#yandere mohawk mark
xjulixred45x · 27 days
Hello :3 can I request a story or one shot about an evil invincible(prefer sinister makr) try to kidnap reader from the mainstream dimension, bc the reader of their dimensions dead :3 (platonic yandere ofc)
Sorry if this long, I just have this scenario in my head for days and I need someone to write it 😭🙏🙏
Take your time, and your work is amazing 💟💟💟
Hun, the Requests are Closed, but honestly? I can do this just bc My obsesión with Invincible isn't over yet(and will LAST) and honestly i NEED to write something (just the nex time wait until the Requests are Open again thank You very much)
This would be more a Drabble, aaaand i decide to use Mohawk Mark(1- i already have a work of Yandere Sinister Mark with a Sibiling and GOD i wanted to use this idea for so long 😭)
Platonic Yandere Mohawk Mark Grayson/Invincible x Sibiling Reader: You..
Mark had to take a second look as he passed by them.
Being surrounded by chaos, hurt people, buildings burning and falling down, he could only focus on them.
that was reader.
Mark knew that they were not His reader, not only because of the clear physical differences (his reader would have to be bigger, less soft and not even that small) but because he knew that in his universe there was no longer a reader who would wait for him back.
He had taken care of that himself.
It was when he began to question everything, when he accepted that he was part of the Viltrumite empire, that he realized that he could not bring his Sibiling with him. They were too weak for the empire, Nolan said.
Mark didn't want to see how they conquered the only being that made him feel genuinely happy, genuinely understood, he didn't want reader to live to be afraid of him, to hate him.
so he took the only measure that he thought would be the most merciful.
It was easy to put sedatives in Reader's food, they trusted him so easily, even after everything that was happening at that moment, what he had already done, Reader felt safe with him. Mark loved them so much.
which made what he had to do next even more painful.
reader fell asleep in a matter of minutes, leaning on him while they watched something, he doesn't remember what. Mark moved to rest their head where they were, mentally preparing himself for what he was going to do.
And he did.
a quick turn of their head and reader was gone.
quickly, while they slept, without pain. without knowing it was him. it was perfect.
Except it wasn't.
When they were making preparations for a funeral for his sibiling (they were one of the children of the new Viltrumite emperor after all), a quick analysis determined that Reader, like Mark, was just a late bloomer.
reader was about to awaken their powers. of being a complete viltrumite. they were not human, they could have been saved from seeing the horrors of the planet.
and Mark killed them.
and the feeling that remained in him was the only thing he felt since then. pure, agonizing and desperate Guilt.
Mark couldn't bring himself to try to replace the void Reader left like he had done with Eve, he just couldn't even think about it. It felt like tarnishing their memory, taking away the weight of what he had done.
It was as if the image of his sibiling now resonated both to give him comfort and to reproach him for all the horrible acts he committed.
So seeing that face that tormented him again, that face that in a way kept him alive, was creepy, but he needed more.
Mark caught up with them very quickly, as he got closer, he saw the similarities that this reader had with his own. someone young, inexperienced, fearful, weak...
But he was not prepared for what happened when he approached them. God, after so many years without them, with the guilt of what he did to them, Mark just wanted to hug them and ask for their forgiveness, he had the opportunity.
But the closer he got to the reader, the more they retreated, and then he realized that, indeed, one of his greatest insecurities had been fulfilled, even in another universe.
reader was afraid of him.
But I could tell I didn't hate him. His gestures, his blood pressure, the way he spoke to him so as not to have to fight, everything indicated a certain familiarity despite the tension in the atmosphere. This reader was like a blank slate from its original version.
a second chance. He could do things right with this reader, protect him properly, give him the opportunity he deserved within the empire, have his sibiling back...
but it would be very difficult to do that with this good-natured Mark on his heels every time he was around reader. Mark saw RED every time reader showed the closeness he had with said alternative version of him (which to make matters worse, it seemed like they were from the same universe).
Well, if this Mark is so good and heroic, he wouldn't mind handing over his sibiling willingly, right?
Even if not, Mohawk doesn't mind going over him to get to the reader, even if he scares then, even if they hates him, he won't lose sight of them anymore, he won't lose them again.
They're going home together, whether they like it or not.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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jplupine · 7 months
Day 28: Bazz B ~ Marking
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Pairing: Bazz-B x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~5.1k Date Published: October 31, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Dom!Bazz-B, Marking, Enemies to Enemies with Benefits, Light Yandere, Dry Humping, Bondage, Light Blood/Injury, Choking, Vaginal Sex, Praise + Degradation, Mating Press, Vaginal Fingering, Creampie, Dub/Non-Con Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Bazz-B also uses terms like 'bastard', 'little fucker', and 'little shit' to refer to Wynter. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: While trying to gather intel, Wynter is caught by the enemy....but the interrogation doesn't last long with this captor.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  Keeping low, I peeked around the corner to look down the long hallway ahead. I was trying to gather intel, and after watching the building, I'd noticed no one was in sight. The place seemed empty, so I went inside thinking the occupants were out.
  However, once getting inside, I started seeing people and had to hide. My exit was cut off, and I'd been driven deeper into the building to avoid getting caught.
  I spotted someone crossing the hallway further down and kept quiet. Their white clothes were spotless and matched the white walls they walked past. They went out of sight, and I waited a few more seconds to make sure they wouldn't come back.
  My head whipped around when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I saw a flash of white before everything went black.
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  I groaned from the throbbing pain in my head. I tried to rub my head only to find that my hands were bound behind my back. My brows scrunched together as I tried to remember what happened, but nothing came to me.
  Looking around, I saw an unlit room furnished like a bedroom. Warm sunlight streaked across the wall from cracks in the curtains covering the windows behind me. Nothing I saw was familiar.
  Rolling over onto my back, I squinted while looking toward the windows. My head throbbed more from the light. The sky was painted with warm colors indicative of a sunset. Squinting my eyes to focus, I saw a bookshelf and a desk under the windows.
  Closing my eyes from the light, I faced the ceiling. I was confused. Being bound in a bedroom instead of a cell didn't make any sense. I could understand them keeping me alive to try and get information, but keeping me in a bedroom? I couldn't think of any reason for it.
  "I was beginning to think you were dead. You were so quiet and still." A masculine voice made me look up to see a chair in the far corner beyond the desk with a man sitting there lazily. A handheld game was in his hands, the light from the screen illuminating his face as he didn't bother to look up from it.
  His expression was calm other than his brows being knit together. His hair was in a wild mohawk as piercings adorned his ears. He wore what looked like....pajamas.
  How could he be so comfortable while I was tied up in the middle of his floor?
  "Where am I?"
  "My room, idiot."
  "No shit." I muttered, and he finally looked at me. "Where?"
  "Won't do you any good to find out. Why bother asking?"
  "Because I'll need to know what direction to go in after I get free." He laughed this time and lowered his game.
  "You think you're breaking out? Seriously?"
  "You're keeping me in your bedroom with only a rope around my wrists. Not exactly a secure place." I winced from how my head throbbed due to the angle I was tilting it in to look at the man.
  "I don't know." He dropped the handheld game to the side as he got to his feet. He was taller and broader than I expected and crouched by me. "I think it's secure enough." With a wave of his hand, I saw little flickers of flames. "Even if you got out of the ropes, you wouldn't get far."
  He grinned with his green eyes bright with amusement as he looked down at me. With his arms resting on his knees, he then pointed.
  "So what the fuck were you doing sneaking around?"
  "....I was trying to find something to steal. I haven't eaten in a while and figured I could pawn something for a little cash." My voice was steady as I lied, so I hoped he would buy it.
  "Mm. How long?"
  "How long has it been since you last ate?" He tilted his head while observing me. I knew a longer length of time would garner more sympathy, but I also knew I looked too healthy to pass it off.
  "It's been three days."
  "Yeah? Then why'd you have a sword on you?"
  "Stole it to pawn."
  "You're awfully relaxed for a petty thief. Most people would be shocked at seeing someone make fire with their bare hands." His eyebrows raised, and I quickly tried to think of something else.
  "What? You think I haven't seen a magician before? There's plenty of you doing shows on the street. You're not special." My words irritated him and his eyebrow twitched.
  "Okay, cut the shit out. I know you're with the shinigami. Even if you don't look like one, I can tell."
  "Great. So you're a creep, a magician, and delusional. Shinigami? You watch too much anime." I glanced to the side and spotted a few doors. I couldn't tell which one would lead to an exit or a closet. And since I didn't know how high up we were, jumping out the window at the first chance wasn't a good idea.
  "Stop playing with me, you fucking bastard!" The man's features twisted with a snarl as his fingers tangled in my hair and jerked my head up closer to his face. I winced from pain while clenching my jaw. "You've got to be a fucking idiot to think I'd buy any of your shit."
  "Well, you certainly look like one." I popped off, and his snarl deepened as his grip tightened. The man reared his head back before slamming his forehead against mine. I fell back on the floor while groaning. The throbbing in my head intensified and radiated out from where his hard head hit me.
  "You've got two options now. Tell me what I want to know, or I burn you 'til there's nothing left but ash." He was standing over me now. His foot pushed my shoulder to get me on my back again to look up at him.
  "Oh, so scary." My voice was full of sarcasm. "If you wanted to actually be intimidating, maybe don't keep your prisoner in your bedroom while trying to interrogate them when you're in your jammies."
  "You gotta have some big fuckin balls to talk to me like that."
  "You're thinking about my balls. Pervert." I looked him in the eye while twisting my hands behind my back to feel along the rope. Trying to find the knot, I saw the tips of his ears darken as his eyes widened.
  "I'm not- Shut the fuck up!" His hands balled into fists at his sides, and as I had suspected, this man was easy to mess with. Perhaps I could distract him enough to get free before he noticed.
  I made a popping noise with my lips and gave an uncaring expression while looking back toward the windows. My fingers ran along the knot in the rope, and I was disappointed to find that he could actually tie a solid knot. The man was quiet for a second before making a sound close to a growl.
  Rough hands shoved me to lay on my stomach as he sat on me. He grabbed my head to pin it against the floor while grabbing the rope to lift my arms to a painful degree. I hissed through my teeth but didn't make any other sound.
  "You're not in a gigai, which means you live in the world of the living, right?" I didn't answer, and he lifted his hand from my head to put his arm between mine. With his hand back on my head, my bound wrists were caught on his arm and stuck in the painfully raised position. Using his now free hand, he reached down into my back pockets.
  He was looking for something and reached under me to dig in my front pocket. When he found nothing, he searched my other front pocket.
  "I guess you're smart enough to not have your wallet on you." The man then grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it to expose my back. "I half expected to find a hidden weapon. You really broke into an enemy base with only a sword?"
  Grunting, I swung my leg back and kicked him. Twisting around as he hit the ground, I scrambled to my feet and rushed toward my sword that I had spotted tucked between the chair in the corner and the wall.
  Before I could reach it, a hand closed around my ankle and yanked me back to the ground. The man was faster than I expected, pinning me down under him with his arm around my neck. His bicep flexed, pressing against my throat to restrict airflow. I was still able to breathe, but only barely.
  "All right, I'll give you that one. I wasn't expecting you to be able to do that." His voice was near my ear with my hands stuck between my back and his stomach. His weight on top of me in combination with his arm around my neck made it hard to get a full breath. "Now, how about we start over, hm? What's your name? I'm Bazz-B." His tone was harsh and low.
  "Lemme guess....the B is for Buzzard? Fuckin' bald creep-" I was cut off by his arm flexing and squeezing tighter. My hands balled into fists, catching on his shirt.
  "What's your name?" He growled directly into my ear while sliding his hand under my shirt to grab my side. His palm began to quickly warm until it was just shy of burning me- a clear warning of what he would do if I didn't give him a real answer.
  His hand got hotter, making me gasp as my eyes widened. It hurt like a scalding shower, and I bucked in an attempt to knock him off me. He didn't let go and instead tightened his grip on my side.
  "What?" His arm around my throat loosened slightly, and I coughed.
  "Wynter." I repeated, and his hand began to cool down. He was quiet for a second before he started chuckling.
  "Wynter? Your name is fucking Wynter?"
  "Yes." And he started laughing, shaking against my back as he sounded utterly amused.
  "Oh, the fucking irony." Bazz-B turned away and lifted my shirt to look at the mark he left behind. "Now, if you don't want this to get worse, you'll keep answering my questions." His fingers pressed into the stinging handprint, making me hiss through my teeth. "What all did you manage to see?"
  "Nothing." Bazz-B pinched the red and irritated skin on my side. I bared my teeth in pain. "I'm telling the truth!"
  "I'm not opposed to hurting you more, you should know that."
  "I didn't see anything. I was more focused on not getting caught."
  "Did a good job of that, didn't ya?" He said sarcastically.
  "Go fuck yourself." I snarled while feeling his breath against my cheek. Bazz-B angrily bit me hard enough to draw blood as his teeth sank deep into the flesh of my shoulder. I growled and bucked again, and I heard him take in a sharp breath.
  Bazz-B released me from his jaws, but I didn't stop moving. I tried to get free to no avail as hot blood dripped down my shoulder and soaked into my shirt.
  "Stop! Stop it! You little fucker!" Bazz-B snarled and tightened his hold on my neck. I tried pushing him with my hands against his stomach, but nothing I did was working. He grabbed my hip to pin me down even more against the floor.
  However, I froze while panting. I could feel my heart pounding from all of my struggling and thrashing, but something else had made me stop. Neither of us said anything, and the man's silence made me think what I felt was exactly what I thought it was.
  "I told you to stop." His voice was quick to cut me off and confirmed my suspicion. With him laying flat against me, I could feel something pressing against my ass from between his thighs.
  This asshole had gotten an erection.
  "Bet your buddies would love to hear how you got a boner for a shinigami."
  "Shut up!" He hissed through his teeth, tightening his grip on my neck until I couldn't breathe. "Do you not realize the position you're in? I can kill you without anyone knowing it." His voice had a warning tone.
  My grip on his shirt tightened as I tugged.
  "What's the matter? Can't breathe?" He sounded condescending next to my ear. "Stop being a smartass, and I might let up." I nodded to let him know I'd stop, and my lungs were burning. "What's that? You'll stop being a little shithead?" I nodded, and he loosened his hold only enough for me to breathe.
  I still couldn't get a full breath, but it was better than nothing.
  "Shit. You better not stain my floor." Bazz-B complained while moving my shirt collar to the side to look at the bitemark he had left. I jolted when I felt his tongue lap at the drying blood. It stung with each lick, but it wasn't entirely painful.
  My breath faltered as my heart continued to pound in my chest. Bazz-B paused with his breath rolling over my wet shoulder.
  "What the fuck are you doing?" He muttered, and my brows furrowed with confusion. "Rubbing your ass against me isn't gonna make me free you." My eyes widened since I hadn't even realized I'd done it. My body had just reacted to his mouth on me.
  "Th-That's not-"
  "So, what? Getting bit turns you on?" He scoffed, and I clenched my jaw. "....No fucking way."
  "I'm not-" I took in a sharp breath when I felt his teeth on my shoulder again. He didn't even bite down, but he had his answer all the same.
  "And you called me a pervert?" He muttered before yanking my shirt collar further to the side. He nipped my skin without making me bleed more. He even began to grind his hips against me. "Fuck, you got a nice ass."
  I bit my bottom lip and tried not to say anything that would anger him again. I wanted to maintain the ability to breathe even if he was humping me like a horny dog.
  His breath shook as he dragged his hard cock against my ass and nipped my shoulder. His tongue ran over the stinging bitemark again before his nose brushed my skin and went into my hair.
  "Yanno....I'm not usually into men....but you're pretty small and cute. And this fuckin' ass...." He trailed off as his hand lowered and squeezed my rear with his strong fingers. "You ever been with a man before?" Bazz-B whispered into my hair, and I had to try and quickly get my scrambled brain working again.
  How should I navigate this? Why the fuck was it actually turning me on? How was I supposed to get free and out of this place?
  "Oh? You have, haven't you?" I could hear the grin in his voice before he grabbed the waistband of my jeans to yank them down along with my underwear. "You should know how to handle a cock then, right? Even if it's not in your ass?" His question gave me relief in knowing he wouldn't actually fuck me like this.
  But now I had to hope he'd be too preoccupied with what was on his mind to notice the truth. If he found out he wouldn't have to actually do a lot of prep work, I didn't know if he would change his mind about fucking me.
  He shoved his pants down, and I felt his dick against my ass and lower back. His skin was hot, practically feverish, as he positioned himself to trap his cock between the cleft of my ass and his pelvis. Bazz-B didn't stop there, grabbing the back of my shirt and ripping through it as the scent of something burning filled my nose.
  "Fuck, you're so soft. Such a pity you're a damn reaper." His warm hand slid up my back and pushed the tattered and singed remains of my shirt over my shoulders. He kept his arm around my neck to maintain control.
  His mouth was on my skin, nipping and sucking to leave marks as he rutted against my ass.
  "You mark so easily. I like that." Bazz's voice was husky and dark, but it made my skin tingle rather than fill me with dread. My face was burning as I bit my bottom lip to not make a noise. He grunted, and the sound made my clit throb as my thighs pressed together.
  Bazz bit my shoulder blade before licking. I felt myself clenching around nothing as his cock leaked hot precum on my skin. His bicep flexed against my neck in time with each thrust of his hips.
  "I wonder where else you've got these cute freckles." He licked my shoulder before biting hard enough to leave a mark. My hips unconsciously raised, pressing my ass against his cock more and making him groan. "Fuck."
  I felt his teeth on the back of my neck before biting. A stifled sound came from the back of my throat. Bazz's panting, grunting, and how he marked my skin with bites and hickeys actually had me dripping wet.
  It pissed me off.
  His hand went around my side and up my body as his nipping traveled to my back. Bazz touched one of my chest scars but didn't seem to really notice while leaving another bite mark on my shoulder blade.
  "I think I'll keep you." Bazz panted into my skin. His hand moved from my chest to grab my ass again. He tilted my hips up while rutting, and I felt his balls smack against my pussy. I softly moaned while clutching his shirt.
  He started to slow down and became more hesitant. Bazz suddenly reared back, and I hit the floor from him unexpectedly letting me go.
  "Did you fucking piss on me?!" He yelled, and I took deep breaths. I looked over my shoulder as much as I could to see him glaring down at me. But the anger on his face melted when his gaze went toward my ass. "What the fuck....?" He muttered before grabbing my hips and yanking them up.
  I was forced to be on my knees with my chest against the floor. I couldn't even bring myself to care that he would now find out I didn't have a penis like he thought. I was throbbing and dripping arousal onto the floor.
  "That's a pussy." Bazz whispered in shock. "You've got a fucking pussy?!" He yanked my pants off the rest of the way to get a better look before flipping me onto my back. I could now fully see him as he was on his knees and looking down at me.
  His cheeks were flushed, his shirt was rumpled, and his cock was still hard and looked just as thick as it had felt. Bazz's eyes drifted over me, seeing my scars and the visible marks he had left. I swallowed while watching his chest rise and fall with his panting.
  Taking my chance, I bent my legs close to my body to get my bound wrists to the front so that I was no longer lying on them. Bazz didn't stop me, and I pushed my hair out of my face.
  "What? Lose interest now that you know I don't have a dick?"
  "I-" Bazz's brows deeply furrowed. His eyes were glued to my body, and none of this had stopped the ache between my thighs. The bites and handprint that still stung refused to let me forget what he had done even if he looked like a slack-jawed idiot now.
  And I just might be an idiot as well.
  Spreading my legs, I rested my bound wrists on the floor over my head. I put myself on full display for him.
  "I didn't think I was so hot you'd be struck dumb. C'mon, Bazzy. Pick your jaw up off the floor." I watched as his lips curled up into a grin with his brows still furrowed.
  He took off his shirt and threw it to the side before pouncing on me. His mouth was on my neck as he leaned on one elbow and put his other hand on my thigh to lift it onto his hip. I could feel him nipping and sucking to leave more hickeys on my skin.
  Bazz ground his hips into mine while grunting. His face went lower to my chest where he bit hard enough to draw blood again. His tongue rolled out to lick the wound, and I could see blood smeared on his lips. His pupils were wide, making his eyes look darker.
  "You better not be thinking this'll make me let you go." Bazz panted before leaving a hickey on the other side of my chest. His tongue ran over my nipple before he bit me again, leaving a bitemark around the pert bud. My hips bucked as my breath shook.
  I didn't think he'd keep marking me without fucking me. Every bite, nip, lick, and hickey had me throbbing and clenching around nothing. I tried to not let myself go and continue looking for a way out, but my resolve was melting as the man covered me in his mark.
  He licked up the center of my chest to my throat before nipping my jaw.
  "How are you this fucking wet? You've already got my cock soaked." Bazz chuckled while slowly rolling his hips to rub his length over my clit. I softly moaned with my head falling back. His teeth scraped across my skin before he bit me. His hot tongue soon followed to soothe the bite.
  My hands balled into tight fists, and his hand on my thigh squeezed before traveling up my side. My body arched into his mouth, chasing the pleasurable ache of each bite and hickey.
  He shifted over me before I felt the blunt head of his cock sliding through my arousal and pushing into my wet heat. Bazz groaned into my skin as he went deeper. He was thick and made me feel so full when he bottomed out.
  Without hesitation, I shoved Bazz while twisting to pin him against the floor. I used the rope around my wrists to limit his breathing without fully choking him. His shocked expression quickly twisted with anger until his eyes locked with mine.
  My face hovered over his, our noses only centimeters away from each other. Raising my hips, I began to ride his cock as our breaths mixed. He grabbed the rope to lift it off his throat before flames flickered from one of his fingers and burned through the knots.
  Bazz had a challenging look in his eyes with my hands now free. I knew I probably should've taken my chance to fight back, but I was being driven feral by need. Planting my hands on his broad chest, I moaned while bouncing on his dick.
  "Fuck!" Bazz hissed while looking down to watch himself disappear into my pussy. "You really that needy?" I didn't answer and closed my eyes as I moaned.
  A rough hand grabbed my jaw before I was slammed onto the ground. His fingers dug into my jaw hard enough to make me snarl.
  "Look at me." Bazz demanded, and I looked him in the eye. With him above me like this, I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. The curves of his body and the twist of his devilish smile, his green eyes hungrily looking down at me- it turned me on even more.
  My eyes followed his tongue as he licked his lips, and I grabbed the wrist of the hand holding my jaw. Bazz slowly rocked back before thrusting, making me moan when the roll of his hips put pressure against my clit. He did it again while grinning and panting, not once letting go of my jaw to make sure I was still looking at him.
  Oh. I was in way more trouble than I had thought.
  "Yeah." Bazz's voice was husky as he fucked me. "I'mma keep you. We're a perfect match, Wynter." He had a mad look in his eyes as his grin was bordering on a snarl.
  Bazz grabbed the back of my knees to lift my legs. He pushed my legs toward my chest, and he was able to thrust his cock deeper. My head flew back with a moan as my hands slammed against the floor.
  His hips were pistoning as his balls slapped against my ass. His groan shook me to the core and made me clench around him. Bazz pushed my legs more and laughed.
  "What the fuck? You're a flexible little shit, aren't you?" He bit his bottom lip while grunting. His gaze drifted over me before watching his cock going in and out of my pussy with delight in his eyes. "Fuck!"
  He leaned down while resting my legs over his shoulders. Bazz planted his hands on the floor on either side of me before burying his face into my neck. On the side left unmarred, he began to bite and suck, making me moan right next to his ear.
  The wet, slick sounds mixed with the panting and moaning filling the room. Bazz's large body covered mine as he went deeper with the new angle. My toes curled as his teeth scraped over my neck, and my hands grabbed the back of his head.
  His hair was softer than I thought as my fingers tangled into his mohawk. Bazz moaned into my skin while rolling his hips. His pelvis was grinding against my clit, making my thighs shiver.
  Bazz picked up speed, and my grip on him tightened. I could hear myself moaning in ways I hadn't in a long time. My hips bucked when he bit me again.
  "Fucking listen to you." Bazz panted before raising his head to look at me. There was some blood smeared on his lips as he had such a feral look in his eyes. "You like being covered in my mark, don't you?" I couldn't bring myself to answer, too ashamed to admit that I did. It felt good. "Don't you?" His tone was harsher as he snapped his hips harder.
  "Yes!" I cried out, and he grinned.
  "Little freak. How do you think your shinigami buddies would feel if they found out you got fucked by a Quincy and loved it?"
  "I dunno. How'd your Quincy pals feel if they found out you're obsessed with a shinigami's pussy?" I popped off, and he actually laughed.
  "Guess we got ourselves a dirty little secret, huh?" Bazz then kissed me, rough and unrestrained, making me taste my blood on his lips. I moaned into the kiss, and he devoured it while sliding his tongue past my lips.
  Tugging on his hair, he groaned and kissed me harder. When he pulled away to catch his breath, saliva stretched between our mouths. His face lowered to leave a hickey under my jaw as he groaned.
  His hips slammed into me with more urgency. Bazz licked my cheek and spoke near my ear.
  "I just might use your mouth next. Bet your lips will look prettier wrapped around my cock." His voice was low and breathy, making me shiver. "Gonna be my cute little fucktoy." He nipped my ear and groaned.
  He soon stopped talking and fucked me harder. I already knew my body was going to ache later from this rough treatment. And when Bazz finally peaked, he buried his cock deep into my pussy and let loose.
  His mouth hung open with a loud moan while rutting and driving his cum deeper. I shoved him back before kicking him off me.
  "You motherfucker!" I yelled as I sat up. Looking down, I was angry when I saw cum already spilling out and mixing with my own arousal. Bazz only laughed and shoved me back down. With one large hand on my chest, he reached down with his other hand to collect what was leaking out and shoved two fingers into my core.
  "What? Did you expect me to pull out? I cum where I want, and I might as well cum here since it belongs to me now." Bazz emphasized his words by curling his fingers and pushing right against the spot that made me see stars. I grabbed his arm while moaning as he kept me pinned down.
  His palm pressed against my clit, grinding against the throbbing bud as his thick fingers pumped and curled. His cum mixed with my arousal was creating slick sounds and gushing around his fingers. My back arched off the floor as I cried out from his precise, targeted movements.
  Bazz watched me while grinning still. He had me writhing and digging my nails into his arm. My thighs clenched with my toes curling, my hips bucking off the floor when he went faster. My voice pitched higher as I could feel my orgasm quickly approaching.
  The pressure was intense, and Bazz didn't stop his onslaught. He licked his lips like a hungry animal. When he leaned down, he began leaving bites on my side and hickeys over my ribs. I couldn't take anymore and cried out while cumming around his fingers.
  He kept thrusting his fingers, making me ride out the high as I clenched and shivered beneath him. Bazz sat back while pulling his fingers free as my muscles relaxed. I closed my eyes, panting and trying to catch my breath. I could feel his eyes still on me as his palm continued to rest on my chest.
  Every bruise and bite on my skin ached pleasantly, and my orgasm left me feeling light.
  "Feel better now, cranky?" Bazz sounded amused, and I just raised a hand to flip him the bird. My eyes snapped open when I felt his tongue against my finger and saw him grinning again. He then gently bit my finger while squeezing my thigh with his wet hand. "So rude."
  "Don't think I'll be nice to you just because you got me to cum." I stated, and he chuckled.
  "You'll eventually come around." He grabbed my wrist and yanked me upward, wrapping his other arm around my back to hold me against his chest. His lips brushed over my jaw before he kissed beneath my ear. "I'll make you warm up to me, Wynter." Bazz scoffed at his own joke while I rolled my eyes.
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bunnyadvocate · 7 years
Hair Tropes in Japanese Media
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Once you’ve read a few visual novels or seen a few anime, it can feel like you’re able to judge a new character from just their appearance. You see twin-tails on a girl and you know she’ll be a tsundere, or they wear their hair in a tight bun and you know they’ll have a strict attitude. But is it really true, or are we just suffering from confirmation bias? Are we only remembering the instances where our predictions were correct? I decided to find out by analysing the character data on VNDB to see what character traits tend to pop up more frequently with certain hairstyles. This post will only analyse male characters, with female characters being counted next time.
Source data
I downloaded the character tags for every VN on VNDB with at least 5 votes, collecting data on 48772 characters in total. I filtered out any non-male characters, leaving 14878 characters. After merging any duplicates (where the same character appears in multiple VNs), I was left with 12289 characters to analyse.
For each hairstyle, I compared how often tags in the categories “clothes,” “personality,” “role,” and “engages in” came up compared with the average. The 5 tags in each category with the biggest increase (compared with the average) could be considered those most closely linked to that hairstyle and are listed in the results below.
Keep in mind that these results aren’t definitive. Even with 12k characters, there are some hairstyles and traits that are fairly rare, so just a few random occurrences can boost their stats considerably and cause some spurious results. This analysis is meant more for fun than as proof of any trope. These results only cover VNs, although with the large number of adaptations both to and from anime and manga, the results should still be applicable to drawn Japanese media as a whole.
The meaning of some of the traits can be a little unclear. You can look up the exact definition used on VNDB using their search field here, and a summary of less well-known terms is here.
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While brown hair seems to be the mark of the typical “ordinary student living an ordinary life” VN staple, their black haired compatriots seem to take on more serious roles that the protagonist looks up to.
Blond guys seem to linked loosely to posh brats.
The allure of white haired guys comes through in their traits: the refined outfits and the aloof attitude which can seem so attractive.
Red headed guys tend to be as fiery as their hair colour, being so hot-blooded.
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Pink isn’t just a fantastic colour, it’s also a mark of a fantastic character with it being the biggest sign that a character cross-dresses~
It seems the most dangerous people to have around are those with multicoloured hair, getting involved in murder and criminal activities. Perhaps those raving about the terrors of dyed hair “SJWs” were right, but only in the world of 2D.
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So it seems those getting on in years and losing their hair aren’t just wise, but also idiots? Are we sure they’re idiots or are we just too idiotic to understand their wisdom?
It seems the longer a character’s hair, the more confident they become. They transition through from being a popular womanizer at shoulder-length, to being mysterious narcissists at “very long” hair.
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Those tufts of hair known as ahoges and antennas are almost like a third arm waving hello, marking the owner as a kind and friendly individual.
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Bang guys just want to have fun. They seem much kinder and active than those without. No bang, no life.
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Straight hair seems to be more the mark of a sibling, while spiky characters are more adventurous and fun.
Slicked back hair seems to be a style for an older generation, kept mainly for characters with adult roles.
Parted to one side seems to be for those who care for a more formal appearance, being closely linked to neckties.
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Almost any kind of facial hair seems to be linked to the character taking on a more parental role, probably due to so many protagonists being school-age and unable to grow facial hair of their own.
As you might expect, those with stubble live a more relaxed and carefree life, or else they’ve been working so hard as to not have had the chance to shave.
Thick eyebrows are well-used by their wearers, all the better to look on disapprovingly with the strict attitudes.
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Ponytails mostly seem to be linked to honourable warrior archetypes.
Side hair seems to be unusually closely linked to being an orphan, have they not been taught an easier way to keep their hair out of their eyes?
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Sunglasses seem to be a consistent theme among many of the more fancy hair styles, popping up with mohawks, afros, and dreadlocks.
I hope you had fun looking over results. I don’t think there’s anything too surprising in them, but it’s fun to look for any stereotypes you might have had about a hair style. My next post will be doing the same analysis on female characters, followed by the analysis on yandere traits that I teased about last post.
Thanks again to Part-time Storier, /u/8cccc9, and /u/tauros113 for their help in analysing and presenting this data. I love discussing this stuff, so if you’d like to get in touch and chat, you can contact me here on tumblr, reddit, or twitter.
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xjulixred45x · 19 days
Yandere Platónico Mohawk Mark x Mainstream! Lector: tu...(TRADUCCIÓN)
Mark tuvo que dar una segunda mirada cuando paso cerca de ellos.
estando rodeado de caos, de gente herida, edificios quemandose y cayendose abajo, solo pudo concentrarse en ellos.
ese era lector.
Mark sabia que no eran Su lector, no solo por las claras diferencias fisicas(su lector tendría que ser mas grande, menos suave y ni de broma tan pequeño) sino porque sabia que en su universo ya no habia lector que lo esperara devuelta..
el mismo se habia encargado de eso.
fue cuando empezo a cuestiónar todo, cuando acepto que era parte del imperio Viltrumita, que se dio cuenta que no podria traer a su hermano con el. eran demaciado débiles para el imperio, decía Nolan.
Mark no queria ver como conquistaban al unico ser que lo hizo sentir genuinamente feliz, genuinamente comprendido, no queria que lector viviera para tenerle miedo, que lo odiara.
asi que tomo la unica medida que pensaba seria la mas piadosa.
fue fácil poner sedantes en la comida de lector, ellos confiaban tan fácilmente, aun después de todo lo que estaba pasando en ese momento, de lo que el ya habia hecho, lector se sentía seguro con el. Mark los amaba tanto.
lo cual hizo aun mas doloroso lo que el tuvo aue hacer después.
lector se durmio en cuestion de minutos, apoyandose en el mientras veian algo, no recuerda que. Mark se movio para apoyar su cabeza en el lugar donde estaban, preparandose mentalmente para lo que iba a hacer.
y lo hizo.
un giro rapido a su cabeza y lector se habia ido.
rápido, mientras dormían, sin dolor. sin saber que fue el. era perfecto.
excepto que no fue asi.
cuando estaban haciendo los preparativos para un funeral para su hermano(era uno de los hijos de el nuevo emperador viltrumita después de todo), un rapido analisis determino que lector, al igual que Mark, era solo un desarrollo tardío.
lector estaba apunto de despertar sus poderes. de ser un viltrumita completo. no era humano, pudo haberse salvado de ver los horrores del planeta.
y Mark lo mato.
y el sentimiento que quedo en el fue lo unico que sintio desde entonces. pura, agonica y desesperante Culpa.
Mark no podia obligarse a si mismo a tratar de reemplazar a lector como habia hecho con Eve, simplemente no podia siquiera pensar en eso. se sentia como mancillar su memoria, quitarle peso a lo que habia hecho.
era como si la imagen de su hermano ahora resonara tanto para darle consuelo como para recriminarle todos los actos horribles que el cometia.
por lo que ver de nuevo esa cara que lo atormentaba, esa cara que en cierta forma lo mantenia vivo, fue espeluznante, pero necesitaba mas.
Mark los alcanzo muy rapido, ya estando mas de cerca, vio las similitudes que tenia este lector con el suyo. alguien joven, inexperto, temeroso, debil..
pero no estaba preparado para lo que paso cuando se acerco a ellos. dios, después de tantos años sin ellos, con la culpa de lo que les hizo, Mark solo queria abrazarlos y pedirles perdon, tenia la oportunidad.
pero mientras mas se acercaba a lector, ellos mas retrocedian, y entonces se dio cuenta de que, efectivamente, una de sus mayores inseguridades se habia cumplido, incluso en otro universo.
lector le tenia miedo.
pero podia decir que no lo odiaba. sus gestos, su presión arterial, la forma en la que le hablaba para no tener que pelear, todo indicaba cierta familiaridad pese a la tension en el ambiente. este lector era como una pizarra en blanco de su versión original.
una segunda oportunidad. el podria hacer las cosas bien con este lector, protegerlo adecuadamente, darle la oportunidad que merecia dentro del imperio, volver a tener a su hermano...
pero seria muy complicado hacer eso con este Mark bonachon pisandole los talones cada vez que estuviera cerca de lector. Mark veia ROJO cada vez que lector mostraba la cercania que tenia con dicha versión alternativa de el(que para peor, parecia que eran del mismo universo).
bueno, si este Mark es tan bueno y heroico, no le importara entregar de buena voluntad a su hermano ¿verdad?
incluso si no, Mohawk no le importa pasar por arriba de el para llegar a lector, incluso si lo asusta, incluso si lo odia, ya no lo perdera de vista, no lo volverá a perder. ya no.
van a volver a casa juntos, ya sea que le guste o no.
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
Rant about AU Yandere!Mark
Some situation with AU Yandere Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Starfire Reader (Drabble)
SinisterMark Grayson/Invincible x Evil Reader (Drabble)
Platonic Yandere! Sinister Mark Grayson/Invincible x Gn! Younger Sibiling Reader
Platonic Yandere Mohawk Mark Grayson/Invincible x Sibiling Reader: You..(Drabble)
Lluvia de ideas sobre AU yandere Mark
Algunas situaciones con el Yandere!Mark Malvado/Invencible
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Starfire Lectora (Drabble)
AU sinister! Invencible/Mark Grayson x Lectora Malvada
Yandere Platónico Sinister Mark con hermano lector
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