#y'all lmk if u dont want this tagged lmao
fish-d · 6 years
did someone say MORE KROLFRED HEADCANONS???? yes pls
KROLFRED ANON(s? are there two of you? how many people are into this ship?) i am blessed w/ ur presence this day
ok so minor disclaimer, 90% of my krolfred onions are gonna be ½ composed by @penhales (& occasionally @robot-sex-guy) b/c we’ve become some kind of three-headed discord-based krolfred monster. this ship is all-consuming, i live here now, i sold my goddamn soul the first time i watched vor dem schloß with kevin tarte and max niemeyer and now i spend my afternoons composing lists of gay vampire minutiae
(also all of these are like… alfred, one way or another, ends up back at the castle after sarah turns him. & my go-to first name for krolock is “johannes” bc i feel kind of weird abt referring to him w/ his surname all the time ?)
krolock was initially interested in alfred for a bunch of kind of superficial reasons - he’s cute, he’s innocent, he’s functionally unavailable (there was a kunze interview that i Cannot Find where i s2g he said that krolock has a thing for stealing lovers/prey from authority - a pastor’s daughter, napoleon’s page…) - but as they get to know each other, it’s alfred’s intellect that really grabs him. it’s not often johannes meets someone who can keep pace with him, but alfred has a doctorate in literature and speaks at least a couple different languages (german, romanian, probably latin and/or greek, i could go on). even before they’re an item they get drawn into these long-ass winding conversations that often last past the sunrise.
alfred l o v e s krolock’s hands like So Much. if given the slightest opportunity he’ll have johannes’s cold-ass bony fingers in his hands and he kisses his fingers a lot.
johannes is the type to shower alfred in gifts. its actually an issue when they first become a Permanent Thing bc alfred is some middle-class prussian nerd who just wants to read & snug his boyfriend but his ungodly wealthy boyfriend keeps buying him things !!! he accepts the new wardrobe (even if a lot of it is old-fashioned and out of date b/c both johannes and herbert Refuse to keep with the times) and all of the books but he learns to be quiet about expressing Casual Interest in material items. johannes WILL buy them and there’s nothing alfred can do about it
krolock appreciates alfred’s “süßen popo” just as much as herbert did, if not moreso. B)
alfred is the first one to say “i love you”. it’s during some quiet moment, in the early morning hours, when they’re curled up together and johannes has said something to make alfred laugh. it’s super awkward, bc johannes is still genuinely terrified of committing. no one but herbert has ever really stuck by him, and though alfred’s a vampire and he’ll probably be around forever, johannes still worries. alfred understands, but it still gnaws at him when johannes doesn’t reciprocate for weeks - until he does, one night, when they’re drifting off and he has his arms wrapped around Alfred in the coffin they share and his lips pressed into Alfred’s curls.
krolock is fiercely protective - not possessive, but still sometimes overbearing. he tries his best to keep alfred away from (and sometimes ignorant of) nasty internal vampire politics and would really rather he stay in the castle if johannes has to do anything diplomatic. it’s something they iron out, eventually - after a couple of pretty heavy arguments when alfred is Frustrated about it - but johannes still won’t spare ur ass if he thinks you’re going after his Man
they make each other laugh, a lot. alfred’s really the only person who can get, like, a true belly laugh out of johannes (usually bc he said something Unexpectedly Coy under his breath), and alfred is absolutely prone to full-on giggle fits around him. he’s really weak for those #dadjokes, y'all.
they do get married, eventually, probably sometime in the 20’s-30’s. its only legally binding as far as Vampire Law™ goes (boy do i have some Opinions and Concepts abt greater vampire culture but thats for another time) and they don’t make a big thing of it. it’s just them, in some stripped-down hall in schloß von krolock, a handful of close friends/family in attendance. they almost-whisper their vows and johannes wears his wedding ring from Alfred along with the one from his late wife.
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incensuous · 4 years
Incest tumblrs recs pleeeaaaaaase god blesses
omg hi anon you cutie!! i’ll try my best 
@temporarychange1 –in case you weren’t already following Astrid
@whitemantis - her twin OCs are the best twin OCs ever basically
@incestshippingventblog - awesome for some cathartic vents
@soulbatesheaven: Would LOVE to be on this list!
YES! of course! all my recs from above still stand and to add:
i’ve probs missed more too, so feel free to interact on this post! let us know y’all out there!! i tried to rec obviously somewhat active blogs, and sadly we are dwindling these days with tumblr being pretty empty overall.
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