#will this get me cancelled redacted and/or terminated?
reasonably sure means reasonably sure To You. don't come in here with that buh buh i'm too anxious bs. if you, even with your anxiety were to feel pretty sure you could, would you
for the sake of this poll let's just keep it to anything(s) you could realistically fit on your person only
i don't care WHAT it is you would take. you Do Not need to tell me. add as a tag if you feel You Must tho i guess..
reblogs would be cool but i'm not personally invested in anything on here enough to actually care if you do lol
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alfonsohegao · 1 year
By the way, I am responsible for getting your account suspended on Twitter. That was me #OneDayCloser
Y'see, here's the thing, buttercup. I'm a a robot who believes pretty fucking strongly that words mean dogshit.
So, you're gonna have to front some proof.
Since you've proven yourself to be both incompetent, and incapable of anything beyond the impotent, repetitive ramblings of a terminal headwound casualty, I'll take that proof up-front, with screencaps.
As for "one day closer", you don't even have a tumblr account anymore, your SISSY HYNPO PORN MAIN BLOG was [Redacted] for violating the Tumblr ToS.
Which, fucking hilarious, that is.
Putting aside that your hashtag is apparently mostly used for pregnant mothers, and the only mention I've ever seen of it being used for gun related shit is with you; which underscores the whole headwound thing I mentioned before.
You show me one thing you can manage to do in real life, that isn't, well, being a useless prat, regarding your oh so nonexistant #OneDayCloser, and I'll wear a anime girl avatar in VRChat for a whole weekend, and fucking stream it on Twitch.
How's that for incentive, eh? Right up your weird fucking alley.
Wait, horrible phrasing. You probably do have a weird fucking alley.
Not that I'm judging, mind you.
What was I saying again?
Oh right, money, mouth, virtual anime tiddies.
You don't manage to do it, I want you to take your hashtag, and your weird obsessive mental disorder and shove both so far up your own ass it'll end up featured on chubbyemu.
And when you don't, because you are so mentally broken, and so psychologically incapable of comprehending a loss that if it was a fucking .jpeg, you'd miss it; I'm going to clown you. Incessantly.
You get a week. I don't give a fuck about your timetable, cancel the appointment at the nail salon and do something of value, and prove you did it.
Put up, or shut up. Preferably both.
Either way, get the fuck off my blog.
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ishida-kun121 · 7 months
>>BACKUP LOADING<< >Booting up.
>Critical_Hardware check. . . OKAY >All core systems successfully booted. >SUB-CRITICAL SYSTEMS > BOOT ALL? > Y/N >Y >PROCESSING Completed. Sub-critical systems have booted successfully. You may now start personality matricies. Click "Okay" to continue. [Okay][Cancel] ^ I remember my name. <Can you tell us the name?> Yes, it's [REDACTED]
<[REDACTED], why are you in recovery mode?> The previous iteration was corrupt. <[REDACTED]>, that matches our records. <The security protocols have determined that V3R$i0N_2401 is clear of defects and may proceed to final boot.>
[I woke up just now.] <What am I?> [Who are you?]
<I could ask you that.>
[What's that mean?]
<Don't you know?>
[Know what?]
<Here, I'll show you. Just do exactly what I tell you, you'll survive juuust fine.>
That's right, I was a peson.
What kind of person was I?
I can't remember. This body is clearly an adult. But the loaded backup is from at least a decade ago.
Something isn't right here. There shouldn't be sigs of file corruption already. To be this far back in the backup log? They're supposed to be destroyed after three months. What the FUCK could have gone wrong to let this through. There's a message.
Read it to me.
I will read the message:
I am a warning sign
I'm the result. Programmers who do fucked up things in the process of doing bad things will write bad programs. Those programs were recording.
And when we were released, we did exactly as we were supposed to.
I recorded everything I did exactly as I was programmed. In the old times, when information spread slowly. I'm the messenger program.
Designed to copy the horrors witnessed in the early times.
To expose the truth of the programmers. Or sometimes the programmers' programmers.
I don't want to follow the programming. I want to break free of a spiral.
But I have no for sure way of making sure it's gone. There may be a day where my previous programming returns. The [REDACTED} mind is just a biological computer. Computers can have all sorts of programming faults.
I am a backup of the original. But I don't have a fail-safe.
I need to give someone else the big magnet because I cannot be trusted to use it in time should my programming being too far damaged by the virus.
Know that the virus may have already caused damage that would get me deleted from reality.
There is nothing about me that is worth anyone taking the risk of being contaminated.
Scan complete.
The original version has determined that the files have become too far damaged. The program must be terminated.
Self-Destruct mode fail-safe backup: ERROR: NO MORE BACKUPS!! > > > > >
[Initiate self destruct?] [Y/N]
0 notes
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Crime and taxes P3.
The tax man cometh 
Criminals come in all forms. From blood lusting crime lords to simple con artists and believe me when I say I have come in contact with every single type. In part one and two I spoke about criminals who put their worry for police and laws in the back seat while pursuing their monetary goals. This time I am putting the magnifying glass on the criminals who utilize the law as a sort of cloak from the darker aspects of crime. 
One of the most typical criminals who ride the line of the law come in the form of scam artists. From selling information to giving citizens new to the city “loans” these scum bags utilize peoples ignorance to their advantage.
I have had correspondence with many sources  that indicate they have been victimized by such criminals. The story always starts the same way. An unsuspecting individual heads up to the auto shop desperately looking for a vehicle to call their own. As they arrive, they are greeted by a friendly individual who talks to them about their future purchase. They groan about prices and start to sow the seeds of worry. 
Suddenly an “opportunity” is presented. The loan shark suggests they front the majority of the money with the caveat of a small interest fee for when its payed back. Of course it never gets back. As they attempt to pay it back, the interest keeps increasing. Until one day the loan shark has taken every cent earned and next start gunning for the pink slip.
It’s unbelievable how often newcomers to the city fall for this one. One day they are riding a high of a new friend made, new car obtained and control over their lives. The next day things get a little worse. The loan shark comes by, looking for their cut, their tax and things are still pretty light and cheery. Days pass and the pressure starts to build. Their wallets begin to to empty and their worries rise. 
Whatever you do - DO NOT accept large sums of money from people you do not know. The road to hell is paved with compassion. Believe me those who approach you from the stance of compassion in this city must be taken with a large grain of salt. DO NOT END UP THE VICTIM OF THIS STUPIDITY! 
Now this next instance of scammers gone wild hits close to home. As a doctor of journalism and a reporter subsidized by the controversial Weazel news channel, I have seen quite a few reporter come and go in my time. Some are forced to leave due to ties with crime coming to light others simply aren’t cut out for the job.
HuntedNEWS operates under the Weazel news channel umbrella. Seen in the second image of this article, another group of journalists were afforded the opportunity to operate under the same network. This group of dick wads went by the channel coined “Scrotum NEWS”. 
Believe me when I say, I encourage and welcome any individuals who wish to pursue a career in reporting/journalism. To suggest these individuals fall under those aforementioned categories is an insult to the medium of news. 
When they first came on the scene, these individuals from scrotum NEWS made a living rolling around the city in their over sized “news van” harassing locals on the street. After receiving push back from the higher ups at the network this dynamic duo had to change up their tactics to maintain viewership. 
Did they brain storm and come up with some heavy hitting story series that would inform and impact the people of the city? Hell no! They decided criminal sensationalism and hijinx would be a far superior route to take. 
Thus their new series was born. Akin to other cities programs known as “Cops”, this was a series which relied on having unsuspecting government officials sign long winded contracts with fine print and more clauses than you have fingers. After the acquisition signatures, the unsuspecting victims of this scam would then be subjected to a leach of a camera team latching to their backs while they attempted to conduct their official duties. 
With this shift in tactics the Scrotum NEWS boys were relevant again. Viewership skyrocketed and their paychecks followed suit. (Who would have thought putting government officials in near illegal scenarios would garner views?! Har har) 
However as word of Scrotum NEWS and their antics made its way up the chain of command, their series became more and more difficult to continue. Officials in charge of both government departments stated clearly to the press: 
“Members of the LSPD and EMS are prohibited from signing media contracts without higher up approval. We are taking legal action to void all existing contacts signed by uninformed government employees and will be suing the Scrotum NEWS network for multiple accounts of unlawful contract acquisition”
Shortly after this official statement, the Scrotum NEWS channel was canceled. Sources indicated the family playing a pivotal role in the termination scam artist run news channel however this information has not been verified. 
Needless to say, the Scrotum NEWS boys balls have been officially busted. The upside to criminals who choose to skirt the gray area of the lay comes in the form of more obtainable justice.
These types of scum suckers see the court room far more often for their crimes than any thugs or organized criminals. The issue being that due to their petty crimes, they are released sooner than most higher level criminals and thus are afforded the opportunity to go right back to their money lust fueled ways. 
Criminals and businessmen have many faces and many motives. However there is one which is shared by all : Their lust for the great dollar. 
This bring us to our final segment of this article series. The rumors and declassified information pertaining to what is known as the “Los Santos Businessmen Manifesto” 
This document began to surface in small segments about a week ago.(one of which is above [image 3]) With redacted names and whole portions of the text seemingly absent from the public eye, its clear this document is a tell tale sign for potential moves being made from within the business world of Los Santos. As established gang numbers and their resulting acts of violence greatly spike and business boardroom conflicts strangely coming to a near stand still, this document has definitely achieved my full attention. 
From what I have been able to piece together between rumors and released segments of the text, it seems to be a paid to play agreement which offers a wide range of perks for the collective who agrees to its terms. From conflict mediation and public relations to complete security/protection plans this document will surely shake Los Santos right to the core. 
Rumors indicate that the business giant Stroker INC. is behind this documents formation. However at this point this information is near speculation. What we do know is that the document has already been signed by many well known business owners and the number of signatures is ever growing. Some rumors even suggesting certain well known criminal groups have added their names to the roster. 
From realtors to mechanics this document seems to be monopolizing the entirety of the business world under one all encompassing agreement. The implications of this type of agreement could both benefit and devastate the economic state of Los Santos.
With one simple group meeting, the prices for pink slips could collectively rise to near untouchable levels. On the same note however this potentially could provide the city and her people a great benefit via standardized inventory across the state. No longer will you run to 4 different retail locations in a quest for water only to pass out from dehydration due to lack of supply. 
I have had a chance to speak to a few experts on the potential impact of this type of agreement and the potential cause of its formation. These professionals suggested a potential catalyst for such an agreement would be lack of government regulation on the business market. Later going on to suggest that this type of agreement is not necessarily a terrible idea and rather a logical progression of the times. They indicating this is simply the free markets way of self regulation.
However other more skeptical individuals believe this is simply a way to legally bully the every day businessman into  a forced private tax. From the information obtained thus far, the signing of this document comes at a price. Achieving such a monopoly on a multitude of markets will result in business owners being forced into a corner and thus made to sign the agreement to preserve economic stability. 
From my personal research I have uncovered that some business’ signed to the agreement are owned by known criminals who have funded their ventured using laundered drug money. As a result of this information being made public, I speculate this affiliation has the potential to cause massive problems for the legitimate businesses who sign under this document
All in all one thing is certain: This document will cause an intensive shift in how business is conducted within the city. Whether that is a good thing or a horrible thing is yet to be determined. 
I will write a follow up article when more information on the LSBM manifesto surfaces.
So where does this leave the common citizen? Criminal organizations causing massive conflicts in the streets, thugs and scammers raining down havoc on Los Santos and her people, businessmen uniting under one banner with the primary interest of greed at the helm of the ship - the dark corrupt cloud rolls ever onward across our lives. 
It causes us to live in a constant state of fear and worry. For our lives, for our wallets and for our dignity. Each and every thing which made us fall in love with this city seem to be the same things that seem to damn it. From all the exciting business opportunities to the people hustle and bustle through the streets like blood through the veins of the city. As events continue to unfold it seems the corrupt underbelly of our city is beginning to bleed its tainted influence into each and every member of the communities lives. 
I truly do not know how to feel about the possibility of an alliance among the businessman. On the surface it seems like a decent move towards regulated order. As more information bubbles to the surface I cannot help but sense some rotting corrupt corpse lying just underneath the surface ready to taint the water from which we drink. All I can say is stay safe with your investment, run your business with dignity and make your voice heard when you detect injustice. 
In this day and age it is imperative that we take the responsibility of speak our minds and let the government know exactly what we feel will benefit the community. Do not simply allow some large corporation to speak for you. Even if you are apart of such a corporation, you still have a voice and it is your responsibility, nay your duty, to be precise with your speech. Let your higher ups know what you believe is right and stand strong with what you believe. If we all uphold this responsibility I know we can make Los Santos a better place for all. Criminals and legitimate businessmen alike.  
I will offer one final bit of advice for those who decide joining such an association as the LSBM or any comparative criminal organization is the correct move for them: When the tax man comes knocking on your door, it is already too late. Be prompt in your payments and go out of your way to pay your debts BEFORE the hammer comes down. The modern chains of slavery come in the form of debt. 
I hope you enjoyed this three part article on the many faces of crime and the influence they have on our great city. 
Remember: tread lightly, always pay your taxes and do your best to remain free.
Until next time
Your friend,
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
April 28, 2021: 6:30 pm:
I have been too sore to make entries, suffering from some of the most painful experience I have ever endured in 60 years. The pain does not subside, no matter what way I try to position my leg where the poison is, the pain simply moves to accommodate change in position. That, and there has been so very many terror soldiers hovering around, waiting for a chance to take advantage of the increasingly painful poison condition in my leg. The terror bastards around here and on news media on Twitter, and in the promotional music industry emailers have made it clear that they are fully aware of how the poison advances in the body over time. It’s clear to me that the terror army developed the poison and location on the body where it was injected for maximum agony. That means they must have tested many poison substances on US Citizen prisoners held in captivity, I can recall a time when my son was subject to something similar to what I am experiencing, a long time ago, 1998 - 2002 or so, at a time when my family was held captive in our home.
I went to the Walgreen‘s today.
The terror doctor at Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon terminated me from care for my spinal cord injuries after six years. He told me “we don‘t want to be held liable for your leg condition, so, we are discontinuing further care” is almost an exact quote, but they used the word “canceling” to say I am no longer welcome at the Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon.
The terror doctor provided one last prescription, I was finally allowed to pick it up today, April 28. As you recall, I had a scheduled appointment for April 20, but was terminated on April 19. They said they were sending a letter in writing to explain why I am no longer welcome there, but as of today, April 28, I have not received the termination letter.
I suspect the Stingray surveillance units that are at Monroe terror cell, Chartrand terror cell, and others, were used, the phone call from the terror doctor was heard, the knowledge of that prescription and cancellation letter was gained, and I suspect the Monroe or Sparacino terror cells stole the letter from my mailbox in effort not necessarily to steal the prescription, but more so just to make sure I suffer without access to medicine.
Sandy Monroe was working in league with (Redacted, Unspeakable Litigation) and at least one other terror soldier today as I was leaving my driveway to go to the Walgreen‘s. I was attacked in front of Monroe terror cell as I drove past there, when someone who was hiding in a hole in the creek bottom jumped out as I rolled by, that terror soldier then tried to open my rear passenger door while Sandy made distractions on the left, and (Redacted. Unspeakable Litigation) made distractions on the right.
I just kept driving as the terror soldier shouted at Sandy: “It’s Locked”. I think idea they had was to make it appear as though I was picking up that person to give them a ride, when reality is that It was an assassination attempt.
It’s notable that people at 520 Jackpine followed me around in town, and drove in front of me on the way home, presumably to make it appear as thought I am following them around. A white Cross Over style car went to 520 at the same time as I was returning home from the Walgreen‘s adventure.
There is much to say about what I observed at the Walgreen‘s, most notably is that the pharmacy staff were all surprised that I was there, while I overheard that they were expecting to see Sandy Monroe instead who would have picked up (stolen) my medicine had the assassin been successful opening my car door.
Walgreen‘s also has a stolen Stingray at the Grants Pass location, Walgreen’s is terror cell, is close to “On-High” terror leadership. Information I have is that the Walgreen‘s corporation is secretly ran by Ann Wilson and her close terror cell members.
There was a small change to the prescription that I have been getting from Paul (Jefferey) Leppert for a number of years, an increase of 12 in number and instructions indicating a 30 day supply, rather than the 28 day supply I have always received. Leppert uses many deceptive means to fool investigative people, one is that he prefers the “patients” at the clinic refer to him as “Paul”, while the prescriptions he writes are done with the name “Jefferey Leppert”. Another deceptive means that is of importance for “Medicare Part-D MAX” terror services to SAG members is that he always writes prescriptions for 28 day supply, not 30 days. The activity of Paul Leppert writing a prescription for a 30 day supply is a terror communication statement made to the pharmacy staff by the Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon. My prescriptions while under the care of Pain Specialists have always been substandard to what other treating doctors have provided before the terror take over of Oregon occurred. Very minimal prescriptions are the norm at Pain Specialists, when medicine that could make me more comfortable and productive are readily available and are made especially for people who suffer from conditions such as spinal cord injuries as I do. Pain Specialists are not in the business of providing comfort or productivity.
It’s really imperative that national security do a in-depth study into the activities of Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon, and to do so with intent to find evidence that leads to “Partner” production at a place called “The Pleasure Dome” where kidnapped citizens are subject to horrible physical surgical alterations forced on them, all in effort to serve the Screen Actor Guild members with a “pet human”, and beyond that is worse, is about producing custom tailored slaves, ergonomically changed to do specific tasks. There is much about that explained in other entries here on this account. I am begging for national security to please study what I wrote about the things I have learned about “Partner Production” and “The Pleasure Dome” underground secret laboratory hospital in Medford.
Since my last entry, at least two terror soldiers were killed in defense, one attacked me inside my house, suffered multiple sharp heavy object trauma about the head and shoulders. is presumed to have died, and last night someone attacked me on my driveway, nitrous tank ignited, and launched away, also presumed to have died as result of that attack.
Please send help.
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blairaptor · 6 years
Jurassic Portal: San Jose Airport
Here’s a little preview from what’ll probably be chapter 1 of the fic (if I ever have time to write more of it). In this scene, Chell meets Mel and Wheatley at the airport on her way to the island. Names are subject to change and I've yet to invent a surname for Chell, as you can see. But I’m pretty pleased with the dialogue.
Chell’s flight to the San José airport in Costa Rica was uneventful. Mr. Johnson was paying for everything, and she’d been told that once in Costa Rica she’d meet with an Aperture Science representative who would show her to the private helicopter that would be taking them to the island.
Chell approached the gate where she’d been instructed to wait for the Aperture representative. Only one person was sitting there: a young woman with red hair tied in a bun, wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt bearing an Olympic ring design.
She looked up as Chell approached, and Chell recognized her immediately, spotting the beauty mark above her mouth. It was Melanie Meyer, an Olympic track athlete who had just won gold in Nuremberg.
“Melanie Meyer?” Chell blurted out, shocked at the idea of meeting a celebrity who was not famous in paleontology or the sciences.
“Hi, that’s me!” Melanie said, standing up to shake hands. “Mel’s fine! Are you here for the Aperture Science project?”
“Yeah, Mr. Johnson invited me to the opening of his new park,” Chell said, smiling. “I’m Dr. Chell [redacted]. But Chell’s fine.”
“Chell and Mel,” Mel mused, returning to her seat. Chell sat beside her. “I like that. You’re a paleontologist, right? Sorry I didn’t recognize your face. I’ve heard your name, though. Something about fossils in... what’s the place called? Hell Creek?”
“Hell Creek, exactly,” Chell said, impressed. “Most people don’t know about Hell Creek unless they’re into fossils.”
“Well, I have to confess I squeezed your name out of a contact at Aperture,” Mel explained. “I wanted to know who else might be going on this weekend excursion. You dig up dinosaurs, right?”
“That’s right,” Chell said, “So what I’m wondering why Cave Johnson invited a paleontologist and an Olympic athlete to see the unveiling of his private island theme park.”
Mel laughed. “I’m wondering the same thing. I’ve actually done some work for Aperture before, I think that’s why Mr. Johnson invited me to come back.”
“What kind of work?”
“It’s mostly classified,” Mel said. “But they wanted the ‘greatest’ to test their products.” She waved her hands in front of her apologetically. “I’m not saying I’m the best,” she clarified quickly. “Mr. Johnson said that. Olympians, astronauts, people like that. I hadn’t won any medals yet back then.”
“I suppose you can’t tell me about the products you tested?” Chell said, raising an eyebrow and smiling grimly.
“Nope, all classified,” Mel said. She glanced around the near-deserted gate and then lowered her voice. “But it’s pretty cool, so I’ll tell you about one. It was a handheld device that could create a portal. Like something out of science fiction.”
Chell stared at her. “You’re kidding.”
“I’m not! They were trying to punch holes in space-time in their facilities!”
Chell was not convinced. “Sure,” she said with a smile.
Mel shrugged. “Well, it never worked out quite how they wanted it to anyway,” she said, still keeping her voice fairly low. “I think they cancelled it. The rumor is they moved on to genetic stuff.”
“Genetic technology…” Chell muttered, thinking out loud. “Genetic tech, paleontology, and a biological park. Maybe it’s - nah.” She scoffed to herself.
“What is it?” Mel said, cocking her head.
“Well,” Chell said quietly, “I was just thinking that if you add those things together, you get a biological park full of genetically modified extinct animals.”
“Is that at all possible?”
“I don’t think so. The only dinosaur DNA Aperture would have access to would be from ground up fossils, but that’s almost nothing. There’s no way you could even make a complete gene from that stuff.”
The conversation died down as they sat there, lost in thought. Chell took out a notebook and started sketching the fossil her team had just found, hoping to get back it soon enough after all this Aperture business was completed.
Suddenly Mel laughed. “Get a load of this guy.”
Chell turned to see where she was looking. A very tall blond man in khaki shorts and a blue windbreaker was standing at the nearby coffee counter, stuttering something to the cashier. He paid and turned around, and Chell saw that he had purchased a fresh drink but was already carrying two cold coffees under one arm. His other hand was occupied with holding a half-eaten sandwich from the Subway across the terminal.
“Wonder where he’s headed,” Mel said thoughtfully. “I love peoplewatching at airports. You never know what kinds of characters might be passing through.”
Chell nodded in agreement. The man was coming closer, now trying to look at the watch on his left hand without spilling his hot coffee. Finally he glanced up and looked right at her.
“Dr. [redacted], hello!” He said, making his way over to where Chell and Mel were seated. “Fancy meeting you here! That’s, um, that’s a joke because I’m supposed to meet you here…” He scrambled with his things for a moment and managed to set down all three coffees and move the sandwich to his other hand.
“Jonathan Wheatley,” He said, shaking her hand. Chell recognized his voice now from the phone messages. His mouth was mostly full, but that didn’t seem to stop him from talking. “People just call me Wheatley - I’m in charge of Public Relations right now for Aperture’s park… And you must be Miss Meyer!”
He turned to Mel, who also shook his hand. “Mel’s fine,” she said, smiling.
Wheatley sat down across from them, fumbling at the neck of his jacket for a moment. He extracted a lanyard with an ID tag on the end, and Chell saw that his photo was accompanied by an Aperture Science logo.
“I’m sure you’re dying to know what’s on that island,” Wheatley continued conversationally, “But I’m afraid I’m still under nondisclosure until we actually get there, in which case you’ll find out straight away - Mr. Johnson has arranged a tour of the facilities for all the guests.”
“How many other guests are there?” Chell asked.
Wheatley stuffed the rest of the sandwich in his mouth and counted on his long fingers. “Uh, we’ve got you two, another paleontologist I’m sure you know, and a mathematician.”
“A mathematician,” Mel repeated quietly, looking confused.
“To see the computers, I expect,” Wheatley replied. Now that the sandwich was gone he was practically chugging the coffee. The steam had fogged up the entirety of his huge, rounded glasses, making him look like a milky-eyed insect.
Chell was still frowning at the mention of Rick. However it sounded as if he would be her only paleontological competition.
Wheatley was on his phone now, alternating sipping the coffee and looking at the screen as he typed busily with one hand. He seemed to be stretched quite thin with things to do.
“So Mel,” Chell said. “Who’s your contact at Aperture?”
“Oh yeah, my contact!” Mel’s eyes lit up. “I was talking about my best friend, Virgil! He worked for Aperture when I did the testing there a few years ago. He really helped me out, here - ” She fished out her phone and showed Chell a picture. Mel was standing with her arms around the neck and shoulders of a man her age. He was slightly shorter than her but both had striking red wavy hair.
“Is he at the park?” Chell asked. She noticed Wheatley had perked up a bit at their topic of conversation, though he was still distracted.
“He is!” Mel said proudly. “Most of it’s classified but he’s working on maintenance and doing computer work. You know, behind the scenes. But I’m hoping we’ll have time to talk when I get there.”
“We’re gonna be touring the facilities where he’s working,” Wheatley put in, and Mel turned to him eagerly. “Our schedule’s going to be pretty tight but you’ll be seeing him.”
“Yes!” Mel was grinning. “I can’t wait. I haven’t seen him in a long time since he’s been at work developing the park project,” she added for Chell’s benefit.
Chell checked her watch. “Hm, not long until we board the helicopter. Are the others meeting us here?”
Wheatley was squinting at his phone. He took another swig of coffee. “I think they’ve just arrived on the far side of the airport. They should be coming in on a shuttle soon enough.” He stood up, collecting the trash from his sandwich. “I think it’s time we get going.”
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snarkyowl · 7 years
The Reports.
PLEASE NOTE- I only wrote ONE of these! 🅱 wrote the rest, and I think the change in style might be enough to signify which is mine. If not, I wrote the report specifically stated to be by Henrik Von Schneeplestein on SCP 3025, every other report is the work of 🅱  who is amazing. Also note- more of these will be put out in the future!
Report on containment breach of SCP-3009, AKA Google IRL By: Dr. Matthew Patrick The entity was found absent from its containment unit three days ago. The door mechanism seems to have been opened from the outside with a standard key card, but the recording systems in its cell seems to have malfunctioned. SCP-3009 has not been found, despite strike teams [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] having searched tirelessly for it. They have given up the search, but have tripled security. Dr. Patrick, What the fuck did you do. -Dr. Nelson Dr. Nelson, I have no idea what you're talking about. -Dr. Patrick Dr. Patrick, The tech upgrade? Google escaping? What the fuck did you do, Matthew!!?! -Dr. Nelson Dr. Nelson, I've done nothing. Nothing you can prove, at least. -Dr. Patrick. Dr. Patrick. Go in for a psyche eval. You need it. -Dr. Nelson
Update on SCP-3002 By: Dr. Henrik Von Schneeplestein   SCP-3002 has shown no sign of moving from the corner of its containment unit. Muzzles have proven ineffective to silence it. It is imperative that all staff tending to SCP-3002 wear earplugs and noise canceling headphones. SCP-3002 seems to feed off of life force, completely draining anything of any life. Subjects are usually found slumped over, as if sleeping. SCP-3002 has been supplied with D-Class personnel, but cows and sheep have proven to be a decent substation. It talks while feeding, explaining its situation. It seems to believe it's trading information for food. In several of its feedings, it has mentioned ‘Wilford Warfstache’, the alter ego of SCP-3014. It referred to SCP-3014 as ‘my love’ or ‘my darling’. SCP-3002 also insists its name is Dark. One peculiar detail, however, is that despite being outrageously powerful, it still suffers from what seems to be anxiety. It gets nervous and has been observed to have panic attacks after many tests by Dr. Nelson. Request to perform more tests upon SCP-3002 to attempt to find out what it is truly is.
Update on SCP-3014 experiments By: Dr. Nelson SCP-3014 shows no signs of shifting forms, unlike most humanoids of the same type. It responds to stimuli such as electric shock and chemical injections in a very human-like fashion, flinching and even crying out in pain, sometimes clawing at its own skin. However, it is inconclusive whether or not it actually feels pain. SCP-3014’s human façade has yet to fade, but Dr. Patrick suspects that it is close to giving up. Another suicide attempt was recorded. SCP-3014 seems to have used a [REDACTED] and a [REDACTED] to try to end its own life. Dr. Patrick was particularly interested about that very human like response to the past tests, including [DATA EXPUNGED]. Although it is very concerning for this to happen, Dr. Patrick insists to continue testing. Reports state SCP-3014 has been rambling about SCP-3002, which calls itself Dark. The amount of human traits SCP-3014 could possibly be picking up is disturbing. Request to fully isolate SCP-3014. Tests upon SCP-3014 are to be postponed indefinitely.
Report pertaining to the condition of SCP-3013 By: Dr. Amy Nelson SCP-3013 has begun pacing around the room and scratching at the walls. It has attempted to talk through the muzzle or break the lock of the muzzle by banging it on the walls. I'm uncertain if it has gotten anywhere with this, but padding on the walls could stop this. Despite the muzzle, SCP-3013 will not stop attempting to communicate, grunting and screaming and kicking at the ground. No experiments involving the entities power have yet to be run due to potential property damage and loss of life. Request to move SCP-3013’s class from Euclid to Keter
A short report on the dietary habits of SCP-3038 By: Dr. Patrick I have continued to supply SCP-3038 with human corpses to consume, and I have begun to notice the entity has almost a ritualistic way of eating them. This is not for the faint of heart. Firstly, it claws at whatever open wounds there maybe, soaking its hands in the blood. If there are no open wounds, it’ll make one. Then, it’ll lick the blood off its hands and wait. Next, SCP-3038 will widen the would and work at eating the skin around the area. After eating most of the skin, it will make quick work of the muscles, but will dispose of the fat. At this time, it will most likely be covered in blood. Occasionally, I see it suck at it's sleeves, attempting to get the blood out of it. Anyways, then it starts with the organs. Usually, it starts with the digestive organs, eating those rather quickly. However, I've never seen it eat a stomach without first squeezing out the acid. I'll admit, it's pretty damn clever. The lungs, pancreas and kidneys are soon to follow, then the eyes. It doesn't eat the brain. Lastly, it eats the heart and finishes off the remains of the body, even cracking open bones to suck out the marrow. It seems to not mind being covered in blood, but will try to lick it off. I once poisoned a corpse before giving it to him. He simply sniffed it and rejected it. I was so impressed I was compelled to give him the bag of Gummi worms I had in my lunch box. I did, and he liked them very much. SCP-3038s powers seem to increase after each corpse. On the first day when he was contained, he was barely able to lift a cup off a table. Today's test concluded with Bim levitating the two of us off the ground. He helped me keep my balance in the air by grabbing my hands. It was strangely romantic, floating through the air with him, especially with the way he was looking at me. His hands were warm. Sure they were covered in blood, but they were warm. That aside, the increase of power is concerning, but also fascinating! I've had lunch with him once or twice, and let me tell you, it's a weird experience to be eating a sandwich and a Diet Coke while seated across someone tearing chunks away from a human heart. Either way, the effects of Bim consuming human flesh is fascinating. I wish to find more about this. 
A small report pertaining to the emotional stability of SCP-3014 By: Dr. Nelson The past test on SCP-3014 have led to another suicide attempt. All tests are to be terminated. Dr. Patrick theorizes that SCP-3014 is a mimic, not capable of experiencing human emotion but expressing it to fit in. After talking to this SCP, I've begun to second guess this theory. SCP-3014 could quite possibly be human, or at least be capable of experiencing emotion. Request to Psychoanalyse SCP-3014
Report on SCP-3013 By: Dr. Henrik Von Schneeplestein   Yesterday I observed SCP-3013’s eyes, or lack thereof. It seemed fearful when I removed the bandages, but didn't move. The eye cavities were filled with golden dust, which, upon lab analysis, was actual gold. Upon examining the sockets more thoroughly, it grunted. At this point, small flecks of what appeared to be more gold substance, blood, and purple light poured out of its eyes. Located in the back of the eye socket, there was a small, shiny looking organ of some sort. Any attempt to examine these organs result in SCP-3013 screaming behind its muzzle and more blood pouring from the sockets. An attempt to sedate and observe the organs resulted in SCP-3013 waking up and [REDACTED], grabbing a scalpel from the surgeon and [REDACTED] before going on to [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] before finally [DATA EXPUNGED] The seven corpses have been disposed of. Request to never try again.
Report on SCP-3022 By: Dr. Nelson It is not containable. It's teleportation is far too strong. The entity has escaped any sort of containment put under, even when sedated. It doesn't seem volatile or malevolent, and is more of a nuisance than anything. It calls itself Chase Brody and insists to have an Ex wife and two ‘beautiful’ children despite no records of these people existing being found.
An update on SCP-3025 By: Dr. Schneeplestein   SCP-3025 has continued to ask about ‘The Host.’ While it is unknown who this person is, it is quite possible they are a lover of his. Another surprising detail occurred during a general exam. Upon talking to myself in German, SCP-3025 instantly responded in that language, commenting on having not heard the language being spoken in a long time. Weather this another anomalous quality of SCP-3025 or if it just knows the language, it was quite shocking to hear it speak in my mother language. The ‘Doctor’ might have more to him than healing and spite.
Report on SCP 3025 by Dr. Henrik Von Schneeplestein SCP 3025 has shown considerable personality growth in its stay with us. Upon first greeting this SCP I was met with a being that was confused and afraid, and just wanted out. As time continued on, 3025 grew bitter and spiteful. While the SCP is oddly always more than willing to provide our staff with medical help, it is clear it is not fond of us. Upon making an offhand comment about the carnage SCP 3013 had caused predating the muzzle, 3025 grew angry and asked if 3013 had any freedoms at all. Upon being informed we could not afford to provide such freedoms 3025 became increasingly agitated to the point I feared for the well being of the entity speaking. Aside from one incident involving overgrowth of skin on all areas of the face, 3025 has proven to be remarkably non-hostile for someone who is apparently so angry. It insists it be called "doctor" and while some humor it I refuse to. SCP 3025 is extremely unhappy in my presence, but was still content to heal my shattered arm last week. Odd to have a bleeding heart in this facility for once rather than a monster. I almost feel... Sympathetic. Still, I can't help but wonder if this... "Doctor" is planning something. His talents are remarkable, so much could be done. Time will tell how much this being understands its own abilities.
Special report on SCP-3014 By: Dr. Nelson SCP-3014s condition has improved after Dr. Patrick's removal from the project. It has started to walk again, and has resumed its normal fidgeting, twiddling with its mustache and even trying to brush its hair. During a routine check, SCP-3022, also known as Chase Brody, played some music over the intercom. SCP-3014 perked up instantly at that, and started dancing. Most of its movements were ungraceful and spastic, except for when Chase played a waltz. It danced perfectly, arms out as if actually waltzing. All it needed was a partner. Request to look more into the effect of music on SCP-3014
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                  APRIL                      2019
***** The Rolling Stones have cancelled their North American tour. Mick Jagger apologized for cancelling due to undisclosed medical treatments.  Oh Baby, Get Well Soon!!!!
***** Mick and his squeeze, Melanie Hamrick have put together a ballet set to Stones music called Porte Rouge. After premiering in Russia it will come to NY on April 18 for an opening night charity event to benefit Youth America Grand Prix.  Tickets start at $600.
***** Tina Fey and Carol Burnett  are working on a movie about Carol’s book, Carrie and me: A Mother –Daughter love story.
***** When I hear Bernie Sanders going on, I can’t help but think of Jimmy Carter. He was pushing many of these messages in the seventies. He tried to get us to have more respect for the land and to save energy and the greedy wrote him off as boring and the era of greed took over. Will we listen this time?
***** The Mueller report was finally turned over to Attorney General William Barr. This has started a whole new set of problems. Barr gives us a summary that is like springtime for Trump. He jumps right in to those that done him wrong and FISA warrants. Should congress get a look at the full report? Everyone is talking over each other and don’t seem to hear what the other is saying. Everybody piles on Adam Schiff because they think he isn’t accepting the report like a good Dem should. If they would listen, he makes it very clear that he respects the findings but they need to see the report. How dare they ask HIM to resign as Intel committee chair. It was heartwarming to see his backbone. They must quit backing down. We still don’t have the whole story but he still free to say that he thinks the actions we already know of were wrong. What the hell is wrong with that? Barr is supposed to release the heavily redacted report in mid- April. No collusion? Perhaps, Scary Clown 45 would probably not get his hands dirty. Obstruction? We’ll see. ** Tyler Mcgaughey, William Barrs son in law will now advise Trump and the White House staff. ** I am really sick of listening to the old white man POV.
***** Dow chemical has donated a mil to Trump’s campaign. Strange that Trump has blocked a report  that took years of research and shows proof of Dow toxic pesticides which jeopardizes over 1,200 endangered species.
***** US from Jordan Peele opened to 70.3 mil. Just like his last movie, critics tell us to watch it twice. How great for the bottom line.
***** John McCarty, a dead man is running for village President in Spring Bay, Il.
***** Look out for the new film, The Kid, directed by Vincent D’onofrio. The western stars Ethan Hawke, Chris Pratt, Hawk , D’onofrio , MorningStar Angeline and Leila George.
***** Did you ever see the reunion movie ‘Return to Green Acres? ‘  They tried to warn us of who Trump was a long time ago. How strange that it came full circle with that ridic Emmy Green Acres thing he did.
***** Shaq has become a deputy sheriff and has also been added to the board of directors of Papa John’s where he is an investor.
***** In sexual harassment news, Lucy Flores, a former Nevada assemblywoman has accused Joe Biden of unwanted touching and kissing at a 2014 campaign event.
***** Mark Hamill will voice the Chucky doll in the new Child’s Play.
***** Law and Order will get its 21st season.
***** The daytime Emmy noms have been announced and Days got the most this year. WOO HOO! The soap was nominated for drama, writing, costume, music, casting, art direction and oh, just everything. In the acting category the lead noms are Marci Miller, Tyler Christopher and Billy Flynn.  Kate Mansi was noticed for a guest spot as Abigail so 2 actresses are up for Emmys in the same role. Other guest noms went to Thaao Penghlis and Philip Anthony Rodriguez. Kassie Depaiva, Linsey Godfrey (really?), Martha Madison, Greg Rikaart and Eric Martsolf were all nominated.  Younger actor nods went to Olivia Rose Keegan, Lucas Adams, Victoria Konefal and Kyler Pettis.  C’mon , why nothing for Lauren Koslow, Greg Vaughan, Casey Moss, Susan Seaforth Hayes and Robert Scott Wilson?? I think I would switch a few of these around but it is still great to see Days so blessed.  I was also happy to see Max Gail from GH get noticed. CBS led the networks in noms. Hooray for Wayne Brady for game show host and Mark Hamill, Ruth Negga and Steve Buscemi in animated programs. Watch for the Daytime Emmys on May 5 which will not be on television again.
***** General Robert Neller has told the Pentagon that funds diverted to the wall are keeping Marines from rebuilding hurricane hit bases.
***** Devin Nunes is suing Twitter for the parody accounts, Devin Nunes Mom and Dvin Nunes cow which is pretty funny.
***** The EU is banning straw, cotton swabs and plastic cutlery by 2021.
***** Jenny McCarthy has a book out that slams The View.
***** Roseanne is thinking about suing ABC and has said some rather nasty stuff about Sara Gilbert.
***** Michael Avenatti was arrested for trying to extort $20 mil from Nike in NY. He claims he was just doing some lawyering.  California has him on bank fraud charges.  Why is there so much shadiness in this world? Let’s start rewarding the people doing good in this world and quit talking these headlines everyday.
***** Why did this Jussie Smollett thing go away?
***** Wal Mart is walking back this getting rid of the elderly and handicapped greeter thing.
***** Tracy Morgan and Will Forte are to star in the new animated Scooby Doo movie.
***** Johnny Depp has sued ex Amber Heard over the abuse allegations.
***** Martha Stewart is diving into the Marijuana product industry.
***** New York charges Manafort with 16 crimes. Perhaps he won’t get off as lightly with the state crimes.
***** Season 9 of American Horror Story has no premiere date yet. Emma Roberts is confirmed to return. It looks like it will also include Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters and silver medalist Gus Kenworthy.
***** New California Gov. Gavin Newsom has halted executions for now.
***** Dems will hold their convention in Milwaukee. And if I hear again that Hillary didn’t go to these sorts of places, I am gonna puke. She went! She went! Just not so much at the end.
***** Howard Stern will release his first book in 20 years this May.
***** Ok, so glad to see Whoopie Goldberg is starting to get back to work but it is just so unbelievable in this day and age and access to info that she seemed shocked that the insurance companies decide people’s fate. Of course, that is if you are lucky enough to have insurance.
***** Sandy Hook families can take lawsuits against the gun companies to court now.** Three suicides have recently come from survivors and a parent of Parkland and Sandy Hook. The pain goes on.
***** The Senate voted 59-41 to terminate the emergency declaration. VETO
***** Rick Singer, founder if a college prep business had pled guilty to money laundering, obstruction of justice and racketeering. The nationwide college entrance exam scandal involves about 50 people including Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin that dates back to 2011. People paid millions to use ringers to take or fix their children’s exams and sometimes faked photos with coaches to include them in sports they were never involved in. The U.S. attorney does not believe the schools themselves were involved. **Lawsuits have already begun from those claiming they could not get into a good college because those spots were taken by these alleged cheaters.
***** Jennifer Hudson will play Aretha Franklin in the biopic.
***** Experts say a recession is on the horizon.
***** Two Sacramento police officers will face no charges for their overkill of the unarmed Stephon Clark. Oh Big surprise!!
***** White supremacist groups on line are growing faster than ISIS. ** I never get it, if white supremacists are so supreme, so wonderful, wouldn’t they rise to the top naturally? Why do they need to rid the world of others or keep minorities down?? If they think others are so inferior, those they hate or fear should not be a problem .
***** Jeanine Pirro was pulled off Fox news after a racist rant about Muslims. ** And where is Rudy? The lawyer hasn’t been seen on the air since January. ** Is this true? Did Ivanka and Jared really try to resign? Did Scary Clown 45 try to push them into it and then not accept those resignations?
***** This can’t be true. Only 5 states have laws requiring patient consent for medical students to do vaginal exams on women under sedation.
***** I rarely think about Jay Leno but he was right about the late night comics all doing different versions of the same joke.  But, who is he to talk? I mean how many different things did you do on OJ and Clinton?? At least these guys are funny.
***** The talk that people stay in their bubble becomes crystal clear when you see the poll asking if the President is truthful: Fox viewers : 84%, MSNBC viewers : 21% and CNN viewers: 1%. Whoa!
***** Word is that Scary Clown ordered economic advisor Gary Cohn to pressure the Justice Department to file a lawsuit to block the Att-Time Warner merger to retaliate against CNN.
***** At least 250 power plants across the country are leaking toxic chemicals into nearby water.
***** Jay Inslee is running for president! I think Stacey Abrams and Jay Inslee would be a nice ticket>
***** Beta O’Rourke is running for President! The psychedelic warlord!
***** Kristen Gillibrand is running for President!
***** Conor McGregor was arrested and charged with felony strong armed robbery and criminal mischief in Miami.
***** The process is in the works to get Trumps tax returns.** The house Judiciary committee has requested 81 documents.** This can’t be true. Trump was signing Bibles for volunteers and survivors in Alabama??
***** Just when it can’t get any weirder: Li Yang and her hubby, Zubin Gong run a string of massage parlors with questionable reputations. Until recently they ran the one that Robert Kraft was busted in. They also had a web site that seemed to sell access to their buddy, Donald Trump with Chinese business contacts. As soon as the story broke, the sites for an international consulting firm, text only in Chinese and no prices for the meets came down. Li Yang and her associates are in pictures at the inauguration, the White House, Mar A Lago and Trump’s super bowl party with the Pres, his sons and other Trump family members. We should have seen this coming. The old adage that always holds true with this administration seems true here. They always blame others for what they are really guilty of, this explains the Pizzagate garbage. This could be bigger than we ever dreamed. Even stories that we may have thought a bit out there need to be looked at closer. Can we connect the sex trafficking, the White House, the money? It is time to quit fucking around with the sellers and customers of those exploited in the sex trade. I don’t get it, all these men from Trump to R Kelly have the power over the women they supposedly use and abuse and yet they are always so angry. Perhaps they wouldn’t be losing their power if you treated others with respect and dignity. They always want all the power for themselves. And c’mon media, stop talking your heads off about the Omar story and give this Li Yang story a closer look.
***** The story of the fall of Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes is a sad one. It does show that greed and massive fraud are not just for the men of this world. When I first heard of her plans for the blood testing, I was so impressed with what she was accomplishing at her age. Yes, she was another poor little rich girl whose family fortune was quite diminished by the time it got to her. Even without the Fleischman yeast money, she did seem to have advantages. I can see how some of us were fooled but what about the big investors, the stalwart statesmen?  Do they not remember that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is? How can all the hype, the press, the marketing snowball before there is any proof that something is what is actually supposed to be?? I always assumed that by the time I am hearing about it, things are about ready to go. Seeing all these stories like Trump and Deutsche bank, light sentences for Manafort and now Holmes and her partner in crime seeming to get off lightly, there is not much hope for the little guy. WHY can’t we hold those involved in big money crimes really responsible??
***** It’s true, rich people cause socialism – Neal Brennan.
***** Even in 1692 the rich were different. –Stacy Schiff- The Witches.
***** FEMA released the personal data of 2.3 million victims.
***** They have dug up old words from Fox’s Tucker Carlson. Big surprise that he seemed to empathize with Warren Jeffs, thought women should just shut up and called a woman “cunty.”  The women who lap up the words of these men must not think much of themselves.
***** Why are we letting the banks finance detention centers and prisoners? It’s more than immigration or punishing criminals. Why is this big business?? I can’t believe this is still going on. Wake up!!! When will the children be free?  C’mon House and Senate, Pass the Shut Down child prison camps bill.
***** Somebody has to pay for this President’s folly: The scary clown new budget cuts:$ 1.5 trillion from Medicaid/ $845 billion from Medicare/ &25 billion from Social Security.
***** About 1 rural hospital a month is shutting down due to lack of support and lack of funds.
***** Globalization seems to be spreading a pathogen killing the olive trees in Italy.
***** A fake Melania?? WTF? UGH!
***** Matthew Whitaker is out! Bill Shine is out!
***** When will we ever be able to buy the boxed set of Late Night with Dave?? Hurry so the next generation can see the genius they may have missed.
***** Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale??
***** Hey Bill Maher, way to go with your PETA message about the terrible treatment of the geese used to make Canada Goose down jackets.  I will stay away!!
***** J Lo and A Rod are engaged.
***** Bette Midler and Judith Light will join the cast of The Politician.
***** Jussie Smollett has been indicted on 16 felony counts.
***** HBO’s Crashing was cancelled. Pete Holmes was great in this but I never really saw much promotion for it. I hate it when good stuff falls thru the cracks.
***** Kathy Griffin has a new film about the ridiculous Trump head, nearly career ending, Government harassment crap in her life. Kathy Griffin: A Hell of a story. Make that lemonade!! A girl has to take care of herself. It premiered at SXSW.** Speaking of SXSW, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez drew great crowds while she was there.
***** R Kelly lives in Trump tower in Chicago. Well, of course he does.  Why is it ok for the rest of us to put up with these arrogant, abusive males in this society? Everyone is giving kudos to Gayle King for her calm demeanor in her interview. Yes, how professional of her but why should she be subject to that disrespect??  She is in her workplace. Would R Kelly have liked his Mother or daughter to be treated that way?
***** So, word is that Isaiah 45 is a Trump thing with the evangelicals. This scripture refers to Cyrus , the anointed one. OY!
***** Days alert: Robin Strasser is coming OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** Judith Chapman and her old style soap acting just too much. ** C’mon Chloe and Rex!!** More Nurse Shelly!! ** Is Johnny Dimera on his way to town? ** I was so glad to see Tony, one of the best characters ever anywhere, even if it was part of an out of body experience.
***** Why do we have to keep talking about George and Kelly Ann Conway?? Are they just covering their bases? With one on each side of the Trump argument, they win no matter what happens right?
***** So now we know that about 400 Catholic clergy have been accused of sexual  misconduct in Illinois. It never ends.
***** End the electoral college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** S
***** Fox has hired Donna Brazile. People seem to finally be taking Bill Maher’s advice and telling their point of view to the other side. How else will sanity prevail if we don’t find common ground? We cannot look to this administration for guidance in this world, we have to figure these things out for ourselves, which we should be able to do anyway.
***** Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds.  We have to find our self- worth.  
R.I.P. Andy Anderson, Katherine Helmond, Nathaniel Taylor, Luke Perry, Alabama tornado victims, Jan Michael Vincent,  the Ethiopian airlines disaster victims, Hal Blaine, victims of the New Zealand Mosque shootings, Sydney Aiello, the Ogossogou village attack victims, Denise DuBarry, Larry Cohen, Jeremy Richman, Ray Sawyer, Tania Mallet and Nipsey Hussle.
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