#with: qiyana
jamesherr · 2 months
send me 🍸 for a moodboard of our muses. /qiyana
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aurelion-solar · 9 months
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La Ilusión Qiyana, Nidalee, Gnar, Draven, Ziggs, Renata Glasc & Prestige Renata Glasc Splash Art
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heartsteellerr · 3 months
How they spend valentines with you
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Content; 100% fluff, all characters are written romantically, OOC, some characters are written short based on me not knowing how to type/write for them Warnings; GN reader Characters; EVERYONE (Heartsteel, KDA, True Damage)
Indoor dates; Aphelios, Akali, Senna, Yasuo
They choose to spend their valentines day with you indoors; either because they simply prefer it that way, or just want to spend it alone with you ⎯ away from the eyes of onlookers who are desperate for gossip.
Aphelios and Yasuo are introverts at heart, so being away from people is like a blessing to them both. How they'd choose to spend the day with you depends on the current mood they're feeling, for example: wanting to do something that doesn't require much work like watching a movie is one of the go-to's he'd do for valentines. Or on the more rarer occasions where he's wanting to feel genuine and sincere, he'd take some time off idol work to compose a personal song for you ⎯ one that isn't technically sung by him (most likely asked one of their members to sing in his steed) but can be used for karaoke, or background music during dinner.
Akali and Senna are the same as the other two ⎯ both being introverted but also not really? In the pre-tense of it she simply has a hard time getting along with people but would put up some sort of effort when it comes to you. However on this day, she'd much prefer to spend it alone with you. The list on what you would do with her varies on the basics of what most couples do on this day: movies, snacks, dinner, etc. I feel like in a way, Akali would want to spend valentines like how regular couples would ⎯ setting aside her role as an idol.
Outdoor dates; Kayn, Sett, K'Sante, Evelynn, Kai'Sa, Ekko
Kayn and K'sante are the types who'd want to make this day as memorable as he can for you; spending however much money he can offer to spoil you for the whole day. Though I can only imagine for Kayn he'd chooses to spend his money on bringing you to a concert that both you and him have been waiting to attend, whereas for K'Sante he's the type that'll carry all the bags you've bought and take you to a fancy restaurant to dine in.
^ You can also say this would be something Evelynn would also do for you, in terms of taking you out and spoiling you, then bringing you somewhere fancy. She has the power to do so, so why not use it to her advantage, no? At the end of it all you'd both be sitting in a high view building, watching as the city lights coat the streets before calling it a night with sweet kisses and longing words to each other.
^^ Kai'sa somewhat doing the same as what Kayn did, however, instead of just attending 'a' concert ⎯ she'd be giving you tickets to hers and her group's concert instead (i'm sorry idrk how to write for her)
Sett on the other hand is taking you on a walk. Yes, a walk. Varying between places like parks or a walk down the streets ⎯ to taking you on a hiking trip to the mountains. Of course he isn't gonna force you to keep climbing when you're getting tired, but instead of taking a break by sitting down somewhere, he'd continue the walk with you on his back or shoulders. To him it's a win-win situation: You get to rest for a bit, while he continues to walk and show you the amazing view of the place AND technically speaking, this would count as a workout for him, right? I will say at the end of it all, he'd have at least one or two things prepared when the walk is over (your gift).
Ekko is a man who's lived in the street since he was a kid; dealing with hardships and whatnot through out his life already, he'd hope to at least spend one of these days, this day in particular, where he can spend money on you. That's his wish, and with the amount he earns as a Idol ⎯ well, i guess you can say a part of his wish did come true.
A mix between both; Ezreal, Yone, Ahri, Qiyana
In the case of becoming hit stars, and especially being the fans' faves; Ezreal and Yone's schedule are so packed, they have to plan their valentines day to be both indoors and outdoors. For Yone it'd be indoors > outdoors, starting his valetines indoors first because there were still some things he needed to check over before going outdoors with you to spend the rest of your valentines day with him. Ezreal's valentines, however, started off with an outdoor date in mind but then switched to indoors the moment fans caught sight of him and he had to cancel it all ⎯ making him somewhat depressed for the most part because he tried so hard to make this day perfect for you both, but seeing as it was still a day you can spend together, outdoors or not, he's happy as long as he's with you.
^ The same can be said for Ahri, she has plenty of fans who'd want to talk and take pictures of her when she's outside so the outdoor date she had in mind suddenly turned indoor the moment fans caught wind of her activities.
^ As for Qiyana, it'd be similar to Yone but not exactly ⎯ she'd want to spend the day resting a bit longer in bed with you during the start of the day and then spend the rest outdoors; via going to a club or a bar.
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parachuter · 8 months
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Comic for TFT Germany. Choncc and Pengu get to know the residents of Bilgewater and Ixtal 💫
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anothertina · 7 months
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Me, showing up 3 days later: Ah, yes, Halloween, that is a thing
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kynimdraws · 26 days
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The windbros crying over their partner singing meme that was going around twitter lol
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supersappho · 11 days
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qiyana flirting with kda bodyguard vi
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kenyizsuartblog · 2 months
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LoL - Skarner Is Right
"Oh man, I wonder if I'll draw other champions from this game later down the line"
<proceeds to have an idea that requires half the goddamn roster>
Famous last words, huh?
Real talk, delete that last sentence from the final paragraph of Skarner's bio:
"The only one Skarner can trust is himself, and he'll do anything it takes to protect Ixtal and its people. Even if that means becoming the root of their destruction, himself."
And his "destructive paranoia" immediately gets downgraded to "fully reasonable and healthy paranoia". I bet I haven't even pictured a fifth of all the insane bull-- going on outside of Ixtal, and half of the things on the pic would be enough for me to vote for eternal isolation, thanks.
This was a lot of fun to put together, even if it took a bit longer than I would have hoped. I ended up reading and/or listening to quite a few lore bits, all of which I really enjoyed... and my god, the story of Nasus and Renekton just nuked my heart. I want the god-warrior bros to make up and live happily ever after! I don't even care what happens to Azir and Shurima in the background, I want the brothers to get a happy ending, pls, Riot!!
So what's the lesson to learn from all this? #SkarnerIsRight
Other LoL-related works
Skarner sketchdump 24-04-03-06
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thedemonlady · 10 months
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Diana, Morgana, Samira, Qiyana, Shen, Karma, Naafiri, Renata Glasc, LeBlanc, Nilah, Aatrox and Evelynn new icons
part 1
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mollysunder · 9 months
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I didn't need any justification for Qiyana and Jinx to be the best of frenemies, but I still appreciate it. Seriously tho, I can totally see him here to just undermine Piltover's project. Zaun could always use more allies.
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jamesherr · 2 months
sender  helps  receiver  [ dye / style ]  their  hair / qiyana
FLASHBACK ( oito anos atrás )
James sempre teve os cabelos lisos. Mas conforme o tempo passou e ele deixava o cabelo maior como nunca esteve antes, os fios escuros tomavam uma forma diferente. Era possível notar alguns cachos, mas estavam desgrenhados, bagunçados, sem brilho. Então ele recorreu àquela que, uns dias antes, havia lhe dado dicas de cuidados com a pele. A garota nova parecia ter um dom para cuidados pessoais, então era a mais indicada para isso. E lá estava ele, no chalé um, quase cochilando com os dedos delicados de Qiyana movimentando seus cabelos enquanto dava dicas de como ele poderia cuidar sozinho. — Ah, eu não preciso disso. Vou vir aqui todos os dias para você fazer isso para mim. — Abriu um sorrisinho ao dizer. O tom era de brincadeira, mas ele bem faria isso mesmo, se tivesse liberdade. Quando ela anunciou que estava pronto, ele procurou por um espelho e se admirou com o que viu. — Nossa, você faz mesmo mágica! Eu 'tô um gato!
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aurelion-solar · 10 months
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Ixtal - Champion Illustration Summoner Icons
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layuki12 · 7 months
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Some of my League of Legends artworks!
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sloan-baux · 5 months
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anothertina · 2 months
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I'm opening 1 slot for a skin sketch
- Only human champions (Champions like Ahri/Soraka & Nami are also okay)
- No mecha skins
- Skins for League ocs are okay (with references)
Please send me a DM first!
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kynimdraws · 3 months
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Animal Crossing with TRUE DAMAGE
Decided this will be a series now lol...links will get updated as I finish them
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