#worst teacher ever
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It’s time, FINALLY. I hate this man with a passion...and I created him!!! So, instead of writing the scenes in order from semi-legit, to wreck him, I am going straight to writing the wreck him scenes...ooooo this is going to be fuuuuuun.
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house-of-slayterr · 1 year
Remembering the time my racist 10th grade English teacher asked me and the only other black kid in front of the whole class if “black people could bruise”…
Kinda wanna tag her in a picture of my sprained elbow lol! 😂
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In 4th grade is when we got to pick instruments to to join band. I wanted to play drums but was too scared to say so. I picked clarinet because my best friend Jennifer picked clarinet. After the first week I went to the band leader/music teacher and I said I made a mistake I want to play the drums. I don’t want to play the clarinet. She didn’t even look at me and said if you can’t stick with the clarinet what makes me think you stick with the drums? Crushed. I quit band and joined choir and was in choir from 4th grade through college so there’s your stick-with-it-ness, you Bitch.
I love this movie so much and when I saw Watts I was like damn she’s so cool. I should have chosen drums. Stupid clarinet.
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my 5th grade teacher still asks about me and somehow he doesn't know that he was part of the reason why it was one of the worst school experience of my life
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bernard-the-rabbit · 3 months
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Some character designs I did these past few months for various assignments :3
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anqelbean · 1 year
Every now and again, YouTube recommends me a booktube book review for a “controversial” book and every time I decide to watch it I realize these people’s minds would be blown by SVSSS and 2HA. Their heads would just explode. They’d die after the first 5 chapters. Their little brains wouldn’t be able to comprehend them, they’d just shut down and self destruct.      
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Does Steve have to regularly remind students what to do if he has a seizure in class? Have a sign up on the wall of what to do? Do they add “DM his husband on TikTok” on their own? (While respectfully not ever filming him while he’s having one)
This is a great question
Steve loves the first day of school but he also kind of dreads it because he knows that he’s going to have to have the epilepsy talk. Every year starts out with a get-to-know-you game, class rules, and a PowerPoint on how we treat service animals.
He explains to his students what epilepsy is and what it looks like on him. He tells them that often it will look like he’s frozen or that he’s spacing out, but sometimes he’ll have a big one and it will look more like what you see in the movies. Sometimes he can tell when a seizure is about to happen or Ozzy will alert him, and he’ll try to let the class know. Sometimes, they are very sudden and he can’t do that, but he doesn’t want them to be scared.
Steve knows from experience that just having something to do during a high stress situation can do a lot for your anxiety, so he gives his students jobs. It’s one student’s job to alert the teacher across the hall, Mrs. Nolan. It’s another student’s job to call the nurse’s office and let them know. It’s a different student’s job to keep the class under control. A different student’s job to time how long the seizure is. Another’s job is to lower the lights. And all of them – if they are comfortable – are allowed to talk to him. He lets them know that hearing voices really helps him in recovery.
He explains what after a seizure looks like, how he can be really confused and really tired. He tells them that Ozzy is trained to help with seizures and the recovery so let him do whatever he’s trying to do. He tells them that sometimes he might need a few minutes, an hour, or the whole day to recover.
Once Eddie’s Tiktok account gets popular, Steve explicitly tells his students not to message him if he has a seizure. Steve’s very independent and very stubborn when it comes to his disorder, if he can go rest in the nurse’s office and then get back to teaching in some capacity then he will. Otherwise, he’ll call Eddie himself. The students are trying to help, and Steve understands that, but 10-15 middle school kids DMing his husband with messages ranging from ‘Mr. Harrington is being weird today’ to ‘Mr. Harrington is dying’ isn’t comforting.
Now, if they listen to that is another story.
Steve only knows of one occasion where a student filmed him having a seizure, but it’s happened a few times. The time that he knows about happened before he had Ozzy and it was a big seizure that came on suddenly. It ended up on YouTube – which Dustin found and contacted the school about the student taking it down. The school made a big deal out of it and held an assembly about how it was bullying which was mortifying to Steve – both the assembly and the video.  It really hurt his feelings and it made Steve want to quit teaching for a while.
Middle school kids are grappling with learning how to be real people. They are learning empathy and about consequences, and sometimes they post things on the internet not fully understand the effect they’ll have on someone. Sometimes they’re just being mean, but Steve is a beloved member of that school. Students and staff are protective of him so those kinds of videos don’t stay up for very long. Steve is, for the most part, blissfully unaware that this has happened more than once because he is not online.
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breathalyzerfail · 2 months
Charles Xavier: I believe in a world where mutants and humans can live in harmony with each other.
Also Charles Xavier: Hmm, what if I marry my alien girlfriend and park the capital of their explicitly racist and anti-simian empire onto Earth?
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lassie can hear the high pitched frequency that lights and electronics make
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besttropeveershowdown · 2 months
The Worst Trope Ever Showdown: Round 3, Side C
Teacher/Student Romance
A teacher and a student are romantically involved.
The power imbalance. The adult authority figure taking advantage of the youngster in their care. The grooming of someone vulnerable who trusts you to teach them about the world. It’s in Fire Emblem, it’s in kid media like Cardcaptor Sakura, it’s in the present AND backstory of many a romance…. And it’s always creepiness treated as a sweet ideal. Ick.
Born Sexy Yesterday
basically, it's a woman in media who's like a child in the way that they interact w/ the world, like inexperienced or innocent and misunderstanding. but they're still treated as sexy and hot and all.
this trope is predatory and weird asf, it treats women like infants and tries to make it sexy and endearing. it's gross.
woman is supposed to be hotter bc she's childlike and ignorant...gross!
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moodysnowflake · 1 year
Can we just appreciate the Gargantuan Guts™ of this girl?
That's Nicholas the Punisher. The Undertaker.
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She knows it, she knows that very well.
Yet, she's just throwing herself in front of him to get answers. We can argue that this is her naive showing, but after all this, after Roberto's death...is not realistic. Not anymore.
And I think that here Nick is not smacking her into tomorrow not only because he grew awfully fond of her (talking shtick to Vash about getting attached and there you go, you snarky hypocrite), but also because she might be reminding him of Vash, launching herself straight into danger, determination incarnated.
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And he's not reciprocating that goddamned shin kick because he knows he deserves it. Very much. And he's accepting that, wishing for some kind of atonement.
In his own, grumpy moth way.
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velvetshirtnumber3 · 4 months
Trigger warning: statutory rape, grooming
I haven't yet look at the reactions to the most recent episode on Tumblr, but I feel a little concerned about how there were comments in other places that just didn't acknowledge the fact that Non was taken advantage of by his teacher.
Like, this kid is so alone. He doesn't seem to fully be able to talk to his family, he has a group of kids who continually bully him and want to hurt him and he has no way to really get away from them. The only people he seems to be able to talk to are Phee, who goes to a different school and doesn't necessary see him on a daily basis, and (maybe) Jin, who is friends with the kids who bully him (this is obviously before Jin filmed him). He is in desperate need of money and doesn't know how to get it, he's scared and stressed out AND
a friendly face in the form of his teacher turns up. Someone who is offering kindness to this kid who is in desperate need of some. And then the teacher presents a solution to Non's money problem, saving him. But right after this offer, the teacher initiates a kiss. This is his TEACHER, who is a grown man, while Non is still a teenager. This is his TEACHER, who saw a vulnerable kid and decided to use that to get Non to seek comfort in him, to put Non in a position where he (Mr. Keng) has power over him and uses that to groom him.
It truly upsets me so much for me to see some people call Non a cheater and a terrible person for this when Non is a victim of someone who he should have been protected by.
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hella1975 · 1 year
ive got an essay due at 3pm tomorrow and ive not even looked at it i am so so unserious about my degree and by the grace of some higher being i somehow keep managing to crawl through it's actually getting a bit funny
#me and an old friend of mine used to have a running joke during a-levels that im just one of those people where shit Works Out#and it started bc we shared two a-levels (english and economics) and in BOTH classes i regularly didn't do the homework#or the reading etc and yet it would ALWAYS work out for me#like we'd walk into a class neither of us having done the homework and they'd get yelled at while i went under the radar somehow#or that one english essay i got the highest score in the class when i literally hadn't even read the fucking book it was on#and when we pointed the theory out it started just becoming really prevalent#like no matter how late i am for things i'll arrive and by some miracle the thing im late for is also late (e.g a train or teacher)#like im just one of those people that has very very mundane luck#and low and behold i am fighting this degree with bloody fists putting the absolute bare minimum in for my own sanity's sake#and i SOMEHOW keep pulling through. literally failed two modules last year and STILL got a 2:1 average#and the last essay i wrote was the worst essay id ever done in my life and i get my standards are higher bc ik im good at essays#but the point still stands and you know what? i got a FIRST#literally was pure waffle i have never blagged it so hard and i got a FIRST#and all this shit just makes me cockier and cockier and go even more by the skin of my teeth and it ALWAYS WORKS OUT#it's soooo silly but im not complaining. anyway ill keep u posted about this essay <3 it's econ history so is actually interesting#but the most ive done for it is ask the sc ai lmao and for context degree-level essays usually require a good few days of graft#live love laziness#hella goes to uni
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basimibnishaqs · 9 months
love seeing luke skywalker understanders rise up when people who can’t read say luke isn’t traumatized
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elialys · 2 months
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I have been studying quite seriously for my "entry interview" in 10 days, which will determine if I get into that school. My family thinks I'm overdoing it, yet they're not remotely surprised by my intense hyperfocus.
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freetheworms · 1 month
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