#y’all find it urself I’m not lying
moonbunnie7 · 4 months
YEO PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY ado anything for views, ITS DISGUSTING how I’m trying to sleep right,
and I type in rain and fire place and I got “for you” recommended A WOMAN LYING DEAD in a bed (and she’s already enbalmed) and the video has 6.6 million views and someone wrote in the caption (warning, descended Christian woman)
If this channel wanted to pay homage/tribute to a woman who passed YOU DONT PUT A CORPSE ON THE THUMBNAIL!!! PEOPLE R TRULY SICK IN THIS WORLD !!!???? ALSO WHY DOES IT HAVE 6.6. Million views ????
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winchesternova-k · 4 years
Iden is right there. Want a lead with color? Play Battlefront 2. Stop lying and saying that was the most requested thing. It never was. If so, how comes Jedi Fallen Order did as well as it did with a white lead? Despite you people claiming you was going to boycott. How comes it’s getting a sequel? How comes that same white lead is getting a whole franchise? How comes it was nominated for a BATFA. I don’t even want to come across as rude but they gave you a game with a WOC and people ignored her and now she’s barely even talked about. It’s about the money. Disney are business people.
this is a lot of assumptions for someone who doesn’t seem to know what they’re talking abt. have u spoken to star wars fans of colour recently bc yes, it is the most requested thing. did u see what happened w finn? or did u ignore that?
u have literally no idea whether i’ve played battlefront or not. i haven’t, but that doesn’t change the fact that there should be more than one lead of colour. if i had that wouldn’t change the fact that i can still criticise other parts of the franchise. i adore tfa but im incredibly critical of the rest of the sequel trilogy and it’s mess of bigotry and abuse apologism bc surprise! i can like things and be critical of them at the same time!
this is the first star wars game i’ve played and there WERE a lot of requests for the lead to be a poc. i literally saw it. i don’t recall anyone saying to boycott but sure keep that victim complex up 😋
and what the fuck do u mean by “you people”? bc that feels distinctly racist. leave poc alone and let them be upset w disney (i’m white too which just shows that u assume everyone who calls out racism must be a poc which is interesting, and by interesting i mean racist)
also, i literally fucking said in my post that cameron monaghan did a good job. i love him as an actor and he did a good job. disney still should’ve hired a person of colour.
i said NOTHING abt the game’s content. the plot is sound and the chs are good. doesn’t change the fact that disney’s fucking racist. even if i agreed that them hiring another white man wasn’t problematic, there’s still the whitewashing in game and the cultural appropriation woven into the entire canon. and the second sister who is acting as cal’s foil is a woc! having a single person of colour from any race or ethnicity in a piece of media and making them evil and have to be defeated by a white person is always racist! and that’s just from where i am at chapter three.
battefront is a completely different type of game. i literally didn’t know abt it until recently. disney also did next to no ads for it so when it didn’t do as well bc of the lack of ads shitheels like u would say white leads r more popular. then they can say “ooh look! white ppl sell better!” that’s a pretty common marketing technique amongst racists. netflix has done it repeatedly. the lead for battlefront should be more popular, but do u know what i saw the last time i saw an ad for battlefront? rey. and the time before that? obi wan. this is literally the first i’ve heard abt there being a woc as the lead. the only ads i ever saw for it emphasised the fighting rather than the story, which from a quick browse was apparently badly written. the ads made it sound like it was in a similar style to injustice
also r u rlly saying that poc should have to play a shooter game as opposed to an action game to have a lead of colour bc that’s racist pal. poc should be able to play any genre of star wars game (or any franchise) and find a ch of colour and guess what! they can’t do that! bc disney!! r racist!!
ur right the battlefront lead should be more popular and well known and fandom should acknowledge her more. she should’ve gotten better from both disney and fandom. that doesn’t change the fact that cal should’ve been played by a moc.
and srsly, ONE lead of colour? as opposed to HOW MANY white leads of the years? get over urself. poc deserve better than that and u know it
also pal, if u think going “but,, but the money!!1” is going to make an ANTICAPITALIST sympathise w disney u came to the wrong fucking blog. everyone should do the right thing even if it costs u profit.
anyway disney know that poc leads r just as profitable as white ones. y’all r v quick to forget how profitable black panther was
and surprise surprise sometimes ppl who want more diversity still play games that don’t have it. what exactly is ur point?
but sure, keep telling urself that a man of colour wouldn’t have done as good a job 🤷 ur racist and lying and it shows and YES ur rude
tldr; disney didn’t advertise battlefront having a woc lead which is shitty. fandom also erased her which is equally shitty. one lead of colour in the entire franchise is not enough and cal should’ve been a moc. fuck disney and their corporate greed.
eta: tfa is also a goddamn racist mess, i meant to say that i was critical of it as well as the rest of the sequel trilogy and my adhd made me forget fvgfvg
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parspicle · 5 years
Drabble #Bonus: Error and Ink playing Minecraft together. Survival mode, no Creative available
Word count: 1,681
Ink, in the middle of a fight, grabbed Error by the hood. He dragged the poor glitch into a portal while he struggled and shouted, “What the hell, Ink?!”
“Come on, let’s play Minecraft,” Ink shrugged.
“Minecraft! The fight’s getting boring.”
“You can’t just, you can’t just! What?!”
“Plus, Dream, Cross, and Pale are playing and I wanted to play, but you decided to, fuckin’, try to destroy shit. You owe me.”
“I don’t owe you shit!”
“Well, too bad, fuck you! Suffer!”
A couple of minutes later, Error was sitting next to Ink, very unhappily, with a laptop open with Minecraft on the screen.
“Why the hell did I agree to this?”
“It’s better than fighting the one and only love of your life?” 
“It’s worse!”
“Fuck you too!”
Error leaned over and kissed Ink’s cheek. Ink smiled and opened up the game on his own computer. He and Error joined Dream’s server.
Cats_Dont_Glitch joined the game.
AcePainter joined the game.
I got ruru to join X3
if you call me that ever again I’m getting a divorce
were not even married
ill divorce you from life
error what the fUCK is your name
awww it;s cute!!!
im on board for banning ink if he ever talks like that again :)
what noooo
I am
l e a v i n g
not allowed
Error pressed Escape. Ink caught his hand before he could press Save and Quit to Title. Ink begged, “Come on, please? It’ll be fun! I promise!”
Error stared. Ink stared back. 
Error broke, and sighed, “Fine.”
“Hell yes!”
hell yes 
.pvp false
don’t turn it off I’m begging yku
guys don’t bully him he’s gonna leave
it’s off
you would have killed him too
sorry I’ll stop bullying pale 
no promises for error
Cats_Dont_Glitch tried to swim in lava
paletheskeleton was pushed off a cliff by xX_cr055_Xx
Ink leaned back from his laptop and looked over at Error’s screen, muttering, “Oh my god,” as he saw it, which was filled with Cross chasing him with a sword.
Error whined, “I’m being bullied.” 
“I… can see that!” 
dream can you slap cross for me he’s bullying Error
love of my life
I’m a mod
I can see your messages to him.
what messages
you messaged error
and called him a bitch
did I
I think it was pale
was not
damnit take the hit for me ONCE
u did this to urself
i did not
error’s just a bitch
im leaving
error wait
I’m sorry about him 
Error’s cursor hovered over the exit button while Ink continued to beg him to not to leave.
“Please, Error, it’ll be fun! I promise Cross will stop bullying you. There are cats! I’ll help you build a castle with a bunch of cats in it if you stay, okay?”
Error stared at Ink. Ink widened his eyes, got tears to well up, and twisted his mouth into a frown. “Please…?”
Error stared at him. Ink gazed back, lip quivering. Error sighed and went back into the game.
i got guilt tripped into staying
heck yes!!!
i hate you
luv u too bb
Ink leaned over, back to smiling, and kissed Error on the cheek. Error rolled his eyes.
did he do the hewwo voice
that’s a good idea
but no
I just cried at him
hes v convincing
ha nice
“So… what do you do?”
“You sorta just… go around creating things! And, uh, surviving.”
oh shit boiz
baby’s nightfall
did you just call me a baby
dream says I have to say “no”
Error scowled.
Cross stop being a bitchass motherfuck
Ink rolled his eyes. “He’s such an asshole sometimes. I’m not sure how Dream is dating both him and Pale.”
Error shrugged, “Maybe he sees stoic, emotionless ‘bitchass motherfucks’, as you so eloquently put it, and goes, ‘oh shit. I gotta fuck that’.”
Ink couldn’t control his laughter. He laughed and laughed, and his head ended up between Error’s chin and shoulder. He smiled and looked up at the love of his life. “You really live up to the nickname of ‘the universe destroying manbaby’.”
“I’m sorry, the nickname of what.”
Ink wove his hand back and forth- “Nothing! Forget I said anything!”
“What? No! The hell is that nickname?!”
Ink shrugged. 
ink just called me a universe destroying manbaby.
cross. Explain.
no idea what you’re talking about.
you better watch your fucking back
I thought we agreed we weren’t going tell him that
I slipped up :( 
you weren’t going to tell me??
the hell babe >:(
look can we please just forget this so we can play?? 
I just wanna play minceraft and be gay :(
Error sighed, “I really hate you sometimes.”
“I love you, too!”
After around two hours of Error and Ink making fun of each other, they managed to go out into the world and build a dirt house.
hru two doin
good, i think
can I come see
dont be a fuck
y o u dont be a fuck >:( 
k im going over
pale says yes
stop bullying error!!
im not
im bullying ink
wait no 
go back to bullying error
can we see y o u r house first?
Ink went over to see where Dream, Cross and Pale had set up their base. What met him was the three, along with their complicated, towering tree house, stuck up in a jungle tree. Birds were on the fences, there were cats on the beds, and flower pots on the tables.
holy shIT 
it was mostly pale!!
and u
awwww that’s v sweet
it’s wrong! But sweet
I don’t think I want you guys to see my house now.
error you might wanna see this
im good
id rather hang out with these cats.
Understandable! Can you tame one and then bring them back??
y’all can like. Go to our house soon if you want :)
Cross ran over, Dream following closely behind. The pair stared at the tiny house the two had made. It was around 4-6 blocks tall, 10 blocks wide, and 10 blocks long. Error’s cats were in the house, along with two basic beds, and nothing else.
you’ve done
only this
in two hours
this is my first time playing minecraft with ink
oh awww
were you two too busy kissing to focus ;)
Error smiled to himself. Ink freaked out at the sight of Error’s genuine smile and started typing. 
error can’t SMILE
ykw fuck you all
also ink stfu
>:( I don’t sMILE
I bet your smile’s wonderful, error :) 
you do and its cute
I do NOT
accept it
you’re adorable
shtu up
Ink went to type something, and then stopped. He looked over at Error, whose amount of glitches were heightened. He stopped typing. He blinked.
“Hey, you okay?”
Error shook his head.
“Want me to stop?”
Error nodded his head.
hey were gonna log off for a bit
we’re just gonna walk
ok!! I hope you two have fun with that!!
Cats_Dont_Glitch has left the game.
AcePainter has left the game.
Error took a deep breath. He took in the deep, sparkling stars, calming himself down.
Ink managed to find the words for, “I’m sorry I freaked you out.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. You asked me to stop and I didn’t stop. I know better than that.” 
Error turned to face Ink. He smiled. “It’s fine because you know what you did wrong. And you apologized for it. And I love you.”
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corvidfoxx · 6 years
a psa
imma keep it real with u chief someone’s size is such a DUMB way to measure literally anything else ab them like?? it’s says fuckin nothing about their health or attractiveness or worth or ANYTHING like guess what folks!! u can tell exactly Nothing from a persons size except what their size is like It Just Is What It Is these are FACTS
fellas it’s late as hell and we love some sleep deprived body positivity in this house lets get into it shall we
(it’s gonna be long Get Ready)
first of all everyone carries weight differently some people are just naturally bigger and bro it’s all good?? who fuckin cares?? bodies just kinda do what they do why do we care so much about controlling our flesh prisons let em work let em live if someone is alive their body is doing what it’s gotta do it’s not that deep
and i mean G O D clothing sizes are. such BULLSHIT like they change so much from store to store and even in a store they can differ WILDLY like?? if ur size isn’t what u want it to be it’s ok bb i promise it literally means nothing live ur life ily
seriously tho clothes are made to look good on models mannequins and hangers like that shit’s just supposed to make money it’s literally not made to actually look good on u 99% of the time so don’t worry ab it there’s nothing wrong with u it’s just capitalism
also weight lowkey means nothing either unless ur a doctor or smth like muscle n fat both make u heavier and u literally don’t know what’s what unless u get all sciency so uhh if ur like exercising or w/e to try and lose weight but ur still gaining it there’s a good chance at least some is muscle 
and even if it’s not it’s chill there’s nothin wrong with not being super toned n shit like come on
literally just stop weighing urself ur all good i promise leave that shit to ur doctor bud
also also why tf are people so obsessed with health when it comes to someone’s body?? like bitch u don’t KNOW what’s healthy for someone else??? plenty of people are perfectly healthy even tho they look like what some people would assume is an “unhealthy person” and that’s ok bc ur appearance says nothing ab ur health!!
like even if someone’s not healthy it’s no one else’s fuckin business?? leave that to them and their doctor pal 
maybe they have a condition that makes being “healthy” really hard or impossible 
or maybe they’re trying to be healthy and just not there yet bc it takes TIME and that’s OKAY patience is great y’all
or maybe they’re just cool with being unhealthy and like,, u might not agree with that but it’s none of ur damn business?? like u don’t have to agree with it or encourage it to just. let em live their life?? 
tbh health is so fucking worshipped it’s wild and ig it’s with sorta good intentions at least sometimes but damn chill someone’s health doesn’t dictate their worth unhealthy people are still worthy human beings u guys are just mean
just sayin the whole health obsession has ironically lead to a lotta super unhealthy diet/fitness crazes and uhh we, collectively, as a society, need to chill and let people do what’s right for them
like just so we’re clear diet culture can choke
im. so tired of seeing fitspo and thinspo and all that bs everywhere like?? people have such an obsession with dissatisfaction it’s so weird???
we’re always trying to be something else and it’s not good it’s not healthy!!!! can we please focus less on how we want to look and start appreciating how great we already are??? 
y’all have no idea how much happier i became with how i look when i stopped looking at all these people who looked how i wanted to look and started finding people who look like me now???
bb there are so many people who look like u and who are killin the game find em and love em!!!!!! it might not totally change how u see urself but it’ll help i promise!!!!!!
and like?? anyone who says people can’t be attractive if they’re a certain size is LYING and can go piss their pants for all i care
LISTEN i literally have no preferences when it comes to physical stuff and ive fallen for people of all different shapes and sizes and When I Tell You They’ve All Been Damn Gorgeous I Mean 110% Of Them
i’m so tired of all this backhanded compliment “attractive despite their size” shit like NO BITCH If You Think I Dont Think Every Inch Of These People Head To Toe Is Hot As Fuck You Have Another Thing Coming Bc Holy SHIT That’s Just How It Is Folks
like bb i promise even if u don’t like ur body plenty of people are gonna think it’s fuckin Great u might not know it or believe it rn but it’s the Truth ur beautiful ilysm keep being ur gorgeous self
and u know what?? even if some people don’t think ur attractive that’s ok too?? like ur fuckin killin it either way ur not required to make other people happy with the way u look like as long as ur comfy in ur own body ur ok!!
insecurity is lowkey 99% about what other people think and i totally get that like bitch me too tf but like,, the truth is other people don’t mean shit!!!!!!
it’s ur body babe if ur happy with it that’s great that’s perfect!!!!!!! and if ur not it’s totally ok to want to change that but do it for u bud you’ll be much happier in the end i promise 
like it’s hard to get over trying to look how u think people want u to look but at the end of the day they ain’t shit and if u change for them ur not gonna be happy so??
do it for u do it so u can be happy in ur own skin like fuck everyone else make urself happy
(also people seem to think partners are an exception to the “other people ain’t shit” rule but honestly?? if ur s/o makes u feel bad ab ur appearance fuck them in particular?? like u don’t need that shit u don’t need to change for them u deserve someone who thinks ur gorgeous Right Now As You Are find that person and you’ll be way happier like highkey if ur partner doesn’t think 110% of u is gorgeous dump em they don’t know shit)
and like,, all this shit (size n health n appearance n shit) literally says jack fuckin squat about ur self worth???
who cares how big or small u are who cares how healthy u are who cares how conventionally attractive u are????? ur still a fckin fantastic person and u deserve the world?????
u still deserve to be hella confident and u deserve to never feel like u have to hide urself and u deserve to live a wonderful life no matter what ur body is!!!!!!! ur body has never and will never decide ur worth or what u deserve!!!!!!!
ur not a bad person just bc ur not a supermodel or w/e!!!!!!!! ur not doing anything wrong i promise ur doing great!!!!!!!! u still deserve all the happiness in the world and i hope u find it!!!!!!!!!
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defiesgods · 6 years
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*   ╰     HELLO THERE, LOVELIES !    it is i, the literal trash can admin elise, BACK AT IT AGAIN with muse numero dos ! —— yes, that’s right my folks ; following my darling andromeda’s post, it is now my unfortunate duty to introduce to you the literal #sadboi shite show that is GILDEROY ‘ MAGICAL ME ’ LOCKHART. while his faceclaim ( taehyung, loml who i would certainly lay my life down on the line for ???? ) is a beautiful n magical boi —— gilderoy lockhart is Anything . But . !!!! so  BUCKLE :^) UP :^) KIDDOS :^) is all i can say ????? TRIGGER WARNINGS : physical & emotional abuse, self-harm, murder, sexually explicit content.
he trees unloose their soft arms from around ( gilderoy lockhart ) — ( he ) reminds me of ( the dark splendour of sorrow and sin ; bodies writhing, twisting, and you, screaming his name. he wants you to drink him in, love him, worship him like the god he once sacrificed everything for. you’re naked, asleep, curled up against his chest. he loves you ephemerally, then leaves you in the dark. ’ don’t desert me, don’t be horrified at me, you know what i am ’ ). a ( seventh ) year ( ravenclaw ), the ( facade ) is known for being being ( charming & assuasive ), however ( beguiling & vengeful ). rumour has it that the ( eighteen ) year old ( kim taehyung ) doppleganger is seizing their moment by siding with the ( neutrals ). ( elise, 22, aest/gmt+10, she/hers )
CHILDHOOD ! ( pre-hogwarts )
his father went to church each night, hoping to cleanse himself of sin. a man who had an unparalleled love for god, gilderoy’s father had the wrath of a god, too. but no matter how hard he prayed, no amount of confession & no act of contrition could ever absolve joshua hong of this sin —— murder.
our story begins with the birth of a darling baby boy. gilderoy hong is perfect in every way ( or at least his mother dotes as such ), with his ten tiny toes & ten tiny fingers ; reaching out for comfort &  warmth. with a hushed whisper carried on a current of love, anita hong provides her son with the sanctuary he craves ; placing butterfly kisses to his forehead and cheeks —— telling him she’ll protect him against the world that rages beyond these hospital walls. little does she realise that it is her own husband that she will need to protect her son from.
FLASH FORWARD —— and there’s blood on gilderoy’s hands. he’s killed his father, who just moments before had killed his mother —— and all this violence, blood shed & death had been sparked over three words. “ I’M A WITCH. ”
REWIND —— STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING, and gilderoy’s days are lived in confusion, fear & terror. only four years of age, flowers bloom beneath gilderoy’s feet during moments of happiness ( he and his mother baking cookies in the kitchen, painting the sight of their garden together, gilderoy laid curled up on his mother’s lap while she read him his favourite stories ), while during moments of distress, melancholy & anger, the ground stirs and shifts where he stands as if it were about to swallow him whole.  a muggle man who belonged deeply& firstly to god, his own self second, and his wife and child third, these mystical happenings were painted by joshua hong ( gilderoy’s father ) as evidence of his son’s demonic possession. with misguided love & brutal hands, joshua fully intended to cleanse gilderoy of the devil’s influence.
a religious boy himself, gilderoy believed the magic, the beatings, and misery that had consumed his life were all part of some GRAND TEST. all he needed to do, he knew, was prove his faith in god & show that he was worthy, strong and true. god would reward him for his love with kindness and fortune, and everything would be fine in the end. with this belief in mind, gilderoy endured it all —— he believed that he deserved the tattooed bruises of deep purple and blue that covered every inch his soft skin, and he spent day after day crying in the darkest corners of his room —— scarcely even daring to believe that he was even deserving of being touched by the rays of sunlight that crept in through his cracked bedroom window. he was wrong, he was unholy, he was impure.
the only moments in the boy’s life that were filled with even the slightest moments of wonder and hope were also moments of deep pain. aged only 7, gilderoy took to wielding his father’s razor blade ; carving intricate patterns —— or scrawling the words of screaming emotions into the canvas of his skin. in these moments, gilderoy would not only make something beautiful of himself ; make ART —— but he would also be in control of himself, and in control of his s c a r s ( he had so many of them, and his own father had inflicted them all ). there was no small inch of the young boy’s body that had been left unharmed, but in gilderoy’s archaic and simple practice of tattooing himself with scars, he gained back control. his body was his own, no one else’s.
gilderoy’s mother watched on in HORROR as her husband ( her love ) beat her son ( her heart ) for the magic that she had given him through her blood. for eight long years after gilderoy had been born anita held her tongue about the truth, deeply fearful and terrified of the cruel & merciless man that joshua had become. THIS WASN’T THE MAN ANITA HAD FALLEN IN LOVE WITH —— this wasn’t the man that she knew ; and so, one night in late spring, anita told her husband the truth of her magic . . . trusting him, loving him, confiding in him —— and the truth cost her her life.
“ A WITCH ?! ” —— the screamed words are an accusation accented with betrayal ; joshua’s trembling hand keeping a sobbing anita away at knife-point, enraged. eyes hazy with sleep & mind clouded with waking nightmares, gilderoy tiptoes down to the kitchen where he can hear his parents yelling.
the boy’s shrill scream curls into the night air as he watches his father lunge at his mother, her white night dress stained crimson red as she falls limp to the ground. the last words that cascade from her lips are pained, sorrowful, and coloured with terror. “ RUN, GILDEROY. ” but the boy stands where he is —— eyes glazed over, heart heavy with rage.
HE’S NOT IN CONTROL as the furniture begins to hover above ground, kitchen knives and chairs and cupboards levitating in an unnatural manner that foretells the disaster about to happen. as gilderoy’s wail rips through the air, a cupboard slams joshua to the wall —— crushing & swift ... and after a moment of pure terror ; the world grows silent once more. wood splintering, knives clattering to the floor, dust settling, gilderoy holds his mother’s cold body in his arms until the aurors show up & tear him away from her.
* light muzak playing * THIS IS AN INTERMISSION !!!!! this has been some pretty heavy material to read thru, i know, n i’m sorry, so pls hydrate, take a mental health break, take care of urself, eat some ice cream, go out into the sunshine, n love urself :~) love y’all x ! :~)
gilderoy is adopted into a family by the name of lockhart. two high-ranking ministry of magic officals, the lockharts adopt gilderoy into their family for no other reason than the motive of raising their popularity, boosting their profile, and making them seem more human, empathetic & relatable than they are. 
with hopes of being elected minister of magic, mr. lockhart sees gilderoy’s situation as an opportunity. an infamous crime case known throughout wizarding society, loving the orphaned boy whose mother was murdered by a witch-hating father would prove a useful rouse in a political climate where pureblood agendas grew stronger by the day.  
“ you’re so brave. ” people comment sympathetically at ministry galas and events, looking at gilderoy with downcast gazes and presumptuous condolences. gilderoy’s never been brave ; and now more than ever he despises the word. brave is what his mother was —— at least in the end —— and brave was the very thing that got her killed.
“ what a handsome boy. ” and this, gilderoy can concede. he decides to boast of himself, love himself, and make himself someone to be worshipped rather than pitied. in a world that battered & bruised him & made him small, gilderoy chose to live large —— he chose to make people swallow their words and fall at his feet so that he would never be at the mercy of any one else again ; —— not after what his father did to him . . . he owed his mother that much.
THE TASTE OF YOU IS IN HIS MOUTH & he’s on his knees, at your feet —— but only as a way to make you his. bodies writhing, twisting, slapping, joining ; he makes you his, he makes you his. his name on your tongue, he’s in control —— his musk on your clothes, he seeps into your lungs —— he wants you to drink him in, love him, worship him like the GOD he once sacrificed everything for. you’re naked, asleep, curled up against his chest —— he loves you ephemerally, then leaves you in the dark. “ don’t desert me, don’t be horrified at me. you know what i am. ”
HE’S NOT BRAVE ( because bravery, bravery, bravery is death ) —— but he’s gifted ; he’s charming, he’s beguiling & the rest. THOSE EYES. dark brown brimming with such guilt. THOSE SCARS. lost boy, tell me who hurt you ? LIAR LIAR —— lie to me, love me, forgive me —— playing pretend & finding glimmers of happiness in the love that others afford you ; biding time until the overwhelming dark splendour of your past sorrows & sickening sins swallow you whole. 
ALONE IN THE CHASM, no mother, no father. 
who will save you now ? 
TL:DR — after everything gilderoy has been through, he’s hellbent on never being hurt by ANYONE, ever again. the unfortunate route he’s taken to ensure this is becoming a lying, scheming, deceptive and charming young man —— lying to make people love him, using his body and false words to draw them in and keep them for his own. despite the reasons why he’s become this way, gilderoy is not a good person, and he needs desperately for someone to SEE THROUGH HIS FACADE, break down his walls of pretence and pretend, and love him for who he really is ; broken, sorrowful, and stronger than he knows. but therein the dilemma lies, for who could ever love a MONSTER like gilderoy lockhart ?
n also ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...... that just happened. surprise, surprise ! gilderoy lockhart actually has a heart ??? it’s just well-guarded after all the SHIT he’s been through !! wow ,,, ! i always loved gilderoy lockhart btw ? he was a depthless n amusing nevertheless annoying character in canon BUT LIKE ,,,,, my creative muse was itching for a way to recreate and redefine him ??? & this is what i came up with !!! it’s dARK,,, i know ,,,, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the muse controls me, i don’t control it !!!! ANYWAY, shoot this post a like n i’ll come pLOT !
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lillovespells · 3 years
lemme give y’all a big Alchemy tip real quick... about common circumstances that create cycles u might not understand how to break... & it’s borderline ‘Law-of-Attraction’ / ‘Law-of-Attachment’...
i know y’all all notice how difficult it can get when u ‘want’ something u cannot Connect to. u get so fixated on whatever ur target is, that u start doing everything u can to get near / chase / influence that target... & that’s where the line between target & Goal get confused...
a GOAL is something that u CAN attain. b/c it’s already on ur Path / within ur reach. a Goal is a Natural accomplishment that occurs when ur Focused on ur own personal Journey... a Goal is a confident desire to Evolve in a productive manner... a Goal is setting Honest Standard...
a TARGET is something that REJECTS U & becomes a desire of ur EGO. something NOT Aligned w/ ur Energy or path / similarly; a mission for anything not mutual that surfaces from envy of someone else’s Journey; insecure desire to control / manipulate by stagnation in ur denial...
knowing the big difference between whether ur pursuing ur Goals or ur ‘targets’ is drastic in life... b/c one will fulfill ur desires & the other will only drain u of ur own Energy... & that’s the part that needs to be seen... b/c we all need to REALIZE when we’re only DRAINING OUR OWN ENERGY...¡!
too many get stuck in their cycles of continuously draining their own energy in their constant attempts to aim at targets out of their control. too many lose their mind / Soul draining both chasing targets instead of Goals & they don’t realize it till they ruin everything... & that’s why i’m bottom line telling y’all that u need to see when ur FORCING something... b/c ur gunna slip into that delusional denial & start pathologically lying to urselves saying ur chasing a Goal while ur really aiming at a target that’s already clearly rejected u... to put it super simple: Goals make sense, targets do not.
soon as u lie or pretend to be something / someone else, soon as ur angry instead of Evolving, soon as u feel envy or any negativity, soon as ur coercing plotting or violating... it’s a TARGET & ur only draining urself... & all that FORCING u are doing to corner ur targets instead of achieve ur Goals... WILL DRAIN U... all the hours u spend wasting ur willpower IS wasting Energy that u cannot ever get back... one day u just wake up exhausted / empty & anxious without ever even understanding why...
hence ‘The Law of Attraction’ & ‘The Law of Attachment’ that teach u to identify Goals & targets & patience & all the things within u that help u identify whether ur seeing tunnel vision targeting ego cycles or ur Accepting Reality in pursuit of ur Spiritual Balance...
pay attention, b/c targets are never satisfying, only distracting... & that’s how u get so lost lured by ur ego / demons away from ur willpower till u can no longer find ur Soul... & once ur left w/ distractions, ur left w/ nothing. no matter what u do.
Soul Alchemy / chemistry.
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Could I get a matchup? I'm a 182cm gay male I love video games and puzzles I'm really sarcastic I'm usually quiet except when I'm around my friends I'm also pretty nervous 99% of the time Thank you! I'm sorry if there's not much to go on 😥 (I know ur there Mod Shouta, heck off)
I ship you with Mineta!
I actually ship you with Iida!
-You’re taller than him, but he’s got such a /presence/ that it seems like he’s bigger. Neither of you actually mind this.
-He likes to come up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder, especially when you’re cooking
-You’re super easy to scare so sometimes this makes you jump and he’s like “AH I’m sorry!!!!!” (but he’s also laughing until you smack him)
-You two have very different styles of humor, but he finds yours hilarious. Especially when you’re being a sassy little shit.
-One time, after you two had been dating for a while, he made a joke that sounded JUST like you and you were like “oh my god I’m so proud”
-He probably met you through mutual friends. He had never heard you laugh before until you were with your friends and he was just like :0
-Lowkey made it his mission to be your friend after that
-Y’all start hanging out in the same circles and you slowly become used to him until he’s a regular presence, and after that you guys became one on one friends, and eventually start dating
-He was so happy when you started dating I think he literally shed a tear
-He really likes cuddling. He prefers being the big spoon but is open to any and all cuddling positions.
-He’s not the best at video games. He’s good at racing ones and he’s pretty good at Smash games, but he’s…..not so good at other ones.
-If you want to play a game he’s not good at, he actually really likes watching you. He’ll want you to sit in his lap or lean on him and he’ll settle down and make comments and cheer you on
-It’s his personal mission to wreck you at Mario cart one day (stop lying to urself iida it’ll never happen)
-He does puzzles for fun so one time he walked in on you doing one and he was like !!!!!!!!!!!!
-He helps you when you’re nervous. He’ll order for you or pay for stuff if you don’t want to, and it never bothers him (he actually likes doing it)
-Is the most supportive boyfriend ever. He holds you if you need it on your down days and is always there to help when your anxiety is being shitty.
-He always makes sure you know how much he loves you and how he thinks you’re the most amazing person no matter what
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Bella’s one of those ppl who are academically smart but in real life fuckin stupid- gurl rlly can’t think for herself or just think outside of school in general- Edward has a victim mentality- maybe stop breaking the ducking law? Carlisle is too fuckin loyal- he would make a terrible parent irl bc he would do anything that his kids want, instead of telling them and letting them know that he thinks something is wrong.
Rosalie is sane
Esme seems sane
Emmett is Emmett
Alice is also fuckin stupid sometimes
Jasper is just existing at this point
Jacobs ego is too much- like dude u rlly think u can take on Caius- I bet u can’t even take on one child of the moon- Like bitch u a shapeshifter not an actual werewolf so go shape urself into a fuckin triangle
Jane is a psychopath
Aros just enjoying life
Heidi and demetri are fuckin but just bc they bored and would never like think of each other romantically and if demetri found his mate Heidi would be happy for them and try to be friends with demetri’s mate but then find out that it’s not rlly normal for someone who fucked their mate for the past centuries to be besties and feel sad that they can’t be friends
Caius needs to calm the fuck down
Alec for some miraculous reason is actually sane
Felix and Jane need to calm the fuck down
The Romanians need to move on like plz move the fuck on
Edward needs to shut up and stop being lowkey manipulative
I also agree with u when u said that the denalis have a victim mentality- ur mother created an immortal child who then went on to destroy like a whole mf village in a day- y’all ain’t the victims- Irina, snitches are bitches who will eventually get stitches-
Marcus ur doing great honey. Kinda
You described Bella and Edward PERFECTLY.
Kinda feel bad for Carlisle since it's clear he wants his covens to think and be independent of him. He doesn't want to control them. However some LIKE EDWARD CULLEN clearly fucking need it. C'mon Carlisle, he's literally putting your whole coven at risk. Be the father figure Edward literally deems you to be and keep them all safe. Although I do agree, it seems Carlisle doesn't really out his foot down when his 'children' are being exactly that.
Rosalie is a little mean in my personal opinion but as I've gotten older WHO CAN BLAME HER AT THIS POINT?
Esme is a supportive wife and I love that. Esme is wonderful.
Emmett is enjoying life and we're HERE FOR IT. I SUPPORT YOU EMMETT.
Alice is...c'mon Alice, remember the rules of your visions. Other than that, not too bad. Just tell Edward he's a fucking idiot.
Jasper is literally just existing. Like where is the lie?
Jacob can fuck right off in my humble opinion. Don't be a controlling nutcase and then knock Edward for it. You knew Bella wasn't about a relationship with you but then you kiss her as though that will make her change her mind and come to her senses? Bella now sees the light because you have magic kisses? Fuck off. You deserved to be punched in the face. The character was completely ruined when he imprinted on Renesmee. I'm actually angry with how fucked over Jacob got and how much of a dick he was. Also GO SHAPE SHIFT INTO A FUCKING TRIANGLE 😂😂😂😂😂 Seriously though, asses would be handed to them by Caius alone. C'mon guys.
Jane's is a spoiled lil' shit. Then it gets worse because she's SADISTIC AND HOMICIDAL.
Aro is just enjoying life with the extension of 'i will literally step on you to get what I want.'
Yup. Can confirm. Atleast in my writing. You bet Demetri and Heidi be getting it on when they're bored. Are they romantically interested in each other? Nope. Are they Broski's? Absolutely. They're the original friends with benefits duo. They did it before it was even named. Heidi would 100% want to befriend Demetri's mate and wouldn't see how her previous 'sessions' with him were a big deal. However you bet Heidi will still have their back constantly even if his mate doesn't like her or is uncomfortable.
Caius does need to calm the fuck down. That's all.
Alec pretends he's sane 😂😂😂 Having a sister like Jane would make someone seem normal. He's just as bad as his sister, even if it isn't obvious.
Felix and Jane do need to just calm a bit. Just settle, my dudes. Be calm.
The Romanians do be obsessing 👀 I'll say it. However the Volturi are an INJUSTICE--- I'm not going to pretend humans would have a delightful existence with those two in charge so team Volturi for that one.
Edward needs to stop being a dick. He's manipulative with a victim complex.
THEY DID THOOOO. THEY DID THIS TO THEMSELVES. IRINA HOW ABOUT YOU INVESTIGATE THE PROBABLE IMMORTAL CHILD BEFORE YOU RUN OFF AND SNITCH ON YOUR COUSINS. THEY KILLED YOUR BOYFRIEND AND YOU WERE SALTY AND DID IT OUT OF SPITE. YOU CANT TELL ME OTHERWISE. WHICH BTWS IRINA, HE WASNT EVEN THAT FUCKIN' LOYAL HE WAS LYING TO YOUUUUU. Damn it Irina, assess the situation the kid had a heartbeat and everything. Can you COUNT? TWO HEARTBEATS AND THREE PEOPLE. BELLA BEING A VAMPIRE. THE OTHER A WOLF AND THE LAST A CHILD. COUNT IRINA. COUNT! I could go in for days about the Denali thing. Is this why Edward has a victim mentality? Did he spend too much time with the Denali's? Just ugh. Dude robs a bank and then is upset that he was sent to prison for it. This is the mindset. Like WHAT DID WE THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?
Marcus is doing great 🥺🥺🥺 You're doing amazing sweetie!
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