#wip: the severin conspiracy
strawstories · 1 year
The Severin Conspiracy || Scene Snippet
Alllllright, I know I've been gone for uh.. quite a while but life kinda happened and I haven't really been writing haha As an excuse, have a small snippet of Cai finally realizing that snogging your enemies isn't a thing people just do when they're drunk. And if anyone's still interested in being on any of my tag lists, lmk OBVIOUSLY, SPOILERS AHEAD
Blaine was crouched down on the ground, the big dog nearly smothering him as he scratched at its ears. Blaine was smiling. Genuinely, honest to god, smiling.
He hadn't noticed me yet. I was standing in the doorway, frozen, glued to the floor. Memories flooded my head, of all the times Blaine had been alone in a room until I had walked in. Memories of Blaine looking down at a book, the slightest of smiles playing at his lips. Memories of Blaine leaning against a wall, seeming truly relaxed for once. Memories of Blaine staring out of a window at the night sky, the light of the stars reflecting in his gray eyes. I hadn't fully registered it until now, but there had always been this one second in which Blaine hadn't noticed my presence yet, in which he had seemed more like Blaine somehow, the real Blaine. Until he'd realized that I had entered and the mask had slipped back onto his face.
And it hit me then. It had never really been Blaine I had hated – in the first couple of days, maybe, but in the most recent years? I didn't hate Blaine. I hated the mask. I hated that he felt the need to keep up that facade around me. I hated the fact that I couldn't be someone he was comfortable with. I hated the fact that I would never get to see more of that other Blaine. I wanted to get to know that other Blaine, the one that only seemed to exist when he was alone. I liked that Blaine. I wanted him to trust me enough to let me see more of that Blaine. And yet he felt the need to keep up that stupid mask whenever I was around, had slipped it on the moment we had first met and never taken it off since.
I must have shifted my weight subconsciously, because the floorboards made a creaking sound and Blaine abruptly straightened up and turned around to face me. And there it was again. That goddamn mask.
He raised an eyebrow. “What is it, Wellington?”
I didn't know why I had entered the room anymore. My mind had gone completely blank. I wanted to tell him that it was nothing, that it wasn't important. But what came out of my mouth instead was: “Why?”
Blaine scoffed. “I'm afraid you're going to have to be a little more specific, Wellington.”
“Why do you hate me so much?”
He looked genuinely taken aback for a moment before the mask slipped back into place. I didn't know why I had asked that. I hadn't given my mouth permission to say those words.
Blaine opened his mouth to respond, but I didn't actually want to hear his answer. I wanted to leave, needed to think, to process the truly terrifying realization I had just come to and then never think about the whole thing ever again. So that's what I did. Instead of waiting to hear whatever Blaine had to say, I whirled around and left the room as fast as I could without seeming like I was running away.
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WIP Title Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @rustingcat
I have waaaaay too many, so I just picked the ones that were in one folder. Everything is supercorp, unless otherwise stated.
Get Away Driver AU
Archaeologist / Conspiracy debunker AU
Actress AU
Manga idea (non SC)
Changeling AU
Criminal Minds AU
Unnamed Jim Carrey movie AU
Vampire AU
Tabloid AU
Frozen AU
Leda and Red Daughter AU
Kingdom AU (Ji-Yeon and Juna): non SC
Killing Eve AU
Zombie AU - Santa Clarita Diet
Infinity Wars AU
Maleficent AU
Lillian introspection fic
Santa Clarita Diet AU
High Lena fic
Nanny AU 1
Nanny AU 2 (the smutty one)
Gods of Gotham (Harlivy)
Hill House AU
Hitch AU
Unabridged Theme Park AU
Kissed by the Sea
Matrix AU
Misfortune's Daughter
Old Hollywood AU
Galilea Fox & Father Severin (Vigilante and Priest): non SC
Daxamite Polygamy AU
The Toy Maker's Daughter (Leonie and Lyris): non SC
Lena and Leda (OC)
Wed By Candlelight prequel
Kara Phantom Zone Faceless Comic Strip
4th and Maple scenes
Lena and Kieran (Golden Compass Daemon)
Buzzing smut fic
Saskia and Red Daughter
Tagging anyone else who wants to do this!
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strawstories · 3 years
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WIP intro: The Severin Conspiracy (a working title)
GENRE: mystery, romance
POV: first person, past tense
SETTING: a fictional city, inspired by fashion & architecture of different time periods but mostly by the Victorian era
STATUS: planning & outlining
TROPES/THEMES: lgbt+, enemies to lovers, a shit ton of denial, pining, conspiracy, murder, noble families, political/arranged marriage, end of a royal bloodline, a secret order
Caius Wellington is an accidental witness to the murder of Queen Amandalyn, the last member of the royal family. There are several problems with this. Problem number one: Cai may have gotten a little too drunk and he may have been making out with his long-time rival Blaine Velmont in the Queen’s closet at the time of murder. Problem number two: Cai recognizes the Queen’s killer as one of her very own advisors. Problem number three: Caius and Blaine are the only ones who know that the Queen’s death was a murder. And problem number four: Blaine Velmont is supposed to marry Octavia Wellington, Cai’s sister, in only a few months.
While the people grow increasingly more nervous without an official heir to the throne, Caius is forced to work with Blaine to figure out how to expose the truth about the Queen’s death without ruining their families’ reputation beyond repair. And then the real trouble starts when they discover that there is more to the murder than they thought: a group whose members had worked their way into the highest positions at the palace, calling themselves The Order of Severin, is conspiring to take the throne for themselves.
Can Caius and Blaine uncover The Order’s secrets and find a way to expose the conspiracy before it’s too late?
The main trio:
Caius Wellington: 19 years old, disaster gay, son of one of the Queen’s advisors, tired of all of the fancy people stuff, very good at making bad decisions
Blaine Velmont: 19 years old, he’s functioning but like barely, also the son of one of the Queen’s advisors, fancy people stuff is what he excels at, very good at ignoring his problems
Octavia Wellington: 18 years old, just a disaster, Cai’s sister, goes by Avy because she thinks Octavia sounds way too fancy, didn’t sign up to becoming Blaine’s fiancée but somehow that’s exactly what happened
(this is unedited and just a snippet of a scene I quickly wrote down before I forgot it again - the final version might be different)
When Maria left the room to go fetch the florist, Blaine grabbed me by the arm and quickly glanced over at Avy.
“If you would excuse us, Miss Wellington, I'll have to borrow your brother for a moment.”
Avy looked as concerned as I felt, but she did not comment on the strangeness of Blaine Velmont wanting to talk to me, of all people.
“You know, you're going to have to start addressing me by my first name at some point, right?”, she murmured instead, but Blaine had already dragged me out of the door and into the long hallway of the Wellington residence.
I stared at the door as if it had personally betrayed me when it closed behind us and left us standing alone in the hallway. Blaine was still holding onto my arm.
“We need to talk”, he said now, inspecting the doors around us, “is there anywhere we will not be disturbed?”
I blinked at him. “If you would be so kind as to tell me what this is about first?”
I had an idea what this could be about. I didn't want to think about it. But Blaine just let out an annoyed sigh and said exactly what I was afraid he would say: “I think you know what this is about, Wellington.”
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strawstories · 3 years
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The Severin Conspiracy || Character Introduction || Caius Wellington
[kay-us], [kay]
Maybe this was a very, very bad decision. But at this point I had become an expert at bad decisions. I knew this was going to catch up to me at some point, but everything was more exciting than staying in the ballroom and pretending to be interested in the carefully crafted conversations of the high society. Just one slip-up and you would be declared as scandalous and a shame to your family and then the nobles would not stop talking about whatever it was you had said or done for ages. And I rather enjoyed being scandalous in peace.
AGE: 19
As the son of a Royal Advisor and a Royal Archivist, Caius has spent most of his life in noble circles. And he’s tired of it. Noble people events just aren’t his thing. Standing around for hours, making conversation and pretending not to die of boredom? No thanks. Still, he has to be present at all of those noble people events so why not use them as an excuse to drink lots of expensive champagne? Yeah, he’s made some of his worst decisions at noble people events.
Besides noble people events, there is one more thing Caius hates with a burning passion. Or rather, one more someone: Blaine Velmont. The fiancé of Cai’s sister. Now, there aren’t a lot of things Cai wouldn’t do for Avy. So he certainly isn’t very happy to see his sister be forced into a marriage with Blaine Velmont, especially when she doesn’t even like him (and maybe Caius doesn’t hate Blaine as much as he’s trying to convince not only everyone else but also himself he does, but that’s not a conversation he’s willing to have yet).
When he’s not busy being dragged to events he doesn’t want to be at, Caius can usually be found in one of the local pubs - the nobles keep insisting it’s a sign that he’s secretly a huge troublemaker (and maybe they’re right), but really, the Becker siblings are just good company and the local pubs are where those three can usually be found. Caius swears he’s just tagging along.
Despite all of his bad decision making, Cai isn’t as much of a fool as he seems. He did receive all of the lessons that came with being the son of a noble family, after all - he just chooses not to act like it.
Besides, all of the bad life choices have left him with a talent for getting himself out of tricky situations. Now he’ll just have to hope that he can find a way out of this particular tricky situation.
(character portrait made with artbreeder)
Taglist (ask to be added/removed)
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes  @kryskakikomi​ @hysteriwah​
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strawstories · 3 years
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The Severin Conspiracy || Character Introduction || Octavia Wellington
[oc-tay-vee-ah], [ay-vee]
There in the library stood Avy, wearing only her nightgown. Books were scattered across the floor – upon closer inspection I saw that they were all about baking – and Avy had a wild look on her face.
She cleared her throat. “Look. I can explain.”
“Avy,” I said, slowly, “it's 3 in the morning.”
AGE: 18
Octavia is Cai’s sister. She prefers to go by Avy - she thinks Octavia just sounds way too noble. She doesn’t hate all of the noble events like her brother does, but, in typical Wellington fashion, she’d be much more interested in the libraries than in the ballrooms. However, she does take an interest in fashion, so she sees those events as a great opportunity to study the latest trends. In reality she is way too lazy to actually bother with fashion every single day of her life. If there’s nothing important happening she can usually be found wearing the simplest clothes she owns.
Avy’s biggest dream is to open a tea shop near the town square. She knows this will probably never happen - children of noble families are expected to do much more important jobs - but a girl can dream, right?
Avy is incredibly clumsy and chaotic. She prefers to do things at the last possible minute and she gets random bursts of motivation to do things at the weirdest times of day. Because of this most people - including herself - don’t realize how smart she really is. Her mother expects her to take over the role of the Royal Archivist someday so she’s spent a lot of time in the Royal Archives, reading books on all kinds of topics.
There’s also the fact that she’s supposed to marry Blaine Velmont. Avy doesn’t hate Blaine, but she’d really prefer not to do that. She does think Blaine is rather stuck up. But it’s not like she has much say in the matter so she just tries not to think about it. The keyword here being tries, because it's hard not to think about the marriage when her parents constantly keep bothering her with wedding preparations.
Overall, Avy’s life is already chaotic as it is. So getting swept up in whatever situation her brother got himself into now is really the last thing she needs.
(character portrait made with artbreeder)
Taglist (ask to be added/removed)
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes​  @kryskakikomi​ @hysteriwah​ @alias-levi​​
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strawstories · 3 years
The Severin Conspiracy || Character Introduction || The Becker Siblings
The Becker siblings were a very unique trio. Their parents owned a bakery near the market place, but the siblings could usually be found at one of the pubs that were scattered throughout the streets around the town square. They were supposed to take over the bakery at some point, but sometimes I honestly wondered if Alex and Jasper even knew how to bake.
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“Oh, come on, guys,” Jasper interrupted, “leave the man alone, he's clearly suffering.”
I could practically see his amused grin.
AGE: 19
While Jasper can act the most professional out of the Becker siblings when the situation calls for it, he usually tends to be a bit of a troublemaker. He’s loud, he’s extroverted, he enjoys staying in the local pubs until late into the night and he likes to joke around. When Alex introduced Caius to the other Becker siblings, Jasper and Cai immediately became friends. While Jasper is always up for making a little fun of his friends, he absolutely does not tolerate it when someone goes too far.
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[ben-juh-min], [ben]
Ben remained seated at the table, staring at his glass with furrowed brows. I envied his ability to stay calm.
AGE: 18
Benjamin is the youngest Becker siblings and the only one with an actual interest in baking. There’s always a new recipe he wants to try and his siblings have professed their love for his cinnamon rolls on multiple occasions. Ben is the complete opposite of his brother - he’s usually quiet and a little introverted, but he opens up around people he trusts.
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Alex Becker
Alex grinned.
“Oh, I can practically see you, silently gazing at him from across the room. It must be hard, living in that much denial.”
Sometimes I wanted to throttle her.
AGE: 20
While Alex may easily be mistaken for the biological sister of Ben and Jasper, she’s actually the Becker’s adopted daughter. Her full name is Alexandra, but she will murder you if you address her by that name. She goes by Alex, and Alex only. (Although her brothers are allowed to call her Lex. Only her brothers.) Alex is hot-headed and impulsive and, most importantly, she isn’t blind - she's had her suspicions about Caius’ true feelings towards Blaine for a while now. She’s kind of confused how nobody else has caught onto that yet.
(character portraits made with artbreeder)
Taglist (ask to be added/removed)
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes  @kryskakikomi @hysteriwah @alias-levi @dustylovelyrun @lavenderpixie​
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strawstories · 3 years
Hhhhh The Severin Conspiracy was supposed to be single POV but the temptation to turn it multi POV is real-
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strawstories · 3 years
Working on the other character intros rn so I'll be posting those over the next couple of days, along with some new characters I didn't mention in the wip intro post 👀
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strawstories · 3 years
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The Severin Conspiracy || Character Introduction || Blaine Velmont
He always had this serious-but-incredibly-bored look on his face, he couldn't take a joke to save his life and I had always suspected that he actually read those political papers father sometimes brought home for work for fun. Simply put, Blaine Velmont had the biggest possible stick up his ass.
AGE: 19
Like Caius, Blaine is the son of one of the Queen’s Royal Advisors. Blaine has known all his life that his father expects him to become a Royal Advisor as well, so that’s what he’s working towards. Because of this he tries his best to fit in with the high society. He engages in conversation, he makes connections and he keeps up the carefully crafted appearance of a young nobleman. There’s only one thing threatening to stain his reputation: his inconvenient rivalry with Caius Wellington.
It’s not like he wanted to become Caius’ rival. It was a misunderstanding, really. Maybe he should have attempted to explain the whole thing in the years after their first meeting, but he did not expect to keep running into Caius, and he especially did not expect Caius to start trying to antagonize him everywhere they went. And now it’s way too late to fix their relationship. Caius hates him and there’s nothing that can be done about that - right? Besides, Blaine hates having to confront his problems. He really prefers to ignore them until they go away on their own.
But he somehow ended up being engaged to Caius’ sister and now ignoring their strained relationship seems to get harder by the day. And while new problems keep piling up around him, all of the problems Blaine has been trying so hard to ignore are threatening to come crashing down on him. 
Turns out it’s really hard to concentrate on his marriage with Octavia Wellington when he keeps getting confronted with some unfortunate feelings he’d really prefer to keep locked away.
(character portrait made with artbreeder)
Taglist (ask to be added/removed)
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes  @kryskakikomi​ @hysteriwah
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strawstories · 3 years
🖊 + Caius + Blaine
Because of his sister’s dream of opening a tea shop, Caius has developed a love for tea... but only with a shit ton of sugar - Avy thinks he’s a heathen.
Blaine has a dog! His name is Maxwell (or Max for short) and he’s a landseer newfoundland with a giant heart and a lot of love for his owner. Blaine adopted Max when he was 15 and found puppy Max sleeping in a carton near a bakery. He raised Max mostly by himself and sees him as family. Blaine’s icy exterior tends to crack whenever Max is around.
(hhhh yes I just used this as an excuse to talk about Blaine’s dog bc I spent way too much time researching to figure out what kind of dog to give him lmao)
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strawstories · 3 years
out of context tag
tysm @hysteriwah for tagging me!! :)
I only have short scenes and snippets written for The Severin Conspiracy, but here’s an ooc line from one of those:
I couldn't see him, but I could imagine the way Ben's eyebrows scrunched together in a frown when he said: “I don't know whether to be amazed or concerned that the nobles haven't caught you in an incredibly compromising situation yet.”
I don’t really have any writeblr mutuals on here yet, so I’m just gonna tag everyone who sees this and wants to do it haha
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strawstories · 3 years
.... I may or may not have accidentally created four new characters for The Severin Conspiracy
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strawstories · 3 years
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So I thought I’d do sth fun and unique but also I regret my decisions lmao
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strawstories · 3 years
A little writeblr introduction
Hello! :)
After much consideration I have finally decided to make a blog for my writing and I thought I'd start by introducing myself.
I usually just go by Lu or Straw (Straw's an old online nickname that kinda just stuck around haha), am currently 19 years old – about to turn 20 at the beginning of March – and I'm German. I decided to create this blog mostly in the hopes that it'll give me some more motivation to actually finish a WIP for once. I only recently started writing in English so I'm hoping to improve not only my writing but also my English with my current project – if you see any grammatical errors please do point them out to me (my English teachers weren't big on grammar and comma use so I'm always trying to learn)!
I currently have three WIPs, but two of those are bigger projects so I'm currently focusing on the smaller one. 
The working title is The Severin Conspiracy and it's a good old enemies to lovers story with a load of denial, set in a fictional city influenced by all the little things I love about different time periods (read: I love stories set in the 1700s & 1800s and all kinds of historical fashion and architecture and needed an excuse to include all of those things while also putting my own spin on things). The main characters are the children of important political figures and accidentally witness the murder of the city’s queen, but due to reasons they decide that they can't tell anybody about what they saw. So now they gotta figure out how to uncover a government conspiracy while also dealing with some Uninvited Feelings™.
That's the WIP you'll mostly be seeing on this blog for now, but I might post about ideas and OCs from my other projects every now and then.
One of the bigger projects is actually mostly planned out already, but I'm a little stuck and I don't like how the story is flowing rn so I've decided to take a break on that one for now, but I'm really excited to get back to it once I figure some stuff out! It's a fantasy story about a magic king using his powers to hunt down all other magicians to make himself even stronger. The main character is an orphan, hiding his magic and just trying to live his best life when the orphanage he lives in is attacked, his best friend disappears and he figures out that his magic is stronger than he thought. He spends some time on the run and eventually joins the rebellion where he learns how to properly use his magic to face the evil king.
The other one is probably my biggest project yet and I currently have no idea what to do with the plot but I absolutely love my OCs for this one oops. It's yet another fantasy story, about a group of magicians, vampires, faeries and werewolfs (and maybe the occasional normal human). The story takes place in a city that has been ruled by two different families for generations now. Those families used to be allies who worked closely together, but recently there's been a feud between the current heads of the families and while that feud is threatening to turn into a war, our main characters discover the evil plot of a man who was believed to be dead. Now our main characters have to set aside their rivalry and work together to find allies and a way to avoid certain doom while they discover that not all things are what they seem. Can they convince their families to work together against a bigger evil before it's too late?
All of my WIPs are still untitled bc I don't like thinking about titles unless I absolutely have to but oh well.
I'd also love to write a time travel story some day, but those three WIPs are already way too much for me to deal with haha.
I gotta admit that I've never actually finished a WIP ever and I regularly go years without writing anything at all (I have a complicated love-hate relationship with writing and motivation, but I guess we've all been there). So here's to hoping that posting on this blog will actually keep me motivated lmao.
If you're in any way interested in me, my WIPs or my OCs or if you just need someone to rant about your own WIPs and OCs to feel free to just leave an ask or message me – I'm a little awkward, but I'm always excited to learn about other's OCs and WIPs and/or scream about my own :)
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