#why did i do this tomyself
asterrioxs · 9 months
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just realized i never posted this (its like a month old now)
uh a guy asked me to make a thumbnail
i dont know if he even used it but im pretty ok with the result!! ^^
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i--luv--you · 2 months
Type A.
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Synopsis: Senior year student, Ari is this close to dropping out and becoming a stripper. Navigating her new school is a pain and constantly getting lost doesn't help. But atleast she'll stay first on the leaderboard. And nothing is stopping her from getting all the awards. Except maybe the Academically Gifted Albedo Kreideprinz. Now dealing with her best friends horrible tastes in men, her finals in her face and adulthood looming over her, there's no time for romance!! Unless...?
Spotify Playlist
Ships included: Oliver x Childe, Alexis x Kaveh, Yui x Scaramouche and Ari x Albedo
Side ships included: Deimos x Wirothesley
Periods One and Two, English.
The Sex Havers.
The Virgins.
Snack Break!
Periods Three and Four, Chemistry.
Who the FUCK
"Study" Time
It's time to get wasted!!
You PUNCHED him!?
Lunch Break!
Periods Five and Six, Maths.
...nothing so far...
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majima-kensetsu · 1 year
i'm just thinking regardless of context saying you fell in love with another man. like. if it was like a respect thing like some people think it is. like why would you say it like that. how would that be a respect thing what normal person talks like that
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catholicjinx · 2 years
mmdhfbf. yeah
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butchboromir · 4 months
why did i do this tomyself actually. it's like not even 4pm and im like done for the day
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peterofthedrakes · 1 year
literally i love doing animatics but whenever i work on an animatic the only thing i can think is why did i do this to myself why did i do this to myself why did i do this tomyself
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Republican Group Uses Donald Trump's Words Against Him in Scathing Ad (msn.com)
and he whales away on all and this proof the gop will ddrop him and the republicn committee and he is out. not on the ballot walks aorund embarrasses all of them humiliates rats tells on theim is a mess loser miscreant sleeps wiht everyone and farts out loud duirng meetings loudly and laughs says it i farted. true too. he is so obnoxious he got beaten up after a board meeting no after a repblican meeting. they finally asked how did you get in here and he rattled off stuff and our son...could not be by force he is joel watts...and he sat lifted his head you wnna know i used you. like im using you now. alnd htey said what do you mean and to do my dirty work and walk around proud for it. lowered his head and siad wait for it.and noppe. and oh my gosh.adn his son breathed easy no. said what are you dong now. sinking us fully you faggot. and dan saais it to hoim quietly. a nd he arose you will not use that languag on me. and sat. and they said get out you nutcase we had you do it. your anutccase and whimp are like the boy small and iritated. fn fag. he got up and said this he and i are not alike and htey said sure but your dead and in code for what your doing. out now. and the gop kicked him out. and they said fart again on your way out we book you. and for tresspassing. and they said it we make the order stick and heard him mumble no did the work. and he is out poublicly soon....many states say it now and file it.
next group the republcian committee and he pissed htem off but good today. in ameeting. went around the room to have people introduce themeselves. said it is due to me not knowing you. and he got angry. and said this i am not your whipping boy no he saat they said this. we heard your side of the story now hear ours. we hate you your an ingrate loser. you murder us and our wives and take our things lose them to an enemy you are fighting and due to massive iincompetence cowardice and lame systems and poor judgemet and you try to extort from them threatening himand dragged us into it. and he burst out aughing i extort and he wants to know why. adn they said yeh why you are aalmost on empty and we xcludde you rip all your stuff out need to your sucha faggot. and he smirked to do this tomyself i guess. and the said why. and he said dunno thought i could do it and get away wiht it. at that point he got uop banged theteble and said this meting is adjounred your the same way. and he tried to walk out and was stopped. no you are werong you did this. you and your idiot clans. your responsible. you sold it out to the clones and macs. and him too you outrageious shit. h started to mumble and they said no. you shut up. your an adult you did this aand messed up we need to know why. and he sat down showed them his idea. and they said not bad but what re these threee huge groups doing with you.and said i did nto know they were there. and they said we have notes said you knew. and they asked again. and to se tthem up agiants each other and then this...laughter no. and so. and htey said what do you mean so. so he is right. and they smiled and said it they do say that you suck and it shows. an were at it ike thiis for along time suck. and then this. we want our stuff back...and he walked out said good i know i am right...and then this. and he was at the door and they sai one more thing your fired. and he left angry....saw our son in the parking lot explaining it. you dont wake us and certainly dont scream it at us. we rule at the start. and he says no you dont and ok haha and bowed an said sure. so he wept said how should i know you friend toldyou. and so what i did it on purpose and he now is wanted globably for questioning. dave did say it yes and it is a secret place he told him in.
he is fired from the republican committee
we saidthe last fou sentances
Thor Freya
we monotre and it is acurate they all will say. and yes our son appeared in an apparation. dead darth vaders all around and he alone tall not humungous that what they think
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arriathedragon-2 · 5 years
Normal Magical Girls: *Wishes for something sane and ordinary*
Kyubey: That's not-
Madoka: WATCH ME!
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zleeopy · 2 years
dump dump 3/3
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iamyelling · 6 years
anyways im gonna go lay in bed and cry. my lifeis a joke that god is playing
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1774774774 · 5 years
one quistion
why is it that when two people like each other , avoid each other ? and act weird about it like , cant we humans just chill ? why cant we be more forward ? i wish we were,, i mean how many lives couldve been saved from suicide if people acted normal about liking someone .. instead of hiding it ,, forever , i mean liking is a normal part of life .. we like people all the time … so why cant we act normal about it ,, stupid human instincts probably a deep fear of regection or some silly thing.. aanyway im trying to break away from all these silly things we tend to do usualy running away and missing the beautiful moments we could experiance if we moved forward instead of shutting yourself up in your head saying its silly.. so i talked to ALLOT of people this month probably more than i did my entire life.. i told strangers i liked their clothes/style/hair.. and it really made their day, and i did liked their outfits n such , i just didnt keep it all tomyself in my head.. id did something with it ,, and made it a happy moment made it real.. maybe i just like defying rules,,haha and i also went up to girls i had crushes on and comeplemented something about them i liked or asked a random usless stupid quistion or made a fool of myself.. but it was all worth it .. even the big fat fails.. because.. i felt that i grew something in my pants … I GREW SOME BAAALLSS hhhahaha XD oh god im laughing about myself to myself on tumblur… maybe i should get back to studying .. LIVE YOUR LIFE MAN.. YOUR LIFE IS BORING IF YOU KEEP bottlein things inside you.. experiance some stuff whenever you can no matter how silly it is.. its something to do in this wide complicated world..isnt it?….. . peace &loovee
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im terrible at writing action why did i do this tomyself
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camorrsthorn · 7 years
i hate questioning myself so much did you know that
i keep calling myself she and a girl by accident and i don’t mind but also i don’t think i AM a girl but i can’t get away from that and it’s fucking me up. i like using they/them so much it feels so much nicer than she/her ever did but like??? i’m just fukcing deluding myself aren’t i
i’m not comfrtable with any label because i never ever feel like i’ve earned them??? sure i think i’m nb and i think i’m aroace but i don’t Know. i don’t know what being a girl feels like or what being attracted to anybody feels like so how do i know i’m not those things. how are you meant to know
i don’t know why this is happening now or where it’s come from and it’s!!! awful!!!! i hate it!!! finch felt so good as a name but now it feels fake and i’m just lying tomyself aren’t i. but ginny feels fake too. i’m nobody and nothing i’’m just fakey fake fake bullshit wrapped up in a person suit and nobody should have to deal with me
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lesbiansexhaver · 5 years
oh my god, my dads too old to lose the only child he loves. im so fucking selfish. why would you do this to me why did indo this tomyself, i hate hurting i hate my life i wsnt this to stop please dtop screaming
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remytest-blog · 6 years
I'm not blaming my mental illness, it's an explanation and it's not an excuse. I literally cannot control myself in a lot of things and I'm trying to make it better. The amount of mentally deblititating shit I've been through is enough that I'm barely functional. I can't hold jobs, I can't leave my house, and I look for every possible option to harm myself and it's something that I need to fix but I never get that far. I'm being sincere, I really am. I've been upset but it's been more than just you guys. Sixx and I talk, Kiev and I talk, Remy is hard to talk to a lot and you even more so. But I've got a lot of people I've been having issues with, such as 8bit, etc. Friens i've made outside ofyou guys that yesterday it stupidly came to a head.
It's not an excuse. My autism makes it extremely hard for me to understand a lot of things. I never knew that I turned subjects, and there were times where I would want to help but I wouldn't know what to say so I'll keep quiet and watch others speak and if I have something to add on i'll try. I know there are times I'll move on but usually I do it if I assume that whats done is done and it's appropriate. That's my autism, I don't _know_ and if I've been doing this I need to be spoken to. I don't hate you, I'm still at apoint where I'm scared that you hate me, that you don't want to rp with me.
I really do always want to rp with you I just don't know how with some of the muses I've picked.  I feel like I bother you compared to the others bcause you're always gushing about remy and kiev but when i've done stuff I get lackluster words in comparison to how you gush about the others so I get self conscious and my brain assumes well I'm just not good enough so crown's sugar coating it for me. It's stupid and wrong but it's what my brain does.
Myheads a stupid catastrophe and against it's not an excuse. Half of what you said last night was a huge surprise to me even. I was not aware of anyhting I was doing. And I bring up bee/dee because. idk.  I'm tying to gauge your guys response because I'm debating actually seeing about them joining the group.
And Idk. i haven't been spending much time with them till recently, and I get excited and want to share things with everyone. I. A lot of these issues are misunderstandings on my end, but I need tobe directly spoken to about a lot of them because i don't understand. I really dn't 90% of the time.  But like yesterday, Idk. i felt like I was being put out, because it was all of  you guys and no one had said a word to me.
I burst through TG because I wanted to be able to talk to you and Sixx about it, I always wanna rp with you guys and do stuff with you guysbut I'm awkward and Idk how to do anything at this point. And you not feeling -- Idk. I don't know how it came off that way, esp because I've been sitting here in the same position. Like you just aren't interested in RPing with me. I've been anxious ever since that thing with Camie, I felt like yes maybe you liked me but didn't really want to rp so you were putting on a front to make me feel better.
I love rping with you.
Half the time literally all I do is wait for replies from you and sixx and Remy. The reason I've been trying to show that I'm making friends is so that I stop clinging so hard because all I've done is cling to you guys.AlL i've done is sit there and be needy and want all of you guys attention because  I love you guys so much but my head gets fucking foggy and then this shit happens.
I want to get better and I want to fix things. And if you're still questioning my sincerity pelease don't because i don't apologize like this to anyone I don't give a flying fuck about I don't put that kind of energyand attention into people I don't careabout. It'd be one word shit or just a 'sorry about last night'. Not me attempting to make anything of it. I'm a fucked up person but I will not be disengenuous about things like this.
Crown I'm so fucking intimidated by you. I'm almost scared of you. I look up to you in so many ways that I've come to resent it a littlebecause I feel like I'm not good enough because I deseperate seek your approval and I rarely get any sort of response from you and it's frustrating. Crown you're like a literal senpai to me. I mean fuck I only remade that kirishima because I wanted so badly to try and rp closer to you.
And then boku became really triggering for me and I tried to branch out. I'm useless tomyself. I'm a walking suicide bomb. That's all I am. And the longer I have friends the worse I act because of that. because I don't expect people to stay around, because I start to act more like me which is a fucking underdeveloped sack ofshit that doens't understand what I'm doing half the time.
I really need the guidance of my friends when I do something wrong. I really, really do. Even if you just dm me about what I did like if I turn a subject or something. Please tell me. please I'm begging you because I reallydon'tfucking understand so much I realy don't. I'm begging you crown I don't mean to do this, I don't mean to do any of this and I really.
Ineed my friends help to try and be better and i'm pleaing with you and the others to help me get better on this front, on things that my therapist can't really touch yet. I'm fcuking crying like a scrub because this really is fucking important to me. Making a change, making a fix, being _sorry._ I only bring up my mentalillness because I want you to understand what's lead me to this response or thought process or whatever because maybe then i can try to fix it while i wait on medicines and things to fix me better.
I hate it but despite being haha super smart I'm like a fucking 15 y/o in a 24 y/o's body. mentally so much of me is still back in 9th grade before the torture incident that made it impossible for me to talkto people the way i need to. everything still feels so fresh  and i can't make my brains top thinking that it's all going to go back to the start.
I'm just.I' begging you to please understand me and that I'm meaning everything and I really do want to make a change. that everything i've done was not in that intention and the way i looked at things i didn't see them for what they were. like the vaguing. i posted it as a way to get my thoughts out because i was toiling in my own head, i never meant for it to hrt or BE a vague poost but thats exactly what it was. A vague post. the only person close enough to me is my damn father.
i dont know.pealse dont take this all as me trying to buy sympathy or god knows what else i'm really breaking down to the realest me i can. im not on the same level as any ofyou, i feel like a pretender in my ownbody, some broken down child trying to play with the grown ups and throwing temper tantrums because i don't know how to handle anything. all ido is care about you guys but  dont do it the right way or well and i just.i dont want pity but i want understanding and i want to try and make it better.
i dont want to be scared anymore. i dont want to be scared of my friends but i am. and because ofthat im pushing. and im just. i want to be normal. i wish i was normal, or even at least ony our guys levels of functioning. i wish i wasn't a fucking stupid moron  about everything. i wish i could just flip a switch and be a better person. that's why i cut,because in my head its like if i cut enough if i make mself bleed enough i'l bleed the bad away and it'll be okay i'll be better and i won't be so tainted for you guys and i'll be okay and it'll be all okay.
because to learn something when i did something wrong i was always punished and i can't get past it still i just can't. and now no one eventells me when i do something wrong and i just want to know so i can fix it. thats all. every lastbit of this is meaningful. itsall serious its all me. imbaring myself as much as i can and im trying not to make excuses i just dont understand so much i can't comprehend i can't i can't i can't.
i'm sorry crown i'm sorry. i'm sorry i'm sorry. it just sounds like more excuses but it's not i just want to explain i just want to explain m head because everything is hard and i never know when i do something wrong until it's too late.
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sukmasadilia · 7 years
Olivia Goodman on Learning a Language: It's Tough but Totally Worth It
Blog kali ini masih tentang belajar bahasa, teman-teman. Kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang pengalaman seorang bernama Olivia Goodman dalam belajar bahasa dan termasuk tips-tips dalam belajar bahasa. Soalnya banyak dari pembelajar bahasa yang suka tanya-tanya,“apa sih tips buat belajar bahasa?”, “apa sih tips belajar bahasa yang bikin cepat lancar?” dan lain sebagainya.
Sebenarnya banyak sih tips-tips belajar bahasa, tapi untuk yang dibagi oleh Olivia Goodman ini sepertinya layak banget untuk diaplikasikan. Tulisan dia berbahasa Inggris dan saya tetap akan menunjukkan ke kalian dalam versi aslinya. Tujuannya supaya kalian bisa banyak mendapatkan kosakata.
Learning a language: it’s tough, but totally worth it!
Olivia Goodman
What started it all off?
Studying languages was always something that I enjoyed at school, especially when I started learning Spanish. When it was time to choose what I wanted to study at university, I knew it was going to be Spanish and another language – just which one? One that was completely different. Mandarin Chinese is one of the top most spoken languages in the world, so I thought I’d challenge myself. I thought, how great would it be to say to people, “I can speak Chinese”; how great to say tomyself, “I can speak Chinese”?
Overcoming cultural barriers
I studied both languages at Nottingham Trent University for 4 years. During my degree I had a year abroad which I split between living in Valencia, Spain and Kunming, China. My year abroad was probably the most terrifying yet exciting thing I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding, particularly when I was living in China. It was such a rich experience, not only for learning the language but also for making new friends, exploring new places and overcoming cultural barriers in a way that I wouldn’t have been able to do before. I’d recommend it to anyone, no matter what language you’re studying.
It’s not until you have to practice the language for real, in real situations, that you know how much you understand. You can see yourself progress as you become more able to have a conversation with people, or gradually understand the locals. I remember on my final journey home from China, the first flight was delayed which meant that I’d miss my connecting flight to London. I had to talk to the air steward to arrange another flight and to sort out accommodation for the night – I did all of this in Chinese. I wouldn’t have been able to do this at the beginning of my stay in China, so it was a great way of acknowledging how much I’d learnt and how much more confident I’d become in using the language.
Learning a language: my top tips
  Practice, practice, practice
Practice wherever, whenever and with whoever you can. If you wanted to become an Olympic champion, you’d expect to have to train every day: if you want to become fluent in a language, you have to expect to practice every day. This is one of the main reasons for living abroad, but if you can’t do that, there are more ways than ever before to connect with other people studying the language and with people who already know it.
Keep going
There were plenty of times when I wanted to give up, and even now as I’m still learning I often feel like I’m not progressing and question why I’m doing it. Remembering the reason why you’re learning the language will definitely help you stay on track and motivate you to carry on. Write down the reason why you are learning the language and put it somewhere where you can see it every day and read it when you feel like giving up, or when you’re struggling with something. Don’t forget to take breaks though – when something is hard, sometimes it helps to have a break from it. Your mind will be fresh and you may have a clearer perspective.
Talk to yourself
Try and translate things in your head throughout your day. I mastered the plural in Spanish by always asking myself, “where are my keys?”. I always used to ask myself this so I started saying it in Spanish “¿Dónde están mis llaves?”. For ages I was getting this wrong (without knowing), but then one day I realised. Figuring this out for myself was such a rewarding moment – and the rule still sticks in my mind today!
What phrases do you often say in a day? Perhaps try starting with ones you already know in the other language and gradually build up your list of phrases. If you find this helps you to practice, continue translating words and phrases on a daily basis and then check the grammar and vocabulary during your study time.
Create your own wordlists
This one depends on how you are learning the language and the structure of the course. When I was studying Chinese, vocabulary for certain topics was taught across different units – this meant that the vocabulary was taught in manageable chunks which helped me to remember them. However, I wanted to have all the words and phrases for particular topics in one place, so I decided to create my own wordlists. Together these became my own reference guide, which is still growing today.
Doing this gives you the freedom to personalise them to how you best learn. For example, you could include:
• only the word in the second language • the translation or definition • example sentences • memorable images associated with the word or its pronunciation (the keyword method) • your own description of how to pronounce it
I have just started doing this for grammar too. This is slightly more complicated, but it helps to have all the different uses of one particular element in one place.
I hope you have found these useful, and even if these tips don’t work for you, I hope I’ve inspired you to think about the best ways that you learn and what you can do to improve further.
Source: www.cambridge.org
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