first, Let me take a selfie
21. Lollipop – Mika
This is just a lovely idea to suck on the lollipop haha!
Sucking too hard on your lollipop, Or love’s gonna get you down
22. The Lazy Song – Bruno Mars
This just speaks our minds when we want some slack time.
Today I don’t feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed
23. Hot N Cold – Katy Perry (and the Chipettes version’s even better)
The original Katy Perry version is nice, but I’d also recommend you to try the Chipette version!
You’re up then you’re down You’re wrong when it’s right It’s black and it’s white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up
24. Dub-I-Dub – Me & My
I can’t even remember other lyrics in the song besides Dub-I-Dub. We just love to sing it along!
Dub-i-dub-i-dub-i-dub-dub-dub Dub-i-dub-i-dub-i-yeah-yeah Dub-i-dub-i-dub-i-dub-dub-dub I don’t need your love
25. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper
Well yes, girls just wanna have fun. Period.
Oh daddy dear you know you’re still number one But girls they want to have fun Oh girls just want to have
26. We No Speak Americano – Yolanda Be Cool, DCup
Just sing along and knot your head with pa pa l’ americano.
Pa pa l’ americano Pa pa l’ americano Pa pa l’ americano
27. Livin’ La Vida Loca – Ricky Martin
Just admit it! You like this song too!
Upside, inside out she’s livin la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
28. Dancing Lasha Tumbai – VERKA SERDUCHKA
It’s a German song about speaking dance, the song sounds really lovely!
Sieben, Sieben, ai lyu lyu Sieben, Sieben, ein, zwei… ein, zwei, drei
29. My First Kiss – 3oh3! feat. Ke$ ha
The sound of the kiss is the thing you definitely can’t miss in the song.
My first kiss went a little like this [muach] and twist [muach muach] and twist
30. We Will Rock You – Queen
Hey buddy, just listen how I’m gonna rock you!
We will we will rock you We will we will rock you
31. Uptown Funk – Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson are just awesome here, who can resist the beat of this song?
I’m too hot (hot damn) Call the po-lice and the fireman
32. Summer Nights – Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta (soundtrack from Grease)
From the musical Grease, the “tell mer more” song will never bore you!
Tell me more, tell me more How much dough did he spend? Tell me more, tell me more Could she get me a friend?
 33. Rude – MAGIC!
The funny part is how honest the guy is being with his lover’s dad, don’t you think so?
Why you gotta be so rude? Don’t you know I’m human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I’m gonna marry her anyway
34. We Like To Party! – Vengaboys
Yes, we know that they really like to party, yes we get that.
We like to party We like, we like to party…. We like to party
35. Beat It – Michael Jackson
A song about beating up the other, it’s kind of funny. (Don’t get me wrong. This is a really nice song and MJ is a legend!)
Showin’ how funky strong is your fight It doesn’t matter who’s wrong or right Just beat it, beat it
36. Sexy And I Know It – LMFAO
Whoever says they’re sexy and they know it is funny enough.
Girl look at that body Girl look at that body I work out  I’m sexy and I know it
37. Waka Waka – Shakira
This is a lovely song and we all like to sing along “waka waka”!
Tsamina mina, eh eh Waka waka, eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa This time for Africa
38. Pump It – The Black Eyed Peas
Personally I think the part singing “louder” is worth highlighting.
Pump it (louder) Pump it (louder) Pump it (louder) …..
39. Hooked on a Feeling – Blue Swede
I can’t stop this feeling either, the sound of ooga-chaka keeps ringing in my head.
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga ….
40. Grace Kelly – Mika
A very cute song about becoming more elegant and look better to impress another person.
I could be brown I could be blue I could be violet sky I could be hurtful I could be purple I could be anything you like
41. Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen
I think this is a very nice song to play (or sing) to someone if they’re trying to stop you from having a good time.
Don’t stop me now I’m having such a good time I’m having a ball Don’t stop me now If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
42. Money Money Money – Abba
Funny but sad song about the reality…
I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay  Ain’t it sad And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me  That’s too bad
43. Beauty School Drop Out – Frankie Avalon (soundtrack from Grease)
Another song from Grease, the approach of trying to motivate the girl is quite funny.
Beauty school dropout, No graduation day for you. Beauty school dropout, Missed your midterms and flunked shampoo!
44. Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice
The rap is cool, but we only remember the vanilla ice baby. Yes, our fault.
Ice ice baby, Vanilla Ice ice baby, Vanilla
45. You Can’t Roller Skate In A Buffalo Herd – Roger Miller
The lyrics are just so cute about skating in different places!
Ya can’t roller skate in a buffalo herd  But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to Ya can’t take a shower in a parakeet cage  But you can be happy if you’ve a mind to
46. YOLO – The Lonely Island, Adam Levine, Kendrick Lamar
#YOLO, the way the song’s telling people to live the moment is funny. I particularly like these lines:
Never go to loud clubs  ‘Cause it’s bad for your ears. Your friends will all be sorry  When they can’t hear.
47. Axel F – Crazy Frog
Bing bing bing bing, bing bing, bing bing bing bing, bing bing bing…. BANG BANG… can you think of anything funnier and crazier than this?
Just follow and listen to the complete playlist here on Spotify:
[1] ^ Quora: What do the lyrics to “Tunak Tunak Tun” mean in English? [2] ^ Lyricstranslate: Macarena
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