#with insane bad luck
ilovepinkhairedpeople · 5 months
wholeheartedly believe that buggy will run away if someone calls him a yonko in the streets. and ull never know whether its cuz he thought shanks or luffy was there or if its cuz he doesnt want to get beat up by crocodile or mihawk 😭😭😭😭
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gargoyl3city · 7 months
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im going insane and its all @tiffanyblewss fault
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yardsards · 9 months
there's a running joke in taz that clint doesn't know what he's doing. and while it's generally good-natured fun, it's not usually very true past balance. idk if it's cuz he started taking notes to keep track of stuff or just more experience playing ttrpgs or both but he seems to have genuinely gotten pretty good, and recently listening to how he played merle in imbalance vs balance really highlighted that. AND THEN what he just pulled in this latest steeplechase, playing to the expectations that "oh haha of course he would mess up his own character's name" only to turn it around that he was deliberately foreshadowing his plan there and he fucking bamboozled us all (even his fellow players). 10/10. you sly-ass bastard.
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justwannabecat · 1 year
Room For Adjustment
In their defense, the wording was vague.
“A circle, diameter of five feet, with an asteroid drawn in the center. The astrological symbol at the time of summons should be inscribed at the four corners. Leave room for adjustment.”
It was simple. And they really did need to meet this entity. They had to determine whether or not it was a threat. So they set up the summons in the middle of nowhere, an empty plain in Texas. Nothing was surrounding them, nobody could get hurt if negotiations went poorly. Between Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Zatanna and Constantine, they were fairly certain they could handle the singular entity that was summoned.
“Leave room for adjustment.”
Once activated, the circle grew.
It went from five feet in diameter to fifty. The ground began to shake and crack. An eerie green light shot up from between the earth, and two gigantic clawed hands began to pull themselves out. A head of white hair came next, followed by a long, serpentine body. Despite the size of the circle, the being still had to layer it’s tail over itself in order to fit.
Those present had the sudden feeling that they should have brought more magic users.
Who summons me?
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cringefailvox · 12 days
"i'll just tap out a quick thing for the rain prompt for radiostatic week," i said, unaware of the large anvil labeled LONG, COMPLICATED, FUCKED UP AU hanging over my head
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gatorgrumbles · 2 months
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Andy and Fuuko cause they make me want to scream
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enden-k · 25 days
I hope your luck streak continues/gen
nah, me winning a 50/50 in hsr happens once in a year so i used it all up for this year already. see ya in 2025
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smile-files · 5 months
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the more man attributes to god, the less he retains in himself
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harvestmoth · 6 months
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okay now for a bunch of scribbles im not finishing
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mummer · 3 months
they could never EVER neverrrrrr ever ever do this even ryan condal would never cede such an “iconic” setpiece & “memorable” dialogue and even if he wanted to HBO simply would not allow it but in my minds eye ideal hotd adaptation of the battle of the gods eye completely discards EVERYTHING supposedly recounted/editorialized in fire and blood no anime dialogue no ultra choreographed fight scene no cinematic beautiful shots of the dragons dancing no leaping from dragon to dragon its actually like incredibly fast and loud and incomprehensible to the audience just beasts colliding and ripping each other apart dirt and blood and horrific and disgusting and ultimately super SUPER pathetic ❤️ daemon and aemond dont get to make any epic last stands theres no glorious blaze out, no chilling last words, no grand narrative, in the end it really is just two men thudding to the bottom of a lake and getting eaten by fish. make the craziest climax in the world an anticlimax. ultimate antimoment
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nightcoreraver · 8 months
the scream i scrumpt when i saw hoffman in the credits scene of saw x
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bloodcoveredgf · 7 months
surgery tmrw btw everyone keep me in your thoughts and such pleaseee <3 ill be fine i just want everyone thinking about me
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teekays · 2 months
purposefully did not allow myself to engage in bedard madness for the longest time because i felt weird about it personally but i have been thinking about him lately... i am never ever immune to a good old fashioned first overall Baby Savior moment unfortch and there's so many layers there
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anotherpapercut · 3 months
this really hot woman started working at one of my jobs last semester and my friend and I who have the same type are always fighting over which one of us she likes best but I just found she's actually like 11 years older than me and 13 years older than him so she probably thinks we're both children
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jorrated · 4 months
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why tags so big
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hella1975 · 8 months
Hi, I followed you for your fic and I saw you had some posts about having ADHD.
I'm also ADHD, could you tell me about your writing process? I get stuck with things staying in the notes app and they don't really get past that stage.
I'm not sure if it's an interest thing, if the notes fulfill the want so there's no need to put it together. If you have anything thoughts about how to keep up the consistency for fic that'd be appreciated.
Hopefully this isn't too serious of a question, I just have some trouble with wanting to write but not having a purpose for it and I was wondering if that was a brain thing/relatable.
Thank you in advance for any response ☺️ also good luck with your uni stuff~
thank you anon! and dw this isn't too serious at all. i think it's interesting that you ask about keeping consistency bc ironically the biggest tell of my adhd in my writing is my INCONSISTENCY, as you can see with the way updates happen. i wrote 200k words of taob in one year and now i update twice a year on average. i wrote 60k words of tams within a few weeks and now it hasn't been updated since july. and these are just my public projects where i at least have the added pressure of knowing people are waiting for an update, you should see the state of some of my original wips! basically my point here is that my adhd is VERY apparent with my writing habits, but these days i work with it instead of trying to fight it. even before i knew i had adhd, i was aware that my writing came in periods. id go a few weeks churning out insane amounts daily and then dry up for months on end, and each time id enter the 'have i lost it??? will i ever write again???' spiral until low and behold, something would inspire me again and id be back to typing like a madman. i used to seriously fight my dry periods bc of that fear of 'losing' my writing, but that never helped and honestly turning writing into a need instead of a want probably made it worse.
it's one reason - aside the fact it is rude and annoying, i dont want to pretend it isn't or put the blame on me bc that's not what im saying here - that constant demands for fic updates bother me so much, bc people dont realise that the writing style i have now where yes we unfortunately go long times without updates is actually how my writing comes out at its best standard. so yeah! it can be incredibly frustrating and even scary to feel physically unable to write, but if it's something you like and want to do i do truly believe it'll always come back sooner or later, or at least that's my experience :)
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