#ive also watched the janets episode more than twice for obvs reasons
wheresmulder · 10 months
I truly do not talk about the good place enough on this blog. Like you guys really don't understand. if you guys think I like a league of their own. If you guys think, I like the x files. If you guys think, I like anything at all. you have no idea how I feel about The good place
like I can't even actually put it into words. It changed me as a person fundamentally. I mean, I know we say that about a lot of stuff but just. It's different with this show. With all of the things that I've ever fallen in love with What do I do? I watch them until I cannot watch them anymore. I've seen aloto at least 60 times all the way though. Do you know how many VHS tapes I broke as a child because I would just watch my favorite movie repeatedly until literally the tape snapped inside the vcr bc I wore it down. And then I'd cry my eyes out. RIP rescuers down under. That was like a death in the family. When I was 21 my sister Snapped my DVD in half (Chitty chitty Bang bang) because I watched it literally 4 times in 1 day. And it's like a 3 hour movie, so that is a whole day of Chitty chitty Bang bang on in the living room. Yeah, she took the DVD out of the player and snapped it in half right in front of me. Whenever I find a song that I like I literally listen to It for days on repeat and I memorize the lyrics and I suck every single drop of joy I can get out of it.
And that's on autism.
But I've digressed.
the good place is literally the best thing that I've ever seen.
And so I have only watched it twice.
I found It on Netflix like right when the last episodes of the last season were airing and me and my family binged it, and then watched the final episode on the day it came out.
I've literally only rewatched it one time since then.
The show is so fucking good that I don't want to rewatch it. Because I don't want to dull the sensation of how good it is. I don't want to memorize it (i do have the cactus scene memorized from showing it to ppl). Because I want fresh eyes when I watch It again. Because I love it that much. I literally have never loved anything this much in my entire life. all my life I have been obsessed with movies and TV shows and books and music and I literally have been like agonizing ever since I turned 18 about like what tattoo I'm gonna get because I wanted all these tattoos (like AURYN from tnes, VFD eye, fma ouroborus) but I couldn't make a decision and the money and this and that and whatever to put it off and never got one but literally ✨️within 3 months of my first rewatch of the good place✨️ I went out and got a goddamn cactus tattooed on my forearm with the words "Thank you, Janet".
That's how much this show means to me. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know. I just genuinely believe it's the greatest piece of media ever made and I think it should be required reading for anyone in our society.
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