#yandere La Squadra
depravitymoon · 6 months
Does the Yandere la squadra have room preferences for the darling post kidnapping?
This is the oldest ask sitting in my inbox and today’s the day I answer it. Right now, I’m gonna be honest. Part of the reason this sat in my inbox for so long is because I was trying to figure out the question. Hence, I’m going to try to guess what it’s asking. 
The questions I’m gonna be asking myself:
What are the general house rules post-kidnapping?
Would your yandere even give you a room?
Would your yandere change their own room for you?
And just to make this simple: This is an Everyone Lives AU where Giorno is Don and actually increased La Squadra's pay by 1000%. La Squadra are roommates in a big ass villa, so it feels like live in through own private apartment complex... but richer. lol
(Some of the pictures of rooms come from here.)
(Warning: Other than yandere, kidnapping, and implied forced labor, Melone also wants kids with you.))
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RIsotto Nero
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Risotto’s rules:
Don’t get sassy with him.
Do what he says.
Do not attempt to run away from him.
If he is not there, then have Pesci or Prosciutto guide you.
Would your yandere even give you a room? NO.
Risotto isn’t as fucked up as some of his teammates, but he likes having control of you. Also, it’s easier to intimidate you when he’s always so close to you (and is a giant). Having your own room might make you feel too comfortable disobeying him and he refuses to let you think that’s an option.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? Yes. You behave and he’s willing to even make the room look like Enid and Wednesday’s. 
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Prosciutto’s rules:
Be a good housewife.
Cook the meals.
Clean the ‘house’.
Run errands with Pesci.
Don’t sass him.
Greet him when he gets home.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  HAHAHAHAHA, NO. You’re funny.  You two are married and married couples sleep together.  Also, you’re in charge of cleaning, do you really want your own room to clean in addition of his room and Pesci’s.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? He will negotiate with you. Have you been a good wife? Have you been completing the chores? What are you willing to give in return to drastically change his room for you? 
Sidenote 01: Prosciutto gets the biggest room because Risotto didn't care to get the Master bedroom. 
Sidenote 02: Proscuitto just wants you taking care of his portion of the villa. If you're being annoying, he'll force you to clean of Pesci's portion (but Pesci's nice enough to help you with your cleaning).
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Pesci’s rules:
Be polite to Risotto.
Listen to what big brother says.
If big bro gets handsy on you, look for Pesci.
Avoid the others except Ghiaccio.
Stay away from Ghiaccio when he’s mad. Don’t walk, RUN.
Would your yandere even give you a room? Pesci would never force you to stay in his room unless he actually thought you were in danger. At worse, he'd manipulate you into staying with him. If La Squadra has room (no pun intended) you can have your own room.
Would he change his room for you? Absolutely! He just wants you comfortable! Hell, you can have half of his room AND your own room. 
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Melone’s Rules:
Be a good parent to his future offspring.
Don’t ask for anything unless you’re willing to do some Not Safe For Work activities for it.
At least pretend you're happy to see Melone once in awhile, especially around bambino!
Would your yandere even give you a room? Honestly, yes. He did kidnap you to force you to have his future children. The least he can do is accommodate you.
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He'll only let you roam the villa if he believes you'll behave. The moment you try leaving is the moment you're literally chained to his bedroom and has to have Pesci follow you around when Melone can't.  Yes, he knows you're mad that he plans to baby trap you. At least you'll be a rich mom, not a pauper with 'freedom'.
Would he change his room for you?  No. If anything, he’d probably make your room also your future baby’s room too, which would force you to come to his room for some peace and quiet.
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((Author's Note: Let's pretend that the floor is an all white carpet. Apparently, most people know better than to have white carpet.))
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Ghiaccio’s Rule:
DO NOT stain his room.
DO NOT yell at him.
DO NOT talk to the other members unless it’s an emergency.
DO NOT be alone with Melone.
You may be asking "Why would you have a white room? Why not just let me go if you dont want a stained room-" SHUT UP AND DONT SASS HIM.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  Depending on if you two are own good terms, he might let you stay in the tinier room right next to his. Just behave. Your room has no bed, because he'll be forcing you to sleep in his bed with him. You're the most likely darling to be allowed to roam the villa, but you can't go outside. 
Would he change his room for you?  No, which is why you get your own room if you behave. 
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Illuso's rules:
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Oh, he keeps you in the mirror world with food all day when he's not with you. Rights? lol Silly darling, you have no rights.
Everything you have is solely due to his desires. While Risotto's darling spends 90% of the time in his room, Illuso's darling spends 99.99% of the time in Illuso's room and the mirror world.
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Doesn’t need rules because he can just shrink you down when he wants.
I imagine the only thing that stands out about Formaggio's room is that it's filled with a dollhouse, dolls, pet cages, and a hamster ball. Why all of that? So he can entertain himself messing with you. 
There is more than enough room for you to be in Formaggio's room. And he doesn't want to break you like Illuso would. Formaggio just likes bullying you, but he does want you functioning like a human being. Having a person he can actually converse with is better han some doll that obeys him, gross. 
Obviously, you wont get your own room, but he will customize your dollhouse room if you behave! Oh and he does like you room the mansion. Keep in mind if you ever try to flee, that privilege is revoked forever.
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princelylove · 23 days
Part two of my interpretations of la squadra esecuzioni. 
Ghiaccio is like a smaller Risotto. He doesn’t have a very distinct waist. He’s so picky with his food that it’s a wonder he even got that much distinct muscle- or maybe it isn’t, cutting is effective (in moderation, starving will only set you back on your progress). He mainly works out for his job, Ghiaccio doesn’t really care what he looks like. 
He has a strong nose, and although his lips are small they aren’t quite in the thin category, he has really nice bone structure… He just doesn’t realize it because he’s horribly insecure and feels inferior. He copes by not trying, so he can always rely on the ‘Well if I actually tried it’d be better’ type of logic. Once a year Prosciutto gets to wax his eyebrows. 
Not only does he know what mogging is but he knows where it originated. Because he was there. I’m dying on the hill that Ghiaccio knows what green text is. He’s appealed countless bans that all sounded like “I’ve never even fucking been on /mu/ you stupid fucks” (that all got approved the night of). He fills his mind with toxic masculinity, but isn’t into alpha male bullshit. Somehow he thinks hunter eyes are a thing but he draws the line at “smooth brained jock bullshit.” 
I cap Ghiaccio’s height at 5’9” or 175 cm. 5’10” or 177 cm with his shoes on. He’s got fantastic posture for someone that sits at a computer all day. Ghiaccio’s sensitive about it, teasing him about his height is a death sentence. What a good way to end up in a freezer. 
While he has a horrible temper, he cools off the second he gets it out of his system. Just moves on after smacking the shit out of his designated rage pillow like nothing happened. At least he’s coping. Not well, but an outlet is an outlet. It’s the same when you piss him off- he gets upset, says things he doesn’t mean, and then moves on. He apologizes like a father would- none at all, but brings you a snack or buys you something you’ve been asking for. He’s a big fan of the “Check if there’s mail.” approach. He genuinely does feel bad, but he’s not a little bitch that’s gonna tuck his tail in between his legs because he made his darling a little sad. 
He smells like absolutely nothing at all. It’s actually a bit frightening. Zero smell presence. 
Melone keeps every medicine known to mankind in his room, under his bed. He’s a great person to befriend if you find yourself in the hands of one of his roommates, but to be entirely honest with you, he’s selfish. He doesn’t really care about your agony because it’s got nothing to do with him, how does it benefit him to give you meds when he doesn’t even know you? (He budges if you belong to Prosciutto or Ris- he’s not pissing off his pseudo mom and dad.)
Melone is thin and mainly gets his exercise from running. His stand takes care of hits for him, he just needs to worry about the set up, so it isn’t really an issue. There’s no need for him to lift heavy, or really lift at all. Doesn’t really matter if he’s stronger, he just needs to be faster than you are. Sure, bash his head in, pick him up, aren’t you getting tired, though? Real sleepy? Go to sleep, it’s gonna be ok. 
Mel’s stand is possessing an actual computer he modified. He runs tests consistently with the blood samples he’s managed to store in his room- he knows the best combinations to get him what the boss wants, and as long as he’s got ample blood left over, what’s wrong with killing a few juniors off in the name of science? 
I classify Melone as apathetic and a bit mean. He’s an asshole. He gets a lot better once he’s comfortable with you, look at how much he plays with the rest of his ‘family.’ It’s just that he doesn’t know you, and doesn’t want to waste time on you if you’re going to get in his way long term. When you do spark his interest, of course, he gets obsessed and oh-so-curious. 
He’s still very playful- Melone likes to hang off of Formaggio’s shoulders and tease Ghiaccio, but he’s calm. He’s not very smiley, he’s not very giggly, he just can’t force himself to react in the ‘correct’ way most of the time, but he’s totally having fun! Melone loves you a lot, he just doesn’t look like he’s having fun most of the time. It’s hard for him to care about things, but you quickly rotted his brain- isn’t that testament enough? 
His seemingly cold nature makes it hard for him to form genuine bonds. Melone thrives with other difficult types- he shares a room with Ghiaccio (alternatively Formaggio) because they’re short on space and Prosciutto won’t share a room since The Incident they get along surprisingly well. 
In the beginning of your new life, it isn’t uncommon to hear Formaggio gently push Melone in the right direction. “Come on, Mel, you’re scarin’ the poor thing. Smile a little.”  (Which is normally met with “I’m running tests, go away, Formaggiooo…”) Melone’s shy- he’ll just stay off to the side, and speaks to you in a very formal manner. You might feel like you’re being tested on by a medical student. Which is wrong! Melone doesn’t have any medical experience! I mean, he’s taken classes, but he’s a genetics student. Oh, yeah, he’s in university. 
Once he gets used to you, he falls into his normal, playful routine. He still doesn’t smile too much, but he’ll speak more openly, which… is it better to not know what the iv in your arm is, or to fully understand? Melone’s quite the talker, and is happy to (over) explain. 
Melone doesn’t hide you like the others would- it isn’t shameful to him to kidnap a whole person, and he needs them to keep you here when he isn’t. Morals aside, you need to be socialized. It isn’t good to keep someone isolated and cramped in a room they don’t like. If you don’t want to talk to him, talk to anyone else. You’ve got options. Maybe not Prosciutto, or Illuso, they’re not going to play host as easily… (Although Prosciutto might ask what Melone’s “little friend” is gonna be having for dinner)
Formaggio’s body type is similar to Guido’s. He’s fairly bulky. Formaggio spends all of his free time playing whatever sport he can think of, neglecting to do his chores (You’re starting to think he likes Prosciutto yelling at him), annoying Melone, and blowing your phone up. He spends a lot of time working out, but he considers that to be more of a daily ritual than a hobby. 
Since his only real responsibility is taking care of his cat and his job, he’s not stressed at all. He’d be a lot more stressed if he had to cook, and clean, and, I don’t fucking know, be an adult or whatever- like the shit Pro and Ris do all day!
If you ever ask him about it, he’ll go “I mean, it sucks that Boss is watching us and all, but to be honest, who cares? You don’t like being on camera? It loooves you.” and leaves it at that. 
His psychology is a bit odd. He seems like a typical, immature guy- the type of guy you meet at college that does sports and seemingly nothing else. No interest in philosophy, religion, general culture, etc. While I think that his personality is close to a casual type like Guido or Squalo, he seemingly lacks any depth at all. There’s no “Oh, he’s actually very smart!” thing going on here, Formaggio is painfully average. There’s no reason for him to be a mafioso other than bad timing and a lack of drive to get away from it.
He’s actually pretty simple. He’s just a guy that wants to relax and have a little fun- who doesn’t like fun? But Formaggio is crazy insecure. He takes almost every negative reaction as a jab- neutral ones, too. If you’re not into his lifestyle, what, he isn’t fuckin’ good enough? Huh? You think he’s some fuckin’ nobody that doesn’t have the real talent it takes to be where he is? 
You can calm Formaggio by stroking his ego, and by that, I mean stroking him. He’ll forget about any transgression if he finishes a few times. 
He only speaks italian, and will “Huh?” you to death if you do not. He’ll buy you an italian-english dictionary to help you understand him, but won’t make any real effort to learn english.  
Formaggio’s kitty was a stray before he snatched her up. She’ll try to comfort you while Formaggio is gone- but she’ll abandon you if he comes back. Little traitor. He calls her a ridiculous amount of pet names- sometimes he’ll reuse whatever name he calls you on her, and will pretend he’s always called her it. Awww, my little pwincess, my cuuuutie, my baby, my angeelllll. He treats her very well- she’s a bit pampered.  While Formaggio’s cat is able to relax fully in his arms, you probably will not, unless you’re a masochist. He loves good, old fashioned sadism- no prissy mind games or punishments, he does it for absolutely no reason other than how funny your reactions are. He’s like that asshole boyfriend that throws a basketball into your face and laughs when you groan. Come on, it’s just a ball, don’t be such a baby. It’s just a joke. Aw, your face stings? You want some ice? Hey, that’s a great idea, why don’t you go get him something from the fridge?
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A snippet of "Freddo", a yandere!ghiaccioXreader under the cut:
Formaggio tried to warn you many times about Ghiaccio's sudden violent outbursts. You found it hard to believe since Formaggio never looked really concerned for his friend, but rather preoccupied about his 'party pooper’ attitude.
According to him:
If sober, Ghiaccio would kill the buzz.
When drunk, Ghiaccio would kill people.
Even if you seriously doubted about the 'killing' part, everyone on the faculty thought that Ghiaccio was a bit of a weirdo.
Not that engineers in general aren’t labeled as ‘weirdos’. However, Ghiaccio was giving all those signs of someone you shouldn't approach.
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maruzzewrites · 7 months
may I request Prosciutto with Red no. 5 "I want you to kiss me right now" ? thank you!
cw: emotional manipulation
You begged and begged to be told what you could do for him, so that he won't be angry at you.
You wished you knew the way to his heart without having to consult him, because every time you didn't know, he would frown in that same way that betrayed deep trouble. He would sigh, stay silent, let it stew until you were tense like a violin's cord over the possibility that he will never, ever return to normalcy.
Was it the outfit, this time? Was it the hair? Did you talk to that person too much or not enough? You wanted to be his perfect partner, you want to be looked at with the need to praise, not scold. You didn't want to turn frail under his touch simply because you had to be taught a lesson.
You want to please him, and you want him to ask for your attentions. To name the thing, and you will do it, no question asked.
Like right now? Why can't it always be like right now? When he looked you over, leaned in and whispered a soft, "I want you to kiss me right now."
It is just perfect the way your arms immediately find his shoulders, holding on for dear life, as you give him exactly what he wants and you get exactly what you want.
Why can't it always be this perfect, you think. And then you answer simply, knowing you will have to do more.
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
Chilhood friend au la squadra pt 3
Ever since you were a child your always so affectionate, it was normal seeing you give hugs and cheek kisses, especially to friends and family. But even so you know how to respect boundaries.
Whenever you wanted to hug anyone in la squadra you would day “can I hug you?” Normally your hugs were reciprocated, and if they say no you would smile and leave it like that. The ones who normally accepted your hugs are Melone, Formaggio, Pesci and Gelato. The rest are not fans of it but appreciate the gesture.
But now? They seem to become moths to the flames when it comes to affection. Darling had a whiplash when Ghiaccio asked for a hug, since he was the most adverse to it when they were young, Proscuitto and Illuso seemed to lean against them every time they’re near. Sorbet always has his arm around you when He’s near, and Risotto gives your head kisses. Basically returning the affection they always denied when they were kids, the rest just amped up theirs.
(Also I headcanon Gelato was very tiny when he was a kid, so back then he normally would sit on Sorbet’s or your laps. Now your sitting on his lap)
Blep cat
Ghiaccio wanting physical affection from his darling is so scary. I can literally feel the awkward cuddle on the couch where he stares at you and huffs if you don’t seem enthusiastic enough.
The cuddles from the old friend group that just get competitive with eachother about your affection.
Good luck to the darling!
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yachiblanca · 2 years
lmao it's been a week since I last wrote something, but heyyyyy... here's another.
18+ Content, Minors do not interact!
Strange Apartment (Yan!Illuso x Reader)
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TW : your ex lover is a man, attempt of suicide, mentions of murder & blood, violence, unchecked errors 💀
----- = time skip
▼= small moments a few days after
It's been a few days since your last break up, yet you still feel your heart aching for that person you once loved had left you, left you for another bitch. You thought to yourself- were you not enough? You always made your self look nice to them, with all the jewelries and fitting clothes along with scents that makes him remember you everytime, everything didn't work after all those efforts.
You were still frustrated and deeply hurt, but you still convince yourself that you're more attractive than that bitch your ex got together with, heh- his lost, you thought.
You were walking to your new apartment, thankfully you found a cheap one a few days after your break up, you clutched your bags that you were holding with both of your hands- they were quite heavy so you had to check in fast. Without further ado, you enter in.
The reception area wasn't far to walk with two heavy bags, quickly made it and talked with the receptionist to check you in. You took a quick look around the apartment, it's atmosphere was quite shallow- you could even spot a few cobwebs by the corners, dust on the old looking couch and the carpet that was already fading to shade of gray, jeez they never thought of cleaning up this place? You internally made a disgusted look.
"Here's your key, enjoy your stay." The receptionist spoke with not a single tone, you flinched a little by their voice- turning around then grabbing the key that was placed on the counter, "Thank you." after thanking the receptionist you hasted to find your room, they looked like they were done with this place.. your thoughts said, but it wasn't your business, you shrugged.
Your room wasn't far because of how less people were staying here, spotting your room number- you walk to it and opened the door with your key, slowly opening the door to be greeted with a plain bed that was organized, a small table that was dusty, the paintings on the wall had a few cracks. You walked in and flopped your bags on the bed, "Well at least the bed is comfy.." After placing your bags you took a few looks at the main room then decided to check the bathroom. Walking in to see the same average bathroom, well that's good- it was a relief that it wasn't that dirty.
Well at least this was your new home now.
The next day..
Waking up- feeling the sun shine on your face, your face frowned- it took you courage to get up and get to work, you were feeling way too lazy right now, you groaned. Slowly you used both of your arms to get up from your bed- You felt quite dizzy from all the crying last night, how long did you cry? What time did you even sleep? You couldn't remember anymore- you missed them so much, "Fuck fuck fuck.." you whispered while rubbing both of your temples with your fingers "Forget them, forget them.. you have work to do Y/N.." you heavily sighed, feeling your heart wrapped in chains.
You stood up from your bed, walking to the bathroom- opening the door to see yourself looking like nothing the same before, your eyes were still sore, it was puffy- under was your eyebags were visible and seemed to have gotten darker, your hair was an absolute mess, you couldn't take a shower last night- damn it, you didn't expect it would become worse.
You decided to take a warm bath in the morning, turning the bathtub sink to let the warm water fill. You walked out to eat a quick breakfast of bread & a banana you packed with you.
A few minutes later you finished eating your breakfast, walking in the bathroom to check if the bathtub was finished- expectingly it did. You started to take off your clothes, letting it fall on the bathroom floor. You turned off the running water, then stepping one foot in slowly, then another. Once you were in you let your body sink in, feeling relaxed a little. You laid your back on the end of the bathtub, staring at the reflection of yourself at the water- you thought to yourself, were you really that unattractive? Here yet another session of grieving.
Your cries didn't stop for the past 40 minutes now, you were still going- you wanted to stop but even if you did stop, you'll still keep on crying. Is there any way you wanted this to stop? You stared at your reflection again, your mind blank. You felt yourself sink more in the water, maybe this was gonna stop it..
"Hey if I were you I wouldn't do that." A voice spoke loud in the bathroom, immediately stopping to look in your surrounding to see no one "Huh? What the hell.. Who the fuck? Where- Who are you..?" you questioned, "I mean, it's not that important to know but anyways, what the hell are you doing to yourself?" the voice sounded like a man, you assumed he was. You went back to face the water, "I should be scared right now but.. I just really miss him, they broke up with me for another one." You bit yourself, feeling tears bubble in the corner of both of your eyes, "I hate him so much.. I loved him more than anyone else, did everything for him, polished myself till I looked like a whore then this is what I get?!" Your lips bled from how hard you had bit your lips, the blood dripped then fell in the water.
"You've been crying for the past 40 minutes for a stupid looking person? Come on you gotta have some brains in there, think about it! There's many people out there then here you are crying for an old shitty person." You stayed silent, he was right though- there were many out there, but it wasn't easy to move on "If I were you, just get up and get drunk." you raised your head, "Yeah maybe some alcohol will do."
After that day the voice still approaches you everytime you enter the bathroom, you still couldn't see him, but both of you had developed friendship. Everyday you're greeted with a "Morning" from him, he was quite nice to talk with- since he always listens to you and giving comments to those shitty people you talk about.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" you were sitting in the empty bathtub holding a bowl of cereal, "Sure, why not?"
"How come you aren't actually scared? I usually come here to scare the shit out of people and they end up moving away, locals say there's a ghost and let me tell you, the fucking reactions are hilarious to watch!" He laughed and so did you, "It's actually pretty nice to have someone to talk to, and now I know why there's not much people who live in here." The voice chuckled "Keep eating or you're going to be late." You looked at the clock above the door, "You- I'm 30 minutes late!" "Your fault."
"Heeeeyyyy Y/N~" You reacted shockingly, quickly pulling the curtains to the side, "YOU ASSHOLE! I told you not to come up while I'm showering!"
"Just wanted to talkkk.."
"Go talk to yourself."
"I'm lonely."
"Your fault."
"Fuck you." You smugged.
"Hey ghost dude- you here right now?" You yelled out before walking in the bathroom, it was a brief silence till the voice responded, "I have a name, also do you need something?" you slightly scratched your cheek with your index, lowering your head "I met this cute person.. at the cafe.. any tips?"
"Oh.. that's..interesting.."
You stomped your way back to your room- opening and slamming it close, you threw your purse bag- letting it hit the vase, resulting it to breaking when it fell on the floor, you entered the bathroom and immediately entering the empty bathtub to sit again, "Another one! Seriously another one!" you pulled your legs close to your chest- wrapping with both of your arms, "Why can't they just say they're not interested in me, no need to damn ignore me as if i'm a ghost!?"
You've moved on more faster when you got to talk with someone about all your problems, after moving on you decided you wanted to go in another relationship again- hoping the next person will treat you better.
The routine just goes over and over though. You find one, you both text and get to know each other, you both decide to meet up, next thing is that they don't reply back when you're at the meeting place, why weren't they replying? You called more than 20 times and sent multiple texts- yet they weren't answering.
You couldn't count how many times have you been ignored, but it was lots. They were jerks, pretending to be all nice but in the end they were just assholes, you hated that this is happening to you everytime you found someone, everytime it happens- you tell it all to Illuso.
It been a minute since Illuso didn't reply, he usually replies in any second, you raised your head "Illuso..?" It was silent again, "Huh, guess you're busy." Just as you were about to stand up- a voice called "Woah woah wait wait!" You stopped "Oh hey- where were you?" "I had to... deal with something." You raised one of your brow, "Mhmm.. sure."
"So what's up? Date ran off again?" You pouted "Yeah, all jerks.." You spoke the last phrase with a mumble, "Aww don't worry, you'll find the one someday~" You rolled your eyes, "Yeah right."
"Holy shit, so you actually live in a mirror?! That's unbelievable like- no way!!" You stared in amazement when Illuso had revealed himself- he was standing inside your bathroom mirror "I mean you're seeing it right now so yeah this is real, obviously." He smirked.
You went close to see if you can touch him- suddenly he extended out his hand, his hand who went through the mirror, this time it looked really like his real hand.
"Ow what the hell- stop!" Illuso pinched your cheek hard, "Make me then." He chuckled.
"Great, I swear this is the last time I'll ever meet up with someone again!" You were standing outside a restaurant waiting for your new date who was 20 minutes late, it was getting cold. You sighed "Time to get home.."
You cupped both of your hands and blew them with your breath, it was getting cold and that you needed to get home quickly. "Jeez, it isn't even winter yet.."
In the middle of walking you heard noises near an alleyway that was just a turn, when you got closer it sounded like- punches, like.. punching someone, your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity "What the fuck..?" You whispered under your breath, your guts are saying don't look and keep walking, yet you still wanted to look.
The streets were empty, just the lights that lit up the street and cats and dogs sleeping at the corners, you sticked your body on the wall and took small steps till you peeked at the alleyway.
You saw one man who was beating up another, they were both under the light- you saw the man who was punching had their fist bloody as hell, you wanted to step in but something had stopped you, or maybe even your heart.
"Look, I'll let you go if you forget about this and if you leave her, if you don't you'll fucking face consequences you dipshit!" He pushed the man's head that was on the ground "I'm sorry- I'm sorry! I won't I really won't! I'll forget all about this happened I promise!" The man cried.
'Illuso.. what the hell's going on..?' you stared in shock- wide eyes and your mouth slightly open, you were starting to get dizzy- to the point that you wanted to vomit, you took a few steps back- silent as possible, when you were further away you made a run, deciding to take a shortcut back to your place.
'What was he doing? That man looked like my date..!' Your mind spoke when you were running, 'Why? Why would he do such a thing?' Suddenly flashbacks had hit you, putting the pieces together to complete a puzzle, 'So all of my dates.. were gone because of him?!' You gritted your teeth.
Finally arriving at the apartment, you sprinted your way to your room, opening it quickly then entering the bathroom, you noticed Illuso wasn't here yet- you grabbed the mirror then smashed it on the floor, witnessing it shatter into pieces.
'I can't be here.. I can't...' You went on to packing your clothes as fast as you can, shoving it carelessly as you were panicking 'He knows where I am.. I can't stay with him..'
You finished packing the unfolded clothings, not leaving any other accessories behind you shoved them in with the clothes too. You grabbed your heavy bags and hasted out.
It's been weeks since you left the apartment & Illuso, you've been anxious for the first week- not even daring to go out, shattering every that was a mirror, you only stayed in bed while only getting 30 minutes of sleep.
But after a week, you assumed that he couldn't find you- slowly making you try to go out in once in a while. Along the way you met a wealthy person, invited you for coffee, then got their number. Now you were in a relationship with them, you were happy- nothing went wrong for the past weeks, you were rising back up the way you were before- happy.
"We're actually going to live here?!" Your lover chuckled, "Of course, how many times did you ask this question again?" both of you decided to move out and live together, after months of both of your relationsip.
"Sorry, It's just I've never ever thought that we'll live together.. in this house!" You quickly hugged them, wrapping your arms around them tightly expressing how much excited and happy you were, "Okay okay- too tight too tight.." You let go your wrapped arms "Whoops, sorry.." They kissed your forehead "It's alright love, how about you take a look around while I carry out the bags in the car?" You nodded.
You entered the fancy looking house, it had a 2nd floor- above was a chandelier, and other rooms also had fancy looking lamps. You were flabbergasted- making your lower lip descend, you decided to look in every room- checking every cabinets, drawers.
Finally you arrived at the 2nd floor, checking everything till you had finally arrived at you and your lover's bedroom, entering then looking at your right was a bed that was extremely big- you grinned, you ran and jumped on it making you bounce a bit "So comfy!" you squealed out, you then sat up to see your reflection infront.
Infront was a big mirror almost as big as the whole wall, it's borders were like the waves colored in gold, you made a few funny faces and laughed it out.
"You look so stupidly cute, you should do that sometime." Your eyes wide, your heart felt something aching- then it started to beat fast, that was a familiar voice.. very familiar.. you spotted something at the corner- immediately recognizing it's figure was Illuso.
"What the fuck.." you turned around to look at the corner to see no one- you looked back to the mirror to see Illuso starting to walk behind you. You sat there while you were beyond shock, too shock that you didn't know what to do anymore, should you run? Scream? No, you couldn't think anymore, how was he even in the mirror?
"I have to be hallucinating.." He was getting closer, your hands clenched the sheets under- your head bopping left to right while you watched him.
You heard a ring, a strange ring.
You turned around to still see Illuso, yet this time he was already close to you, "Where the hell did you go? You should've told me where you were." He placed his arms around your shoulders, his lips close to your ear "I've always wanted to be this close- ever since we met.. but finally we are." He smiled.
You swallowed your throat, "You bitch.. My-" "Your lover? Hah! You should see how bloody his face looked." Your lips started to slowly tremble, "W-What.." your voice cracked- you felt tears filling your eyes, letting it fall on your cheeks, "Aww shh, don't cry.." He used his index finger to wipe the falling tear.
"You're safe here with me."
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I remember seeing this post about la squadra in the snow white au, they’re the hunters but turn yandere for snow white darling. That’s all I know since the account is now deactivated
That's interesting. Shame they deactivated I would have loved to see that but here's my take on the idea.
One member of La squadra perhaps Melone (or Pesci but I don't really write requests for him as I personally don't like him) are tasked with killing snow white but they instantly become infatuated and decide to stage the death and kidnap them instead.
They attempt to hide snow white in the hunters hideout but the other huntsman find out. At first Risotto is firm that they are killed as requested and a few of the others agree but snow white desperately pleads for them to spare them. Eventually a deal is struck that they serve the huntsman. Cook, clean and mend.
Slowly one after the other they fall for them. The evil queen knows what's happened but doesn't intervene initially assuming it'll only be a matter of time before snow white makes a mistake and ends up dead or disfigured but when that doesn't happen she disguises herself to trick snow white to escape only to get caught but they never get killed so then she returns a final time with the poisoned apple and offers it to snow white who desperate to eat accepts the fruit.
The huntsman return to find snow white on the floor unconscious, at first it's assumed they are dead but one of them figures out that they are still alive. They leave snow white on one of the beds and eventually return to their work.
One day during a time where the huntsman are on a long trip a prince is lost and stumbles upon their hideout and decides to rest for the night there. He finds snow whites seemingly dead body and instantly makes preparations to return with a glass coffin so that he may display them as a piece in his castle.
He returns a few days later with said coffin and retrieves them from the hideout but the huntsman return in time and to catch the prince and an altercation occurs. During this the coffin dropped causing the apple piece to be dislodge and Snow white to wake up.
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nicherayy · 2 years
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Yandere La Squadra x Fem! Reader OUTLAST AU
Next chapter: chapter one
This will be 18+
TW: I think “outlast” is a trigger warning by itself
A/N: what did I create.
“Are you sure this job really suits me? I’m not sure I can have a conversation with psychopaths”, you were sitting in the unlighted office, a little stunned by your boss’s offer.
“Y/N”, he started “you know our company needs money, and you’re also aware of our company depts”. It was true, your newspaper does not have a good reputation, always spreading stupid gossip that turns out to be untrue in the end “This is our big chance, just imagine this headlines! Y/N L/N with the exclusive interview in the Mount Massive Asylum! Our readers would just love it, and moreover, they would love you and your talent”, your boss looked at you smugly “This is your chance to prove yourself to the world”.
Your boss wasn’t the best, often raising his voice at workers and cutting wages. You tried to find another job, but most employers didn’t even looked at your resume. That’s why you waited, not even understanding what for. For a big chance? For a salary increase? For the death of your seventy-year-old boss and for his next better replacement? Or you simply had nowhere to go. Yeah, that was probably the reason.
“Y/N are you listening to me?” he raises his voice a little. You’re interrupted from your thoughts.
Sighing heavily, you stare at him intently, still unsure of the correctness of this idea, “I’ll go”.
The road to the asylum was difficult. Why such places are always placed in the middle of nowhere? To be honest, you thought your old car was going to break down. The road seemed eternal when finally this weird place could be seen in the distance. Quite a big building. Mount Massive, how many rumours have you heard about this mental hospital. But you were here to dispel them.. or maybe to confirm them?
“Just a little interview”, you thought “and this’ll be over” but this was just the beginning.
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eclecticmiasma · 2 years
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
I got confirmation that this ask is for Ghiaccio! I've missed our enraged ice cube. Based on the updated Yandere Alphabet concocted by the lovely dear-yandere. Please send them love and feel free to request me for any characters!
[Warnings: general yandere scariness, afab darling, use of female pejoratives, implied violence]
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Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
In other posts I have characterized Ghiaccio as a rather lenient and caring Yandere, despite his temperamental and meticulous nature. He views his darling as something rather special- a life preserver in the torrent of chaos that dominates his inner world. Therefore, if he were to lose darling in any capacity I firmly believe the man would snap in half.
If darling were to die, Ghiaccio's already hair-trigger temper would be nigh on impossible to avoid setting off. The one thing in this world tethering him to reality gone in an instant. He simply couldn't endure it without taking the world down with him. The assassin's analytical mind would be bulldozed over by an all consuming grief that he is in no way capable of processing. He would make reckless mistakes during missions, trail off to torture extraneous bystanders for daring to exist near him, throw fits so wild that they would jeopardize their position. If Ghiaccio doesn't die on a mission, Risotto will have no choice but to dispose of him.
It's a different story if darling disappears. At this point any reverence he has held for her will evaporate in an instant. The moment he realizes she is gone an all consuming need to find her will triumph all else. Bitch, that fucking bitch- Ghiaccio will spill a litany of his worst thoughts as he gathers the members of La Squadra one by one. There is a reason why they are the most feared arm of Passione. Not a single target of theirs has ever escaped, and darling will be no different. Ghiaccio relishes the promise of fear shining in her eyes. She'll scream, despite knowing how he detests the shrill sound, but no matter- a frozen tongue makes it rather difficult to shriek.
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depravitymoon · 8 months
Rambling about Passione Yanderes Part 01
Author’s Note:
Hello again, my lovely audience! It seems I promise to have weekly post and then I burn out by February or May. Let’s see if I can change that! This is DEFINITELY going to be weekly because I already got 3 of them done and I’m so excited to do the rest. I always admired the 240 yandere prompts Sadly, the original post got deleted when the creator deactivated, but I still got the prompts! I’ll be posting these 20 at a time weekly.
Summary: Over-analyzing yandere quotes. I’m rambling about who would say what quote and why (not).
Prompt 01 to 20
1. “You’re safer with me!”
2. “You can’t go because I won’t let you.”
3. “I don’t want you to talk to them ever again.”
4. “You’re mine. All mine.”
5. “Come on, smile for me!”
6. “You look so beautiful when you cry.”
7. “Who hurt you?”
8. “I’ll kill them all. For you.”
9. “The most safest place in the world is with me.”
10. “Why do you keep trying to run away?”
11. “Stop fighting me!”
12. “You do love me…right?”
13. “I will never leave you.”
14. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
15. “I’ll give you every little piece of me. Just don’t leave me.”
16. “I need you more than I need air to breathe.”
17. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, so please don’t go.”
18. “Stay forever.”
19. “Just tell me you love me—even if you don’t, I don’t care. I just need to hear you say it.”
20. “I-I’ll do everything you ask of me! Just please…please don’t leave me!”
Categories I put them in
Threatening Yandere:
When the yandere is more Yanderu than Dere-Dere.
2. “You can’t go because I won’t let you.”
10. “Why do you keep trying to run away?”
11. “Stop fighting me!”
This is when they show their true colors to darling. The ones I see saying this word for word are the ones that I think are more aggressive with darling.
Who would say them:
La Squadra except Formaggio - I think cheese boy is Self-Aware and Sadistic enough to not care about resistance. MAYBE not Melone because he could be strategic enough to keep darling from fighting him (and Baby Face is a great tracking stand). Both Melone and Formmagio would most likely love the struggle. 
As for the Bucci gang: Everyone except Mista. I feel like Mista’s too delusional to snap at you, but when you do get him to that point, it’s more “First shoot, lecture later”.  There will be enough time to lecture you about your behavior after he shoots your leg (or the person you attempt to “cheat” on him with).
Everyone would say it because it’s Classic Yandere dialogue:
4. “You’re mine. All mine.”
5. “Come on, smile for me!”
7. “Who hurt you?”
8. “I’ll kill them all. For you.”
13. “I will never leave you.”
18. “Stay forever.”
Simps with love esteem and/or desperation for love:  
12. “You do love me…right?”
14. “You can do whatever you want to me.”
15. “I’ll give you every little piece of me. Just don’t leave me.”
16. “I need you more than I need air to breathe.”
17. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, so please don’t go.”
19. “Just tell me you love me—even if you don’t, I don’t care. I just need to hear you say it.”
20. “I-I’ll do everything you ask of me! Just please…please don’t leave me!”
Who would say them:
Narancia, Pesci, and a drunk Abbacchio. Maybe even Ghiaccio. I feel like these guys are the most "I'm begging you, please love me" types of Passione. Also, I think the others would be too prideful to outright beg darling for love.
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abbacchiosbelt · 1 year
D F H for Pesci please!
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→Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? It’s a mixed bag with Pesci. If Prosciutto is not influencing him, Pesci will likely be much milder around his darling. He truly does want his darling to like him, so he doesn’t try to push them very often. If Prosciutto notices Pesci is unhappy, though… He’ll give him a ‘pep talk’ that will mean bad news for Pesci’s darling. Pesci, after a stern talking to from Prosciutto, starts to think that he does deserve better from his darling. He’s been so patient and nice to them… Shouldn’t they be thanking him by now? Pesci will slowly start to encroach on their boundaries, and unless his darling starts to reciprocate his affections (whether they’re faking it or not), he won’t stop until he’s taken everything he wants from them. →Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Again, this is dependent on Pesci’s current level of influence from Prosciutto. Without his influence, Pesci feels upset when his darling fights back. He won’t try to push the issue, and will instead just pout and give his darling space until he feels ready to talk to them again. Physically, he’s much stronger than he looks, so he takes any hits/bites/scratches/etc. without flinching. It just makes him sad.
If Prosciutto has gotten to him, though, Pesci is more likely to respond with violence. He won’t lay his hands on them, but he will use Beach Boy to teach them a lesson. The average person suffers immensely under Beach Boy’s attacks, so his darling will stand no chance… Pesci will teach them not to fight back. Of course, he’ll lovingly tend to their wounds afterward. →Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? Likely, a particularly tough punishment with Beach Boy. Pesci isn’t stupid - he knows how to maneuver BB through the human body without nicking anything vital. Pesci is well-aware of how to hurt his darling the most while they remain conscious. He’s not so much one to hurt them with words as he is physical violence, as he finds it harder to communicate than he does to simply use his Stand to get his message across.
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princelylove · 1 month
An assortment of unita esecuzioni headcannons, ranging from body types to group dynamics. 
For the apartment itself: The boss has cameras everywhere. Most of the unit ignores them, but Prosciutto thinks it’s fun to flirt every time he sees one (if he doesn’t get pissed off and shoot it, or smash it. He’s moody. Boss has yet to comment on that, but they keep coming back, so). 
They have a cat. Technically Formaggio’s cat, but he lives here, so it’s the “family” cat. She has no name, as Formaggio forgot to name her in the first place, so everyone calls her something different. Prosciutto doesn’t like her much, and will sit on the kitchen countertop to avoid her attempts at petting him. Risotto really likes her, but the cat doesn’t come by his office often. 
They have family game night and tend to deal Boss in. The boss doesn’t communicate with anyone other than Risotto directly, he’s not actually playing, it’s so they can cheat and blame him if they get caught. The only person that doesn’t cheat is Pesci. 
They have a running joke that absolutely everything is caused by the boss. Fridge breaks? Boss. Door won’t lock? Boss. Drop a plate and it’s clearly your fault? Boss. Girlfriend dumped you because you cheated on her? Boss, for sure. They won’t mention the fact that Boss is ‘stalking’ them (is it stalking if you’re aware, and it’s more for security purposes?) until you misbehave. Some are only teasing, but the boss could kill you off if he felt like it.
It’s actually a valid excuse, as the boss turns their power off if they don’t meet quotas. In the winter, Prosciutto lets his stand loose to bring some heat in. He has less control over who ages/what is affected in his youth, but by the time canon happens, it’s safe to let Grateful Dead free roam without any major consequences. He pretends like he cannot control it when one of the younger members annoys him. Ooops, go get some ice, brat. 
Nobody wants to bite the bullet and cuddle up to Ghiaccio in the summer, but he does make the apartment more inhabitable. 
They eventually rebel because of the very intentional threats to their quality of life. 
Risotto is a sizable man, he stands at about 203 cm, or 6’8”. He doesn’t have a lot of body fat, the man works like a dog. He barely has any waist, and his torso is absurdly defined- you’d think his choice in clothing is to show that off, but it’s actually functional. That’s what he says, anyway. It’s fine if you want to check him out. 
He has fairly thick thighs that are just as toned as the rest of his body. His arms are sizable as well- it’s a shame he rarely shows them off. He genuinely prefers long sleeves, and perfectly fitting clothing, if not a little tight. He likes the pressure. Risotto usually wears more modest tops when he’s just running an errand. 
Risotto’s hands are very neglected, besides from his nails. He keeps them short. His hands are proportionate to the rest of his body, so they look normal, but it’s clear when he holds everyday objects that he’s sizable. He likes the expression you make when you realize it- the pressure of him wrapped around you at night always reminds you how ridiculous it is to forget in the first place. 
Ris has a habit of following things with his eyes rather than moving his head or body. He can stay perfectly still for hours at a time. He rarely fidgets, and barely looks like he’s breathing. He isn’t very expressive, the most you’ll get is a small sigh or a brief glance at something else. 
He knows the pattern of everyone’s footsteps, and will often make small comments about what’s going on outside his office-room to ease your worries. He thinks of you like an animal that was just ‘rescued’ and needs an adjustment period. 
“Prosciutto’s home.” or “Melone’s back.” are common, but if he’s worried you’re frightened of them, he’ll go into more detail. 
“Those thuds are just Formaggio. We let him hang that hoop up in the living room.” or “Those bumps are Melone and Formaggio. They’re just playing.” He means play wrestling. 
The bells on his hat are real. It’s a way for him to stay focused. Don’t let the bells ring, no matter what. Risotto is very heavy on self-discipline and hypervigilance, as long as he can keep the bells from jingling, he’s alright. Even when he isn’t wearing his hat, you’ve likely never heard it jingle jingle on his desk. 
Italian isn’t his native language, and neither is English. Sometimes he’ll pause for a few seconds after you ask him a question. He generally speaks slowly and softly, with a blunt nature. Long sentences aren’t common, even when he’s nervous. The most long-winded Risotto will ever be is through writing- handwritten, scribbled notes about his feelings and expectations for you now that you’re Home. 
He’s very anxious about nothing in particular. The psychological warfare from Boss is working. He’s like a big dog that’s too shy to move a small cat out of his bed- even though he owns the bed, and brought the cat home. 
Risotto is very talkative during sex, but it’s mainly nonsensical. Does repeating “I love you” really count?
Prosciutto and Bruno have similar silhouettes, but Prosciutto has a bit more hips than Bruno does, and a little less height. Prosciutto’s muscle is from a dedicated routine and healthy lifestyle, he is considerably less bulky than Bruno, but the hourglass is very there. Perhaps the only similarity is the hourglass, long legs, and taste in work clothes. 
A very long time ago, I saw someone headcanon Prosciutto as a model, and it changed my perception of him entirely. I saw the light. He’s bitter because he works two jobs, and has to come ‘home’ (He’d kill himself if anybody heard him say Risotto’s apartment was home) and babysit these brats that most definitely should know how to fucking cook by now- aren’t you in your twenties? Be a man about it, Jesus Christ. He’s not even that much older than the rest of them, yet he’s stuck playing mom. 
Prosciutto’s rather proud of his waist-to-hip difference, and will let it get to his head if you stare. Of course you’re staring, you’ve probably seen him walk for a brand you’ll never be able to afford. He works hard to stay “perfect,” and absolutely refuses to sell himself out. No free pictures, no free autographs, and no, he won’t do a shoot for you. He may sit still for you to draw him, though. 
He’s heavier than he looks. Go ahead, try and pick him up. Prosciutto has the type of muscle that can comfortably lift Risotto, put him on his hip, and walk, but not for a long while. He looks rather light, but he can hold his own just fine. Prosciutto’s fairly strong, as you would have to be to support an entire grown man’s weight, and he loves to show off. 
I should clarify, Prosciutto is a runway model. He absolutely hates photoshoots- mainly because the cameras remind him of what he has to deal with at ‘home.’ He may be working still, but just basking in the attention and praise is relaxing, so he tends to be in a really good mood while he’s walking and right after. (Author’s note: fem pro would walk for Mugler.) 
His attitude in general is a bit diva-ish. Prosciutto’s got a horrible temper- he’s only happy when he’s being given special attention and luxury gifts, but he’s not going to tell you that because it’s emasculating to go ‘ohhh I want a little present with a bow on ittt can you do that for me?’He’ll drop plenty of hints, though. 
Prosciutto has a complex with age- he treats everyone younger like they’re babies and he’s in charge, and everyone older like they should be way better at what they’re doing for their age. He lets his younger teammates get away with a bit more because they’re young, they’re still learning, watch how he does things, but that doesn’t mean he’s gentle about it. (Another author’s note: Risotto, Sorbet, Gelato, and the boss are all older. Pesci, Ghiaccio, Formaggio, and Melone are all younger. Him and Illuso are the same age.) 
Prosciutto has no physical ‘flaws,’ no birthmarks/beauty marks, no tattoos, and perfect skin. He could cheat with his stand, as he can go forward and back, but he doesn’t. His ego would never allow it. Don’t ask about his routine, he’d never share. 
He’s blond, has light beige skin, and a horribly condescending nature. Almost perfectly stereotypically french. Prosciutto doesn’t like talking about where he came from before ‘all this’ happened, but when he speaks english, you can probably figure it out. His accent isn’t as obvious in italian- he speaks a good few languages, and will play translator when asked, if you kiss his ass. 
He smells like vanilla tobacco, and expensive soap. There’s also a bit of cigar lingering on him. 
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theforbidfruit · 2 years
There is this fanfic about the reader and La Squadra and the reader is in this toxic cycle relationship. AND ITS GONE
It was one of those fanfics that I treat like it’s a soap opera 🥲 like- gurl I was stressing for y/n for being stuck in that toxic relationship now I’ll never know if she really escaped
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maruzzewrites · 11 months
not exactly what you asked for, but if you feel lik answering: who in la squadra do you think are the worst yanderes to deal with? each are bad in their own unique ways but some seem to be overall worse ig
i think there are different ways they can be dangerous so i will try to answer differentiating them
Most ruthless - I will always say Risotto is someone who can stew on his hatred and/or obsession to an alarming degree. He also has such a powerful Stand to hurt and scare you, and he isn't exactly unwilling to lash out if he needs too. If you go along with him, though, he would be more meek and leave you to fear him - until you stay where he wants you to be.
Most efficient - Willing or not, Illuso can take you and throw you into a mirror. Little you can do besides hope he doesn't have the time to search everywhere, but I'm sure there is a limit to the world he can create inside the mirror dimension. He doesn't need to be particulary violent, manipulative or anything else, he can have you anytime.
Most damaging - On top of being willing to hurt people, Prosciutto just feels like someone who isn't above just using every trick to manipulate you and your perception of the situation. He can build you up, sure, but he can kick the chair from under your feet and make you fear the noose will get tighter at any time. I just think he can take any route to get what he wants.
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
Blep cat comp
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This here is Blep cats screenshots from the old blog of all their submissions! <3 I feel like I’m holding a jar of spices that we took with us after fleeing our cottage in 1742 as soldiers burned it to the ground... Thank you, blep cat, for the carefully complied screenshots.
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can't wait for some general nsfw hcs whenever you have time,, also, would you ever consider making a discord server?
Well...I may have something NSFW in store👀
Dear Anon,
Unfortunately, I don't think I have the time and skills to make a discord server. But if you know any public servers jojo themed, be free to share them with me! I'd really appreciate it!
Anywaaaaaays... I AM preparing a long NSFW fic (maybe I'll divide it in 2 parts).
Guess who's gonna be the first member of La Squadra starring in a NSFW fic.
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