#why they so burber
alarrytale · 1 hour
Outfit anon here…. Ok so can we just call his tank top last night a corset? Because that was painted on his body I swear. I liked how he matched the blue trim of the tank top to his pants. I loved the color of the pants and they fit better than some of his other ones but I just like more of a jean/pant look on him versus almost wind-pants. I know it’s hot over there though so that’s probably why the lighter material. But he needs to get rid of those big tennis shoes. He’s got a smaller frame so they just look so bulky. I would like to raid his closet and toss all of those big shoes away I swear. Thoughts?
I loved the interaction with the Louie on stage yesterday, very cute. Curious how her picture of the group came out. She definitely won at life last night, that’s for sure.
Hi, outfit anon!
I like your enthusiasm, but no, we can't call his outfit last night a corset. It's a tight fitting tank top. A corset would enhance his waist. If he'd worn a corset we'd all faint on the spot. Harry included.
As much as i dislike the wrinkly pants, i do like the little matchy matchy of the blue colours in the tank top and the pants. These pants certainly left nothing unseen (cough).
He does need to get rid of the tennis/joggers/bulky monstrosity shoes! Especially the white ones. Burn them! It totally ruins the whole look too when he wear those shoes.
I loved that interaction too! Bring more people on stage and interact with them. It's just too bad he started doing that at the last show of the tour!
So a question back to you. Now that his tour is over what's your favourite outfit and what's your least favourite outfit he's worn?
Mine is these three for best;
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I would have loved to have switched out the London pants for the one's he wore in NY to make a perfect outift.
And for worst (i couldn’t pick, too many bad ones).
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Basically any outfit where he wears a cap, Burber*y, an oversized and not fitted t-shirt paired with shorts or football shirts is a no from me.
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
hi, i'm really sorry to bother, but i was wondering if you could tell some soft facts or ideas? like literally any of the characters, at any point in the timeline, just sumn soft 'cause i just read something upsetting and need to try and calm down from that... ily very much and you're doing an amazing job
Mmm lets see
Sometimes Remus has some disturbing thoughts and when they get too much he goes to Roman's room and plops in his bed and after a little while both of them go out for a walk
I mean it at anytime. It could be 3 am and theyre still going out
Remus considers Roman his best friend
Dee and Virgil's hugs always consist on Dee lifting Vee up and spinning a little bit. Always
Dee and Rem recently started to get lowkey excited about the idea of hanging out with the rest of the group
Before it was like "yeah okay sure why not" but now its like "Oh FUCK yeah the gang's all here"
Imagine them all vibing in a big park and theyre all saying random songs to see if Logan knows how to play it
At one point they all start singing Teenage Dirtbag
The gang had a strong argument about what cartoon was the best, Teen Titans or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and everyone threw shit on Logan because he chose Kappa Mikey
Virgil once called Burger King "Burber King" and these idiots thought it was the funniest shit they ever heard and now whenever they go over there they keep on saying "Burber King" at random times
The gang goes to the beach for a week at one point and they have an adventure lookin for crabs
They also go to the beach the next day even though its cloudy and lowkey cold but theres absolutely no one there so they get in the water because the waves are big
Roman and Logan stood there watching the stuff and takin pictures
Meanwhile Remus, Dee, Virgil, and Patton were slowly getting deeper and deeper in the water
Remus just fucking YEETS himself at the waves every time and it lowkey freaks everyone out GSNDHJDDH
Imagine the light goes out in the cabin theyre renting during the night and like Remus and Dee screech at the top of their lungs to scare the rest of the group
It worked, yes. But they all immediately catch up and started screaming as well
Logan at one point went "*sobs* please dont eat my ass, spirits" and Dee absolutely fucking lost it
It was the first time the gang ever heard Dee laugh so hard and at one point they were all crying bc they were laughing so damn much
In that trip to the seaside they were lookin at the stores and they found out that Uno had a new game called Dos and they all lost their shit and immediately bought it
They couldnt figure out how to fucking play it so it was sitting in a bag the whole ass trip
They tried to figure it out 3 times but the moment theyd get frustrated theyd throw it in the bag and play the Uno they brought instead GDHSGSJ
They also played Cards Against Humanity and in one round Roman said "I just wanna apologize in advance, i am so so sorry" as he put his card down and it was the darkest shit you could ever imagine and the whole group was a mixture of laughter and horrified faces
Dee for some reason kept on singing "I Miss You" by Blink-185 because he had it stuck in his head but he literally only sang the "WHERE ARE YOOOOUUU" and everyone wanted to hit him in the head
This started as wholesome but ended up as them being a bunch of stupid ass teenagers im sorry lmao
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tsc-clave · 4 years
TSC characters as aesthetics • TDA edition
Emma – baddie/vintage
Yes, two different aesthetics! Emma knows how to earn respect and to ruin your kneecaps, you can’t tell me the baddie vibe isn’t here. She is often seen sporting vintage clothes though, from around the ‘60 teenage fashion!
Cristina, Helen and Aline – cottagecore
These three are so warm and they love comfort, they would thrive in this aesthetic, even Aline and her burber behavior! Peace and caring for nature/each other is something all three appreciate and do, just add a cozy environment.
Diego – dark academia
Diego’s energy, despite being “perfect”, is pretty dark, he cares deeply for his loved ones but he doesn’t have a serene aura. The fact that he studied at Scholomance and chose to learn and train more makes me definitely think “dark academia”.
Jaime – punk
Jaime’s shenanigans scream punk. Again, maybe his attire doesn’t resemble the typical punk, but how he behaves and reacts to problems is always full-energy!
Kit – e-boy/boujee
The e-boy trend would be Kit’s favorite for sure, all that black with pops of color and the trendy yet sad attitude. But we can’t forget Gucci!Kit, and that’s when “boujee” comes from.
Annabel and Dru – goth
They would be both goths, but in different ways. Dru is fascinated by everything scary, gore and basically dead, while Annabel is angry at the whole world and a bit dead dead. The vibes are there.
Malcolm – girly/witchcore
Malcolm is all love and cute stuff with a Cat Valentine-like mentality, the babygirl aesthetic at its peak. We know it’s a facade, in fact he’s a skilled warlock and necromancer.
Julian – vsco
C’mon you can’t tell me he wouldn’t be a vsco boy with that tan and his sea-glass bracelets, I know he’s way tougher but the core is that! He cares for everyone, so I don’t see why he wouldnt care for the türtllles too.
Mark and Kieran – dark cottagecore
Similar to cottagecore, this aesthetic is all about nature and comfort, but darker. Mark and Kieran know very well how nature can be dark and disruptive too, I can easily see them in a small house lost in the woods (or the fae realm).
Livvy and Ty – light academia
The twins always had a thing for learning and reading, thus my decision for the academia aesthetic. I chose the light one though because they don’t usually go for darker topics or environments.
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oceanman · 3 years
hi burber who would you kin from yugioh
i’m asking malik to kinassign me and she said zorc. that is the dick monster. she’s laughing like the joker and begging me to ask why. she said it’s because we were both born in a hospital. and she’s still laughing at her own joke
maybe i would kin brooklyn accent joey wheeler. malik is kaiba so win for gay people
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scribemallow · 5 years
kirburbia ch. 14 - hot stuff
Right by my side There's ZZ Top And Robert z'dar From Maniac Cop 1, 2 and 3 This barbecue could bring you to your knees And so could these two trucks
this chapter is fundamentally ridiculous until it hurts you
read on ao3 here or full text below! donations are open on my blog. thank you for reading.
Meta Knight didn’t understand the apeal humans saw in cooking outside- until now. Sitting on a handcrafted wooden bench outside Dedede’s suburban alien dwelling, feeling the cool grass beneath his feet and watching the sunset melt lazily into night, he thinks this might be heaven. Dedede had insisted on having what he called a “barbeque” outside after the debacle at Kirby’s daycare, and now it was happening. He hadn’t phrased it as an apology, he was still too coarse for that, but it certainly sufficed as one. If one was needed. Meta Knight tells himself to put these confused thoughts out of his mind for once and just enjoy it.
Lifting up the soft white bun, fried in butter on one side, Meta Knight checked out the ingredients. Some mysterious sauce which Dedede claimed was “secret”, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole and crisp potato chips. It was true to what Dedede boastfully claimed was the “Dededeburger, of course!” before parading around in his apron, written on which was a bold-font statement “the REAL burger king”. Is there even someone else who’d call themselves the burger king? Between drives to the store, Meta Knight remembered, Dedede had explained to him in detail how America didn’t have a monarchy in the way Dreamland does. Maybe this “Burger King” is a foreign figure… An enemy of the state.
“Hey, Meta Knight, do you want some more guacamole?” The sound of his own name made Meta Knight turn towards Dedede. Nodding appreciatively, he then turned from Dedede towards Kirby, who was playing in the corner of the beige picket-fence backyard. He had obtained a few bugs from the ground and was observing them with a curious eye- all fine, as long as he didn’t try to eat them. Meta Knight had said to him, with a grave tone, that they didn’t really know what might happen if Kirby tried to eat something strange in human form. Better than him trying to touch the grill to get the burgers off before they were even cooked. Dedede curses under his breath when he gets hit by a stray hot spark, too quiet for Kirby to pick up on it.
“I’m usually way more in my element when I do this on Earth. Looks like I’m getting performance anxiety doing this for a crowd.” Dedede says to Meta Knight afterwards, smiling wide. Meta Knight smiles back, calmed by the open air and the sound of insects in the distance.
“Do you cook like this for yourself on Earth?” Meta Knight asks. Dedede’s silent for a second, but he nods.
“Don’t get on my back about how sad it is. Can’t a bachelor have some fun now and again?” Dedede replies. Meta Knight adverts his eyes, a little guilty inside about his intention to joke about how Dedede could easily just order some food instead of going to this length if he had no-one to impress or serve. “Awh, you’re right. It is a little depressing. I just like the theatrics of it more than anything- I mean, watch this!” In time with the end of his sentence, Dedede flips one of the grilling burgers over, imbued with a great confidence. It lands flat on the grill once more and with remarkable speed. Hesitant for a moment, Meta Knight then starts clapping for Dedede, a motion that’s copied by Kirby after a few seconds. Meta Knight saw Kirby- he was playing with bugs, not paying attention to Dedede- but the enthusiasm warms his heart regardless. Dedede laughs at the sound, rubbing his hand behind his head and blushing, closing his eyes and only opening them once the clapping commenced.
“You are good at it.”
“Awww, thanks. It’s maybe not clap-worthy, but you can’t beat a good bit of entertainment with your food. And I can’t tell any good jokes, so this is what it is.”
Meta Knight smiles. “What do you call a fish with no eyes?”
“Is this some kind of penguin joke?” Dedede grunts.
“Okay, I’ll bite. I don’t know what you’d call a fish with no eyes.”
Meta Knight grins. “A fshhhhhhhhhh.”
“More like dead. It’s a cold world out there. No eyes doesn’t seem like it’d provide a fighting chance for that fish” Dedede quips, and Meta Knight rolls his eyes.
“Maybe neither of us is a great comedian. Or it’s because I found that joke on a fortune cookie, and even then I wasn’t laughing at it.”
Kirby peeks up from his corner to overhear the conversation. Eager to move the topic away from fish death, Dedede grins at Kirby and waves his tongs.
“You want a burger, little guy?” On hearing the sentence, Kirby’s eyes light up with stars and he nods enthusiastically.
“Kirby burber! Kirby burber now!” Meta Knight can’t help but smile at the excited tone in his voice.
“Hey, hey, don’t be so hasty!” Dedede exclaims. “These things are hot, so you be careful.” He lifts one of the remaining patties off of the barbeque and slides it onto one of the bun halves he has prepared, topping it with all of the other ingredients to his signature burger, then kneels down to where Kirby sits and hands him the fully formed dish. Kirby immediately tries to wrestle the large stack into his small hands before he settles for taking little corner bites plucked with his fingers. “Again, it’s still hot stuff, so be careful.”
An impulse passes Meta Knight’s mind that he can’t really ignore. He hears Dedede say “hot stuff” and, in that second, he wants to turn and say to Dedede- “just like you”. It’s funny, sure, but there’s clearly no competition when Dedede’s already admitted he doesn’t really care about telling jokes. Suddenly, the feeling of denim fabric underneath Meta Knight’s fingers is much more intense, and he becomes jarringly aware of the space around him.
Why do I want to say something so silly to Dedede? Is it a joke, or is it a compliment? How would he even react?
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