#why does it feel like RT lowkey ships them
ingravinoveritas · 4 months
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Not Radio Times writing an entire article focused on Michael and David kissing and adding things like this. I see you, Radio Times...
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incarnateirony · 6 years
I’m dyin I just found out my gf lowkey believes in Cockles
Doesn’t really ship but lowkey believes in it. *I* don’t even ship it but let me make this BETTER FOR YOU ALL.
Okay so let me put this into some context. My girlfriend until about a year(ish... maybe year and a half?) ago was violently anti-Destiel. Like, to the point that even before I fell in the trashcan, half of my rhetoric was designed to actually defend shippers from narratives I’d heard her breaking out (which she had unwittingly soaked up from the anti lanes she didn’t realize she was floating in like WinBros on FB that are so easy to casually fall into for years if you aren’t deep-exploration-fandom). I always defended Destiel shippers and understood their narrative and production standpoint, if from a literary arms’ length level. 13x5 slammed the nail in my dumpster coffin after holding out, again for literary reasons because to me it was a full series of bookends beyond bookends and a direct mirror of a few other earlier endgames and all kinds of other shit I’ve already discussed. Like I literally couldn’t hold out because as someone raised in literature, at that point, I could not negotiate the plot details as anything other than canonically romantic.
I found out a few months ago she had lowkey fallen into the Destiel dumpster recently--though I had my suspicions before that, such as her suggesting songs for me to make Destiel videos to. I had dismissed it as her deciding to be supportive rather than argumentative since we’d actually had a few spats (mostly from mischosen words like calling me her Cas while she identifies as Dean [cuz... her Sam would be gross; as antiDestiel as she was, she was 100x more antiWincest], only to turn around and a few sentences later talk about hating Destiel, so OW.); but nope, turns out she’d been trying to fight out of the dumpster.
Well, today I got asked about a few things by her, like The Ineffable Post, Mitch Kosterman’s RT, or whatever. And I sort of flatfaced, because I hadn’t even told her the contents of The Ineffable Post, so I started with a whole idle thing on why I don’t mind Cockles shippers, even if I feel like they may kinda be onto something, I just put it in the bin of “not my business” and move on without thinking about it as best I can, but don’t mind them because they’re just so benign and squii-based unlike the core of J2 Tinhat fandom. Well, she turns around and is like “I mean, I gotta admit. Yeah it’s not my business but Jensen is wayyyy more comfortable with Misha these days and like, sure, there’s gotta be something going on there but whatever is giving him googly eyes at Misha and looking at various parts of him the way he does, not my business but yeah.” 
I think I almost fell over. And she doesn’t hang in shipper circles, she doesn’t do ANY of that, oh my gOD whAT. She also cited all by her onesies the difference between Cockles “omg I love boyfriends!” vs like “J1/2 needs to drop that fucking talentless cunt” attitudes what the fuck.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
grifnut for the ship ask meme :3
ur new icon is terrifying
and I GOTCHU since u didnt pick specific Qs ill just find my faves that will fit for it
hmmmmm i guess ill start with why i like it and when i started? idk when i really started, it was probs one of those times i was just like “i bet donut would be good with anyone in bgc” but also bc i really liked a lot of the scenes they had together in blood gulch, like when they went on a mission together and donut was bothering grif about being super spies
and i love that quote where donuts like something something “theres a flower on my lapel that shoots out a secret spy liquid” and simmons and sarge are like NO but grif goes “MAYBE.... imean no!!!” like i dont fuckin know what that means but it resonates with me
and theres some psa in the depths of youtube that’s not on an rt channel that had the two of them having to share like a motorcycle thing and just. there were innuendos.
grif and donut are just really funny and i think donut could help grif get in touch with his feelings. donut also might still be a little repressed so it’s a team effort at times...
and also i reeeeaaaalllyyyyy like simmons/donut, so simmons/donut/grif is like, ot3. i fuckin love those losers. 
uhhh lessee do i prefer it as otp or brotp? i mean most ships i’ll go either way. i could see them more likely being brotp but i ship them both romantically or platonically
why dont i think it’s popular? cause grif/simmons is so big [love that too] and donut hardly ever gets screen time, let alone full conversations with other characters, so people dont often consider his chemistry with others :( 
i’d rate them a 7-8 bc i adore them but they need more interactions both in canon and fanon, and i want grif to express fondness for donut even if it’s barely there and he tries to pretend he doesnt care ;p
fave headcanon: i think they’d be lazy together a lot. sure, donut probably still wants to do things more often than grif does, but like, remember that one sceen during bgc when someone (i think sarge /caboose?maybe simmons was still there? idk) was listening to a transmission but couldnt really hear who was talking, and all they heard was “man, this sucks.” “is that church??” “i just wanna lay around and do NOTHING” “no way it’s definitely grif” “right after i take a nice warm bubble bath :D” “Donut.”, like u could even use this as grurchnut (cause im also a grif/church fan lowkey kdfjds) donut’s lazy and cranky, he could vibe w/lazy cranky boys.and ALSO donut had that one weird diet fad where he only ate foods that started w/vowels and he was like “for breakfast i had eggs and oreos. for lunch i had asparagus... and oreos!” and grif said that’s what he does too except minus eggs and he doesnt know what asparagus ismy point is they’d laze around and eat snacks together. donut probably has him do wine and cheese... and oreos...
hmm i already talked about some fave canon moments.. lazing around and having wine and snacks would probably count as a kind of date theyd go on but donut would probs wanna go do fun things sometimes too. maybe they’d stargaze and grif would just fall asleep lol
theyd probs go out to dinner bc Good Food, donut would fuss at grif to dress fancy and grif would do it bc it’s a small price to pay for a happy bf and GGGGGood FFFFood, but he’d still make a show of complaining
i dont think they’d ever be canon lol, it’s a v small rarepair and im p sure if any red team pairing is canon it’ll be grif/simmons (they more or less are?? im still confused on that lol) but cough couch im still into poly grimmnut soooo lol
and finally,, i dont think ive ever written for them but ive maybe drawn for them and not posted it? probs just scribbly doodles if anything. i Should try to draw them cause i Love Them A Lot
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brianmaysbread · 7 years
im a tag
I was tagged by @awjoj and @the-great-mr-bad-guy  thank <3 (both questions r good and im v bored so im doing both anyway yay))
The person who tagged me wrote 11 custom questions for the people they tagged, and I will write 11 of my own questions and tag some of my followers.
awjoj’s questions
1. Favourite author?
i haven't been reading a lot of ((actual)) novels lately so all i could list are fanfic writers.
2. If you were/are in a band, what instrument would/do you play?
the only instrument i could play good is guitar and,, i guess i would be one(mostly for rhyme cs i suk @ lead + no confidence )
3. Do you sleep with a comforter? (like a special blanket/stuffed toy etc.) If so, what is it and does it have a name?
i dont name my comforter but i do have quite a number of stuffed toys ( which one of them is the carrot doll from ikea(kallot) ; kotori minami nesoberi plushie ; one dumb roger(taylor from queen™) doll that i sewed once and a giant chi(sweet home) plushie ; list could go on but these me main homeboys )
4. A song that gives you intense feelings of nostalgia?
hnggg currently its queenie eye by paul mccartney i guess? idk why tho but it gives me vibes.
5. Tea/coffee/hot cocoa?
hot cocoa or tea
6. A song that has made you cry?
from the sun from UMO made me cry once. also beautiful boy from john lennon it hurts m e (but honestly those r songs from my depression playlist so,,)
7. What do you do for exercise (if at all? XD)
uh i try to do tracks and also taekwando and for more closet exercises is unprofessional gymnastics.
8. Describe the length of your hair. Would you like to change it (cut it shorter, grow it out) or are you happy with the way it is?
around neck-shoulder length i guess? and im p happy with it i guess (other than me hair being thicc as hella ew)?but lowkey misses having long hair?
9. Any tattoos?
nah, but would be interested in one. someday.
10. What posters do you have in your room (if any?) If you have too many to list then what’s the biggest one of?
a lot. and fucking dumb or not its a fanart of Yohane Tsushima(my whole wall is a weeb - other than the one smoll beatles shrine and a few arts here and there but i s2g,, boi,, (also a lot of maddox-rider fanart lmao)
/ / /
the-great-mr-bad-guy questions
1. Is Queen your all-time favorite band?
they share a position with some stupid moptop band now im sorry.
2. If so, what’s your second favorite band?
the who probably. and a few modern bands(UMO,FOB,sum41 etc ehhh how to choose a placing for all me faves ugh)
3. Favorite band member?
Roger can-u-stop-hurting-me Taylor
4. Favorite Queen song?
you and i will always be top alright- ok but other than that its probably flick of the wrist; seaside rendezous or black queen
5. Favorite Queen album? 
sheer heart attack or a kind of magic tbh
6. Whats your opinion on Hot Space?
(that meme of an old man smiling like the office holding a mug.)
7. Do you ship any pairings? (Maylor, Frian, Deacury, etc)
froger or joger tbh
8. Have you ever seen Queen live? If so, original line up, or Queen + Adam Lambert?
(inhales,,,,, dont talk to me about seeing queen live cause i missed the freaking chanced once i cried 17 september 2016 is a cursed date) and original line up as in with freddie??? n o body can replace freddie who dis adam l a m  b a rt
9. Who’s solo career do you like most?
surprisingly i love brians more than rogers.(its just,,, brians voice,, bitch he has the,,, HNGGGG))
10. Favorite Queen concert? (Wembley, Live Aid, Queen Rock Montreal, etc) i would want to say live aid but thats just me all time faves and its not only including queen but anyway budapest is best they sound 10/10 im in love also the recorded concert is amazing too thats why also -im probbaly biased off the recordings now. 11. How long have you been a Queen fan? 
last year ew. how they they ruin my life and dragged me into this,,, classic rock hell! 11
me questions:
1) favourite genres of music
2) aesthetics
3) favourite modern bands(like from 00 eras and above)?
4) does your favourite ship have a theme song? if so, what are they
5) favourite eras of your faves?
6) do you ever check your spam mails in your emails
7) describe the last 3 picture you had just saved vaguely
8) do u think if paul and john ever just talk abt it/and probably yoko never interfered w/ their musics will beatles still be around 2k17
9) would the world be a much calmer place if freddie mercury was still around and was less promiscuous(hence hot space never existed it will be a myTH) 10) fave solo projects from anybody from ur fave band 11) if u can sell ur soul to classic rock and get back nothing in return other than good music would u still do it.
lmao im bd at tagging pepel ; @umthatwasrude @harrisonatemyapplescruffs @itsrogerbaelor @vanillatumbleweedscoffee @hannah-mercury @mehrcurry @geekfaggotnerddreamer
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