#xera art
xeraeus · 2 months
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Just a tipsy Nanami Kento rambling how pretty you are
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ascalonianpicnic · 10 months
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something something yuri day here's a painting of Sabetha and Xera being extremely gay together
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zarkonis · 2 years
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some raid boss sketches of varying quality
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breed-station · 2 years
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click for better quality! explanation under the cut :]
oh lord jesus this took the whole afternoon fineidnde
these two are actually one an the same person! Only: Xera is trans! Xero is their dead name but it will reappear in the story. Xera actually goes by she/her but to make it less confusing i will use them for the moment.
So its my first time making a trans character! the point of this piece is: how Xero transformed into Xera by giving themselves love (hence the bid dress)! so a confession of love means, that they confessed their love for themselves and so allowed themself to change! So a fond look to each other :]
I wanted to picture it because i think its very important to imbrace yourself and love the new perpective you take, changes and courage to face all of it!
So im proud of Xera and everyone else that makes this decision ^^
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kairahara · 1 year
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Xera, a glass demon
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lordxeras · 1 year
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Was gonna wait until I'd shaded and finished this to post it but I've accepted that I'm probably not completing it soon so here's Jirina in her casual wear
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new-york-i-love-you · 10 months
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I know I hardly post on here anymore but I've been working on a lot of things. I've got a book coming out soon and I've been working on the sequel! Excited to release this.
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Finally started on a proper reference for Xeras last month (that I have yet to finish as of this moment), and while I'm still fighting with more sprite work, wanted to share how they were looking so far in the game's style. Once I finish up the current reference for something semi-related but otherwise different, I'll be able to do more for Xeras then. As well as, hopefully, get started on my other vessel ocs after that. Hopefully.
Once I get references done for all the siblings, I'll be able to properly move onto my non-vessel ocs with a bit more ease via the vessels as warm ups. Maybe then I'll be able to make a proper header rather than a half-assed shit post. Maybe I'll keep the shit post of Xeras in my pfp then or maybe I'll do something else, don't really know yet.
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h3xxthev3xx · 1 year
It's dawning season guardian! Which means cookie boxes to the ceiling for EVERY Npc 💜💜💜
This lovely warlock is named Nez, with her titan wife Xera in the back being overtaken by dawning boxes 🥰 these two are frequents in my comms so you'll see a lot of art of them LMAO
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xeraeus · 5 months
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For all us nanamin girlies laddies and everyone in between cause
The way I’d still be like look at him the handsomest man ever 🥰🥰🥰
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Chapter 6- Part 2
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…I mean, they’re not wrong…
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Wait, how much are these guys getting paid? How much can they even be paid, they’re borderline terrorists. Do they have insurance? Do they even have dental!?
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…Did Fern just call Ace fruity?
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Now that is something I can get behind, especially now that we’re in control again. Let’s go left over here and challenge our first Grunts in the whole game!!
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And you guys shouldn’t have blown up a train and train station, but here we are!
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Ooooh, this battle music…so grim, so intense…it’s clearly a remix of some kind, but I can’t identify it right off the bat.
But uh…huh. They aren’t wearing armor, it really is just some kinda hood-and-jumpsuit situation. Okay, fine, but like- c’mon, you can’t blame me for thinking it was armor, look at those overworld sprites! You can’t tell me it doesn’t look at least sorta like a helmet and armor, especially from the front!
Interpreting pixel art aside- there was some kinda…tooltip? Flavor text? I didn’t get a chance to screenshot it, but it said something like “Machines whir in the background” and…given the background right now, yeah dude they sure are. But what did that mean? Was it just some flavor text because we’re all battling in a factory, or did that actually mean something…?
Well, onto the actual battle here…given there’s a Grass-type on the field in addition to the Rock-type, Summer might be best to send out here. As for Fern, he’s having his Budew use Natural Gift, aaaaand…
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WHOA! Super effective on Bounsweet! What Berry was Budew holding, that was sick!
Also! By now, the BGM’s gotten to a point where I finally recognize what song this is remixing: none other than the Legendary Beasts’ battle theme! And while I would normally hesitate to use a Legendary Pokémon theme for something like battling local team Grunts, given these guys have literally killed people and were planning to blow up an entire Gym…yeah, the intensity of this theme is very fitting, and so good to listen to, oh I love it so much- 
Anyways, Bounsweet’s practically down for the count by now, we can handle that, so let’s instead focus our attention on having Summer deal with the Roggenrola.
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And sure enough, on this next turn, Budew is able to finish off Bounsweet with its own Mega Drain! This is good, because it gives Summer even more room to boost himself with Growth.
With the combined Mega Drains of Summer and Budew, they suck the soul out of that Roggenrola and win Xera and Fern the battle!
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Hey, don’t tell them they’re the ones who don’t know what they’re doing, you two are the ones that lost the battle!
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I dunno, they seem pretty playful to me, being a circus magician and all-
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breed-station · 2 years
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The Gang!
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kinocube · 1 year
Marchou co vento
O vento, a partir da chegada do cinema sonoro, converteuse un dos grandes inimigos da produción cinematográfica. Complícao todo, máis que nada a recollida de son directo, pois débese protexer con delicadeza a microfonía para evitar que a forza do aire a golpee xerando un ruído feo, case imposible de eliminar en posprodución, e que soa sempre por riba dos diálogos e dos efectos de son directo. A nivel de imaxe, o vento pode impedir aos intérpretes actuar con naturalidade e incluso pode chegar a danar os equipos e as lentes. 
Porén, o vento trátase un dos recursos de narrativa visual máis fermosos e efectivos na arte cinematográfica. Merece a pena, entón? Merece!
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O vento ten a particularidade de tratarse dun fenómeno natural non visible. Na vida real sabemos que venta a través do tacto; notamos como bate en nós, como nos despraza, porque é unha forza viva. Iso, de momento, non podemos trasladalo á pantalla. Non podemos facer que os espectadores noten a través da súa pel o efecto. 
Na animación non é inusual representar o vento de maneira visual, como un fluír de cores ou liñas. Porén, ao igual que outros recursos non visibles, é posible representar doutra maneira o vento mantendo a súa calidade invisible, tanto en animación como en acción real, a través dos efectos que provoca, é dicir, empregando a metonímia. Sabemos que existe o vento porque percibimos como move as cousas, como empurra aos actores, abanea as pólas das árbores, despraza os obxectos que non están firmemente ancorados no chan, enche de po o ambiente, enreda os cabelos... 
Non hai nada máis poético, de feito, que o movemento lene que provoca a brisa sobre a tea, sobre o cabelo, sobre a vexetación. Aporta un lirismo precioso, que pode estar tamén cargado de significado, como a escena da voda de Angharad en How green was my valley (John Ford, 1941), no que o veo da protagonista se move con liberdade a pesar de que o noivo tenta dominalo, como metáfora do espírito indomable da muller.
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Doutra banda, cando o vento é forte, altera todos os elementos do plano, nunha grande axitación que afecta a todo o que vemos na pantalla. O plano vólvese ruidoso, intenso. Pode chegar a converterse nun furacán, nun trebón, que en si mesmo constitúe un recurso narrativo excelente para meter en -ou sacar de- problemas aos protagonistas. Mais non é necesario chegar a tal punto para que o vento constitúa unha ferramenta importante para a tensión dramática dunha escena. 
Todos estes usos do arquetipo que nos ocupa esta semana teñen unha motivación. O vento funciona moi ben en cámara, a pesar das limitacións que comporta, porque é capaz de xerar significado e aportar valor narrativo ao tempo que transforma o plano de maneira visual, dándolle vida a través do movemento. Cada refacho xera movemento, un movemento ademais moi direccional, que crea liñas cinéticas dun lado a outro da pantalla a maior ou menor velocidade, e polo tanto aportando ao ritmo interno do plano -en contraposición ao ritmo externo, que se acada na montaxe-.
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O vento, ao igual que outros arquetipos relacionados co clima, tamén pode funcionar como metáfora do estado anímico das personaxes. E funciona, ao igual que moitos dos recursos climáticos que xa tratamos nesta bitácora, cara ambos os dous sentidos, positivo e negativo. 
No senso negativo é evidente. O vento é a axitación, o deixarse levar -ou caer- cara a perdición, o obstáculo insuperable ou a memoria do que perdemos. Unha personaxe pode sentir no vento a presenza dun espírito, ou notar o aire que ven da terra que deixou atrás, materializando a morriña e a saudade. Pero tamén pode predicir a chegada dun personaxe perigoso ou negativo, representando o medo ou a ameaza. 
Porén, o vento é tamén forza motriz, fai avanzar, empurra ás personaxes cara o seu destino, cara a vitoria. Pois é a corrente de aire a que permite o desprazamento das velas dos barcos, que dependen de que a dirección do vento lles sexa favorable. “Ter o vento en contra” ou telo “a favor” é aínda hoxe unha expresión usada en calquera situación, na realidade, polo que comprendemos tamén o seu uso metafórico trasladado á pantalla. Da mesma maneira, un cambio de dirección súbito do vento adoita significar un cambio de dirección na trama, tanto positivo como negativo, do que as personaxes adoitan ser conscientes. 
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Trátase dun dos motivos visuais máis cinematográficos, xa que apela -como vimos dicindo ao longo do artigo- ao principio básico que define á sétima arte e a diferencia das demais: a representación do movemento. Despois de todo, son as moving pictures, as imaxes en movemento, as que engaiolaron ao público por primeira vez un 28 de decembro de 1895 no Salon indien du Grand Café de París. 
Até o vindeiro episodio!
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xerogrande · 1 year
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Since I was craving art of my females doing the Cammy stretch the chad @navygram came in clutch drawing Xera. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpLp9MRO9SQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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taimatime · 4 years
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Various doodles of my Champions of The Sky characters + things from quests...
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vilyar · 3 years
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im trying new things with my art style so naturally its stuck in that ‘ugly duckling’ state for now
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