awesomefringey · 4 months
By your side
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hyena-maxwell · 3 months
ooc)) I’m pretty sure I’m some flavour of hyena therian and this is enrichment to me thank you so much
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jensen-frackles · 5 years
Alright guys, I did it! I made a Monty Python blog! It’s @palinss if any of you guys would like to check it out
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mangoisgay · 4 years
Uh oh
Two more days.
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junipeach · 5 years
Why have idone nothing this week yet still taken so many Ls
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aprincessofdaxam · 6 years
Hey gang - With Supergirl S4 coming on tomorrow, thought I'd stick my head out of the foxhole and let y'all know I'm still alive .... just took a long break from some social media outlets for the sake of my mental health, and sorry to worry people.
I spent a good chunk of late summer traveling for work. One of those trips took me back to the town I lived in after college, which I always have to be dragged out of weeping. Then shortly following that, two good friends passed away - including a girl I went to college with who was actually a year younger than me. That really messes you up and makes you consider everyone's mortality. While trying to cope with some of that, getting on the internet and kicking around didn't feel like a fun escape - I just didn't have the mental energy for it.
Additionally, I don't know who else is mired in the DISASTER that is American politics, but, yeah. Trying to stay informed and involved has also taken a lot of my mental energy, and has made me carefully choose entertainment that's going to be a genuine break from those topics. A lot of my favorite shows, predictably, have political or feminist themes or undertones. Supergirl obviously falls in that list - and call me crazy, but after calling senators and signing petitions and arguing myself hoarse about immigrant children being taken from their families, re-watching the aliens-as-immigrants storylines in S2 really wasn't what I wanted to do in my free time.
So, it's been a lot of Gilmore Girls and Glee (before it jumped the shark) for me lately. I'm not saying I've come completely off the Supergirl wagon. As far as non-canon stuff goes, particularly fluffy stuff, I'm all about it! I've kept up with some fics (and owe a LOT of y'all reviews), and I've been scribbling down things as inspiration strikes for fanmixes, fics, etc. So I'll maybe have some stuff coming.
And anyway, yeah, cautiously sticking my head out because I DO plan to watch Supergirl S4 - despite my decided level of crankiness about how certain storylines went down at the end of S3, they planted enough seeds for this year that I want to follow through. We'll see whether the storylines bug the hell out of me and if I want to stick around. Side note confession: I'm backing out if we get a Kara/Brainy romance angle, and that has nothing to do with Mon-El. Characters LIKE Brainy trip me out because they remind me of my emotionally abusive ex. Seriously. I don't watch The Big Bang Theory because Sheldon Cooper reminds me of him. That show is about as innocent as it comes, right? Just more evidence that art is entirely subjective (that's why, even though I disagree, I'm never going to argue with someone who says that Mon-El, who happens to be my favorite is toxic - I sure don't see it that way, but I'm not going to tell you that you SHOULDN'T feel something).
Side note - I'm also going to watch the Charmed remake, because that was my middle-school-self's FAVORITE show. So if anyone else is intrigued by that, hit me up!
XO and thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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incorrectblquotes · 6 years
Claptrap; Hey, I’m sorry for being so annoying.
Athena; Oh, no, you’re- It’s okay.
Claptrap; Oh.
Athena; What?
Claptrap; Well usually you’re supposed to say, “Hey you’re not annoying!”
Athena; Well you kinda are.
Claptrap; Well I’m taking my apology back!
Athena; That’s really annoying of you.
Claptrap; STOP IT!
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isaacathom · 6 years
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Day 7 - The Economy!
Now sure, I did year 10 economics, but I definitely wouldn’t say i know anything about money :p so this one is very simple - they got that $$
I think a more interesting thing, in terms of design (my forté), is how each cultures money could reflect that culture and its propaganda.
The lil mock up above is an example of a simple idea - a coronation commemorative coin. the ascension of Empress Ilsa takes place in 1360 (which i accidentally wrote as 1460, whoops, the timeline adjust messed me up again!) and would definitely have a single run mint of coins to celebrate, before switching to a more permanent option. think of it like coins in many monarchies, where the monarchs head is on the obverse of the coin. i think thats fairly simple.
but of course, said empress here would have influence on how those designs might look. perhaps if shes expansionist, and wishes to take back divinitian land, she might request one of the coins ($2, $1, etc) have a design showing a map of divinice that very specifically “misdraws” the border to represent her vision for divinice, rather than the legal situation. she might have coins printed to show the populace the sortsf values she wishes them to embody, such as humility or piety. theres a lot of potential for propaganda in these coins, and i really like it.
Stolisia, the arch rival of DIvinice, would absolutely not be exempt from this, though its coins arent on the same design refresh as divinices. of course, divinitian coins must update with each monarch (including during the Really Rough years :|||), whereas stolisias would mostly update to reflect new sensibilities or to prevent counterfeiting. their designs likely harken back a LOT to their revolutionary past, and a fighting spirit, and its likely whatever their state motto-thingo might be, it would likely be present on many coins. earlier on, such as during the second war, stolisian coins may also have included completely direct propaganda against divinice, showing a map of Stolisia that included the entirety of Stolis island rather than part of it
nowadays, as Stolisia shifts from an anti-divinice stance to a more peaceful slant, this would be reflected in their money too. Kaisa is likely immortalised in same way (perhaps on paper currency, like how washington is on the 1 dollar bill, right?), rather than her direct successor. they might emphasise the goodness of stolisia and its unique exports, like its crafts. fun stuff like that? or even abstract symbols of peace and goodness, to show their optimism for the future. there would obviously be reference to the raw magic blight, but itwould be presented in an optimistic way - we WILL overcome. national pride for what theyve done. heeeaaavy nationalism, id say.
Tsuliya, which is HUGE enemies with Divinice, would probably be more overt in its currency propaganda. Nirvejan, who is actually alright with divinice, would have a more positive spin, while having a negative attitude to tsuliya and insisting on drawing its maps to include the whole of Nirvejan Island (of which Tsuliya has claimed the western tip.
just some fun ideas! i really enjoyed designing the coin, honestly :p
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pignoblade · 3 years
ahhh i totally forgot the masquerade was happening todayyyy...
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sapphic-squid · 3 years
The scene that made me cry was actually Paige and Sam’s breakup whoooooppps. I had to pause when it came to the next scene because sobbing didn’t hit the vibe (Sam and Zahid talking about Edison).
4x08 was hard though so I get starting crying then.
DIDN’T FIT THE VIBE FJSKJDJFJDJ but yeah you’re so right. I starting crying when it was revealed Casey was talking to the coach at Newton. That just *hit me*. I don’t remember when else I was crying but I was during Sam and Paige’s breakup. They’re so sweet and I love them
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arctic-urpo · 7 years
I’ve gotten so used to my internet cutting off occasionally that I don’t even get upset about it anymore, what upsets me more is when it connects again and cuts off my fine run in Chrome’s dinosaur game...
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heartsoftruth · 2 years
Whoooooppp Ferrari! Thank you (so far). At least something good 😩
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jensen-frackles · 4 years
I’m only literally a minute in and I’m already distracted by how hot Booker looks. Definitely gonna need to gif this.... 
Also, Penhall is here! Whoooooppp!!!!!
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tiniisms · 7 years
Whoooooppp! I got 1 reply done, so proud 😂
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witchmazi · 6 years
So I told you guys that I’ve been taking classes in witchcraft right? Well! YA GIRL JUST FINISHED YEAR ONE!!! Whoooop whoooooppp!! Technically, I finished about a month ago, but tomorrow is my graduation ceremony and ritual! ♥️♥️
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ilhatria-blog · 6 years
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Whoopp Whoooppp Whoooooppp Nantikan Quiz Unite the League dan menangkan 1 tiket nonton film JUSTICE LEAGUE in IMAX 3D!! Tongkrongin terus akun facebook saya karena quiznya akan saya posting malam ini ya guys, so don't miss it! 👍 Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku. #QuizUnitetheLeague #JusticeLeague
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