#some blogs i know have some incest stuff on their blogs but i wasnt sure if they wanted to be included
incensuous · 4 years
Incest tumblrs recs pleeeaaaaaase god blesses
omg hi anon you cutie!! i’ll try my best 
@temporarychange1 –in case you weren’t already following Astrid
@whitemantis - her twin OCs are the best twin OCs ever basically
@incestshippingventblog - awesome for some cathartic vents
@soulbatesheaven: Would LOVE to be on this list!
YES! of course! all my recs from above still stand and to add:
i’ve probs missed more too, so feel free to interact on this post! let us know y’all out there!! i tried to rec obviously somewhat active blogs, and sadly we are dwindling these days with tumblr being pretty empty overall.
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reaper-bird-san · 3 years
Hi. Welcome.
Here you will find:
ー Art (Find all drawings on #reaperbird_ some are fanarts, some ocs/fcs some vents )
ー Ocs (Most of them dont have a story. Im terrible at this )
ー Fanbase Brainrot (I 100% encourage you to interact cause I dont know many people with the same interests)
ー Interactions (mostly with Dani cuz they're my only friend in this plataform)
ー Vent (May be triggering! Be safe and pay attention to the tw)
About me:
ー My pronouns (Along with other stuff. I recomend reading it before interacting)
ー My interests (so you know what i like and decide if you would like to interact)
ー My kinnie list (comfort characters)
ー I am actually mentally ill (I guess its obvious if you read the vents so, again, tw)
ー I'm not a proffessional artist (Don't expect me to be amazing at it.)
ー I'm from Argentina (Please correct me if I write something wrong, I'm still learning english)
ー My other social media (If you wish to chat there or anything let me know who you are first please)
I will NOT tolerate:
ー Any kind of discrimination towards the LGBT+ community. (Misgendering people on purpose, drama between sexualities, comments that can be offensive, using slurs, etc..)
ー Any kind of xenophobia or racism (Anything against the #blacklivesmatter or #stopasianhate movement, being disrespectful to another culture, using slurs, etc )
ー Any kind of hate towards women (misoginistic comments, "not all men" talk when a victim of abuse is talking, sexualizing women in non sexual contexts, asking or sending dick pics, etc...)
ー Extreme political talk (For example: Extreme feminism: meaning hate towards men or saying only cis women can be feminists, trying to convert someone into your own ideology, etc.. I personally dont like drama and politics make my head hurt. If you wish to discuss this topics im sure you can do it in another blog or just go to twitter lol )
ー Pedophilia (Commenting that you are atracted to underage characters, answering a comment made by a minor with sexual jokes or implications, supporting MAP's or claimimg that you are one, etc )
ー Incest (Shipping characters that have the same blood or have been raised as family. Such as Kaeluc, Pinecest, etc...)
ー Shaming (Shaming people by their looks, body type, weight or interests, using dissabilities as insults, making fun of people using tone indicators, being unessesarily mean about my art or anyone's art, etc...)
ー Toxic fangirling (Being untolerant of other ships than your own, sexualizing real people, hating on other fanbases, etc...)
I don't mind:
ー Slight Nsfw (Sexual content, suggestive topics, smut, etc... Do not send nudes tho)
ー Gore (Blood, horror, etc...)
Feel free to send asks i guess... I dont really use them much but it will make me happy of you do! I dont do commisions but you can request stuff if you really want a drawing from me.
If all this info wasnt enough.. search my posts that have this tag -> #about me And find out more!
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busket · 5 years
so i thought i’d address something having to do with my old nsfw blog. an apology
so back in like 2015 or 2016 i had a nsfw blog, and since i was big into gravity falls back then i drew nsfw of ford and stan. but this has been sort of weighing on me since i closed it because honestly its really embarrassing.
first of all, i used to be big into billford. people who have followed this blog back then know that, i wasnt secretive about it. i think in a way i was kinda working out my own garbage, trying to process different things, cos when i look back on that time of my life, it wasn’t really bright. i was pretty depressed. im not making excuses, just trying to work out reasons for why i was attracted to a ship like that. i hyper-fixated on it p bad and i drew and wrote some fucked up stuff. all though i didn’t view it like that at the time, it was romanticizing serious abuse
that doesn’t align with how i view it now; i think if art can be used to groom victims then it shouldn’t be made, or at least it should be handled way more delicately than what i did. it was around the time that i deleted that nsfw blog that i was beginning to realize “this is fucked and i dont want it associated with me anymore” but i was too embarrassed to publicly address it
i also posted fetishistic nsfw of trans men. i didn’t know shit about trans issues back then. i had like one trans friend that enjoyed it and so i assumed that everyone might. i was being inconsiderate and creepy. i’ve learned a lot since then, so it upsets me that people think that the only reason i support trans ppl now is for clout or attention but secretly im fetishistic them behind their backs. as a cis person, i know now its not my place to draw or write stuff like that and i haven’t done it since
i understand why people might call me a hypocrite, i was so vocal about being against incest and pedo ships back then (i still am), meanwhile my fave ship was super abusive and i was completely ignorant about trans people. im ashamed of that, and im sorry. im sure some people think this is a silly thing to apologize over, but its been weighing on me for 3-4 years and i wanted to get it off my chest. so thank you for reading
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