#rotten lizzie au
trialserrors · 7 months
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au where michael isn’t the only corpse wandering around hurricane
(her design is based off of scrap baby)
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minecraftbookshelf · 5 months
Just a little.
I have questions to posture you about if you don't mind-
How does adoption work in most Empires?
Also, if Xornoth is overprotective of their brother, and Lizzie with Jimmy, if Scott and Jimmy ever decided to adopt a child, how overprotective and spoiled with that kid be?
Does Scott and Xornoth have wings?
Is there a group in Rivendell that doesn't like Xornoth as king, and maybe some tries to take them off the throne throughout the years?
How does Jimmy fair to being in the cold?
Is the Ender Dragon important in this world? And how so?
How long does Xornoth visit Joey?
Should Scott or Jimmy even be trusted with a child?
Hello! Welcome to the chaos! Grab a seat, grab a snack, and join the circle!
I love talking about this AU (If you hadn't picked up on it by now XD)
Adoption varies from empire to empire, for some it is very culturally central, such as in Mezalea, and in others it is much more rare simply due to either the nature or size of the population, such as the Overgrown or Rivendell. In some places its more informal, such as the Swamp and in others its much more formal, again, like Mezalea.
The concept of adoption varies wildly between cultures as well. In Mezalea it is very much a formal "you are now part of our family as if you were born into it" stance, while in the Swamp its more along the lines of "you lost your family, whether through fate or their own poor choices, so now you will go find a new family either in your relatives or your immediate community"
The very concept of family varies so of course adoption is also going to change from place to place.
If Scott and Jimmy ever adopt a child that child will be absolutely spoiled rotten from all directions. (also addressing the last question here, no, Scott or Jimmy should never be trusted with a child tbh.)
Scott and Xornoth do have wings I had a whole crisis about it on here somewhere because I didn't want them to bc it felt a bit like too much but the more i wrote and built the more obvious it became they would have to have them. So here we are.
There are multiple factions among the Rivendell population that are Not Xornoth Fans. There have been some attempted insurrections, though not recently. The only major one was resolved with Xornoth's marriage.
Well now that would be telling ;)
See previous statement. But also yes, the Ender Dragon is going to be very important.
Xornoth visits Joey semi-frequently, though Joey probably visits them more often. Especially early on when Xornoth was still trying to figure out what was happening and how it happened XD
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clown-fromthe-sewers · 8 months
In All My Dreams I Drown
Sailor Au!Eden x Reader (songfic kinda?? Idk)
Warnings: Canon typical sex, referenced violence(not from Eden), dubcon/noncon, hallucinations(?), and a slight breeding kink(fuck you lizzy, deal with it), gender neutral/no pronouns, but fembodied reader. More under the bar.
It was storming, a nasty, howling and terrifying, making visions of the past whirl in your mind, full of only horror of the remembrance. The ship, it swayed, 'heave-ho, heave-ho's dripping from the deck, the sole other occupant getting to work for the night on ensuring the safety of the vessel for the time he'd be asleep, with you, on the dark and stormy blue.
The barks of the repeated word came to a stop and you could hear something other than the storm for once: his booted feet stomping below deck, followed soon by the slamming of the wooden door against the wall, both water-damaged and swelled from the weather. He was drenched in it, the storm having saturated his usually curly brown hair into a matted mess of glistening black, water pooling on his scruff like morning dew on grass, his face shining in the dim light. The wrinkle between his furrowed brows disappears at the sight of you, his shoulders relaxing as he made way to his bed, you laying there, wrapped only in his fur blankets.
"You haven't slept," he said, "in many suns and moons," he observed, though it was more like a command.
"Oh, I will sleep when we reach shore, and pray we get there soon-" you begin to protest, sitting up in the bed as the blankets fell from your body, exposing your breasts with the furs covering your lower half only, the necklace you wore falling between your cleavage. He interrupts you, digging through a drawer nailed into the wall of his cabin.
"Now hush love, here's your gown," he began, bringing forth a scanty white dress, lacy, and it looked as if it would come only to your mid thigh. "There's the bed-" He nods to you, as if to make his demands all the more obvious, "-lanterns down." His eyes drift to the oil lamp beside the bed, glowing in orange and red, casting deep shadows on everything the light could reach.
"But I don't want to go to sleep," you started, a dismayed grimace falling in place on your lips. Once more, you are cut off by him, he repeated the protest you'd said over and over your stay on the vessel.
"In all your dreams you drown," said he, an almost condescending tone to the words spoken in his deep voice. He strode over, demandingly shoving the gown to your breast, his hot hand making contact with your freezing skin, warmth finding you and making you relax despite your anger and apprehension toward this sailor.
You snatch it away, drawing it over your head and shoulders. It fell the rest of the way, covering your naked flesh that had begun to prickle at the exposure to cold once you'd been removed of the furs. Leaning back on the mattress, the back of your head colliding softly with the partially rotten wood of his boat, completely missing the look of desire that gleamed in his eye, the shine disappearing into the darkness when he snuffed the oil lamp.
"I'm going to enjoy this," he drawled, the words sending a spike of fear down your spine.
Eyes darting to his, you started once more to put up a fight, but the exhaustion weighed you down, keeping your movements sluggish and weak. Before you even began, you gave up, allowing Eden to take his place above you. As he peeled the blanket from your lower half, he let loose a growl, licking his dry lips, sweet with rainwater and salt from working deck all day, his pupils expanding to consume all of the hazel, leaving only a ring of green and brown around the black.
"It's time you go to sleep," he growled. Eden ripped open his pants, his ramshackle coat following suit to display the muscle built up from his time on the sea, then used his massive hands, reinforced by the masses of muscle behind on his bulging arms, to heft your hips up to his own, your legs hanging from his thighs.
Your calves interlap behind his back, crossing to bring him in closer as you felt the tent that came from his pelvis, kept trapped only by the white, threadbare briefs he wore, barely doing their purpose with how worn they were. You jolt as a clap of thunder sounded, unexpected without the flash of lightning. The fear triggers a vision of that pale, ivory figure and the shoving, rocking of a makeshift boat, laughs of children turning into screams of terror-
"Now hush love," whispered Eden, cooing as he stroked your cheek. "Here's your gown," he repeated, reminding you of your place, "There's the bed, lantern's down." His voice was the softest you'd heard it, placing a tender kiss to your lips after he spoke to remind you not only of your place, but to silently tell you of what you'd grown to be over the time you spent on his ship. It was like a dream with how slow everything moved, like it was all submerged in the thickest molasses. But you don't want to go to sleep, in all your dreams you drown.
"Captain! Captain," you cried for his attentions as he pulled the clothing down which restricted him, exposing himself to you and wetting his length in your arousal, "I will do your chores! I will warm your cot at night, and mop your cabin floors." Your voice was soft and begging, teary eyes staring up as you quiver beneath him. Your hands find his forearms, fingers dainty by comparison digging into his flesh. "Scold me! Hold me; I'll be yours to keep! The only thing I beg of you: don't make me go to sleep."
The next thing that leaves his mouth is a chuckle, then he leans over, nipping along your collarbone to under your ear, blowing hot air on your neck and making goosebumps bloom to the surface and your eyes closeon reflex. The sky flashed with lightning once more, the blood red moon barely exposed through the black, ravenous clouds sparking the visage of Eden's vessel sinking, the sheets lacing between your legs as the boat was rent and felled; Eden's in the water headed to the mouth of hell.
You're snapped from the lull as a roiling wave crashed against the side of the boat, making you in the bed and into Eden, he letting loose a groan of appreciation when he felt your warm, wet arousal on his engorged length. He positions himself at your entrance, leaking and tight in your virginity.
A growl is wrenched from his chest, throaty and deep and barbaric as he slid into you, leaving you to gasp as you felt a nauseating pinch deep within you, your hymen ripping and signaling your loss of innocence. He pants as he bottoms out, letting you adjust to the size of him for a few moments only before he was pulling out, slowly pushing himself back into your tender depths. His cock was smattered in in blood, but the new feeling gnawing at your gut blocked the gruesome sight from bothering you much at all.
The pillow fall from beneath your head, toeing to the brink of the cot with each rock of his hips that sent you jolting upwards, his thrusts increasing in speed each time he bottomed out. Your arms wrap around his neck and brought him down, your heels pressing at his ass to meld him into yourself. Moans from you, the sailor and the sea were accompanied by the groans of the cot, each thrust making it protest under your combined weight.
"Eden," you choke out when his stubbled jaw met your sensitive neck, his lips laying kisses and nips on your skin, painting a picture of his desire and leaving you mewling below him, falling into whatever he wished. "I need-" you couldn't get much else out, a gasp pulled from your chest that surprised even you when the head of his cock hit something inside which you'd never felt before.
Eden's lips found yours, locking in a lethargic kiss, bruising with each slow movement he made against you, a moan swallowed up between you as your first kiss was taken so passionately, something so surprising in a town such as this one.
Eyes rolling back in your head, you could feel the upbeat of all his rocks into you, stealing away breaths and letting a symphony of lewd noises and creaks sound through his cabin. His thumb fell to your clit as he pulled away from your lips, pupils blown as he trailed his gaze from the line of saliva connecting the two of you to your eyes, staring deep into you soul as he flicked at your sex, watching you break apart under his ministrations.
Your hand falls away from his shoulder, carmine staining the pads of your fingers and beneath your nails, grasping at his free hand and interlacing your dainty fingers with his calloused and work worn ones. A whining moan falls from his lips at that, his brows furrowing and his muscles clenching, hoping to hold back the high that threatened to end him then and there. His thumb hastens, pressing harshly against your nub and making that heat burn within like a fire, the coiling rope pulling taut until finally- it snaps, your vision blanking as a wailing moan comes forth, not only from you but also the wind whipping at the ship with the intense desire to sink you and Eden beneath the gnashing and moaning waves.
You finish with a clap of thunder, making the sight of a pale ivory figure overtake you mind, a hot feeling blooming in your innards with each spurt of Eden's searing seed.
Eden's berth rocked into you for a few moments after, releasing the rest of him in you with a quiet, drawn out groan, the sound bordering on either pain or satisfaction. The pillow falls from the edge as a result, a thump amidst the screeching wind and the tandem voices gasping for breath after such exertion.
"Good," Eden pants as he pulled out, drawing himself away from you and sitting on his heels to look on your spent form leaking his spend. Lazily, he pushed it back in your tender hole, you cringing at the sensitive flesh being agitated again. When he was finished, he brought the finger to your mouth, making you lap up the essence of your debauchery until he was atisfied with the cleanliness of the digit, pulling it from your lips with a breathless hum.
Eden crawls beside you and collapses, arms needily wrapping around your waist and drawing you close to him, and placing a chaste kiss to your bare shoulder, tucking himself close your body to sleep.
"It's time you go to sleep," he grumbles in that deep voice of his, the usual grimace adorning his face.
"Eden," you start to mumble again, but you're cut off once more by Eden.
"Hush now, hush love, heres your gown-" He tugs gently at the thin cloth of your night dress, then smooths his hand over the fur blanket, pulling it onto the both of you, "There's the bed, lantern's down," he reminded, whispering without thought.
"I'm begging you, please wake me up," you mumble, fatigue finally catching up when you couldn't even finish the last few words of the sentence you'd been relaying to him your entire stay, "In all my dreams I-" the rest of he sentence falling into oblivion, caught by the waves and breaking apart in their fury as you fell asleep, eyes closing slowly without even a yawn to warn you.
"Drown," he finished unbeknownst to you, clutching you tightly; that night, the first time since you'd been on the sea, you dreamt not of ivory, but warm brown consumed by black as sweaty curls of the same color dripped down rainwater from above, dotting your face in salty wetness.
So uh, that happened. Don't blame me, I was in a feverish haze for two days straight so I don't even know what this is.
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inbetweenhours · 11 months
what are all the siblings powers in the super power au
I described Jimmy's powers in response to your ask HERE!
As for the other 3... Here are my notes from my document :]
Lizzie’s power is called “Leviathan”. She can breath water and is a naturally adept swimmer. She has always had an affinity for the water. What really surprised her was when as a teen she had gotten into a rotten fight with her step mother. A lifetime of pent up frustration unleashed with no one else home and she found herself transformed into a sea monster, a true creature of the depths. It terrified her at the time but after leaving home and meeting her now husband Joel she found herself confessing these powers to him in a moment of vulnerability. He thought it was incredible, loves her so much, and she became emboldened to use her power for vigilante work, which she had admired.
Pearl's power is called "Watcher: The Moon".  It allows her eyes to glow, as well as gives her better perception/sight and dark vision. Her main power works as a mirror, reflecting light, powers, damage, etc. It's just the concept of reflection in action.
Grian's power is called "Watcher": The Sun". It allows his eyes to glow, as well as gives him better perception/sight and dark vision. Creates flashes of closing eyes that spark and (if he tries hard enough) act as small explosives, blinding and disorienting opponents, leaving sunspots of eye imagery.
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pacificwaternymph · 11 months
*runs inside*
Please I need answers.
For Empires superhero Fic/series
What was the reason Scott and Xornoth ended their relationship(brothers)??
What was so bad that could make Xornoth hate Scott??
And random question while I'm here, how would Scott and Jimmy act as parents(since one is a villain and the other is a hero), and may Mojang forbid if Xornoth ever found out about Scott's child
Oh hi!
Well it wasn't really one big event, but more of a slow build up. I'll probably get more into it during the second arc of the superhero au, but the general gist is that Xornoth slowly started losing themself to madness and becoming slowly more abusive towards Scott.
They already had misaligning moral codes but Scott felt scared to actually say anything about it and eventually it all spiraled out of control when one of their fights went too far, resulting in the battle that decimated a third of the city.
I can definitely see the two of them adopting a kid later down the line since they're both very familiar with what it's like to grow up without parents. I think Scott would be terrified by the prospect of turning out like his brother, but they'd both be pretty good parents. They'd spoil that kid rotten, that's for certain. Lizzie would probably be a huge help as well.
And as for that last point, we don't really have to worry about that anymore do we :)
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havocmadden · 1 year
oh love all of those choices!! i have to say i really enjoyed best friends whenever when it was on. i'm not sure if i've seen all of it but it was a cute show!! i know it's one of your favorites!! and the tea is cyd x shelby was done better than riley x maya I SAID IT anyway gmw is lowkey dead to me so haha okay so some of my favorites are:
the rotten four, mal x evie, troyella, austin x dez, austin x ally, alex x harper, miley x lily, ben x mal, kimron, candace x jeremy, christopher x jessica, liv x holden, gordo x lizzie, amy x jake, amy x hartley
if this gives me away oh well 😅
okay so what were some of your favorite things from this year? favorite songs, albums, tv shows, movies, books, experiences, anything! and if you just rewatched older things that counts too!! -gcwca secret santa
i will say i definitely have some IDEAS now but i'm not very good at guessing so i could be wrong
also yeah gmw was like. i like gmw a lot but mostly i like the version that exists in my head and not in reality. i should finish my gmw/btvs crossover au actually,,, and i should write some bfw fic. i can't believe i've never written best friends whenever fic actually
some of my favorite things in 2022:
noah kahan's stick season
xana's tantrums
the locked tomb/gideon the ninth series!
getting to see a bunch of ghibli movies and the dark crystal in the theaters
getting to go see wicked the musical
watching movies with the gcwca. ik i'm not there very much but when i am i always have a great time <3
writing!!! idk if this COUNTS but i am very proud of myself for getting out two longer fics this year, both for people's birthdays and for doing nanowrimo and for my word count overall this year (currently 151k; hoping i can get to 155 before the year ends)
exandria unlimited calamity! it was just. augh. i loved it. i think about it constantly
movie night with peter and getting to see peter in november!! always a highlight of every year 💕💕💕💕
i feel like i didn't do a whole lot this year in terms of things that were interesting but. i hope you had a lot of good/favorite things happen this year too
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stellarcat52 · 3 years
More details for The Winged and The Rotten (weird empires smp au I came up with.)
X has wings but can’t fly, however, after discovering how to levitate from studying shulkers he can use that magic and his wings to maneuver himself in the air.
Scott was originally named Aeolus (I might change that) and renamed himself after running away from the temple.
X doesn’t like his name (going by X with people he likes/trusts) but doesn’t think he deserves a better name (yet) since he can’t stop the corruption, and part of him doesn’t want to.
X’s voice is almost identical to Scott’s, same with anything except his deer body, but he uses magic to change it to be threatening (and after a while just keeps it like that as a sort of defense against getting too close to people)
Continuing that X’s shared features with Scott are almost identical (coloring differences, and non-inherited trait differences), X wears a veil to prevent people making the connection that he looks like the winged stag hero.
Scott kept the letter that X wrote that lead to him running away.
The whole “if one gets injured they both do” includes illnesses and poisons no matter how little they effect them. The only thing it doesn’t effect is their magic (at least directly)
When they get sick they can struggle to control/use their magic. This doesn’t effect post-memory wipe Scott as much as it does X.
X has only ever carried one tool/weapon, and it’s a walking stick. Anything else he uses/fights with is made of his magic.
X’s physical magic often appears as vines or tentacles, but casting spells usually has a red, flowery appearance or looks like blood.
Scott’s magic usually appears as either liquid gold or water which solidify for physical magic, and spells have branching or frosting patterns.
I am still watching the other’s povs (I’m half of the way through Joey’s, and I’ve watched Scott’s and Lizzie’s) and will add on more as I catch up.
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Hfhhfhdhhfhf thank you- my fnaf AU is kinda a big comfort to me so ty for letting me talk about it (though i didn't say that before so you wouldn't feel pressured)
So quickest rundown I can give, TW for canon typical content as well as discussion of abuse and trauma
The story starts around nineteen seventy something when William and Henry start Fredbear's Family Diner. It's just a nice restaurant- think Chuck E Cheese's Pizza Time Theater from the late 70s- until William up and fucking murders Charlie out of literally nowhere because he's obsessed and jealous of Henry and wants to control Henry's life.
Her death happens in March a month before Elizabeth's, and she was buried in the woods, having bled to death in the alley after being stabbed in the back. (Get it?)
When Charlie's soul possesses The Puppet William's like HOLY SHIT IT'S ALIVE??? I GOTTA REPLICATE THESE RESULTS AND FIGURE IT OUT because he's William. In comes the Funtimes.
When Elizabeth died, William was upset at first, mostly annoyed with Elizabeth for disobeying even though he totally set the situation up by manipulating and lying to her that Baby was for her, but he covered up the event of her disappearance, and stopped caring that she had died when he found out she was possessing Baby.
I'm not gonna bore you with talking about his remnanty shit u know what he was doing
Cassidy, 8 years old and soon to turn 9, had witnessed Elizabeth's death, and in the wake of their loss, he and Michael both fell into awful spirals. Cassidy became a terrified wreck, scared to death of animatronics and of William. Michael became a massive bully with anger issues, taking out his pent up anger on Cassidy by bullying and terrorizing him, leading to the bite.
After the bite, Michael's whole angry teen facade fell apart and he became a broken husk of himself. His obsessive grief spiral and guilt was only worsened by an incident after the diner's temporary closure post-bite, where William brought Michael in and Fredbear attempted to brutally attack Mike.
This confirmed to William that Cassidy was possessing it, and that discovery led to the MCI.
In January of '84, Michael met a classmate named Jeremy Fitzgerald, who he later ended up dating until the bite. Jeremy's younger stepsister Susie Miller had been a short lived friend of Elizabeth's, from Charlie's death to Lizzie's own. Susie was 9 and a half in June when her puppy, Buddy, was run over by William's truck and buried in the backyard of the Miller residence. William straight up stole the dog corpse and put it into Toy Foxy- the next day, Susie was lured away and killed.
Next were 5 and 7 year old Jeremy Young and Gabriel Lowe. Jeremy had recently been adopted by a young couple ecstatic to have a child who practically spoiled him rotten; he was about as happy and innocent as a child can be. Gabriel, from a big family, was more timid and cautious, but unfortunately easily swayed by his surrogate brother Jeremy's optimism. They disappeared in January of 1985.
And finally was Mitzi Oliveira- Fritz, technically, but she used either. Mitzi had been a friend of Cassidy, though she never got along with Elizabeth. Mitzi was one of Charlie's many friends. Mitzi had been there to chill with Susie while she waited for Elizabeth to come back and play with her and her new puppy. Mitzi had battled Gabriel in many a video game match, chased little Jeremy around the pizzeria in sugar high induced spontaneous tag games she never held back from winning even though she was twice his age. And Mitzi was now seeing her dear friends' faces on missing posters all over town. Distressed and unsure of what to make of it, Wiliam lured her away promising to reunite her with her friends. Her mangled corpse was forced into the Foxy animatronic.
Aside from Cassidy, who was already alive and in full control, Charlie was the one to "give life" to the others and wake them up. While Jeremy is just scared and confused, only following the others because he wants to go home, the rest are all vengeful and angry.
Though, Susie's anger quells quite a bit in 1987 when she's reunited with her beloved puppy Buddy in the form of The Mangle.
Speaking of Buddy, he was never fully trained. He always had a bit of a biting problem.
Especially with Jeremy (though Jeremy didn't mind much.)
No I'm kidding it was Toy Chica who bit Jeremy.
Also around that time, the longest serving employee of Fazbear Entertainment, Scott Leskowitz (AKA Phone Guy), as well as the only one aside from William who knew about the missing children, was killed by Golden Freddy and inhabited the form of Shadow Bonnie. Fun fact, Scott had schizophrenia which made it very easy for William to gaslight Scott into keeping his mouth shut about what he knew. Now as Shadow Bonnie, Scott took on the alias of RWQFSFASXC or RWQ, and basically became a father/older brother figure to Cassidy mainly, but he cared about all of them. This helped the children to eventually let go of their anger. Cassidy especially needed that as it allowed him to forgive Michael to an extent.
Ok speeding up basically now here's 1990 after another 3 years of just, idk, crashing on his friend Bee's couch or smn /j Michael finds Circus Baby's rental opening and gets a job there. Using his grief from the loss of his sister Baby through Ennard manipulates and breaks down Michael so he won't resist the scooper and they can kill him and wear his flesh to escape.
Unsure of what to do, Michael returns to the main pizzeria to try and look for clues on how he can even start finding and stopping William, when he comes across Charlie, in The Puppet. In life, she had seen Mike as a big brother, and while she knows Cassidy's view on him she wholly believes he isn't a bad person and William is the problem, so she begins aiding Michael in his goals. God knows he needs someone- anyone- to be with him. His connection to Charlie puts him in a central place to reach the other dead kids, on a more... spiritual? Interpersonal? Level. Basically instead of therapy he has traumatized children. He's even able to begin to reconcile with Cassidy, and starts to pursue Ennard's whereabouts to get those souls as well.
But the fact remains that these children are suffering, and Michael had to let them go. So he and Charlie plan the destruction of everyone but Michael, with the Fazbear's Fright fire.
Oh yeah, also, um, William is Springtrap. That's a thing.
Anyways, Charlie decides to pull a fast one and get out of the fire and run away. William also manages to do this. Michael's depressed ass almost considers NOT doing this, but he can't rest until William is gone and his loved ones are free. So he continues.
It's here that he meets Caleb, and reunites with Henry. In her sudden isolation Charlie has started to go off the deep end a bit, so she's now contained inside Lefty. Caleb had accidentally aided William, unknowing of his ulterior motive. Michael at this point is at the full conclusion of his development; he accepts Caleb's good intentions despite his past and a relationship develops between them. Caleb is angry and hurt when he learns Michael is planning to sacrifice himself, but Michael insists it's how it has to be, and in the end, he leaves for work the day of the fire without telling Caleb, leaving him with a voice recording (taking after Henry) and Helpy, so Caleb will always have a memoir of Michael with him.
Caleb actually becomes a designer for Fazbear Entertainment because he associates it with Michael, and designs Glamrock Helpy as a little helper mascot. Cute tidbit.
Uhhhh I can explain SB later but this is insanely long already lol
And I love the small backstories on the missing children, my babies 😭
And love how at the end even though Michael canonically could very well be dead, and he later possesses Glamrock Freddy in your AU, I was still just like “NOOOOOO-“ when I read about him sacrificing himself and leaving Helpy for Caleb to remember him
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bandstolookup · 3 years
greensky bluegrass
white zombie
system of a down
rockwiz live
Brendon small
death from above
regelbau presents
drakeo the ruler
the wild dutchman
vicious summer
prince teejay
binghamton vibes
hudson taylor
new hope club
less than hate
spinal tap
uncle acid and the deadbeats
mercyful fate
Jeff hanneman
the transplants
enter shikari
king nun
less than jake
the ghost inside
Bruce dickinson
ten tonnes
Peter steele
letters from new york
lower expectations
napalm death
escape the fate
Phil Rudd
zac ivie
the outsiders
house of lewis
cannibal j
rugged method
Norma Jean
Memphis May Fire
after the burial
between the buried and me
machine he
maximum the hormone
name taken
kojo funds
High on fire
blue oyster cult
deep purple
all that remains
August burns red
ritchie valens
parkway drive
the ruminaters
hollywood rose
the transmitters
terrible things
louis berry
ben parker jnr
eric serra
the scars
frankie goes to hollywood
dzihan kamien
Ritchie Blackmore
ygnwie malmsteen
thin lizzy
misery index
soils of fate
decrepit birth
hate eternal
ocean wisdom
the internet
united pursuit
levi whalen
the lighthouse and the whaler
sea fret
the frogs
dustin tebbutt
against the current
billy raffoul
brian logan dales
jason isbell
ben rector
paradise fears
young rising sons
matt nathanson
the wild feathers
trash cats
iron sausage
rufus wainwright
Viking crown
southern isolation
Christ inversion
arson anthem
steel banglez
Philip H. anselmo & the illegals
soilent green
vision of disorder
fat joe
metal allegiance
cattle decapitation
busted guts
embrace the dawn
skengdo x am
terrible johnny
the art of hate
horror of horrors
worlds divide
all the way to the bank
bullet for my Valentine
dead kennedys
them crooked vultures
five finger death punch
wykked wytch
war faction
unfathomed of abyss
truth corroded
together as one
the alien blakk
solium fatalis
science of disorder
nagant neckshot
misanthrope monarch
metal mike
Jeff hughell
kelly clarkson
southern avenue
hatred for all
Fred brum
Enders game
ecliptic vision
divine era
divine disorder
dark days
cross up yours
creative waste
construct of Lethe
bleeding utopia
blade of Horus
and utero dominae
amicable treason
absence of the sacred
the last hard men
the red chord
blind faith
Bill & phil
body and blood
En minor
the graham bond organization
metal all stars
metatron nganga
razor white
superjoint ritual
rigor mortis
King parrot
cerebral bore
satyricon's frost
morbid anal fog
ed sheeran
the creepy freaky band
annotations of an autopsy
speed theory
firebrand super rock
the defiled
trigger and bloodshed
grand magus
paradise lost
blood island raiders
attica rage
stephen malkmus & the jicks
gama bomb
the rotted
the hollow earth theory
st. paul & the broken bones
natty reeves
muna ileiwat
ross from friends
insomniac bears
tom waits
ray charles
linda montana
souxie and the banshees
soulja boy
mulberry street
harold faltermeyer
t-bizzy and the management
General surgery
dead infection
the mentors
air supply
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undead-doofus · 7 years
I was tagged by 🖤 @someonespetturtle 🖤 to answer 30 questions Lets do this shit: 1. Nickname: Lizard Queen, Lizzy, Bruja and France (for those of you who know, know. If you don’t don’t ask)
2. Gender: it’s an enigma
3. Sign: sad goldfish
4. Height: 5'2, 5'6/7 with shoes
5. Time: for you to get a watch
6. Birthday: March 12
7. Favorite Bands: The Doors, BAUHAUS, Aus Rotten, THE CRAMPS
8. Favorite Solo Artist: I can’t decide
9. Song stuck in my head: Mercy Seat
10. Last movie I watched: Nightmare on Elm Street
11. Last Show I watched: Bobs Burgers
12. When did I create my blog: it’s been 5 long years
13. What do I post: politics, music, cool pictures and a shit ton of roses
14. Last Thing I googled: how long it’d take to walk to a taco shop
15. Do you have any other blogs: yes but no
16. Do you get asks: sometimes but super rarely
17. Why did you choose your URL: I like bats and people say I look like a witch cuz my hair crazy, I wear all black and the shoes I wear be pointy
18. Following: lovely people
19. Followers: a bunch of cutie patoots
20. Favorite color: lime green
21. Average hours of sleep: HA!
22. Lucky Number: 4
23. Instruments: i sing and it’s my fav thing to do since I was very little
24. What am I wearing: black pants, black pointy boots and a La Muerte lotería card crop top
25. How many blankets do I have: why
26. Dream job: I’m studying art so art
27. Dream trip: -
28. Favorite Food: I don’t know, probably pan y tacos
29. Nationality: Chicanx
30. Favorite song: I can’t choose but “Looks like Nylon looks like steel!!!”
I tag @tongueart @yinyangknightomega and whoever wants to cuz I love so many of you but I can’t spell, just @ me
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missladytale · 7 years
I will answer some of the more normal asks I get so you all can just read here for your answer before asking ~ This cover Fruittale, Clustergemtale, Fruitswap and my none AU skeletons.
Q: Can I draw your characters?
A: Yes of course! love seeing what you guys can create.
Q: Can I ship your characters with mine?
A: I don’t want people to ship around my characters. 
Q: Can I rp with your characters?
A: No you can’t roleplay with my character they are made for my use only end of story.
Q: Can I hug your characters?
A: Yes but do not expect me to draw it.
Q: How can I have a ship with you so it will be canon?
A: First find out if the character you want to ship with is available and then talk to me/ rp with me. If they click with each other they might get together.
Q: Where can I get to know more about Fruittale?
A: Fruittale will be a working progress. You guys will see more of the characters and stuff but keep in mind I have work so I do not always have time to draw.
Q: Is Rotten Melon's bad side?
A: He was but now they are brothers because he got his own soul.
Q: What is the canon ships?
Sacrifiser and Cluster 
Galaxylight and Artic 
Stardust and Valor
Kayde, Pyro and Cicada
Mora and Zareh 
Melon/Rotten and Marubi 
Cantaloupe, knox and Turiara
Cotton and Nova
Berry and Aurora
Goop/Fruittale!gaster and Lizzy
Q: What drawing program do you use?
A: paint tool sai and clip studio.
Q: Can I use your artwork?
A: No I don’t want my artwork to be reposted anywhere, or used in videos with out my permission. 
Q: Where can I support your artwork?
A: You can always by my coffee on https://ko-fi.com/A465REM <3
Or you can support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/LadySuika <3
Q: Is your commissions open?
A: Yes they are! Here is my commission list https://missladytale.tumblr.com/tagged/paypal-commission
( will be updated when more later and if you are not sure about something about my art, characters or anything just ask and I will gladly answer them! )
Character available to ask!
Melon Rotten Cantaloupe  - No icons Fika  - No icons CottonCandy  - No icons BerryCandy - No icons Clustergem/Cluster - No icons Pepoberry - No icons GalaxyLight Stardust - No icons Kayde Mora - No icons
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Melon’s Kids 5 years
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Nebula and Aurora ( Aurora belongs to @twinklephoenix
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trialserrors · 6 months
Can we hear more about little zombie Lizzie? Can we also give her hugs
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her arms are open for you to hug. sorta. she’s trying
i think i’ve already said this but she befriends the scrap animatronics eventually, and even tries to be nice to scraptrap. sometimes. she is repeatedly told NOT to do this
bc she spent like 30 years underground and lost most of her memories she doesn’t get much social stuff and is frustrated with having to hide her face
she still really likes clowns and circuses, but she doesn’t have as much of a fixation on having a family anymore, its more like she just wants her bandmates (funtime animatronics aren’t really a band but you get the idea) back
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trialserrors · 7 months
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it reminded me of them,,,
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for context press the link under the cut
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trialserrors · 5 months
corpsified gregory and vanessa designs might be coming later. i promise i remember that i said i was gonna make them 👍 they will be real one day. i promise ok
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trialserrors · 6 months
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look who it is !
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trialserrors · 6 months
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Can my zombie Elizabeth be friends with your zombie Elizabeth 👉👈
yes!!! i wish i could draw them together as a part of this reply but my hands are rebelling against me rn…
they would be the only ones to get eachother and that would be nice. i think. yes!
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