#xeno screeches
codenamehazard · 1 year
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Hey guys!
I found this absolutely adorable maker on Picrew and I love this little gem I made! https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1944831
Figured since I got tagged in a Picrew chain, I'd start my own for funsies and see what happens! No pressure to join in though.
Sadly, still now fawkhawk, but eh, I still have the short hair soooooo yeah!
I tag @rogueshadeaux and @lightconduit-2501!
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jiiamp · 1 year
☾ 𖤐 Screechstimmic / Screecharstimmic 𖤐 ☽
[ Screechstimmic / Schreecharstimmic ]
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A gender that connects to having stims related to the entity Screech from Roblox Doors!
Such as saying “pst” as a stim / making a screech sound as a stim / or any other stim that the user feels is connected to Screech!
Screech + stim + ic / Screech + char [acter] + stim + ic
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Coined by me (as far as I know)
Please credit if you repost, it is greatly appreciated ^w^
No id, help is welcome
@liomtext @gamegenders
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breakingb4tz · 2 years
vampiregender looking good today should iiiii
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Dripping Poison
Author's note: Zaarius's debut in Space Marine Husbandry!
Summary: Zaarius has fun messing with a planet and a beleaguered Lamenter, without the Lamenter knowing that he's behind some of his Suffering. Then he lands on Ancient Terra and has some troubles with his poison. And some rude Scout Apothecary tackles him to the floor and tapes jars to his hands. Rude. At least he gets his issue fixed.
Warnings: Chaos Space Marines- Variant Slaneshi Emperor's Child. Poison, uh, let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Oh, to be a member of a warband of brothers, in service to the Chaos God of Excess has been truly a journey of the greatest highs and the worst of the lows he's ever felt in his life. He's from one of the war bands of Emperor's Children who don't meet with Father often, not as Powerful or Important as some of the other warbands, but they make do and have a couple of Daemon Worlds that they run, and he's just finished a mission to help seed more Cultists for the God of Excess.
It's fun to see how the pathetic mortals will crumple under his claws. How the poison gift that he was given, watered down, to nearly be ineffective becomes such a sought-after drug to the base line humans and Xenos alike. He's got a lot of resources- in terms of monetary, intelligence, and other things. Still, he's made sure to keep an eye on his people, after all, one never knows when one will be attacked- and someone will try to take more than they should, and he's far more than any can handle.
Still, stringing along that one particularly stupid Planetary Governor, with honeyed wine dripped with just the smallest touch of the poison that he drips from his claws. The poison of Carnality. He watches with a smirk underneath his helmet as he watches the guests at this part start to be affected by the Poison of Carnality, more than a few people will be indulging in Excessive Lust and Carnality in a way that will empower Slanesh.
It's so fun to drip that particular poison into the goblets of the Nobility and Highest politicians. As it's so delightful to see the way the fall out of such a thing happens. Blackmail, intrigue, scandals and other salacious delights. He's been sure to not poison the goblet of the Loyalist Marine. He's the sole one on this wretched planet, who's been fighting the incursion of those dreadful Orks, no sense of style or beauty, and they weren't a good source of material for worship and empowerment for Slaneesh.
Honestly watching the Golden Loyalist suffer and fight has been such a delightful symphony of Excess emotions. Watching Haggo? Haggie? Huggo? Hagiel? Hagiel He things, suffer and fight and try his bet to succeed as been very amusing for Zaarius, at turns he's whispered things to those around him to either help or hinder the younger Marine, and it very much depended on his mood and how entertaining Hagiel has been.
Finding out to his utter shocked delight that the golden marine is of Blood Angel stock, and not an Imperial Fist or one of their shout-y menaces had him doubled over cackling with laughter. This poor bastard has such bad luck it might be a curse. Also, helping the screeching member of the Pomposity- wait no Ecclisarchy evade Hagiel long enough to cause More Drama- which he so loves to watch and grin maniacally as he watches the other suffer. Such a delightful symphony of emotions in the populace and in the younger cousin.
Also, he'd been getting almost bored, until the fall out of the drops of Carnality bloomed beautifully with the scandals and how the base lines screeched and yowled and fought amongst each other, ignoring the threat that was more important as he whispered and inflamed a few people here and there and why, somehow, for some reason the entire planet erupted into civil war! Oh, what a marvelous thing to happen! What an ecstatic joke. Oh- his sides haven't hurt like that from laughing in centuries. That poor little Blood Angel Successor Chapter Space Marine, running around, ragged, hungry, and bewildered at how little sense Base Line humans make.
He does pout and sulk a little that the Loyalist had managed pull things together just enough that the inspection team didn't arrive to complete, and utter Chaos or chaos and disaster. Urgh. Ultramarines. So boring and dull. He's getting off this miserable planet. He's had his fill of fun, and his vacation time is over, time to go back to doing really work and more Chaos. Several months later he's fighting and something explodes, and he blinks, waking up and looking around with a frown of confusion as his eyebrows wrinkle as he doesn't recognize the planet that he's on.
After all, the planet he was on before was a swamp, and this is a forest. How strange, is he in a dream? An Illusion? Or something else? He's waiting to reform his body back into being in the materium, it's taking far longer than it should as he wanders from one part of the forest to another as he takes in the scenery. The plants are nice, and while he can taste the scent of pollution it's almost a pleasure world quality to the vivid colors of the plants and animals, as well as the diversity of them. He stops as he hears a call and turns, greeting a few of his fellow Chaos Marines with a cautious, yet cheerful greeting as he follows these cousins he doesn't know further in, to a Base.
Slowly he gets drip fed information, on where and when he is now, and he explains where and when he is from. Learning about… these 'bonds' sounds definingly like the Warp is up to Something strange, and potentially very suspicious. After all, why would the Warp tie a lowly base line human to a Space Marine? Why did it effect all kind of Space Marines? From Loyalist to Chaos, no chapter was safe, nor indeed, was any future Era safe from having Space Marines snatched from their original time to the here and now. Truly, what a strange and fascinating phenomenon. He's having quite a fun time, until his claws start to drip poison, and he can't stop it.
So, he heads to the nearest Space Marine Clinic, it's one that is mostly run by Loyalists, but needs must. He waits in the lobby and greets the Apothecary who's going to treat him. Before the rude, and giant fucker slams him to the ground and straps empty jars to his hands. He protests that he's not a threat and gets growled at. At least the Salamanders are swift on their approach to get the hot headed little shit off of him.
When asked for reparations he'd like the rude brat to apologize, or have his time stuck within the base doubled. They hem and haw and speak with the brat-apothecary and he's told he's not going to get an apology, but the length of time for the younger Space Marine being unable to leave the base is what he'd requested. Honestly, it was more his pride was hurt, than actually being damaged.
A different loyalist Apothecary was able to help him out with his issue. Apparently, he'd need to milk the poison from his claws occasionally, otherwise it would build up and uncontrollably drip out of his claws and the… concentrated form of the poison is the deadliest form of it. At least, he sighs, he knows what was wrong and how to fix it, he'll pass the information on to his other brothers who have that particular blessing of Slaneesh. The poisons are weaker in this Ancient Version of Terra, but still dangerous. So fascinating, yet so strange how things are so different, and yet the same in some ways.
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bkchaos · 1 month
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Credit to @jasminem18 for giving the wonderful idea of some angst between Xeno and Exe in my au, which is the inspiration behind this sketchy comic done in a teary eyed delirium!
I had never intended to pair them together as more than bros but Jas, ough, you tempt me....
As consequence, have this writing :']
cw// bit of body horror mentioned (related to Xeno's crystals), hurt/comfort
"I'm sorry!" Xeno cried out, voice cracking as emotion overwhelmed him. Regret, guilt, terror—each felt like an iron cord wrapped around his throat, choking every ragged breath he took. Tears streamed down his face. His chest seized with each step Exe took away from him. His skin ached as more crystals tore through, slowly creeping out.
His legs could hardly move. Stumbling forward, he shakily reached out for his dearest friend's hand.
"Please, Exe, please..."
Xeno never had a problem with Exe's muteness. He had never wanted to force him to speak for any reason, and he was perfectly content to sign back and forth their usual jokes and gossip...but now? He silently begged for a word. Something, anything, just turn around—!
Xeno froze.
No. No!
Slowly, his head turned up to stare up at Exe looming over him. His brows furrowed and his jaw clenched, as did his hands that trembled at his sides. Fury and hate were written across his features—and rightfully so, Xeno thought—but what hurt the most were the pained tears that rolled down Exe's cheeks.
No! No! No! No! No! The voice, unknown yet known at the same time, screeched at Xeno who simply stared up at Exe. His dearest friend. The only person he truly, truly cared about more than anything else in the world. Exe, the one person he wholeheartedly loved yet realized only when he fucked everything up. The cacophony of screeches had little effect on Xeno, aside from a growing ringing in his ears, as he slumped to his knees with a harsh thud and crack from the crystals embedded within his knees.
His body ached. Screamed. Pain searing with the spread of crystals that tore open every pore of Xeno's skin, creeping out from their points of origin to cover every bit of his body. It rendered him immobile...He didn't want to move, anyway. He didn't know what he wanted to do except for staring up at Exe. Sitting there, thick tears pouring down his face, Xeno let the crystals consume him, welcoming the agony of his body being torn apart with hopes of it drowning out his guilt. His eyes slip shut as he feels crystals digging into his muzzle...
With a jolt, Xeno awoke.
He gasped hoarsely for a breath of air. First one, then two, and slowly he found his breathing returning as his core pounded in his chest. He lifted his head up carefully and looked at his surroundings, realizing where he was: the sofa in the shared living space of the four-man dorm. Thank fuck. He let out a relieved sigh, a hand raising to his chest as he realized Rewrite and Fleet were out now. The last thing he needed was angry or weird barging in on him slumped on the sofa with—
Startled yet again, Xeno's eyes widened at the feeling of a gentle kiss placed on his cheek.
A kiss...?
His head turned slowly to look at the source: Exe. His eyes were half-lidded with sleep that he tried to blink away, and his brows creased with concern at Xeno's state. Staring at Exe's calm face, Xeno gradually remembered why Exe and him had fallen asleep. A TV rambled on as a background noise with a film they had randomly picked out, hm...an hour or so ago based on the credits that just begin to roll. Xeno's left arm felt numb from Exe leaning against it so long while curled up into Xeno's side after their discussion where they worked things out.
Finally, a smile played on the corners of Xeno's mouth. That's right. They worked things out. Exe had come out of his room for a snack and found Xeno mindlessly sat on the sofa for the first time in a week, and his heart seized at the sight of Xeno's gauntly form slumped forward staring ahead without a focus in sight. Crystals painfully jutted from nearly every inch of his body, nearly obscuring most of his quills and fur.
Exe couldn't continue storming out as he had been doing. He came over, sat beside Xeno, remaining in unnoticed silence for a few minutes before finally shaking Xeno's knee gently to capture his attention. Exe begun to sign, but from there, Xeno's mind becomes blurry as tears well within his eyes. The details of what came pouring from his mouth are known only to Exe by this point because all Xeno remembers is apologizing over, over, and over until Exe hugged him.
With a choked chuckle, Xeno's mind returned to the present moment. He leaned forward just enough to press his nose against Exe's smaller and stubbier one, and his lip trembled as he smiled at Exe's comforting gaze. They were okay. Xeno raised a hand to softly cup Exe's cheek and paused, waiting to see if Exe would pull away.
Things would take time to heal, yet the way Exe leaned in to complete the kiss without an ounce of hesitance assured Xeno it would work out for both of them. Another bout of tears came trickling down Xeno's cheeks, though he didn't mind them this time. He let his eyes slip shut peacefully as he held Exe close, smiling happily and losing himself in the quiet bliss, while Exe's hands on Xeno's waist drew him ever closer.
What Xeno endured had been a nightmare—both literally and figuratively—but finally, he found himself awake and alright with Exe in his arms despite it all. 
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owenthetokencishet · 1 month
I played in a narrative campaign last week and it's given me all sorts of new lore for my space marine army :) Check THIS shit out!
Space Marines knew no fear, but captain Morrow was certainly bewildered. As she and her Iron Ravens fended off a pair of the heretics' blasphemous Defiler engines, she saw something land in the distance with a flashing light. A teleport homer! She guessed, our missives has been answered!
But nothing came.
Three other Astartes chapters and a Militarum regiment in the subsector and nobody could spare as much as a squad of Terminators.
The combustion of brother Salazar's jump pack brought her back into focus on the battle at hand. She steadied her bolt rifle and took aim at the Defiler's waist. The round from her boltgun cut straight through the weak hydraulics and detonated deep in the daemon engine's flesh. The defiler's torso toppled like a Varakan hardwood as its legs collapsed underneath.
Morrow turned her attention again to the beacon. It was starting to give her a headache. She heard a ringing in her ears and saw spots in her eyes. She'd felt this before. Oh no.
Shadow in the warp.
The heretic astartes screamed in agony as the ground began to tremble. The first chitinous tendrils of the Tyranid swarm appeared on the horizon. From all directions.
The second Defiler's plasma cannon backfired and its entire right hull exploded in a bloody mist. A squad of legionnaries camped out in the east ruins was overrun by a swarm of hormagaunts, their dying screams echoing out across every mind on the battlefield; A cabal of posessed astartes was atomized by a neurothrope; and a horde of neurogaunts scratched and chewed at the drop beacon. Hellblaster sergeant Victus stared a Lictor dead in the eyes, and the Lictor did nothing but stare back before scuttling away. Whatever they're here for, Morrow thought, it's not us.
Thank the Emperor.
"<kzzzt>raven Gunship Corax Temperesta calli<kzzzt> captain Morrow," she heard through vox.
"Loud and clear, Temperesta. What's the matter, Vandeen?"
"Orders intercepted from fleet command, captain. Reads: "Tyranid response significantly <kzzzzt> than expected. Ordering immediate orbital bombardment of designated lure zone. By order of Inquisitor Hester LeVizikan" Temperesta is en route to your current location and will <kzzzt>in seve<zzzt>." They're bombing the <kzzzzzzzzzzzt>field. They've <kzzzt> us t<kzzzzzzt> "
Space Marines knew no fear, but Captain Morrow was shocked.
"Brothers!" She bellowed, "We have been ordered to evacuate!"
Her marines glanced back at her, perplexed. She switched to battlefield vox.
"Orbital bombardment imminent. All forces converge on south tower. Get as high as you can and await evac. Corax Temperesta en route and arriving in seven minutes."
Seven minutes, she thought as she fired a bolt round through the skull of a Plaguebearer shambling towards her, the heretic forces are nearly annihilated, and the xenos are not... so far... attacking us. We can hold out for seven minutes. In one last hail of bolter and plasma fire, she and the remains of Hellblaster squad Damnos climbed aboard their Impulsor escort and sped towards the south tower.
Aboard the impulsor, captain Morrow surveyed the passing landscape; A bombed-out ruin of a once-thriving hive city. She saw in the middle distance passing by, another of those same bizarre beacons pierce the desolate ground. She saw that it was emitting some strangely-coloured gas, and bore an inquisitorial seal. Skull and crossbones; The Ordo Xenos. She watched as the xenos converged on the signal and try to tear it open.
Morrow felt nauseous as her mind committed the sin of questioning. What are those things? Why are the xenos only going after it? why are they leaving us alone? And where are the reinforcements we called for?
She checked the chonometer she set in her HUD. Five minutes. The impulsor came to a screeching halt at the base of a large ferrocrete tower bearing the fragmented remains of a once-pristine palatine aquila. She banged on the Impulsor's cockpit hatch.
"Top of the tower! Come on!" Morrow ordered.
"---|| {Response}: NEGATIVE ||--- ---|| {Explanation}: error. Safety of Iron Ravens vehicle: IMPULSOR - IRON HEART at risk. " replied techmarine Charan X-01.
"Leave it, we can get a new one. Do whatever last rites your kind need to do and get yourself to the top of the tower."
The reclusive techmarine closed his hatch again and began to pray.
She and her hellblaster escort met with Lieutenant Hawat's force, Intercessor squad Colliss and the famed Stern Third veterans, at the front gate, where they had been keeping watch.
"Captain," said the young lieutenant, "What is this? What's happening?"
"Inside!" She cried as a bleeding Hellbrute limped to the tower gate. She banged on the impulsor's hull. "Prayer time is over. Out! Now!"
The techmarine clambered out of the Impulsor as the Hellbrute aimed its meltagun straight at the machine's chapter badge. X-01 had timed a smokescreen to go off just as his boots hit the rubble and he and the Captain were lost to the daemon engine in a thick haze. they, and all the marines outside ran indoors and slammed the gate behind them.
Four Minutes.
She turned to lieutenant Hawat and answered his question.
"Our distress call was answered. By the Inquisition."
"I don't know, Bran." she said. The marines climbed the stairs to the second floor. "The rest of you, push ahead. Command meeting."
The intercessors, hellblasters, and sternguard continued up the stairs.
"Take off your helmets," Captain Morrow ordered, "No tracking."
The two subordinates obeyed. The tube coming out of Charan's eye still bothered her, but she kept her composure.
"The only reason we even KNOW the bombardment is coming is because Temperesta INTERCEPTED a tight-beam vox communication across the Imperial fleet. We're not supposed to evacuate."
"You're disobeying an order from the inquisition?" Lieutenant Hawat exclaimed, "Captain, you are bordering on heresy. There are many who already want you burned as a heretic for your mere existence."
"I'm a space marine, they can take it up with my Primarch." she said, coldly.
"But Corax hasn't been seen since the scouring,"
Morrow stared frustratedly at her first lieutenant.
"Charan. Any guesses as to what those things are out there?" she asked the techmarine, pointing to another Ordo Xenos beacon being gnawed on by Rippers.
"---||{response}: UNCLEAR||--- ---||Possibilites: SEVERAL||--- ---||Speculation: [Pheremone emission device Evidence: organic compounds present in atmosphere surrounding devices. Sniffing sounds recorded from nearby XENOS: TYRANIDS bioforms.] [Speculation: Warp de-
A garbled vox-message from captain Morrow's helmet interrupted Charan's diatribe and promtpted Morrow to put her helmet back on.
Three minutes.
"Gravis squad Gilvane, status." Morrow replied.
"<kzzzzzzzzzzzzt> heavy casualties <kzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt> only survivor <kzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt>AYSIN COLE, REMEMBER ME<kzzzzzzzzzzzzzt>"
As if on cue, the xenos rammed themselves at the front gate, and the marines ran. By the third floor captain Morrow and her subordinates had caught up to the infantry. They made it to the fifth floor when a Gargoyle broke through a solid plasteel window and mauled hellblaster sergeant Victus before being blown apart by brother Henrix's bolt rifle. They heard the scratching of gaunts and rippers climbing the buildings outer walls and the chittering of more bioforms below. Brother Kyrien threw every grenade he had down towards the oncoming swarm.
"SUFFER NOT THE ALIEN TO LIVE!" he screamed as he emptied his whole clip.
"Hold your fire, brother!" Morrow barked. "Supply is limited! Save it for the shots that count!"
They kept climbing, letting those with enegry weapons cover their tail.
Two minutes.
on the roof, Morrow caught a brief glimpse to the beacon again and watched as a neurogaunt dragged a human brain out of its casing.
She heard a low mechanical scream coming from her right. The Redemptor Dreadnought Farren Undying charged towards the tower, crushing Tyranids beneath his feet. He wildly flung arms he didn't currently have, slamming his Ballistus lascannon across the skull of a Leaper. Morrow hated seeing her old mentor like this. She knew he wasn't going to last long entombed, every primaris marine knows a redemptor dreadnought is a slow and painful death sentence. Part of her was grateful for the extra time she had with him while he was still coherent, but another wondered if it wouldn't have been a greater kindness to let him die on Merenghast. But this is an unkind galaxy, she assured herself, Even in death, we still serve.
The tyranids scrambled up the tower walls and Morrow's troops took position on the roof's edge and opened fire at the hordes below.
Intercessor Sergeant Vikram's bolt rifle ran dry, the hand carrying his bot plistol was torn off by a genestealer now overpowering him. Once it had a good grip on its prey, the creature bit sergeant Vikram's head off. Sternguard veteran Fenslor was shot by a parasite weapon that ate him from the inside out. Morrow heard the roar of jet engines fly overhead and saw the stormraven gunship 'Corax Temperesta' descending on their position. Half a second too late for brothers Henrix or Kyrien, Temperesta drove back the tyranids in a fire of lascannon and bolter fire before hovering level with the roof and opening its bay doors.
"Now! Now! Everybody aboard! Now! Let's go!" the other survivors from across the battlefield commanded to the astartes below.
All astartes on the roof ran for the gunship, shooting, slashing, or beating back whatever Tyranids made a grab for them. Once all the survivors were safely aboard, the pilot slammed the aircraft's bay doors shut in a crunch of alien chitin and climbed above the bombed-out skyline.
They were safe. A lot of good men died to get here, but we made it. we're okay.
"Deep-strike Sergeant Kallen reporting in, I hope you weren't planning on leaving without us."
"Kallen! You're alive!" Morrow exclaimed through vox.
"Don't sound so surprised."
Morrow removed her helmet and called up to the cockpit, "Open starboard bay door! We've got survivors incoming!"
The light of jump pack engines arose from the ruined streets as sergeant Kallen's Intercessor squad flew up to join the evacuees. Five survivors joined them aboard temperesta. The gunship ran one last lap around the city's perimiter, scanning for any other survivors. They spotted on a crumbling buttress, Farren Undying.
"Larissa? Are we going back for the old captain?" Lieutenant Hawat asked captain Morrow.
She watched him down on the ground swinging his missile launcher wildly, flinging projectiles at random as a screamer-killer charged towards him. She turned away, and wiped a tear from her eye.
"Temperesta's damaged and overburdened as it is," she sniffled, "We'd be putting the rest of us at too great a risk."
Morrow put her helmet back on. Lieutenant Hawat could see that she clearly needed a minute and took charge. He climbed up to the cockpit,
"Leave the dreadnought. Our first priority is to the living."
Temperesta sealed all airlocks and ascended to orbit.
Morrow would naver dare show it in front of her troops, but she wept. She wanted to scream. There were too many unanswered questions and hurt feelings for even her transhuman mind to keep track of. What are those beacons for? Why did he have to die? Why weren't we told about the orbital strike? Why did it have to be now? Where was the hive-ship these xenos had to come from? They clearly responded, why didn't the imperium send reinforcements? WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE?
Why has the Emperor forsaken me?
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backalleymerchent · 9 months
"Oh you're looking for some kind of item. You'll have to be specific I can get my hands on anything. Don't get me wrong but I do need to know what I'm looking for." from Ash
Eban leaned back as their smile twitched down as they never liked the process of asking for themselves. At least in the process of resetting up their life. Closing their one eye, they leaned back as the chair creaked under them as their weight shifted. Since the raid on the last xenos market, things have been more complicated then Eban wanted to admit. Out loud anyways. And there were favors they wanted to keep for larger deals and get out of trouble cards. Between something for heavy lifting, keeping dangerous occupants, own safety, information packets, fake credentials to slip by the law. Breathing out they ruffle their unruly hair as they relax the strain on the chair to rock back forward.
"Personally I could probably look at getting stasis field or three. Not the most exciting but I am looking to set up shop again and hah you know there are some weird nobles out there who want exotic animals and plants. As well as folks who want to study more questionable specimens." Setting an arm on the table before them, they give a lazy grin. "You know the freaks and weirdos... ah.." Remembering who they are talking to and the myths and legends around some rogue traders, they wave their hand as if blowing away smoke. Nervous laughter escaped them as their face wrinkled into an apologetic squint, "Not you of course, nor your great house. Heard nothin' but the cleanest of whispers." Reaching into their over coat they searched for their pack of lo-sticks to pull one out and fail to find their lighter where it should be. Shifting their hand to the other side there was an upset screeching as the merchant pulled their lighter from the clutches of a very upset ptera-squirrel. The upset squabbling continued as it emerged to try to take back it's stolen treasure. Swiftly lighting their lo-stick and handing the battered trinket back to their rodent friend. "So how much might this cost me, and in what currency will you accept my star faring friend?" A scent of smoky strawberries curl about lazily in the air from their lo-stick.
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cvbullshit · 8 months
Dust: *Breathes*
Deonie: I can make you proud, Daddy!
Placid: *Sociopath wannabe stare*
Satas: *Random screech*
Dingle: Ruh roh raggy *goofy grin*
Xeno: Don't you just love it when you breathe?
Cassie: *confused and concerned for her new siblings*
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garafterdark · 9 months
*unholy screeching* I FINALLY DREW SEX 😭
but yeah, i tried to warn you @phantom-ares0 but the convo of xeno reader in heat took me out 😭 i just had to do it 😭😭😭 but yeah, enjoy the food, use it for inspo since i can't stop you 😭
also warning for like a lot of cum 😭 talks of pregnancy (it's suppose to be a joke, he isn't actually preggo, unless? 🤨) and like idk what else but those are ur trigger warnings lmao.
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gwillwrites · 11 months
You asked for prompts, here’s one:
Max has a very bad day
"I don't know what Command wants," Captain Trassk said. "General Fournier didn't tell me. He just asked for the 99th's best and left it at that."
Trassk's frustration was evident not only in his voice, but in the way he carried himself. Trassk was a big man, built like a brick wall. He had broad shoulders and a thick waist, and while he did have a gut, it protected a solid core of muscle. He had been a competitive weight lifter in his younger days, or so the rumors went. He had won his regiment a number of bragging rights victories, and earned his officers mess their fair share of prize liquor. Then he had volunteered for ranger duty. Though there was no more time for amateur games in his world, Trassk retained his weight lifter's build. On a normal day, Trassk was relaxed and quick with a joke and he carried his bulk with all the languid ease of a bull bovine taking a stroll through the grazing fields.
Now, he reminded Vraisin more of an avalanche about to dislodge and rumble downhill. Just the smallest of impetuses, and Trassk would crush and swallow anything in his way.
Trassk's behavior wasn't the only thing that had Maxwell Vraisin on edge. There was also the fact that Command had not given Trassk info on why they wanted to see his second in command. Vraisin was a standout ranger, one of the 99th's best and brightest in the field, but he was also, by his own admission, a drunkard and a scoundrel when on liberty. The list of disgruntled barkeepers and spurned woman who could have filed a formal complaint against him could have stretched from Cadia to Terra and back again three times. But for good or for ill, Command always announced their intentions when summoning senior officers to stand before them. That they hadn't this time was not a comforting sign.
"Well I'm flattered you think I'm the 99th's best," Vraisin quipped, attempting to dispel the unease with his usual humor.
Trassk was not in the mood for humor. He paused his trundling stride and fixed Vraisin with the baleful glare of his augmented eye. The red lens flashed with irritation. It was enough to get the major to raise his hands in surrender.
The officers were silent the rest of the way. The sounds of their boots on the marble floor drowned out the rumble of artillery and the screech of angry xenos outside. Vraisin glanced through the windows as they walked. The light spilling in was stained a violent yellow to match the color of the sky overhead. Vraisin had never seen the natural color of Castrican's sky. He had arrived too late for that. But he knew the yellow was unnatural. It was unnatural because it wasn't sky at all. It was billions of winged organisms choking the atmosphere of the planet they wished to consume.
Trassk cleared his throat suddenly, and Vraisin was suddenly aware they were standing in front of a heavy set of oak doors. The doors were stained dark and carved with scenes from Castrican's history. Battles and heroes that Vraisin did not know. Trassk fixed his tie, and adjusted the finer details of his uniform so they were just right. He nodded that Vraisin should do the same, but the major wasn't sure how much nicer he could make carapace armor look.
Trassk knocked and, after a moment, the doors swung inward, guided along their rails by a pair of lumbering servitors. A servoskull swooped out, the lenses filling its empty eye sockets scanning each ranger in turn. With a chirp of positive identification confirmed, the skull rotated and glided back towards where it had come from.
Trassk and Vraisin followed.
The room beyond was ornate and may once have been some aristocrat's private study, but it had since been requisitioned by the war effort on Castrican and turned into a strategium instead. Where once there might have been a heavy desk to match the doors, there was a hololithic projector. Where once there might have been rows upon rows of books, there were scores of maps and charts of all varieties. Where once there might have been a nobleman, tended to by a servant or butler as he perused his chosen reading, there were a handful of senior officers and their staffs.
Vraisin recognized most of the men and women around the table. They were the senior leadership present in this sector, each with a regiment under their command and each in turn under the command of Lord General Carnaud Fournier.
Where Trassk was heavy and broad, Fournier was tall and slim. His uniform was impeccable, hanging off him without so much as a single crease. His chest was modestly decorated for someone of his high station, most of the medals exchanged for their ribbon equivalent. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back, studying the movements displayed before him on the hololith. The blue light glinted off his sliver hair, both atop his head and beneath his nose. Fournier's most distinctive feature was the large brush-like moustache upon his lip, which he kept immaculately groomed and oiled at all times, even in the thick of battle. It had led to several jokes amongst the junior officers that anyone would want the Emperor to protect their soul as much as He protected Fournier's moustache.
Beside Fournier was a man Vraisin did not recognize, and it took him a single look to know he did not want to. The man was not as tall as Fournier, and not as solidly built as Trassk, but athletic enough where Vraisin might think twice about engaging him in a fair fight in a dark alley. He wore an unadorned black uniform underneath a sweeping black coat. No rank insignia, no identifying mark of any kind could be seen, and that made the hair on the back of Vraisin's neck stand up. The man was clean shaven, and his eyes were as hauntingly blue as a lake frozen over in winter.
"Ah, gentlemen," Fournier said, noticing the pair of rangers and straightening. "Thank you for joining us on such short notice."
Trassk and Vraisin saluted, and the major thought it best to allow the captain to do the talking for now. "Of course, sir," Trassk replied. "No doubt you would not have summoned us with such urgency if the matter was not important enough to require immediate attention. Would that we knew what the matter was."
"Yes," Fournier replied. He stroked the end of his moustache with his fingers. Vraisin's mood soured farther. Fournier only did that out of habit when he was nervous or uneasy. "Yes, well I suppose we better just get right to it. Urgent, as you said, Captain."
Fournier cleared his throat and gestured to the man in black. "Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Inquisitor Severus Stockton."
Vraisin swore inwardly.
"He has come to be with demands- er, requisition requests for the best special operatives the Astra Militarum can provide in this sector. While I have not been fully briefed on his needs, the Inquisition does not come calling without strong reason and..."
Fournier paused and looked carefully between the two rangers.
"And the 99th Raskin Rangers are the best special operatives the Astra Militarum can provide in this sector."
"Thank you, sir," both men said in unison, though neither of them sounded like they meant it. If Fournier picked up on it, he did not comment.
"So, from this moment on, Major Vraisin, you and a select group of hand picked rangers, as under the direct authority of the Imperial Inquisition until further notice."
"Yes, sir. Of course, sir," Vraisin said.
Trassk simply patted him on the back.
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skquill · 1 year
Flûte game screeching incoming i just hit credit roll (fun fact I never realized the flute game tag was for xeno...... i felt so stupid when I realized this week.......)
Also, Sae. That’s hilarious. I have Thoughts about FR. It def felt like the end of the Klaus arc, and I love it for that.
Yet it’s sad to me bc I want more of this world, and I want to see the xc3 cast again.
FR really hit this spot in my heart about how much Klaus wanted a better future, and how that thought was constantly passed down over generations. Makes me super emo that now that future was obtainable—and it just took over 1000 years.
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codenamehazard · 4 months
.:New Poison Revealed:.
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Chapter 28: New Poison Revealed
Hey guys! I just looked at the chapter number and holy hell I didn't expect that I would be at chapter 28 with the big 3-0 milestone peeking around the corner. It is still forever mind-boggling how all of this stared as a one-shot that I wasn't even planning on writing out.
And thanks to your support of my mad ramblings in fanfic form, that one-shot grew into something I couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams. So, thank you all for reading.
A special thank you goes out to @rogueshadeaux. She has given me so much, her friendship, her encouragement, her mentorship, I dare say if it wasn't for her encouraging me to throw my metaphorical hat in the ring, chapter 1 would have never been written. She is also a brilliant writer and her story will grab you by the throat and chokeslam you into the ground with feels. Please give InFAMOUS: Erosion a read when you're done here.
Another thanks to Rogue for letting me borrow her twins.
Enough of my rambling, let's jump in!
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How much time has passed since I peeked on the two builders playing with legos? I have no idea, and at this moment I don’t give an iota of a damn as an infuriating sight dares to walk out of the Quiet Room and into my line of sight.
That fucking tin-can carrying Kestrel like she was some princess in a god-damn fairy tale. It’s gag-worthy.
My eye twitches and my blood seethes in my veins as Coyote gently places the passed out bird onto a sleeping cot before tucking her in, for god’s sake… As if this couldn’t get anymore saccharine sweet.
“Poor girl’s out steel cold. Fell asleep on the floor.” The shiny fucker pipes up for probably the first time in I don’t give a shit. I’m not paying much attention as my mind is going in several different directions at once. I’m still confused as all hell as why seeing Kestrel and Coyote playing with god-damn legos like good friends was making me look at the younger man like he was a lightning rod, now this?! This was bringing back some urges from my Empire City days. His face is looking more and more punchable by the second, but why?!?
Why is this enraging me so much?! Why is every dark urge in my head screaming at me to kill this man?!?  Why am I giving so much of a shit about who does what kind gestures to her?!? 
We. Hate. Each-other.
I’m struggling not to bear my teeth and growl at Coyote when the bay doors open and out comes the black haired woman… Crow, was it? It’s the only other name that doesn’t have a face to it aside from the absolutely ridiculous ones. Her arrival snaps me out of my murderous fury and draws my eyes to her.
“Okay guys.” She starts. “I need to know exactly what went down with Pangolin, beginning and end. There are other Misfit groups out there and the Defense Teams need to know what’s going on. It’ll also help me dial in Pangolin’s treatment.”
Mako starts giving a play by play of what went down out there, I’m half-paying attention as rage is still boiling hot when I remembered something that had been bugging me for a while. I remember Jean saying something about an “anti-corrodium” or some nonsense like that, it’s something that needed answers.
“Hey, uhm… Crow, was it?” I jump in and ask when there’s a break in the convo, she turns her head with a “hm?” and a tilt of her head. “What in the hell is Corrodium?” The raven-haired woman blinks at me and raises an eyebrow before looking at Mako.
“D- Did you not tell him about Corrodium…?” Crow questions Mako with a pointed look, she throws her hands up defensively. “We really didn’t have a lot of time between the chaos that broke out when we first picked him up, Kes trying to complete her project, the Summoner and now this!” Great, another goddamn thing that nobody fucking told me about, though Mako does have a point about things being a roller coaster ride from the beginning to now, kinda hard to squeeze in a Wildlands 101, so I guess I can let it slide…. For now, anyway.
I can see the woman pinch the bridge of her nose and let out an irritated sigh before looking at the two of us.
 “Okay, let’s all get something to eat before I go hangry bitch on both of you.” Crow grumbles while looking at Mako with a glare.
“Yeah, I’m not sure when we last ate.” Mako murmurs while rubbing the back of her head. ”Coyote can keep an eye on sleeping beauty over there.” Hold the god-damn phone!! Tin-man’s gonna be watching Kes?! “Though we should be sure to bring her back a couple of funnel cakes, she’s going to be ravenous when she wakes up.” My eye twitches as I glare at Mako. Did she really suggest that?! The fire in my chest flares hot again at that thought and the train-wreck in my head starts back up again. 
“It should be me watching her, not him.” The devil on my shoulder hisses in my ear, it shocks the ever loving shit out of me. Why did I think that?? Why do I care who watches her?! Why do I give a damn?! WHY?!?
I open my mouth to protest, but my stomach tells a different story as it growls obnoxiously loud at the thought of carnival food, causing the girls to look at me with amusement. I feel a bit of heat tinge my cheeks as I grumble and rub the back of my head.
“Well, I think that decides that.” Mako hums with a smile and I roll my eyes, but I follow the two women outside, leaving Kes behind with Coyote… Much to my bewildering chagrin.
Some funnel cake does sound really good at the moment, maybe a churro or two.
I shield my eyes from the blinding sun as we step outside of the hospital into a literal carnival, so many colors every which way, with tents and rides and holy shit there’s just so much to look at, so much to explore and climb.
“So, Corrodium.” Crow hums as we head off to what I can guess is this city’s Junk Food Alley. “To put it as simply as possible, Corrodium is basically Conduit poison. The parasitic bastard child of lead and some kind of anti-rayacite. It’s so dangerous, it’s commonly called “Conduit’s Bane” around here.”
“Uh-huh, that’s nice and all but that don’t tell me much.” I huff in irritation, Crow gives me an aggravated look as the tips of her raven locks seem to melt and liquify into water.
Oh fuck, she’s a Water Conduit…
“I was getting to that.”  She hisses in annoyance before taking a deep breath.
“The reason it’s so feared and you should have been warned about from the very beginning….” Crow gives Mako a heated glare. “Is because of its effects. If a Conduit is even so much as exposed to it, it weakens them greatly. However, it becomes so much more dangerous if it’s injected, like through a bite or a sting. It royally fucks them up, corrupting their bodies and powers.” I bring my hand to my chin and rub the stubble on it, my mind processing all of this. This brings questions into my head, why didn’t anyone tell me? I mean, I get that the chaos me joining the party caused did turn everything on its head, but nobody said anything at all. Were the Misfits just so used to this being common knowledge that it just slipped their mind?
“Corrodium Poisoning can be treated with various Ray Field Radiation treatments and Rayacite infusions, but there’s no real silver bullet cure-all for this.” She continues. “Every treatment plan has to be tailored to the patient's unique biology and power signature and they have to remain under constant surveillance until everything is flushed out completely.” Jesus, sounds like Pango’s gonna be stuck in the hospital for a good while.
“You guys were extremely lucky that you got Pangolin in when you did.” Crow points out with a worried look. “If you had been even a second later, then Pangolin’s prognosis would have been really grim.” The seriousness gives me pause, now I’m really starting to wonder why nobody said anything about this shit before.
She continues, going into medical jargon that I couldn’t really understand much, so my mind starts to wander and look at all the new sights around me.
Good God, saying that this is a city that the circus took over is just the tip of the iceberg. Tents stood tall, with the three-pointed one dwarfing the rest, so many colors, so many sounds and smells. There were stands with souvenirs and rigged games, rides that looked like Mad Max had a field day constructing them out of rusted scrap and old buildings and…
Holy shit, is that one of those Slingshot rides?? Without a cage?? I watch the ride release the ball in between the springs and literally launch whatever poor son of a bitch was in there, sending him sky high! Good thing Conduits don’t go splat from high places… Still hurts like a bitch if you botch the landing though.
The sound of screaming catches my attention as I… That’s a big-ass roller coaster…. And an Ice Conduit is skating on the track while being chased by the train??? It takes all of my willpower to not galavant off to go ride the rides… Besides, bad idea to go climbing on an empty stomach.
I make a mental note to hit these rides up before we leave.
“That reminds me…” I murmur when I hear a lull in Crow’s medical jargon. “You said Corrodium has a power weakening effect when a Conduit’s exposed to it, but when the Misfits and I fought those Blink Scorpion bastards, my powers were fine and it seemed like everyone else’s was fine too… What’s that all about?”
“Corrodium… It’s a very nasty and very adaptive metal.” Crow answers with a soft hum. “The properties of that stuff can vary depending on what form the Conduit is exposed to. The Corrodium in Blink Scorpion venom? The energy produced messes with a Conduit’s perception, making them appear that they’re teleporting around.” Well, that explains why I could still detect them with Radar Pulse.
“The power weakening effect is most prominent in metallic Corrodium, be it raw or refined.” Refined? That’s not good. Metals don’t just start being refined for shits and giggles, there’s always a reason. Something like this shit being refined? I smell trouble, but I put a pin in it for the time being, more questions to be asked.
“And Pangolin?” I mention. “What would have happened if we didn’t make it in time?” I notice Mako’s face go an off color and Crow’s head lower as she sighs.
“Best case…? His powers either weaken greatly or he loses them outright. Everything. Worst case….” She licks her lips to wet them and her eyes narrow. “He dies from the poisoning or he becomes… One of them….”
“One of them.” 
That thought, it echoes in my head like a scream in an auditorium. An ice-cold chill shoots down my spine as everything starts to sink in. I had thought death by RFI was the worst way for a Conduit to go, memories of that fateful day flicker in my head as I remember the searing agony of my own body being torn asunder from the inside out by that damned machine before Zeke used the Amp to free me from its clutches… And that thing wasn’t even fully charged.
At least the RFI would have killed cleanly. This Corrodium shit? It makes the RFI look like a bullet to the head, quick, painless and gets the job done.
Not only can this metal poison strip a Conduit of their power as a best case scenario… It turns them into literal monsters in the worst case. God… And that’s what was happening to Pangolin. He was slowly dying right before everyone’s eyes.
The weight of this situation, not just in the here and now, but what this means for everyone… It sits in my stomach like a lead weight. I can feel the color drain from my face and my empty stomach curl in on itself, making me want to throw up what little contents it had. Before I know it, Mako and Crow are guiding me to the nearest bench, fearing I might faint. Flickers of Trish flash in my head as the raven-haired woman has me sit down. My mind reels from it all.
I put my hand to my mouth as I try to digest everything… God, now I truly understand why Dove was so beside himself and why Kestrel went completely nuclear when she was given permission to drop her mask. Every second they weren’t in the hospital was a second closer to Pangolin’s end. To the death of a big brother and their leader… And they were helpless to stop it.
“Has… Has anyone… Survived after the window shut…?” I ask breathlessly as Crow hands me a bottle of water, no doubt one she poured on the fly. I eagerly take the bottle and drink it down in hopes of calming myself some. The Water Conduit shakes her head before speaking.
“Honestly… Not really.” She murmurs with slight hesitation. “It’s only happened twice and if I’m to be frank, a lot of us in the medical group here in Tri-Point chalked them up to either miracles or dumb luck as even they didn’t come out completely unscathed.” Two? Hmm… Might be worth looking into who those two are.
“We have the brightest minds among us studying these two cases to see what made the difference for them, what allowed them to keep their humanity.” They won’t be the only ones looking into them now.
I stare off into the distance as I sit on the bench, my mind racing a mile a minute. This… This is just so much for me to process, especially after all the chaos that unfolded not that long before. A brand new metal… One that can spell the death or zombiefication of all of Conduit-kind. New fears begin to form as my brain starts creating what ifs. What would happen if I became exposed to that crap? Would it rob me of all of my powers? What if I had gotten stung? What manner of horrors would I be subjected to or worse… What would that shit turn me into? The fear that trumped them all, however, is this.
If a bunch of rag-tag survivor types know about it, then who else knows?
These guys, as tough and creative as they are, don't have access to state-of-the-art tech or vast information pools… And if these guys know about Corrodium… Then it’s an absolute guarantee that certain other parties have known about it far longer than the Wildlanders have. How long has this Pandora’s box been open? It has to have been a long time since there was a refined version of it made. Long enough for it to be made into things.
This could be something that could spell disaster. Something that would make even the Ray Field Plague look like a sniffle.
Something that could truly kill us all.
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grimweepaw · 1 year
I fell asleep b4 I can post my other au idea opsies
Have another with AVP au
Specifically from AVP the Xbox 360 game w the xeno pov, alien isolation and alien: covenant.
In this one is the WK crew stumble upon a aboard the semi broken space station and went to go investigate why it was in such a state and in case of survivors.
~~(A WIP so bare with me-)~~
They end up finding out that the ship belongs to the Weyland Corporation which Aviva immediately recognizes. Before she could warn them they come across some clipboards about what they were doing, more of notes of the experiment subjects than their true intentions of it.
Long story short with the information given, they understand that the Aliens are very hostile and will not hesitate to kill humans.
Chris wonders off and finds a cell of one of the restrained Xenos who was trying to scream out. Judging by the amount of scratches outside, the escaped xenos already tried freeing that one.
It catches whiff of the human and screeches a warning to the hive. Which they quickly retreat back to the Tortuga. Of course the Aliens thought ahead and blocked the exits. So Martin shoved Chris into the lockers to hide and he entered a nearby room to hide in.
Will time skip and yes, they reunite and they managed to slip out alive and hop back onto their ship.
They end up finding out Aviva was an intern hoping to work with the Company to gain favor, experience, and funding for her projects. It was only then she found out what the company was doing and she has seen what the Xenos are capable of. They cannot be tamed and temporarily controlled. So she left the company mostly out of fear at the time.
Anyways Koki wants them to destroy the ship for the sake of future spaceships and humanity while Jimmy believes they should just go, Aviva is unreadable and the Kratt bros despite knowing what the Xenomorphs are capable of destroying humanity, they still cling on the hope that every living thing deserves the right to exist.
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zhe-cake · 1 year
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Xeno Blue AU
(Because it’s been rattling around in my head)
I’ve built up a little lore on this AU. It started as a joke and now it’s one of my hyper-fixations. ✨Dumb Cannon Prompts List ✨ INSTEAD OF EATING PEOPLE AND LAYING EGGS INSIDE OF CHESTS, SHE JUST EATS GRAPES AND GETS THE ZOOMIES. INSTEAD-Imagine this, she's super dangerous to hold (because her claws, talons, and tail) but there are solutions to chillin out with the little monster.
1.Jump on her with a blanket and swaddle her like a little Russian bby
2.Befriend her but then you've just gotta take on the responsibility of her being super clingy to you now.
3. Install tile/marble floors in your home so she can't attack you and just slide around on the tile without gripping lolol Just MONSTER BBY OK
✨ Side notes: ✨ +She's cold blooded so she likes warmth.
Expect her to always be huddled up in blankets, your hoodie, and draped around you like you're a walking throne.
 +She's an omnivore but hence her name, enjoys blueberries he most. So she just gobbles them up so savagely that she ALWAYS is sopping in blueberry by the end of it.
+She communicated through clicking, screeches, and things you'd typically hear from Xenomorphs.
 +If she tries, she can bite the tip of your finger off but if you're just play fighting then expect her to just nibble and fake bite for the effect.
+Zoomies, so much zoomies
+So many accidental scratches, get yourself a subscription box to bandaids, you'll need it.
+Watch where you put your change, she'll try to eat it.
+I ALMOST FORGOT!!! She can see super well in the dark but has horrible vision in lit up spaces. For her to be able to see during the day, she needs either goggles or like a very dimmed down room to hang out in. Her AU name
Lil Blue
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minusgangtime · 1 year
*Xenophanes screeched again and then hid behind Soul Tails and started shaking*
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*Soul Tails looked at Xenophanes and raised an eyebrow*
Noise signed with their hands and pointed at Soul!Tails and Xeno at the same time.
"(Why blue creature hiding behind fox...?)"
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stellevatum · 1 month
It’s all “terrifying” and “cool” when the xenos starts screeching and spraying acidic blood all over the place but when I do it I’m a “menace” and “ruining the party.”
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