#will I ever see the real dick grayson characterized properly in a bat fam fic?
When did Dick Grayson being a touch starved extrovert in a family of touch averse introverts become a thing? Dick Grayson is not touched starved, and I wouldn't even call him an extrovert. He'll typically squeeze your shoulder for physical comfort or give you a hair ruffle, if you're Donna- you get a hug. He himself, does not really want people to touch him? Does not crave it? Is not going to burst into tears if he isn't being touched? He rarely cries at all, actually. Like off the top of my head, when Donna dies, when Bruce dies, during Robin Year One after Bruce fires him, obviously when his parents die, and maybe the first time Bruce is an idiot about Dicks safety and pushes him away at 8 years old during the Golden Age. He basically only cries after someone really close to him has died. And he does it like once, and then he closes off his emotions. Dick is rarely moved to tears.
And just because everyone knows You doesn't mean you're an extrovert. Dick knows how to work with people, how to talk to people, but he's not really a social butterfly. People form groups around him, and he knows how to balance people out. But Dick spends a lot of his time alone. Working, but content. That's exactly where he wants to be.
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