boarblorbo · 7 months
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asagi you dick
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wayward-wendy · 2 years
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GOT THE PREORDER FOR THE BKMN THING FOR MY BIRTHDAY EARLIER TODAYY.. thank u christmas money I love u so so much..
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bonniehooper · 2 months
DEATH NOTE 1x26: "Renewal"
-I honestly don't care what comes next because I'm so mad that L, Watari, and Rem are dead.....
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-Okay, I just watched it, don't make me relive it.
-Is this a recap episode?
-So... this episode is pointless...got it.
-Oh wait, there is more, okay.
-Watari was an inventor?
-Was L one of the orphans from Watari's orphanage or did L's parents pass, and Watari took him in because he knew his parents?
-Oh, is the poor baby bored without L? Well, whose fault is that?!
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-The fucking dramatics! I CAN'T!!
-Oh my god, he looks like a conductor.
-I forgot he killed the thief, con man, and all the guys at Yatsuba.
-Seeing Light win is just.... gross.
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fyre-system · 3 months
So here's the style each alter is in:
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Aleć looks like a wolf from a sovet propaganda poster. He looks a bit more cartoonish tho
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Beth is in the style of yatsuba
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politedyke · 2 years
everyone reblogging yatsuba is on a roll, man. i fuckin love those books
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yes-pick · 5 years
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my ships r weird qwq
i made this in september i guessss, my comic skills was pretty bad back then so u might not understand what is going on here xd.
So its about misa kissing l, light gets envy and kisses l to make misa envy too, i hope i made it clear xdd
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i-m-snek · 7 years
Do snakes get hiccups?
Not that I know of :O
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mikami · 2 years
Misa is in "love" basically because of his looks. One chapter she said that one of the yatsuba people was "alike" light so she felt sympathy for him. But the anime left that line out. Idk what other changes the anime studio makes...
I have a whole list of all change here!
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sugarylawliet · 4 years
bells (L lawliet x reader)
> warnings: ANGSTTT, major death note spoilers
> i know i altered the rain scene a bit and combined it with the monster speech but i thought it fit nicely okay let me live 😫
     It wasn’t easy, working as part of the kira case. You knew that better than anyone. You knew that when you begged L to let you join the task force, and by the sorrowful look in his eyes in response to your request, he knew it too. What he also knew, though, was that you wouldn’t give up. No matter how many times he warned you of the dangers, “Y/N your heart could stop any minute,” “Y/N you’d have to say goodbye to your normal life,” “Y/N this puts us both in danger and i can’t lose you,” he knew all too well you would never let up. You would just persist on begging and begging, because you’re just like him. Stubborn. That’s just the thing he loved about you, but also the part of himself perhaps he hated the most. And so, he let you join the task force.
Now almost a year into the investigation, the large band of japanese police and american FBI agents dwindled down to a dedicated few, those who were willing to put their lives on the line to find kira. That few was you, L, Light Yagami, Cheif Yagami, Matsuda, Aizawa, and of course Watari. Misa tagged along too, living in the task force headquarters with everyone else though you weren’t sure exactly why. Maybe L kept her around because he couldn’t let go of the idea that she was the second kira. Stubborn. Though you didn’t agree with his theory, it wasn’t so bad having another girl around HQ.
“Hey Y/N, have you seen Ryuzaki around?” Light asked, walking into the main room placing a hand on your shoulder as you sat eyes glued to the surveillance footage you were to go over.
“Hmm, no actually. Haven’t seen him anywhere. Why, what’s up?” You turned around to face Light, the short nail of your thumb trapped between your front teeth; a habit you picked up from L.
“I don’t know it’s just... weird,” Light removes his hand to rub the back of his neck, “Usually Ryuzaki is always here going over something for the kira case, honestly it’s like the man never sleeps!” He lets out a laugh, and you smile too. It was hard to resist Light’s charm, he just had that effect on people. So charismatic, he couldn’t possibly be kira. Could he? “I guess it’s just strange not to see him anywhere.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll look for him, I could use a break anyways.” You push yourself away from the desk, standing up from your chair to stretch with a groan before heading up the stairs- you had an idea of where he might be.
“Let me know when you find him, I’ve got some case stuff I want his opinion on.”
“Yes sir officer Yagami!” You did a soldier salute in his direction mockingly.
“Don’t call me that,” Light laughed with a wide smile and narrow eyes, a bright laugh that filled the echoey room. You smiled warmly. He wasn’t kira.
You push open the heavy metal door leading to the roof top of the tall building HQ was located at, your eyes meeting with a slouched figure drenched in rain water. You had a feeling he might be here.
“L!” You called, walking out into the heavy rainfall to collect him. What the hell was he doing out here? He paid no attention to your calls, only continuing to gaze outward at the buildings below.
“L! L, what are you doing out here? You’ll get sick, come on!” You approached him, tapping on his shoulder to get his attention.
“I hear the bells, Y/N,” L took in a deep breath, taking his time to inhale the scent of fresh rain water and cold crisp city air. His dark eyes were clouded with thought, though you couldn’t tell which thoughts.
“What are you talking about? C’mon, let’s get inside.”
“Y/N love, I fear we may be parting ways soon.”
“I believe I may have bitten off more than I can chew, Y/N. I’ve encountered a monster. A monster who always tells lies. Lying monsters are a real nuisance, you know? They’re much more cunning than other monsters. They pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart; they eat even though they've never experienced hunger; they study even though they have no interest in academics; they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love. I’ve encountered this monster and, well, I’m afraid I might be eaten by it. Because in truth,” He takes in another thoughtful breath, pushing his raven hair dripping with water away from his forehead, “I am that monster.”
Amongst the hard rain pattering against steel, the scattered cracks of thunder, the sound of your own heavy breaths, it all felt silent. So silent it hurt. You couldn’t breath, sure you felt yourself taking in breaths but it wasn’t enough. Your lungs felt cold and wet. It was like L stole your language capabilities, like he reduced you to a little kid who only used their vocal chords to cry. You wanted to cry. You wanted to say ‘L, what do you mean?’ but in your chest you knew what he meant. Because you heard the bells too.
“L,” You began,
“Lawliet,” He turned to face you, running his hands down your arms before taking your hands, enclosing your fingers in his, “That’s my real name. Lawliet.”
You blinked hard. Were you choking? Suffocating? “We’ll be alright,” You smiled, letting out a stiff breath, “You didn’t get the name ‘best detective in the world’ for nothing, right?”
L lightly moves a hand to the back of your head and places a soft kiss to your lips. You kiss back, tasting the remnants of buttercream and black coffee on his chapped lips. You rake his dark hair through your fingers before he pulls away all too soon.
“Mhm. Let’s go inside love, you’ll get sick.” He hummed.
Your eyes flutter open, hand instinctively floating to the space next to you expecting to find L, but all you felt was the smooth linen of hotel bed sheets fuzzy with loose balls of thread and cotton. You groan, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you turn on your phone. Almost 9 AM? That’s late. Why wouldn’t L wake you?
You make your way down the stairs into the main HQ room, where the whole crew was gathered around a table studying the black notebook they collected from the yatsuba case. L, though, sat at his same chair, staring intensely at seemingly nothing, biting on his thumb nail.
“Ryuzaki, what’s the meaning of all this?” Matsuda asks raising his voice, “You’ve somehow gotten approval from another country to use the notebook for an execution?!”
“Watari, excellent work, thank you.” L ignores him completely. “First things first, please make arrangements to transport the notebook immediately.”
“Ryuzaki-” Light this time, “What are you trying to do?”
“I’m gonna try out the notebook for you.”
The task force all let out an audible gasp, including you.
“Ah, Y/N, you’re awake. I let you sleep in, I hope you don’t mind. You needed rest.” 
“Wh- Ryuzaki, are you crazy? We know the notebook’s power is real, we’ve seen it before, how else do you think kira operates?!” You dismissed.
“And besides, who’s gonna write the name? If someone starts writing in the notebook, they’ll have to obey the 13 day rule and keep writing names forever!” Matsuda adds.
“It’s already been worked out, the person who will be writing names is a criminal scheduled to be executed in just over 13 days. If he’s still alive 13 days after writing the name, he’ll be pardoned from execution.”
You move closer to L, sitting in your usual seat next to him and take his hand, “But still...to sacrifice a life?-”
“We’re very close!” L yells, raising his fingers to rest at his temples, dropping his hand from yours. You look down at your feet. “If we work this out, the entire case will be solved.”
The flash of red from the monitors before you pulls your attention back up, the room illuminating a cherry hue like the toppings from L’s cake. An alarm begins to blare in your ear, sending your heart rate up as you jump from your chair. Matsuda holds on to your shoulder, concern painted all over his face. Jeez, he looks more scared than you. That’s Matsuda for you. 
“What’s going on?! A blackout?!”
L sat calmly at his chair like nothing was wrong. You knew he wasn’t calm. He wasn’t chewing on his thumb. He was staring up at the red flashing monitor with a furrowed brow, his eyes full of deniel. Worry. L Lawliet, worrying. Who would have guessed. 
The red hue of the computer screens flashed white all at once, one sentence displayed in black letters: All Data Deletion. 
“Watari!” L cried. You had never seen him like this.
“Data deletion? What the hell is going on?!” Chief Yagami yelled impatiently. 
“I told Watari that he should erase all information in the event that something were to happen to him.”
“If something were to happen... you don’t think?...”
“Where is the shinigami?!” L yelled.
You all frantically searched around the room, mumbles of “Where’d it go?” and “I don’t see it” filled the air. Tears brimmed your eyes as you scanned every corner of the room. This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t happening.
“Everyone,” L called, “The shinigami-” He cut himself off, inhaling a quick sharp breath with wide eyes. He was still. No, no, no, no, no please this wasn’t happening. His metal spoon dropped to the floor with a loud clatter before he himself fell onto the cold tiling. 
“Ryuzaki!” Light dove for him, cradling him in his arms as he lay silently struggling for air. You rushed over as well, sitting on the other side of him. You grasped his hand and brought it to your heart. “L, L, Lawliet, you’re fine, it’s okay stop it! This isn’t funny, STOP!” You yelled at him through voice cracks, struggling to swallow back sobs. He only stared back with wide eyes. Could he even see you? You brushed his thick ebony hair behind his ears and leaned in close. You could feel his shallow breathing on your nose. “It’s okay, it’s okay, you’re alright, right? We’re gonna be alright?” You begged of him. Did you expect him to respond?
Slowly, almost with hesitance to admit defeat, his eyes fluttered closed. No, god this wasn’t real. You were dreaming. “L! L stop it! Wake up, please just wake up. You can’t leave me here just wake up please!” You sobbed into his chest. It wasn’t moving. All the nights you fell asleep to the rhythm of his chest moving up and down with his breaths and his heartbeat following along- it was all gone. this was nothing like that. He was gone. And so you cried harder. Your throat hurt- sore from the sobbing and screaming. It was all you could do. 
“Y/N...” Aizawa placed his hand on your shoulder, “Y/N, I’m sorry. it’s time to go.”
“Nuh-uh” You hummed through cries. You couldn’t bring yourself to say no. L would want it. But you weren’t letting him go. You weren’t giving up like that. Stubborn. 
Aizawa crouched next to you. “I know...” He whispered. “You have to let go.”
You shook your head, you pleaded, begged for him to not take him. You needed him. But Aizawa was stronger than you. He walked around you, picking up L bridal style and taking him out of the room.
“No, no, please, Aizawa please! I need him, please,” You reached for L’s limp hand, but it only lifelessly fell from your grasp as Aizawa walked away.
You helplessly begged for L back, still crying tirelessly on the cold floor. For Aizawa to just let you hold him; keep him. Please, he’s fine, just let me have him, I’ll take care of him, please, I just need him. But nobody listened. It hurt. You almost thought you were next to have a heart attack because it hurt. And no matter how long you laid there crying, shaking, you didn’t stop. It didn’t stop hurting. Because you were stubborn. Just like him.
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strardust900 · 4 years
I am spilling the tea: My favourite character in Death Note is Matsuda.
Being positive in that hellish scenario that Light created is not stupidity. It’s amazing he is still so willing to laugh, to resist, to have a future worth of living.
And let me tell you, everybody else is so pessimistic, gothic like and bitter to an extreme.
They do it like it was aesthetic, even in hellish situation humans are known to be sarcastic, funny, even to just kill the tension. It’s normal, it means not letting the bad guys win, to try to live instead of just surviving.
The other characters cannot phantom that and so simply arrive to the conclusion he doesn’t understand what’s happening, that he is stupid.
Guys... he is not. He is a policeman. He was one of the few that didn’t resign even when he found out Kira could and was willing to kill him.
He is not patient as we saw with the whole Yatsuba incident. But he wanted to help the team and when he thought he could to it he just did without thinking about the consequences.
He is loyal. He is so goddamn loyal.
He is so loyal to L, even after years he died.
He LOVES Light. To him Light is perfect, a friend, someone he could count on.
But he believes in L. He believed in L so much that AFTER YEARS he still brought that damn gun wherever he went. Even when Near told him to not bring weapons. And maybe L understood that, because he gave the gun to Matsuda. To him and not the other members, because he saw in him a loyal soul. And that’s a lot given the fact that L is so paranoid.
When Light revealed himself as Kira he was heartbroken.
He pulled the trigger.
He shot a friend.
He shot Light.
He got Light.
With eyes full of tears.
He couldn’t see well, he was shaking moments before, his world crashed on him, he found out he lived a lie, that Soichiro Yagami who he saw as a leader and a father figure was betrayed by his own fresh and blood.
He always defended Light, he loved him and I am sure that he would have died for him.
He shot once and put Light in his place. He told him the truth “ How could you? You were loved, you were so much loved. And you killed them. What about Sayu? She is your little sister and now she is traumatized and you don’t care. “
Then he shot him again and again. Perfect shots. Everybody always told him he was a shitty cop but he is an hell of a shooter.
Never a killing shot. Until the last one because he wanted to watch him in the eyes while doing so.
When Matsuda is stopped he seems almost relieved for it. Someone saved him from killing Light. Thank God.
Then when Light runs away he calls for him.
He doesn’t says: stop.
He says: Light!
He doesn’t see a suspect or a criminal.
He still see Light. Not an hero, not a God, he is not even a perfect man anymore.
Minoru is the only other character that could be considered good in the same way. He could have acted horribly but he didn’t, he didn’t hurt anybody, he didn’t want to. He still was egoist and irresponsible to sell the note to a greedy pseudo dictator but I believe he was sure someone ( like L ) would have stopped the President from using it.
And then years later Matsuda shows his face and name in TV like nobody business when there’s a new Kira at large.
Matsuda knows he could get killed and also how but he still say: don’t buy the note it’s illegal!
He is a simple person but a good one.
And that’s the important thing
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runescapeoutfits · 5 years
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Cherry Blossom parasol Outfit request
- I wanted to thank you because you are one of those people who always support me, even when we don’t know each other, and you make my day <3 Sorry for delays in this request, i will be posting a few more outfits in the following days that can also match with the parasol @yatsuba
Outfit 1: Noble hat, Servant necklace, Colonist top, Trousers (pink), Ariane bracers, Dervish shoes, all with prismatic light pink dye and Completionist cape.
Outfit 2: Feline ears, Gnome scarf (pink), Dervish top, Amare bottoms, Ancient cuffs, Noble shoes, all with prismatic light pink dye and Completionist cape.
Outfit 3: Feline ears with prismatic red dye, Masquerade top and  Vampyre hunter cuffs (*from past holiday events*), Desert bottoms, default shoes, Completionist cape.
All prismatic dyes are not really needed for the outfits, i tested them with normal pink and also looks fine c:
Thank you very much for your request, i loved doing it <3
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jahaanofmenaphos · 5 years
How long have you been playing runescape?
Greetings Yatsuba! I've been playing for about 11 years, on and off, taking gaps of years in between. It's hard to believe my account is that old when I only have one 99 xD Thing is, one never quits Runescape, one merely takes breaks xD
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fyre-system · 3 months
So here's the style each alter is in:
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Aleć looks like a wolf from a sovet propaganda poster. He looks a bit more cartoonish tho
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Beth is in the style of yatsuba
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natushi12 · 2 years
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Mexican Rhythms Digital Illustrations by Tubik Studio, Yaroslava Yatsuba
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thatlousyartist · 4 years
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The graphic designer Yaroslava Yatsuba developed the stylistic concept that would be applicable for the brand intro cartoon and also the physical branded items to give a consistent look to all the details, like packaging, gift cards and so on. The botanical illustration was chosen as a basis of the concept and stretched on graphics featuring animals.
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