#yeah I'm ripping off FMA again
castellankurze · 18 days
"Falin": Marcille: Nice try, but when we're alone Falin calls me Marcy. Doppleganger monster: Shit, you two are togeth- *FIREBALL EXPLODES* Marcille: Just kidding. ... Senshi: Hmmm, shape-changing meat. And pre-seared.
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theclearblue · 3 months
For ship ask game : KageHina, IwaOi, BokuAka, and Mustang/Hakweye, please....
Ship It
1. Ooh I think I started shipping it pretty much right away? Maybe a little into season one, once they start to actually work as a team and you can tell how well they play off of each other.
2. Classic sunshine x grumpy dynamic, it hits everytime. There's also just so much clear admiration and respect for the other, and it shows in both how they play together and also in their interactions outside of volleyball. Also the first setter/spiker pair and it's good everytime lol
3. Hmm don't think so, I actually haven't consumed a lot of ship content for Haikyuu but I definitely have my pairs (like this one) where I'm like "Oh yeah! That's cute."
Ship It
1. Yeah another classic setter/spiker pair, they intrigued me instantly I think lol
2. I like how Iwaizumi looks out for Oikawa and knows that he's way too hard on himself sometimes, and is able to give him a reality check. It's clear to me that they have a deep trust in each other that they nobody else comes close to (sidenote I used to be a volleyball player and Haikyuu really just captures the homoeroticism of the sport huh akslslscfkehs)
3. Don't think I'm involved enough to have an unpopular opinion rip, just think they're cute lol
Ship It
1. I think when Akaashi is first seen to get Bokuto out of one of his depression slumps it really was just an instant sell as a ship (also...another spiker/setter pair...there's a pattern...)
2. Another classic sunshine x grumpy, but I like the twist on it where Bokuto gets way too in his head and gets into these slumps, but Akaashi is always there to help him through it and get him focused again, it's a really sweet dynamic. These two are probably my favorite ship from Haikyuu
3. Nooo I don't think so for this one either unfortunately.
Ship It
1. Love them so much, they THE couple of FMA and it was clear from the start. Not sure there was a moment I started shipping it but Riza tricking Envy will go down in the history books as one of the most iconic moments ever and really cements RoyAi as the best.
2. I like how much trust there is between them where they can just lean on each other when they need it, because they have that same baggage from their past. They've been through so much together, from the tattoo to the war to present day, there will never be anyone who understands them like they do for each other.
3. I'm honestly not mad about it being left open ended! I know a lot of people would of liked them to be canon (and a part of me does too) but I don't think it needs to be? They kind of do have this undefined relationship but what's most important is you can see the love and respect there, it feels okay to leave it up to audience interpretation.
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pepperbox · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the Trigun reboot?
the big tl;dr is that i'm enjoying it a lot!! there are a couple things that i'm like, not suuuuper thrilled about but overall: it's a yes from me!
(for clarity, i was a huuuuuge fan of the '98 anime and watched it with my mom as a kid! i read trimax later in life and adored that, and now the og anime is like. fine?? but comparatively falls flat for me now as an adult in my 30s. i've rewatched the anime only once as an adult but i've reread trimax uhhhhh three times in the past year alone lolol)
i'm gonna bullet point this bc that's just how my brain works best:
i love the animation! there have been a few instances where it felt off, but overall it's been a feast for my eyeballs
I'M SORRY BUT I LOVE THE NEW VASH DESIGN transmasc icon, he's perfect. i am absolutely not biased, ignore my undercut--
also it updated his look for the 2000s?? the broomhead was a Look in the 90s but it's so dated now i'm SORRY LMAO
also who out here is making hair gel on this fucking desert planet, i s2g,
the inclusion of roberto at first i was kinda ??? about but i quickly adjusted to him, esp as he started throwing soon-to-be-dead-mentor flags all over the fucking place. he cracks me up but i'm legit just waiting at this point for him to die to further meryl's development and to pass the torch derringer on to her
i do hope millie makes an appearance for meryl (so they can be girlfriends, as is only right) but her absence really doesn't break trigun for me bc uhhhh y'all, her and meryl have relatively minor roles in trimax and straight up disappear for like, volumes at a time
also i really hated her random romance with wolfwood in the 98 anime even as a kid and i will never forgive it for that
but ymmv!!!
i do think the pacing is a bit fast and i wish they either had longer episodes or more episodes to let it breathe a little! not entirely plot-wise because i actually like the reveals so far we've gotten because it's keeping even long time fans guessing for what's coming, but just for the relationships between the characters
like i would like more casual interactions between the four protags, and more vash & wolfwood getting to know each other before we jumped right to them butting heads so aggressively over morality and killing
but i do love that it also heavily showcases the consequences of vash's actions (or inaction)
because as meryl pointed out during the nebraska fight, he isn't actually doing anyone a kindness, he's just running away from pain
i am also sad that they took wolfwood AND livio's tits by the looks of it
rip 😔
also i am. not thrilled about elendira? i was really excited to see my wife on screen but instead they did that to her :(
i am curious about where the story is going to go!! because lost july hasn't happened yet but we're walking towards it, but when?
is it going to be mid-season? is it going to be the end of s1 if we're getting more than one season? will there be a time skip?
will [redacted manga spoilers] arrive?
will we get to see chronica and domina??
there's still SO much to cover, but i know they're mashing some things together (like jeneora rock was a couple different settings smashed into one, and it seems like the gung-ho guns and the eye of michael are even more woven together??) so we'll see but
BUT YEAH like!!!! i am enjoying it a lot overall!! i have a few gripes with it but i am so fucking happy to be watching trigun again, and as much as i would adore a 1-to-1 trimax adaption like they did with fma, i am really enjoying it being a retelling because i genuinely don't know what's going to happen!! it's fun!! i'm having fun!!
also there's a really emo thought i had about all trigun adaptions just being different lives for everyone and they're just caught in a loop
history doesn't repeat but sometimes it rhymes
i also love the fact that it's screaming that it's a passion project. that people who love the source material are all working on it, with nightow. they're bringing back VAs for both japanese and english versions, fans are animating and voicing it, it's amazing and shows how much love is going into this series, and i'm so glad to be able to experience it again
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Video Game Infodump... 3!! (Disgaea 4, Chapter One Pt. 1)
[LONG post, most of it under a 'readmore' link, RIP to y'all but it's real autism hours again]
There's this tactical rpg called Disgaea 4 that I've had my eye on for a while now, so when it ended up being 60% off on Steam for Black Friday, I snatched it up. Not five minutes into it I found that it 100% would've been worth the full price, I love it So Much. It's like,, Fire Emblem but silly
The protagonist is so, so beautifully stupid. He's a vampire, and he's introduced w a monologue abt drinking blood- or at least, that's what it seems like, until he reveals that his favorite thing in the world... is sardines.
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This man has four (4) traits: being pretty, gullible, sardine-obsessed, and so dead set on keeping promises that it's absolutely absurd.
Oh and he's the instructor for the prisoners of Hades, known as 'prinnies'. They're penguins that apparently are human souls who, to carry out punishment for the crimes they committed while they were alive, have been tucked into the world's saddest fursuits (blubbersuits?)
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Also, the voice acting in this?? Is SO fucking good. I'm usually not a huge fan of English dubs, but this one is fantastic. Valvatorez' VA's passion shines through in every line, and it really brings this character to life, it's so much fun to hear.
[The VA is Troy Baker, who is known for his work in anime and video games, including the second incarnation of Greed in FMA and Excalibur in Soul Eater!! I went to his wiki and there's a section on NFT drama though, sad clown honk]
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The story really kicks off when Val's beloved class of prinnies are 'kidnapped' before he can fulfill his promise of one (1) sardine, and he ends up rebelling against authority just to get those penguins their fish. They're set to be exterminated to deal with overpopulation- a big huge Yikes- but he doesn't care about that. The prinnies can be killed AFTER he gives them each a sardine. They can't die before he's followed through on his word!
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To go with goofy characters, there are goofy items: for healing, I've got a fuckton of sardines, the beginner armor is a garbage bag, and every item description is rather silly (pot lid shield that simply says 'it can protect your body but not your pride' my beloved)
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There are also goofy names. I totally forgot to take screenshots, but my fighter's name is 'National Holiday', and at one point I fought a prinny named 'Contact Lenses'
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Back to discussing the story bc I'm obsessed with it, the first antagonist, kidnapper of the prinnies, is the warden of Hades. He's sort of opposite of Val, and I don't think I'm ever going to get over his design- no shirt, the silliest coat ever, and his EYEBROWS... reminds me a little of Ralphie (ask me abt Ralphie ask me ask me I dare you)
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Even after we kick his ass, he refuses to let Val feed the prinnies, boooo
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The government of the Netherworld is called the 'corrupternment', which is. yeah.
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And Val's loyal servant also does not wear a shirt. Low-rise jeans that expose a man's hip bones are The Trend in the Netherworld, I guess.
This artstyle makes it look like all these guys got grabbed by some giant hand and were squashed around the middle... it's so funky
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The quest for the prinnies continues, with Fenrich pulling some political bullshit, but I am. nearly at the image limit and it probably isn't reasonable to just post most of the entire first chapter of this game, huh.
Anyway TLDR; this is my favorite game now, and I adore Val so so much, he's Pathetic <3
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wheresmulder · 10 months
I truly do not talk about the good place enough on this blog. Like you guys really don't understand. if you guys think I like a league of their own. If you guys think, I like the x files. If you guys think, I like anything at all. you have no idea how I feel about The good place
like I can't even actually put it into words. It changed me as a person fundamentally. I mean, I know we say that about a lot of stuff but just. It's different with this show. With all of the things that I've ever fallen in love with What do I do? I watch them until I cannot watch them anymore. I've seen aloto at least 60 times all the way though. Do you know how many VHS tapes I broke as a child because I would just watch my favorite movie repeatedly until literally the tape snapped inside the vcr bc I wore it down. And then I'd cry my eyes out. RIP rescuers down under. That was like a death in the family. When I was 21 my sister Snapped my DVD in half (Chitty chitty Bang bang) because I watched it literally 4 times in 1 day. And it's like a 3 hour movie, so that is a whole day of Chitty chitty Bang bang on in the living room. Yeah, she took the DVD out of the player and snapped it in half right in front of me. Whenever I find a song that I like I literally listen to It for days on repeat and I memorize the lyrics and I suck every single drop of joy I can get out of it.
And that's on autism.
But I've digressed.
the good place is literally the best thing that I've ever seen.
And so I have only watched it twice.
I found It on Netflix like right when the last episodes of the last season were airing and me and my family binged it, and then watched the final episode on the day it came out.
I've literally only rewatched it one time since then.
The show is so fucking good that I don't want to rewatch it. Because I don't want to dull the sensation of how good it is. I don't want to memorize it (i do have the cactus scene memorized from showing it to ppl). Because I want fresh eyes when I watch It again. Because I love it that much. I literally have never loved anything this much in my entire life. all my life I have been obsessed with movies and TV shows and books and music and I literally have been like agonizing ever since I turned 18 about like what tattoo I'm gonna get because I wanted all these tattoos (like AURYN from tnes, VFD eye, fma ouroborus) but I couldn't make a decision and the money and this and that and whatever to put it off and never got one but literally ✨️within 3 months of my first rewatch of the good place✨️ I went out and got a goddamn cactus tattooed on my forearm with the words "Thank you, Janet".
That's how much this show means to me. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know. I just genuinely believe it's the greatest piece of media ever made and I think it should be required reading for anyone in our society.
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mysterylover123 · 3 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 243-244 "Goofball Hime Returns!"
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1. NEW OP! The highlights of this one include a look at our stylishly dressed and sexy new cast of villains, and a hero lineup that includes a badass Orihime wielding some kind of weapon. Sadly, none of the Soul Reaper characters. I'm sure they'll return eventually, but I guess this is the Humans Only arc.
2. OOH, Ichi reveals there's been a time skip and he's now a senior! And Hime and Chad revealed to everyone that Ichi's a superhero, so no more secret identity crap. Except he doesn't have a secret id anymore. OK...
3. OOH and Ichi's sisters are getting powers now! Cool, are they gonna fight this arc? AND IS THAT TATSUKI WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR HAIR GIRL?!
4. Ooh and Uryuu's back in focus since he's the only one with powers left. And Ichi's missing Rukia, who - DAMMIT - hasn't showed up to visit her other human friends. Seriously Ruki?
5. OOH and we're dealing with high school stuff. And Ichigo gets good grades? I didn't know that. So he's not the classic, bottom of the class Shonen hero IQ? COOL.
6. "I'm enjoying my quiet retirement" Ichi basically says. Oh damn dude you know that's an invite to IMMEDIATELY have it ripped apart. In film speak that's like saying "DESTROY ME PLOT"
7. And Ichi's still a tough badass, even without superpowers, so he beats up a purse snatcher like the superhero he is. THAT'S OUR ICHI.
8. Though apparently the guy whose purse he saved is evil or something. DAMMIT PLOT HE HAD 3 DAYS LEFT TILL RETIREMENT
9. Tatsuki has a part time job at the dojo! And OOH YES THERE'S MY GIRL FINALLY!! ORIHIME, who struts down the hall like a goddess who everone she passes immediately falls for. And she's got longer hair and she comes in by rolling down a pole!! Tatsuki reprimands her.
10. OMG TATSUHIME IS BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER. And Ichigo is officially attempting to join their OT3. I legit enjoy all 3 corners of this trio now.
11. ORIHIME IS GETTING TO BE WHACKY AND ECCENTRIC AGAIN. I've missed eccentric Orihime, she's been through so much crap recently we haven't gotten to see her goofing around. And Ichi highlights that her "eyes now look like #3". LOL THIS IS HILARIOUS I LOVE IT.
12. "boss" So Ichigo has a job? And he immediately gets fired. Or quits. And then a gigantic thug team shows up to...threaten him? URYUU SHOWS UP TO THREATEN THEM LIKE A BAMF.
13. And it appears our new villains' boss is a sexy maid. NOICE. And Ichi and Uryuu are bickering about how to handle the thugs in 244. (just kiss already). OOH URYUU IS CLASS REP? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT.
14. This really is my week for shipping Shonen heroes with their glasses clad, class rep BFFs.
16. So we meet Ichigo's boss and determine what his job is. It is very strange. His boss apparently has kids and she is able to flop from sexy badass to loving mom in an instant. I LOVE HER.
18. YAY BACK TO ORIHIME. "Hey did someone kidnap Ichigo? Do I have to go rescue him?" "Nope just his boss" "Yeah that sounds like Ichigo. Always surrounded by weirdos like you and me."
19. Hime apparently has a 6th Ichigo sense. And Hime has a part time job?! OMG LETS SEE HOW SEXY AND WEIRD HER BOSS IS. Anyway Uryu''s got a stalker apparently.
20. Anyway Ichigo's getting hired to track down his own dad apparently? And Karin is training with Urahara. And she's resolved to protecc her big brother. NOICE. This arc needs to end with all the lady BAMFS lining up to kick some ass.
21. Some shit's gonna go down that'll threaten Ichi's family and our new mullet-haired villain or whatever he is warns him.
22. Orihime comes by his window with bread and is now in Ichi's room feeling awkward. "LOL HIME YOU'VE BEEN HERE BEFORE" says Ichi. Oh, do tell? Also Hime and Ichi are now comfortable bickering a little, which is definitely making me ship them hard.
23. Hime asks if he's being stalked. And Ichi tells her it's ok that she's so inquisitive. Uryu is stalking them and annoyed apparently that Hime is stealing his boyfriend. Then follows our new villain stalker off to see what's up. AND OMG URYU DON'T BE DEAD!!
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Story: Undo(HagaOni), Chapter 4
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.
As a side note, I am ACTUALLY MAKING A FULLFLEDGED GAME FOR THIS FANFICTION, called "HagaOni", which is why it's taken me so long to update.(The game is going to be just slightly different from this at times(mostly in updated dialogue), but not by much. You can keep up with art and updates on it on Hagaoni . tumblr . com in case you're interested in its production.
It's literally after 2:30 AM and I should be in bed right, now, but I figured I should write something for y'all!
Also, I'm verrrry sorry, I know that cellphones of any kind weren't created until the 1970s in our world, but for the sake of key parts of the HetaOni storyline, and this game/fic and my belief in the FMA universe, handheld phones of some sort do exist thanks to alchemy and advanced technology, but they're not anything fancy(just for basic calling and mainly only the military has them.) But I mean… Riza was shown being able to talk to Roy, who answered on a phone, while Riza was communicating through a small earphone and mic or something (when she was fighting Gluttony.) So it's obvious that there are some wireless capabilities, as for the extent of them, I have no clue.
As expected, the beast was waiting for them when they left the room and immediately tried to slash them. Of course, they were just slightly faster and shot it several times, only earning one or two injuries.
Once it seemed to slow down, Riza led Havoc to the room where Roy was at, surprised not only by the fact that the beast didn't seem to be following them anymore, but also when she was greeted by an iron door in place of what was once the curtain. However, she didn't question it.
"Oh, so this is where the Colonel is? It's pretty solid." Havoc noted, as she was about to speak herself. "Hey, Chief. You in there?!"
"Oh, Havoc, is that you?" Roy called back, slightly muffled. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, but the boss is still missing…!"
"I see… We really need to find him." His voice was quiet for a moment, as if in deep thought, before continuing. "Alright. I'm pretty much done here, so we can go now."
As he said this, he stepped out of the closet.
"Even so, would you mind if we come back here at some point?"
"What for?" Riza asked.
"Yeah, sir. If you don't mind me asking, do you actually like those narrow spaces?" Havoc wanted to know.
"I suppose you could say I'm… used to them… But it's really not all that narrow in there." Roy said. Before they could respond, he changed the subject. "Anyway, let's go and look for… Hold on..."
"What is it, sir?" Riza tilted her head a bit when Roy stopped mid-sentence.
"You're hurt." Roy said, looking down at her ripped sleeve and bloodied arm with a openly concerned expression.
"Oh, this? Don't worry about it. It's not painful anymore." She smiled lightly. "Anyway, right now, we just need to focus on finding Edward, alright…?"
"...Yeah." Roy said with reluctance after a moment.
"Oh, Colonel, that reminds me. While we're at it, there's a shelf on the fourth floor that I need your help with moving." Riza asked.
"Oh, sure, I can try. Is there something behind it?" Roy inquired.
"Actually, I'm not sure… That's what I want to find out." Riza explained.
"It's stuck pretty good. You think you can do it, Chief?" Havoc asked, once they were in the
"No, it seems to be bolted to the floor. We would need either alchemy or some kind of tool to move this."
"A tool…" Riza mused. It was a big house. Maybe there was something around in one of the rooms. "Sir, I'll take a look around to see if I can find one."
"Alright." Roy nodded. "In the meantime, I'll keep trying to see if I can move it on my own."
"I would come with you, but I'll stay here with the Chief in case he needs my help." Havoc told her, a tad awkwardly.
"Alright, I'll come back if I find anything useful."
"Thanks." Roy replied.
With that said, Riza left the room.
This time around, the other room on the fourth floor was unlocked.
It led into a bedroom with a single dresser, wardrobe, table and several wooden boxes.
Inside of the dresser, there was a key, and after walking around in the room a bit, she spotted a huge hole underneath the bed. Fortunately, she had enough strength to at least move that. Peering down into the hole, she discovered that she was in the room above a piano room. On top of that, there was just enough distance between the two floors that she could tell just by looking at it that it wouldn't be likely to injure anybody her size too badly as long as they were careful.
It was possible that she could unlock the piano room door from the inside. Then again, it could also be the same deal as the front door where she would just end up locked inside.
With that last thought in mind, she prepared to move away from the hole, but before she could, the floor around the hole began to collapse, quickly dragging her down with it before she could even respond.
She mentally cursed when she landed on her back and the breath was knocked out of her. Fortunately, other than that and probably what would become some pretty bad bruises, she didn't seem to have sustained any other serious injuries. After a moment of regaining her breath, she got up and took a moment to explore the shelves over in the corner of the room, finding nothing of immediate value before heading towards the door. It was at that moment that she heard a loud bang behind her. Looking back, she saw that it was the monster again. It must have heard the loud crashing whenever she fell and followed after it.
Fortunately, the door unlocked and she was able to get out safely.
After a bit of running throughout the house and shooting it to get away from it, she had finally seemed to lose it and returned to the third floor. This time, one of the other doors were unlocked, and she didn't hesitate to open it, knowing that at this point that the most she needed to prepare for was seeing another set of coal black eyes staring back at her.
It only took a second to realize she was in a library, this one bigger than the one on the first floor.
However, it took her aback, when, instead of seeing one of those things again, she saw Edward.
And, apparently, he saw her as well, because he immediately rushed over with a worried look in his eyes. "Lieutenant Hawkeye, you're okay!"
"Edward, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you! You're not hurt, are you?"
"Nah, I'm fine." Edward smiled a bit, before his expression became more serious again. "But right after you left, there was some kind of monster that appeared in the hallway and came after us. Have you seen that thing? The Colonel screamed his ass off when he realized his alchemy wasn't working. Did you hear him?"
"No, I didn't." Riza wasn't surprised to hear that Roy had screamed at seeing a monster like that.
"Well, anyway… When that thing appeared, all I could think to do was run… Sorry, I shouldn't have left you behind like that…" Edward looked away guiltily.
"It's okay, Edward…" Riza insisted soothingly. "There's no need to apologize. Anybody would have done the same thing in your situation. Even me."
It's not like Edward had a gun or weapon to defend himself with, after all.
"Still... what's going on in this place? Alchemy is not working, the front door is locked and there are no phone signals here, either." Once while exploring, Riza had tried to use her handheld phone issued by the military in case of emergencies to call out for help, but she couldn't get through. It was like something was interfering with the signal.
"Yeah, it looks like we're locked in…" Edward murmured.
"Perhaps I'm wrong, but you seem fairly calm about this, Edward… You were even wondering around the house." Riza observed, despite the fact that she herself had been doing the exact same thing.
Edward graced her with a smirk. "Hey, I'm a lot tougher than I look, you know. It takes a lot more than some monster to get me all worked up. Besides, those two were freaking out. I figured somebody needed to keep a level head."
"I see…" Riza pondered it for a moment, pushing back the feeling that Edward was hiding something. "That does make sense…"
She herself had been rather startled by the beast herself at first, but after seeing everybody else so worked up, she had somehow become much calmer about the whole ordeal, even if it still wasn't exactly pleasant.
"So what about the Colonel and Second Lieutenant Havoc? Are they okay? Have you found them yet?"
"Yes, and they should be on the fourth floor right now… But we should probably go and meet back up with them in case that thing shows up again… I'll explain the details on the way."
"Alright." Edward nodded, turning towards the door. "Let's hurry then."
A/N: Another chapter down! I hope you guys liked this one okay, Edward finally joins the party! :D
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