#why joe? why the oversized trousers?
spookycreepycookie · 1 year
This two! ✨🥰
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transizzyhands · 1 year
hey look it's the first 2,000 words or so of this post-El Camino fic ive been working on
After 26 years in the desert, the first big adjustment was coping with the cold. Sure, it got cold in New Mexico, but it was nothing compared to Alaska's bitter freezes. Back when Alaska was just an idea in his head, he thought he could handle it. Oversized hoodies and beanies pulled low over his ears had been his wardrobe since he was a teenager, after all—they should have served him well up north.
Not so much. Less than a week after he arrived, after a night of shivering himself awake next to the wood stove, he got into the truck and headed into town.
It was a small town, vastly different from Albuquerque's busy streets and sprawling neighborhoods. Most of the vehicles around here were old trucks and Jeeps, bodies half-rusted away, with the occasional Subaru or SUV parked along the street. Small cars didn't fare well in the snow. Before the next big snowfall, he'd have to get chains. First things first, though: more layers.
A storefront called SNOWBUSTER'S EMPORIUM caught his eye. In the windows, a headless mannequin modeled a fur-lined parka and matching trousers, with a scarf around its neck and sturdy boots. He cut the engine halfway down the street and headed inside.
The bell over the door rang out, punctuating the classic rock playing softly over hidden speakers. “Hey, Joe!” came a woman's voice, but he couldn't see anyone.
“Uh. Not Joe. Sorry,” he said.
A head poked up from behind a rack of sweaters. “Oh! Nope, definitely not.” The woman, dark-haired and dark-eyed, shot him a mischievous grin. “Sorry about that.” She stepped out from behind the rack and approached him. “I'm Ness. New in Haines?”
“Well, let me know if I can help you find anything, okay?” She looked friendly enough, in her early forties with her dark hair in twin braids and a light-green flannel shirt buttoned high. “Passing through or staying?”
“Haven't decided,” he said. That, at least, wasn't a lie.
“This is a nice town. We always welcome a friendly face. How long have you been here?”
“Few days.”
“How do you like it so far?” As Ness spoke, she moved around the store, straightening displays or re-folding scarves.
“Not bad. A little cold at night.”
She hummed in agreement. “Staying warm at night is tricky. I always recommend getting a dog for that. But if you're allergic to dogs or you're not interested in getting one, there's always long johns! Back here.”
After a brief hesitation, he followed her to the back of the store and she gestured to a rickety shelf stacked with folded long johns. “Take a look back here, and if you don't find something you like, we can always special order something for you. It'll take a couple weeks to get in, but it's worth it. Welcome to town.” She stuck out her hand.
He shook it. “Thanks. Lucas,” he added.
Her smile widened. “Nice to meet you, Lucas. If you need me, I'll be up at the register. Just holler.” She went back to the front, leaving him to stare at the woolen clothing in silence.
But his attention just shifted right back to the shelves. They were splintering, half-eaten away, and looked like they were a rough sneeze away from falling apart. Flimsy plywood held together with wood glue and prayers. Before he could stop himself, he called over, “Where'd you get these shelves?”
Ness propped herself up on her elbows, leaning against the front case. “Why?”
“Hope you didn't pay too much for 'em, or I'd say you got ripped off.”
An eyebrow went up along with a small smile. “And how much would be too much?”
He scanned the rest of the store, eyeing the shelves in the walls. “Fifty bucks.”
“That bad, huh?”
“Yeah.” A horrible thought struck him. “You didn't make 'em yourself, did you?”
“No, I didn't make them.”
“Oh. Okay.” His heart rate started to return to normal.
“My brother did,” Ness finished as the bell above the door chimed out again.
“Your brother did what?” asked the man who'd pushed open the door. He wasn't particularly tall, maybe three inches taller than him, but his wide build, grown-out beard, and intense stare all immediately indicated that he was not someone to be messed with.
“Apparently, my brother is a piss-poor carpenter.”
“No, wait—that's not what I said,” he protested, silently kicking himself. He'd been in town less than a week, in this store less than five minutes, and he was already making an ass of himself. How the fuck was he supposed to keep himself out of trouble when he couldn't last a day with regular people?
“Lucas, this is Joe, my brother. We own the store.”
“I'm... sorry,” he mumbled, starting to skirt around the edge of the store toward the other door. His first, panicked reaction was to go for the gun in his waistband—the gun he didn't have on him. “I have this bad habit, I talk too much—look, I'll just leave and I won't bother you again.”
“That one doesn't open,” Joe said, his beard twitching.
“Ah.” He couldn't get a read on Joe's expression, but he didn't want to look too closely at him, either. “Are you gonna let me go?”
The siblings exchanged a look and then Joe stepped away from the door.
He took the opening presented and bolted before they could change their minds.
The snow crunched under his stiff boots, heavier on his feet than he was used to. Discomfort came from unexpected angles, from the cold against his scalp and the tug of still-healing scars when he talked, to tight new boots that hadn't broken in yet and an ache that went bone-deep when he bent his left knee. He focused on that to keep from panicking, focused on the key digging into his palm as he finally drew level with the truck.
The engine hadn't cooled much, so the air that blasted him was still warm. He fumbled through his unfamiliar pockets until he found his cigarettes and lighter. Maybe one day he'd quit, but right now, he didn't care. There was no guarantee he'd even make it to 30 anyway.
He needed a drink to calm himself down, but the idea of drinking alone after spending the better part of a year alone was enough to drive him crazy on its own. So going to a bar was the best option.
Fortunately, he didn't have to drive far. Barely a block away, he pulled into a practically-empty parking lot and went inside. It wasn't the sleaziest dive he'd been to, but it was up there. The dim lighting inside obscured anything farther than ten feet away. In some dark corner, only the quiet click of pool balls cracking together indicated a game of billiards. Despite the NO SMOKING sign behind the bar, an old-timer sat at a far table with a fat cigar burning. He went up to the bar, vacant aside from one bleary-eyed patron, and flagged down the bartender. “Jack and Coke.”
He slid his license across the bar top. The bartender's eyes scanned the name, the photo, the birthdate. “Sure thing, Mr. Driscoll. Five bucks.” She slid it back to him.
“Isn't it ten?” he asked, pointing to the prices listed above the bar.
“Happy Hour started at four. Jeez,” the bartender added. “Never heard a guy complain about a cheap drink before.” She pulled out a glass and started pouring, then nodded at someone over his head.
Before he could turn around to look, another body was in his space, sliding onto the stool next to his. “Just put it on my tab, Ruthie.”
“Sure thing. Anything for you? Get you your usual?”
“Nah, I'll just be a minute.” Leather creaked as weight shifted. “Never did get a chance to properly make your acquaintance. Joseph Parker. Everyone calls me Joe. Nella said you're Lucas?”
He swallowed and forced himself to look at Joe. “Yeah. Luke is good too.” It brought Luke Skywalker to mind. Badger and Skinny Pete were Trekkies if anything, but he'd always preferred Star Wars.
“Luke.” It looked like Joe was grinning, but it was hard to tell for sure.
“Yeah. Luke. My last name's Driscoll, though. Not anything cool, like Skywalker.”
Joe laughed, a big and genuine laugh, and Luke took a swig of his Jack and Coke to hide his sigh of relief.
“So, like... what are you doing here? You didn't follow me here just to buy me a drink, did you?”
Joe nodded slowly and lightly tapped his pinkie and ring fingers on the slick wood of the bar top. “You're right. I just wanted to—look, are you okay? When you left the store, you looked like you were about to pass out.”
“What you said? 'You gonna let me go?' You were shaking like a Chihuahua.”
“But your sister said—”
Joe waved dismissively. “Ness was messing with me, that's all. That's what she does. I know those shelves're garbage. They've been like that for ten years. We fight about them all the time.”
“So why don't you just replace them?”
“You'll have to ask her that. Sometimes it feels like the only way they'll get fixed is if someone does it overnight.” He propped himself by his elbow. “Bah, it's not that important. Listen, there's no hard feelings, Luke. You gave a fair and moreover honest assessment of my work. It don't bother me any. Besides, if you keep talking to Ness about it, you might be able to help me convince her to replace them.” Joe got to his feet and held out his hand. “Come on back sometime and we'll take care of you.”
He shook Joe's hand. “Yeah, for sure. I'll be back.”
“Cool. See you around, Luke.” He stepped away, his hand lingering a fraction of a second longer in Luke's, and Luke swore his heart missed a beat but by the time he processed it, Joe was out the door.
He swirled his drink for a moment and then took another swig, grimacing slightly at the burning tang of whiskey.
“Well, since Joe's paying, want another?” Ruthie asked.
“He's really not gonna kick my ass?”
“Who, Joe? He's a big cuddly kitty-cat. Besides, I wouldn't offer if it was gonna be a problem. So how 'bout it?”
He stared into the glass for a few seconds and then finished it off. “Yeah, sure.”
“Great.” She mixed up another and swapped out the glasses. “Here. So, I'm gathering that you're new around Haines. Makes sense, I've never seen you before. You hanging around?”
“Haven't decided. I haven't unpacked yet, if that's what you mean.”
“Well, why not?”
“I don't know.”
“Think you could stay for, say, a month?”
That wasn't what he expected. “For what?”
“Well, if I'm being honest, it's a little boring. Everyone knows everyone. Kind of a relief to get some fresh blood in here.”
Something about that comment put him on-edge. “You're not... uh, vampires, are you?”
Ruthie laughed so hard she cried. Neither of the other two bar patrons even looked over at them.
“I'm guessing that means no.”
Her giggles slowly subsiding, she wiped her eyes with the back of her wrists. “No, no vampires in this town that I know of.”
Ruthie looked like she was going to lose it again. “Luke, I need your help to get Joe a date. This isn't a monster movie. Not to imply the two are mutually exclusive or anything.”
“Why do you need my help?”
“Because you're exciting, you're bright, shiny, and new, and you're probably looking for new friends of your own anyway, right? So it's a win-win.”
“Sure. So what's your angle in this?”
“What makes you think I have one?”
“Just seems a little weird, you know? Asking a stranger for help setting up your friend.”
“What? Come on, I bet you're a great wingman. But listen, hey. He's a good guy. He just needs to shake it up a bit. Stranger from out of town sounds like the perfect way to do that. But, hey, if you're not interested, no problem.”
There was only one right answer to this, and the wrong answer felt dangerous. But there was a tug in his chest, something telling him to stay. So he compromised. “I'll think about it, okay?”
Ruthie nodded appreciatively. “That's more than I can rightly ask a stranger.”
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toxicsquad · 1 year
Hi! Please ignore this if you're not taking asks about the characters anymore! I need to know... how good is their fashion sense and what kind of clothes do they wear more often? more importantly, who would let my jordan dress them up for fun? xD thank you for your time!
Hi anon, we always accept new questions ^^ We thought that to make it a bit more fun... Why don't we show you some proposals of clothes that we would put on the characters? Unfortunately we don't have all the time to make all the costumes that we would put on them but here are our proposals.
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Joe: She's definitely the most stylish, even though she's been in uniform for a long time. She'd be willing to be dressed by Jordan, but more importantly, she'd be eager to dress Jordan. You will never see her in tracksuits or very casual clothes. She likes very feminine clothes in soft colours. She adapts well to the circumstances, going from a more romantic style to a very classic and elegant one or a fun and very risky one.
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Hasiel: He looks old-fashioned and out of step with the times, what would best define his style is dark academia or what would be understood in this century as dark academia. Full of jumpers, classic trousers and shirts. He would probably accept Jordan's choice of clothes, but if he strayed too far from his own tastes, he would probably complain.
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Arael: She likes pastel colours, straight figures and trousers rather than skirts or dresses. All her clothes are full of colour and look very comfortable. Perhaps a bit girlish for some, but Arael is not pressured by standards. She would definitely let Jordan dress her. It would be a new experience and she loves to experience new sensations.
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Kyeran: His style is a mix of bohemian with ethnic touches. A lot of his clothes are recycled or second-hand, although he never intended to have a deliberately vintage aesthetic. He wears things until they break and doesn't see himself as closed to gender standards either, so you might see him in a skirt or other feminine pieces. He would also let Jordan dress him and treasure the clothes they give him.
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Maske: Their aesthetic is very much defined within darkware. They don't wear colours outside of black, grey and dark blue except for gold when wearing formal wear or in spotlights and the like. They wear a lot of clothes on top of each other, creating a lot of layers. Although they usually only wear tracksuits, they might have quite interesting taste if they weren't so afraid to show their bodies. Jordan could convince them to try something on, but probably not to buy it.
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Akane: She doesn't think too much about her appearance, her everyday clothes are actually work clothes, as she doesn't do much else at some point her casual clothes were completely replaced by overalls and canvas clothes. As she loves sports, she has a lot of sports equipment. Although, maybe Jordan could convince her to wear something more interesting… She loves asymmetrical T-shirts, green, red and orange and she doesn't dislike skirts, but she prefers trouser skirts. She would accept to be dressed by Jordan, but with some things, she would die of embarrassment.
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Pin: He wears oversize clothes, very youthful and with references to popular culture. It is quite clear that his favourite colour is red. All his clothes are very comfortable. On the other hand, Rubi has more serious and simpler clothes. He always says she would choose more daring things but with Pin's body they don't suit him. Pin would love to be dressed by Jordan and would be very curious to know what they would choose for him.
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Zihel: Zihel's clothing straddles the line between grunge and military aesthetics, though none of it was premeditated. Almost all of his current clothes are Hasiel's clothes in a state of extreme disrepair. Partly intentional, partly through neglect. The formal wear was chosen by Valefar so that he doesn't make a fool of himself. Zihel has no problem trying on clothes Jordan tells him to, though if he's having a bad day he'd probably refuse just because he's in a bad mood.
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Ariel: Any facet of rock suits Ariel and he has probably worn it at one time or another. He likes aggressive, dramatic clothes that are very striking and allow him to show off. If he's not the centre of attention, there's something he's not doing right. We felt like adding an alternative version. Although we have already warned you that Ariel wouldn't have been very happy being an angel… He would love to play dress-up with Jordan, especially if it would make Jordan look naked. He'd probably try to turn it into a sex game.
Well, that's about it. What did you think? is there a look that you liked the most?
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acdeaky · 4 years
the end of the night
warning: fluff, angst, use of strong language, dialogue heavy at parts
note: happy secret santa to @yourlocalmusicalprostitute ! here's a fic with joe, even though i know you said about wanting john! i couldn’t put john with the idea i had, so i went with joe! i hope you enjoy, mwah 💋
word count: 2.0k
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the last year of your life had been one of the best for your career and your personal life. you and joe had celebrated your two year anniversary with a special trip to paris. after news got out that you were to be in a highly anticipated film being released in december, you had half a dozen auditions for new projects, two of which you got accepted for. 
the year previous had been amazing for you as well, especially the second half. filming began on your first main role in a movie and to say you were excited was an understatement. you were ecstatic. joe helped you through sleepless nights filled with nerves and/or excitement, he spent countless days on set with you and kept you company on your breaks, as well as doing his job too. 
somehow, each day you two spent together throughout the past two years, you had fallen more in love with joe - something which you didn't think would be possible. but it happened. and the excitement of your premiere caught up with you throughout the press tour. and, once again, joe was there by your side for every moment. 
you’d enjoyed filming and promoting this movie that you forgot about the christmas release date. throughout the entire month of december, running up to christmas that is, you felt like you’d done nothing but work. it slipped your mind that the days to christmas were counting down, until it got to the premiere.
december 19th: you and your cast mates were lined up along the red carpet, smiling and waving at the cameras. joe was by your side the whole night. he chatted with you and the interviewers and watched as your face lit up while meeting and talking to fans. you both were in a state of bliss that night, smiling and getting along with your cast mates.
but after the joy had settled and everyone had gone home or back to their hotels, it was a different story.
stumbling into your hotel suite, you and joe giggled hysterically, the amount of alcohol you had had finally taking affect. you had shown him something on your phone in the lift and both of you were still laughing at it. it wasn’t that funny, but joe was trying to keep you happy before saying what he wanted to say.
“i’m gonna hop in the shower,” you managed to say through light giggles, pulling off your shoes and then carefully tried to unzip your dress from the back. “do you wanna join?”
“no, love, i’ll let you have one.” joe smiled, walking over to help you.
“if you’re sure, baby.” joe only nodded in reply as you glanced over your shoulder. the zip of your dress was down at the bottom after joe helped and you easily slid out of the short sleeves and let the dress rest in a puddle at your feet.
stepping out of it, joe reached down to grab it, holding it delicately and laying it across the back of the sofa of the suite. as a thank you, you kissed his cheek lightly, resting your hand on his blazer clad shoulder.
“don’t worry about taking this off and joining me at any point, joey. i’ve missed you,” your hand moved down from his shoulder over the lapels on his blazer. the fabric was soft, good quality shit, and running your thumb over the front brought you back to earth. “i won’t be too long.” and with that you turned around from him, waltzing into the oversized bathroom and stripping off the rest of your clothes before stepping into the shower. 
joe never joined you. he stayed inside the bedroom of the suite and took off his blazer, laying it over the sofa next to your dress. he toed off his shoes and placed them next to yours which had been carelessly thrown at the foot of the bed. his tie joined his blazer over the sofa, but joe kept his shirt and trousers on, not fully ready to undress just yet. 
there was something he had to do. 
just like you had said, you weren't too long. you dried off in the bathroom, sneaking into the bedroom to grab some pyjamas and quickly getting changed. after hanging the towels up, you stepped back into the bedroom, pulling the fluffed up white covers back and called to joe. 
“baby? are you coming?” was all you said. joe suddenly appear from the living area of the suite, his once crisp white shirt now slightly creased and untucked from his trousers. “i thought you'd be ready for bed?” you asked sweetly, snuggling further down into the sheets and silently beckoning him to bed. 
“i will, i will, i just- i need to talk to you a minute.” joe just sat on the same side of the bed as you, his fingers and thumbs twiddling as he tried to calm himself. 
“joey, what's wrong? has something happened? are you okay?” a million thoughts and questions raced through your head. the silence coming from him was the first thing that worried you; joe was barely ever quiet. 
“im fine, love, i just wanted to talk to you about something.” joe’s head was still down, his voice coming out at almost a whisper. before you even replied, you shifted forward, grabbing one of his hands and placed it in-between both of yours. all of your attention was on him now; his posture and attitude worrying you, his behaviour extremely unusual. 
“okay,” you said with a shaky breath. “go for it.” 
“i love you. so so much. and you know this, but i just wanted to say it. these past few weeks, hell these past two years, i’ve be so unbelievably proud of you, of what you're achieving and what you've achieved. but honestly? i miss you, a lot. like, a hell of a lot. you’ve been there, of course you’ve been there, but you haven’t been here completely. part of your mind has always been thinking go work, or the next step, and i feel like we’ve not spent time together like we have done before. christmas is in less than a week and the minimal amount of presents we’ve bought is ridiculous. and i'm not blaming you, i never would. god, i can't blame you when you’ve been caught up in work because that's your job, it’s what you do.” joe had to breathe for a minute. he still hadn't looked up, his eyes were still fixed on where your hands were encasing his. 
“as much as there's been an us lately, there also hasn't. the bed feels empty even when you're in it next to me. the house seems quiet even when you’re downstairs rehearsing to watching TV. there's just been something not right and i didn't want to say anything earlier because i wanted you to enjoy celebrating the movie, because you should, instead of thinking and worrying about what i've said. i'm not trying to make you feel bad or guilty, because i just couldn't do that to you, but i just had to say this. i had to say something.” 
“fuck, i'm so sorry.” was the first thing joe said when he finally looked up at you. you knew exactly why. your face was definitely a deeper shade of red to match your bloodshot eyes. there had definitely been at least three tears that marked your face and fallen onto the cotton sheets below. joe knew what you looked like when you cried, he had seen it happen so many times before. but every time that happened, the first thing he would do would be pulling you into his arms, a hand stroking the back of your head as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. 
this time, though, he did none of that. just like you, his eyes were bloodshot and there was guilt behind them. you saw it as soon as he looked up at you. you think that was why he pulled his hand from between yours and shot up so quickly. his hands ran through his hair, pulling it this way and that way. 
you sat motionless on the bed. your hands were still where joe’s left them, your face was in a state of shock, in fact, your whole body was. the only sounds came from joe’s laboured breathing and the few outside noises of cars and noisy pedestrians passing by outside. 
that wasn't what you were expecting. 
it wasn't what joe was expecting. 
but it happened. 
it took a few minutes for you and joe to come out of your heads and acknowledge each other, it was your short sniffles that brought you back to earth. joe’s movements stilled as he faced where you sat on the bed. his eyes were even more bloodshot than before and his hair was so dishevelled. all you want to do was reach out and kiss his tear stains away, but that wouldn't work this time. 
“you don't need to be sorry,” came your broken voice, disrupting the near silence in the room. “you're right. i’ve been so interested in work and this movie and movie forward in my career that i forgot about everything else. i’m sorry i haven't been here as often, or as present as i should be, like i used to be. without realising it, it’s just happened. and i’m sorry, joe. i’m sorry i haven't been there properly, or fully. i’m sorry for making you worried and making you feel like this. seeing you like this just breaks my heart. and it’s all my fault.”
joe stayed stood there, taking in the words you said and the sight before him. after everything tonight, after all the laughter and love received by the both of you, the end of the night turned into something out of your personal nightmares. without saying a word, joe finally move forward. his body practically crashed onto the bed and he pulled you into his arms once again. he sat with his legs over the bed, pulling you onto his lap and wrapping his arms around you. 
“its not your fault, it’s not.” he whispered over and over again in your ear, his hand stroking the back of your head. both of you stayed there for what seemed like hours, crying into the other’s shoulder and readjusting your grips periodically. 
“i love you so so much, and we’ll figure this out together, yeh?” joe whispered into your ear after a few moments of silence. at some point, he begun rocking you backwards and forward, settling your crying and calming your breathing. no words could leave your mouth, making you nod your head in agreement. “lets get you back into bed.” 
joe’s movements were slow as he lifted you off of his lap and into the sheets. he helped you lay down fully before pulling the sheets over the rest of your body. instantly, you snuggled down into them, making yourself comfy and waited for joe to join you. he finally removed his shirt, placing it and his trousers over the back of the sofa. joe didn't even bother changing into his pyjamas; all he did was pull out his pair of sweatpants, pulled them on and crawled into the bed next to you. 
as soon as he settled, he pulled you close to him. your chests were pressed together as his arms rested around your waist and your arms rested are his shoulders. it was the low sounds of joe’s breathing and his sweet nothings that sent you off to sleep. just before you fell asleep, you made a mental note to be more present, to be there for joe when he needed you. 
an “i love you.” was whispered just before you fell asleep. 
that night could be classed as one of your bests and one of your worsts, but with joe there by your side for the whole thing, nothing else compared (even if you did end up crying one way or another). 
TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized @seesiderendezvous @alright-mrfahrenheit @someone-get-a-medic​ @miamideacon​ @chlobo6​ @teenagepeterpan​ @spacedustmazzello​ @deakysgurl @forever-rogue @xcdelilahxc @keepsdrawing​ @igotsuckedintothevoid @kill4hqueen​ @supersonicfreddie​ @laedymoon @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @warriorteam1924​ @painandpleasure86 @boomerangbassist @mamaskillerqueen 
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thisisstillme · 4 years
Time for a resolution
Thursday 9th May
Woke up feeling dehydrated, feel confused as I haven’t had a drink since Sunday, then remember I had Chinese takeaway last night, so salty! I really notice it as I never add salt to my food even when cooking, I just don’t like it, weird how I like Chinese takeaway though! I didn’t actually eat a lot of it either, made up a small plate and would usually go back for more but I didn’t, I let myself get full and then went to bed.
Now I’m up and about to make my first shake. Eeek! Think I’ll play safe and go with strawberry.
I’d joined the Facebook group so had been reading up the night before, a lot of people were saying they use a blender with the ice, some were even saying it was like a McDonalds milkshake.
Put it in the blender, 200ml of water & 3 cubes of ice. Poured it in my jam jar glass with lid & straw, reserved purely for healthy things like this, so it feels like a special occasion. It doesn’t look like a lot, this is supposed to fill me up until lunchtime! I take the plunge. Ooh it’s actually ok. I couldn’t taste anything chemical like some people were saying but it also didn’t taste like a McDonald’s milkshake, I haven’t had one in a while but it wasn’t like the last one I had.
Walk to the station and see a woman probably about 30, she’s dressed pretty casually putting her little boy in the car and I start comparing myself, she looks lovely and there’s me in a dress I’ve had for years looking like a blob huffing my way to the station, if I wore that same outfit, which was simple black fitted trousers/leggings and an oversize shirt, I would look hideous.
I realise that comparing myself to others is not productive and I need to improve on my self talk, I’m the only one saying these things about myself, but I find it increasingly difficult. I know my husband loves me and I’m pretty sure my friends think I’m ok, but what good is that when you don’t think much of yourself? I need to stop this immediately. I’ve got a lot of self care books at home so I shall have a look at those tonight and see if my old friend google can rustle something up.
Have to drink lots of water with Exante, already had a litre this morning and I’m not even at work yet, this is good. I have a 750ml water bottle on my desk so will try and get through two of those today and then another litre tonight when I get home. I had to drink loads when I was on Joe Wicks and found that I really craved water when I was on it. Might even find my way to a bit of exercise tonight.
Dear God, McDonald’s have just liked one of my Instagram posts. 🙈 I’m sorry but why is Their food just so good Please *don’t* send free food!
I have totally forgotten that I am going to the theatre with my best friend tonight to see Girl on the Train. How the F have I forgotten this? I look a right state as well 😩
Starting to feel a bit hungry now, I had my shake over 4 hours ago. Am glad I’m having food for lunch now and a bar for dinner.
Met my friend for lunch and found myself on the 14:47 train home, she is a bad/good influence, whichever way you want to look at it. At least I can spruce myself up now.
Had a lovely night with the girls at the theatre and we're now arranging to meet up when we're all back from holiday.

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topfygad · 5 years
10 Tips for Planning a US Road Trip
Growing up with a steady diet of US television and cinema, it makes sense that I would be drawn to all things US.
My earliest travel daydreams were of someday making it to Disneyland (which I did in 2012). It has been an enduring love affair ever since
My first US road trip with a relatively modest affair: taking me from Couer d’Alene, Idaho to Portland, Oregon to American Falls, Idaho. Not the most glamorous of starts, I’ll admit.
2012 saw me making the drive along the US West Coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Along the way, we visited Yosemite and Monterey.
2015 saw me kick things up a notch with our five-week Great US Road Trip. Hitting Austin, New Orleans, Nashville, DC, Philadelphia, and more along the way, it was one for the books.
Most recently, my brothers, our partners, and I embarked on a two week Southwest US road trip. Over the course of a fortnight, we visited San Diego, Las Vegas, Flagstaff, and Joshua Tree.
As you can see, I’ve managed to build a fair resume when it comes to planning US road trips. With my imminent marriage to a US citizen, it seems fated that I’ll be making many more US road trips in the future.
I’ve picked up some handy tips and tricks along the way, so allow me to share with you my ten tips for planning a US road trip.
#10 – Get travel insurance
Healthcare in the US is expensive. Their broken healthcare system can mean you’re getting hit with a $1,000 USD fee just for walking in the door, so you don’t want to be caught with your proverbial pants down.
Ever since I broke my arm in Indonesia, I’ve been fastidious when it comes to arranging my travel insurance. The last thing you want is to fall ill or get injured and be on the hook for a hefty medical bill, trust me.
Thankfully, World Nomads travel insurance has fantastic rates for trips that include the US. They’re who I use for all of my trips, and who I recommend my friends choose when hitting the road.
Don’t let your trip be absolutely derailed by an accident. Get travel insurance, you idiot.
#9 – The cost of dining out
One of the things my brothers were super excited about when visiting the United States was the opportunity to eat all of the things.
From IHOP to colossal hamburgers to fried chicken to Mexican, they wanted to eat as much as humanly possible, much to the dismay of my waistline and my wallet.
You see, food only looks cheap in the United States. The large portion sizes and conservative prices can be very tempting, but there are two things that mean you’re not getting the deal you thought you were:
In Australia, tax is included in the menu pricing and tipping is replaced by a living wage, so it is easy to think you have found a bargain. However, once you factor in the 10-15% tax and the 18-20% for tip, you’re looking at Aussie pricing.
Saving Money on Food
Look, I get the temptation to eat out for every meal. Even at that price point, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck when eating out in the US.
Unless you’re made of money, however, you’re going to find your wallet shrinking faster than your appetite.
Far be it from me to recommend fast food, but you can avoid the tipping culture if you grab lunch at Taco Bell or Chipotle. I wouldn’t recommend it for every meal, but a $6 meal every now and then takes the sting off those $20 – $40 bills at sit down restaurants.
However, my #1 tip for eating on the cheap is a simple one: cook!
If you’re able to work a few Airbnb properties into your itinerary, you’ll likely have access to a full kitchen. Hit up a Trader Joe’s, stock up on delicious ingredients, and do a little home cooking. We did this in Flagstaff and Joshua Tree on our recent trip, mixing things up with homemade burgers, fajitas, and Thai green curry in between our meals out.
#8 – Get your visa early
If you’re from one of the 38 countries eligible for the fantastic ESTA visa waiver program, this couldn’t be easier! Simply log onto ESTA USA, fill out your application, and you’re all set!
The ESTA process often returns an answer inside an hour, but I always recommend my friends arrange this a week or two in advance to ensure there aren’t any hiccups. You don’t want to get turned away at the border!
Not Eligible for ESTA?
While not as smooth and painless as the ESTA visa waiver program, applying for a US visitor visa is still a relatively quick process.
As the visitor visa program can require interviews ahead of visa issuance, you’ll want to get a jump on these early!
#7 – National Park passes
The United States has a truly mind-blowing number of National Parks and State Parks. Just check out this list of US National Parks and you get the idea.
To my mind, the stunning National Parks that dot the US are every bit as appealing as the world-famous cities that more immediately spring to mind. Sure, I love Vegas, Austin, and New York, but I feel a similar level of excitement when you mention Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone.
If your US Road Trip is going to include more than 2-3 national parks, you’ll want to get an America the Beautiful National Parks Pass. At just $80 USD for a year, this pass not only gives you access to every single national park but over 2,000 parks and recreation areas across the country!
Seriously, when parks are usually $25 USD to enter, this is a steal!
#6 – Renting a car
Unless you’re lucky enough to be traveling with a US citizen who happens to have a car handy, you’re going to want to rent a car for your US road trip.
There are so many factors to take into account when finding a car rental:
Start and end point
Wear and tear
My 2015 US Road Trip saw the two of us sharing a black Mustang convertible and sticking to tarmac roads, but the recent trip saw seven of us piling into a spacious Chevy Pacifica and doing a little off-roading in the Arizona desert.
As you can imagine, we had very different requirements when shopping around for the two cars.
On the 2015 trip, we were starting in San Francisco and ending in New York, which added quite a bit to our costing. If you can return to the same point as your pick-up, you’re going to get a much better deal.
The make and model of your car, number of seats, length of your rental, and pick-up/drop-off locations are all going to be a factor in pricing.
And that’s before you realize that insurance is an optional extra. Seriously, when getting pricing on your rental car, be aware you’re likely looking at it doubling once you add insurance.
Finding a Rental Car
There is no shortage of sites where you can search for rental cars and shop around.
On our recent trip, we made use of Kayak.com to compare prices before visiting individual sites to hunt for better prices. Our 2015 trip saw us finding a much better price using a Chinese search engine than a US or Australian based one, so don’t hesitate to use a VPN to hunt for the best rate.
Wingman Level: 10.
#5 – Conflict resolution
No matter how close you are with your companions, there’s bound to be the occasional conflict.
Whether it’s arguing with my brothers about what to have for dinner or getting heated at Hogg for being an awful wingman, no road trip is without incident.
It was the 2015 trip that prompted me to write a guide on how to be a good road trip companion. I still stand by my points in this article today.
Seriously, go read that. Your travel buddies will thank you for it.
#4 – Tours vs. Self-Guided
Accommodation, car hire, food… these things all add up!
Once you also add in the cost of a few guided tours, you’re looking at a hefty bill for your US road trip.
While it might seem that skipping tours is a great way to save money, there are going to be some occasions where a guided tour will save you a lot of time and hassle.
Case in point: visiting LA in a day is a miserable experience. Californian drivers are the worst, and LA seems to be where the worst of them gather. Why deal with that if you don’t have to?
Similarly, tours such as my Carpe DC food tour and my haunted Vegas tour offered insight that I wouldn’t have found in a guidebook or blog.
On the flip side, there are certainly places where you can do it on your own and avoid the cost. You don’t need a guide to enjoy Yosemite or Walnut Creek Canyon, for example.
My advice? Find the places where you’re willing to splurge on a guided tour, factor those in ahead of time, and do the rest on your own.
#3 – Packing for your US Road Trip
Depending on the number of people tagging along for your US road trip, there’s going to be finite space for luggage. Don’t be that jerk whose oversized suitcase forces somebody else to ride with a laptop bag twixt their thighs!
The delightful Where is Nina has a great road trip packing list, but my own personal list is below.
4-6 t-shirts
1-2 long sleeved button ups
1 pair of jeans/trousers
3-4 pairs of shorts
1 pair of board shorts/swimmers
Toiletries (deodorant, body wash, razor, etc)
7 pairs of underpants and socks
Comfortable walking shoes
A comfortable travel coat
The clothing will obviously depend on the climates you’re visiting, but the above list did me fine for the warmth of California & Vegas all the way to the sub-zero temperatures of Flagstaff.
If you’re only staying in hotels, you’ll need to either pack extra or shell out for laundry, but I always mix in a few AirBnBs to give me access to a washer/dryer.
For a few less essential inclusions:
Lastly, here are a few must-have apps that I swear by for any road trip, US or otherwise.
And, of course, you’ll want to listen to all of the Comes with Baggage.
#2 – Finding affordable accommodation
Accommodation in the US isn’t cheap, but there are certainly ways to save money on your US road trip.
First and foremost, I will always recommend Booking.com ahead of other price comparison sites like Expedia and Agoda.
Why? Booking.com offers free cancellation on many of their properties and they include taxes and resort fees in their total. Agoda leaves these as a nasty surprise you’ll need to pay when you check-in. Not cool.
It is also worth checking out Airbnb whenever you are having trouble finding something affordable in a given city. Not only can these be cheaper, but the access to a kitchen and laundry can be invaluable on a long trip.
Register with Airbnb here for a $30 USD credit for your first stay!
The itinerary in all of its squiggly glory!
#1 – Choosing the right route
The most important about planning a US road trip? The actual route!
Sites like Furkot are invaluable when it comes to mapping out a road trip. It’s more than just a map – it also suggests accommodation, rest stops, and attractions in the areas you’re driving through!
But where in the US will you go? How long do you have?
These are questions you’ll need to ask yourself ahead of your trip.
Got two weeks? I’d suggest focussing on a specific region or state. The Southwest is always a good option, covering California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. You could also focus on the Northeast (New York, DC, Philadelphia, and Boston), the South (New Orleans and its friends), or the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and Canada).
If you have more time, that is when you can get ambitious. We traveled from San Francisco to New York across five weeks, heading through the southern states, but we could just have easily cut through the middle (hitting Denver and Colorado) or the north (hitting Seattle and Montana).
Your US road trip route is a very personal decision, but it is also going to be one of compromise. Was I overjoyed to be visiting the Grand Canyon a third time on my recent trip? Not particularly, but I knew it meant a lot to the other six in my group.
I’m sure they weren’t as excited for five days in Vegas as I was…
Looking for some inspiration? Wanderlust Crew has compiled a pretty good list of US road trip routes.
A Massive Undertaking
Planning your dream US road trip can be a big task, but armed with the above tips, you’re off to a good start.
In a later post, I’ll be highlighting some of my favorite US road trip routes for you to use as a jumping off point.
In the meantime, I would love your road trip planning tips or route ideas!
Featured image courtesy of Alexandre Lazaro
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/10-tips-for-planning-a-us-road-trip/
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hairterminator · 7 years
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5 Fashion-Forward Looks You Can Actually Wear
#http://blog.hair-terminator.com The 2007 film Ghost Rider has much to recommend it, not least a typically nuanced lead performance by Nicholas Cage. But there’s one particularly memorable scene where an eyewitness says of Cage’s motorcycle-riding, flaming skull-headed spirit of vengeance,
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The 2007 film Ghost Rider has much to recommend it, not least a typically nuanced lead performance by Nicholas Cage. But there’s one particularly memorable scene where an eyewitness says of Cage’s motorcycle-riding, flaming skull-headed spirit of vengeance, totally deadpan: “It was an edge look, but he totally pulled it off.”
Which is what onlookers will say of you after reading this guide to some of this year’s slightly more directional trends. We say ‘slightly’ because this is FashionBeans, after all, so we’re not going to suddenly advise wearing a romper or anything like that. But if you’re ready to veer off the well-trodden track of classic menswear, then this is your advanced style sat-nav.
Reverse Layering
Lest you get confused and start wearing a T-shirt over a coat, reverse layering is more to do with length than the order in which you put stuff on. For example, you might wear a longline T-shirt under a shorter sweatshirt, or a knit under a cropped bomber.
Reverse layering is easier than, say, reverse parking, but there are still some hazards to be aware of. As with plain old layering, the fabrics should get thicker the further away they are from your body, and vice versa.
It’s also a good idea to keep the direction of layers consistent – i.e. from long to short. If you reverse the flow with your mid-layers, you run the risk of looking a little muddled. The exception might be wearing an oversized coat on top. But having gone to the trouble of attempting reverse layering, why would you want to cover up?
Finally, make sure that your jacket or sweatshirt doesn’t pinch too much at the bottom. Otherwise, any T-shirt will flare out like you’re wearing a miniskirt.
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Wide-Leg Trousers
While figure-hugging legwear isn’t tapering off completely, the options this season are, well, wider.
“Slimmer trousers still very much have their place, but wide-leg [versions] are beginning to come through,” says River Island senior menswear designer Gregg Dodd.
They might seem like a big statement, but wide- or straight-leg trousers aren’t all that hard to pull off. Literally, as in you won’t have to dislocate your ankle, or call the fire brigade to cut you out. But also as in ‘style successfully’.
“Balance them out with something more fitted up top to avoid looking like you’re wearing a tent,” says Dodd. A shorter jacket will also show that you really do have a waist under all that material, while hefty footwear will prevent your shoes being swamped.
Broadly speaking, it can help to take your first steps in trousers made from a more rugged fabric such as workwear denim or a militaristic khaki-coloured twill. That way, they’ll come over more Nigel Cabourn and less foppish Oxford bag, like you’ve been raiding army surplus stores and not revisiting Brideshead.
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Oversized Everything
Remember how we told you ad infinitum that proper fit is the holiest menswear commandment? Yeah, forget that. Just for a minute.
“Whether in streetwear or runway collections, oversized garments are everywhere,” says Mark Macdonald, a buyer at fashion and lifestyle concept store 18 Montrose.
The oversized tailoring at Balenciaga and other designer names is, however, strictly for black belts only. Start with casual outfits devoid of loud colours or logos: the silhouette will be statement enough.
“Buy T-shirts and sweatshirts one size up,” suggests Macdonald. “These can even be tucked into trousers for that retro look that’s so popular amongst designers and stylists alike.” A T-shirt or sweatshirt is also relatively low-cost and -risk.
Be mindful, though, of things like sleeve length. And with a tailored overcoat, merely sizing up won’t work: you need one that’s been specifically designed with that boxy vibe.
On a related note, while oversized might be everything right now, you don’t want everything in your outfit to be oversized. The same principle as with wide-leg trousers applies, but in reverse: slim or tapered legwear will provide contrast and stop you resembling Tom Hanks at the end of Big.
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Pastel tones are particularly prevalent for spring/summer 2017, and none more than pink.
To call wearing pink ‘fashion-forward’ seems a little retrosexuxal. But at the same time, few other shades are as gendered, rightly or wrongly. And while women can wear blue without a moment’s hesitation, pink will still make most men think twice.
Pink doesn’t need to be such a head-scratcher, though. For starters, the dustier shades that are doing the rounds this season are much more subtle than full-on fuschia.
Then think about the nature of the item in question. While pink suits were on the Gucci and Topman Design runways, the majority of items in stores are T-shirts, sweatshirts and joggers, which, helpfully, have an athletic sensibility that offsets any perceived effeminacy. Similarly, a denim jacket has masculine connotations, whether cowboy, worker or trucker.
Then there’s the issue of what to wear it with. Bomber jackets and jeans will add some edge to the softness. And as with any bold shade, anchor it with darker colours such as navy, grey or even green to underscore that you’re GI Joe, not Jane.
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Full disclosure: most guys in the FashionBeans office think that this trend is dumber than watching a double bill of Dumb And Dumber and Dumb & Dumber To with the sound on mute. And the sequel is terrible, which makes it even dumberer.
But if you’re going to do it, do it right. That means if channelling Ryan Gosling with a scorpion souvenir jacket, then turn down the rest of your outfit. And if your jeans are ripped, patched, bleachedf or paint-splattered, then keep the top half relatively magnolia – as in subdued, not actual cream.
Yes, the whole point of embellishment is to garner maximal looks and likes. But nothing’s more profoundly uncool than trying too hard. Part of the trick is to wear these standout pieces nonchalantly, like they’re the most battered beaters in your wardrobe.
Besides, throw everything and the vajazzled kitchen sink at your ensemble and expect to wind up more Eurotrash than the contents of Cristiano Ronaldo’s rubbish bin.
Unlike social media followings, when it comes to style, sometimes more is less.
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khhaaraaaa-blog1 · 7 years
Personalized T Shirt Online
This pullover personalized t shirt gown is created in a poly-blend having a tremendous comfortable fleece lining within an oversized suit. Select from an array of sleeveless and complete-sleeved sweatshirts created in a number of colors. As it pertains to sleek and simple onlineshopping, our online shop doesn't insulate behind and provides you trouble free transaction gateways, easy return policies and cash on delivery options. Results Available - Products bought online or by telephone might be delivered at Any Organization store situated in the united states. From flexible grey and legendary dark to vibrant and striking pinks and blues, our tanktops for ladies protect the entire spectral range of eye catching shades. ROXYis type of women's tanktops provides women an appropriate search for every event by including a number of colors and styles. Your kids' hoodies and sweatshirts are for children who remain up long-past their dinnertime. The immediate-to-dress printing procedure works similar to a ink jet printer you'd have in the home. Revise your design checklist through our Design Tales Dress according to event and consider signal from our Store by CHANGE line.
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Anti microbial manufacturing in your top stops the development of smell-producing microorganisms in your clothing. The state PUMA Online Shop provides a big choice of PUMA sneakers, apparel, components, and gear. At abof, we curate the best assortment of women's sweatshirts which you'll discover difficult to avoid. Even though resources and engineering accessible today for creating, publishing and shipping your personal t shirts makes obtaining planning exceptionally easy, the challenging component is creating a manufacturer to stick out in the opposition. Purchase JSMIX Plus-Size (XL~7XL) Greasy Large Large-Size Quantity Activities Container online at Lazada. If you should be coaching requires you outdoors, locate a sleeveless top created with ultraviolet-ray preventing qualities, supplying you with additional protection in the sunis dangerous glare. Rated 5 out-of 5 by Pinkylover from Remarkably complementary Although this gown might in the beginning seem like a glorified sweatshirt, it drapes really properly, and it is really very diet. You can include a coating having a coat, sweatshirt or perhaps a tested top to construct a dapper search.
If you should be searching for some fantastic designs in crew-neck tshirts for males, then discover the most recent selections of Tommy Hilfiger and Nike tshirts there are lots of different manufacturers open to select from. Folks, zeal up your workout routines with recommendations from our choice of tanktops for males. Women's sweatshirts are ideal for sporting inside your evening-today existence or for incorporating a coating of heat and luxury for your cold weather apparel. Select a fundamental container to get a light stretch program or perhaps a work-wicking container for hot yoga. Have a look at our big selection of womenis covers produced in the united states, and contact our useful customer support reps when you have any concerns. Being simple to wear, these camisoles for women could be used simply within the bra or without one as several of those womenis camisoles have a integral underwire bra that may substitute a bra at events whenever you do not actually want to use one. For cozy soles to increase your search, store yoga trousers & tights online today!
Having been created with complete treatment, these sweatshirts are certainly fashionable to check out. Aside from producing your youngster appear wise, these sweatshirts could keep them cozy for extended hours. Below, sweatshirts for girls can be found in a combination of materials which range from wool, cotton, plastic, woolen, polycotton, etc. I understand it's a sweatshirt gown, and oversized is in at this time, but it was a tad too large and that I thought lost in it. I truly wanted it had been a bit smaller, normally I Would be carrying it at this time. The main downside of immediate-to-dress printing may be the insufficient quantity discount for big purchases, because it requires exactly the same period of time to produce each top. About the other hand, when you have covers from many months before, you might want to renew your wardrobe with a few fresh, traditional, enjoyable items. Ideal for running tasks or chilling out, women's sweatshirts are common among followers of everyday clothing. It girls understand how to change an easy jacket outfit into anything declaration-producing.
Purchase sweatshirts for ladies and showcase your trendy style with elan by wearing a brand new design daily. Whether you are feeling the chill or seeking to chill, Hollister hoodies and sweatshirts for females really are a fantastic go to, filled with amazing artwork and fashionable facts and thus many fresh shades like (checklist shades below) Get one for wherever, when. Or, find the ideal item to set together with your hoodie or sweatshirt with this tops and tanks, and finish the appearance by having an incredibly cozy set of sweatpants, created for luxe relaxing. If you want our tanktops, you may even be thinking about our T Shirts, Boardshorts, and Freak Sequence pants. These would be the most widely used type of tanktops for males obtainable in numerous shades at Kaymu.
We also provide an array of menis visual tanktops that may enhance your design if youare wearing among our tanks. While along with custom screenprinted or embroidery remedies, our custom girls tanktops really are a good way to advertise organization identification and also to increase worker and group morale. Use a tanktop alone, like a layering item under a free-knit jacket, oversize tee, or hoodie. Consider your girls' tank-top to winter and put it on underneath a set of dungarees along with a trenchcoat to get a glance directly in the designer. Should you actually want to appear good-and experience comfortable whenever you venture out, the initial step would be to put in a few more sweatshirt gowns for your clothing. Cotton is among best supplies readily available for dress building, and we put it to use to amazing impact within our tanktops. Create the pattern magnificent with custom women's sweatshirts in rich velvet or suede materials and filled with Slim fit trousers and pointed toe leg shoes to get a superior end. You are able to layer the various shades along with each other for an amazing style statement.
Girls, create heads change at yoga courses by joining your striped tank-top with matching stockings. But, that's a ok, since so long as you place your talk tank-top to make use of, whether it be protecting the body from sunburn, taking in work in the mix-off, or simply chilling out the rear of one's trousers, it is all great. Search for mesh or perforated paneling in your sleeveless top to maintain your outfit lighting and capable sensation. Regardless of how healthy you're, you will need to create some grooming changes prior to going out in public places inside your new tanktop. If you look for a present discounted from an internet store on the same, in stock item, reveal and we will fit it. Discover additional information at Online Pricematch. Activities tanktops for males are noticed everywhere nowadays, from tennis courts and soccer pitches towards the high-street, and it is easy to understand why. In many industrial tshirt printing, the particular shades within the style are utilized.
Style: nearly all people who are buying graphic tops are searching for design, artwork and slogans that relate solely to them-and replicate their views and character. Search Myntrais choice and purchase tanktops to accomplish spectacular informal and stylish looks, efficiently. Your sweatshirts for ladies are flexible and purpose properly as outerwear, activewear, loungewear, or like a section of a day to day, casual ensemble. Whether you're simply looking for anything to-go under a jacket or perhaps a container togo together with your preferred coat you're likely to be happy you discovered a location with all the sweetest tanktops. For ladies who've small number, it is recommended to select a high that isn't too much time otherwise that may overcome her whole body. In 2013, to much recognition, Sweatshirt launched his first adult function, Doris, which highlighted manufacturing mainly passed by Earl, but additionally From The Neptunes, RZA, BADBADNOTGOOD, Joe Sea and Tyler the Inventor. Women's sweatshirts are a choice section of our everyday closets, however the traditional style continues to be renewed with oversized suits and metallic slogans.
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The benefit of this really is having the ability to purchase a bunch of images from your own local printer and move them for your t shirts while you obtain purchases having a industrial heat press equipment. As it pertains to trusted style, tanktops and t shirts are your fashionable close friends. Group your women's tank-top having a set of working stockings for from running within the playground to some yoga course in the gym, or put them on with working pants to remain great during warmer times. You will find a lot of calm methods to handle your day - this is exactly why we are able to not have enough sweatshirts and coats. Do not risk providing a lover present they curently have or perhaps a top that's the incorrect dimension (ouch!). 
Appear attractive without accessorizing significantly whenever you use decorated personalized t shirt over a denim clothing and trousers. Maintain it fashionably cool in a midi jacket outfit joined with metallic high-tops.
Reference : https://www.maxicases.com/
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charlottelouisepage · 7 years
Hello my beautiful people,
We have finally reached the end of January and as we all know January is a longgg month, with Christmas and New Year a distant memory and with summer feeling like it’s way into the future, I already feel so proud of myself for what I have achieved and accomplished and there’s so much more to come.
Every month I will be taking you through the products/bits and pieces that I have been using and loving within beauty, fashion and lifestyle.
A lot of my favourites this month were either Christmas presents or things that I purchased during January.
I’m going to start off my January favourites with my top beauty picks and this first product is something that has been on my beauty wishlist for a long time now. I was sent a sample size of the Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm from feelunique.com after having made an order with them in December. I love trying out sample sizes of products before I commit to the full sized versions. I have used many cleansers during my life, but never have I used a cleansing balm and now I am starting to wonder why not? This is simply amazing. The tag line, ‘a little bit goes a long way’ applies to all of the beauty products featuring in this post, particularly this one. To use this all you need to do is take a small amount and rub between your hands, then in an upward, circular motion massage it into the skin (you can use it over your eyes and lips too), I normally do this for around 30 seconds to a minute, so that I don’t miss an inch of my skin. Take a warm face cloth and gently wipe away all of your makeup and dirt from during the day. It’s as simple as that. It smells like you have just been in a spa and leaves your skin feeling refreshed, clean and super soft. All the things that you would want from a makeup remover.
  Another product that I have been dying to try and test is Liz Earle’s Superskin Concentrate for night oil that I received for Christmas and so far has been a skin saviour this month. This oil is aromatic just like the Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm and again has that spa feeling. The thing that I love the most about this product is that it is suitable for all skin types, so no matter what problem your skin has it will work for you. For example I have oily/combination skin and for me it re-balances the skins and gives it some much needed radiance. It also plumps up more mature skin. The version that I have is in a rollerball making is easy to apply and I have no product waste.
  Next we move onto a nail product and my nails have been in need of some TLC for a long time. If you follow me on Instagram (@charlottelouisepage) or Snapchat (@clpage90) then you would have seen me going to a spa earlier in the month and getting shellac for the first time. The lady who did my nails recommended that I use the award-winning CND Solar Oil Nail and Cuticle Conditioner every day on my nails to keep them growing and healthy. I have been using this religiously since I got it and I haven’t looked back. It can be quite pricey, but as I have been saying a little bit goes a long way and know that this will last me for months to come.
  For makeup I don’t have a lot of favourites this month due to the fact that I have been wearing the same makeup products (or no makeup whatsoever) all month long. One thing that I have been reaching for on a daily basis is the Tanya Burr Cosmetics Birthday Suit Eyeshadow Palette. Seriously guys this is my go-to day-through-night palette and it fits nicely inside my handbag. My favourite shade is Toast.
You will see a theme running through my fashion favourites as they are all gym/sports related and that’s mainly because I have jumped on the health bandwagon and joined the gym (which I am immensely proud for doing and never thought it would actually happen). I was in desperate need of some new trainers and came across my dream pair at my local Nike Outlet. Outlets are a great place to find a range of usually heavily discounted trainers. The ones I have are the Nike In Season TR5 trainers in black/grey/white combo, so they are super comfy and go with everything. They are specifically designed for training and going to the gym. They tick all of the right boxes for me and I literally haven’t taken them off since getting them. I think the RRP was around £70 and they were reduced to £30. I also had a gift card, so only ended up paying £15. My first real bargain of 2017!
  This next item is what I call a marmite item, you will either love them or hate them. Of course I love them and I found them unexpectedly whilst shopping with my sister in New Look. I was after some new joggers and from afar over on the sale rail I spotted these bad boys. They look very similar to an Adidas pair that Kim Kardashian West sported recently and I was won over. They are a more fitted pair of joggers, but they are very flattering and I fit into a size 10! Stay tuned because they might just feature in an upcoming outfit post. They aren’t available online, but I have linked some similar ones below.
Another thing I have been searching for is a new hoodie and at the same time I purchased the marmite trousers (their official name) I came across this gorgeous pink oversized hoodie. I love the oversized, boyfriend fit of this and even went up a size to make it extra warm and cosy, even though it has a fleecy lining inside. The colour is another thing that drew me to this hoodie and most of my recent purchases have been in this colour. I know this is going to be the perfect pink for spring. This colour is no longer available online (check your local store), however I have linked the bright pink option.
A Christmas present to myself was the Happiness Planner (I bought mine from Anthropologie) and it has been the best purchase. If you want to get your life more organised and you love writing lists like I do then this is so worth the money. I have the 100-day one, so you don’t feel obliged to write in it everyday if you struggle to keep a diary.
Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach is somebody who has really motivated me throughout this month and his latest offering, Lean in 15 – The Sustain Plan has pushed me into joining the gym, cook more (I have already cooked several of his recipes) and generally look after myself better for a happier, healthier and leaner lifestyle. I will never get tired of reading this book and plan on buying his other two books.
A special mention has to go to my most used product this month and that’s my Nutri-Ninja 900w Personal Blender (not pictured). This was my main Christmas present and I seriously cannot stop using it. It makes everything from smoothies and juices to soups and sauces. I love experimenting with it and trying new flavour combinations. This has been the leader in me having a healthy outlook on life and getting more fruits and vegetables into my diet.
Items I have mentioned
Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm
Liz Earle Superskin Concentrate for night
CND Solar Oil Nail and Cuticle Conditioner
Tanya Burr Cosmetics Birthday Suit Palette
Nike In Season TR5 Trainers
Similar Black Slim Leg Joggers/Similar Black 3-Stripes Joggers
New Look Pink Oversized Hoodie
The 100-Day Happiness Planner
Lean in 15 The Sustain Plan by Joe Wicks The Body Coach
Nutri Ninja Personal Blender 900W
What are some of your favourite products from January?
Thank you so much for reading.
January Favourites Hello my beautiful people, We have finally reached the end of January and as we all know January is a longgg month, with Christmas and New Year a distant memory and with summer feeling like it's way into the future, I already feel so proud of myself for what I have achieved and accomplished and there's so much more to come.
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topfygad · 5 years
10 Tips for Planning a US Road Trip
Growing up with a steady diet of US television and cinema, it makes sense that I would be drawn to all things US.
My earliest travel daydreams were of someday making it to Disneyland (which I did in 2012). It has been an enduring love affair ever since
My first US road trip with a relatively modest affair: taking me from Couer d’Alene, Idaho to Portland, Oregon to American Falls, Idaho. Not the most glamorous of starts, I’ll admit.
2012 saw me making the drive along the US West Coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Along the way, we visited Yosemite and Monterey.
2015 saw me kick things up a notch with our five-week Great US Road Trip. Hitting Austin, New Orleans, Nashville, DC, Philadelphia, and more along the way, it was one for the books.
Most recently, my brothers, our partners, and I embarked on a two week Southwest US road trip. Over the course of a fortnight, we visited San Diego, Las Vegas, Flagstaff, and Joshua Tree.
As you can see, I’ve managed to build a fair resume when it comes to planning US road trips. With my imminent marriage to a US citizen, it seems fated that I’ll be making many more US road trips in the future.
I’ve picked up some handy tips and tricks along the way, so allow me to share with you my ten tips for planning a US road trip.
#10 – Get travel insurance
Healthcare in the US is expensive. Their broken healthcare system can mean you’re getting hit with a $1,000 USD fee just for walking in the door, so you don’t want to be caught with your proverbial pants down.
Ever since I broke my arm in Indonesia, I’ve been fastidious when it comes to arranging my travel insurance. The last thing you want is to fall ill or get injured and be on the hook for a hefty medical bill, trust me.
Thankfully, World Nomads travel insurance has fantastic rates for trips that include the US. They’re who I use for all of my trips, and who I recommend my friends choose when hitting the road.
Don’t let your trip be absolutely derailed by an accident. Get travel insurance, you idiot.
#9 – The cost of dining out
One of the things my brothers were super excited about when visiting the United States was the opportunity to eat all of the things.
From IHOP to colossal hamburgers to fried chicken to Mexican, they wanted to eat as much as humanly possible, much to the dismay of my waistline and my wallet.
You see, food only looks cheap in the United States. The large portion sizes and conservative prices can be very tempting, but there are two things that mean you’re not getting the deal you thought you were:
In Australia, tax is included in the menu pricing and tipping is replaced by a living wage, so it is easy to think you have found a bargain. However, once you factor in the 10-15% tax and the 18-20% for tip, you’re looking at Aussie pricing.
Saving Money on Food
Look, I get the temptation to eat out for every meal. Even at that price point, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck when eating out in the US.
Unless you’re made of money, however, you’re going to find your wallet shrinking faster than your appetite.
Far be it from me to recommend fast food, but you can avoid the tipping culture if you grab lunch at Taco Bell or Chipotle. I wouldn’t recommend it for every meal, but a $6 meal every now and then takes the sting off those $20 – $40 bills at sit down restaurants.
However, my #1 tip for eating on the cheap is a simple one: cook!
If you’re able to work a few Airbnb properties into your itinerary, you’ll likely have access to a full kitchen. Hit up a Trader Joe’s, stock up on delicious ingredients, and do a little home cooking. We did this in Flagstaff and Joshua Tree on our recent trip, mixing things up with homemade burgers, fajitas, and Thai green curry in between our meals out.
#8 – Get your visa early
If you’re from one of the 38 countries eligible for the fantastic ESTA visa waiver program, this couldn’t be easier! Simply log onto ESTA USA, fill out your application, and you’re all set!
The ESTA process often returns an answer inside an hour, but I always recommend my friends arrange this a week or two in advance to ensure there aren’t any hiccups. You don’t want to get turned away at the border!
Not Eligible for ESTA?
While not as smooth and painless as the ESTA visa waiver program, applying for a US visitor visa is still a relatively quick process.
As the visitor visa program can require interviews ahead of visa issuance, you’ll want to get a jump on these early!
#7 – National Park passes
The United States has a truly mind-blowing number of National Parks and State Parks. Just check out this list of US National Parks and you get the idea.
To my mind, the stunning National Parks that dot the US are every bit as appealing as the world-famous cities that more immediately spring to mind. Sure, I love Vegas, Austin, and New York, but I feel a similar level of excitement when you mention Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone.
If your US Road Trip is going to include more than 2-3 national parks, you’ll want to get an America the Beautiful National Parks Pass. At just $80 USD for a year, this pass not only gives you access to every single national park but over 2,000 parks and recreation areas across the country!
Seriously, when parks are usually $25 USD to enter, this is a steal!
#6 – Renting a car
Unless you’re lucky enough to be traveling with a US citizen who happens to have a car handy, you’re going to want to rent a car for your US road trip.
There are so many factors to take into account when finding a car rental:
Start and end point
Wear and tear
My 2015 US Road Trip saw the two of us sharing a black Mustang convertible and sticking to tarmac roads, but the recent trip saw seven of us piling into a spacious Chevy Pacifica and doing a little off-roading in the Arizona desert.
As you can imagine, we had very different requirements when shopping around for the two cars.
On the 2015 trip, we were starting in San Francisco and ending in New York, which added quite a bit to our costing. If you can return to the same point as your pick-up, you’re going to get a much better deal.
The make and model of your car, number of seats, length of your rental, and pick-up/drop-off locations are all going to be a factor in pricing.
And that’s before you realize that insurance is an optional extra. Seriously, when getting pricing on your rental car, be aware you’re likely looking at it doubling once you add insurance.
Finding a Rental Car
There is no shortage of sites where you can search for rental cars and shop around.
On our recent trip, we made use of Kayak.com to compare prices before visiting individual sites to hunt for better prices. Our 2015 trip saw us finding a much better price using a Chinese search engine than a US or Australian based one, so don’t hesitate to use a VPN to hunt for the best rate.
Wingman Level: 10.
#5 – Conflict resolution
No matter how close you are with your companions, there’s bound to be the occasional conflict.
Whether it’s arguing with my brothers about what to have for dinner or getting heated at Hogg for being an awful wingman, no road trip is without incident.
It was the 2015 trip that prompted me to write a guide on how to be a good road trip companion. I still stand by my points in this article today.
Seriously, go read that. Your travel buddies will thank you for it.
#4 – Tours vs. Self-Guided
Accommodation, car hire, food… these things all add up!
Once you also add in the cost of a few guided tours, you’re looking at a hefty bill for your US road trip.
While it might seem that skipping tours is a great way to save money, there are going to be some occasions where a guided tour will save you a lot of time and hassle.
Case in point: visiting LA in a day is a miserable experience. Californian drivers are the worst, and LA seems to be where the worst of them gather. Why deal with that if you don’t have to?
Similarly, tours such as my Carpe DC food tour and my haunted Vegas tour offered insight that I wouldn’t have found in a guidebook or blog.
On the flip side, there are certainly places where you can do it on your own and avoid the cost. You don’t need a guide to enjoy Yosemite or Walnut Creek Canyon, for example.
My advice? Find the places where you’re willing to splurge on a guided tour, factor those in ahead of time, and do the rest on your own.
#3 – Packing for your US Road Trip
Depending on the number of people tagging along for your US road trip, there’s going to be finite space for luggage. Don’t be that jerk whose oversized suitcase forces somebody else to ride with a laptop bag twixt their thighs!
The delightful Where is Nina has a great road trip packing list, but my own personal list is below.
4-6 t-shirts
1-2 long sleeved button ups
1 pair of jeans/trousers
3-4 pairs of shorts
1 pair of board shorts/swimmers
Toiletries (deodorant, body wash, razor, etc)
7 pairs of underpants and socks
Comfortable walking shoes
A comfortable travel coat
The clothing will obviously depend on the climates you’re visiting, but the above list did me fine for the warmth of California & Vegas all the way to the sub-zero temperatures of Flagstaff.
If you’re only staying in hotels, you’ll need to either pack extra or shell out for laundry, but I always mix in a few AirBnBs to give me access to a washer/dryer.
For a few less essential inclusions:
Lastly, here are a few must-have apps that I swear by for any road trip, US or otherwise.
And, of course, you’ll want to listen to all of the Comes with Baggage.
#2 – Finding affordable accommodation
Accommodation in the US isn’t cheap, but there are certainly ways to save money on your US road trip.
First and foremost, I will always recommend Booking.com ahead of other price comparison sites like Expedia and Agoda.
Why? Booking.com offers free cancellation on many of their properties and they include taxes and resort fees in their total. Agoda leaves these as a nasty surprise you’ll need to pay when you check-in. Not cool.
It is also worth checking out Airbnb whenever you are having trouble finding something affordable in a given city. Not only can these be cheaper, but the access to a kitchen and laundry can be invaluable on a long trip.
Register with Airbnb here for a $30 USD credit for your first stay!
The itinerary in all of its squiggly glory!
#1 – Choosing the right route
The most important about planning a US road trip? The actual route!
Sites like Furkot are invaluable when it comes to mapping out a road trip. It’s more than just a map – it also suggests accommodation, rest stops, and attractions in the areas you’re driving through!
But where in the US will you go? How long do you have?
These are questions you’ll need to ask yourself ahead of your trip.
Got two weeks? I’d suggest focussing on a specific region or state. The Southwest is always a good option, covering California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. You could also focus on the Northeast (New York, DC, Philadelphia, and Boston), the South (New Orleans and its friends), or the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and Canada).
If you have more time, that is when you can get ambitious. We traveled from San Francisco to New York across five weeks, heading through the southern states, but we could just have easily cut through the middle (hitting Denver and Colorado) or the north (hitting Seattle and Montana).
Your US road trip route is a very personal decision, but it is also going to be one of compromise. Was I overjoyed to be visiting the Grand Canyon a third time on my recent trip? Not particularly, but I knew it meant a lot to the other six in my group.
I’m sure they weren’t as excited for five days in Vegas as I was…
Looking for some inspiration? Wanderlust Crew has compiled a pretty good list of US road trip routes.
A Massive Undertaking
Planning your dream US road trip can be a big task, but armed with the above tips, you’re off to a good start.
In a later post, I’ll be highlighting some of my favorite US road trip routes for you to use as a jumping off point.
In the meantime, I would love your road trip planning tips or route ideas!
Featured image courtesy of Alexandre Lazaro
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from Cheapr Travels http://cheaprtravels.com/10-tips-for-planning-a-us-road-trip/ via http://cheaprtravels.com
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topfygad · 5 years
10 Tips for Planning a US Road Trip
Growing up with a steady diet of US television and cinema, it makes sense that I would be drawn to all things US.
My earliest travel daydreams were of someday making it to Disneyland (which I did in 2012). It has been an enduring love affair ever since
My first US road trip with a relatively modest affair: taking me from Couer d’Alene, Idaho to Portland, Oregon to American Falls, Idaho. Not the most glamorous of starts, I’ll admit.
2012 saw me making the drive along the US West Coast from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Along the way, we visited Yosemite and Monterey.
2015 saw me kick things up a notch with our five-week Great US Road Trip. Hitting Austin, New Orleans, Nashville, DC, Philadelphia, and more along the way, it was one for the books.
Most recently, my brothers, our partners, and I embarked on a two week Southwest US road trip. Over the course of a fortnight, we visited San Diego, Las Vegas, Flagstaff, and Joshua Tree.
As you can see, I’ve managed to build a fair resume when it comes to planning US road trips. With my imminent marriage to a US citizen, it seems fated that I’ll be making many more US road trips in the future.
I’ve picked up some handy tips and tricks along the way, so allow me to share with you my ten tips for planning a US road trip.
#10 – Get travel insurance
Healthcare in the US is expensive. Their broken healthcare system can mean you’re getting hit with a $1,000 USD fee just for walking in the door, so you don’t want to be caught with your proverbial pants down.
Ever since I broke my arm in Indonesia, I’ve been fastidious when it comes to arranging my travel insurance. The last thing you want is to fall ill or get injured and be on the hook for a hefty medical bill, trust me.
Thankfully, World Nomads travel insurance has fantastic rates for trips that include the US. They’re who I use for all of my trips, and who I recommend my friends choose when hitting the road.
Don’t let your trip be absolutely derailed by an accident. Get travel insurance, you idiot.
#9 – The cost of dining out
One of the things my brothers were super excited about when visiting the United States was the opportunity to eat all of the things.
From IHOP to colossal hamburgers to fried chicken to Mexican, they wanted to eat as much as humanly possible, much to the dismay of my waistline and my wallet.
You see, food only looks cheap in the United States. The large portion sizes and conservative prices can be very tempting, but there are two things that mean you’re not getting the deal you thought you were:
In Australia, tax is included in the menu pricing and tipping is replaced by a living wage, so it is easy to think you have found a bargain. However, once you factor in the 10-15% tax and the 18-20% for tip, you’re looking at Aussie pricing.
Saving Money on Food
Look, I get the temptation to eat out for every meal. Even at that price point, you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck when eating out in the US.
Unless you’re made of money, however, you’re going to find your wallet shrinking faster than your appetite.
Far be it from me to recommend fast food, but you can avoid the tipping culture if you grab lunch at Taco Bell or Chipotle. I wouldn’t recommend it for every meal, but a $6 meal every now and then takes the sting off those $20 – $40 bills at sit down restaurants.
However, my #1 tip for eating on the cheap is a simple one: cook!
If you’re able to work a few Airbnb properties into your itinerary, you’ll likely have access to a full kitchen. Hit up a Trader Joe’s, stock up on delicious ingredients, and do a little home cooking. We did this in Flagstaff and Joshua Tree on our recent trip, mixing things up with homemade burgers, fajitas, and Thai green curry in between our meals out.
#8 – Get your visa early
If you’re from one of the 38 countries eligible for the fantastic ESTA visa waiver program, this couldn’t be easier! Simply log onto ESTA USA, fill out your application, and you’re all set!
The ESTA process often returns an answer inside an hour, but I always recommend my friends arrange this a week or two in advance to ensure there aren’t any hiccups. You don’t want to get turned away at the border!
Not Eligible for ESTA?
While not as smooth and painless as the ESTA visa waiver program, applying for a US visitor visa is still a relatively quick process.
As the visitor visa program can require interviews ahead of visa issuance, you’ll want to get a jump on these early!
#7 – National Park passes
The United States has a truly mind-blowing number of National Parks and State Parks. Just check out this list of US National Parks and you get the idea.
To my mind, the stunning National Parks that dot the US are every bit as appealing as the world-famous cities that more immediately spring to mind. Sure, I love Vegas, Austin, and New York, but I feel a similar level of excitement when you mention Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, or Yellowstone.
If your US Road Trip is going to include more than 2-3 national parks, you’ll want to get an America the Beautiful National Parks Pass. At just $80 USD for a year, this pass not only gives you access to every single national park but over 2,000 parks and recreation areas across the country!
Seriously, when parks are usually $25 USD to enter, this is a steal!
#6 – Renting a car
Unless you’re lucky enough to be traveling with a US citizen who happens to have a car handy, you’re going to want to rent a car for your US road trip.
There are so many factors to take into account when finding a car rental:
Start and end point
Wear and tear
My 2015 US Road Trip saw the two of us sharing a black Mustang convertible and sticking to tarmac roads, but the recent trip saw seven of us piling into a spacious Chevy Pacifica and doing a little off-roading in the Arizona desert.
As you can imagine, we had very different requirements when shopping around for the two cars.
On the 2015 trip, we were starting in San Francisco and ending in New York, which added quite a bit to our costing. If you can return to the same point as your pick-up, you’re going to get a much better deal.
The make and model of your car, number of seats, length of your rental, and pick-up/drop-off locations are all going to be a factor in pricing.
And that’s before you realize that insurance is an optional extra. Seriously, when getting pricing on your rental car, be aware you’re likely looking at it doubling once you add insurance.
Finding a Rental Car
There is no shortage of sites where you can search for rental cars and shop around.
On our recent trip, we made use of Kayak.com to compare prices before visiting individual sites to hunt for better prices. Our 2015 trip saw us finding a much better price using a Chinese search engine than a US or Australian based one, so don’t hesitate to use a VPN to hunt for the best rate.
Wingman Level: 10.
#5 – Conflict resolution
No matter how close you are with your companions, there’s bound to be the occasional conflict.
Whether it’s arguing with my brothers about what to have for dinner or getting heated at Hogg for being an awful wingman, no road trip is without incident.
It was the 2015 trip that prompted me to write a guide on how to be a good road trip companion. I still stand by my points in this article today.
Seriously, go read that. Your travel buddies will thank you for it.
#4 – Tours vs. Self-Guided
Accommodation, car hire, food… these things all add up!
Once you also add in the cost of a few guided tours, you’re looking at a hefty bill for your US road trip.
While it might seem that skipping tours is a great way to save money, there are going to be some occasions where a guided tour will save you a lot of time and hassle.
Case in point: visiting LA in a day is a miserable experience. Californian drivers are the worst, and LA seems to be where the worst of them gather. Why deal with that if you don’t have to?
Similarly, tours such as my Carpe DC food tour and my haunted Vegas tour offered insight that I wouldn’t have found in a guidebook or blog.
On the flip side, there are certainly places where you can do it on your own and avoid the cost. You don’t need a guide to enjoy Yosemite or Walnut Creek Canyon, for example.
My advice? Find the places where you’re willing to splurge on a guided tour, factor those in ahead of time, and do the rest on your own.
#3 – Packing for your US Road Trip
Depending on the number of people tagging along for your US road trip, there’s going to be finite space for luggage. Don’t be that jerk whose oversized suitcase forces somebody else to ride with a laptop bag twixt their thighs!
The delightful Where is Nina has a great road trip packing list, but my own personal list is below.
4-6 t-shirts
1-2 long sleeved button ups
1 pair of jeans/trousers
3-4 pairs of shorts
1 pair of board shorts/swimmers
Toiletries (deodorant, body wash, razor, etc)
7 pairs of underpants and socks
Comfortable walking shoes
A comfortable travel coat
The clothing will obviously depend on the climates you’re visiting, but the above list did me fine for the warmth of California & Vegas all the way to the sub-zero temperatures of Flagstaff.
If you’re only staying in hotels, you’ll need to either pack extra or shell out for laundry, but I always mix in a few AirBnBs to give me access to a washer/dryer.
For a few less essential inclusions:
Lastly, here are a few must-have apps that I swear by for any road trip, US or otherwise.
And, of course, you’ll want to listen to all of the Comes with Baggage.
#2 – Finding affordable accommodation
Accommodation in the US isn’t cheap, but there are certainly ways to save money on your US road trip.
First and foremost, I will always recommend Booking.com ahead of other price comparison sites like Expedia and Agoda.
Why? Booking.com offers free cancellation on many of their properties and they include taxes and resort fees in their total. Agoda leaves these as a nasty surprise you’ll need to pay when you check-in. Not cool.
It is also worth checking out Airbnb whenever you are having trouble finding something affordable in a given city. Not only can these be cheaper, but the access to a kitchen and laundry can be invaluable on a long trip.
Register with Airbnb here for a $30 USD credit for your first stay!
The itinerary in all of its squiggly glory!
#1 – Choosing the right route
The most important about planning a US road trip? The actual route!
Sites like Furkot are invaluable when it comes to mapping out a road trip. It’s more than just a map – it also suggests accommodation, rest stops, and attractions in the areas you’re driving through!
But where in the US will you go? How long do you have?
These are questions you’ll need to ask yourself ahead of your trip.
Got two weeks? I’d suggest focussing on a specific region or state. The Southwest is always a good option, covering California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. You could also focus on the Northeast (New York, DC, Philadelphia, and Boston), the South (New Orleans and its friends), or the Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington, and Canada).
If you have more time, that is when you can get ambitious. We traveled from San Francisco to New York across five weeks, heading through the southern states, but we could just have easily cut through the middle (hitting Denver and Colorado) or the north (hitting Seattle and Montana).
Your US road trip route is a very personal decision, but it is also going to be one of compromise. Was I overjoyed to be visiting the Grand Canyon a third time on my recent trip? Not particularly, but I knew it meant a lot to the other six in my group.
I’m sure they weren’t as excited for five days in Vegas as I was…
Looking for some inspiration? Wanderlust Crew has compiled a pretty good list of US road trip routes.
A Massive Undertaking
Planning your dream US road trip can be a big task, but armed with the above tips, you’re off to a good start.
In a later post, I’ll be highlighting some of my favorite US road trip routes for you to use as a jumping off point.
In the meantime, I would love your road trip planning tips or route ideas!
Featured image courtesy of Alexandre Lazaro
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