#why do i keep coloring shaxx
kaiserouo · 1 month
afternoon tea
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Character Creation: Ann
(I may do one for Zane-2 and Sora if I have the time)
Guardians name: Angelica Arden
Age: When she died in her past life she was only 17. She has been a Guardian for 1 year.
Race: Human
Pronouns: She/her
Class: Hunter
Preferred subclass(es): Arcstrider and also Stasis
Ghost's name: Poppy
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: It doesn’t matter to her, though she’s really good at long range.
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": She likes “Element of Surprise” more.
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Crucible.
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Thera, the Young Wolf, Hero of the Red War, and more. 
Favorite shader: Anything with bright colors. Especially light blues.
Favorite color: Blue, light blue specifically. 
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Like Thera, she enjoys classic rock and oldies music. But she also likes our modern day pop music some too.
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): The place where the children play. She goes out there with Shaxx every week on Wednesdays to hang out with them.
Favorite NPC(s): Crow, Shaxx, Saint-14, Shaw Han, Amanda
Favorite patrol location: Anywhere on Nessus
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Art, spicy foods, ship racing, music, and movies like Footloose.
Least favorite food: Potatoes
Least favorite NPC(s): Spider
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Paperwork, being alone for too long, staying in the Tower for too long and not going anywhere for more than a day, drawing hands, and trying to get the eyes to line up on her art.
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: Ann’s room is cluttered. There’s a lot of sketchbook and pens, pencils, and more everywhere. It’s a lot smaller than Thera’s room, and the bathroom is really small too. She has a small shelf that hangs on the wall where she keeps a few interesting romance books that she likes, and sketchbooks. She also has a decent sized desk, and a easel with canvases in one side of the room.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?(Y'all remember Polyvore? The website URSTYLE works very similar if that helps!): When Ann isn’t going out, she likes to wear a hoodie and sweatpants, but when she goes out, she’ll wear a tanktop or t-shirt, with comfy pants and tennis shoes.
What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have: Angelica’s really good at any kind of art. Painting, pencil, you name it, she can do it.
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: The Wolf’s Apprentice
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): Like Thera, she was reborn in the Cosmodrome. Her body, a skeleton, had been in the back of one of the many rusted cars.
What were they wearing when they were reborn: A tight tank top, light blue colored jeans, and tennis shoes. 
What was their reaction to being reborn: She had stopped and instead of going into the Cosmodrome, she turned and looked out over the nearby cliff, enjoying being alive again in that very moment.
What was their reaction to their first rez: Ann found it really weird but also really cool, besides the slight nausea. 
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: She met hostiles first. Fallen.
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Shaw Han.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: She, like Thera, also remembered only her name. But a good number of weeks after she had been a Guardian for a while, she got a dream about the car she was rezzed in. She believed that there would be hints of her past life in the car, that she hadn’t thought to look for after she had just been rezzed. Ann told Thera, and the two headed there. She found a shoebox under the car seat which had her full name. Angelica Arden, written on the top. Also, inside she found bits and pieces of who she used to be, including a photo of her parents.
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: Ann would constantly be referencing the fact that Thera, the Young Wolf, was her best friend. Honestly, the lore book would probably be filled with a bunch of adventures Thera and Ann have had.
Does your Guardian have a significant other: No, but it is evident that she likes Shaw Han, and that he likes her.
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: She was actually the Guardian who helped out Shaw Han and killed Navota, which is why the two are so close. I decided that it wouldn’t make sense for Thera to be the one to do that deed, since it didn’t really fit, but that it instead made sense for Ann to be the one to kill Navota. 
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: Ann was shy upon reaching there, but wanted to see everything. She was really excited. It was then she met Thera, since her Ghost, Poppy was friends with Thera’s Ghost, Scout. Poppy had gone and found the two, and Thera offered to help show Ann around.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: No.
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: “Listen, as Thera once said, ‘Jump around, shoot, and don’t die. Those are the basics.’.”
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: Ann doesn’t have many friends who aren’t Guardians, so there really isn’t too much to tell. But there was one Rouge lightbearer who I forgot to mention in Thera’s character creation. She went by Rouge, and refused to show her face or tell her real name. Thera had taken Ann with her to meet Rouge, and Rouge had asked Ann a number of questions to see if she could trust her. 
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): Besides the Rouge, that’s about it. And I suppose the Drifter.
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: Ann finds Stasis fun to play with, but listens to Thera’s warnings that she shouldn’t use it all the time. (She knows how to make snowcones with it.)
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: She wasn’t alive when the Red War happened.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: She thinks he’s filled with wisdom and likes listening to what he has to say.
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: Eris actually kind of spooks Ann. She’s just intimidating.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: Never got a chance to meet him, but has heard great things about him.
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Ann also looks up to Ikora, and when Thera doesn’t have the answer, she’ll go to Ikora next.
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: Ann tries to do nice things for Zavala here and there because she knows he’s under a lot of stress. She greatly respects him.
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: When Ann doesn’t have anything else to do, she’ll go to the Hangar and talk with him while feeding the pigeons.
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: She treats him with respect, but doesn’t understand him. He’s also slightly intimidating to her.
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: He’s a good friend of hers, and she will occasionally go to talk with him when Thera isn’t around. Sometimes she’ll even help him be an announcer in the Crucible.
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: She likes him and is good friends with him. She’s one of only two that know he’s Thera’s boyfriend, and will constantly go to tell him what she thinks he should do for a date, or how Thera’s feeling, or what he should buy her for a gift.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: She hates him because of what he did to Crow and Glint.
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: She sees her as someone she should greatly respect.
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: Angelica is deathly terrified of her.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: “Hey, I know Thera looks intimidating, but don’t be afraid to ask her anything or go up and talk to her. She really doesn’t mind.”
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oracleofkairos · 3 years
30 Questions For Your Guardian
These questions are taken from the post here by @fem-birb-woman, seemed like a good way to kick this off! 1.) What is your guardian’s name? What does it mean? What inspired you to choose that name for them? "The Oracle Of Kairos. I didn't choose it, but it was given to me by the followers of Osiris, after my frequent excursions into the Infinite Forest."
2.) What did your guardian name their ghost? What does it mean? What inspired them to choose that name?
"This here is Custode, means Guardian in a pre-collapse tongue. Little bit of a joke, but this little guy has seen me through many trials, and I'll know he always has my back."
3.) What is your guardians favorite weapon of choice? What mod do they use for it? Do they have a masterwork on it and if so, how many enemies have they killed with that weapon?
"The IKELOS_HC_V1.0.2 , a gift from Rasputin. I've tuned it to handle rank and file opponents, I have had the aid of others to bring it up to a masterwork of engineering, and frankly, I've lost count of how many this pistol has killed."
4.) Do they participate in the Crucible often or do they just go to complete the daily challenges? "I hate the crucible. I understand it's purpose, both for morale and training, but I still can't bring myself to enjoy getting curbstomped by other guardians."
5.) If your guardian had to choose to be another class, what class would they pick? Or would they stay the same? "I think I'd prefer to stay a Warlock, but I could see myself as a half-decent titan, but I'd be much more of a strategist than an unstoppable battering ram."
6.) What is their favorite subclass within their own class? "Stormcaller. I've always felt a more tangible tie to Arc energies, and since the reawakening of my light, that has only strengthened."
7.) What is their favorite subclass in a different class?
"Sentinel titans will always have my respect, they put themselves on the line to shield allies from harm, and they're very good at it."
8.) Would they rather receive a titan kiss ( a hard ass headbutt that mostly results in death ), asking a warlock a question that might result in a long explanation, or deciding to play the knife game with hunter and bet at high stakes? "Ask the question of a Warlock. I'd much rather have an interesting conversation than risk losing a body part, no matter how briefly."
9.) Would they prank other guardians or just their close friends? What kind of pranks would they pull?
"The Hijinks of the Drifter and Cayde always made me... Afraid, of pranks. I don't think I could bring myself to engage in such things."
10.) Which vanguard member to they like to hang out with the most? "I'm on good terms with both Ikora and Zavala, but I more often find myself discussing theories or new intrigues with Ikora whenever I stop by the tower. She's been a fine mentor and a better friend."
11.) Who would they fmk out of Skolas, Ghaul, and Calus? "Frankly, I hate everything about this question, but in the interest of honesty; Fuck Skolas, Marry Calus, and Kill Ghaul."
12.) What kind of hobbies do they do in their free time? Are there any particular skills they have that help them with this hobby(s)? "I've always found an interest in etchings and engravings, I've got a good hand from many hours with a pen, and that serves me to handle the tools when making carvings."
13.) What is their favorite armor set and what shader do they use for it? "Oddly, I've always been attached to the Exodus Down armor provided by Failsafe... It's always just... Fit me, in a way. Almost all our armor is perfectly tailored, but this runs deeper than that. And, in honor of the Followers of Osiris, I wear Kairos Bronze."
14.) Do they prefer silence or are they unbothered in loud areas? "Depends on what I'm doing, when studying or researching, I require quiet, but I do enjoy the bustle of the Tower when I need to relax."
15.) Are they afraid of storms? If so, is there a specific reason why? "To the contrary, I love storms. There's nothing better than wandering and just taking in the energy radiating from those electric clouds."
16.) Who were they before their ghost revived them? Do they know about this and if so how or what did they use to learn about themselves? "I know looking into such things is... Frowned on, but I have done some research into it. Between my own strange clicks, and the fact I was first revived on Nessus, I believe I may have been one of the crew or colonists aboard the Exodus Black."
17.) How close are your guardian and their ghost? If they are not close, would your guardian kill their ghost and choose to answer the darkness’ calls? "I love Custode. If anything were to happen to him, I'm not sure I could, or would want, to survive the experience."
18.) Would your guardian engage in a romantic relationship with Fallen, Cabal, Hive, etc? If so, what do they find attractive about the species? "This... Is an odd question, I suppose I couldn't deny the possibility of finding myself with a sentient member of any of those species. I wonder what a relationship with the hive would even be like..."
19.) Who is their favorite lore hero? Example, Jolder, Saint-14, Andal Brask, etc. Why is this person their favorite and in what ways do they inspire your guardian? What would your guardian say if they were face to face with them? "Osiris and Toland The Shattered. I could not hold them to the title of Hero, but I look to their works as examples on how to push the limits of Guardian knowledge, but also how to be mindful of the edges of madness."
20.) Does your guardian like plants? If so, what kinds? Do they prefer flowers or trees or shrubs? Would they start a garden?
"I do enjoy plants, and I actually have a small terrarium containing a blueberry bush inside my orbiter."
21.) If your guardian became obsessed with something, what would it be? "The infinite forest... I was... Unable, to resist the temptations of the possibilities within, and found myself lost for a long few years... I've only recently re-emerged, only to find Cayde dead, Osiris hostage, Mara, Saint, and others returned, and some mad scheme about swearing guardians to the darkness. It was... A difficult adjustment."
22.) Do they like reading books or watching movies or both? What genres are their favorites? Does their fireteam have the same taste? "I've always enjoyed both books and cinema, whenever I was invited to showing by other guardians. Historical fiction and high fantasy hold a special place in my heart, as they speak to our capacity for imagination."
23.) What kind of music do they like? Do they dance around anybody in any situation or in the privacy of their quarters? What would their favorite song from the Golden Age be? "I've always enjoyed Golden Age Classical, since I first heard it among Rasputin's broadcasts. And while I don't often dance, I do enjoy the occasional slow dance with a partner during The Dawning, or other festivals."
24.) What does their living space look like? Are there a bunch of pictures around or do Knick knacks cover the shelves? Do they enjoy bright, neutral, or dark colors? Would they purchase a fur rug? "I do my best to keep organized, but there's many, many little momentos of my travels, and it makes it difficult to keep things tidy. I prefer cooler colors, and I do have a fur rug I pinched from Clovis Bray's facilities. Bear, I think."
25.) Do they travel around the city often? If so, what are their favorite places to go and who do they go with? Are the civilians ever excited to see them or do they give them a look because of precious mishaps that resulted in property damage? "I often travel within the city, whether I'm visiting friends in the New Monarchy, or going to the various scrappers and book-vendors. I have a few good friends, and I do my best to be polite and respectful to all others."
26.) Are they good with kids? If not, how do they react when a child tries to talk to them? If they are good with kids, what kind of things do they do to entertain them? "I'm... Not amazing, with children. I enjoy their inquisitive nature, but I sometimes get too wrapped up in my explanations, and either scare them with things they didn't need to know, or leave them with more questions than they started with."
27.) Are they in love with Shaxx?
"No. In the words of a man with wisdom beyond his years; 'Every minute I spend in the crucible makes me wish I stayed dead.' "
28.) When your guardian sleeps, are they stiff and stay in one spot or wild and kick off the sheets? Do they have nightmares often and if so, about what? How often do they sleep? "Custode does his best to remind me to get a full nights sleep, and tells me he sometimes has to verify I'm still alive, given that I'm almost perfectly still. As for nightmares... They happen, especially after everything on the Moon."
29.) Do they enjoy coffee, tea, soda, or water? Would they mix all of these together and drink the liquid on a dare? "I'm partial to both Coffee and Tea, particularly one kind Eris was kind enough to make for me during our stay on Luna... And absolutely not."
30.) What about their personality attracts other guardians to them? What is it about other guardians that attracts your guardian to them?
"I enjoy other guardians with a passion for discovery and a desire for knowledge, and I often find others who seek me out for the same. Though there have been cases other guardians or fireteams have sought my guidance after my years in the Infinite Forest, hoping I have insight into future events."
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Kahun Tu’mak
Guardians name: Kahun Tu’mak
Age: Entirely unknown, but seems young, somewhere in his mid adult years.
Race: Cabal
Call signs/alias: Traitor, Son of Zavala, The Pale Titan
Pronouns: He/him
Class: Titan
Preferred subclass(es): Arc
Ghost's name: Gul’tan
Their Vanguard: Zavala, Ikora, Cayde-6
Fireteam name: Harbingers of Destiny
Fireteam teammates: Magnus, Dominus Ghaul, Anthem-99, Velliks, Gadrax, Kahun
Favorite legendary weapon: The Messenger
Favorite exotic weapon: Memoriae, a custom exotic I came up with for his backstory. It’s a rocket launcher made from Ghost shell fragments. The gun is made to represent the combined might of every fallen Guardian, and to keep their memory alive. Its name is from Latin, a dead language, because “Things may be dead, but they aren’t gone so long as we continue to hold onto them.” It’s a metaphor for the fallen Guardians, and how their identities cannot be forgotten, either.
Favorite exotic armor: Curiass of the Falling Star
Favorite ornament armor set: Phenotype Plasticity
Favorite weapon ornament: Bloodline Memorial
What stats do they focus on: Resilience, Mobility, Intellect
Are they offense, defence, or support: Offense and defense equally
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: Close to mid range
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": Upfront and aggressive
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Crucible
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Zavala
Who are they mentoring(if they are. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): Nobody, Kahun is a fairly new Guardian, and thus doesn’t have the knowledge or skill to mentor anyone yet.
What ship do they have: High Gravitas
What is their Sparrow: Golden Pride
Favorite Ghost shell: Predator Sun
Favorite shader: Horizon Blush
Favorite color: Red/gold
Favorite food: Popcorn
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): Laptops. Kahun is fascinated with computer technology from before the Collapse began, but especially the first portable computers. They’re slow bricks compared to what is available now, but they’re still full of interesting components and mechanisms!
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Finntroll
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): The Tower
Favorite NPC(s): Zavala, Saint-14, Lord Shaxx, Ikora, Amanda Holliday, Ada-1, Tess Everis, Eris Morn, Asher Mir
Favorite patrol location: The Crater on Io. It’s quiet, lonely, he can think, and it’s relatively close to the Traveler, which he always desires to bond and connect deeper with.
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Solitude, combat, allies/friends (they’re one in the same to him), learning, kids
Least favorite food: Fish of any sort
Least favorite shader: Dead Zone Bark
Least favorite patrol location: Anywhere on Mars
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): Corded telephones
Least favorite NPC(s): Emperor Calus, Mara Sov, Lakshmi-2
Least favorite weapon ornament: Coup de Main
Least favorite ornament armor set: Luxe Titan
Least favorite legendary weapon: Timelines’ Vertex
Least favorite exotic weapon: Devil’s Ruin
Least favorite exotic armor: Eternal Warrior
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Disloyalty, mistrust, betrayal, ignorance, malignance
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: It’s very neat, very minimalistic as Zavala has inadvertently influenced him to be. It’s across the hall from Zavala’s room, and is rather large to fit his huge size.
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?(Y'all remember Polyvore? The website URSTYLE works very similar if that helps!):
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What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have: Translating Ulurent, construction and architecture, astrophysics
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: Solemnity and Turbulence
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): Frigid Wastes. It’s a now-destroyed Cabal base on Mars, most notable for its gladiator arena where Cabal would kidnap Guardians, slay their Ghosts, then challenge the Lightless to their death in attempt to show the universe what Guardians are truly worth. The place used to be grand, almost like a castle, but has now become rubble and dust coated in layers of pemafrost.
What were they wearing when they were reborn: Busted Cabal power armor, and a broken rebreather.
What was their reaction to being reborn: Absolute confusion
What was their reaction to their first rez: Kahun had no idea what was going on, and couldn’t understand what was happening to him.
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: One friendly person, and lots of hostile people. The only friendly person was Zavala, whom Kahun stood up in front of with a blank look of sheer confusion on his face, not knowing why everyone else held a gun aimed at him.
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Going before res, Kahun met countless Guardians whom he never knew the names of, sadly, and all of whom were slain by his comrades. After res, there were many Guardians in a whole legion, swarming him cautiously except, again, Zavala.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: Kahun has learned a LOT about his past life, despite Zavala constantly deterring him from this. First and foremost, Kahun was resurrected in the remains of his base, with lots of dead Cabal around him, leading Kahun to question what he was doing there. From this question sprang many others, eventually drawing Kahun back to his former base whereupon he learned he was formerly a Gladiator, forced to be there by Calus’s orders, and slay Guardians for their Final Deaths. Kahun looked in the rubble of the arena and located thousands of Ghost shell fragments, all of which scattered about, and he knew he unwillingly partook in this. There, Zavala told him Kahun jumped in front of a rocket to protect Zavala’s Ghost because he wanted no more pointless deaths, and died on impact, therein protecting the commander and his Ghost. This is why Zavala feels a major duty to raise and protect Kahun: a debt repaid. Kahun now uses those Ghost fragments and has made Memoriae with them to defend every Guardian and innocent soul in the galaxy with the combined might of everyone who’d been slain in the arena.
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life momentos): Kahun remembered his name upon being resurrected. When him and Zavala formed a tight enough bond, Kahun suggested a last name for the both of them so they could be considered family: Tu’mak. In Ulurent, this name means “United”.
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: One text would certainly be about forging Memoriae. I’m currently working on his lorebook and compiling the passages in it on AO3. It’ll contain record logs of his training with Zavala when both met, tales of Kahun discovering his past and lamenting over it, and his endeavors as a Guardian to make the galaxy safe against anyone who dares threaten the innocent.
Does your Guardian have a significant other: No, not at the moment. I can’t decide on one.
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: He did! Zavala kept him in the EDZ for a while before going to the Tower, and trained him there so nobody would panic upon seeing a Cabal Guardian.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: Sheer awe and wonder. Kahun had never seen anything like this, and never knew such unity or peace. In fact, he never knew peace at all, he wasn’t taught it as a militaristic Cabal. He was entirely shocked, and in love!
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: The Traveler’s Legion
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): After Dominus Ghaul was resurrected, and worked with Magnus to unite the Cabal under one banner, Ghaul offered Kahun to form his own Legion of Guardians who’d be ambassadors to the Cabal, and thus Kahun formed The Traveler’s Legion.
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: “To have and to hold... I’ll hold your Light, I promise. Until we meet again.”
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: Kahun’s first interactions within The Last City were entirely hostile, full of people trying to hurt and hunt him down. Kahun was not allowed out alone, and it took years for anyone of Humankind to accept a Cabal is a Guardian. Cabal around the galaxy hated Kahun and attempted to slay him for having gone against his kin, until the unity came and Kahun was given position as a Primus. Kahun has befriended many Eliksni, and he thinks they’re adorable. He loves children from The Last City, and many come swarming him curiously during his patrols to ask questions about him being a Cabal. Kahun always answers happily, and teaches the children that no species is entirely, inherently evil, and anyone is capable of doing great things. Kahun is devoted to the Crucible, so he doesn’t enjoy seeing Lord Saladin or any of the Iron Lords around. But he believes Saladin may someday come to his senses and recognize what he’s done.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): His connections to Ghaul and Magnus. Kahun tries to separate himself from most of Cabalkind due to his past, but he maintains his connections in the form of The Traveler’s Legion in hopes that other Cabal will someday be seen as worthy by the Traveler’s standards as he and Ghaul were.
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: Kahun doesn’t trust it himself. He sees and understands why others use it, but he couldn’t be paid to use Stasis himself.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: N/A since Kahun isn’t actually playable :(
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: N/A
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: Kahun isn’t from D1, so seeing Taniks alive was just a sort of “Who are you?” moment.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: Kahun was still enslaved on the Gladiator base on Mars. He was avoiding fighting Guardians at all costs, and in fact, worked to set many of them free before their final fights.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: Kahun admires him and looks to Osiris for wisdom.
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: Pity. Kahun wishes she still had the Light, that she was still safe, and untouched by the Darkness. He truly feels bad for her, and just wants her to be ok but knows Eris will never know peace again.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: Insane and utterly self-destructive. Kahun wonders how he’s still alive...
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: An absolute guiding force. Ikora has taught him lots, and give him great insight into the Light.
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: Dad.
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: Absolute admiration. Kahun deeply appreciates and aspires to be like Saint, even trying so hard as to mimic his moves in the Crucible.
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: Kahun hopes Saladin will realize the error of his ways someday, and make amends as he is doing himself.
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: His teacher and other guidance. Like Ikora, Shaxx taught Kahun how to vent his feelings in the Crucible by fighting and using his adrenaline.
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: A friend and child who MUST be protected at all costs. Kahun knows who Crow truly is, and he wants Crow to be safe as a Guardian.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: Untrustworthy, and not somebody whom he’d turn to unless absolutely necessary.
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: A disaster who, like him, was manipulated and controlled.
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: She must pay for her crimes by death.
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: Indifferent. If he hadn’t released Uldren, then Crow wouldn’t exist. But at the same time, what Uldren’s release cost the galaxy might not be worth Crow. Kahun doesn’t know what to think of Variks’s past actions, and certainly doesn’t let them go or forgive them.
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: Kahun trusts him entirely and wholeheartedly. Mithrax is an ally and friend.
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: She can be an ally, someone to rely on if necessary, but he’d rather not trifle with the Darkness in any way.
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: Nope nope nope, he will fight her on site because the Darkness isn’t something he’d like to have hanging around, even if it can be harnessed by others.
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: Hhhhhhh don't trust!!! Calus bad, therefore Calus family bad! Right? RIGHT??!! HHHHHHHEEEELLLLLPPP!
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: “Who the everloving fuck is this dude, and why is he after me???”
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: Kahun is anxious, but ready to go head-on. He’ll fight as best as he can, no matter how hard that may be to do. Kahun will stave the Darkness off at literally any cost, including his own life. Ride or die.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: “The Traveler chose us for a reason, and it’s our duty to uphold that reason. Debts are repaid only to make new ones, but just maintain your duties as a Guardian, and you can someday die knowing you’ve done the right thing.”
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404botnotfound · 5 years
The Line [1]
...and where to draw it.
SERIES: Destiny WORD COUNT: 7,586 SHIP: Quinn/Drifter CHARACTERS: quinn leonis (AU), cayde-6 (mentioned), the drifter, kel, luke, nyx-14, glyph
i. dead reckoning
n. to find yourself bothered by someone’s death more than you would have expected, as if you assumed they would always be part of the landscape, like a lighthouse you could pass by for years until the night it suddenly goes dark, leaving you with one less landmark to navigate by—still able to find your bearings, but feeling all that much more adrift.
All around her people are moving, and Quinn feels like she’s at a standstill.
The air is chilly, heralding the rapidly approaching winter season in the Last City and bringing with it a rapid shift from lighter clothes for civilians (not guardians, though—maybe it was the undeath thing, maybe they just had really well insulated armor) to heavier coats and scarves.
The regular hustle and bustle of the Tower hadn’t been impeded by the shift, guardians moving to and fro, visiting the Cryptarch with secrets uncovered out in the wilds or Banshee for a tune-up of their favorite weapons. Techs rushed from the hangar to the new Vanguard hall, carrying urgent news to Zavala and Ikora, and other civilians that helped keep things running smoothly gathering around the newly placed heat lamps or sitting at outdoor café booths while on breaks.
The shopkeepers, likewise, were busy as ever. Tess in particular seemed flustered for once with how many people were running by to purchase gloves and scarves thanks to the sudden cold snap.
Quinn tugs at the hood of her armored jacket, and thinks that maybe she needs to buy a scarf as well, but she can barely feel the cold; whether it’s from the suffocating numbness she’s been fighting for the last several weeks or her body simply not registering it after enough exposure, she has no idea.
Her head had been foggy as of late. Save for the small handful of people she regularly talks to—rather, talked to until recently—she barely sees passing faces, has a hard time recognizing voices, and by extension struggles to realize when someone was trying to get her attention. Time passes without her even noticing it.
It’s not that she wants to be so distant, but try as she might her connection to the moving world around her had snapped, leaving her adrift and dazed.
Ikora has tried to speak with her several times since her team had returned to the Tower from the Reef, Cayde’s lifeless body cradled in the arms of their team leader. Tried to bridge the unintended gap that had formed between her and the Vanguard after their return.
No one knows he’s dead. No one but her fireteam, the Vanguard, and the small group of people Ikora and Zavala trusted to keep the loss secret.
‘We can’t afford the hit to morale,’ Zavala had said, while Quinn struggled to not reach out and slap him for being colder than the weather had gotten, ‘the people are still afraid, thanks to the Red Legion assault. They need to know their Vanguard is unified and whole and keeping them safe.’
Well, the Vanguard wasn’t unified and whole, and now there’s a hole punched through her chest, growing larger and threatening to swallow her with the few people that recognized her as Cayde’s girl. ‘Why isn’t he in the tower?’ They ask her, and she has to swallow around the stone that finds its way into her throat every time, ‘The Commander said he went out scouting, but it’s been a while.’
Her tongue always feels heavy with the lie when she tells them that he’s just keeping radio silent for the safety of the people here.
And so, the activity in the Tower keeps moving, blurring around her while she finds herself losing time, wandering with no true destination or goal, from one end of the Tower to the other and sometimes getting herself lost venturing down into the still rebuilding City itself. No matter where her feet take her, she never finds a place she feels comfortable in for longer than an hour at most.
Her fireteam was in nearly the same place she was—unsure of where to direct their focus, of what to do after the fall of the Prison and the loss of the Hunter Vanguard. They’ve gone out on a few tactical strikes, done some minor system housekeeping, but they all agree nothing felt satisfying about it anymore.
But none of them were feeling the same kind of pain she was. The deep, aching loss of someone she had begun to see as her other half, someone she’d given her heart to only for it to die with him. Kel, perhaps, understood it best, and it was probably why he spent as much time as he could tracking her down in whatever remote spot she’d found to hide in and sat quietly with her just so she wasn’t completely alone.
Of course, it probably wasn’t his only reason for doing so—he also understood that right then, she didn’t want to be comforted. She wants to take her ship and haul ass back out to the Reef, to hunt down the Scorn barons and put them down, to corner the disgraced Awoken prince and plant a bullet in his skull for what he’d done.
She doesn’t want sympathy and comfort. She wants Uldren Sov dead.
She isn’t the only one, her entire team vocally expressing their desire to return to the Reef to exact retribution for the cruel, slow, and painful true death the Barons and Uldren had given Cayde.
But Uldren Sov was the crown prince of the Reef, and the City couldn’t risk a war with the Awoken, not so close on the heels of the Red Legion’s assault and takeover of the City. Nevermind that Uldren had lost his mind and gone rogue, nevermind that the Reef’s structure had crumbled after Oryx decimated their fleet and killed their Queen.
No, nevermind any of that—they still couldn’t risk it. Zavala had forbidden retaliation, told them all to focus on the safety of the City and the People they were meant to protect, and when Quinn had let him know exactly what she thought of that decision he had placed a system lock on her ship and effectively, infuriatingly, put her on house arrest.
Glyph, the ghost that had claimed her as its own a while back, materializes in the periphery of her vision. It doesn’t understand what she’s going through, not really, and because of the unique relationship between them—it hadn’t risen her from the grave, and so their light wasn’t one and the same—it couldn’t feel what she did. Regardless, it’s worried about her, and it’s made that known many times since her lockdown had begun. “You’re doing it again.” It says plainly, glowing purple ‘eye’ blinking at her and concern coloring its tinny voice.
Quinn rearranges her expression, figuring she’d probably looked something bordering the line of murderous. “I’m fine.”
“I didn’t ask if you were.” It points out, the blue-, white-, and black-colored facets of its diamond-shaped shell flitting around in what she recognizes as agitation. “But you’re clearly not.”
No, she definitely is not, and she’s far too proud to admit it.
There’s still so much she doesn’t know about herself, but she can already feel that she doesn’t and never has handled raw emotions like this well, and she knows that sooner or later, she’s going to snap. Though her memory was so foggy, she’s pretty sure she’s never felt this bad before in her life. It was almost funny that losing Cayde was affecting her this badly when she was decently aware of losing something in the past—her home? Her family? Her purpose?—and yet whatever caused her to wake up from stasis, alone, with few memories and in a world she didn’t recognize paled in comparison.
How was her snap going to take shape, she wonders morbidly. Was a passing comment, regardless of what it was, going to be too much and send her into a violent frenzy? She’d had an infrequent nightmare of nearly beating someone to death with her bare hands, and with the way her mental state was lately she was beginning to fear it was less a nightmare and more a memory.
Was she going to throw herself off the Tower and plummet the handful of miles to the ground to her death, knowing that she, unlike her fellow guardians, couldn’t be revived? Probably not—she knew enough about herself to know that killing herself wasn’t in her playbook. Too stubborn for it.
Would she end up like Uldren? Rogue and thrown to rot in a cell, losing her mind after losing someone she loved dearly and taking it out on those she counted as allies?
She shivers at the thought.
She loves the City. Loves the Vanguard and its consultants, loves Amanda and the new addition, Hawthorne—Shaxx as well, and even Banshee, gruff and antisocial as he was, was someone she counted as a close friend.
But she feels other now.
Rather, she feels other once again—the same way she felt before Cayde had poked and prodded her into opening up and drawing her into the fold of guardians, made her feel welcome and home rather than just a strange anomaly no one could make sense of. She knows in truth it’s more likely just because she knows Cayde is gone for good and everyone else around her has no clue, but the darker parts of her heart are telling her it’s because Cayde was the first and closest tie she had to feel like she belonged here.
Traveler damn her, she needs to find something to do before she spirals further.
Heedless of the steep drop off the Tower before her, Quinn uncrosses her legs and stands, hopping down from the thick concrete railing she’d been sitting on onto the tile of the courtyard in front of the Tower’s guardian housing. To her right is the gaudy, over decorated pavilion that Executor Hideo had claimed for his faction—conveniently located right in front of the apartment block so he could pester people into supporting him.
“I swear, that last Gambit match was rigged.”
The statement catches her ear as she passes by the pavilion, and she stops; Glyph, hovering behind her shoulder as she walks, absent-mindedly bumps into her and then in a fit of embarrassed energy flits around her head before settling again.
“We almost had them,” another guardian says, voice muted and difficult to catch through the rest of the chatter around the plaza.
The first guardian that had spoken waves in the corner of her vision. “No, we had it, but it’s apparently as rigged as competitive Crucible, I guess.”
Dropping her eyes from the pinned notice on a nearby board she’d been pretending to read, she looks over at the pair of guardians, and both of them cease talking immediately, staring back at her. Glowering, really. She’s not surprised. New Monarchy supporters tended to be haughty and standoffish in her experience—a reflection of the arrogant wannabe king that ran the faction.
Rolling her shoulders, Quinn continues through the arch on her way to the main plaza.
It’s something she’s heard other guardians mention over the last few months, always in secret, always hushed. It was like they were trying to keep it from being widespread knowledge. She’d been wondering what it was considering it seemed to be happening under the Vanguard’s nose—definitely confirmed, now that she knew it was some type of competition.
The only guardian-versus-guardian competition in the City was the Crucible, and Shaxx hadn’t ever mentioned a match type called Gambit. Maybe it was something he was testing out before making it a part of the official Crucible lineup, but Shaxx hadn’t ever been good at keeping secrets about his pet project, and she’s sure the only playtesters he’d allow were the elite of the Crucible—those guardians that devoted their time almost exclusively to engaging in a battle royale for sport and entertainment or for training newly risen guardians. None of the guardians she had overheard speaking of it were recognizable or decorated with Crucible emblems.
She changes direction and passes directly through the bazaar without stopping.
When she reaches the Crucible pavilion in the main plaza and mentions it to Shaxx, he confirms he has no game type called Gambit and has no intention of making one at the time. He does, however, tell her that he’s overheard mention of such a gametype as well, but has no idea what it is or who might be running it. As he speaks to her his tone takes on something frustrated, and it becomes obvious that he has concerns about its existence.
It’s understandable.
Guardians fighting guardians was a subject that made almost everyone uncomfortable, the Dark Ages of warlord guardians and light-fueled massacres such a black stain on the history of humanity post-Collapse that even she knew of it and many older guardians refused to speak of it.
There was a reason the Crucible was the only accepted form of it—it was heavily regulated, every match was monitored constantly by Shaxx’s quartermaster frames whether it was professional competitive Crucible or unaired training. Certain weapons were banned because of a danger to ghosts, certain people were barred from participating (herself included) due to either skill imbalance or a demeanor that threatened participants.
So what the hell was Gambit? Why did she keep hearing about it? And why did only a small number of guardians seem to even know about it?
She can feel a fixation start to form, her mind desperately latching onto it in an effort to avoid the things that had been consuming her for weeks. She needs to know what the hell this is, a gnawing pest in her brain telling her to take the diversion while it’s in front of her. Something about it felt dangerous and she can’t put her finger on why, but she dismisses the instinct.
She hears nothing else of this secret competition throughout the Tower as she wanders, though she keeps her eyes and ears trained and focused. Glyph isn’t sure why she wants it to keep an ear out for encrypted discussions on closed channels, but it does it anyway.
She’s descending the steps to the hangar when Glyph blips in surprise, its voice in her head. ‘Hold on, I’ve got something.’ It says. ‘Someone’s ghost slipped, I caught a mention of it.’
“Who?” She asks quietly.
‘That group at the bottom of the stairs. I’m cracking their encryption now—they’re talking about putting their names in for some kind of big match and picking up bounties for extra payout.’
So, there it is. She’s not sure what exactly she’s planning, but at least she’s got something. She continues descending the stairs as though nothing had happened and steps past the group Glyph had pointed out. “Back out before one of their ghosts catches you.”
‘Already did. You want me to tag them?’
Her brow furrows. “Yeah. I’m gonna follow ‘em.”
Another blip, this time of disapproval. ‘What exactly do you plan to do?’
She shrugs as though Glyph could see it, though it probably feels the motion without the visual, and crosses the floor of the hangar, weaving around techs organizing newly delivered equipment and supplies and heading for the station Amanda had set up shop in.
She holds her breath and forces her eyes forward as she passes another one, this one decorated with maps and littered with knives and partially disassembled handguns.
A plan isn’t something she’s got the energy to come up with at that point in time—this was just a spur of the moment fixation, a way for her to do something, anything that wasn’t wallow in the light she had lost.
Amanda’s face brightens when she spots Quinn heading for her; Quinn has to stifle a brief flash of despair that she has no idea her best friend is dead. She probably shouldn’t have bothered, because she then has to bite down on a swell of indiscriminate rage instead. It wasn’t right of them to keep Cayde’s death quiet, to wait for the right time.
There was no ‘right time’ to acknowledge or deal with death, and keeping someone from grieving a loss of a loved one was despicable.
Her and Amanda strike up a conversation over a partially disassembled sparrow, talking about everything from the upcoming Festival of the Lost (her stomach twists at the thought of officially saying goodbye) to the sparrow racing league she’s in talks with Zavala to strike up again now that the City had been reclaimed.
When the group of guardians Glyph had indicated turns to leave, Quinn excuses herself and tells Amanda she’ll stop by again later, and then follows.
She keeps her distance, shadowing them as they make their way through and breaking off as they do, stopping at different shops in the main plaza and striking up her first conversations in weeks to waive suspicion should the guardians notice her. Even Banshee, for all the old exo’s memory problems, had noticed her scarcity and is surprised when she stops by and says hello.
She feels a spark of guilt about that considering she’s only using him as a means to an end for her ultimate objective.
Which…was what, exactly?
It wasn’t like she had enough authority to just shut down an illegal operation herself, and she wasn’t feeling particularly endeared to Zavala to blow the whistle to him or Ikora. Shaxx, maybe, but he had discouraged a hunt for Uldren as well, and she rules him out.
She’ll figure it out as she goes.
‘There,’ Glyph finally says as they pass a corner nestled between the corridor she had just stepped out from and an open-air restaurant with a few patrons sitting and chatting with the owner, ‘their signatures disappeared in there.’
“’Disappeared’?” She asks, making her way over to the restaurant and taking a seat. She flags down the owner for some coffee to ward off the deeper chill descending on the Tower with the falling sun while she waits.
‘Yes. It’s…’ Glyph is silent for several seconds and then lets out a stream of beeping and blips that Quinn thinks almost sounds like the ghost’s version of swearing a blue streak. If her heart wasn’t feeling so heavy, she might have found it amusing. ‘How have Ikora and Zavala not picked up on this? It’s some sort of light-cloaking field. It’s like nothing is there at all!’
Leaning back slightly as the owner sets a mug of coffee in front of her, Quinn eyes the corner and notices an alley, damn near hidden between hung banners and overgrown plants and stacked crates and supplies. Now that she’s looking closer, she can see some sort of wrought-iron gate blocking the alley itself.
How had they entered it? Usually blocked areas in the Tower required specific passcodes from one of the Vanguard’s ghosts.
She turns back to her coffee and sips at it gingerly. “Maybe it’s discreet enough they haven’t noticed.” She speculates, ignoring the strange looks she receives from the civilians sitting next to her; apparently they’re not used to guardians that speak to their ghosts when they’re intangible. “That’s probably the point.”
The group she had followed reappears shortly after initially disappearing and heads out into the plaza, then makes the turn to head back through the courtyard and main plaza.
She waits until she’s finished with her coffee a little over fifteen minutes later before heading for the alley, Glyph materializing briefly to transfer glimmer to the restaurant owner for the coffee. No one pays her any mind as she slips between the stacked crates and under draped banners and decorative string lights.
The gate she had noticed earlier is only partially closed, and there’s some sort of thin, green banner roped through the bars. Her eyes narrow at it before she ducks down under the gate and into the darkened alley beyond; an exceptionally dim running light is strung in the edge where the floor meets the wall, and it leads the way farther in, turning down a corner she can just barely see.
Against the better judgement she feels as though she lost weeks ago, she follows it.
Glyph points out when they pass into that cloaking field it had mentioned, but Quinn feels no difference in either the air or the energy around her. She wonders if the difference was because of the divide between her and her fellow guardians, or if it’s part of the field being so discreet it goes unnoticed despite being next door to the bazaar Ikora regularly spent time in for fresh air and perspective.
After turning the corner the light leads her around, it takes her a fair distance farther down before the alley begins to lighten up more; she can see another corner up ahead where a brighter light originates from. Her pace slows as she approaches it and steps cautiously into the new light.
She’s not sure what, exactly, she had been expecting, but it’s still just an alley, albeit one that was occupied. There’s stacks of crates, supplies, haphazard piles of machinery and what looks like trophies—the helmet of a Fallen captain, a scorch cannon, Cabal flak rifles, and what even looked like a dismembered Vex arm poking out of a crate settled on the floor next to a pair of booted feet.
Blinking, Quinn lifts her eyes away from the various things stashed with no apparent care for consistency and up to the man standing in the center of the organized chaos.
He’s leaning awkwardly, one gauntleted arm thrown out to one side, as though to block something he’s standing in front of. He’s watching her through narrowed eyes, though there’s a friendly smile on his face framed by a short, dark beard and scars on his jaw. His hair is short, and a dark cloth band is wrapped around his head.
Green seemed to be his favorite color, between the banner on the gate outside, the large ones draped from the ceiling behind him, and the earth-green getup he wore. His clothes reminded her of the robes warlocks wore—was he a warlock, or did he just like the style? Fur pauldrons rest on his shoulders, and the gauntlets on his forearms look as though they’d seen better days, scratched paint and what even looked like rope twined around them.
There’s a gun tucked into the thick belt around his waist, and some kind of green pendant featuring two coiled snakes dangles from a string around his neck.
Quinn meets his eyes and decides she doesn’t trust him or the easy smile still on his face. Her instincts where people were concerned were usually a dead aim, but she’s unable to pick up on anything behind a friendly demeanor that doesn’t feel quite right. At the same time, she feels like the longer they size each other up he’s flipping through her like she’s his longtime favorite library book.
He finally shifts, leaning away from whatever he had been trying to keep hidden and gesturing in her direction. “Think I recognize you, sister—you’re Cayde’s lady, aren’t you?” He asks, voice somehow both a honey-smooth twang and a gravelly rasp that slithers up her spine like ghostly cold fingers.
“Am I that recognizable?” She asks, brow furrowing. Sure, she and Cayde had never hidden how they felt about each other, especially after the fall of the City, but romantic entanglements weren’t really paid much attention to in the Tower, most guardians more preoccupied with their fight against the forces plaguing humanity.
“Ah, ol’ Drifter sees a lot. Hears a lot more. You and him? Real sweet. Shame he ain’t around anymore, gotta admit the guy deserved a bit of happy, all he’d been through.”
Her blood ices over at the statement, suspicion and distrust spiking—how did he know? How did he know when everyone else had no idea? None of the Vanguard’s inner circle would have revealed the secret, and even the resident motormouth of her fireteam wouldn’t have. “Who are you?”
Not once has his smile broken, and Quinn hates that she still can’t figure him out. Her eyes briefly follow as his hand dips into a pocket on his waist and he pulls out a coin—again, green—flipping it idly between his fingers and rolling it over his knuckles as he watches her in turn. “Call me the Drifter. A name ain’t what you’re here for, though, is it?”
The way he asks the question implies he already knows what she’s here for—despite the fact that even she doesn’t know what she’s here for. Curiosity? Distrust? That much was a given; was he the one organizing this Gambit she kept hearing about? Or was he just someone running dirt under the Vanguard’s nose? Were the guardians she had followed accomplices?
What was going on? And who was he? In the years she’d spent in the City and the Tower since waking up, she’d never once seen him, not until right now.
‘He’s a guardian.’ Glyph tells her, voice a whisper despite it speaking in her head. ‘But something feels…wrong.’
She itches to ask Glyph what it meant by that, but she doesn’t trust talking to it with this…Drifter in earshot.
Her eyes follow the coin as he continues fiddling with it, almost mesmerized by the fluid motions. He’s good with his hands, clearly. “What’s ‘gambit’?” She finally asks, unsure of what else to say. She doesn’t want to admit she has no idea why she’d chased her leads here, much less that now that she was here she’s still not sure what she intended to do about it.
His grin doesn’t falter—doesn’t his face get tired smiling all the time?—but his motions stop, the coin disappearing somewhere into his sleeve with a deft motion of his hand. “Last I checked it meant some type ‘a play to get an edge.”
A light rush of irritation rolls through her. “I didn’t ask for a definition. It’s some kind of competition I keep hearing about.”
“Shoulda specified, darlin’.” He replies easily, brushing off her aggravated tone as though it wasn’t even there. “I got no clue about any ‘gambit’. Dunno where you heard it, but I ain’t got anything to do with it.”
Her skin bristles at the use of the pet name; she hated them, and Cayde had been the only one she’d ever let use one to refer to her. She swallows down a kneejerk reaction to say as much, but the slight uptick of Drifter’s lips tells her he probably picked up on body language that spoke the same words she hadn’t said aloud. “Are you sure about that? Because I followed a few people talking about putting their names in for a big match and some payout back here.”
“Maybe they were headin’ a different way,” he mimics her, crossing his arms over his chest, and she can’t decide if it’s meant to be mocking or not. “Can’t a guy prefer workin’ away from all the noise out there?”
“Not in conspicuously dark alleys hidden behind a whole bunch of junk.”
He laughs at the sarcastic observation and nods, gesturing idly in acknowledgement. “Fair enough, fair enough. Promise, I ain’t up to anythin’ bad. Just doin’ a bit of…discreet work for the Vanguard. Cayde, specifically.”
Her eyes narrow. Ikora’s Hidden did discreet work for her, but none of them hid in dark alleys with a bunch of equipment and weaponry that looked like centuries old designs. Quinn had even spoken to a few of them working out in the open, and met with a few out in the field on assignments. Was he name-dropping Cayde just to put her at ease, since he knew her connection to him?
“Uh-huh. Is gambit a part of that ‘discreet work’?” She pours as much blatant skepticism into her words as she can—he can play games, but so can she. Question was, could she play them at his level? Cayde had taught her how to play poker, once, and this guy had one hell of a poker face. She couldn’t even begin to tell what cards he had on the table, to the point she wasn’t sure he was playing at all.  “I keep hearing about it, and it doesn’t seem to be something anyone wants to—or is supposed to—talk about in the open. Why the secret?”
“Couldn’t begin to guess. But I’m gonna humor you, sister,” he says, and she feels his eyes on her back as she boldly steps around him to eye the handful of guns lined up against the wall, “say I am the guy runnin’ this ‘gambit’ business. If I’m keepin’ it close to the chest, I imagine I couldn’t go ‘round talkin’ about it with just anyone. Why’re you so interested?”
She takes a moment to admit that the guns he was holding onto looked damn nice and wonder how they handled before turning around to face him again, fighting to keep her face neutral; she’d never won a game of poker against Cayde, and he’d joked almost constantly about the fact she couldn’t hold her tells to save her life. “You know I love you wearin’ your heart on your sleeve, sunshine,” he’d say, “but you’re down a few thousand glimmer and I’m startin’ to feel bad.”
She doubts this guy would feel half as bad about playing her under the table.
No answer comes to her, both because she doesn’t trust herself to keep her cards hidden and because she still doesn’t know why she’s interested. It’s a fixation. A distraction, if only a brief one. It’s something shady, something under Zavala and Ikora’s noses.
Her eyes drop to the side and her brow furrows at the thought.
Is that what her interest is? Is she pissed off enough at Zavala forbidding her and her team from hunting Uldren to participate in and hide something unsanctioned just to spite him?
If that was the case, then why didn’t she just cut ties, hijack a ship, say damn the Vanguard and the City, and track Uldren down anyway?
Because she feels indebted to people that gave her stability while her foundation was crumbling, gave her the home she imagines she lost, long ago? Or maybe she was aware of the fact that Zavala was right—the City couldn’t afford another war so soon on the heels of the Red Legion’s, and even the smallest percentage of chance was too much to risk. She was just so lost in grief she was trying to ignore it.
She can feel the rage burning just under her skin at the thought of Uldren, feels the restlessness prickling at the edges of her senses; she needs to get it out of her system before she does something stupid.
Like punch Zavala in the nose, which she was already tempted to do.
“Lemme ask a different way: what is it you want? Money? Reputation? A good fight?”
The last option strikes a chord in her and her eyes snap back up to meet his instantly. Glyph chirps in warning, and she can feel without its input how dark her expression had gotten. How full of anger and hate her eyes were.
Does she want a fight? No. She wants Uldren fucking dead, and that want is leaving her drifting and unsure, apart from her fellow guardians, something black coiling around her mind like the snakes in this man’s pendant. She wants Uldren’s blood for taking yet something else from her after she’d already lost so much, but she can’t, and being kept from that is eating her from the inside. What she wants is a way to burn that away before it can consume her.
The longer he stares into her eyes, the wider his grin grows. “Alright, alright,” he says, voice slower and smoother than before. Seductive, almost. She wonders if it’s intentional. With a flick of his wrist, that coin he’d been fiddling with before is in his hand again, and he flips it over to her.
She catches it, turning it over in her fingers with a furrowed brow. “Is this supposed to mean something?” She asks, thumbing the emblem engraved into the coin; it was a mirror of the pendant he wore. Between it, the pendant, and the banners behind him she wonders what the significance is. Maybe just an aesthetic.
Snakes. Not very trustworthy creatures, if fables Quinn had read from pre-Collapse archives were anything to go by.
“Ha! Maybe. Your ghost should figure it out. Lookin’ forward to seein’ you again.” Is all he says with a shrug, stepping back over to his equipment in a clear dismissal.
Quinn stares at him for another moment, the smooth coin warming between her fingers. Glyph is quiet. She’s confused. Interested, off-balance, and confused all at once. What the hell had just happened? Who was this guy?
‘Drifter’ didn’t exactly give her much to work with.
She’s still standing there dumbly when he looks back over at her and grins again, both wicked and amused. Her back straightens and she immediately turns and beats a hasty retreat, that smile raking up her spine just as easily as his voice had before.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about that, tacking just one more bullet onto the thus far incomprehensive list of ‘what the fuck’ that meeting had left her with.
The fresh, cold air back out in the bazaar does nothing to aid in the effort to help her decide whether or not her momentary fixation had wound up turning into a good or a bad thing. She still has no intention of blabbing to the Vanguard or their immediate confidantes, but…
She glances down at the coin in her palm again and squints at it as though it’d give her the answer, but it just shimmers in the dimming twilight innocently.
Someone walks by and she instinctively curls her fingers around it, glancing around quickly before pocketing it and heading for the apartment block. She wasn’t sure if she relished the idea of being in her team’s shared living space at the moment, but the only other option she had was Cayde’s place.
And she definitely didn’t want to be alone there.
Strangely, though usually she’d happily play the petty bitch and just try to figure out the secret to the token the Drifter had given her out in the open where she was obviously not supposed to, she’d already decided to head to her own room, lock it down, and let Glyph pick it apart away from prying eyes.
She tells herself it has little to do with the potential promise of blowing off steam and entirely to do with her wanting to know what she was getting into before blowing the whistle to…someone.
That was the root of her problems, again. She had no idea what she was doing anymore. The rest of her team was still out taking the fight to the forces that would joyfully see them all exterminated, and she couldn’t even say for sure that, should Zavala lift her house arrest, she would be wanting to do the same thing.
She’s going stir-crazy. It’s definitely not helping curb her anger.
So get a fucking day job, she thinks to herself bitterly as the door to the team apartment slides open and she steps inside.
“Hey! You’re back just in time,” Nyx greets her with a wave from across the room, standing in front of a flat screen that her ghost is hovering near. Her jaw lights flash in a pattern Quinn recognizes as cautiously warm and welcoming, and she feels her chest tighten. “I managed to dig up some old movie things from way back in the Golden Age. We were gonna watch some.”
“You dug them up?” Her ghost, Kessler, beeps at her in aggravation, his facets twirling as he worked on transferring data to the screen’s system. “Sure, take all the credit.”
Nyx lets out a soft pfft at her ghost’s crotchety response, face plates pinching into an amused scrunch. “Grouch.”
Once again, Quinn finds herself wishing she were in the kind of mood to find the banter amusing. Glyph materializes next to her and blips consolingly, but it does nothing to lift her mood.
Luke’s head and shoulders pop out from around the corner leading into the apartment’s kitchen, and he beams at her, causing her mood to drop even further conversely. “It’s gonna be so bad. I can’t wait.”
“You don’t even know what Golden Age movies were like, Luke.” Nyx responds.
“So?” He says. “They’re old.”
“You gonna say that about your music?”
“Hey! Zepplin is a classic.”
“Yeah,” Nyx replies, deliberately slow, “because it’s old.”
Exhaling through her nose and closing her eyes, Quinn tunes Luke’s indignant response out and moves past them. Halfway down the hall to her room she nearly runs face-first into Kel as he steps out of his own room, and she swears under her breath. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He says. He’s looking down at her in a very patented Kel way, intense and yet completely unreadable. If it weren’t for the fact she was used to dealing with Kel’s consistent nature of being aloof and distant and hard to read—both before and after he had started showing his face to his teammates—she’d be more irritated at her instincts once again failing to do her any favors.
He watches her for a moment, brow furrowing as he, like the Drifter before, reads her like a book. “Don’t let yourself get lost.” He says, finally.
She blinks at the statement, watching as he steps around her.
Classic Kel.
For once, his strange, distant way of showing he cared didn’t feel endearing. Instead, she just feels frustrated. She’s already lost, and all things considered he should know what she’s going through better than anyone twice over, considering how she’d heard he’d responded to Gil’s death years ago.
As she opens her door, she hears Luke protest Kel leaving the apartment without watching a movie with them. Kel mumbles something noncommittal in response, and the front door slides shut shortly thereafter. She wonders if Zavala had asked for his input again in directing the City’s hunters, as he had been doing frequently—apparently Shiro-4 had declined giving up fieldwork, no one could get in touch with Marcus Ren, and Kel was the next closest hunter with seniority in the Tower.
And Cayde hadn’t ever told Zavala and Ikora what his Dare had been, or if he’d ever even decided on one, so they had to make do.
Something dark and ugly twists her stomach at the thought. She wishes the doors weren’t automated for ghost access—she wanted to be able to slam hers shut, childish as the desire was.
She drops down onto her bed heavily and runs her fingers through her hair, digging them into her scalp until it stung, and desperately wills the despair and boiling rage at war in her chest to go away.
“Are you…sure you don’t want to watch a movie with the others?” Glyph asks her quietly, flitting down into her line of sight, the facets of its shell twisting around its center orb. It’s even more worried than it was before.
Quinn almost laughs thinking about how much more worried Glyph would be if it saw what she was like when she actually got mad; though she’s not exactly sure, herself, but she knows in her gut that ‘ugly’ was a tame way to describe what she became when truly enraged and upset. “I’m sure.” She wouldn’t be able to enjoy it anyhow, no matter how nice the thought sounded.
Glyph doesn’t respond.
She stands, reaching into her pocket to retrieve the jade coin she’d gotten from the Drifter and setting it almost gingerly on the stand next to her bed. “Think you can figure that out?” She asks, eager to shift the subject away from socialization as she steps away and reaches for the zipper of her jacket.
“Giving the ghost version of a huff, Glyph drifts over to it and its facets whirl around with activity, a probing beam of light striking the coin as it got to work. “I don’t know if there’s much to figure out,” it replies, “it’s a coin made out of a material that’s been rare ever since the Collapse.”
She can feel Glyph blink up at her with surprise. “How’d you know?”
Her mouth opens to answer, motions halting as it occurs to her that she, again, isn’t sure. Seems she’s not sure of a lot these days save for wanting Uldren Sov’s head on a pike. “I…think there may have been some of it where I came from, too.” She finally says, hesitantly. Her coat slips from her shoulders and she tosses it haphazardly over the footboard of her bed.
She remembers so little of her life before waking up from stasis here. While it wasn’t exactly uncommon (and, in fact, was the norm) for guardians to not remember their first life, the particular way she woke into this world and the stark difference between her light-given abilities from her peers made it stand out a bit more. The significance of that sudden knowledge doesn’t slip past her.
She should probably tell Ikora—but that would require divulging how, exactly, she came to that little morsel of a clue, which she had no plans to do before she finally found out what the deal was with this Drifter guy.
Her ghost doesn’t say anything to that, but she can hear the thin fweem as it went back to work on the coin. She’s down to the tank top she wore under her coat and armor and her underwear before she finally hears a noise of success from her ghost.
“This is amazing,” it says, its facets flitting about wildly in excitement when she turns around and makes her way back over to take a seat on the bed, “it looks like it’s just a coin made out of a gemstone, but it’s actually a compact encryption key and transponder encased in the gemstone. All in one! Do you think he made them himself?”
She picks the coin up and stares at it, thumbing the emblem again and furrowing her brow. Gesturing idly, she shrugs her confusion and declines to offer her opinion on its question. “Which means what?”
A pause. “I, uh. I don’t know.”
This actually startles a choked laugh out of her, and the reaction results in an energized ghost. She’s sure that if Glyph were capable of it, it’d be beaming at her. “Well,” she says, “so much for ‘your ghost should figure it out’.”
“Hey! I did figure it out!”
Her eyebrow lifts.
It blinks, facets withdrawing around its core almost bashfully. “I mean, sort of. Look, the point is whatever he gave it to us for, we’ll just have to wait until we get a signal from it to find out for real.”
The coin twists and flips in her fingers as she thinks before she realizes that she’s fidgeting—at least it wasn’t braiding her hair, but she’d always hated displaying her anxieties so openly. Pursing her lips, she holds the coin out. “You should probably hang onto it, then. I won’t be able to tell when it gets one.”
“Good point.” It says, hitting the coin with another flash of light and dematting it into whatever light-fueled pocket dimension ghosts had access to. It looks at her long and hard, then, and she squints back at it. As she’s about to ask what the look was for it cuts her off. “Are you sure you want to do this? We could—we could just tell Zavala. Or Ikora. You’re still friends with Ikora, right?”
Whatever shift in her expression occurs it causes Glyph to recoil from her and she feels terrible. Her face drops to her hands and she takes a deep breath to calm herself. “Sorry,” she says. She feels like she needs to say more, but the words won’t come and so she sits there on her bed stupidly, her gaze going long and distant.
“You know, spending time with the team might be good for you.” Glyph says softly.
Silently, she agrees, but while she does want to spend time with her team, she also really doesn’t. In spite of the fact she hadn’t done much that day—meeting with the Drifter being the only moment that truly stuck out, strange a meeting as it was—she was exhausted. Glancing to her side where a clock is projected above the surface of her nightstand, she notes blankly that it’s barely past sundown.
Shifting, she settles onto her bed and pulls the covers over herself, rolling so her back is to Glyph. “You can go ahead and watch the movie if you want, Glyph. I’ll be okay.”
The room is quiet, but she eventually hears the hiss of her door opening and then clicking shut as Glyph leaves her alone with the silence.
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seigephoenix · 5 years
OC Interview
Tagged by @briarfox13.  Gonna tag @crazy-bone-lady, @scientistsalarian, @vorchagirl, and @starsandskies.  No pressure obviously!!
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1. What is your name? Siobhan 2. What is your real name? what kind of question is that?  In my life as a Guardian my name is Siobhan.  In my past I was called Razili.
3. Do you know why you were called that? Siobhan was from my Ghost.   4. Are you single or taken? which timeline/AU?  My canon timeline the one that goes along with the game, I am taken. 5. Have any abilities or powers? I’m a Guardian.  Hunter to be specific.  I'm a Nightstalker and use the tether.  Awoken have a bit of a telepathic ability.  So I've got that but I’m crap at it. 7. What’s your eye colour? Blue.  Like all Awoken, my eyes glow. 8. How about your hair color? Silver 9. Have you any family members? My Fireteam and Nevia.  Shaxx and the Vanguard.  As for blood?  That's complicated.  The answer is yes but I don't remember them. 10. Oh? What about pets? The tiny tyrant known as Bast.  She's a black long haired cat.  And rules our house. 11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like. Taken.  Io.  Vex. 12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing? When I get the chance I like to sit down and make jewelry.  I can't really wear it cause of being a Guardian but I like making it. 13. Ever hurt anyone before? Uh yeah?  I mean we Guardians have Crucible and now Gambit.  It's every Guardian for themselves in there.  So yeah.  As for emotionally?  Probably.  I can be a bit too blunt and I close off when I get hurt. 14. Ever… killed anyone before? what kind of question is that?  Yes.  I’m a Guardian.  Though it's been a year or two since I've done the Crucible. 15. What kind of animal are you? A black jaguar! 16. Name your worst habits. I tend to take on a lot of the burdens by myself.  I don't like involving anyone else in something in case they get hurt.  So I just keep things to myself 17. Do you look up to anyone at all? I do.  I look up to Commander Zavala and Ikora.  Cayde too when he was alive.  They're the Vanguard and see how they fight and work to keep our ragtag band of Guardians on the somewhat straight path. 18. Gay, straight, or bisexual? I identify as pansexual.  And poly too.   19. Do you go to school? I probably did as Razili.  Guardians don't really have a school we go to. 20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? Can't have kids biologically.  I'd be open to adopting one some day but I'd make a shit mom.  So best to spare the poor kid the burden of having me as a mom.
As for marrying?  I'm fine with how things are in my relationships. 21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls? I don't think so?   22. What are you most afraid of? Losing my family.  Losing everything I ever loved.  I lost Emyr and now I can't stand the thought of losing anyone again.
*glares* Especially after the Spider and Fly timeline!  That one sucks!! 23. What do you usually wear? My armor when I'm out and about doing Guardian stuff.  I like leggings and comfortable shirts when I'm at home. 24. Do you love someone? Yep.  I do.  And he knows.  Well, depending on my timeline.  They all know.  I'm not that closed off from my emotions and Words of Assurance is one of my Love Languages. 25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
What the heck kind of question is that?  Really?  I’ve looked death in the face.  I don't wet myself. 26. Well, it’s not over yet! Why!?  I'd rather go and do strikes than this interview thing anymore. 27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class) I'm told I have a low class sense of humor.  Hahahaha. 28. How many friends do you have? Nevia, my Fireteam, Kura, Sindri, Yvette.  A few more.  I don't have a huge circle of close friends and I like it that way 29. What are your thoughts on pie? Chocolate cream is the best. 30. Favourite drink? Soda.  Guilty pleasure there. 31. What’s your favourite place? Anna's garden.  There's a tree there that is the perfect height to hide.  There's suncatchers too.  It's really peaceful. 32. Are you interested in someone? Yep and they know.  ^^ 33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy? Well, I'd answer.  But then you'd have to deal with some very angry Titans and a Hunter.  It's not gonna end well for you. 34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? None.  Unless it's warm.  Then I'll swim in both. 35. What’s your type? A type?  Me?  I don't have a type.  *can't keep a straight face* Okay.  I do like strong people who aren't afraid to show their softer sides.  Even if it is only to me.   36. Any fetishes? *smirks* Wouldn't you like to know? 37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive? I've only subbed for 1 man.  And 1 man only.  I like to be in charge. 38. Camping or indoors? I can do either.  ^^ 39. Are you wanting the interview to end? Yeah.  I have shit to do. 40. Now it’s over! Bye.  Arawn, let's go.
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ofhivemagic-a · 5 years
Armani and some Dolce fact sheet !!
Under Read More b/c long
Aesthetic: Music
Man Man - Haute Tropique
Names: True and False Names
So their real names aren't what they tell people. They tell people their false names because in Hive rituals (much like faeries who use names to their advantage) names are a source of power. (Xol, Yur, Yuul, etc.) And never wanted their name to be used for incantations.
They found their names while exploring old cities that used to be rich districts and stumbled in on many brand name labels and really liked how these two sounded.
The only people that know their true names are Toland, Ikora (because you cant hide secrets from her lmao), and two Exo Hunters that will be introduced later.
Appearance: Aesthetics and Physical
Armani had long hair before but with the name change they also decided a bit more than a name needed to be changed. They also dye their hair a lot but has recently stuck with their natural hair color with streaks of platinum blonde in it. Next color will be pink because of Crimson days!
The only make up they wear is eye liner and a bit too much eye shadow. Sometimes lipstick if they want to match their outfit.
Under Toland’s careful supervision they made their own Hive markers on their body like he has to better channel their power without it backfiring. In the City they have this hidden with make up or keeping a helmet on.
They are small and a little chubby around their thighs and tummy but other than that pretty fit. Before they dove into Hive magic they were pretty tan and only recently began avoiding staying outside for too long under unknown purposes. Armani also have a few beauty marks on their face. Eyebrows are usually a bit on the bushier side but still groomed. If for whatever reason they are in casual wear or shorter robes because of the heat, they rarely shave their legs or armpits because who has time for that?!
While the outter layers of Dolce’s shell changes, it will always retain a green hue effect on it due to their time exposed to Hive magic. This only known side effects are cosmetic and they are able to crack Hive runes without the aid of Tomb Husks.
Language: How and What They Speak
Armani is fluent in English / Spanish / Hive and is learning French on the side.  Due to the different languages and all having to enforce different accents on certain words, their accent is all over the place. This includes how they speak. Sometimes their English comes out broken such as “Where gun?” when they really mean “Where is the gun?” At first they were embarrassed but after a few years they stopped caring. They will, if asked nicely, will repeat themselves or restate what they said to make it less broken.
They shit talk with Toland in Hive and Spanish. (He is relearning it from them.)
Armani and Dolce have a very strong connection and almost don’t use words to know what the other is thinking.
Reputation: Among the Vanguard and Others
Armani is a part of Ikora’s book club and usually makes the group go mad with their questions. They just skip all over in the book and may accidentally reveal spoilers and cause fights. They are only allowed in it because Toland is trying to make Armani fit in a little better. It’s not working.
Armani can’t stand Zavala’s thought process on his obsession with the City, but does not disrespect him or his morals. They just side eye him a lot and avoid talking to him if possible. Their interactions are usually very short. No one knows why they don’t like Zavala but most people don’t care enough to ask. (Armani just hates the whole “I am the protector of City” vibe  and they’re just like “No you ain’t. All of us are.”)
Armani and Cayde cannot stand each other. They are ready to throw hands at each other if possible. Usually minor pranks are pulled and they see their rivalry as a test of wit, patience, and who can  make the other pissed off faster. Fist fights have been involved and almost pulling guns out at one another. Shaxx just throws them in the Crucible and screams at them.
Shaxx and Armani butt heads. A lot. When he yells she yells back. “GUARDIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” “I’M SHOOTIN’ SHIT LEMME ‘LONE.” Whenever she has to pick up bounties rewards they just start nagging at each other. They don’t dislike one another, they just like to yell.
I’ll add more in another post some other time. This is already prety long.
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fireteam-cherrybomb · 5 years
Meet the Fireteam!
A series of introductions to the members of Fireteam: Cherry Bomb! (Sorry for the low-quality images, I did my best)
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First up is Kindle, an Awoken Nightstalker and de facto leader of the Fireteam. She has the most experience in the field out of this team. She doesn’t actually understand why she was entrusted with showing two kinderguardians the ropes when she’s kind of a mess herself and doesn’t actually know what she’s doing most of the time. She’s recently started working with and training two other new guardians and is the baby of a Fireteam she was on when she was first rezzed and still runs with from time to time.
Overall, Kindle is a disaster of a human being with a thin veneer of having her shit together. When she’s not with a Fireteam, she tends to approach missions by going in the general direction her ghost, Matchstick (Match for short), tells her to, shooting wildly until everything in her general vicinity is dead, and improvising as she goes, breaking out the rocket launchers when shit goes really south.
With her Fireteam, she’s more of a calming influence. She tends to opt for a middle ground between Lyra’s “slowly and methodically kill enemies from a distance” strategy and Nova-8’s tendency to rush in blind and fuck shit up at close range. They exhaust her a little bit she loves them anyway.
Kindle is fairly introspective and enjoys finding ways to improve and enjoy herself outside of combat. She took up art at one point and loves drawing and painting landscapes of the places she’s been around the system. Io and Nessus were her two favorite places for a long time. She thinks the Dreaming City is beautiful and finds the Tangled Shore aesthetically pleasing, but hasn’t had the chance to draw anything from those spots yet.
Cayde-6 was a mentor and the first person she met when she arrived at the Tower after being rezzed. His death hit her really hard. After hunting down Uldren and his barons, she avoided the City and the Tower for a while. She threw herself into helping Petra attempt to maintain order in the Dreaming City, learning the history and secrets of the Awoken, patrolling the Tangled Shore, and hunting down escapees from the Prison of Elders.
She needed time to grieve and process what happened and determine what being a Guardian meant to her. Now, she’s back in the Tower, running strikes, working with her Fireteam and dedicated to serving and protecting the City.
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Next up is Lyra, an Awoken Voidwalker and resident goth. She was first rezzed at the start of the Taken War and spent a lot of time fighting the Taken in the Cosmodrome and on Venus as a result. During that time, she decided to dedicate herself to a very...particular aesthetic.
She’s definitely more fashion-conscious when it comes to her gear than her fellow Fireteam members. She’s been known to turn her nose up at gear she finds ugly and spends exorbitant amounts of resources infusing gear that she likes so she can keep wearing it. She once spent a stupid amount of bright dust on new shaders from Tess. While she generally is okay with Kindle’s fashion choices, she despises how much Nova loves bright colors like pink and green and chrome. She prefers black and white with touches of gold or red.
Lyra is much less impulsive and less prone to rushing in than her fellow Fireteam members and could be the voice of reason as a result. Unfortunately, she is deeply sarcastic and a little bitchy, preferring to convey her displeasure through judgemental stares and haughty silences instead of through words (much to the chagrin of her Ghost, Penumbra). Kindle and Nova have a lot of practice ignoring these (much to the chagrin of Lyra).
She does genuinely care for her Fireteam, though she rarely admits it out loud. She isn’t the best at making friends herself. She’s introverted and a little solitary by nature, preferring reading over socializing. She is often dragged out of her research by the other two members of her Fireteam to get some fresh air or go on a mission. Her observant nature makes her a very thoughtful gift giver though, as she often knows exactly what to get people.
Lyra idolizes Ikora, and her judgemental silences turn much more awed in her presence. Working with her to fight Panoptes and the Vex threat on Mercury was a dream come true. While she found Cayde to be a bad influence and far too prone to goofing off, she was genuinely upset by his death, especially seeing how badly it hurt Ikora and Kindle.
Following Cayde’s death and Kindle withdrawing into herself, she did her best to support her friends and acted as the centering force for her Fireteam. She gave Kindle the time and space she needed while not letting her drift out of contact completely, and offered her support to Ikora in her own awkward and reticent way.
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Finally, there’s Nova-8, an Exo Striker and the baby of Fireteam Cherry Bomb. Nova was first rezzed at the end of the Taken War, making her the youngest, and it shows in many ways. She doesn’t have the same experience with system-wide threats, and in general is much more cheerful and optimistic than the other two members of her Fireteam.
Nova generally maintains a very sunshiney demeanor, easily making friends and finding lots of things to be positive about. Some of this is done on purpose; she makes a concerted effort to be as peppy as possible just to irritate Lyra. Similarly, some of her dedication to making her armor bright happy colors is because she knows it clashes with her teammate’s style sensibilities. Occasionally, she’ll play up her naïveté to get a reaction. As a whole though, she is genuinely cheerful and sweet, especially to her many friends.
When it comes to battle though, she’s an absolute monster. She loves getting as close to the action as possible. Her preferred strategy is “get in and cause as much chaos and damage as possible.” Her Ghost, Molotov, wholeheartedly endorses this approach. She spent a lot more time training in the Crucible than the other two due to how much it allowed her to indulge in this taste for destruction. She enjoys invading in Gambit for similar reasons, but something about the game rubs at her, so she doesn’t take part in it as often as the other two members of her Fireteam do.
When she’s not fucking shit up on missions with friends, fucking shit up in the Crucible, or training to fuck shit up, Nova enjoys strolling through the Tower and the City and even the Farm talking and spending time with people. Every time she’s on Earth, she does her very best to pop by the City and the Farm and make rounds greeting everyone there. She loves making time to hang out and do something with everyone when she can get away with it, and at least a brief chat with everyone when she can’t.
Due to her time in the Crucible and their similarities in personality, Nova thinks Shaxx is the coolest person ever and they get on like a house on fire. Lord Saladin is less prone to indulging her taste for wanton destruction, but she still thinks he’s pretty cool. She’s friendly with Zavala but thinks he’s a bit of a killjoy. Cayde was her favorite out of the Vanguard when he was alive, and she misses his humor quite a bit.
The Red War was the first real threat Nova faced and her first real brush with death. It sobered her slightly, but she came out of it just as cheerful as before. After Cayde died, she found it much harder than before. Still, she does her best to keep things positive for her friends. She put a lot of effort into trying to cheer people up in any way she could, especially holidays like Festival of the Lost, the Dawning, and Crimson Days.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 6 years
Ivy’s new friend pt. 1
Warning this chapter covers the sensitive topic of Child abuse. You have been warned!
Takes place when Ivy is 10 she'd been living with Cayde for two months.
Ivy fidgeted as she stood in front of the class, feeling the stares of multiple eyes on her as the teacher introduced her. Why couldn't she stay in the tower?... she thought to herself she was home schooled before this! 
why did Cayde think this was a good idea? Her mind briefly played over what her uncle had said two weeks ago at breakfast "I'm not gonna be home enough to be able to teach you anything...beside it's close to the tower and in a nice sector! Trust me you'll like it."
The ravenette mentally cringed as she was brought back to reality as the teacher called her name. "Well Ivy introduce yourself." She said resting a hand on the girl's shoulder, the green eyed girl shrugged it off giving the teacher a paranoid look before turning to the class. 
"Um...I'm Ivy Kib that's all..." she said scanning the room for a place to sit or a least a way out. The teacher was taken aback at the girl's standoffish behavior. 
"Surely you have more to say than that?"  
"I Don't...And my names not Shirley."
"I...Excuse me/!"
"You're excused"
Ivy deadpanned the teacher's face turned red as she stepped out, While the girl scanned the room before finding a seat next to a boy sitting in the back, She mentally cheered as the class stared at the ravenette and whispered among themselves.
 "Black hair and freckles?...whats she trying to pull?" a girl sneered,"Did you see how pissed Ms. Grunewald was?" another kid whispered while few kids huddled or blocked Ivy from sitting next to them, Before stopping at the boy's table "Ew...She sitting next to Lukas Pukas!~" a boy said mockingly with a grimace causing a few kids to snicker.
Ivy paid no mind while the boy next to her flushed in embarrassment, sinking into his seat just then the teacher walked back in calmer and somewhat unnerved "She must have informed of who my uncle...joy." Ivy thought to herself "w-Whose your un-u-uncle?" a quiet asked the ravenette blinked and turning to the boy next to her...had she said that out loud?
Lukas stared at his new seatmate expectantly; before the teacher cleared her throat demanding they pay attention. the two kids quieted down as she turned back to the board. "I'll tell you later." she whispered as the day wore on, It became apparent that Ivy wasn't looking for friends.
 She had made a few bullies one of whom a boy dipped her hair in paint during art class, the same boy tripped her during gym, luckily Lukas was nice he helped wash out the paint during recess and took her to the nurse, She learned Lukas was two years younger then her and had skipped a grade.
The big stand off came after school when one of the boy cornered Lukas for helping the weirdo! Ivy stepped in shoved the boy who started bragging and acting high and mighty because his dad was a high ranking Titian. Ivy blinked showing no emotion"And?" She said unimpressed.
 The boy snorted and ranted that she couldn't hit him! because his dad would beat hers, before roughly poking her."My dads dead." she deadpanned swatting his hand away a few kids awkwardly shifted as the boy snorted before poking her again "Heh... He must've been a stupid weakling-"
The boy was cut off by Ivy punching him in the nose there was crunch and the boy fell on his butt, for a few seconds he stared up at Ivy stunned that she actually hit him?!
 He brought his hand up to his bloody and obviously broken nose; tears welled in his eyes "DDAADDDY!!" he wailed jumping to his feet running off the school grounds. The other kids just gawked at her "Y-Y-you hit Elroy b-b-Bo-Bowens!" Lukas stuttered terrified Ivy cocked a brow.
No one e-ever h-hits him! his d-dad would-"
"What hit a little girl?"
"N-no b-b-but"
Ivy brushed it off and went to grab her school bag the others gave her and Lukas a wide berth "Trust me I'll be fine." she said unlike Elroy she knew who her uncle was and what he did for living. But, you don't see her going around being a spoiled brat about it! if she needed Cayde's help she'd ask! The two walked in silence till the cross roads came up.
Ivy took left while Lukas paused and looked at his...acquaintance? "ww-wh-Where are you g-g-going the residential block is this w-way." he pointed down the road, The ravenette winced "I don't live in the civilian block." she said scratching the back of her head.
 Lukas tilted his head befuddled as the older girl briefly glanced up his gray eyes followed her gaze and his jaw dropped "Y-you live in the t-tt-tower?" he stuttered Ivy nodded.
Lukas was floored families weren't allowed to lived allowed to live in the tower! even if one or both of the parents of said family were Guardians one would have to retire or the kids were sent to Foster or Latchkey! he shuddered at the last one "Is your m-mo-mom a guardian?" he asked curiously the girl shook her head "I don't have a mother...Just an uncle." she said gazing at her feet. the blond boy was even more curious.
"Y-you mentioned him, who i-is your uncle?" he asked before the girl could answer a voice cut in "Oh, you walked home yourself?" the two kids turned to the voice Lukas's eyes widened in awe as was Cayde-6 walking casually towards them. "I was just coming to get you." Exo said to Ivy patting her on the head the ravenette averted her gaze, When vanguard took notice of the little boy standing next to her.
 Cayde stared stunned before leaning in close to the girl's ear "did..you make a friend?" he whispered causing his niece to blush too mortified answer, the blue exo straightened up a bit "What's your name kiddo?" he asked Lukas snapped out of his stupor and shift uneasily due to his speech impediment.
"M-m-my n-na-name is Luk--Lukkk-..."
{Lukas looks scared, Cayde notices a large bruise on the kid's shoulder just barely visible from under his shirt.] 
"Take you time no ones forcing you."
{The boy seemed calmer, Cayde could see..was this kid wearing make-up? there was what looked like concealer on his left eye.}
" L-Lukas C-c-Chadwick." 
"Well, it's good to meet you Lukas. and thanks for walking my niece home."
The boy blushed "I-i-It's n-not that!" he threw his hands up Cayde smirked "I just playing wit'ya!" the exo chirped and gave the kid a light pat on the shoulder, Lukas's smile tightened painfully which the hunter noticed as the kid backed away "I Sh-s-Should be heading h-H-home now, B-bbye Ivy!" he yelled running off to the civilian block.
Cayde smiled and waved back before frowning and turning to his niece. "Hey..." Ivy looked up at him as he took her hand led her back to the tower. "Did...Lukas seem odd?" he asked his niece looked offended. "Not the stutter thing...he seemed off...scared." Exo explained the ravenette thought the day over; Lukas seemed a bit too nice...but, nothing really stood out.
"Not really I only just met him." she said her uncle seemed uneasy before sighing "Just...keep an eye on him okay?" Ivy nodded as they made their way down the road a nasally voice broke the tension "That's her daddy! that’s the one who broke my nose!" Both Cayde and Ivy turned to see a smug little boy with a bandaged nose and a pissed off Titan marching up to them. "You little brat I'll-"
Cayde cleared his throat and the father's face drained of all color once he realized whose kid he was yelling at "You'll do what to my kid, exactly Guardian?" the exo optics narrowed "Caydeguard?! I mean Van-6! I duh.. um-guh" Elroy's father tried to sputter out words before turning to his son.
 "Apologize Elroy!" he ordered his son's smirk contorted into confusion "b-But she hit me! I'm the hurt one me! she should apologize to me!" he whined stomping his foot, Cayde cringed expecting the kid to throw himself to the floor kicking and screaming! He then turned to his niece who just shook her head at the whole thing.
The vanguard  so had to thank Kib for Ivy's realist and blunt personality, "Don't make me repeat myself boy." he father pressed the bratty kid muttered out an apology, while Cayde just stared at the duo "What's your name?" he asked Elroy's dad who started sweating "Jacob Bowens sir." 
the hunter nodded "I'll be sure to put in a good word with Shaxx about you." Cayde said threatening edged in his voice that caused Elroy to hide behind his dad, Ivy's hand to tighten, as Jacob walked away scolding Elroy, stating that he might of just cost his dad a promotion! While Cayde turned to his niece.
"Mind telling me what that was about?"
"He dipped my hair in paint, tripped me in gym, tried to beat up Lukas...oh! and called my dad a weakling..."
"And then?"
"I cuffed em’ right in the nose."
Ivy huffed crossing her arms only yelped when she was suddenly hoisted up onto Cayde's shoulders "Screw the tower champ! We're gettin' Ramen!" He exclaimed surprising Ivy and everyone in the street "My girl won her first after school brawl! whoo!" He cheered running down the street! first since living with her uncle Ivy was smiling....
On the other side of the city Lukas had just returned home... not expecting anyone to be there that, was until he heard a cough and saw his dad calmly sitting his back to him. The blond swallowed hard and immediately went for his room! only to find the door stuck. 
"It's locked...I knew that'd be the first place you'd go.." His dad said darkly before getting up from his chair and advancing on the shaking boy "P-p-pplease d-dad no"...the loud music blaring from the bar outside drowned out the screams...
To be continued... 
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amessageonthewind · 3 years
I saw this post by @pretty-meekish​ and decided to do it for Nova-1!
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Guardian’s name: Nova-1.
Age: Her consciousness was put into an exo during the Collapse, just after her family was taken from her. She even had a different name before becoming an exo, but chose a different one when she decided to become one.
Race: Exo.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Class: Warlock.
Preferred subclass: Voidwalker.
Ghost's name: Ghost. She never gave him a ‘name.’ He’s just ‘Ghost’ to her and that’s his name. That’s who he is. Ghost. Her friend.
Their Vanguard: Ikora Rey
Are they offense, defense, or support: She’s either offense or support, but she’s more often offense.
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: Definitely long range. She’s good in hand-to-hand melee combat, but she definitely prefers to keep her opponents at a distance.
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": This can also vary, but she definitely like ‘getting the drop’ on her enemies.
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Strikes.
Who was their mentor: Ikora, definitely. Initially, she was a bit intimidated, but it didn’t take very long for Nova to warm up to her and to quickly start learning from her.
Favorite color: Violet. But on the blue side of the spectrum.
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech: A lot of the stuff that was invented to help people with physical disabilities she finds incredibly fascinating. She’s also intrigued by the fact that a lot of it revolves around optimizing kitchen utensils for greater ease.
Favorite Pre-Collapse music: Whenever she has time, she takes a stop in places and settlements were people used to live to just see what survives. She’s found a few interesting CDs she keeps that she likes, a couple albums by Owl City and Coldplay are her personal favourites, though she’ll put on a Caravan Palace album sometimes.
Favorite NPC(s): She’s very attached to the Vanguard, especially Cayde-6 and Ikora, but she also has a soft spot for the titans like Shaxx.
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Music, bad jokes, baked goods, nature, and art.
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech: Not so much tech, but the concept of hostile architecture upsets her and makes her really angry to think about.
Least favorite NPC(s): Cryptarch Rahool kinda creeps her out a little. Like, not in an overt way, but his energy makes her want to keep her distance and put a wall up.
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Unnecessary meanness, the Hive, feeling helpless, the feeling of dust in her clothes and between her metal plating, and pridefulness.
What hobbies and/or skills does your Guardian have: Art and music are her hobbies outside of being a Guardian. While she has no real memories of playing music or making art, it’s something she instinctively knows, likely from either before being a Guardian or before being an exo.
Where was your Guardian reborn?: Old Russia near the Old Cosmodrome.
What was their reaction to being reborn: Confusion, but her Ghost’s presence helped ease her into her new reality and purpose and despite the uncertainty and urgency of their first meeting, there was a sense of belonging she felt when she was resurrected by Ghost.
What was their reaction to their first rez: The first time she was resurrected was actually when she tried playing Crucible for the first time. For her first death to come from another Guardian in a largely harmless competetive setting was...interesting, to say the least.
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: The House of Devils did not make for good company, to put it lightly.
Who was the first other Guardian they met?: An awoken hunter named Alora (my sister’s Guardian :3), aside from the Vanguard, of course. They met while Nova was out on a mission to investigate an odd frequency the Fallen were tampering with near the Old Cosmodrome and the pair decided to stick together.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life?: Nothing. As far as Nova knows or is even concerned, her life before being reborn is long over. No point in searching for a past that no longer mattered.
How did your Guardian get their name: She just...knew it. It’s the one concrete memory she has as an exo and Ghost knew it immediately upon resurrecting her.
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Not yet. But I will say that before she became an exo, she was married and had children. She doesn’t remember them and likely never will.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: Awe and excitement, if a bit nervous. A new world and a new purpose can be rather daunting, after all.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: Not yet, if ever.
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: “Why didn’t any of you tell me I could glide?!” - Nova-1, probably attached to a warlock bond. “If I didn’t find a rocket launcher, the Hive would’ve mauled me to death.” - Nova-1, probably attached to, well, a rocket launcher.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: She likes him a lot. Initially, she was a bit put-off by his grumpy stand-offish attitude, but once she found out how to speak his language, hey got along well fairly quickly.
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Initially she was intimidated, but grew comfortable with her presence very quickly, finding her to be a calm collected and welcoming person. 
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: She’s not really sure how she feels about him just yet. She trusts him and she gets protector vibes from him, which makes her feel comfortable and his praises towards her definitely mean a lot.
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: She finds him fun and light-hearted and really enjoys the energy he brings to the Tower and in an odd way, she really respects and looks up to him.
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: She’s handling it pretty okay, all things considered.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: “Explosives are your friend and don’t go into dark caves or rooms alone without backup. Especially when you see weird growths along the walls and smell something that smells like something crawled out of a grave.”
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Akdjdkekendnjd yiss. Today I'mma talk to you guys about Seburath my main Destiny 2 OC.
Seburath is a special girl. She's part Eliksni part Akamhara. Now you might be wondering......how in the fuck did that happen???? Well, I'll tell you how. Prepare some tissues cuz it might get sad.
Seburath's mom (unnamed for now) was injured in an explosion when she was young (teenage/young adult) that made her unable to have offspring. Due to that, she was cast out from her house and was branded a loner. Well one day on her wanderings she found a gravely injured Ahamkara. Not wanting it to suffer alone she went to comfort it as it died. Seeing kindness in her, it asked her what she most desired for and she told it that she wished for a child as she was never able to have one. The Ahamkara also wished to have a child but was never able to find a mate (which is why it was not in hiding) so Seburath's mother told the Ahamkara that she would bare it's child if she was able. And with its dying breath, their wishes were granted.
Her mother was overjoyed that she was finally going to have a child but when she was born.....her mother realized that she might have spoken too soon. Unlike other Eliksni, Seburath looked to be an albino. She was a pearlescent white and faded pink and her eyes were bright blue. Nonetheless, she cared for Seb the best she could.
But life isn't without it's troubles. Since Seb wasn't the normal color of Eliksni, it was hard for her to blend in and hide, even with her baby fluff (which was a pale gray color, not a good color to hide in grass or bushes). More than once her mother had to fend off Guardians and cabal who saw Seb and tried to hurt her while she looked for ether for her.
Then it happened. While her mother was scouting around, Seb (now at human toddler age) wandered off from where her mother hid her and was found by another patrolling house. Her mother heard her cry and ran back to her. Seb was laying in peices, torn apart by the others. Her mother was so distraught with anger and anguish that she ran after the the ones that killed Seb and attacked them.
Although she killed them, she ended up getting shot in the chest. With the last of her energy she crawled back to Seb and curled around her before dying.
Now, you might think the story ends there. But it doesn't. Some time later, a lone ghost was floating by when it came across the bodies of Seb and her mother. Hearing a voice within the ghost revived the small hybrid Eliksni. Yes. Seb had become a Guardian but she was still very young and her ghost was clueless as to why the traveler would chose a young Eliksni to be a guardian. Nevertheless, the ghost did her best to help guide the young Seb to the tower.
Of course it was a long journey and most of the time her ghost was carting her around in a wagon she found. Halfway through the journey, the little ghost had to go and find ether for Seb so she would be fed then she decided to keep some ether tanks on them. Luckily she found some in an abandoned cache.
Once they were finally at the tower (with the now 3-4 year old human equivalent Seb), the ghost looked around to find a way to get Seb up to the top. Somehow there was a ship left in what seemed to be an abandoned hangar. It wasn't able to go far but it would do. Transmating Seb into the busted ship, they flew to the top of the tower the just before the ship exploded, the ghost transmatted Seb onto the top of the tower.
The sudden explosion of a random ship caught the eyes of many, who came to see what had happened. All the noise was bit too much for Seb so she skittered to a more quieter place which happened to be the ramen shop in the Tower Bizaar.
This didn't go unnoticed however. A certain curious exo followed her and when he came to the ramen shop he ordered two noodle bowls the asked if he could come around the corner. When he appeared, Seb let out a cry to which her ghost came out and tried to fend off the newcomer but the exo just grabbed the ghost and blinked. An Eliksni with a ghost? That's unusual. He then explained to the ghost that he didn't want to hurt her Guardian but to offer some food.
Seeing as Seb was still hungry, the ghost gave a nod and the exo sat down the small bowl in front of her. At first Seb didn't know what to do but she watched the exo and attempted to use a fork. Only having 3 fingers was hard using a fork but she managed. After the meal, Seb promptly fell asleep (kinda like ponyo)
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The exo asked her ghost if he could take her back to his place where she would be safe and he would answer any questions she had and he could ask her any he had. The little ghost hesitated at first but seeing that Seb really had no place to stay she agreed and the exo carried her back to his place.
The exo, revealed to be Cayde-6, was extremely curious about Seb and how a Fallen became a Guardian at such a young age. Her ghost, nicknamed Den by his own ghost, explained to him all she knew. Seeing as Seb would need somewhere to stay and more of someone to teach her how to be a Guardian, he took it unpn6 himself to keep her.
Fast forward a few years to when Seb is a late teen, young adult. She had learned to be a hunter by Cayde and she knew almost all his tricks. She had friends on the Reef and in the Dreaming City. One-day while on her way to meet up with Mara she feels something calling to her. She doesn't know what it is but it calls to her from the depths of the palace. For the time she ignores it to see Mara. While she talks with Mara she feels it again and Mara sees it. She decides to take her to see Riven. When Riven sees Seb, she doesn't address her as an Eliksni but as one of her own kind.
Not understand what Riven meant, the Ahamkara tells her that she too is an Ahamkara and the reason why she's not known before now is that she doesn't yet know how to shapeshift. Riven then attempts to show her and both her and Mara are surprised to know that Seb is truly part Ahamkara.
When she returns to her 'dad' Cayde about her being an Ahamkara, he's both happy and worried, telling her not to tell everyone she's an Ahamkara. Seb is shocked to hear this and demands to know why but Cayde is unsure how to explain it so he calls in Shaxx to explain. It's then that Seb learns that Ahamkara are actually really dangerous and he owns a skull of one. After Shaxx tells her his story, she flees from the tower feeling like it's too dangerous for her to stay.
At this point it's a good idea for me to explain that this story is Seb's canon. There are actually 4-5 other backstories with Seb but those involve characters made by my lovely wife @astridanalisenightshade and some of which include that one of her Eliksni characters are Seb's mother, one of her abandoned characters are found by Seb and they both travel to the tower together and a few others. For the sake of not confusing people i won't be using those for RP and while may mention them, they are between me and her.
From this point Seb lives in Four Horned Gulch, helping Spider as she can and fighting off the scorn. He gave her the rank of captain even though she doesn't technically belong to his rogue house and this is usually where I would have her start with meeting another OC. Either out on the gulch as she's scavenging or when she comes in to see Spider.
I am still working on her final design but its a bit troublesome seeing as I've not really drawn an Eliksni but I am also working on making a cosplay of her to wear.
But I think I've gushed enough about her so enjoy this backstory and info tidbits on her.
As a side note: I do ship her with Crow and I'm working on a fanfic series with her and Crow. I've gotten 2 of the 5 parts done and I will be uploading them to A03 maybe after all this 5000+ tag BS is over. And don't worry. I'd NEVER do that. I'm not that good with tags >_> but anyways. Enjoy!
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silver-handed · 6 years
hey have some short Dawning fics, there was supposed to be a third but I lost steam so that one m a y get posted later!
Sloane, Bray, and Magpie-13 all belong to @gildedskeleton!
The tower, for once, was quiet. No one stood out in the snow covered square; even Zavala, usually the silent sentinel on nights such as these, had apparently been pulled away by his lovers. Vera’s own rapidly disappearing tracks were the only ones left by this point. The silence should have been eerie, would have been eerie to her not even a month ago, but now it was…peaceful. She stopped a moment, distracted from her walk home. Neither she nor the tower had felt this serene in a long time, and she wanted to drink it in while she could. It would be bustling again tomorrow, everyone sharing stories and gifts and laughter. Now, however, it was hers. No need to look over her shoulder, no flinching because someone clapped a hand on her shoulder. Simple, sweet calm.
She stood there only a moment more, watching her breath puff in front of her in the chill, before moving on. She had only now gotten back from her mission, and she had a place she desperately needed to be.
A few moments later, she gently closed the door of the apartment behind her. The lights had been dimmed, but she could still make out the dawning decorations her loves had put out over the days she had been gone. Even Shaxx’s helmet, she noted with a small laugh, hadn’t been given any mercy; Sloane had apparently placed mistletoe on the horn and immediately taken advantage of it, if the kiss mark on the outside was anything to go by.
She stripped off the outer layers of her armor as she made her way into the bed room, stopping only to scritch Jolder’s head at the end of the bed. Shaxx’s head rose to meet her as he untangled himself from Sloane, and she pressed a tiny kiss to his forehead as he tried to blink the sleep from his eyes.
“Would it be okay if I snuck in between you two?”
She received a bleary ‘mhm’ from the titan, and slipped in between the two of them as he scooted over to make room for her.
She wrapped her arms around Sloane as Shaxx settled back down behind her, rolling over to press his nose into her hair and his arms around her waist. Sloane’s eyes barely opened at the movement, but Vera didn’t miss the tiny smile on her face as they closed again, or the way the awoken snuggled slightly closer.
Vera reflected her smile before turning her eyes to the window, searching the stars above. They had always been her saving grace and her biggest vice, calling to her and pulling at her heart, tugging her further onwards and away.
She dared them to do it this time, to take her away from this.
The stars twinkled in response, and she couldn’t help but grin back. For the first time in a long time there was no sirens call, no need to run buried deep within her. She placed a tiny kiss on Sloane’s cheek before burying her face in the awoken’s shoulder, and felt Shaxx tighten his arms around her in response. Now, she was home.
Pietro bent over the desk in the empty library, absentmindedly pushing his glasses back up his nose as he poured over the texts in front of him. He was so close, but he felt like he had been saying that for hours now. Perhaps even days at this rate.
Familiar steps padded up behind him. He smiled to himself; he forgot a lot, but never them. “Love, why don’t you come home and lay down?” “I will soon darling, I just need to get this little bit done, I promise”
“Mhm. Mags wants you to tell him about mistletoe, you know.” Arms wrapped around his waist, and he felt tiny kisses pressed onto his shoulders. Maybe he could put it off for another day… “And here I thought you were the botanist-ah.”
Pietro turned to Bray behind him, finding that he had the plant in question in hand and a smirk on his face. Pietro wanted to answer him with his own smirk, capture his face and kiss him senseless, but he knew the effect was ruined by the purple color quickly rising in his own cheeks.
“I’ve already told him all about it. But now I think he wants to learn about it from you.”
“And I, ah, suppose you do too then, hmm?”
“Is it that obvious?”
And with that, Bray leaned forward and Pietro met him in the middle, pressing a short, sweet kiss onto his lips. Bray started to lean back when they parted, but Pietro gently took his face, pressing another kiss onto the other awoken’s forehead.
This time when they parted, Pietro wasn’t the only one with a light tinge of purple.
“Come on, love. We shouldn’t keep the little love bird waiting, should we?”
They made their way back to the apartment, sharing tiny kisses in turns as they passed through each doorway.  Each one lasted a little longer, until the final one at the bedroom door earned them a slightly impatient beep from their other lover.
Bray grinned, crawling into the bed in front of Magpie as Pietro did the same behind him, mistletoe in hand. Magpie chirped at them, snuggling in closer when Bray placed a kiss directly between his painted-on eyes.
Pietro saw his chance, quickly placing a tiny kiss on the exo’s neck from behind, earning him a tiny trill and another surge in the glow from the purple lights of his lover. Magpie turned to face him in the bed, seeking another kiss on his face, and Bray leaned in again to kiss exactly where Pietro had.
Magpie paused for a second, turning between them as they grinned, and suddenly the purple glow tripled as Magpie realized exactly what was about to happen. Laughter and trills rung out of the bedroom as Bray and Pietro covered their exo lover in as many kisses as they could, and Magpie decided that he’d rather like to learn about mistletoe every year.
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thelad-spades · 7 years
Saint-14 + Osiris headcanons
I would’ve put this on my Destiny blog but I’m trying to keep that one quiet for now haha. But I was in the mood to share ideas with these two in the light of the dlc :0. Be warned this probably turned long. Also because I have feelings for these characters and there’s barely any info on theM —
Saint-14 - Often wore all white/black armor with some gold tracings on edges of certain armor pieces. - Since he’s an exo I kinda imagine him having a black and white color scheme as well? Maybe purple eyes too. Def had horns of some kind and looked threatening despite not always being that way. - His ghost was named Iris. She was all white with a gold wreath design. - One voice idea I had for him was that he sounded like Idris Elba. - Way back, Saint was the one who had taught Zavala more on the ways of a defender ( partially cause the quote he has about being A defender gives me the vibes of him speaking to Zavala about it ) - Even though he is a defender, he’d honestly be an amazing Sentinel. It would also fit his character for how everyone looked up to him. - You bet that he loved children, and they loved him back. They loved to attempt and reinact the stories they’ve heard about him. The one he loves to see kids do is how he killed a Kell on his own. The kids were always so dramatic with it - Unlike most guardians who would stay to the Tower, Saint often visited the City and its citizens. It was one of the reasons why people loved him so much, it was that he could be down their with them and not just watch from above. - Mostly between him and Shaxx but, the two would sometimes literally headbutt each other as a greeting. Laughing the entire time. After Saint killed the kell, Shaxx would joke saying “ one day you’ll accidently kill me the same way! ” Saint gives no promises for that. Zavala just sighes - Idea related to Saint being alive on Mercury currently but, since he’s been gone so long he has no idea what’s gone on down there. Definitely doesn’t know what happened to the speaker either —– Osiris —– - He’s a tall egyptian man with long hair tied into a pony tail. Often, he had a large black and gold cloak with the eye stitched into the back of it. - His ghost was named Anubis. It was black with gold stripes on each of the tips. His optic was a bright redish pink (kinda inspired off the Jackal from hyper light drifter) - I imagine he was a sunsinger. And a damn good one at that. - Ogh that gives me the idea that he was the one who had made Zavala “ experience what a sunsinger’s true power is ” according to Ikora. (Cant remember how the quote really wenT) - The speaker was the one to recommend Osiris in training Ikora. Seeing as she was powerful and capable. The two did work well together, although Ikora would have to deal with Osiris’s obsession with the vex sometimes. - I don’t know if this would be a headcanon or just a thought but. I imagine once Osiris did try to bring live vex to the Tower for his ’ studies ’ and they may have ’ accidently ’ broken lose. It may have been the last straw before he was kicked. - For awhile, Osiris managed to live with the vex. Concealing himself as one of their own to study and live amoung them but eventually they took notice and caught him. - which leads me into an idea I had- The vex started replacing parts of his body with their own tech. As to make him one of their own to “ fit ” since he was so obsessed with them anyways. One arm and one leg of his was taken and replaced- Even a side of his head was changed so he has a normal eye but also, a bright red vex one. Maybe even his heart was changed to vex-
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games-benedict · 7 years
Destiny 2 Is As Beautiful As Ever
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Destiny 2 is out. I’m not sure what I’m hoping to find there. At this point, it’s pretty clear Bungie’s never going to make the Destiny game I want. But I’m going back nonetheless because 1) the guns still feel great and 2) there’s some damn pretty stuff to see.
After getting to spend a fair bit of time with the game last night I ended up with quite a few screenshots, so rather than go on a long rant about how this series is still a mess, I’ll try to keep my list of grievances to a minimum and focus instead on some of the cool world building that happens in the game despite itself.
There are all different types of science fiction, but I think Destiny’s version tends to come off as inconsistent and off the wall. But really it just reminds me of the illustrations artists would do for old sci-fi paper backs or even astronomy coffee table books. It’s not built around a particular technological question, or hypotheticals about life in the future. Instead, the game’s approach is to simply take the Wikipedia page for a planet or astronomical phenomenon, dream about it, and then start throwing lines and colors on a page. On the surface, Mass Effect Andromeda seemed to be doing the same thing, but in reality the results ended up feeling much more engineered and modular; the difference between scanning a planet from above and painting it from below.
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Destiny’s backgrounds are great. Especially because they’re always balanced with a middle ground you can actually get to and nearby objects that contrast in volume and help frame the vista ahead.
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The early part of Destiny 2 veers heavily into Lord of the Rings and I sort of dig that.
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Bungie knows how to take good looking scenes and really make them pop by adding dramatic lighting effects. The Sleeping Beauty bramble cave below a pedestrian looking aluminum silo is also cool.
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Whatever you wanna call it--instagramification, neon-drenching, etc.--I think it works and helps give Destiny 2 a visual identity apart from the first game. Fighting uphill in the woods below a pink and teal sky against camping aliens is better than a lot of the alternatives. 
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I've really missed this series’ skyboxes.
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Titan is definitely my favorite location to date. Even if it was giving me hard Gears of War 3 flashbacks, and most of the fights weren’t as good as Gears of War 3, trading empty expanses for narrow corridors and ledges was a nice change of pace. 
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Destiny is also at its best when there’s extreme terraforming involved. In this case, Titan basically functions as a combination of Star Wars’ Cloud City and Minos.
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More teal! But also lemon yellows and sun baked sheet metal. There’s been a subtle shift in Destiny 2 toward big industrial equipment which, intentional or not, helps give some actual shape to some of the backstory about what civilization was up to before the fall. Giant turbines, hydro-pistons, and big alien drills draw a nice contrast with the sleek space ships and magic armor; more Alien than Star Trek.
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I’m not sure what exactly it is about the designs on Titan, but felt very IKEA to me. Maybe it was just the yellow, or the rain at sea on a rig (all of which I weirdly associate with Scandinavia). Between the first game’s old Russia Cosmodrone and Destiny 2′s European Dead Zone, it all feels a bit eurocentric.
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This is my favorite tunnel in the game so far. And there are a lot of tunnels.
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Skyboxes with giant planets in them are even better.
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Seriously though, Titan’s the best.
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The giant biodome has a very Logan’s Run feels to it and, assuming there are some interesting side missions, strikes, or (fingers crossed) and eventual raid there, it will immediately jump toward the top of my list of best post-apocalyptic malls.
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7066 Nessus is a small Vex rock, and as such, looked equal parts beautiful and re-used assets from Venus. The hazy teals and electric blues are once again in full effect, but I’m down with it. While the rest of the game seems content to double down on the “log on and shoot shit with your bros” appeal, the art direction in Destiny 2 commits much more strongly to the series’ trippy sci-fi vibes.
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The eye motif that follows the Vex around is one of my favorites, even if it makes Nessus look like the GLaDOS home world. 
Otherwise, here are some quick thoughts so far, in no particular order:
The writing is bad. Destiny’s writing was mostly silly nonsense, but Destiny 2 tries to invoke this feeling of being under siege, especially in the beginning, that makes it feel like you’re supposed to be taking it all totally seriously
I’m not the only one to point this out, but anytime you tell the player not to die and then let them respawn seconds away the first time they die after that, there’s probably some holes in your design.
To that point, why even bother to Metroid the player if you’re going to re-introduce the bulk of their powers a few moments later with no interesting obstacles in-between? Not being able to run, jump, or throw grenades is a very jarring thing in Destiny, and yet that brief survival-horror sequence is played mostly as a walking sim. Normally that’s something I’d encourage, but in this particular type of situation, it seems to completely miss the point.
I’m so tired of loot boxes. Overwatch and PUBG have ruined us. Especially since most of the loot boxes that appear in Destiny 2 are full of tedious junk.
The environments are big and beautiful but still mostly empty. 99% of interactions boil down to “Hold square to spawn monster closets.”
You can tell Bungie really wanted to go for it this time in terms of the linear narrative, but it feels completely uneconomical given the dearth of plot throughout the rest of the game. Too many of the cutscenes don’t advance the story or tell me something I couldn’t have guessed before. More importantly, they don’t introduce more questions. This was a problem in the first game, but it feels even more acute in the second given its apparent emphasis on getting us to care about these characters and their struggle. Basically, every time Bungie has a chance to build out a mystery it chooses to make a bad joke instead.
It’s a sequel, so stuff is bound to be different, but I got the sneaking suspicion on more than one occasion that stuff was changed from the first game to the second simply to make the second feel like more of an upgrade. I don’t see the point of the new skill tree look, for instance. At bottom it’s still asking you to make the same trade-offs as before and not allowing you any greater degree of customization. While there are plenty of small graphical and quality of life improvements, there’s also an awful lot of crap that looks like it was given a fresh coat of paint just cause. Maybe that’s not a bad thing, but it feels hollow and overly conservative on Bungie’s part.
Finally, what’s up with Zavala and his crew scattering to the four corners of the solar system? Shaxx is on Earth still? Nathan Fillion (sorry, Cayde-6 literally doesn’t exist as a character) crash lands on a jumble of No Man’s Sky assets to look for a teleporter? One thing Destiny 2 has done a good (read: slightly better) job of is introducing a certain amount of skepticism and dissension within the ranks. The three principal Guardians all have slightly different priorities and interpretations of the game’s central premise (is that big ball in the sky good, bad, or indifferent?), and there are some regular old humans who think the City (run by the Guardians) was kind of a sham. It would have been easy to explore that tension more explicitly and then send Zavala et al scattering on account of those divisions. Instead, Destiny’s just like, yea they all ended up on random planets, guess you need to go track’em down *wink* *wink*.
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spud-works · 7 years
Making Inroads Part 1
/Return to us... You have been been taken, return to us... You belong in time's cradle, return to us... HADES-/ The two-story-tall machine woke up with a scream, its one large eye flashing on with a bright orange. He jerked forwards and his head snapped off a thick tree branch with the wood knocking off his metal hull to fall off the cliff face. Hades himself just barely slipped off the 30 metre drop. His blade impaled into the bedrock really kept him from falling. It was the third nightmare this week alone. Well, he couldn't really call it a nightmare. Just a part of him he was unsure whether or not to fight against. As his "birthday" approached, the invasive presence kept growing in his mind... Could he really call it invasive though? It was always with him. The real corruption was the fact that he was allowed to consider this a problem. -My system's gonna fucking hang if this keeps up...- 'If what keeps up?' He sat upright with a jolt, knocking back another tree as he dragged himself away from the edge. -Who the fuck... Who is this?!- 'Watch your language... Mommy and Daddy told me to keep soap with me for... People... Like you. You're lucky I forgot to bring some...' Hades looked around to see who was speaking, not seeing much beside trees and the Farm on the other side of the brush. Was he really going THAT crazy so soon... Well it's been five years actually, he thought, time to add schizophrenia to my list. -Where...- 'Down here...' He turned his head downward to find a young girl standing up to his right, staring up at him. She was short and rather skinny. She didn't look any older than ten years. Did James send her? Or is she dumb or brave enough to try and talk to him. He leaned forward, his eye a few inches from her face staring right back at her. -...Who the fuck are you?- 'I said watch your language!' She repeatedly smacked the side of Hades' head with a stick she was carrying, as if she was trying to instill into him the most important message he would ever receive. Can I shoot her, he thought, nobody will notice all the way over here. -If it's not too much to ask, I don't enjoy being poked with a twig.- The girl took that as an offensive comment, her expressive shock to the idea that he would dare insult her stick only irritating him further. She threw her stick at him, now grabbing for his eye and trying to yank it out. He reeled back in response, almost flinging her up with his head. -Do NOT touch the eye!- 'Thanks for giving away your weak spot.' She sat down beside him with her back against a tree, still looking up at him. -Back to my earlier question, who are you?- 'I'm Kaitlyn, it's... Nice to meet you. What's your name?' -Why though?- 'Why what?' -Why are you here?- 'Well you are, my mommy told me that the meaning of life-' -No no no, I meant why are you sitting here and talking to me?- 'Ohhhhhhhhhh.... I'm bored. There's nothing to do here. The only fun thing people are talking about is the Crucible. I don't know what it is but Haxx won't let me in...' -Haxx? Who the- oh, Shaxx... Wait you actually wanted to go into the Crucible?- 'I wanna see what's more important than the City, or at least they talk like it's more important...' -Why don't you go ask your parents, they'd probably know...- She looked down. 'They aren't here right now... We're still waiting for more people to come to the farm. They keep saying there are lots of people left to come. I know they're coming... At least I hope they are...' Another orphan? How many of these are in this fucking world? -Well, sorry that you have to wait...- He looked out at the seas beyond the cliff, the still waters reflecting the dark picture of the night sky. 'You still haven't told me your name...' He didn't respond. 'So what exactly are you?' -...- 'Are you as mean as everyone says you are?' -...- 'Where does you eye go when you turn I to a tank?' -Kid...- 'Is everything red when you look around?' -This isn't...- 'What's your favorite color... Do you even know what color is?' -I'd really like it if you could stop...- 'Do you feel anything when I poke you?' -KID...- 'How many nightmares have you had so far?' That last statement sent him over the edge of his patience, the blade on his left arm slamming the ground with his right shifting into an artillery battery aimed at Kaitlyn. The bright orange of his eye was now replaced by a deep red glow. -KRESH VES DAS, TEPEHF KHOVASH!- His voice sounded like groaning metal, his mandibles grinding against each other. She could see that she'd struck a nerve, falling on her back and desperately dragging herself away. 'I'M SORRY I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!' She curled up into a ball, hiding her head in her arms. Hades stopped for a moment, his eye flashing fro a moment between red and orange. He leaned back and out his artillery away, his eye now returned to a bright orange. -Sorry, I have a short temper when it comes to... well, you know now...- She was still shaking in a ball, unwilling to come back out. -Hey now, I said I was sorry...- He leaned forward, lightly poking her with his finger. He pulled away one of her arms. She was crying, her face was wet with tears and wet sand spread across one of her cheeks. -Come on now, don't cry... God, James is gonna kill me for this...- She turned away from him, still sobbing. -Kid?- 'What...' -Is there anything I can do to make you stop crying... please...- 'No...' -Come on, I'd rather not get punished for this...- 'Well...' -Well what?- 'Take me to the Crucible... don't tell me, I want to see it myself....' -The Cruci- kid I'M not even allowed in there, if Shaxx finds out he'll kick both our asses.- 'Firstly, language... Second...' She started wailing at this point, startling Hades. He looked back frantically, seeing a Hunter who was able to barely hear her crying from the Farm. -OKAY OKAY I'LL GET YOU IN JUST PLEASE STOP CRYING.- She sprang back up onto her feet, the tears and sand wiped away and replaced with a wide smile. 'YAY! I CAN'T WAIT I WANNA GO NOW!' -Hey easy now... just, go get some sleep first I'll need to find a way to get there until then... and I could use some peace and quiet so if you'd just go for now that'd be great...- She started to walk back to the farm. -And kid?- She stopped. 'Yes?' -My name's Hades, by the way...- Her smile widened and she skipped off into the forest. She told that one Hunter that she was okay and just screamed at what she thought was a spider. He took Kaitlyn back inside, leaving Hades alone to process what he just promised her. -...What a little shit...-
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fireteam-starfall · 5 years
Fireteam Starfall
Zinnia (Zin, Sin) - Human Titan
Moiety-19 (Mo) - Exo Warlock
Pristine - Awoken Hunter
Pristine: Wakes up in England. “What the?!”
Chibishi: “Hello Guardian! I’m so glad I found you! I was so worried!”
Pristine: Stares.
Chibishi: “Erm... Guardian?”
Pristine: “... I would die for you.”
Chibishi: “Please don't.”
And then Pristine eventually jumps off a warship after Chibishi fell off.
Zinnia: Wakes up in the city after her ghost wakes her up in the catacombs. “Oh sweet, so you’re like a flying action figure or something?”
Horus: ???
Zinnia: Meets Zavala. “Woah, you’re blue! Did you go swimming in a vat of gatorade mixed with Baja blast or something?”
Zavala: “I have no idea what you’re saying.”
Zinnia: “Can I be a weird color too? Can I be pink? I want to be pink.”
Zavala: “That’s your choice... I suppose..?”
Zinnia: “Fuck yes, I’m gonna be a highlighter. I’ve always wanted to be a highlighter.”
Zavala: Begins to wonder if Zin would be better suited as a Hunter.
Mo: Wakes up in Germany. “Where the fuck am I.
Aviator: “Hello! You are my guardian! I am your ghost. :^)”
Mo: “You’re my what, I’m your what?”
Zinnia: Lands for a raid, sees Moiety-19. “Cool, guess I have a sister now.” Picks up Mo and proceeds to kill a shitton of Cabal with her in tow.
Mo: “Seriously, what?” Accidentally uses arc power and electrocutes the enemies next to an explosive barrel, everything suddenly blows up. “SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE FUCK-?!”
Zinnia: Meets Pristine after accidentally finding their hideout in Trostland. “I’ve only had Pristine for a day and a half, but if anything happens to them I’d kill every last one of you and then myself.”
Pristine: “Guys I finally searched every last Lost Sector in the EDZ! Look at this cool sniper rifle I got! :^D”
Zinnia: “The Cabal will go extinct before I let anything hurt them.”
Mo: “Zin, they literally killed every last Lost Sector boss in the European Dead Zone. Don’t you think you’re being a bit overp-“
Zinnia: “HISSS”
After finding Mo and Pristine, Zinnia introduces her fireteam to her mentor thusly:
Zinnia: Breaks down the Tower door with Moiety-19 and Pristine under each arm like dogs. “ZAVALA HOLY FUCK”
After the Cabal take the city.
Chibishi: “GUARDIAN WHY.”
Pristine: “You fell off the ship! What was I supposed to do, wait until it landed?!”
Pristine: “I thought I was aiming for one of the taller apartments! How was I supposed to know the roof was structurally unsound?!”
Pristine: “IM NEAR SIGHTED, OK?!”
Aviator: “Guardian, my lights gone! D^:”
Elsewhere in the City.
Zin: Talking to Shaxx while rearming herself before heading back into the fray. “Yeah I ran out of bullets so I just started punching the things. There were a lot more than usual. Fun!”
Shaxx: “I admire your dedication to the good fight guardian but you worry me sometimes.”
In the end, all three of them end up leaving the city, and meet up on the way to meeting Hawthorne for the first time. And having that weird dream.
Cayde-6: “How’s my favorite sniper doing?”
Pristine: “I killed fifty fallen while in midair with a sub machine gun to get a cool weapon from Banshee and now I think my hands can hear color.” :^)
Cayde-6: “Same as usual, then. Alright!”
Mo: “I can’t do this Ikora.”
Ikora: “Oh?”
Mo: “He keeps making weird noises that I can understand as faces and I’m going insane trying to find out how he’s doing it.”
Ikora: “Are you sure he’s not just projecting the expression through his eyepiece?”
Mo: “You’ll see.”
Aviator: “Guardian! I saw a butterfly! :^D”
Ikora: “...How are you doing that with your voicebank??”
Mo: Groans and drops head on bar.
Pristine: ���I don’t wanna do anything bad, ever, in my life-“D^,:
Zinnia and Moiety-19: “We know this and we love you.”
Zin: “Sorry Drifty, love you personally, but I don’t wanna disappoint Pristine. Pristine has this terrifying ability to spew water from her eyes.”
Drifter: “Understandable.”
Zin: “You can call me names if it makes you feel better. I don’t mind.”
Drifter: “Hey, what’s a bit of espionage between friends?”
Zin: “No seriously, you should give me a mean nickname. Like those old crime shows from the Golden age- I’ve always loved those fuckin’ things.”
Drifter: ...;;
Mo: “So we’re set here then?”
Zin: “Yeah, we’re good. Ahh this is awesome, I feel like a detective! Horus here, cheeky bugger, had his cloaking tech up and set up the bugs.”
Mo: “...You’re a titan, why does your ghost have stealth tech?”
Zin: Laughs loudly. “Cus it’s cool, of course! You don’t give your ghost accessories? Pristine has a fuckin’ collection of ‘outfits’ she set up for Chibishi for every occasion!”
Mo: “I try not to give Aviator too much tech. Any more and he’ll be too powerful to stop.”
Aviator: “Guardian I found a stash of Cabal heads! :o”
Mo: Shudders.
Pristine: “So... he’s not guilty then?”
Zinnia: “He’s still shady, but I’m starting to think it’s mostly how he looks.”
Moiety-19: “Resting crook face?”
Zinnia: “Yea.”
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