#yandere la squadra esecuzioni
princelylove · 2 months
Part two of my interpretations of la squadra esecuzioni. 
Ghiaccio is like a smaller Risotto. He doesn’t have a very distinct waist. He’s so picky with his food that it’s a wonder he even got that much distinct muscle- or maybe it isn’t, cutting is effective (in moderation, starving will only set you back on your progress). He mainly works out for his job, Ghiaccio doesn’t really care what he looks like. 
He has a strong nose, and although his lips are small they aren’t quite in the thin category, he has really nice bone structure… He just doesn’t realize it because he’s horribly insecure and feels inferior. He copes by not trying, so he can always rely on the ‘Well if I actually tried it’d be better’ type of logic. Once a year Prosciutto gets to wax his eyebrows. 
Not only does he know what mogging is but he knows where it originated. Because he was there. I’m dying on the hill that Ghiaccio knows what green text is. He’s appealed countless bans that all sounded like “I’ve never even fucking been on /mu/ you stupid fucks” (that all got approved the night of). He fills his mind with toxic masculinity, but isn’t into alpha male bullshit. Somehow he thinks hunter eyes are a thing but he draws the line at “smooth brained jock bullshit.” 
I cap Ghiaccio’s height at 5’9” or 175 cm. 5’10” or 177 cm with his shoes on. He’s got fantastic posture for someone that sits at a computer all day. Ghiaccio’s sensitive about it, teasing him about his height is a death sentence. What a good way to end up in a freezer. 
While he has a horrible temper, he cools off the second he gets it out of his system. Just moves on after smacking the shit out of his designated rage pillow like nothing happened. At least he’s coping. Not well, but an outlet is an outlet. It’s the same when you piss him off- he gets upset, says things he doesn’t mean, and then moves on. He apologizes like a father would- none at all, but brings you a snack or buys you something you’ve been asking for. He’s a big fan of the “Check if there’s mail.” approach. He genuinely does feel bad, but he’s not a little bitch that’s gonna tuck his tail in between his legs because he made his darling a little sad. 
He smells like absolutely nothing at all. It’s actually a bit frightening. Zero smell presence. 
Melone keeps every medicine known to mankind in his room, under his bed. He’s a great person to befriend if you find yourself in the hands of one of his roommates, but to be entirely honest with you, he’s selfish. He doesn’t really care about your agony because it’s got nothing to do with him, how does it benefit him to give you meds when he doesn’t even know you? (He budges if you belong to Prosciutto or Ris- he’s not pissing off his pseudo mom and dad.)
Melone is thin and mainly gets his exercise from running. His stand takes care of hits for him, he just needs to worry about the set up, so it isn’t really an issue. There’s no need for him to lift heavy, or really lift at all. Doesn’t really matter if he’s stronger, he just needs to be faster than you are. Sure, bash his head in, pick him up, aren’t you getting tired, though? Real sleepy? Go to sleep, it’s gonna be ok. 
Mel’s stand is possessing an actual computer he modified. He runs tests consistently with the blood samples he’s managed to store in his room- he knows the best combinations to get him what the boss wants, and as long as he’s got ample blood left over, what’s wrong with killing a few juniors off in the name of science? 
I classify Melone as apathetic and a bit mean. He’s an asshole. He gets a lot better once he’s comfortable with you, look at how much he plays with the rest of his ‘family.’ It’s just that he doesn’t know you, and doesn’t want to waste time on you if you’re going to get in his way long term. When you do spark his interest, of course, he gets obsessed and oh-so-curious. 
He’s still very playful- Melone likes to hang off of Formaggio’s shoulders and tease Ghiaccio, but he’s calm. He’s not very smiley, he’s not very giggly, he just can’t force himself to react in the ‘correct’ way most of the time, but he’s totally having fun! Melone loves you a lot, he just doesn’t look like he’s having fun most of the time. It’s hard for him to care about things, but you quickly rotted his brain- isn’t that testament enough? 
His seemingly cold nature makes it hard for him to form genuine bonds. Melone thrives with other difficult types- he shares a room with Ghiaccio (alternatively Formaggio) because they’re short on space and Prosciutto won’t share a room since The Incident they get along surprisingly well. 
In the beginning of your new life, it isn’t uncommon to hear Formaggio gently push Melone in the right direction. “Come on, Mel, you’re scarin’ the poor thing. Smile a little.”  (Which is normally met with “I’m running tests, go away, Formaggiooo…”) Melone’s shy- he’ll just stay off to the side, and speaks to you in a very formal manner. You might feel like you’re being tested on by a medical student. Which is wrong! Melone doesn’t have any medical experience! I mean, he’s taken classes, but he’s a genetics student. Oh, yeah, he’s in university. 
Once he gets used to you, he falls into his normal, playful routine. He still doesn’t smile too much, but he’ll speak more openly, which… is it better to not know what the iv in your arm is, or to fully understand? Melone’s quite the talker, and is happy to (over) explain. 
Melone doesn’t hide you like the others would- it isn’t shameful to him to kidnap a whole person, and he needs them to keep you here when he isn’t. Morals aside, you need to be socialized. It isn’t good to keep someone isolated and cramped in a room they don’t like. If you don’t want to talk to him, talk to anyone else. You’ve got options. Maybe not Prosciutto, or Illuso, they’re not going to play host as easily… (Although Prosciutto might ask what Melone’s “little friend” is gonna be having for dinner)
Formaggio’s body type is similar to Guido’s. He’s fairly bulky. Formaggio spends all of his free time playing whatever sport he can think of, neglecting to do his chores (You’re starting to think he likes Prosciutto yelling at him), annoying Melone, and blowing your phone up. He spends a lot of time working out, but he considers that to be more of a daily ritual than a hobby. 
Since his only real responsibility is taking care of his cat and his job, he’s not stressed at all. He’d be a lot more stressed if he had to cook, and clean, and, I don’t fucking know, be an adult or whatever- like the shit Pro and Ris do all day!
If you ever ask him about it, he’ll go “I mean, it sucks that Boss is watching us and all, but to be honest, who cares? You don’t like being on camera? It loooves you.” and leaves it at that. 
His psychology is a bit odd. He seems like a typical, immature guy- the type of guy you meet at college that does sports and seemingly nothing else. No interest in philosophy, religion, general culture, etc. While I think that his personality is close to a casual type like Guido or Squalo, he seemingly lacks any depth at all. There’s no “Oh, he’s actually very smart!” thing going on here, Formaggio is painfully average. There’s no reason for him to be a mafioso other than bad timing and a lack of drive to get away from it.
He’s actually pretty simple. He’s just a guy that wants to relax and have a little fun- who doesn’t like fun? But Formaggio is crazy insecure. He takes almost every negative reaction as a jab- neutral ones, too. If you’re not into his lifestyle, what, he isn’t fuckin’ good enough? Huh? You think he’s some fuckin’ nobody that doesn’t have the real talent it takes to be where he is? 
You can calm Formaggio by stroking his ego, and by that, I mean stroking him. He’ll forget about any transgression if he finishes a few times. 
He only speaks italian, and will “Huh?” you to death if you do not. He’ll buy you an italian-english dictionary to help you understand him, but won’t make any real effort to learn english.  
Formaggio’s kitty was a stray before he snatched her up. She’ll try to comfort you while Formaggio is gone- but she’ll abandon you if he comes back. Little traitor. He calls her a ridiculous amount of pet names- sometimes he’ll reuse whatever name he calls you on her, and will pretend he’s always called her it. Awww, my little pwincess, my cuuuutie, my baby, my angeelllll. He treats her very well- she’s a bit pampered.  While Formaggio’s cat is able to relax fully in his arms, you probably will not, unless you’re a masochist. He loves good, old fashioned sadism- no prissy mind games or punishments, he does it for absolutely no reason other than how funny your reactions are. He’s like that asshole boyfriend that throws a basketball into your face and laughs when you groan. Come on, it’s just a ball, don’t be such a baby. It’s just a joke. Aw, your face stings? You want some ice? Hey, that’s a great idea, why don’t you go get him something from the fridge?
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Serial Killer!Ghiaccio X Fem!reader (Part 1/?)
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TW: NSFW content, Yandere, sexual harassment, kidnapping, violence, blood, gore
PLEASE NOTE: The reader of this story is not going to have much control on her surroundings.
SUMMARY: Fem!reader is invited to a laurea (graduation party) and finds Formaggio, Illuso and finally Ghiaccio. After a flashback explaining how fem!reader and Ghiaccio met, She decides to head to her dormitory with him. That was a poor choice.
Il Santo Bevitore bar,  00:31
October, Graduation month.
This was the third time you heard that chant.
“...Dottore nel buco del cul! VAFFANCUL!VAFFANCUL!”
The chanting was followed by the popping of a Prosecco bottle and a flying cork rolling at the feet of some random students, who probably weren’t even invited to the party.
However, that was never a problem from the start. After all, having gatecrashers at your graduation party is so common that it is now a tradition.
The foamy neck of the bottle, still steaming from its own coolness, slips into your plastic cup supported by Giorno’s quivering hands, who is once again in charge of pouring the alcohol for every single guest. From his rosy cheeks and shaky steps, it was clear that Giorno would not be able to keep himself upright much longer. 
“Grazie Gioà, sei sicuro di non dover vomitare?”
(Thanks Giorno, Are you sure you’re not feeling sick?)
You ask him sheepshly and with a slight note of worry, but before the blondie could answer you’re interrupted by a loud voice.
Your head quickly turns back. It’s Guido Mista, Giorno’s best friend.  He's also kinda drunk...Guido doesn't waste no time and after catching a big breath he starts shouting at the top of his lungs to give an additional toast.
The rhythmic chant ignites a roaring wave of excitement throughout the bar, fueling Giorno's enthusiasm to the point where he eagerly presses his lips against the giant bottle. The poor guy started drinking since early in the afternoon, and the blame undoubtedly fell on Guido.
As a matter of fact, Guido kept filling up his friend’s glass with whatever alcoholic concoction was within arm's reach. Giorno had finished his graduation speech at 3:30 p.m. By 3:37 p.m. Guido had already made him chug half a bottle of shoddy Tavernello, all complemented by the bursting of confetti and colorful streamers.
Since you knew what a dangerous mix of cheap alcohol was broiling in Giorno’s stomach, you swiftly step back as an anonymous blonde boy decides to intervene by firmly confiscating the bottle of Prosecco. He looked a little concerned. However, you’re pretty sure you’ve seen him before, what was his name again?
“UEEEE PANNAAAA’ààà!!A’Pannacotta!! Ué fra, pcchè nu staj bvenn?"
(PANNACOTTA! Why aren’t you drinkin’, brah??)
You hear Guido shouting, while Giorno’s perfectly bowed laurel wreath had already fallen on his delicate, red face, messing up his golden locks. 
“Mannagg a miserij Guido, ma t'e sciumunut? se m mett a bev pur ij, aropp chi a guid a machin?! comm v port a cas? Nun me facc' ritirare la patente n'altra volta."
 (For fuck's sake Guido, have you gone nuts??If I start pounding drinks too, then who the hell's gonna get your ass home? I ain't letting those bastards revoke my damn license... again.)
Replies the friend in annoyance while adjusting the laurel wreath of a drunk and smiling Giorno.
“E ij che n sacc, stu bar è chin r ingegner autoveicolo, fatt costruì na mongolfiera. vann a naft no?”
(That sounds like a you problem, this bar is full of automotive engineers, ask them if they can build you an air baloon .They run on gasoline don't they?)
“Tu staj proprij a for.”
(You can’t be that stupid.)
At least Guido isn’t wrong, the bar is swarming with engineers looking for one thing and one thing only.
“...Aò, ma’ndò sta la figa??”
(...Yo, Where the bitches at?)
A strong smell of Menabrea invades your nostrils before an anonymous arm swiftly sorrounds your shoulders and traps your body against a men’s chest.
You quickly recognize the man’s voice.
It’s Formaggio, your favourite drop-out engineer. 
A legend among your faculty for being the ultimate judge of the nightlife, Formaggio lags two years behind you. Throughout the entire semester of you two chilling together, you've taken an oath that you've never laid eyes on him cracking open a book or even getting close to one.
Formaggio's library visits are solely reserved for bugging his buddies, making quick pit stops at the restroom, exploiting his student discount on vending machine goodies, or diving into his favourite pursuit: charming the ladies.
Since it was common knowledge that Formaggio had a preference for freshmen, he very often did not hesitate to physically show you  his affection in front of other people.
“Zì. Questa festa è per i laureati in biologia, non scienze della formazione.”
(Dude. This party is for biology majors, not education majors).
That saccharine yet disinterested tone could only belong to Illuso. You don’t know much about him except that he lives with Formaggio somewhere in the centro storico and that he's majoring in architecture.
It is common knowledge that architects and engineers are natural enemies, like engineers and mathematicians, engineers and physicists, and engineers and other engineers…Damn engineers! They ruined STEM...
Despite all that, these two seem to get along perfectly.
While immersed in your own thoughts, your left check is refreshed by the condensation of Formaggio’s Menabrea as he tries to hold you closer to his chest. He drank too much, and therefore he’s getting even more touchy.
“Ti vedo accaldata chicca, ti prendo qualcosa da bere?Lulù perchè nun vai dall’oste e ce piji quarcosa? Tiè, prendite ‘no scudo e facce fa’ due gintonic.”
(I see you're sizzlin' up, babe. Need a drink to cool those flames? Lulu, hit up the bar, grab some stuff for us. Get a couple of gintons in the mix)
“Oh no no…sto apposto!”
(UH,Nah…I’m fine!)
Panicked, you encounter Illuso’s sight, who immediately gives you an almost disgusted look, as if it was your fault if his friend is drooling all over you. His eyes narrow above a tight and twist smile, and Formaggio gives him a flickering smile back.
"Facciamo che ci vai tu fino al bancone dato che stai preso bene."
( Why don't YOU go to the bar and get us something?)
"Sei propio da' a Lazio, Lulù."
(You're a fucking cunt, Lulu, you know that?)
“ Immaginavo di trovarti qui.”
(I knew you were here.)
Your body is shaken by a sudden shiver. At first glance, you connected that chill to the Menabrea freezing damp glass, but you soon catch on that the bottle is no longer grazing against your cheek.
It’s his voice that made you shiver.
It’s too familiar.
“Oh, Ghiaccio,ce stai anche tu.”
(Oh Ghiaccio, you’re here too.)
Formaggio turns his head behind his shoulders while still keeping his hands on you. His smile fades and his friendly tone vanishes, now resembling Illuso’s.
Regrettably, you know exactly the reason behind Formaggio’s sudden change. It’s no secret that Ghiaccio is an expert in ruining the mood with his bad attitude. In the past, Formaggio tried to warn you many times about Ghiaccio's sudden violent outbursts. 
You found it hard to believe since Formaggio never looked really concerned for his friend but rather preoccupied about his 'party pooper’ attitude.
According to him:
If sober, Ghiaccio would kill the buzz. 
When drunk, Ghiaccio would kill people. 
Even if you seriously doubted about the 'killing' part, everyone on the faculty thought that Ghiaccio was a bit of a weirdo. 
Not that engineers in general aren’t labeled as ‘weirdos’. However, Ghiaccio was giving all those signs of someone you shouldn't approach. After all: ‘ quale persona sana di mente si iscriverebbe a ingegneria, per di più a ingegneria chimica?’
Every time someone actually took the courage to come up to his desk and try to have a word with him, his responses were always dry and blunt. Hunched over his computer and with a MATLAB tab permanently open, not once had he raised his head to engage in conversation with his interlocutor. 
As a matter of fact, it was only his eyes that tried to move.
The gaze behind those thick glasses became suddenly glacial and sinister, accompanied by a tone so saccharine and dismissive that it would have put anyone off.
Ghiaccio sat stiff and still like a taxidermy animal, looking more dog than human.
Ghiaccio sat there, rigid and lifeless, more canine than human. In fact, he often stood as alone as a rabid dog.
Right now, his friends felt his gaze - that of a rabid dog.
“Qualche problema Maggio? Non hai qualche matricola da seviziare?”
(Any problems Maggio? Couldn’t find any freshman to harass?)
Ghiaccio’s sharp tongue brings you back to reality. The blue-haired boy appeared out of thin hair behind Illuso’s back, startling him. He stands there with his glasses slightly fogged up from the air humidity. His right hand clutches a plastic cup that filled with ice, just ice. Weird.
“Cristo Ghiaccio mi hai quasi fatto prendere un infarto. Sembri un morto che cammina.”
(Jesus Christ Ghiaccio,you almost gave me a heart attack. You look like a walking corpse.)
Comments Illuso, glancing in Formaggio’s directions as he lifts his arm from your shoulders and starts loudly chugging the rest of the Menabrea. This visibly annoys Ghiaccio who instinctively shows his teeth, clenching them in a crooked and forced smile.
“Ciao Ghia, come ti vanno le cose?”
(Hello Ghia, How is it going?)
The smile fades. Ghiaccio starts purposely ignoring the two men, and instead he focuses on you:
“Secondo te, tosa? Domani ho Analisi 2.”
(What you think, tosa? Tomorrow I got the Analysis 2 exam.)
“Non sei preparato-”
(Did you stu-)
“Che domanda der cazzo fai chicca, dove pensi che è stato fin ora, se non chiuso in biblioteca?”
(What a damn dumb question, babe. "Did you study?" Like, where the hell do you think he were just a sec? In a freakin' library, duh.)
Formaggio cuts you, mocking your girly voice.
You cautiously raise your hands, waiting for Ghiaccio to burst out for being interrupted, but that doesn't happen. The blue-haired man just shoots Formaggio a death stare, head slightly cocked, eyes piercing through those thin brows. You notice him instinctively baring his teeth and gums at the man like he's about to bite his neck.
It's a warning.
Formaggio takes the hint and casually peers into the bottle, scrounging for any last drops. Meanwhile, Illuso's ego is so massive that he flat out brushes off Ghiaccio's response and jumps right into schooling his buddy.
“Dove pensi che sia. SIA. Il congiuntivo l’hai lasciato al Quadraro?”
(Where do you think He was. He WAS.)
“Lulù stai cercando una capocciata o una bottigliata? Posso dartele entrambe. Te lascio scegliere l’ordine.”
(Listen Lulu. Do you want to catch these hand or the bottle? I can give you both. Just say a word.)
Formaggio's tone takes on a slurred edge, like he's got a bit too much booze in his system for fooling around. Illuso catches wind of this and takes it as the perfect chance to blow off some steam. Weirdly enough, Ghiaccio stays dead quiet, sitting this convo out.
Now that's a twist.
Still, you catch a little something. Even though the guy's zipped his lip, you spy the plastic cup in his grip utterly squashed.
Why's he holding back? You can read it in his expression, he's just itching to unleash his piece.
“Ziofà facciamo che se sei ignorante non è colpa mia.”
(It’s not my fault you’re ignorant)
Replies the tall man while stiffing up and crossing his arm to feel superior. Now Illuso is not even glaring at Formaggio anymore, and he's perfectly aware this is going to drive him mad.
“Ma chi credi de cojonà a' Pariolino?Ignorante lo dici a tua sorella.”
(You did not just call me ignorant.)
“Ignorante nel senso che ignori la grammatica italiana.”
(Don’t take it personally. I said Ignorant because you're ignoring the Italian grammar)
“Allora tu sei un imbecille perchè Imbelle”
(Then you’re an imbecile because you're imbecilin')
(That doesn’t even make any sense! You just MADE UP. A FUCKING WORD.)
Finally, Illuso comes down from his pedestal and starts hatefully staring at his friend.
Formaggio turns towards you for half a second and hands you the empty Menabrea before turning his gaze back to Illuso.
Formaggio's voice blares like a damn siren, catching the attention of everyone in the joint. A bunch of folks, wreaths atop their heads, swivel around, and others in the joint follow suit. In the midst of the mob, you spot Guido secretively trying on Giorno's laurel wreath while the dude's occupied with some pink-haired girl, fussing over his fancy-ass braid.
"Ragazzi non fate gli stupidi. Non potete fare a botte qui- Ci stano guardando tutti..."
(Guys. Stop this nonsense. You can't fight here. Everyone is looking-)
You make a move to put a stop to their antics, when a chilling voice sneaks into your ear...
(Let's go.)
This sensation is familiar, it’s like being in one of those deep, paralyzing sleeps where the weight of the bed covers feels like a boulder. But this time your body seems as if covered by a light sheet. A cold sheet, as if it had never dried. It’s wet and icy, a cold so sharp that starts biting into your skin.
Your head starts spinning, even though you are sure you haven't moved. 
You remain motionless, unable to do anything but inhale icy air.
You feel as if my whole skin is covered with frost.
Your memories are confused and jumbled...you cannot make sense of them.  Under your clenched eyelids, lights, sounds and colors from llast night mix in a continuous spiral, causing you to feel nauseous. After taking a few breaths, your head finally stops throbbing like the speakers of a disco. Your back hurts as it's lying on a hard surface that is even colder than the surrounding air. The unpleasant sensation given by your skin attached to the icy surface challenges you to move your muscles.... But something is wrong. 
They won't move. They can't move.
You sense your hands resting next to your body, the tips of your fingers numb with cold... However, when you flex them in order to warm them, they do not respond to your thoughts. Panic suddenly makes you lucid. you open your eyes.
Your eyes snap open, only to be assaulted by a blinding white radiance. It's intoxicating, that brilliance. A sea of white stretching to every horizon.
A single source of light reigns, the ceiling lamp above you. You lie atop a slab of metal, nothing but gravity pressing you into its unforgiving surface.
Your breath begins to shorten.
White smoke lazily rises from your lips, disappearing into the neon. The light illuminates your figure yet denies you any heat. You look around, trying to figure out where you are. Your neck slowly begins to loosen, allowing you to get a better look around the room...
Beyond, darkness reigns, a domain devoid of form or presence. Yet, something sinister looms along the walls, whether furniture or pillars, they crawl from floor to ceiling.
Your vision drifts downward, over your frozen feet, past the table's edge, until a glimmer dances at the periphery.
A door? 
“C-C-C’è…c’è q-qualcuno?”
(is-is anybody there?)
Your voice is hoarse, cracking when you try to speak. The icy air scratches your throat, your skin quivers.
The tips of your fingers have now lost sensibility, as if they have become one with the table. You cough... then you try to speak again, louder.
“Pe-Per favore!!COFF! AIUTO!! Sono qui!! Non cè nessuno?!”
(Anyone! Anybody!!Please, some-Cough-SOMEONE HELP!!)
After shouting, you wait panting for an answer... a sign...any sign. 
Suddenly you hear footsteps approaching, slow and measured. A shadow obscures the narrow glimmer coming from the door. The sound of several locks being opened echoes in the room. 
The door slowly opens, letting a much stronger light invade the room, revealing an unknown figure.  A man is watching you from the threshold but the light beyond him prevents you from recognize him.
Your eyes flicker as the light sound of your chattering teeth signals you've just regained control of your jaw muscles.
The expression you’re making seems to amuse the man. A soft chuckle escapes him as he strides into the room, sealing the door in his wake. He drags in a cart, and upon its enigmatic cargo, your gaze falters, unable to discern the details.
“Non ti conviene sforzarti così tanto…rischi di farti male.”
(Oh dear, you shouldn't push yourself too hard...you'll end up hurting yourself.)
His voice slices through the air, sharper than the chill. Dread claws at you, its grip tightening as his teeth catch your attention more than his eyes do. A grin stretches across his face, a gruesome expanse that reveals his gums. His gaze remains unaltered, a predator's stare, unrelenting and piercing.
Behind those glasses, his eyes undress you, baring your vulnerability as if you weren't already stripped bare.
 “Shhh..ti fa male da qualche parte?Come va il respiro?”
(Shhh. Does it hurt anywhere? is your breathing okay?)
All of a sudden, the man puts on a genuinely concerned face, and seems to be focused on your face.
"C-Che è successo??...Ci siamo schiantati?”
(what.... what happened...where am I? did we crash?)
Your voice tremble, it’s stuttering. You gasp as you notice his hand resting on the table, beside your ankle.
" Non c'è niente di cui avere paura...concentrati e rispondi alla domanda: ti fa male da qualche parte?"
(don't worry about it now.... take a breath, stay focused and answer me: does it hurt anywhere?)
The situation is surreal.... what happened? Perhaps you're in a hospital? Did you have an accident? Are you paralyzed because of that?
"n-no. Non c'è niente che mi fa male...ma non riesco a muovermi...h-ho così tanto freddo..."
(n..no.... nothing hurts.... but I can't move..p..I might have something d- to put on...I'm so f-ing cold...)
You murmur, your voice trembling from both cold and unease. Shivers run through you, the icy fingers of anxiety now accompanying the chill. The man's lips curve at your hushed words, his face inches from yours. Your cheeks burn, tainted red by a mix of emotions.
"In un attimo, chicca."
(In a moment, babe.)
He purrs, his tone velvety. However, that ' babe' part is filled with venom and resentment. You quickly notice he's making a sloppy imitation of Formaggio's accent.
His face inches closer, his gaze locked onto yours.
"Sto controllando che sia tutto apposto...dimmi..."
(I must make sure everything's alright... tell me...)
His hand touches the sole of your right foot, a warmth you haven't felt since you woke.
"Senti le mie dita?"
(Can you sense my fingers?)
You're aware of his index finger trailing over your skin, a sensation that sends ripples through your body. Past your knee, ascending your thigh, the warmth causes both your form and fear to tremble. His other fingers join the index, like sinister accomplices, tracing your flesh. With a creeping exploration, his hand moves until it firmly presses against your inner thigh.
"Dimmi quando non le senti più."
(Let me know when you can't feel them anymore.)
(a-ah! Stop!)
You attempt to resist, but your defiance only manifests in the frustrated shake of your head...
He coos, his voice a syrupy assurance.
"Non ti farò niente...per ora. Non sei contenta di ricevere un check up gratuito?"
(I won't do anything... yet. Isn't a complimentary check-up something to be glad about?)
His hand still lingers on your inner thigh, its touch a languid caress that ignites a warmth, craving coursing through your body. You relinquish the sensation, only to be met once again with the unforgiving cold of the table.
"C-Che cosa è successo?"
(What... What's happened to me?)
Breathless, you gasp, your chest heaving. The man's features retain an eerie calm as you sense his touch upon you once more. His fingers slip under your right hand's palm, lifting it, while his other hand blankets your back.
"Solo un attimo chicca, devo finire il chek-up...Poverina, le tue mani sono congelate."
(Just a moment, babe. I need to finish the check-up... Poor thing, your hands are freezing....)
 He smiles as his warm hands rub against yours, giving you such relief that a sigh of pleasure escapes you.
This time, his 'babe' doesn't feel as a mockery.
You catch the sight of his tongue darting across his lips, a prelude to him exhaling gently onto your fingers. His warm breath works its magic, coaxing sensitivity back into your once-numb digits.
"Ti piace, non è vero?...lascia che ti faccia stare meglio..."
(Feels good, doesn't it? let me do something special...) 
Before you can say anything, his mouth is pressed on your fingers as he starts to kiss them, slowly.... how can those lips be so warm.... the gesture is so unexpected that leaves you speechless. You feel your head dipping into a fog-you are still dreaming. You are definitely dreaming. There is no other explanation, 
Your index finger slides into his mouth, encountering the sensation of his warm, wet tongue caressing your nail, descending to its very base. It's a repulsive, slimy sensation, made eerier by the expression he wears—a perverse delight akin to a child sucking their favorite treat.
"M-ma che fai? S-Smettila..."
(N-no... no, stop...)
You stammer, horror clenching at your chest, urging him to cease.
Your gaze locks onto the dreadful scene unfolding before you. Slowly, he extracts your index finger, his lips gripping its tip. Behind the thick lenses of his glasses, Ghiaccio gazes at you, his eyes holding an unsettling glint. As terror courses through you, his teeth begin to close deliberately, his molars biting down, the pressure intensifying with every passing second.
"No-C-Che cosa-AHI. AHIA!! MI FAI MALE! L-Lasciami!! SMETTILA!!"
(No—what are you doing? Ah!AHH! YOU'RE HURTING ME!! It hurts! NO!)
Recognition dawns as you comprehend his sinister intent. The sound that echoes from him—a chilling crunch—is oddly familiar, like the memory of your grandmother offering freshly harvested, crisp carrots from her garden when you were a child.
A scream rips from your throat, pain blurring your sight. His jaw locks around the bone with an aggressive grip.
In a split second that catches you off guard, Ghiaccio tears two of your phalanges away, wrenching your finger free in a swift, brutal motion. The forceful snap of his head results in a gruesome sight—a gushing surge of blood spraying forth.
Your hand remains locked in his.
The vile squelching of his chewing churns your stomach. He's like a rabid dog ravaging his prey.
"Mmh... sapevo ne sarebbe valsa la pena"
(Mhh... delicious... just as I'd imagined.)
Your shrieks of torment transform into violent retches. You twist your face aside, desperate to avoid vomiting, yet there's nothing left to expel. The sound of his swallowing grates on your ears. More convulsions wrack your frame, forcing your eyes to shut.
You can hear him dragging the cart closer, your gaze drawn to the crimson smears that now stain his scrubs. You can't muster the strength to confront your mangled hand.
"Ci vuole calma e sangue freddo, tosa."
(Baby, it's cold outside.)
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berylcups · 3 months
Yandere Files: Illuso x Shy Reader
CW: Somnophilia, Stalking, murder, impregnation mention, alcohol
Here’s Babbys first yandere post. 🥴 it’s not gruesome but it is very lewd. I guess this more of a “softer” yandere than I anticipated but this was mostly for my own self indulgence lol. I hope this is good enough for everyone 💜 Minors DNI NSFW
It’s not every day La Squadra is given a new teammate. It’s definitely a first for an AFAB to come into the group of hardened criminals. It’s been about 7 months now, and nobody knows a goddamn thing about you. You stay to yourself , you don’t make small talk, eye contact, or show any sort of an emotion. You speak so softly… that they have to strain their ears just to understand what you are saying. It’s always in short choppy sentences.
How are you doing today Y/N? “Good.”
Did you do anything over the weekend? “I slept.”
Tell the guys what you did to that target! “Killed him.”
No, hooow did you kill him? “ High speed train…heading to Roma Termini.”
Where are you heading off to Y/N? “Out.”
Out where? “To the cafe.”
Getting any information out of you was like pulling teeth. The only thing they knew was that they were a foreigner from _______.
Illuso was tasked with spying on you because you were so quiet and reserved. Can you blame them? After what happened to Sorbet and Gelato you can’t be too sure to make sure you're not part of the bosses secret mission to snitch on them.
Illuso keeps a good eye on you. He seen where you live, what your real personality is like. Who your friends are… who your family are… and knows all about your pets and which one is secretly your favorite.
All the while you slowly warm up just a little to the others more, illuso keeps acting like a complete jerk to keep up with appearances. He doesn’t want you knowing he’s watching your every move. He doesn’t wanna admit it but he’s slowly becoming attached.
He watches you clean… cook… play with your cats and treat them like babies. It makes him start to day dream thinking about you doing those sorts of things for him or just with him. He can feel his cheeks tinting pink.
If you have any interest in any of the other teammates or if they have interest in you, he’ll sabotage anything by telling you something embarrassing about them.
“Hey Y/N! Did you know that Prosciutto is old enough to be your DAD??? Hahaha!”
“Illuso shut the fuck up! Don’t make me get Grateful Dead out on your ass!”
He suddenly feels agitated when your partner calls… why is that? When he hears you arguing loudly over the phone with them and you’re upset/crying, he’s suddenly a lot nicer to you. Weird. Illusos not a nice guy, so what’s his deal???
Despite his hatred of you having a partner he fondles himself watching you two getting intimate. He gets just as sexually frustrated as you do when you can’t climax. Can’t your partner do anything right?! Get rid of the loser so he can do it for you himself!
He will sabotage your relationship with your partner. He’ll throw used condoms in the glove box of your shared car or under the mattress. Put perfume or lipstick stains on their clothes. Anything to get you to argue and break up. And for extra measure he’s gonna send them to the mirror realm and pummel them to death.
Once the partner is out of the way. He starts being a lot nicer. He’ll include you in on teasing others and if that’s not your vibe he’ll tell you all of the juiciest gossip he has as he plays with your hair while watching trash reality tv.
He’s stingy with everyone and won’t let others try his stuff but he’ll wanna you try a new product he bought himself(mostly just for you).
“Y/N, you’re safe with me. I wanna try this new hair mask out on you. I bet it will make your hair feel so silky. “
When you're not home/out on a mission it’s a perfect opportunity to take in your scent. He’s gonna find what fragrances you use so he can use them to jerk off with. He’ll take a pair of panties that been well used out of the hamper to smell and when he’s feeling extra desperate he’ll lick a long stripe up then too to savor your natural taste.
When you two have missions together he’ll be the nicest guy ever. He won’t even treat it like a mission. It will be like a mini vacation. He will insist on getting a 1 bed hotel room so you two have to share. Even if it’s king sized, the man is HUGE. He’s gonna have some amount of contact with your body and he’s gonna love every minute of it.
He’ll make sure your nice and drunk so when you fall asleep you don’t wake up or remember anything as he thigh fucks you from behind panting sweet nothings into your ear as your blissfully off into dreamland thinking your just having a wet dream.
“You’re mine, you got that? Nobody can have this cunt but me… I swear I’m gonna knock you up so nobody can take you away from me. I don’t really want a kid but I’ll do everything I can to keep you from leaving.”
He’s gonna make you his regardless. He’s never been so attached to anyone before and he’s spoiled so he’s gonna get what he wants . So consider yourself “lucky “ this yandere chose you and get cock drunk because he’s isn’t going to stop pounding anytime soon.
“ I hope you can accept my love Y/N. Because I’m not letting you go! You’re mine and nobody else’s! My god, I love you so damn much…”
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yachiblanca · 2 years
lmao it's been a week since I last wrote something, but heyyyyy... here's another.
18+ Content, Minors do not interact!
Strange Apartment (Yan!Illuso x Reader)
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TW : your ex lover is a man, attempt of suicide, mentions of murder & blood, violence, unchecked errors 💀
----- = time skip
▼= small moments a few days after
It's been a few days since your last break up, yet you still feel your heart aching for that person you once loved had left you, left you for another bitch. You thought to yourself- were you not enough? You always made your self look nice to them, with all the jewelries and fitting clothes along with scents that makes him remember you everytime, everything didn't work after all those efforts.
You were still frustrated and deeply hurt, but you still convince yourself that you're more attractive than that bitch your ex got together with, heh- his lost, you thought.
You were walking to your new apartment, thankfully you found a cheap one a few days after your break up, you clutched your bags that you were holding with both of your hands- they were quite heavy so you had to check in fast. Without further ado, you enter in.
The reception area wasn't far to walk with two heavy bags, quickly made it and talked with the receptionist to check you in. You took a quick look around the apartment, it's atmosphere was quite shallow- you could even spot a few cobwebs by the corners, dust on the old looking couch and the carpet that was already fading to shade of gray, jeez they never thought of cleaning up this place? You internally made a disgusted look.
"Here's your key, enjoy your stay." The receptionist spoke with not a single tone, you flinched a little by their voice- turning around then grabbing the key that was placed on the counter, "Thank you." after thanking the receptionist you hasted to find your room, they looked like they were done with this place.. your thoughts said, but it wasn't your business, you shrugged.
Your room wasn't far because of how less people were staying here, spotting your room number- you walk to it and opened the door with your key, slowly opening the door to be greeted with a plain bed that was organized, a small table that was dusty, the paintings on the wall had a few cracks. You walked in and flopped your bags on the bed, "Well at least the bed is comfy.." After placing your bags you took a few looks at the main room then decided to check the bathroom. Walking in to see the same average bathroom, well that's good- it was a relief that it wasn't that dirty.
Well at least this was your new home now.
The next day..
Waking up- feeling the sun shine on your face, your face frowned- it took you courage to get up and get to work, you were feeling way too lazy right now, you groaned. Slowly you used both of your arms to get up from your bed- You felt quite dizzy from all the crying last night, how long did you cry? What time did you even sleep? You couldn't remember anymore- you missed them so much, "Fuck fuck fuck.." you whispered while rubbing both of your temples with your fingers "Forget them, forget them.. you have work to do Y/N.." you heavily sighed, feeling your heart wrapped in chains.
You stood up from your bed, walking to the bathroom- opening the door to see yourself looking like nothing the same before, your eyes were still sore, it was puffy- under was your eyebags were visible and seemed to have gotten darker, your hair was an absolute mess, you couldn't take a shower last night- damn it, you didn't expect it would become worse.
You decided to take a warm bath in the morning, turning the bathtub sink to let the warm water fill. You walked out to eat a quick breakfast of bread & a banana you packed with you.
A few minutes later you finished eating your breakfast, walking in the bathroom to check if the bathtub was finished- expectingly it did. You started to take off your clothes, letting it fall on the bathroom floor. You turned off the running water, then stepping one foot in slowly, then another. Once you were in you let your body sink in, feeling relaxed a little. You laid your back on the end of the bathtub, staring at the reflection of yourself at the water- you thought to yourself, were you really that unattractive? Here yet another session of grieving.
Your cries didn't stop for the past 40 minutes now, you were still going- you wanted to stop but even if you did stop, you'll still keep on crying. Is there any way you wanted this to stop? You stared at your reflection again, your mind blank. You felt yourself sink more in the water, maybe this was gonna stop it..
"Hey if I were you I wouldn't do that." A voice spoke loud in the bathroom, immediately stopping to look in your surrounding to see no one "Huh? What the hell.. Who the fuck? Where- Who are you..?" you questioned, "I mean, it's not that important to know but anyways, what the hell are you doing to yourself?" the voice sounded like a man, you assumed he was. You went back to face the water, "I should be scared right now but.. I just really miss him, they broke up with me for another one." You bit yourself, feeling tears bubble in the corner of both of your eyes, "I hate him so much.. I loved him more than anyone else, did everything for him, polished myself till I looked like a whore then this is what I get?!" Your lips bled from how hard you had bit your lips, the blood dripped then fell in the water.
"You've been crying for the past 40 minutes for a stupid looking person? Come on you gotta have some brains in there, think about it! There's many people out there then here you are crying for an old shitty person." You stayed silent, he was right though- there were many out there, but it wasn't easy to move on "If I were you, just get up and get drunk." you raised your head, "Yeah maybe some alcohol will do."
After that day the voice still approaches you everytime you enter the bathroom, you still couldn't see him, but both of you had developed friendship. Everyday you're greeted with a "Morning" from him, he was quite nice to talk with- since he always listens to you and giving comments to those shitty people you talk about.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" you were sitting in the empty bathtub holding a bowl of cereal, "Sure, why not?"
"How come you aren't actually scared? I usually come here to scare the shit out of people and they end up moving away, locals say there's a ghost and let me tell you, the fucking reactions are hilarious to watch!" He laughed and so did you, "It's actually pretty nice to have someone to talk to, and now I know why there's not much people who live in here." The voice chuckled "Keep eating or you're going to be late." You looked at the clock above the door, "You- I'm 30 minutes late!" "Your fault."
"Heeeeyyyy Y/N~" You reacted shockingly, quickly pulling the curtains to the side, "YOU ASSHOLE! I told you not to come up while I'm showering!"
"Just wanted to talkkk.."
"Go talk to yourself."
"I'm lonely."
"Your fault."
"Fuck you." You smugged.
"Hey ghost dude- you here right now?" You yelled out before walking in the bathroom, it was a brief silence till the voice responded, "I have a name, also do you need something?" you slightly scratched your cheek with your index, lowering your head "I met this cute person.. at the cafe.. any tips?"
"Oh.. that's..interesting.."
You stomped your way back to your room- opening and slamming it close, you threw your purse bag- letting it hit the vase, resulting it to breaking when it fell on the floor, you entered the bathroom and immediately entering the empty bathtub to sit again, "Another one! Seriously another one!" you pulled your legs close to your chest- wrapping with both of your arms, "Why can't they just say they're not interested in me, no need to damn ignore me as if i'm a ghost!?"
You've moved on more faster when you got to talk with someone about all your problems, after moving on you decided you wanted to go in another relationship again- hoping the next person will treat you better.
The routine just goes over and over though. You find one, you both text and get to know each other, you both decide to meet up, next thing is that they don't reply back when you're at the meeting place, why weren't they replying? You called more than 20 times and sent multiple texts- yet they weren't answering.
You couldn't count how many times have you been ignored, but it was lots. They were jerks, pretending to be all nice but in the end they were just assholes, you hated that this is happening to you everytime you found someone, everytime it happens- you tell it all to Illuso.
It been a minute since Illuso didn't reply, he usually replies in any second, you raised your head "Illuso..?" It was silent again, "Huh, guess you're busy." Just as you were about to stand up- a voice called "Woah woah wait wait!" You stopped "Oh hey- where were you?" "I had to... deal with something." You raised one of your brow, "Mhmm.. sure."
"So what's up? Date ran off again?" You pouted "Yeah, all jerks.." You spoke the last phrase with a mumble, "Aww don't worry, you'll find the one someday~" You rolled your eyes, "Yeah right."
"Holy shit, so you actually live in a mirror?! That's unbelievable like- no way!!" You stared in amazement when Illuso had revealed himself- he was standing inside your bathroom mirror "I mean you're seeing it right now so yeah this is real, obviously." He smirked.
You went close to see if you can touch him- suddenly he extended out his hand, his hand who went through the mirror, this time it looked really like his real hand.
"Ow what the hell- stop!" Illuso pinched your cheek hard, "Make me then." He chuckled.
"Great, I swear this is the last time I'll ever meet up with someone again!" You were standing outside a restaurant waiting for your new date who was 20 minutes late, it was getting cold. You sighed "Time to get home.."
You cupped both of your hands and blew them with your breath, it was getting cold and that you needed to get home quickly. "Jeez, it isn't even winter yet.."
In the middle of walking you heard noises near an alleyway that was just a turn, when you got closer it sounded like- punches, like.. punching someone, your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity "What the fuck..?" You whispered under your breath, your guts are saying don't look and keep walking, yet you still wanted to look.
The streets were empty, just the lights that lit up the street and cats and dogs sleeping at the corners, you sticked your body on the wall and took small steps till you peeked at the alleyway.
You saw one man who was beating up another, they were both under the light- you saw the man who was punching had their fist bloody as hell, you wanted to step in but something had stopped you, or maybe even your heart.
"Look, I'll let you go if you forget about this and if you leave her, if you don't you'll fucking face consequences you dipshit!" He pushed the man's head that was on the ground "I'm sorry- I'm sorry! I won't I really won't! I'll forget all about this happened I promise!" The man cried.
'Illuso.. what the hell's going on..?' you stared in shock- wide eyes and your mouth slightly open, you were starting to get dizzy- to the point that you wanted to vomit, you took a few steps back- silent as possible, when you were further away you made a run, deciding to take a shortcut back to your place.
'What was he doing? That man looked like my date..!' Your mind spoke when you were running, 'Why? Why would he do such a thing?' Suddenly flashbacks had hit you, putting the pieces together to complete a puzzle, 'So all of my dates.. were gone because of him?!' You gritted your teeth.
Finally arriving at the apartment, you sprinted your way to your room, opening it quickly then entering the bathroom, you noticed Illuso wasn't here yet- you grabbed the mirror then smashed it on the floor, witnessing it shatter into pieces.
'I can't be here.. I can't...' You went on to packing your clothes as fast as you can, shoving it carelessly as you were panicking 'He knows where I am.. I can't stay with him..'
You finished packing the unfolded clothings, not leaving any other accessories behind you shoved them in with the clothes too. You grabbed your heavy bags and hasted out.
It's been weeks since you left the apartment & Illuso, you've been anxious for the first week- not even daring to go out, shattering every that was a mirror, you only stayed in bed while only getting 30 minutes of sleep.
But after a week, you assumed that he couldn't find you- slowly making you try to go out in once in a while. Along the way you met a wealthy person, invited you for coffee, then got their number. Now you were in a relationship with them, you were happy- nothing went wrong for the past weeks, you were rising back up the way you were before- happy.
"We're actually going to live here?!" Your lover chuckled, "Of course, how many times did you ask this question again?" both of you decided to move out and live together, after months of both of your relationsip.
"Sorry, It's just I've never ever thought that we'll live together.. in this house!" You quickly hugged them, wrapping your arms around them tightly expressing how much excited and happy you were, "Okay okay- too tight too tight.." You let go your wrapped arms "Whoops, sorry.." They kissed your forehead "It's alright love, how about you take a look around while I carry out the bags in the car?" You nodded.
You entered the fancy looking house, it had a 2nd floor- above was a chandelier, and other rooms also had fancy looking lamps. You were flabbergasted- making your lower lip descend, you decided to look in every room- checking every cabinets, drawers.
Finally you arrived at the 2nd floor, checking everything till you had finally arrived at you and your lover's bedroom, entering then looking at your right was a bed that was extremely big- you grinned, you ran and jumped on it making you bounce a bit "So comfy!" you squealed out, you then sat up to see your reflection infront.
Infront was a big mirror almost as big as the whole wall, it's borders were like the waves colored in gold, you made a few funny faces and laughed it out.
"You look so stupidly cute, you should do that sometime." Your eyes wide, your heart felt something aching- then it started to beat fast, that was a familiar voice.. very familiar.. you spotted something at the corner- immediately recognizing it's figure was Illuso.
"What the fuck.." you turned around to look at the corner to see no one- you looked back to the mirror to see Illuso starting to walk behind you. You sat there while you were beyond shock, too shock that you didn't know what to do anymore, should you run? Scream? No, you couldn't think anymore, how was he even in the mirror?
"I have to be hallucinating.." He was getting closer, your hands clenched the sheets under- your head bopping left to right while you watched him.
You heard a ring, a strange ring.
You turned around to still see Illuso, yet this time he was already close to you, "Where the hell did you go? You should've told me where you were." He placed his arms around your shoulders, his lips close to your ear "I've always wanted to be this close- ever since we met.. but finally we are." He smiled.
You swallowed your throat, "You bitch.. My-" "Your lover? Hah! You should see how bloody his face looked." Your lips started to slowly tremble, "W-What.." your voice cracked- you felt tears filling your eyes, letting it fall on your cheeks, "Aww shh, don't cry.." He used his index finger to wipe the falling tear.
"You're safe here with me."
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nicherayy · 2 years
Yandere La Squadra x Fem! Reader OUTLAST AU
previous chapter: preview
next chapter: chapter two
Chapter one
TW: a lot of blood, murder, violence, dr*gs (just sleeping gas actually), cursing, c*nnibalism
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The loud siren drowned out painful screams of doctors. Shabby walls were smeared with blood, as you ran past you could see strange symbols and phrases, but you didn’t care what it could mean. Although the only thing you were interested in was running away from that inhuman ting that was chasing you. Your breathing was beginning to hitch, but you continued to run down those dimly lit corridors not wanting to meet whatever was running after you. You tried not to think about those people lying on the floor with their stomachs cut open or limbs missing, and the smell of fresh blood made you want to vomit. You cursed your decision and this fucking interview. If only you had listened to your instincts and not agreed to go to this asylum.. Mount Massive Asylum, a place you will hate with all your heart for the rest of your life. If you survive, of course.
The most important is to avoid running into another hostile creature like that one behind you. You were never good with martial arts, either with weapons. Maybe, just maybe you will find another sane person, and if you’ll be lucky enough this person will have gun or something. Or better.. Police! Yes! Police or FBI have definitely have been notified of this incident. You just have to wait until they arrive, they’ll definitely find you. They’ll help you. They’ll save you. Until then, you’re going to run for your life. Just another turn of the corridor and no… dead end. The thing you prayed would not happen. You have nowhere to run now. Tears appeared on your eyes and ears began to ring from this sirens. You were terrified for your your life, terribly exhausted. At some point you thought it wold be better to just let this beast kill you, preferably quickly, so that you wouldn’t suffer that much. You heard this thing approaching you closer and closer. It WILL find you. The last hope is to hide in the locket that was next to you. Is this a locker of one of the staff members? You couldn’t care less, you got a chance to survive. Maybe it won’t guess where you hid.
You covered your mouth with a hand so as not to let out this ragged breath of yours.
“LIARS”, the creature were screaming while looking for you “YOU LIED TO US”.
Now through a small slit you could see this.. thing. It looked like a man, maybe even once was one. It’s hair almost torn from the scalp. The skin was pale, almost white, purple diverging veins could be seen really well. You just closed your eyes and tried not to breathe as much as possible. As long as it doesn’t find you, as long as it forgets about you or finds another victim. Your thoughts were interrupted by a dull thump. Did it fall? You look though the slid again. It.. really fell, from the hit on the head. Must be a hard one, but just hoped that this creature was dead, or at least off for a while. A strange man was standing next to his body. Did he do it? Is he a doctor here? Unlikely. His tall figure mesmerised you, he was more than two meters tall. Before you could even think about whether you should show yourself to him, you hear his deep and surprisingly calm voice.
“I know you’re here”. He turns his head and looks at the locker in which you were hiding. Red glowing eyes, dark sclera. You’ve seen him before. No, it couldn’t be. You already want to run out of this locker when you smell some kind of chemical. And you succumbed to fear and fatigue, whatever it was, and fell into a deep sleep. “You’re interesting” the last thing you could hear.
Two hours before..
The asylum gates have opened to you. Having parked the car, you headed to the central entrance, repeating you questions, before a tall man stopped you. Name “Tiziano” was written on his badge. “Excuse me, are you this interview girl?” He asked you with noticeable disinterest.
“I suppose yes, I am” You extend your hand to give a handshake but this bastard, without even paying attention, immediately goes in the other direction.
“Follow me… oh my god this stupid red press..” And you obeyed without even telling anything. What’s wrong with this guy?
The lobby oh the main building was surprisingly spacious and well-lit. You wouldn’t even guess that this place is an asylum for criminals. The man at the reception looked at you with confusion, you don’t often can see a woman here. Well, women used to work here, but for some reason they were all fired. Maybe you could ask the reason during an interview. You thought you would see dirt in the corridors and hear screams of madmen, but it didn’t happen. Everything was sterile and there was no sound except doctor’s chatting and dull sounds of some machine, perhaps an air conditioner?
“Ah miss Y/N L/N. Just in time! I got it from here, Tiziano, thank you again” a weird green-haired man in a lab coat approached you. After this words the man.. Tiziano quickly stepped into one of the offices.
“My name’s Cioccolata, I’ll be answering all your questions today” with a contempt smile he leads you into a room at the end of a corridor. The room was well equipped with various electronic devices that you didn’t know the purpose of, although it was most likely to be a patient equipment. You looked around this place for so long that you didn’t even noticed Cioccalata’s intense gaze.
“Shall we begin?” He acknowledged you of his presence.
“Oh, sure, yes, my apologies” You replied quickly, afraid to annoy him. You didn’t know what, but you were very stressed by this person, but maybe it’s just the excitement that affects you. Maybe you could even get an exclusive material! Your company will definitely get rid of all debts. And it’s better if your boss will raise your salary. Wonderful thoughts.
“So, tell me about you work, are you a doctor?” Opening your notebook, you sit in the black leather chair opposite the man.
“Well I-” he doesn’t have time to finish when someone from the staff bursts into the room “Doctor Cioccolata, we require you help immediately” he sounds nervous, even scared.
Cioccolata immediately changes his expression. From calm and professional, he becomes serious with a stern look. You didn’t even think that people can change their emotions so quickly.
“Be right away” he already starting to leave the room when he turns to you “I’ll be quick, you just wait here” after this phrase he closes the door behind him.
You left all alone. Even voices from other doctors disappeared from corridors. Something bad happened? Is this the right time? But if something really happened, it would be a great story for your newspaper. Y/N L/N solved the mystery of the Mount Massive asylum! You would be famous after this article, maybe you’ll be offered a job in a better company.
Worst decision of your life, leave this room. And you don’t even expect how much it’ll change your life.
Now corridors were completely empty, all people seem to have died out. What could have happened that they all disappeared somewhere. Time for investigation. But as you walked around the entire building you still couldn’t figure out where are everyone, everything looked surprisingly normal. You were already thinking that this was a stupid idea, and should just go back to Cioccolata’s office when you heard a loud siren through the speakers on the walls. What is it? A fire? What the fuck. You ran to the stairs that would lead to the main entrance. But as you were near it you saw a big man twisting a doctor’s neck. You froze in fear, being afraid that you’ll be next.
This man.. this was a patient. He turned to you, read eyes with dark sclera. He was scary as hell, his white hair stuck to his forehead because of dried blood on him. You couldn’t look at him anymore, you quickly turned and ran back down the stairs without turning back. The siren was bothering you more and more and interfering your thoughts, you just didn’t know where to run, but it didn’t matter.Maybe if you could run to another part of asylum you can call someone for help. Another mistake.
This wing of Mount Massive met you with blood on the floor and dead staff laying everywhere. Your eyes widened in shock and fear, legs shaking. It could be. It’s just a really realistic nightmare, you’re going to wake up soon. But you didn’t wake up. As you were standing there terrified you saw a creature, that was eating a meat.. no.. this was one of the doctors, you squeaked stepping back. But this was too late, it already heard you. You couldn’t stand here any longer, you need to get the fuck out of this place.
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maruzzewrites · 2 years
Interesting take on their level of dangerousness! How about worst to "best" of them treating you? Who is the most lenient per say? Who is the worst yandere to be stuck with?
ok let's go, going from worst to be stuck with to best
Illuso - It's not that he is particulary clingy, but he is the one who can throw you in a mirror dimension with no one but maybe occasional victims of his, and I'm sure he'd keep them away from you anyways. The real problem is that any option he takes, it's bad for you: he can ignore you, he can torment you, he can torture you, he can taunt you, and all while you can't escape him. Being stuck with Illuso may be the most suffocating and isolating thing you'd ever experience.
Prosciutto - Now, Prosciutto isn't very strong or has the best Stand for it, but he is inflexible and harsh when he wants to. He will do everything to get his picture perfect life and you better comply to his every demand if you hope to be shown even a little bit of leniency. He is good at wearing down your walls until you are just listening to him, and then the struggle isn't that bad, right?
Ghiaccio - He is easy to anger, many things seems to bother him to the point of being an always-lit fuse and wants things to go his way. If he has you, good luck walking around his ego and his numerous pet peeves. You will shape up out of sheer terror of setting him off, not even because he actively conditions you.
Melone - Despite being not that dangerous, if Melone has you and he wants to keep you, he is particular in his odd ways. He is a scientific mind, he will want his plaything to adhere to a specific vision for what he has planned. But otherwise, he will be pretty lenient with anything else.
Risotto - He is a man who lurks rather than make the first step, Risotto won't outright demand anything out of you because he feels it's enough to have you finally. He knows he scares people, he knows his reputation looms over his head, and he will do what he can to mitigate the effect of those things in order to feel loved. If you behave, it's not because Risotto imposes rules and restrictions, but because you impose them yourself out of fear.
Formaggio - He is a laid-back man, he won't complain if he hears you cry or feel you shake or if you tell him you want to be anywhere else but there. Your problem if you can't make the most of a bad situation and Formaggio isn't there to give you a pep talk, he will make a joke about the ol' ball and chain, at best. Ignoring you have an actual chain around your ankle perhaps, but it's not like he can't tune you out.
Pesci - The guy has no spine for this, he isn't even sure he can keep you around for long before he messes up and has to release you. But he is taught by a pretty dangerous man, who tells him he needs to give boundaries to your rebelling, so there are times where Pesci puts his foot down and demands you behave, but it's not that often. Still, you know those moments can come, so you may reel it back a bit when he seems more upset or angry than usual.
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Oh to be known as Prosciutto's woman. 🤤 His fellow gang members would rarely call by name. Once you're in his clutches you lose all sense of identity, he controls how you dress and wear your hair, and how you speak to him. Pretty things like you should be seen not heard- unless spoken to.
I imagine he'd like you to wear cute lingerie, pinks and purples, red and black. Depending on the day. You've been a good girl? You can wear the pink babydoll dress and sit on Daddy's lap and cuddle while you cock warm him and he fills in paperwork. You've been edging on naughty? A lacy black and red number with matching stockings and metal handcuffs around your wrists keeping you locked to the bed. A blindfold and spreader bar too. He isn't afraid to leave you tied down for hours while he works. Leaving toys in you and ignoring you until you're half awake, spit bubbling at the side of your mouth.
He's the type of guy to make you wear lipstick because he likes how it looks when your lips stain his neck. I can imagine him holding your cheeks and making you pucker up so he can apply his favourite colour.
I think the more innocent the better. Clumsiness is endearing to him and gives him the opportunity to create punishments for not taking his "etiquette classes" seriously enough. Be prepared for punishments including balancing books on your head while naked and standing in a corner, and being used as a footrest. He's definitely the type to "take in" someone who he was supposed to kill, or maybe the daughter of someone he killed? Regardless, he doesn't consider it kidnapping. He's giving you a much better life.
Ooooh I like the way you think.~
You’re absolutely correct, once Prosciutto has you, he begins a process of breaking you down psychologically. Yeah, there’s some sadism involved, but the bigger picture is that he’s turning you into a blank slate. He makes you lose your identity so he can build you up in his vision of how you should be. You’ll still be you, of course, but without all those pesky flaws he disliked.
No more of those shallow shows and children’s cartoons for you, now you’ll only be watching what he approves of. A proper house spouse doesn’t swear, so there’s some harsh punishments if he hears a dirty word slip out of your pretty mouth. Oh, and don’t think what makes you horny is safe either; his kinks are now yours. You can be a degenerate on his terms.
In time, you’ll understand that he knows best. With guidance and a firm hand, Prosciutto will shape you into the perfect little house spouse. And you will agree.
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agsbf · 4 months
Masterlist mto catapimbas de JJBA:
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Battle Tendency:
Por fanfic:
Por personagens:
Joseph Joestar:
Caesar Zeppeli:
Lisa Lisa:
Suzie Q:
Stardust Crusaders:
Por fanfic:
Magia Winx: Imagine sua surpresa ao dormir pacificamente com sua Pixie em Alfea e acordar em um universo completamente novo, onde ao invés de bruxas e fadas serem a norma, existem humanos com personificações das almas em uma coisa chamada “Stand”? A situação fica ainda mais inusitada quando se junta a um grupo de pessoas com esses seres poderosos, onde o principal objetivo é matar um vampiro causador de infelicidade há gerações.  (Personagens inclusos: Jotaro, Kakyoin, Joseph, Polnareff e Avdol)
Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna: Assim como Giorno, você é descendente do vampiro loiro. Todavia diferente de seu irmão que nunca viu o pai, sua sorte foi outra, pois obteve o desprazer de conhecer o pior lado de seu progenitor, descobrindo que ele foi responsável pela morte de sua mãe junto a outras atrocidades. Na tentativa de evitar mais vítimas, acaba ajudando de maneira anônima o grupo Joestar. Porém tudo vai por água a baixo quando é obrigada a se intrometer no fogo cruzado para evitar o ataque fatal no egípcio durante a batalha entre Avdol, Kakyoin e Polnareff contra Hol Horse e J. Geil. (Personagens inclusos: Jotaro, Joseph, Polnareff e Avdol)
Por personagens:
Jotaro Kujo:
Magia Winx
Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna
Noriaki Kakyoin:
Magia Winx
Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna
Jean Pierre Polnareff:
Magia Winx
Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna
Joseph Joestar (Pt 3):
Magia Winx
Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna
Muhammad Avdol:
Magia Winx
Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna
Telence D'Arby:
Daniel D'Arby:
Boingo (Sempre platônico):
Iggy (Sempre platônico):
Referenciado em "Magia Winx"
O diamante é intakavel:
Por fanfic:
A solidão é meu pior castigo: Você e Okuyasu terminaram a alguns dias, porém nenhum de vocês estão bem com isso. (Personagens inclusos: Okuyasu)
Haha, como é divertido quando você vira a nova obsessão de uma yandere que tentou te matar: Após ter sido sequestrada pela Yukako depois da estudante presumir que você possuía algum interesse romântico pelo Koichi, em uma tentativa de se manter viva acaba inventando uma mentirinha benevolente que na verdade tinha uma queda por ela. Posteriormente, ao ser rejeitada pelo rapaz, Yamagishi percebe que talvez sua outra alternativa não seja tão ruim assim, embora precise de uns reparos. (Personagens inclusos: Yukako)
Por personagens:
Josuke Higashikata:
Okuyasu Nijimura:
A solidão é o meu pior castigo
Keicho Nijimura:
Jotaro Kujo (Pt 4):
Mikitaka Hazekura:
Yukako Yamagishi:
Haha, como é divertido quando você vira a nova obsessão de uma yandere que tentou te matar
Toshikazo Hazamada:
Tonio trussardi:
Referenciado em "Quando a filha do inimigo se torna uma aliada digna"
Toyohiro Kaneidachi:
Masazo Kinoto:
Rohan Kishibe:
Vento Aureo:
Por fanfic:
La Squadra, mas eles são de um jogo otome: La Squadra Esecuzioni, os famosos párias dispensáveis da universidade. Um circulo social caracterizado por 7 homens com personalidades distintas que finalmente encontram um pouco de amparo em você. (Personagens inclusos: apenas PESCI, por enquanto.)
Por personagens:
Giorno Giovanna:
Bruno Bucciarati:
Leone Abbacchio:
Narancia Chirga:
Guido Mista:
Pannacotta Fugo:
Trish Una:
Polnareff (pt 5):
Risotto Nero:
La squadra, mas eles são de um jogo otome.
Sorbet e Gelato:
Stone Ocean:
Por fanfic:
Por personagens:
Jolyne Cujoh:
Hermes Costello:
Foo Fighters:
Narciso Anasui:
Jotaro Kujo (pt 6):
Johngalli A. :
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Welcome! This is @aparanoidelectrictoothbrush 's writing blog. Currently, this blog is only for content related to La Squadra Esecuzioni. Mostly just La Squadra x Reader.
Requests are currently CLOSED!
Requests in inbox currently: 6
What do I write?:
- Headcanons (single character or multiple characters)
- short fics (single character requests only)
- angst (I don't know what limits to name, but will refuse requests if they cross them)
- Any gender reader (reader will be gn unless the request says otherwise)
What I will not write:
- NSFW (I am a minor)
- Yandere (I know there's a high demand but I'm just not comfy writing it)
- Poly La Squadra
- Any ships that aren't x reader tbh
-Suicidal reader
I write for all La Squadra members except for Gelato and Sorbet!
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princelylove · 5 months
hello, prince! how are you doing? :>
i'll be honest i'm .. a bit nervous sending this request, i hope this isn't too intense(?) or too specific ...
// noncon ment but i'm too nervous to say it i'm not sure if you write for Melone or not but I had a scenario in mind; his darling is very chill with him, surprisingly not too mean compared to everyone else, and looks to be physically weak in a way. however one day he makes advances towards them, despite them panicking for obvious reasons. how would he react and feel if they suddenly took control and attempted to strangle him? despite looking weak, their grip is strong and tight only for this moment. but his darling didn't mean to strangle him, they had a horrific memory and reacted negatively. it didn't take long at all until they realized what they were doing.
they didn't mean to hurt Melone despite him already hurting them
it's alright if this is something you don't want to write ><; if you do end up writing it, thank you sm in advance!!
I am well. You're very welcome.
Melone is arguably the physically weakest member of la squadra esecuzioni. He doesn’t default to brute forcing things because, simply, he cannot. It’s common sense that he can’t overpower you, even if you look weaker than he is, he won’t assume that he can.
I think Melone’s body type is fairly lean, he does have muscle, but it’s from years of pulling himself up and crawling around rather than “I can lift heavy things” or “I can fend someone off.” In comparison to someone such as Formaggio, or Ghiaccio, he pales. Really, you have the best chance at actually hurting him out of all of the members.
He’s very patient and nurturing. He’s had problem children before. Well. Problem juniors before. Melone’s fairly mature, despite preferring to be casual and playful, he knows how to read a room. He generally tries to please you by keeping your environment to your liking- he provides enrichment for your enclosure, if you will. He goes rather slowly because he understands that advancing the relationship too quickly will cause problems long-term, so for him to be so wrong… let’s just say he’s entirely unprepared. 
He has one of two options. Just take it, or call for some support. He likely understands there’s no malice behind such a response, but whoever comes to rip you off of him will not. If you’re lucky, you’ll get Pesci or Formaggio, and if you’re not, you’ll get Prosciutto or Ghiaccio. He likely won’t call for someone, but if enough struggling is heard, someone will get curious and come check out what the hell Melone is up to in his room.
And, to be honest, you on top of Melone, who is passed out on the ground from the lack of air, is not a good look. Melone won’t be mad, he understands, but Prosciutto and his gun sure don’t. Enjoy getting pistol whipped. Control your bitch, jesus christ, Melone.When he wakes up, and drinks some water, and finishes rubbing his neck, he makes a note to not make sexual advances on his darling until they would like it. He might apologize, but to be honest, he’s gonna isolate himself for a little while
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Hello beautiful people! After thinking about it for a while ( and i thank my bestie @dark-side-of-passion for all the love and support) i’ve decided to officially open my askbox to make headcanons for Jojo part 5!
I’ll write for The Bucci Gang and La Squadra Esecuzioni at the moment, but if i see that you all enjoy my writing i’ll consider more characters and fandoms.
Some rules cause i think i need to specify  what i can and can’t write....
I will write: - gn reader x character -Fluff - some spicy stuff but nothing too explicit -angst
I will not write: -         Anything related to non/dub con -         Yandere stuff -         Everything outside of my comfort zone (stuff like inc*st, p*ss k*nk, n*cr*ph*lia...)
Again i’ll only write headcanons for now, thank you for understanding! And as we say in Tuscany “ Gnamo nini ‘he si parte!”
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berylcups · 3 months
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I’m wanting to get more bold with my writing and the themes I keep coming back to are yandere/ horror related X Reader one shots and scenarios. Would anyone be interested in it? 👀 I mean, this is not going to be work friendly or for minors AT ALL. Like I’m in the mood to create some very spooky stuff. I wanna see if anyone is interested before I start posting-
Stuff may include(w/ content warnings ofc):
Yandere/ violent reader
Yandere/ violent Canon character
Horror elements (supernatural, slasher, etc )
Dubious consent
I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable despite it being my blog. So I wanna see who’s interested or not before I start digging in. Thanks!
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bovine-providence · 2 years
A Trouble Doubled
Melone x Reader x Illuso
You don’t know who your stalkers are, but they’ve taken the time to ensure you know about them.
[CWs: stalking, yandere themes]
It began with the small things. You would sometimes come back to your apartment to find things you left out in locations you didn’t remember putting them, like your keys moved from one counter to another. Other times, something would seemingly have vanished, only to return a day or two later in its proper spot, like your favorite mug. It was never enough to truly bother you, but you did begin to question your memory as the frequency of these incidents increased.
The first sign they allowed you to discover of their endeavors was a small note addressed to you on your kitchen table. Its contents made clear that there were two of them, I and M, and they were obsessed with you. You had promptly gone to building management, only to be told there was no way someone broke in; no alarms had been set off, nor was there anything unusual on the security cameras. You tried to move on and set aside the occurrence as a horrible prank.
You soon realized it wasn’t.
After that first note, more steadily began to appear throughout your home. Whether it was to mark your return from an outing with an observation about your appearance, or suggestions of what to watch next the day after watching a finale for a show, there were no limits to when or where they would appear. The notes would also accompany the disappearance of your belongings, which at least assuaged your worries about your memory. (Though to your dismay, a few of the notes were particularly enthused about your underwear.)
After the third note, you had tried going to the police. Upon returning home from the station, you were greeted with yet another note in response to your action. Two, in fact: the first written in a hurried scrawl voicing the writer’s irritation that you would try to put an end to their ‘game,’ the other whining to know why you wanted to upset your new ‘lovers.’
For a while, your stalkers seemed content to limit their contact with you to notes, and you adjusted to their presence in your life and home, whether you wanted to or not. You were quick to catch on to the personalities of your stalkers. ‘M’ was open with their adoration of you, though some of their notes could be borderline salacious in their ramblings. They also favored using a glittery gel pen, a detail that in any other situation you would’ve found endearing. ‘I,’ on the other hand, was more subtle in their compliments, though they would make pointed observations about any company you may have kept throughout the day. Their handwriting was a beautiful cursive, which you hated to admit a mild envy towards.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad; if it was just notes and occasionally missing an item, you could learn to live with it. It wasn’t like you had another choice, anyways. You still had no idea as to how they were getting into your home without a trace, but you reluctantly came to accept it as a part of your new normal.
That changed this morning when you found the gift. You were about to get ready for the day when you saw the ribbon-wrapped box sitting neatly on your vanity. Eyes flicking over to the accompanying note, you didn’t notice the vague shadows in the bathroom mirror.
Dearest [Y/N], the note read. We’ve been so selfish with taking your things and giving nothing in return; let us fix that. Here’s something to think of us. Won’t you try it on? Ever yours, I & M.
I and M, the two stalkers who still had yet to reveal themselves. And they got you something to remember them by? You scoffed, but your curiosity got the better of you. Picking up the box, you observed it carefully before picking off the ribbon and lifting the lid.
You gasped. Inside, laying on a plush cushion, was a beautiful pendant of your birthstone in a teardrop shape. Holding it up by its silver chain to catch the light, it sparkled beautifully. As you held it, you noticed two small silver charms flanking the gem. Upon further inspection, the charms were etched with the initials you had grown accustomed to seeing.
Biting your lip, you continued studying the necklace. Sure, it was beautiful, but it was also from your stalkers. What would happen if you wore it? Would they escalate? But… it was probably the loveliest necklace you now had in your possession. Making up your mind, you undid the clasp and faced the mirror, adjusting it once it hung around your neck. Huh. It really did look good on you. Turning back and forth in the mirror, you smiled slightly. Maybe wearing it for one day wouldn’t hurt.
It had been a wonderful day. The weather was favorable for you to run errands, and you ended up taking a walk in the park to enjoy the fresh air, getting a small cup of gelato while you were at it.
Arriving back at your apartment, you were unsurprised to see a new note had been placed on your coffee table, but what drew your eye was the bouquet of roses next to it. Suspicious, you picked up the note to read:
Amore mio,
You looked stunning today! I knew you would like the necklace! Your beauty puts it to shame. I look forward to seeing you wear it more, perhaps… with less?
-your loving M
You stared at the note before shaking your head, directing your attention back towards the bouquet. Ah, there was a second note tucked between the leaves. You guessed this was from M’s companion. Carefully pulling it out, you flipped it open:
You made us so happy to wear our little gift today. My favorite part was when you first tried it on; your smile was adorable. I hope to see it again soon.
Your stomach dropped. They saw you try it on? But you were in the privacy of your bathroom! Did they put cameras around your home? No, they couldn’t have… did they?
Were they watching you now?
You couldn’t help the wave of absolute terror wash over you as you stood in place, thoughts spiraling in your head. Allowing the two to get this far had been a terrible mistake. You should’ve raised hell with management when the first note appeared, moved when the police did nothing, never should’ve opened their gift-
A movement in the corner of your eye had you instinctively turn towards the mirror on the wall. There was a new note that was definitely not there when you came in, taped to its surface. You gasped, stumbling backwards to get away from the piece of paper. Were your stalkers here now?!
They had never left you notes when you were home, or at least, not when you were awake. It was always while you were away or, on very rare occasions, they were left during the night. They had never been this brazen.
A noise from the kitchen made you jump once more. Pausing fearfully, you stood still, straining to hear more, but nothing more could be heard. You turned back to the mirror, focusing on the newest note. Taking a fortifying breath, you approached it.
This one seemed to be from M, the more prolific writer of the two:
[Y/N], shouldn’t you place the roses in a vase? You don’t want them to wilt.
You glanced around to your empty home. Well, empty of any other people you could see or hear, but you knew they could see and hear you. You retreated to the couch, sinking into the cushions. Glancing at the tv, you picked up the remote to try to find something to distract you from the notes. From your stalkers. Picking a comedy on a whim, you tried to focus on your enjoyment.
This didn’t last long, however, as noises in the kitchen returned. You felt a chill run down your spine as you hesitantly turned towards the doorway to the kitchen. You heard the opening of cabinets and faint whistling, like the early signs of the tea kettle going off. You could also faintly hear someone humming.
You were afraid, but you couldn’t help standing up to investigate. Quietly approaching the kitchen, the movie forgotten, you peeked around the doorway to observe the intruder.
He was a lilac-haired man in rather strange purple attire, with cut-outs and covered in concentric circles. You watched him nod in approval of finding your favorite mug in the cabinet, before opening another to retrieve honey. He was very familiar with the layout of your kitchen despite never being there before. Never being there in your presence before, you realized with dread. You continued watching as he set aside the mug and honey, going to your fridge and opening it, frowning as he scanned the shelves inside. As he closed it, he turned and saw you, allowing you to see he wore a mask over his eyes. Your eyes widened as his face lit up in excitement.
“[Y/N]!” he exclaimed. “I- er… Go sit back on the couch and I’ll make a proper introduction, I was making you some tea.”
“What?” you replied in shock. No, this wasn’t happening, he wasn’t here, all this was due to stress from your responsibilities, one of your stalkers was not, could not be in your kitchen right now. You nearly tripped as you tried to stumble out into the living room, only to be caught by arms encased in… padding?
“Where are you going in a hurry, bella?” a smooth voice inquired from above. Looking up, your eyes met those of the tall brunette holding you. His red eyes sparkled as he smirked. You froze, panicking too much to answer him.
“She’s overwhelmed,” the man in purple stated from deeper in the kitchen. You heard his steps get louder as he appeared at your side. “Here, drink this,” he told you softly, holding the mug out to you. “It’s chamomile. I added the amount of honey you like. Please, cara, you should drink it to calm down.”
“She doesn’t need tea, Melone,” the other man, still holding you, interjected. “She should sit down so we can finally introduce ourselves to her.”
“But it’s too much for her right now!” the purple-clad man, seemingly named Melone, insisted. “Just let her settle down, and then we can make our introductions!”
He was right, it was too much. You felt your legs give way beneath you, barely noticing the brunette carefully guiding you to the floor while Melone hurriedly set the mug of tea on the counter before rejoining.
“Please, just leave me alone,” you whimpered. You shook, tears beginning to form in your eyes. You felt two pairs of arms holding you, two chests pressed against you in an effort to comfort.
“Shh, you’re safe,” you heard Melone coo.
“Let’s get her situated,” you heard the man with the padded sleeves decide, Melone murmuring his assent. He backed up as his companion lifted you and brought you back to the couch. The movie was still running, you noticed dully.
You were quickly seated once more, now flanked by your long-term stalkers.
“[Y/N], it’s good to finally meet you,” the first began warmly. “My name is Melone, and this is Illuso. We’ve been looking forward to today.”
“Well, I would’ve preferred it go a little smoother than how it’s been going,” Illuso scoffed, “but, yes. I’m glad you can finally meet us.” He grinned down at you. “You’re even cuter without glass between us.”
“I know this is a bit overwhelming,” Melone continued, “but you don’t need to worry; we’ll be bringing you home with us soon.”
You could only blink in response. This, it seemed, was the final escalation of their stalking. The last thing they’d take from your home was you.
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nicherayy · 2 years
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Yandere La Squadra x Fem! Reader OUTLAST AU
Next chapter: chapter one
This will be 18+
TW: I think “outlast” is a trigger warning by itself
A/N: what did I create.
“Are you sure this job really suits me? I’m not sure I can have a conversation with psychopaths”, you were sitting in the unlighted office, a little stunned by your boss’s offer.
“Y/N”, he started “you know our company needs money, and you’re also aware of our company depts”. It was true, your newspaper does not have a good reputation, always spreading stupid gossip that turns out to be untrue in the end “This is our big chance, just imagine this headlines! Y/N L/N with the exclusive interview in the Mount Massive Asylum! Our readers would just love it, and moreover, they would love you and your talent”, your boss looked at you smugly “This is your chance to prove yourself to the world”.
Your boss wasn’t the best, often raising his voice at workers and cutting wages. You tried to find another job, but most employers didn’t even looked at your resume. That’s why you waited, not even understanding what for. For a big chance? For a salary increase? For the death of your seventy-year-old boss and for his next better replacement? Or you simply had nowhere to go. Yeah, that was probably the reason.
“Y/N are you listening to me?” he raises his voice a little. You’re interrupted from your thoughts.
Sighing heavily, you stare at him intently, still unsure of the correctness of this idea, “I’ll go”.
The road to the asylum was difficult. Why such places are always placed in the middle of nowhere? To be honest, you thought your old car was going to break down. The road seemed eternal when finally this weird place could be seen in the distance. Quite a big building. Mount Massive, how many rumours have you heard about this mental hospital. But you were here to dispel them.. or maybe to confirm them?
“Just a little interview”, you thought “and this’ll be over” but this was just the beginning.
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maruzzewrites · 2 years
Every breath you take. - 11
cw for emeto aroudn the end
Something was amiss, as they said to you, about the crime scene. 
As the news of your break up hadn’t reached everyone just yet at the time of his death, and how difficult it was to conceptualize that end, you were questioned. Not because you were a suspect, you had an alibi and you had no motive. Not even the alleged separation, because in your heart that didn’t happen anymore, and your eyes begged your mother to not elaborate on it when she too came to understand what was happening.
You had to thank, for once, the tendency of this city to swallow the truth. The young policeman that assisted you on the scene, with the light dimming in eyes that couldn’t even reflect your face, wasn’t too surprised when he met a wall of reluctant silence and profound regret. He just tipped his hat, gave his condolences alongside his older, seasoned partner, and disappeared into a case that would be closed before the next sunrise.
You imagined what happened. You didn’t see it, you didn’t know the true motive. They told you it was probable robbery, your fiance’s wallet was missing along with his phone, and he was left there to decompose like a stray dog without a house. Yet, he did have one to return to, and you tore it apart with your selfish desires.
When you called his family, apologies and sorrow in your throat, only tears and laments came out. You said you couldn’t go there, you didn’t have the strength; and his mother understood, she begged you to not come because she knew the pain of seeing that wrecked home.
It was like you had her benevolent arms around your shivering body, each stroke of her hand down your back was smearing his blood and mixing it with your skin. It soaked in, it flowed between the cracks and it became your cross, the punishment for your cowardice as rivers of dry crimson were spilled right under his poor mother’s window, the reek of his corpse climbing up the walls and into every crevice to stay, to brew. 
How could you face the people you wronged? Despite not holding the weapon, your fiance’s blood was on your hands. And those empty eyes could still stare at you, even behind the wood of his coffin, even under the pile of dirt keeping him down. You deluded yourself into thinking that was your last goodbye, when his body was given rest, but you knew that you never did see him one last time; all you had was the static of his voice still ringing in your ears.
Maybe that’s why the police called you, because you were the last one to hear from him. That thought would haunt you for the rest of your days as you knew that was the reason, the motive. You suspected, you didn’t know for sure, but in your head your finger was already pointing to a road that led outside the city, to a house with seven men waiting for your next move.
You couldn’t be sure, and one misstep would be a prayer for their anger. After all, the police told you it was a suspected robbery. Your fiance’s wallet and phone were missing, they weren’t in the house either, nowhere to be found on that same street and no one reported his lost documents anywhere.
And that was all you could believe, for now. You almost wanted to give in to that delirious theory, but you knew like only an accessory to the crime could – because you could label yourself nothing less. All you could do was accept that fate and hope that they were innocent of this specific crime.
Even if they weren’t, what were you supposed to do? Confront them, yell and scream until they choked the air out of your windpipe and rid themselves of a nuisance, a hassle buzzing in their brain until they couldn’t focus anymore? You were nothing more, between plaything and insect, both to break and toy with until its novelty was exhausted.
What allowed the cold to seep into your bones, condensing into concrete form right on your heavy heart, was the knowledge that every threat, every fear that pulled at your brain was true. They were truly deranged and you didn’t dare to ask who they really were, within their organization. During your life in this city, you came to know people who would work for criminal organizations and the news of an old classmate’s mugshot appearing in the newspaper was nothing more than an accepted fate for some people.
Yet, how could someone make peace with the fact they were dragging outlaws craving the smell of a forbidden fruit? What could be done, if not continuing life as if this was nothing but an average murder under the limelight of the streets, behind the curtains of claustrophobic apartments.
It was pitiful how you couldn’t crawl your way to the truth, just hope and beg whoever could hear your untold thoughts that they weren’t implicated. Because, after a reasonable amount of time needed to mourn who wasn’t there anymore, you forced yourself on the road towards the slaughter. 
You never drove as slowly as that, taking care to notice every single tree surrounding the street and feeling every needle of sunray on your skin and in your eyes, taunting you with their inconcebible beauty and immensity. Since the moment your darling died, away from your arms, your brain could grasp a single principle that is often preached, but never understood: everything flows.
Putting your hand in that river, the impetus waters would never be the same and they would filter through your fingers, uncaring of your desire of stability; never again to be seen in the same way, helpless in the face of becoming what it was set to be. That’s the fact you had to accept and doom yourself to, because no one cared about the deeper meaning of your darling’s demise.
Not how it played out, not its consequences, not its implications, and even less the burning guilt it left behind. It was a tombstone with a name, a date, tears soaking the grime, and nothing else besides photos on dressers that would be covered in dust in a matter of days.
That was all that could be left behind, and life would never become like those printed images ever again. Outside your grief, the world was still turning and the sun was still immobile in its indifference, unable to comprehend something as small as a speck on Earth. 
And just like any other day from that moment forward, until it would inevitably exhaust itself, the sun followed your slow march to that house. Everything was quiet, but it had always been on the days you were supposed to work. Yet the silence weighed heavy on the tight strings of your heart, pulled by the force wanting to succumb under the crushing burden.
Was it fair, to you, to your poor and bleeding soul, to return to work so soon after the mourning? Barely enough days passed, a week or two or three, and the fact it was all blending together into a blur of hours spent in complete agony should be an indication of the burn left by the icy realization.
It wasn’t fair, it would never be. 
Never has before, not even when you were left to roam that house alone and warned to stay away from the people living in it. It was a lost game from the start; they would hunt you down anyway, wouldn’t they? If not for twisted obsession, it would be for pretend dignity or prideful secrecy. 
And you stood under the imposing shadow of that same building that promised you, from the first day and the first minute, nothing but torment. A simple house, sitting on barely a stretch of yard with its two floors, a plain façade of cheap white paint over stone and the chasms inside the depths of your personal hell looking outside to read, to scan.
Were they behind the curtains, waiting? Was what happened even as crucial to them as it had been for you, for your psyche?
You didn’t consider the worst of your fears and the blandest of your consolations: your fiance’s death was inconsequential to their lives, at least in the measure that he wasn’t important outside being an obstacle. Slashing a tire and stabbing a bad have the same muscle memory, sinking deep into the body and leaving your mark; stopping the true target unable to move properly, to react with lucidity.
And what if it wasn’t them at all? Your fiance could have just been the unfortunate victim of a petty crime, and it wouldn’t matter how that consideration didn’t sit well in the pit of your stomach. Facing the terror of that existence without the only ally, if a way that wouldn’t even put those men into a position of potentially making up for your pain, how cruel that was.
You inhaled sharply, the wind drying the back of your throat, the edges of your mouth sticky due to you forgetting to even drink for the stress. It wasn’t helped by the dread of facing any possibility that would present itself: they were the culprits, and you have to swallow the knowledge with the bitter words of accusation; they weren’t the killers, and now they have one hurdle less to overcome in their demented quest.
You moved the first step towards the door when your brain reached the conclusion that it didn’t matter, it wouldn’t matter, because they worked so hard and long to monopolize your life, to tie those sharp  strings on your joints and your flesh, and moving them around while the blood flow cuts under your skin.
But you danced. The strings moved, and you followed them like the good little puppet in its entertraining show; they stayed hidden behind the curtain of darkness while the public laughed, and pointed, and accused.
Scorched earth around you, in your lone play with the only other character now laying under your feet.
And in the overarching plot of your life, what did it matter if kill was premeditated? Or accidental? 
It didn't. It simply wouldn't matter because you could never discover the truth, even if it was right under your nose. You would live with the burden of ignorance, so convenient in this forsaken city bathed in sunlight and rot. This crippling knowledge followed you inside, it was louder than the mechanism of the door unlocking as the key turned. It was more oppressing than the silence reigning like a despot in the hallway.
It didn't belong. Often that house was silent and still, but that quiet was weighing heavy with the sensation of deceit. You felt it on your skin like a veil wrapped over your entire body; untold lies and impenetrable conspiracy. Even when you met one of them, he wasn’t too eager to tend to you or your presence, too busy with nursing his thoughts while looking through your body. The only sign of him acknowledging you was a small motion of his head towards you, almost like he wanted to point at you with his chin to his fellow teammates.
His lack of words was too odd, Prosciutto was simply icy when he needed to. He was the one who could act reasonable while tearing at your sanity, stone solid face schooled into a perfect frown and an impeccable mask. And you could only see him sitting on the sofa from the hallway, beyond the limit of the open living room’s door.
As you passed the frame and went for the kitchen, you could see the outline of Pesci’s body. And maybe Prosciutto was signaling to him that you arrived, but those small pupils were fixed on the ground, those bulging eyes still open wide into shocked stupor. It made you nervous, seeing those two different stances in two different men with such a similar goal.
Were they guilty of something? Was Pesci feeling the crushing reality of their torment just now, tainting his soul and conscience with scolding, just regret? Maybe it was just paranoia coloring your judgment, because the mere thought of them feeling even a speck of sympathy for your situation was just forgein to your now changed psyche.
How could they. They were criminals, and you knew. Since the first day and the first minute, even with that habit of dimming your senses to the atrocities committed around, in the neighbors you visited and the city you lived in, criminals never had a face and a name. They were nothing but statistics, but a simple number to read and comment with empty deliberations over the nature of their behavior. 
And you spiraled again into this vortex of giving yourself the blame for their actions, thinking that maybe there was one course of events that wouldn’t leave you frightened and shaking at night. A futile exercise that would simply see you in that house again, like in that exact moment.
Prosciutto and Pesci didn’t give you much more attention when you were out of their field of vision, and the kitchen was empty. You started from there, slow and unsure, cleaning the grime away and taking your time with every single gesture like an artificer trying their best to save everything around them. It was mostly self-preservation that made you measure your movements with minute ability. Cleaning didn’t take skill unless you had to hear every single creak the wooden floor made, or every swing of a door, or any other little clue of them coming near you.
You were on high alert despite the length your common sense went to make you lose any shred of hope to learn the truth. It was the animal instinct that warned you that you were cornered into the predator’s den and anytime, any moment was just a choice away from being attacked and torn apart for jolly fun and merry entitlement. 
And still, the doubt was buzzing in your head like the words of an enemy you thought you could face, when it had always been so much bigger than the bones moving you. Descending into the field of expertise of someone profoundly corrupted by urge and power, then hoping against the worst conditions that you could exit victorious and unharmed.
Yet, still, in the depths of your soul, your conscience wanted to know. What would you gain besides misery, but at the same time the oppression of those walls and the solitude of the last months were weighing down on your chest. If not for you, you wanted to liberate him; exorcize him from that nightmare and prove, once and for all, who decided for him.
How was a different question. The house was becoming more like a crypt, a grotesque place where words went to die. It was almost comical how paralyzed and impotent you were just turning away from the kitchen to go somewhere else, the dread of crossing another one of those men and seeing a glimpse of what you wanted to know. 
The living room was out of question, the kitchen was done, a quick glance at the bathroom made you think no one touched it in ways that would make you believe something was hidden. You didn’t even know why you assumed so, as if those dramatic movies playing in the evening were right about being unable to reproduce the exact locations of every item once moved from its original place.
Maybe it was your brain protecting you from actually digging further, believing simple logic like a TV detective just so that you could move one and find nothing of value. Live in complete darkness and complacent denial just like you always did, like everyone always did.
So, after all, you checked the bathroom. Nothing in the bathtub, the shower or the cabinets; every space was exactly how you remembered it, or you didn’t know how to look for clues of a crime. Would they even leave anything behind? Organizations like theirs would be specialized in covering up anything, everything, until you give enough motivation to need such an operation.
Before another wave of intrusive thoughts could anchor you to that forsaken need to stall, to wait around just so you wouldn’t need to face whatever was beyond the veil, you moved. You closed the door to the bathroom and considered you didn’t even clean, the actual job you were there for. Maybe they didn’t even care you would, they probably would use it against you if you left things dirty or messed up.
The door was already closed though, and you couldn’t risk the ire of those who could hear nearby; maybe they were sitting, silent, in the living room for that exact reason, waiting for any signal that you were snooping and looking for something. With already a foot in their assumed plan, you opted to forget about their bathroom and continue with your routine, pretending to be doing your job like every other week, any other day curved under their prying eyes.
The stairs creaked ominously under your feet, so very loud with the sluggish pace of your body, and you reached the second floor. The office’s door was closed, probably with Risotto working on future plans and jobs from their syndicate in private, away from your ears and your eyes, and the bedrooms were waiting for you like an omen in languages you couldn’t understand.
One was closed, the one at the end of the hallway, so you decided it would be better to avoid that specific room for the time being. The mere sight of two men was enough to induce even more panic, earlier, and you couldn’t imagine the burned on your psyche if you met the eyes of another deranged criminal ready to slip mute threats, make them soak in and sneak under your skin until they felt natural, ghastly yet customary.
The other two rooms’ doors were slightly ajar, one belonging to Prosciutto and Pesci, along with Risotto. Sneaking to listen just barely touching the frame, you noticed that it was empty, which confirmed your supposition that Risotto was closed in the office, and it was the only bedroom you could be sure was unoccupied in that exact moment. 
You moved slowly to enter, staying still for a second, looking around at the familiar space of three beds, a window open and essential furniture. It was austere, but lived and rich with stories that you didn’t want to hear, the smell of those men permeating the walls to the point you feel their very presence inside. 
A big, lumbering presence of something crawling over you back and staying there, feet slithering and poking your skin with the precision of dangerous insects. It didn’t leave you even when you walked to one of the nightstands, and you should have cleaned up instead of opening the drawer. Instead of discovering the little chip or a similar technology between Risotto’s things, easy to see and to grab. You didn’t know enough to identify it as something specific, but you felt your blood turn cold.
Pesci’s nightstand had nothing, and the paranoia now had you trembling with anticipation. You tore the sheets and blankets off his bed, to see if you were missing anything crucial, but there was truly nothing. Of course, it made sense, he was a coward and they didn’t need to give this mission to someone whose hands would shake too hard, who couldn’t even finish the job.
Nothing. There was another bed though, and another nightstand; and if those were empty too, it would mean that every single idea, thought or assumption about their involvement with your fiance’s death was a mistake. It didn’t matter if that wouldn’t be conclusive under any other circumstances, you would force that need for justice down, bury it under the terror gripping your heart, and forget about investigating ever again. 
Your fiance was dead, and that was it. But first, you had to prove it to yourself, before anything else and before ultimate peace. Or, at least, acceptance. No more projects of studying and living, happily, with your beloved somewhere far away, safe, untouched by the greedy claws of organized crime and everything it brought with him.
Just that, it was all you needed. A sentence to your damnation.
You opened the first drawer of the nightstand; nothing to be seen besides socks, maybe an expensive pen under them, and the bottom of cheap wood. You slowly closed it again, fingers trembling once you had to reach for the one right under it. Sliding it open, you noticed disturbed accessories of various kinds; ties, scarves, a pendant, and a hole dug between the refined, dark fabrics that created a black shadow inside that small space.
Swallowed by the fluff and the sophism, your fingers dipped into the well and brought back an appliance; a chip, to be more precise, or a receiver, perhaps. You had never seen one in that room before, not in that nightstand and not in that drawer, protected by a nest of luxury items. Even so, what did it mean? Was it relevant? You didn’t even know what it was, exactly.
Now that your curiosity tasted a clue, just a speck of it, it needed to know more and find more. It demanded it like a famished prey, hoping to turn on the predator and overpower it, begging to find the final solution to all its prayers. So, you looked into the drawer more.
In the back corner, on the bottom, laid a broken phone. There weren’t many models around, it was impossible to be sure who it belonged to, but you recognized the shape and the weight. Maybe you were wrong, maybe you were trying to find a trail where there was nothing but bushes scratching your ankles, and hurting you further.
Maybe Prosciutto owned that phone, for jobs that needed to be discreet. One always ready to take and dispose off, just in case it was needed, and you could prove it so easily. But it didn’t turn on, it was dead and the back was pried open, emptied of the battery and any other component vital to understand its previous contents.
A dead end. But now you felt even more hungry, now that your mind tastes what it felt like to be so close to understand, you needed to unravel the puzzle and find that obvious solution, find that single hint that could link them to your fiance, and then you would maybe reconsider that crushing wish to live in ignorance for as long as you were allowed to.
You sparked a few embers of hope, longing for the moment you could tell yourself too; here is the truth, admire it and see it for what it is. You closed the drawer, now in disarray because of your presence, and looked into the last drawer before the small open space at the bottom of the nightstand. 
That drawer was usually empty, left unused for the lack of other necessities, but that day it wasn’t. You paled, seeing a wallet pushed against the back, a futile attempt to try and hide it from the eyes of a nosy cleaner. It was small, cheaply made, and a gift you made to your fiance years prior to that fateful night. It was clean, no trace of blood on it, but you couldn’t decide if it was because it had been washed or not.
And you didn’t care to verify that. You were grabbing it before you could even process your discovery fully, your hands shaking as you opened it and scanned the contents; no photos, no documents, only money pressed inside of it. 
Was your mind playing tricks on you? It couldn’t be, or you would have found something incriminating in there. But it was just identical, Prosciutto couldn’t own one just like the same design you gifted to your darling, and casually have it after his was stolen away into the bowels of Naples.
But nothing, there were no documents in sight. You even tried to find hidden compartments in the drawers, took them out of the structure to inspect them more, tore the blankets off the bed and the case off the pillow. And just after, you raised the mattress.
Attached to the first slat, in the top left corner and difficult to see, was a little and thin folder. Probably used to store money before, but when you looked inside, you found your proof. It wasn’t your fiance’s documents, and thinking about it now, they were probably long gone to avoid any suspicion and direct links to a murder victim. Perhaps even the phone was scrubbed clean of any trace or clue.
No, it wasn’t your fiance’s ID photo looking back at you, but your own, bright and happy, and belonging to a moment in time that felt so foreign and distant in that moment. It was a picture of you and your fiance, conveniently cut from the composition, taken in one of those photobooths you could find in theme parks or other fun events. Just he had those, in his wallet, that was kept inside that house like a twisted prize to shove in your face, to make you find it.
Your fingers pressed against the photo so hard that it wrinkled it, your knuckles turning white for the strain. The grasp of fear was taking hold of you again, pushing you down into a pit of despair; every expectation of finding resolution and closure was dragged on the floor, torn apart by the cruel nature of your discovery, and all hopes to find help evaporated from your brain. Now you were facing the truth, and only the question of how was echoing against every fiber of your being, gripping the flesh with its curved thorns.
You felt yourself become weaker, your vision was faint and smudged, and you had to keep your body up by grabbing the gutted bed. You felt yourself dry-heave once, twice, then you actually threw up the acid in your stomach. It dripped from the slats under you, when you felt yourself return to your body again; and you were breathing heavy and shallow, panicked and unsure on what to do.
But one thing was clear in your mind. No more compromises and no more forcing yourself in that place: they were actual, real threats and you had the demonstration right between your index finger and thumb. You let the photo fall, and that was your declaration, your last farewell to the illusion of normalcy you could still hope to get back.
You stood up, still unbalanced on your tired legs, and you ran. You ran as fast as your body allowed you to, taking what was yours from there and projecting yourself out of the door separating yourself from freedom. Your backpack still on your shoulders – and did you even ditch it at the entrance at all? You couldn’t remember, your brain was confusing so many memories and thoughts lately.
You caught a glimpse of Prosciutto’s deep and icy eyes as you bolted outside, and you knew he was aware of what you did. You were silent up there, and you probably didn’t care to be, but he knew and it terrified you to your core. And maybe he was there for that reason, to see the signal of your departure and understand. And know.
It was too late now. You were in your car and sprinting away, to the city that can hide its leads and help the unforgivable, but also the harbinger of safety in the face of adversity, if one could look for the right protection. You needed to find the right combination to live, you had to.
Midway through the road, you stopped. You needed to be sure. You knew the possibility of tracking you existed, your late fiance talked to you about that wonderful technology, and so you had to be sure.
You parked to the side, hidden. Opened the door of your car, stood in front of a field opening up in front of you, with tall grass and abandoned trash. You opened your backpack and looked for your phone; it was logical, you found a familiar and broken phone where your fiance’s belongings laid. And they always knew where to find you, how to sneak inside your life without you noticing and popping up when you didn’t expect it.
You clutched the phone, and then threw it as far as possible into the field. It disappeared, but you didn’t care to know where and how far away. Already in the car, you hoped more than anything that you could gain an advantage by taking away anything they had used against you until now.
However, you needed to find a way to hide better. Your house wasn’t enough, your friends and family weren’t enough. 
You needed a plan, and quick.
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I LOVE Prosciutto 💙 He's handsome and total strict daddy dom material. The type to leave indents from his rings on your ass, and marks from his belt that was wrapped around your neck. All you have to do is sit pretty on his lap for him and you can have whatever your heart desires. 💙
Exactly! Hard Daddy Pros, who expects nothing less than perfection. He has rules in place that he strictly enforces, how could you go wrong? You know what he’ll do if you disobey. Maybe, maybe there’s lenience for certain situations, but otherwise you’re on the hook for any mistakes or disobedience.
But if you’re his good little house spouse, follow the rules, even going above and beyond with a nice drink ready for him when he comes home and all the chores are done? Oh, he’ll make sure you’ll want for nothing.
All you need to do is obey…
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