#who goes the alternate route and threatens Robin’s sweetheart
ghost-bxrd · 28 days
The blond splutters, glaring at Jason with all the heat of a pissed off golden retriever.
“Did you seriously chloroform me?”
Jason shrugs, entirely unapologetic, and tosses the gag in the trash.
“You didn’t shut up. I had to make you. Can’t have you lookin’ too springy in the pictures.”
“Springy for what, exactly? Because, dude, if this is about the tumblr blog I totally wasn’t serious- no, wait, I was, but c’mon, I said way worse about- wait, what pictures!?”
— sneak peek of “Modern Day Cain”
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teamhook · 4 years
A Chapter A Day... Savage Heart CS AU
A love story between a pirate and his savior. An innocent, beautiful, selfless woman meets a man with no manners, no formal education and not even a last name. Will Emma fall in love with Killian once she discovers that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart-wild, but a heart of gold? This is a Captain Swan AU
Beta-ed by the awesome @ilovemesomekillianjones​
|AO3| |FFN| previous chapter
|AO3| |FFN| current chapter
Chapter 25: Thwarted Dashing Rescue
Killian is pacing back and forth in Emma's garden. The flower's fragrance fill his nostrils. He misses her so much, but he needs to clear his mind. Thoughts of her are so painful and distracting. So he decides to go to the only place that allows him to gain perspective, the sea.
He walks into the house and calls out to Tink. "Tink, I'm going to the docks, to the Jolly. If anyone stops by, that's where I will be."
She rushes out of her hiding place and smooths her simple green dress. "I want to go with you. I was locked up for far too long at that convent."
"Tink, I'm sorry but I would rather go alone."
"Killian, you are not the only one that needs to breathe the salty fresh air or see the waves crashing against the hull of the ships."
"Fine, you come along then. Do you mind if we walk?"
"Are you kidding me? Killian, it's really far."
"No, it's not... but I suppose we can take the carriage if you'd prefer."
"No, we can walk. I know you would rather walk. I'm still coming along. You are not getting away from me. Killian, I know you are worried about Emma and I also know for a fact that she will come home soon and torture me with studies." She scrunches her nose and bumps his shoulder with her own.
They walk towards the docks using the route opposite of Sherwood Lane, the same road his love had been taken from.
"Don't worry, I will give you the space you need to think."
Once they reach the docks they separate. Tink quickly wanders the docks as she celebrates finally being free.
Killian's brows furrow in thought. He stares at the calming waves beyond the Jolly. He feels so at peace and the solitude is welcomed. Something doesn't feel quite right. He is very perceptive and right now he knows something is amiss. Normally the lost boys' gang flocks to him; he rarely reaches the Jolly without being bombarded with their questions and requests for sailing trips. It is surprisingly quiet. His two biggest fans are nowhere to be seen. Some time back he had caught a few of them aboard the ship hoping to stow away on one of his trips. He quickly turns and walks to a small group of boys playing on the docks. He recognizes one of them. "Johnny, lad, I was wondering where I could find Rufio and Felix?"
"Captain they are gone, they left with a man."
"They are gone? What man did they leave with? Johnny, how long ago was this?"
The boy thinks of his answer before replying, "Almost a week I think, maybe less."
He's a bloody git, he had been too busy looking for clues at the taverns. Sure the docks were filled with newcomers daily, but how many of these people paid any attention to the kids that dwelled there. The short answer is none. Not unless it suits them in some way. He knows this because he has lived it. He was once a lost boy; one of the lost ones. That is one of the reasons the boys look up to him. He was one of them and he managed to survive.
"Johnny, has the man returned to the docks since Rufio and Felix left with him?"
The boy shook his head slowly. "Are they in trouble Captain?"
"No, they're not Johnny." He kneels to be at eye level with the boy. He smiles at the young boy and ruffles his hair. He knows he cannot save them all but he knows Emma will know what to do. "My boy, I need a little bit of help at the office. How would you like to be my personal messenger?" He can offer the boy a place to sleep at the office. There is a small room in the back with two bunks. He knows Michael will not mind. He is a kind, old man. The alternative is his old beach cabin but it is too far.
Tink arrives, "Hey, what is going on?"
Killian turns to her, "Felix and Rufio aren't here; they left with some man, days back."
Tink looks at Killian confused.
"It's too much of a coincidence. Some man appears and persuades two very impressionable boys to leave with him. The sea calls to those two and I cannot picture them anywhere else. Then not long after, my wife disappears."
"I don't know Killian." She looks at him with pity.
"Tink I would gladly take that wager, I know I'm right. Let's get Johnny here to the office and then we go home."
"Fine, but are you going to tell Emma's parents of your theory?"
"About my suspicions; I will tell everyone once I have figured out why she was taken. Tink, I don't know why this man, whoever he is, would target Emma?"
"Killian I don't agree with you but if you feel that strongly I will help however you see fit."
"Good, let's drop off the boy and go home. Maybe Archie and Mr. Nolan will have news."
They each grab one of Johnny's hands and head towards his office with the boy in tow.
They quickly make the drop. Thomas welcomes the boy while Smee turns up his nose. The man truly is a rat.
"Sir, before you go, is there any news of Mrs. Jones?"
"Thank you for asking, Mr. Thomas," Killian stresses the name since his first mate has not mentioned his concern for his wife's abduction. He glares at Smee who in turn cowers in the corner. "I'm sure she will be home soon. I can feel it."
"I'm happy to hear that, sir. She is a wonderful woman."
"Is there anything else?"
Smee and Thomas answer in unison. "No sir, the business is going well."
"Good. For the time being, you two will be in charge. Johnny can deliver messages to the house in case it is needed. I have to head home. Please keep an eye on the boy."
"Of course sir, it will be a pleasure." Mr. Thomas looks fondly at the boy already.
Killian and Tink leave the boy behind and head to the house.
Snow promptly arrives back home after her conversation with Cora. She knows the idea of reaching out to her was not well received, but she knows they will understand and accept her decision. The end goal is to get Emma home. Not long after her arrival David and Archie arrive.
"David, Archie how did it go? Is he going to help?"
"He wasn't thrilled with the idea, that was obvious, but he will. Especially if he knows what is good for him." Archie nods in agreement with David's words.
"I went to go see Cora. She agreed to help. Not long after I delivered the news of Emma's disappearance August left to meet with you both at the Sheriff's office."
David looks at Archie as they both respond at the same time. "We didn't see him there."
"Oh, he seemed eager to help. He cares for Emma."
"Sweetheart, he must have arrived after we left. I thought we had agreed to meet with the Sheriff first."
"This is Emma we are talking about; I'm not taking any chances."
Archie cuts in, "I'm sure things will work out."
David looks at his friend and nods in agreement. "Snow, with Cora's support, I'm sure in no time we will have our daughter back."
Archie smiles, "I should go update Killian."
Snow and David agree for him to go talk to Killian.
There is a pounding on the door and Killian rushes to answer, maybe it's news. He opened the door wide and is greeted by Sheriff Nottingham, who steps inside and makes himself at home without being invited.
"Killian Jones, oh, how you have moved up in the world. Marrying above your class; how fortunate for you."
"Nottingham, what do you want? Are you here to ask for a bribe?" Killian knows he's struck a nerve because the Sheriff goes red.
"If I was you, Captain, I would not anger the person sent to help you find your wife. Your father-in-law and your good friend Mr. Hopper came to see me, and last but not least, the all-powerful August Booth was there later. If you ask me, everyone is putting too much importance on the wife of a pirate."
"My Emma is bloody amazing and you would be lucky to breathe the same air as her. You should keep in mind that she is not only my wife. She is the daughter of Snow and David Nolan. She is close to the Booths. She is not an expendable orphan no one cares for or a simple barmaid that just disappeared."
"Oh, I've gathered that. Mr. Booth was adamant about me finding her. I do wonder why he puts such an effort in looking for his ex-betrothed. Interesting, isn't it? Do you think maybe there is more to his interest?"
"What are you getting at? Just spit it out!"
"He was betrothed to her and then he changed her for the cousin. I don't know, Captain, he may be having second thoughts."
"I don't bloody care if he is having second thoughts or not. Emma is my wife and we are very happy together."
"And yet, she is not here to confirm your story. I think she wanted to run away after she realized that she ruined her life by marrying you. Maybe she got tired of you and found a new lover or went back to an old one." Nottingham smiles and strokes his chin.
Killian laughs at his snide remark and slowly approaches the Sheriff. "I think you are confusing my wife with Lady Marian. Weren't you two to be betrothed? Oh yes, I recall now, she met the dashing Robin Locksley and married him instead. I hear they have a lovely son."
Nottingham closes his eyes as he squeezes his hands into fists so tight that they turned white. He tries to look around the house for a distraction. "I'm only here to do my job."
"Are you mate? You could have fooled me. You are here to get a rise out of me."
"If it was up to me I would let the pieces fall where they shall but in no uncertain way, I was threatened to action by your father-in-law and August Booth."
"Look around if you need to. I've got nothing to hide."
"It appears so, Jones." He tilts his head towards the interior of the house.
Killian starts to walk and is interrupted by Tink. "I will show Nottingham around." He has no doubt Tink is only giving the Sheriff the tour to avoid them from shedding any blood. So he easily makes his way once more to the garden.
After Snow's departure, Cora summons Malcolm to the office.
"Mrs. Booth, how can I be of assistance today?"
"I need Emma brought back. David and Mr. Hopper have reached out to the Sheriff. August went to assist them. Snow agreed to keep her mouth quiet. The plan was never to keep her away forever."
"Oh, so soon; I thought it would take longer for her to agree."
"Malcolm, you seem to underestimate a mother's love. It is never a wise choice."
Malcolm maintains eye contact with her. "I would never make that mistake about you."
"Bring her back, and Malcolm, make sure she is unharmed." With those final words, she leaves him in the office with doors wide open.
Malcolm stays behind trying to think of a way to break the news to the other Mrs. Booth.
He searches for Milah to give her the news. She will not be happy to find out that it is time to bring her cousin back. He will claim that with the pressure the families are applying he cannot risk getting caught.
The volatile personality of the younger Mrs. Booth has been evident to him from the start. He finally finds her walking back from her carefree walk in the gardens.
"Miss Milah, may I have a word?"
"Of course, how can I help?" She offers him her sweetest of smiles.
"I heard that your Aunt came by to request assistance in recovering Mrs. Jones. I'm just informing you that she will be returned soon. I will have to leave to retrieve her."
"Wait, we need to make the demand for her return to Killian. I cannot wait to see how easily he discards my cousin and keeps the ship. That will show everyone; especially Killian, that he doesn't love her as he claims."
"Don't worry I will have the ransom letter dropped before I leave."
"I could deliver it."
Malcolm stares at Milah. "I could go visit him feigning concern for Emma and say I saw the messenger and that he handed it to me or that it was on the floor."
"Don't you think they would question you further?"
"I could say I didn't pay attention. It doesn't matter."
"If you feel confident, I will not object. I will write it quickly. I need to leave and there will be two days for Jones to respond."
"Should I follow you?"
He looks around to see if he can spot anyone that could question their conversation and he didn't find any.
"Alright, follow me. We have to do this quickly."
"Malcolm, wait. Won't my precious mother-in-law have a problem with you leaving?"
"No, she knows I need to leave. I told her that I have some loose ends to tie-up."
"She has been very accommodating to your little excursions."
"Mrs. Booth and I are on good terms is all."
Milah can't hide the disgusted look on her face as they walk in silence to his room. He grabs stationary from the small desk and quickly composes the letter. Simple, direct and to the point.
Milah stares intently at Malcolm as he hands her the note to examine. She reads aloud, "Mr. Jones, Your wife in exchange of your ship. You have 24 hours to comply. You will sail the ship to the border of Misthaven and Port Hook. Leave the title of the ship in the Captain's Quarters to indicate compliance. Your wife will be returned within 24 hours. Let's keep this between us, the first sign of a third party will result in you never seeing your lovely wife again."
"I think this will do perfectly. Malcolm, why does he have to sail out of Misthaven?"
"That question surprises me coming from you. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be caught. It will be a quick sail for him."
"I really wish you didn't have to retrieve Emma."
"You should be happy. You have insisted that he doesn't love her. This will be proof. Now, I have to go. I had asked Dr. Hyde to check in on her. He had reluctantly agreed only because he was afraid one of my helpers might hurt her. He is concerned due to the obvious hate for Mrs. Jones. It seems like there is someone out there that dislikes her even more than you do."
"I don't dislike my cousin but I have never been one to share."
"Have you considered that perhaps this time she is the one that doesn't want to share? I have to go now."
Milah stares at him as he leaves. She has to leave to deliver the letter. She ponders if she should go look for August or Cora to inform them she is leaving and decides against it. The letter, ready to be delivered is neatly hidden from prying eyes.
Milah arrives by carriage to the Jones Residence. She smooths her dress and feels for the letter. She walks confidently toward the door and schools the expression on her face to show concern. She knocks hurriedly. The door opens after a few moments. The look on her face changes instantly as she faces an unknown woman.
"I'm here to see Mr. Jones," she stammers.
"He is not accepting visitors."
"He will see me," Milah says as she forces her way inside.
"I said he is not accepting visitors. You should leave before I force you."
"How dare you? I'm family. I have no idea where he found you but he will be very angry to know you are talking to me this way."
"You are not family. The only woman other than me that can claim to be his family is not here right now."
"I don't know who you think you are but I'm family. My cousin is his wife."
"Your cousin?" Tink repeats with recognition, "Oh, you're Milah. I know of you. Emma mentioned you. What are you doing here? You come to offer yourself when he is distraught. Wasn't it enough that you stole her betrothed now you are here to go after her husband?"
Milah turns beet red. "My cousin would never say such a thing."
"What do you truly know of your cousin or even care? If you would have cared you would have turned down a proposal you knew would break her heart."
"Oh I see, my saintly cousin only told her side of the story. What about her? She married Killian knowing that I loved him."
"What are you talking about, how do you know Killian?"
"That is none of your business, would you step out of my way. As I left my house I saw a boy headed up to the door and he just gave me this and said it was for Killian." She waves the letter in front of Tink. "It may be something important."
"Wait here and don't get any ideas. I'm not Emma; I will not hesitate in hurting you. Just so you know, I'm no lady."
"I can tell. Could you just get on with it? Go get Killian."
Tink glares at her and goes in search of Killian.
Killian had entered the house through the back door completely oblivious to the scene that is playing out inside his home.
Tink finally finds him in his and Emma's bedroom. He is reminiscing gently caressing her possessions.
"Killian" Tink whispers.
"Aye," he sniffles and gives her a smile.
"Killian, when we came back from the docks you were so sure of yourself and now you are back to the defeated man that you were in the morning."
"I know if Emma was here things would be different."
"Killian, I know you are upset but there is someone here to see you."
"I have been expecting Archie or my father-in-law. Is it them?"
"I'm afraid not, it's Milah."
"What the bloody hell does she want? Tink, I cannot deal with her."
"She has a letter with her. She said that a boy was going to deliver it but left it with her when he saw her."
"Do you think it's the ransom letter?"
"I would think so. I hope so."
"Come on Tink, let's go find out."
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?" He arches his brow as they walk toward the living room.
"You and Milah had a dalliance. That you were in love."
"Ah, I thought I was but now I know for a fact that Emma has been the only woman I have ever truly loved."
She smiles and gently reaches out for his hand. "I know, I understand now. At first, I was so angry and hurt but you never gave me false hope."
"I'm sorry love; I believe that the right man for you is out there and that you will find him."
"Just so you know, I'm not leaving you alone with that witch. Emma would kill me."
"She would kill us both."
Killian clenches his jaw as he greets his unwanted guest. "Milah, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see how you were doing only to find out you already have my cousin's replacement living with you. How would Emma feel to know that?"
"I don't have to explain myself to you but Tink is not Emma's replacement. Emma wanted her to come live with us."
"This is priceless; my cousin is more naïve than I gave her credit for."
"You will not come into my home and insult my wife. Get to the bloody point or get out!"
Milah rolls her eyes at him. "I would prefer to have this conversation alone."
"Either you start talking or leave," he demands through gritted white teeth.
Tink hisses at him under her breath, "The letter Killian."
"Milah, give me the bloody letter or was that a lie?"
She holds out the letter for him to take. He grabs the letter unceremoniously from her hand and opens it.
Tink stares at him as he reads it and mutters random words.
"Killian, is it the ransom letter?"
"What do they want?"
"The Jolly"
Emma is pacing in the little room, she has to get out now, she has no idea what they plan to do to her. She will not let fear thwart her plans. Suddenly there are footsteps just outside the door and she stays still and grabs her empty water cup slowly to go unnoticed and flips it. There aren't any options for weapons so she will use what she can. She sees the door knob turn slowly and then the door is open. The sunlight shines through and she can make out a silhouette of a man stepping into the cot. Before she can strike the intruder, she is stopped by the voice of her young friend. The cup drops to the floor.
"Miss Emma, it's me. Hurry, I don't know how long they will be gone. They went to town for supplies. We are lucky they left the carriage behind but they took one of the horses. The carriage will be slower with one horse but you'll have a head start."
"Rufio, thank you, I will never forget this. You are helping me get home. Come with me." Her eyes are teary and full of hope.
"I cannot come with you. I will lie and tell them you ran right before they got here."
"I will not know where to go. We have a better chance together."
"No, I hope the Captain can truly forgive me for my part in your separation. You are going to need to knock me out."
"No, come with me," she asks again, she fears for his well-being once she is gone.
"We have no time to argue. Come." He grabs her hand and pulls her out. The sun shines bright and hurts her eyes. She lifts her hand to shield her eyes as she follows him.
He abruptly stops in front of the carriage. She still can't focus her eyes as she hears the rustling and the horse neighing.
"Here, let me help you climb. You need to go. Now!" He looks so sad.
She stops suddenly. "Wait, I thought I was taking the carriage."
"No, it will be much faster if you ride the horse. The carriage will be too much weight for the lone horse and slow you down. You will surely be caught again."
Emma looks at her dress. It is dirty and rough to touch. If she is to ride the horse she cannot care for propriety. She reaches for the bottom and tears it enough to allow movement.
He helps her mount the horse, her torn garment making the climb easier. "Rufio, before I go. Do you know who is responsible?"
"I just know his last name... Peters, but I don't think he is in charge. He always said you were not to be hurt and that you would be released but I'm afraid of what Felix will do, he scares me."
"I know he doesn't like me. He blames me for losing Killian."
"I still think you should come with me."
"If they hadn't taken the other horse, I could, but two people on one horse. The horse will tire and we cannot take that risk. Please go, follow the dirt road and you will reach the crossroads, take a left turn and keep going. That will lead you back to Misthaven."
She rides the horse as fast as she can, following Rufio's instructions and disappearing into the sea of trees.
Rufio looks on as Emma gallops away to her freedom. He slowly walks back to the cot she had been held in. He grabs the cup she had in her hands and repeatedly strikes himself in the head, blow after blow until blood runs down his face. It has to look believable that Emma had assaulted him in her quest for freedom. He hopes that she has gained enough distance.
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